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I tried watching through the video, and gave up about fifteen minutes in when it became apparent he didn't have any legitimate critiques beyond "it's good" if he liked it or "it's boring, it's cheesy, it's stupid" if he didn't.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Gargus-SCP 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2016 🗫︎ replies
Marvel is huge it's kind of baffling how much money they make they can release the weirdest shit and still make tons of money for the most part Marvel movies are pretty fun while the ones made by Marvel Studios at least ever since the beginning of phase 1 the movies have been pretty good some not as good as others but still not bad there are good things about each one reviewing all the Marvel movies released in the past 5 years or so sounds like a huge task yeah kind of is I guess that's like 10 movies right there that ain't enough for me I'm not just gonna go over every Marvel movie in the Avengers series I'm going over everything so yeah the x-men movies the original spider-man series the new spider-man series those shitty ghost Dreyer movies every movie that has something to do with Marvel that has ever been made not counting of course those animated movies or those short films or those TV shows or the books or whatever cuz those suck not all of them just most of them so enjoy watching me go through the history of the Marvel films instead of actually learning something that could help you in the future who'd rather just watch me talk about a bunch of made-up bullshit [Music] the first Marvel film was released in 1986 not counting of course those old Captain America serials Pollin Captain America you know [Music] [Applause] but in 1986 Marvel helped create a classic one of the most monumental achievements in American cinema Howard the Duck [Music] [Music] if you're one of those people who saw the end of guardians of the galaxy and said who the fuck is Howard the Duck and consider yourself lucky because if you do know Howard the Duck then you've probably seen this movie and if you've seen this movie then you know it is one of the worst movies ever made and if you've seen the movie then you know that isn't an exaggeration this movie is so awful it makes me want to kill myself the puns alone are enough to make me want to shove a fork in my neck master of quack fool I'll give it credit the effects for the time are pretty good well for the most part yeah yeah I'll put you on a pole weight player again yeah I'll put you on a pole what your mouth didn't move yeah I'll put do you want a bowl what your mouth didn't move when you said that they're interesting at least Howard isn't just created in a computer the design of Howard sucks though he looks like Donald Duck when he should be more like a badass detective who smokes and has sex with lots of women he's kind of an asshole maybe he should be more like Mel Gibson in the Lethal Weapon series or even just Mel Gibson in real life now that I think of it from what I've gathered the comics are very adult oriented there are tits and everything this movie's made for children I think it has to be made for kids because the writing is so stupid I don't see how any adult could enjoy it I guess the plot is that Howard is in duck world and then it's teleported to human world and he rescues a woman from being raped and then she wants to rape him and then aliens or some shit or coming through the portal and Howard shoots it with a rocket and then Howard becomes a record producer or something and then the movie is this movie is a testament to how far Marvel is calm it also reminds us that Marvel isn't all superheroes in the middle of all these gods and heroic men is a talking duck talking raccoon talking tree maybe if this movie were just a flat-out comedy it would be great it could pretty much be the movie Ted just replaced Ted with Howard the Duck and it would be awesome but this is shit [Music] The Punisher I guess at the time they didn't have the technology to bring superheroes to the big screen so they basically just made a generic action movie it's not terrible not as bad as Howard the doc for sure it was actually pretty entertaining at times not because those scenes were actually good but because they were so bad they were funny Dolph Lundgren makes a terrible punishment he looks bored and he's like drunk the entire movie every time he says a line which is like five times in the movie it's laughably bad you should consider a career in the theater Oh think about it what are you doing here the acting in general is pretty freaking awful when will you get off your ass [Music] kidneys [Music] yeah reaction is also terrible but in a funny way [Music] however most the movie is pretty boring lots of boring scenes of people talking the whole movie looks like it was shot in the same building every single room is made of cement everything is gray white and black the movie looks so blend if you want to watch something that's mildly entertaining at times and you might enjoy this you can watch it for free on YouTube if you want it's not the worst way to waste an hour and a half but you can watch far more entertaining action movies you can watch that new Punisher movie that's way more entertaining than this in the year 1990 or should I say 1990 Captain America came out in the same year Batman came out and it was such a massive hit not only was it a hit it was a good movie so I guess some talentless producers thought if we make a Captain America movie it'll be a big hit and then it went straight to video this is a really bad movie but much like the Punisher it's