The Mark of Wisdom | Angeline Francis

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it's wonderful to see all of you here today praise god i just want to say what a prayer father god thank you for your presence your lord thank you for gathering us here father lord i pray that the word that you gave me will encourage your people lord the lord i pray that you'll open our hearts so that we can receive with understanding father we give you all the glory in jesus name we pray amen so something funny can i say that something strange happened today so today i was preparing for the message i've already prepared it earlier on and um i was just making the final touches and then i saved it and guess what happened i couldn't retrieve it back again and he kept saying that it's a corrupted file and i panicked i didn't know what to do i called up my husband and he said wait let me come back home and i will try to help you but something just kept telling me i don't think i would get it back so um and then he came back he looked i know before that over the phone he said no when he came back he said uh he said you know you need wisdom to know how to use the ipad to use the computer and i got really mad do you know why because the topic of my message today is the mark of wisdom so that's what happened i was really mad but after pastor he checked everything he realized that it was not really my fault except that i did not back up my computer so in a way it's my fault so i need more wisdom for that so the mark of wisdom how many of you feel always ask god for wisdom i do all the time oh gosh i realize that wisdom is something that you need for your daily living you have to make important decisions you need the lord's the lord to guide you whether about whether it's the job that you should take whether is this the person that i should marry whether this is the house we should get whether it is the number of children we must have in every juncture of our life not even juncture every day of our life we need wisdom and i just wanted to share about my childhood days when when i was a young girl i think i said i was a teenager i was an unbeliever at that time and i did well in school academically but i had people who are not happy with me because i guess i was doing well in school so they used to bully me bully okay and at that time i always cried i i i was i will say god give me wisdom so that i can retort back to them with something so witty so that they will not bully me again because usually when they say something to me i'll be like so shocked and so hurt i wouldn't know what to say so i thought wisdom was retarting back someone giving them a good repartee that just puts them down you know that kind of thing so i remember that very clearly in my secondary school days and then later on when i was a young adult i was still an unbeliever and i was working i was yeah i was working and all my colleagues teachers they started to take up degrees they went for their math a bachelor's degree some went for their master's some went for their phd and then my principal called me up and said you know you should study you should get a degree i said okay then i i got a bachelor's degree while i was working and then my colleagues say you know next you should go for a master's degree because you can earn more money and then you should try to go for a phd this that and somehow i just couldn't buy that in and i felt that could i be stupid is that why i do not have this urge to desire to study more and i use the thing is is studying is that what smart means is that what wisdom means i wanted to learn skills that my parents couldn't afford to send me to learn like um playing the piano i loved that so much i'm i'm relieving my childhood days now i'm learning to play the piano now okay and then um i wanted to learn languages i think i'm pretty good with different languages so so i thought and i was almost pulled into that cycle like i need to go and study take up my next degree because singapore we do not have natural resources so it's all about human resource and it's all about um studying more and more and getting a higher salary and saving that money up so that if keeping money in the bank it's like okay you are safe that kind of feeling so i passed through that and then i became a believer and i went to church and then i saw wow i saw people um quoting scriptures like running water you know and then um prophesying and uh giving word of knowledge and preaching when i saw all this i had this desire in me to do it and i thought that was wisdom so i told the lord give me wisdom i remember once when um there was i was just attending this um we were a 10 we were in a church but a pastor was invited to speak and uh sorry that was not a new believer later on and uh and um there was an important event that was going on in the church and so i was asking this person so are you going to attend this ceremony and the lady went hmm i need to pray about it and if the lord say i will go for this ceremony i will and i was thinking oh my gosh that must be wisdom you need to ask a lot about everything about attending even a ceremony you need to ask the lord so i was like going lord fill me with your wisdom i want to be what others are so i was just basically comparing myself and then when i became a mature christian i realized that wisdom is all about everyday life and wisdom is all about the different roles that god has given you what it is to be a child of god what it is to be a wife what it is to be