Message of the Third Day | Dr Bruce Allen

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[Music] you know I I'm mom this has been a very interesting two months and a powerful season we have entered into most of you have heard messages on or read about October excuse me August 31st and the solar eclipse in America and then thirty-three dear days later we have the revelations twelve one and two sign on September 23rd powerfully prophetic and it's it's unfortunate that most of the church doesn't understand that aspect of the voice of God there are signs in the heavens of the voice of God and you know he speaks in a mirror two different ways but be comforted in this even the learned men of Jesus's day didn't understand the voice of God in the signs in the heavens either because there was a star that portended to come the birth of Messiah and only those from the school of Daniel in Persia those wise men understood this the signs in the heavens and they came to honor the newborn king but we have to be a people that understand what God is communicating in particular right now at the end of the age and this transition this sign on the September 23rd was the dawning of where the release of a brand new season or a phase of history wherein we're in the last of the last days right now and though it's not been playing out exactly the way we've heard it eschatologically speaking you know have your heart attuned that's why I rush miss the word from Reshma so it's so important that we learn to discern you might not understand but you need to discern God is saying something so loud and clear that even if you don't understand the individual words you can discern that something has shifted amen and something has shifted and so he began to take me back to something he taught me in 1999 I wrote about this in my first book promise of the third day I did I don't know if we have any of our books here did you oh yeah I guess we got books here how about that Thank You Jeremy and he specifically yesterday as I was praying and meditating and asking the Lord what to share with you he said go back and look at this I want to show you the unfolding of what I have been communicating to the church for the last 20 years I said okay so what I started in 1999 I heard a message and the message we've heard it so many times it was on an Easter and of course they read the classical Easter passages that Jesus was dead and buried and would rise again on the third day and I mean I don't know how many times I've read that or heard that message a message with that Scripture but this time something struck my heart that had never captivated me before the third day I said what is this Lord and he said study well here's the starting point Genesis 6:3 scripture says that the Lord speaking to Noah said my spirit will not always strive with man for he's a nun paraphrasing he's sinful flesh so the number of man's years will be 120 well there's another passage of Scripture I'd heard a number of sermons on over the years that you know God says we can believe to live to be a hundred and twenty you ever seen anybody 120 years old I thought I don't think so god that's okay if you're if your faith is being exercised that direction god bless you I believe you can live longer with it than that if you if you really have faith but if that's not what it means to the Hebraic mind 120 Jubilee cycles is what they were speaking of or what mathematically 120 times 50 is 6000 years so the Lord was speaking to know and saying from Adam until the end when Messiah will come to establish his kingdom will be a 6,000 year stewardship of mankind on this earth now here's something you probably didn't know I've studied Jubilee cycles and you know they have done a lot of research because everybody was saying we can't exactly pinpoint when or which Jubilee cycles are accurate and I said yes you can you look for the blessing of God on the Jubilee cycle you'll be able to pinpoint this and so in my research I've done that and I won't go into that but here's the thing on September 23rd 2017 we finished 120 Jubilee cycles we are now prophetically early in the morning on the seventh day well let me restate that the Hebrew day begins at sunset that's the new day here's a picture prophetically for us at the end of the age darkness covers the earth and gross darkness the people we have just entered in to that phase of human history called the very last of the last days and so what he had shown me in 1999 really takes takes substance takes hold in this hour like it never has before I'll tell you one other thing in the Hebrew culture you know in studying theology and in the West we all have a European gospel do you know that some of you go what are you talking about because our gospel came out of Europe to America to wherever it's not a Hebraic gospel it's not an understanding with the Hebraic mind so we have learned in Bible School and Cemetery seminary once scripture you got to die before you can live right that it's either I better be careful there's two ways to look at Scripture figurative or literal but that's not Hebrew that's not a Hebrew mindset that's a greco-roman intellectual approach to trying to comprehend a supernatural spiritual document the mind of man is never going to figure out the Word of God I don't care how smart you think you are it's not going to work because it's always spiritually discerned but the Hebrew or Hebrew hermeneutics is a very rigorous system of logic oh there's that word for detailed interpretation of Scripture and they believe that 98% of all scripture has at least a minimum of four levels of interpretation not just literal or figurative and actually if you look at Psalms there's seven levels but that's for another day the first is for shot that means direct and simple that's where most people park and camp is right there direct and simple and there's nothing wrong with that because God can communicate through that obviously