entertaining at times there are lots of funny points in the film and it's a movie that's not trying to be funny but it's so bad that it is funny I would recommend it as is so bad it's a good movie but not as this so good it's good it's a little better than the Punisher movie since there's like a variety of locations in this one the whole movie doesn't look like it's shot in the fucking sewer but this movie is way more stupid remarkable work - Ellie congratulations I don't even know what to say anymore at this point when you talk about three bad movies in a row you kind of run out of things to say hopefully there aren't any more bad movies I have to talk about [Music] the backstory to this movie is way more interesting than the movie itself basically the studio that made this movie wanted to keep the movie rights to the Fantastic Four but if you don't do something with the property after a certain amount of time then you lose rights to it so they just throw together a Fantastic Four movie with no intention of releasing it and thus they made this crappy cheap as for the movie itself and it sucks but it's funny at times I was really entertained by how cheap it looks the costumes the sets everything looks so bad especially the computer animation to me it doesn't look any different than the Fantastic Four game on the Gamecube but like I said before what else can I say about these bad movies can we get to something interesting for God's sake please one good movie I am genuinely sick of this now I have talked about nothing but pieces of shit this whole time I want a good goddamn movie this movie is boring this movie is bad acting this movie doesn't make any sense this movie's cliche I'm done can we get to something interesting one good movie for the love of Christ how long can I repeat the same exact thing just one one good movie to break this up how does he even manage to walk around in the daylight looking like that police at this point just shoot a black person for doing absolutely nothing you don't think a police officer is gonna notice a black man and a big black trench coat with a samurai sword on his back now I don't recommend it it's bad if the next Marvel movie isn't good I'm gonna have a shit fit thank Christ finally a good one now the first x-men movie is definitely dated at the time of its release it was amazing and it was like something no one's ever seen before but now it's kind of predictable and formulated I'm not gonna call it a bad movie at all I'm just saying that it doesn't hold up as well today the cliches are parents and the dialogue is pretty bad at times you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning the same thing that happens to everything else some of the special effects in action are just cheesy but it was certainly better than anything we've gotten before so it was praised this is where the Marvel movie started to get a little bit better we're not in the Golden Age yet but we're getting there what makes the movie holdup today is the fact that the acting is really good some of the dialogue was pretty good and the conflict between the two main characters are genuinely interesting the whole movie could be an allegory for gay rights or civil rights or women's rights it's the first time a superhero movie wasn't just a bunch of stupid shit and actually meant something it had a message behind it while that message was blatant it was bare at least and yes Hugh Jackman as the Wolverine was very great as a matter of fact this is one of the first superhero movies to actually bring comic book characters to the screen and not make it look silly he did a good job with Wolverine they did a good job of Cyclops they did a good job with storm they did a good job with everyone it's a good movie and if you're gonna watch the rest of the x-men series which is for the most part pretty good then watching this movies kind of essential so then Blade 2 came out apparently someone wanted a second one so they made Blade 2 and this time they got a competent director to make it the amyl del Toro Guillermo del Toro makes pretty good movies even if they don't have the best scripts ever he still manages to make them pretty entertaining and visually stunning that's kind of his trademark another trademark of his is that Ron Perlman is in all of his movies I'm not even joking Ron Perlman is in every single movie he's ever made so is this better than the first blade absolutely yes it's not boring like the last one is it a good movie no I will say I was entertained throughout the entire thing and I didn't hate it but it was just so bland even guillermo del toro can't save this movie maybe this whole concept just doesn't work maybe you can't make a movie like this maybe blade is a boring character I don't know it's still a bad movie and it's still filled with tons of terrible acting the effects for the time are pretty good but now they're very dated there's some interesting character designs there's some interesting effects but really there's nothing here and I wouldn't recommend it really even though it's not a bad movie it's just a very dated one sure for the time this was an awesome action movie but now maybe it's just the fact that I'm not afraid of vampires anymore our culture is so not scared of vampires anymore we've been desensitized to vampires cuz of stuff like Twilight and True Blood and all these romantic novels about vampires they're just not scary anymore with Bella with the fly-in and the she must have to be a really good broth for that and her hair is really good in this film they really did make it better and with Renesmee and she just looks so mic Renesmee it actually