a mother what it is to be a pastor's wife what it is to be a prophet's wife what it is to be pastor steven's wife you need a lot of wisdom for that oops sorry so so i needed a lot of wisdom and and god has been very gracious to me for the past few years he has been slowly teaching me what wisdom is about it's not about your gifts it's about which i'm gonna share in a while okay so uh and of course i wanted to have wisdom what that pastor has he is just full of wisdom by the grace of god and i want that but that will take time i know that so um then then recently just maybe a few weeks ago the lord taught me what is the mark of wisdom okay so before so let me go to the to the next part so when we talk about wisdom in the worldly standards wisdom is to be smart witty cool daring intellectual intelligent with a high iq but the bible says in proverbs 9 10 the fear of the lord is beginning of wisdom so wisdom has to do with god fear of god and i remember when um thank you and i remember my nephew who was asking me he will he he was just baptized he asked me do i need to fear the lord to have wisdom i want to study well but do i need to be afraid of him so some of us think that fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom but this fear is about the reverential all that you have of god that we just love him so much that we just want to follow him and so i want i looked up at the word wisdom in hebrew now it's pronounced as c-h-o-k-m-a-h and now when i looked up the pronunciation it says hokma okay so what is kogma the verb means it is the knowledge and ability to make the right choices at the right time it indicates one's spiritual maturity the prerequisite of that wisdom is the fear of the lord it is the ability to see something in god's point of view so wisdom is god's character in the many practical affairs of life so wisdom is nothing theoretical it is something very very practical and then the kog'ma noun the noun of that word it means it refers to the moral skill so it refers to the skill in daily living to live with moral skills so that something of lasting value is produced in one's life that means we leave a legacy behind we are fruitful we are a blessing to others so that is what wisdom means in hebrew one is to make the right choices and number two is it is a skill don't you think wisdom is a skill like you'll be thinking should i do this or not should i say this or not you really have to ponder and think about it and through experience you would know whether you should do it or not and so i realized that which the lord which all of you know i just wanted to go back to the background godly wisdom or biblical wisdom or spiritual wisdom is something practical that affects every area of our life it has little relationship with the person's iq but it's a matter of moral standard it's about your character and your value it gives order and purpose to life it gives you a sense of fulfillment when you put your life in order and it includes knowing how to conduct yourself in the practical affairs of life now doesn't that make you feel good now imagine in the world standards they expect you to get degrees and say a smart phrase you know look cool but it's just it's what wisdom is all about is following a moral code that god gives us isn't that easy do you think that's easy maybe yes maybe no so the worldly wisdom or knowledge is about knowing the right thing to sorry it's about facts information skills acquired by a person and that's it it's about understanding a subject so what is the difference between wisdom and knowledge knowledge is knowing the right thing to do and wisdom is actually doing it wisdom is actually thinking whether you should do that or you shouldn't do that we need wisdom to use knowledge in the correct way to use knowledge at the appropriately so i have this saying that i looked up in the in the google it says a smart person knows what to say a wise person knows whether to say it or not amen how many of us have gone through this when we have an argument could be with our spouse of our friend we just want us remember whatever that happened and you just want to put that person down but if you're wise you would know that you better not talk about the past and bring and dig up old stories and make the matter even worse isn't it so knowledge sorry wisdom is about using knowledge appropriately so knowledge wisdom is doing it is the action knowledge is just acquiring so we have the word of god to give us all the wisdom we need especially the book of proverbs it teaches us how to conduct our lives and to please god now if you read i i think that if you read proverbs you can really avoid many many foolish things that can happen in your life amen you can avoid heart aches pain choosing the wrong spouse going through discouragement going through you know divorce going through um debt because he trusted someone easily so the proverbs have a wisdom for every area of our life so have you known people who consider themselves so smart and yet you have seen them fall i think all of us have seen that even men of god you'd have seen them rising up so high up and yet they fall why so these have been questions that has been in my heart for some time and there are people who are those who are smart and they're so prideful about it how can you ever be prideful of the knowledge that you get because the knowledge that you have got from your education or whichever experience is just a teeny weeny bit of the vast of knowledge in this world amen so