he does or most of us wouldn't be here amen then we have Ramez which is a hinting or a prophetic it kind of gives you a glimpse or a perception of something then you have - commentary or comparison and the final is saw deep and hidden so they just from the starting gate understand there's at minimum of four different levels that can reach as deep as seven levels according to the Book of Psalms and so you know I've always been fascinated with the prophetic significance of the word at first I thought the you know just the picking up the nuggets on the surface was sufficient and it was for about six months but you get hungry you want more of God and so then we learn what we learn we go to the concordance and we start digging that way and that's valid we should do that we should do that consistently but there's even deeper still Holy Spirit lead me and guide me into all truth and he begins to help open your understanding to to comprehend what God is communicating on a deeper level than you can ever imagine the Lord told me one time many years ago before I knew any of this that until you have taught us a message at least seven times you haven't even begun to get revelation but that's difficult for a pastor that was pastoring back then that's very difficult for a pastor because they teach it one Sunday and everybody wants a new message the next Sunday imagine teaching the same message seven Sundays in a row people will go are you creating I'm out of here I came to be entertained oops so so there's so much that God has in store for all of us and so he began with this third day principle for me in the book of Genesis and I always do that when he challenges me with the scripture I start in Genesis and go all the way through I don't care if I memorize some scriptures and I know some of them I start at the beginning and I reread the whole Bible that's just the way I approach things because if I in reading the whole I get it I get the the the concept based upon what the passage is and then I can do a deeper research so you have two layers right there so in Genesis chapter 3 or 1 verse 12 it says the earth brought forth grass the herb that yields seed according to its kind and the tree that yields fruit whose seed is in itself according to its kind of God saw that it was good so the evening in the morning were the third day now just as it's the seventh day from Adam day being as a thousand years according to 2nd Peter 3:8 it's also the third day from Jesus early in the morning on the third day so I read to you the last part of the third day in Genesis 1 here seed time and harvest there is a sowing and a reaping that's the that's part of every individual life but the key is this before he talks about seed time and harvest it says that there was waters over the face of the deep and God separated the dry land from the waters or in other words there was a separation of flesh and spirit and once there was a separation of flesh and spirit something began to spring forth and it could only sustain itself through the washing of the water from from being watered everything you do in your life without the revelation of the Spirit or the life of the Spirit being released into what you do in the natural realm won't bear life won't bear fruit so on this third day what the Lord is saying there's going to be an even greater demarcation in the separation of flesh and spirit because Isaiah 46:10 says God declares the end from the beginning he's bringing us back to our first estate if you will in that place where Adam had the ability to walk with God and talk with God face to face every day in the cool of the garden where he had the wisdom of God and the stewardship of paradise he named every single animal he had access to the wisdom of God and the power of God and the knowledge of God and the love of God and yet we could go on and on that was who he was and so God is bringing us back he said I'm in this hour I'm separating flesh from spirit I'm calling forth a people that will be separate from the world led of the Spirit no longer led of the flesh no longer mixing and mingling but sanctified and set apart for my use in this hour and these are the people in this end of the age that God is going to do it tremendous mighty work through unlike anything the world is witnessed before because you have to understand in Genesis chapter 1 here seed time and harvest we know if we plant a seed there's a season of cultivation of growing of a maturing before there's a harvest right six thousand years ago was the seed we are now in the season of harvest if we look at what what it was like even starting without a me and Eve the first man the first woman according to Isaiah 46:10 God declares the end from the beginning if they walked in that level of intimacy and wisdom and understanding and knowledge with God what is it going to look like for this generation I'm not talking about once Jesus comes back I'm talking about before he returns to establish a kingdom he's going to have mature sons and daughters he's going to have a people that know him with a complete understanding of what the word know KN o/w really means it's not an acquaintance it's not a casual you know friendship no there's a meshing together a unity that that that's reflected in the marriage covenant but it's deeper still because what we have in the natural is really only a dark type and shadow of the reality of a spirit realm so this generation has opportunity to in access into an intimacy with God and a walk with God like no other generation has ever experienced so he's the first thing we got to understand the separation of flesh and spirit he's gonna clean house it's already begun amen well then let's look at Genesis 21 or 22 one of my favorite scriptures my favorite scripture starts in Genesis 1:1 and ends in Genesis or revelation 22 because back in those days there were no numbers or some page breaks or chapter breaks it's one word how'd you like to study