looks like because let's face it any daughter there was a daughter of kristen and Rob or ever DiPaola if you want to be reading will pick you but it wouldn't just look like a normal old girl she'd look amazing and Renesmee looks amazing or amazing and the whole thing is just out of this world good and I love the fact that they all look so much like a picture they would look like and the water and all the different powers and the Amazonians and the Volturi they all just look so good they look so amazingly good and I can't wait to see this film and I wish it was but then in the same year we also got spider-man needless to say it was pretty good and I think everyone seen this movie at this point and if you haven't I definitely recommend you check that up now this is another movie that is very dated it's very corny very over-the-top filled with lots of bad acting and - stupid shit but as a kid this was the greatest movie I've ever seen so it holds a special place in my heart and I even think when the movie is really bad which it is that a lot of points it's not cringe-worthy when this movie's bad it's actually pretty funny especially the extras watch the extras in the background they're hysterical but hey at least this movie has a style and it makes sense and as bad as some of the acting is some of the performances are really good and as bad as some of the scenes are there are a lot of scenes that are really good and this is the movie that raised the bar for superhero movies not just in terms of story but in terms of special effects which at the time were pretty amazing seeing spider-man swing around like that in one shot was so impressive the first time we saw it but now it's gotten old so they should stop it so we'll talk about the one good Marvel movie that came out that year first x-men 2 came out or x2 it's called it's not one of the best Marvel movies but it's really really really good and hey it's probably the first superhero movie ever made that actually makes superheroes into complicated human beings instead of betraying all these characters as invincible or perfect and make them all seem flawed kind of like real people it's part of what made this movie so groundbreaking at the time superheroes have moral dilemmas superheroes change alliances superheroes can die they aren't even really superheroes in this movie and like I said before the x-men movies are an allegory for real world problems and the struggle between peaceful protests and violence this isn't just another dumb superhero movie it's actually something a little bit more than that it doesn't end with spider-man fighting the villain on the rooftop or Captain America killing Red Skull on the rooftop or Punisher killing the guy on the roof top or the Fantastic Four killing dr. doom on the rooftop it's something more than that now we'll talk about these two other pieces of shit the Hulk was an angle Eve film angly is a good director except tangley shouldn't have been picked to make a superhero movie because instead of making a superhero movie about the Hulk he made some pretentious our film about letting go of our anger or some crap this movie's shit it doesn't make any sense it's boring pretentious the acting is horrible annually wanted the movie to look like a comic book so we made all kinds of like weird transitions and panels but the movie just looks like shit [Music] the movie is such an inconsistent tone I don't understand why it's trying to be this beautiful art film and then five minutes later mutant dogs come out and try to fight the Hulk in the woods it's so stupid you can either be the x-men movie grounded in reality or you can be the spider-man movie that's not grounded in reality and it's cheesy and stupid sure but at least it's cheesy and stupid the whole movie the only redeemable thing about this movie is the special effects which I admit are pretty freakin great I think the Hulk is a little bit too bright green like he doesn't really look intimidating he looks kind of goofy but he never looks fake he always feels like he's there and he always appears to have some weight to him so yes the special effects in this movie are pretty great and the action scenes are pretty freakin cool but the story is so bad and the characters are like cartoonish more powerful flexing their very warm the entire ball [Music] yeah which once again leaves me asking what the hell was Angley trying to accomplish here what was he trying to do I don't even understand and I tried to find some deeper meaning to this movie but there's just nothing here it's just a stupid movie [Music] and then we get to the daredevil movie which is amazing this movie is terrible don't get me wrong it's really really terrible but it is so goddamn funny you have no idea watch this with a group of friends or get drunk or high watching it you'll probably have the best time of your life this movie makes absolutely no goddamn sense so I'll explain the plot there's there's there's a kid and some chemical flies in his eye and he becomes blind but it makes him hear better he has like sonar in his head because of the chemical the chemical went his eye and made his ears better and I know what you're saying you think like that's it's not the chemicals giving him the power to hear better it's just the fact that he's blind it enhances the rest of his senses and now the movie tries to lie it out like this chemical makes him hear better not only makes him hear better makes him agile and super strong so the chemical goes in his eye and it goes into his brain I think and then all of a sudden he has superpowers and then the kit from Sopranos tries to bully him and and fights the