that's a proverb that says that in tamil it's an indian proverb it says that whatever you learnt whether it's up to phd level is just a grain of sand in the vast beach that's out there in the shore that's out there it's just little so i think even though all of us have been educated i think we need to be humble about it because what we have received is just a teeny weeny grain of that shore out there in the ocean so i guess we should never not i guess we should never ever compare ourselves with others don't ever feel so bad and we feel so inferior if you see someone who is so high and mighty because of their worldly knowledge that they have so i've spoken to one young girl here in our church where she said that um she actually went to the community college to get her degree her sort of a it's like a two-year degree and her friends is that a two-year degree associate degree yes okay and then her friends they opted for college which is a four-year degree now this girl she chose the two-year degree because she realized that um two-year degree is much cheaper and then when she goes to the next two years in college this expenditure is much less and she says her friends sort of um laughed at her and said oh you are going to community college we are going to the to the college you know we are going to the university you know the kind of thing and then what happened was she studied diligently and she got her associate degree but her friends who went to college they made had all the fun and they didn't get their degree and their parents are still paying for the debt of the the fees so this is like wow this is like new to me okay so so don't ever i realize that even if the world laughs at you if you know this is the right thing to do we should do it we should never ever feel inferior or feel bad about it that is wisdom this girl had wisdom and i'm sure her parents gave her that wisdom and she followed it so i just want to tell you do listen to your parents because sometimes you may not have that experience you may not have you may not be reading the word that much to get that wisdom listen to your parents they'll give you all the wisdom that is needed and when you listen to your parents when you honor your parents you will have long life that's what the bible says amen okay and i've seen people who are ordinary people very simple living yet full of wisdom and they don't even say much you know an empty vessel makes a lot of noise so when a full vessel you don't hear any noise so they're very they're full of wisdom and sometimes wisdom is beyond your ears you can be such a young person but you can be full of wisdom so wisdom doesn't come with age it comes with your walk with god amen all right so i just wanted to share my part about you know i was telling when i was young i was feeling so stupid blah blah blah and when god taught me about what wisdom is about and i said wow i have been wise in many ways because i chose to follow god and you know what's the most wisest thing i did i married pastor i that was the most wisest decision of my life because i met pastor when i was in my lowest point of my life and he was at his lowest point of his life and i tell you i was not in the mood to get married i had no trust in men okay so it was such a tough decision but i thank god that i listened i obeyed the holy spirit that was in me that kept saying don't let go of that man that's the exact word don't let go of that man you will regret it when you marry him you are going to be blessed that was that were the words and i was like but but when i look at the circumstances around me it just doesn't seem possible okay but in the end with pastor pursuing me i said yes at the end praise the lord so that was my wisest decision ever that i did and of course the other testimony was that when god told me to leave my job when my colleagues thought that i was gone i've gone nuts and even now i have colleagues thinking that i'm suffering here in u.s because they keep hearing about the co-work issues and uh all kinds of shootings that are going on around the nation and uh once in a while the text asks me how are you doing are you okay are you safe and i'll say yes i am i'm enjoying the time of my life and they'll be like thinking that maybe i'm exaggerating but they really don't know that i am having the time of my life with jesus and with all of you and that comes because of obeying god's call thank god for it thank you lord so i don't feel that i'm not smart anymore i realize that i just have to follow god and i'm wise and that's what you should think too and i hope this will encourage you now whoever is feeling down whoever is feeling that as you compare yourself with someone else that you're good for nothing hey you are here because you obeyed the call of god you are wise in jesus name amen so the lord taught me that the mark of wisdom is obedience to god that's it i said wow is that all lord that wisdom is all about obeying the commands of god is isn't that easy or is that easy it's not easy it looks easy but it's not easy why because we sometimes use our smartness to get in the way some people do not obey because they are too they are working so hard trying to be smart they let the mind intervene so is it easy following god obeying the commandments of god so for that i want to do a study of a bible character which all of you know the wisest and voices of men in the bible is solomon so i've always wanted to know lord so how could solomon solomon is the wisest man what happened to