it that way that would be awesome but tough so here we have this Abram Abraham at this time you know the story of a brown Abram he was called out of Iraq or of the Cal D's he and his family would make idols they would make gods that's like most people I know as a matter of fact we all make gods out of something but he heard the voice of the God he'd never recognized before he'd never heard any of these gods he made speak he'd never seen any of them answer prayer he just knew it was good for you no income because people were gullible and so one day this supernatural being says I am the Lord God follow me and he leaves it all and he follows God and the Lord gave him a promise he said I'm gonna make your descendants as the sand of the sea and the stars of heavens I love this this part of it because you know everywhere Abram went he was looking at sand and during the daytime and the stars at night you have to see this principle you have so many promises from God in this Bible the problem is for all of us we have promises we have to go look them up when we are confronted with a situation or a challenge because we don't have these promises constantly in front of our eyes the principle was Abraham had the promise always in front of his eyes throughout the day and at night and that's why what he focused on he eventually connected with an activation came and we wonder why we don't have answers to our promises to the the Word of God and the prophetic word over our lives is because we Journal it we and we put it in our library of or our collectors you know trophy case look what I've gotten we never keep it in front of our eyes and then we said how come this never comes to pass because you don't honor it you honor the Word of God by keeping the god of the word in front of your face consistently and so the fulfillment of this came through his son Isaac 20 years later 20 years of believing God and beyond childbearing age both he and his wife why do you think they had so much faith it's because they kept the promise and front of their face the Word of God they kept that word in front of their eyes consistently therefore there wasn't a battle of faith it was an acceptance and so finally Isaac's born and he's reared in the home of Abraham and Sarah and then one day the Lord challenges Abraham chapter 22 it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham I want you to understand this we are in a season of tremendous testing you could have gone all day without saying that but the truth is God tests you not so that you are defeated and and destroyed he always brings tests in your life after he has invested within you everything you need to succeed that's the only reason he allows the test because he's already invested in you what you need to overcome because he wants to take you to the next level I mean here and in Singapore this should be easy for you you know this concept was foreign to me for the most part in America because here in school they have to test out of every grade why so they can go into the next grade right that's the exact same principle here in Scripture we didn't have that in in our schools in America not not a lot like here so God tested Abraham and said to him Abraham and he said Here I am then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you wait a minute God I persevered for twenty years now this is 33 years later my son we've only had on for 33 years and you're telling me to kill him but you know what even in the history books every extra-biblical book I can find on the life of Abraham nowhere does it say Abraham argued with God nowhere what level of intimacy did Abraham have that God could ask such an off-the-wall thing make a request that would destroy the very son of his love and not bad and I say yes sir can we honestly say we're at that level of intimacy with God no no I'd meant you to say none of us kid said Abraham arose early in the morning and saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son he split the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off on the third day he saw the mountain he told his son carried the wood let's go up there that's what we're going to offer up the offering they get up make the altar and his son Isaac is saying well father worse where's the offering he said don't worry God will provide this is the first mention of Jehovah Jireh right here now look at the look at the winepress I call it the winepress of intimacy that got Abraham to the place of knowing the character of God as Jehovah Jireh we always flippantly say you know God my God provides all my needs but whenever we impressed beyond measure to get to the place of intimacy and revelation where we can truly say in all things he's my provider I mean we could have thought well maybe he's saying God will provide comfort when I have to do this no later on it says that he believed God could even raise his son from the dead that was the provision he was thinking of do you know that he believed God could raise him from the dead so he took comfort in the fact even if he did this God would give them back because God's a covenant-keeping god he made a promise and then Isaac this promise will be fulfilled what a faith but here's the real test when he bound his son and he's ready to strike him the angel says don't you passed the test the test for you and I in this third day is do you love the God of the promise more than the promise of God we're so busy chasing the hand of God we neglect the very person of God and God is going to set our hearts right in this hour as there's a separation of flesh and spirit there's going to be a revelation of about what's truly upon the throne of our heart and I venture to say the vast majority of the church chases the manifestation of the Lord not the lord of the manifestation God's gonna test that and make it very evident in our lives whom were truly serving and following do you love the God of the promise more than the promise