kids off there wasn't even any momentum to that jump he just started to blow up in the air then his father dies and that happens and then he sleeps in the bathtub a few years later and he he gets out and then he jumps off a building and lands perfectly on his feet and then there's an action scene and you can't tell what's going on there's just a bunch of flashing lights his Nickelback plays in the background and then Ralphy from The Sopranos is a journalist or something then he meets Elektra and they fight on a playground I still don't understand how chemicals getting in his eyes allows him to do all this then bullseye kills a woman with a peanut then there's a fight and Electra thinks daredevil killed their father so then Elektra takes out her anger on sandbags and then Elektra dies from bullseye and then daredevil goes to a church and then a cartoon daredevil on a cartoon bullseye fight each other he breaks the glass and all the glass flies in his hand perfectly and he starts flinging the classic daredevil daredevil does like it does like a flip and daredevil fights bulls I know then they're not kingpin daredevil fights kingpin then they give some speech new flies it's like why are you deleting it like that you can just X out of the document or you can just press ctrl-a and delete oh you're not holding the button down you just pressed it there's no button like that there's not a button that you just press that deletes it like that what I'm trying to say is that this movie's really great it's so fucking bad that it's funny and I actually think this is one of the most entertaining Marvel movie once again not because it's good but because it's so bad it's good so yes I would recommend daredevil so I guess some executive said let's give Punisher a try again so they made another Punisher movie and this one is pretty bad I don't know if it's worse than the other one I can't honestly compare these two movies how am I even supposed to determine which one is better I think both of these movies are shit I'll give this one credit it's less of a generic action movie and more of a Punisher story this movie takes itself very seriously it shows the backstory to Punisher it makes you feel bad for his family it's pretty emotional I guess but that makes it less fun and it makes the shitty parts of the movie that much more shitty because I can't call this movie so bad it's funny the first 20 minutes of the movies family dies in front of them like that's not funny at all and Punisher war zone it's funny but hey I'll talk about that movie later I can't really recommend this one because I know for a fact that Punisher war zone is a much better Punisher movie than these two so just skip these two so someone liked blade 2 so they made a Blade 3 uh so by the way I would like to mention I saw the theatrical cut of this movie not the extended version so maybe the extended version is a masterpiece but I think that's most likely not the case I'm sorry if I'm not going as in-depth with these blade movies as you want me to but there's just nothing to say about them they're all so bland this one sucks at first I thought it was like a straight-to-dvd movie then I saw the big cast ahead had Ryan Reynolds still trying to be a superhero it had Jessica Biel it had that Patton Oswald he looks a little oh no it's not he looks like a skinny Patton Oswalt doesn't he oh shit there's Patton Oswald right there I was reminded by my producers were you in Blade oh I wish I was in Blade I I'm in Blade Trinity which no this one is much more like the first blade it's boring it's stupid it's it's just lame and it's filled with terrible performances even Wesley Snipes isn't good in this no one is good in this they noticed was a popularity contest now it's not just vampires we got to worry about we're gonna have to take on the rest of the world too you worry too much oh man I've been doing this since before you were born blade you're like a son to me I'm sorry I got old on you I see you alone surrounded by enemies it breaks my heart and it's clearly because no one cared about making this movie so everyone just half-assed it it's a d-minus it just doesn't work but if you know what they went through to get that movie made yeah it is an A plus the fact that that movie exists puts it above Citizen Kane the fact that way with all the craziness that went down we were in Vancouver and Wesley Snipes was going crazy and he wouldn't come out of his trailer and you'd walk by his trailer and this wall of a pot stench would just like whoa and the kind of push you to the side and then he would you he would only answer to the name blade you you couldn't call him yeah the action is stale and boring the enemies are generic it's just it's just shit the first blade was just a generic vampire hunting movie it was so watered-down and boring but now we've watered it down three times over into this piece of crap so I wouldn't recommend any of these blade movies I don't think any of them are good maybe the second one if you want to see a blade movie go ahead but I really think all three of these are just garbage but we also got another sequel spider-man 2 and spider-man 2 is pretty great it is the best spider-man movie ever and I would consider it one of the best Marvel movies it's exciting it's funny it's goofy in the right places but at the same time it's also very dramatic and effective when this movie takes itself seriously I don't just laugh at it because when this movie is trying to be more serious and more emotional it actually works the internal conflict Peter Parker has in this movie is actually pretty well written should he be spider-man it interferes