him all of you know about it but i just want to do a recap about him are we ready okay so solomon in 1st kings 1 he was anointed as the king chapter 1. in chapter 3 verse 3 first kings chapter 3 verse 3 it says first kings first kings my dear thank you okay it says solomon loved the lord walking in the statutes of david his father only he sacrificed and made offering at the high places so solomon started out right he loved the lord and he followed god and then what happened was in um then the lord appeared to him in a dream and the lord asked him ask what do you want solomon and this is what he said verse 9 chapter 3 verse 9. so he said give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people that i may discern between good and evil but who is able to govern this your great people and the lord was so pleased the lord said not only am i going to give you this i'm also going to give you wealth and riches so god said in verses 13 to 14 chapter 3 13-14 he said i give you also what you have not asked both riches and honor so that no other king shall compare with you all your days and if look at the clause there if you walk in my ways keeping my statutes and my commandments as your father david walked then i will lengthen your days now god has already given him the clue he has already in a way can i say warn him or he's already given him he's shed his heart that i will bless you if you follow my commandments okay then after that um solomon became so famous he was the wisest man with great reaches he was a man of great honor he built the temple he built his palace and then god appears to him again and this time he says chapter 9 verses 1 to 9. as soon as solomon had finished building the house of the lord and the king's house and all that solomon desired to build the lord appeared to solomon a second time and as he had appeared to him at gibeon and the lord said to him i have heard your prayer and your plea which you have made before me i have consecrated this house that you have built by putting my name there forever wow this is what god did for uh for solomon my eyes and my heart will be there all the time wow i'm just thinking how privileged solomon is that the god can speak to him twice and give him such words for the house that he has built and as for you if you walk before me as david your father walked with integrity of heart and uprightness doing according to all that i have commanded you and keeping my statutes and my rules again god is reminding him then i will establish your royal throne over israel forever as i promised david your father you realize that god keeps talking about david we shall come to later saying you shall not like a man on the throne of israel and then he carries on but if you turn aside from following me you are your children and do not keep my commandments and my statutes that i have set before you but go and serve other gods and worship them then i will cut off israel from the land that i have given them and the house that i have consecrated for my name i will cast out my sight and israel will become a proverb and a byword among all peoples he carries on god says and this house will become a heap of ruins everyone passing by it will be astonished and will hiss and they will say why has the lord done this thus to this land into this house and verse 9 says then they will say because they abandoned the lord their god who brought their fathers out of the land of egypt and laid hold on other gods and worshipped them and served them therefore the lord has brought all this disaster on them so you realize that god has already spoken to solomon so if you were solomon what do you what would you do god is speaking i can't imagine imagine god appearing to me that is already a miracle and telling me all this and he's saying obey me obey me wouldn't you want to do that till the end god is our almighty god who comes down and speaks to us and he is already showing us the way and all we need to do is just follow isn't that easy that's what we thought but if you realize in first kings chapter 11 verse 1 oh sorry first which i know don't put the scripture yet solomon turns from the lord that is the topic that's the title for that when the verse starts for chapter 11 and isn't that a a shock because in chapter 9 god is telling all this and by chapter 11 he turns from the loud how could that from the lord how could that be how could that ever happen so let's see what happened if you read chapter 11 verses 1 and 2 and you can see the reason which all of us know now king solomon loved many foreign women along with the daughter of pharaoh mobile ammonite edomite sidonian and hitai women verse 2 from the nations concerning which the lord had said to the people of israel you shall not enter into marriage with them neither shall they with you for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods solomon clung to these in love solomon thought he's so much in love it's okay solomon thought because of diplomatic reasons to have alliances for a peaceful arraign he married the foreign women he thought he's strong enough that he will always follow god that he will never ever lose the love of god but you see the love for these women was more than the love that he had for god and as he because he loved that sin because marrying a foreign woman because that's what god commanded that is already a sin because he disobeyed he has already disobeyed so that is a sin because he loved that sin that love for sin decreased the love for god isn't that what