with his real life it interferes with his love life how much are you willing to sacrifice to be a superhero this is the first movie to address these things once again not painting superheroes as perfect gods superheroes still got to go to school superheroes want to have a car friend they wanted they want to do the things we do but can't because they have certain responsibilities that they have to live up to and all of that going on in this movie is fantastic this movie is so well done and when the movie isn't focusing on Peter Parker and what's going on with him in his life the movie also manages to be pretty entertaining the problem with most of these superhero movies when they're not focusing on the hero such as like Captain America or or Superman or whatever is that their true identity is boring Steve Rogers is boring Bruce Banner is boring Frank Castle is boring Peter Parker isn't boring in this movie so when the movie isn't focusing on spider-man this movie actually works and when it is focusing on spider-man shit the spider-man scenes in this movie are so great and unlike the last one which had goofy action and goofy one-liners all the action in this movie is phenomenal it is amazing some of the best action scenes I've ever seen the effects are a bit dated but they still look pretty good and I'm willing to shrug it off like hey this movie was made a long time ago so yes this is the best spider-man movie to date and I would highly recommend hell it even got an Oscar this is the first and only Marvel movie to this date that got an Oscar which is impressive [Music] [Music] Fantastic Four is God off it isn't that much worse than the other one I came out granted this movie is pretty goddamn funny because of how bad it is like the scene at the bridge is amazing things sitting there on the bridge and then some guy wants to jump off the bridge it just happens to be right next to the thing and then I don't even know what thing he tries to do it tries to calm the guy down with it guys freaking out and then there's some big traffic jam and the rest of the Fantastic Four just happens to be there on the bridge and I'd like the thing starts destroying cars then they need Jessica Alba to take off her clothes oh yeah she has to take off her clothes to get to the police barricade sure but then five seconds later they get through the police barricade and mr. fantastic and the Human Torch got through there somehow why did you have her take her clothes off if you could just walk right through how'd you get through the police barricade you can't turn invisible and then all the sudden she finds out she has forcefield powers and then things saves the day and his and his girlfriend just happens to be there like he just saved a bunch of people and then she takes the ring off her finger and and puts it on the floor and then he tries to pick it up but his fingers are too big this scene is just amazing as well as other scenes what's going on what happened in here what's going on here this guy is pretty mellow considering there's a fucking hole in the wall the room is completely destroyed why you so calm yeah this movie's shit so now we're moving on to Elektra if there's anything I loved about that daredevil movie it was Jennifer Garner as Elektra this movie honestly isn't that much worse than Howard the dog I wouldn't recommend it don't watch it for the love of God I didn't even want to watch it the only reason I forced myself to watch it is cuz I own a copy from Netflix I guess I forgot to return it before I cancelled the service like five six years ago so I wound up just keeping it in the Shelf and then one day I'm like oh I guess I got a review Electra and sure enough there it is on my shelf and I pull it out and go shit now I have to watch it and then I did and this movie is so goddamn boring I regret it why is there even an Electra movie she's a boring character she's a girl with size I guess you can make anything interesting but in order to make this character interesting you need a good script this movie didn't have a good script I don't even think it had a script I don't even think I'd had a budget this movie looks so cheap the whole movie takes place in four locations and the boardroom set looks like it's recycled from the Punisher movie when the movie was over I just asked myself why does this movie exist what did I learn about this character Elektra what was her journey what did she learn what was the point the movie starts out like Elektra this is badass chick she can kill anyone she can do anything she can teleport you can't stop her nobody could've stopped her since when in the last movie she caught up a couple of sandbags and then got killed in five minutes her character was around for five minutes before she died she's not a badass at all now all of a sudden she came back to life somehow now all of a sudden she's a master of Kung Fu and assassinations they try to explain how she came back to life it doesn't even make any sense like here she is dead in the ambulance and then she just wakes up and enjoy Joe in the middle of China how the hell did she get there did the ambulance bring her to a dojo or did the sensei dig up her dead body and bring it back to life what made him think that Elektra would be a good fighter she got killed in five seconds what makes her so special I don't even know where this movie takes place I thought it was a joke but there's nothing but white people everywhere even the sensei is white but why do these Asian people want to kill them I guess I should elaborate Elektra is like an assassin who teleports and then she has to assassinate these two people except she