you've seen in people around you you see we can never love god and love sin that can never happen if you ever think that i'm strong oh god is there for me i'm there for god i'm trying to be with this person because of blah blah blah you give all kinds of excuses but in the end you realize that you're slowly slipping away from god and that what happens so this multitude of wise which were accumulated by solomon he is breaking the command of god and verse 2 said that solomon helped fast to this love okay so the more you love sin the more you'll move away from god okay i've already spoken about it now verses three and four so the first one is that he disobeyed by marrying foreign wives so disobedience lacks takes away a wisdom lacks wisdom so two disobedience leads to a turned heart so if you read here he had 700 wives who were princesses and 300 concubines all together a thousand and his wives turned away his heart verse 4 and when solomon was old his wives turned away his heart after other gods and his heart was not wholly true to the lord his god as was the heart of david his father so what started as a political experience expedience took solomon to the point of bowing down and worshipping the false gods but you see solomon did not renounce the lord it's just that he worshipped the lord but he also worshiped the other false gods but god will never take will never show his glory with anyone amen he is the only one to be praised he is our alpha and omega so imagine i i was just thinking what is the pain that god would have gone through oh my gosh for all that god has done for him and i'm even thinking for us for we how god has been so good to us and sometimes when we do not obey his commandments how it would grieve the lord so that was something that that i was feeling really sad about god will never take second place he is the only god so disobedience leads to a turned heart your heart turns and the last one more disobedience leads to the sin of idolatry so from verses five to eight so what did what did he do when his heart was turned for when solomon went after ashtaroth the goddess of the sidonians and after mikom the abomination of the ammonites six so solomon did what was evil evil in the sight of the lord and did not wholly follow the lord as david his father has done verse 7 then solomon built not only did he worship at the wise altars but he built a high place for kimosh the abomination of moab and for molech the abomination of the ammonites on the mountains east of jerusalem oh my goodness and so did he did for all his foreign wives who made offerings and sacrificed to their gods god appeared twice to solomon now when god gives you a revelation it's a lot of responsibility isn't it it's about ensuring that you walk in the commandments of the lord now when god actually made a covenant with solomon and solomon broke that covenant and god said that if you follow me if you follow my commandments your kingdom will continue but if you do not he said your kingdom will be taken away from you that's what he said and that's what happened you see solomon had all the knowledge all the wisdom he knew what he should do but he did not do it that's wisdom so was he really a man of wisdom he knew but he did not do it wisdom is all about putting into action if you don't put into action then it is not wisdom so obedience is action okay and then um solomon knew what he needed to do to please god because god has given him a wise and discerning heart he knew what would please god and what would not please god but he chose not to obey that's the difference between a foolish person and a wise person a wise person will turn the knowledge into action if i know if i do da da da god will be displeased i will not do it full stop so do you guys have any idea why in the world did solomon do this i keep asking myself still oh my gosh i think he could it be pride i know everything oh i will not fall i will not fall into this i know i will be able to be i will be strong but you see solomon was getting oh the moment you get old you are not going to be that strong your body is not strong your mind may not be strong and slowly the wise were able to influence him you know what i was what came to my mind was instead of solomon asking god lord give me wisdom what do you think he should have asked you should have said lord give me wisdom and an obedient heart i think just that you see that obedience is the one that disobeys the one that caused the downfall you see so how important it is to have an obedient heart because our mind will keep telling us things otherwise our friends will tell us otherwise the world will tell us otherwise that that um i'm not going to say doctors so they will say otherwise but we know in our heart what god wants from us and we should do it that is obedience he did not apply his knowledge to a lifestyle of obedience he had the knowledge but he did not apply it to a lifestyle of obedience that was the issue and because of that he suffered consequences and god judged him but you know what was the amazing thing that i saw as i was reading further on in chapter 11 even in these few verses that you read god kept saying as my son david as my servant david you realize that god loves david so much there's something about david david sinned two but he repented and he clung to god his heart did not turn away compared to his son solomon and i just wanted to read one scripture first kings 11 31-38 where god raises three men to take the throne of um solomon and he uses abhija to speak to jeroboam and god speaks to abhija and said that he will raise jeroboam up so that he can take over solomon's throne and this is what he says he says and he said to jeroboam take for yourself ten pieces and thus says the lord now i wanted to see how many times did god does god use the word david okay enta says the lord the god of israel behold i am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of solomon and will give you ten tribes but he shall have one tribe for the sake of my servant david and for the sake of jerusalem the city that i have chosen out of all the tribes of israel because they have forsaken me worship ashtaroth the goddess of the sidonians kimosh the god of moab and malcolm the god of the ammonites and they have not walked in my ways doing what is right in my sight and keeping my statutes and my rules as david his father did nevertheless i will not take the whole kingdom out of his hand but i will make him ruler all the days of his life for the sake of david my servant whom i chose who kept my commandments and my statutes but i will take the kingdom out of his son's hand and will give it to you ten tribes yet to his son i will give one tribe that david my servant may always have a land before me in jerusalem the city where i have chosen to put my name and i will take you and you shall reign over all that your soul desires and you shall be king over israel and if you will listen to all that i command you and will walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and my commandments as david my servant did i will be with you and will build you a sure house as i built for david and i give israel to thee so you see the love that he has for david and what did david do all he did was follow the commands manners of god even when he sinned he repented he came back to the lord till his last breath his heart was for the lord and that is what god wants he wants us you see solomon started right but he ended tragically so to me i was thinking wisdom obedience is not about how you start how you do it it's about how you end it how do you finish your life you need to struggle and ensure that you follow god all the way till the end of your time and that is our goal amen okay so what is the mark of wisdom is the obedience to the commandments of god it is not about this of your mind it is about seeking god and following what he tells you now people have said oh you know i have prayed i haven't got an answer then continue praying until you get the answer or some people will say i want to know what is the will of the will of the lord in my life so if the lord has not answered you just continue doing what he told you to do before what was his last commandment to you just follow it until you come to a junction and the lord said okay now this is what you need to do but till then if he doesn't speak just continue doing what he told you to do before and if he still doesn't speak to you just be a child of god go save souls lay hands on the sick and pray just do what you need to do show the love to show the love of god to others so god gave us only one commandment now in the old testament was the ten were the ten commandments in the new testament there's only one commandment left the lord with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul and all your strength and love others at yourself only one commandment can we follow that that is all that he wants us to do because if you love god you will follow him amen can we just go to the scripture before i end in a while 830 okay can i have proverbs 2 1-11 my son if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you make your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding yes if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures then you will understand the fear of the lord no wonder lord god said fear the lord that's the beginning of wisdom because when you fear you will obey you will follow and find the knowledge of god for the lord gives wisdom from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding he stores up sound wisdom for the upright he is a shield to those who walk in integrity guiding the parts of justice and watching over the way of the saints then you will understand righteousness and justice and iniquity every good path for wisdom will come into your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul discretion will watch over you understanding will guide you when you you see this this heart of obedience is jesus jesus is all about obedience when he walked on earth he walked in obedience if if you want to know who his personal obedience is jesus all the way till he went to the cross so when you have jesus you have obedience you have wisdom you have love you have everything that you need to live in this world shall we hold on to jesus amen so the lord just gave me five pointers how to live a life of obedience that can lead to wisdom so these are the short phrases that he gave me he said believe the word of god that's our believe the word of god because many of us will read the word but do we believe it i came across this uh in the net as i was searching it says why should i say i can't when the bible says i can do all things through christ who gives me strength why should i lack when i know that god shall supply all my needs according to his riches in glory in christ jesus why should i fear when the bible says god has not given me a spirit of fear but a power love and a sound mind why should i lack faith to fulfill my calling knowing