like knew them for like a day so she doesn't want to kill them now can't you just walk into the house and kill them why do you need a crossbow why are you killing them in broad daylight why do they even need Elektra to kill them you can get one of the guys from The Sopranos to whack them it isn't that hard so then Elektra says no I'm not killing them because I knew them for five seconds and I kind of like them so then they send two ninjas over but they don't try to kill them they have like these dart guns it looked like nerf guns so then electric kills them and then they run away and then they go to meet the sensei in a pool hall or something I guess he's a pool player now and then the sensei says go away and then she goes away mad and then they go to like a farm house and there's just some random guy there who says yeah I'll hope even though he has absolutely no reason to help them at all apparently the writer of this movie didn't know that every character needs a motivation that's what makes things interesting this guy wants to protect his daughter okay that's his motivation Elektra why does she want to help these people because she knew them for five seconds she ate dinner at their house once is it cuz she was bored why didn't you explain that and why does this guy want to help him there's absolutely no reason he doesn't even know these people and then this guy's like invincible but then a tree falls on him and no Elektra didn't make the tree fall it was a complete accident Elektra did nothing to make that tree fall on him he was just a moron he broke the tree and then walked away from the tree and the tree fell on him and then I asked the question why do these bad guys want to kill this family they killed the mother already for some reason I don't even remember but then they want to kill the father for absolutely no reason and they want to kill her because she's special what makes her so special is she a good fighter is that it they told me to change my parents so no you're great you wanted to change your appearance so you made yourself look like Elektra who is also a target that's really smart then the ninjas come from the trees and then they want to protect the girl like then the sensei changes his mind then she has telepathic powers now for some reason and so does he and then they talk to each other with their telepathy then they fight in a mansion and like sheets fly up in the air and it looks like the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney and then she's there and she uses like this this whippy thing then Elektra kills them in boring way cuz the movies pg-13 and she just stabs this guy and they turn into like fart dust and then the dad and the girl are happy now like why can't they just send other assassins these people aren't safe yet and then the sensei goes good job this was all a test it may you into a better person didn't you learn how to feel compassion she didn't learn anything what the hell was the point of this goddamn movie and that it ends no one wanted an Electra movie no one wanted to make an Electra me the actors didn't care about making this movie no one cared why was this movie made Noah Netflix you win I'm sending this movie back the one movie I got for free from you people I'm sending back because it's such a piece of shit I demand a refund and I want to see another free movie in my mailbox hi I'm here to report that well I've had this movie for a long time quite a long time and I cancelled my Netflix subscription after I've got this movie in the mail and now I've reinstated it just last year and I would like to return this movie yeah but I've had it for a long time as the problem is it's can I still return it can I happen it's Electra the motion picture and this spellbinding thriller Jennifer Garner reprises the role of the fearless warrior Elektra a character she originated in daredevil now that she don't interrupt me back in the fold of the mysterious order of the hand the group's leader Keurig II take the test start with liquidating seemingly harmless widower Mark Miller and his teenage daughter but all bets are off when Elektra Falls for Miller and must battle her former allies I hate right here you gotta bring me the code and the top right-hand side how long have you had that movie sir eight years I think well you can no return it it shouldn't be any problem yeah well like you would any other movie but I was wondering cuz cuz have you seen the movie no I have it's a pretty shit movie but I was wondering if I could return this and then get a movie that I could keep you know like a good one because there's this good movie I want to buy under the skin can you guys send me a copy of under the skin for free that I can keep and I just bring Elektra back because quite frankly I'm doing you a favor sending this movie back to you are you the king okay I'll move you back my female back no no that's okay I'll just point it thank you okay [Music]
Channel: ralphthemoviemaker
Views: 1,237,027
Rating: 4.7311049 out of 5
Keywords: Marvel Cinematic Universe (Fictional Universe), Marvel Comics (Production Company), Comics (Comic Book Genre), Comic Book (Comic Book Genre), Daredevil (Comic Book Character), Daredevil (Film), X-Men (Organization In Fiction), Spider-Man (Film), Spider-Man 2 (Award-Winning Work), Howard The Duck (Comic Book Character), Howard The Duck (Award-Winning Work), Guardians of the Galaxy, Blade (Comic Book Character), Blade (Award-Winning Work)
Id: vvJLOFhmogw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 5sec (2105 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 25 2014
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