that god has allotted to me a measure of faith so it goes on and on there's about 20 of them as i was reading this i was very strengthened that that believing the word of god is wisdom if we doubt we are foolish full stop and how can we come to believing the word that goes by reading the word of god daily king by faith and not by sight prowess my favorite verse proverbs 3 verses 5 to 6. trust the love with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in always acknowledge him and he will make your parts straight the truth is there but you need to know the truth that's the thing to know the true truth you need to read the word of god you need to seek god john 16 3 says when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth for he will not speak on his own authority but whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you that things are to come so when you have the holy spirit in you he will speak the truth so you need to in tune your spirit to it god says i am the way the truth and life god is true so when we believe in jesus we need to know the truth so that we can be set free because the devil will try all kinds of schemes to deceive us he will you know what's the best thing he will keep you as busy as possible so that you will not read the word of god only that is enough just be busy busy busy and you will not have time to pray you will not have time to read the word of god and your excuses can be really really genuine reasons for not reading the word of god but that's exactly what the devil does and i think someone said here the other day or was it some somebody that from here said that he learned that um that in this current time in season our 24 hours is only 17 hours or something like that he read it somewhere and this person also said that when you don't spend time with the word of god the day just rushes past by but when you spend time with him you realize that hey i actually have plenty of time and i remember uh gloria copeland telling re i i read one of the articles in the magazine long ago when she said you know one day she realized that every time you know she's so busy with ministry she never had time to read the word and she told herself all right no matter what happens i'm gonna wake up in the morning today and i'm gonna read the word okay and on that morning she had all kinds of obstacles taking place i can't remember because it's many years ago but she made a point to at least just read the word for 15 minutes and then the next day she was able to read for 30 minutes and she realized by right by the end of two weeks she was able to spend two hours in the word of god and yet she had plenty of time the whole day so reading the word of god lengthens your time amen and number three he said number one is believe the word of god to seek to know the truth so that you're set free so that you're not be bound by all your emotions and whatever that the devil is trying to deceive you with three obeys commandments which is this new commandment when we say to walk in love it also means to walk in humility to walk in obedience to walk uh with this heart to serve him so it all is all it's all a package when you love god you will just do anything for god and when you love god automatically your love for one another takes place that is the power of divine love and when you love one another you are serving together you are blessing one another and what a joy it is even in this house as we serve together and we encourage one another up number four he said surrender your will to god submit to him james 4 7 says that surrender your will to the lord and the devil will flee from you so sometimes instead of putting your plans out surrender your will when you surrender it means that you're not smart enough isn't it it is not i but christ who lives in me it is not me anymore yourself is kill yourself is defeated when you surrender so that is what god wants from you to surrender and submit so that wisdom comes into you his wisdom will come into you and you can flee sorry the devil will flee from you and the last one he said seek god's glory not yours so in whatever we do deflect it to the glory of god when whenever you receive commendations praises you just have to say praise the lord and you deflect you thank him for it because it is not on your own that you're doing it is because of god amen without him we can do nothing hallelujah and that is it that's all i have to say and i hope this message really encourages you even for young people who are sitting here if you're thinking that of course you need your education just remember listen to your parents but what i'm trying to say is it's not all about smartness it's about how you use that smartness because these and those people cheat they are really smart you realize that but how do they put it to use you see so if that knowledge is in us and if we follow the course of god how much of good things can we do how much of what a blessing we can be to others amen or be um wisdom the mark of wisdom is obeying the commandments of god with that shall we all stand hallelujah shall we just open our hearts to the lord and just ask him to give us the strength the courage the ability to obey his commandments you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 1,518
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: bSw9gorBp4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 43sec (3223 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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