of God can you truthfully say Lord though you slay me yet I will praise you I love you anyway if you never answer a prayer again lord I love you anyhow I trust you I mean with conviction of heart if this situation never turns around I'll still praise You God we're in that hour you know we've been to some places where being a Christian has cost a lot I mean you count the cost before you accept Jesus because it means you're a dead person my dad used to tell me stories where he would go behind the Iron Curtain for years before the wall came down and you know those people counted the cost that would have underground church meetings I'm still impressed with this a pastor for 30 years had one page of the Bible that's all he had he preached off that every Sunday for 30 years and he got new revelation every week off of one page of Scripture and we think we got it figured out but when they would be infiltrated by the KGB who's the leader everybody would raise their hand knowing they were going to go to prison and be tortured for their faith they didn't cry they didn't beg they didn't plead they didn't pray for deliverance from torture they prayed Lord let us bring honor to your name in the midst of this because that was normal the normal Christian experience for seventy years behind the Iron Curtain they knew what it meant to pay a price for the opportunity to walk with God but we have an easy believe ISM in the West where it's too simple it's too easy for us but God has a way of testing our hearts challenging our hearts and calling us to the place of set-apart that we might become like him amen so I kept studying I came to Exodus 19 I thought finally not so bad we came through a little bit of crushing and shaping and molding and testing and now we're coming to the place of the very presence of God showing up in Exodus 19 10 assist the Lord said to Moses go to the people and consecrate them today and tomorrow now how do you do that how do you go to a group of people and consecrate them I mean you all have free choice free will how can I be sure that you're set apart you're consecrated under what God wants to do the only thing Moses didn't could do the only thing a pastor or fivefold ministry can do to consecrate a people is to give them the word of the Lord trusting God to bring the conviction with that word because we can't walk home with you and hold your hand all day long and make sure you're doing what you're supposed to do to be a consecrated set-apart believer so Moses delivers a message this is what he said this again he goes on let them be ready or let them wash their clothes now that's profound we had a scientist gentlemen that rushman I met while quite a few years ago brilliant man I mean he talked a language you had to really listen to figure out because he's talking you know quadruple PhD Harvard intellect scientist stuff you know and I barely get by in English but he had an experience with God all of a sudden one day he was at church and his eyes were open wide and he said I saw this vast plane and on this plane were multitudes of millions of believers but they were all drab and gray and he's looking at these people and they're they should have had white garments but they were just drab and gray and he said Lord what is this not only were they driving gray but their heads were like this that looked like a cartoon character with big heads he said Lord what are you saying he said my people are full of head knowledge and it can bearly their bodies can barely sustain that excess weight and their garments are stained with sin and the cares of this world because they do not stay in the place of sanctification and separation in other words they don't go quickly to God and repent for grieving his spirit and doing those things they know they're not supposed to do they're stained by the world so he said Lord how do we how do we get free of this the Lord said I will do a work that will cause their heads to explode because when I show up all their intellectual understanding will evaporate because I don't do things according to the intellect of man and when I work this work it will cause them to drop to their knees and set their hearts right before me wash your clothes let them be ready for the third day you know when Noah was warned of God about a flood that was going to take place 120 years later he prepared his family and for 120 years he built an ark and he preached the message that was not received by anyone how would you like that their success in ministry yes he was a success in his ministry because he'd accomplished what God told him to do his preaching became an indictment against that generation that they had no excuse and they will have no excuse in the day of judgment because they heard the message of God we think it was not successful because nobody got saved God doesn't measure success the way you measure success success with God is obedience to what he tells you to do aside from the results you think you're supposed to have so he did what God said he was moved by what he heard to action in the preparing of an ark for he and his family on this third day the Lord is seeing prepare yourselves and be ready for this third day if the Word of God is true what should we be doing what is it that's going to move us to prepare ourselves for what God is about to do you're in a very prophetic church the Lord speaks profound prophetic truths here I mean brother of sadhu has got to be a little bit of what crazy in there too but I'm telling you something what do we do with the messages from the throne of God do we just go while that was powerful or does it cause us to reflect and go to God and do something with what we've heard to prepare ourselves in position ourselves because if you're not moved to action you need a resurrection you can't separate hearing from doing in the Hebrew mindset if they heard what you're saying and they knew it was from God that automatically meant they were gonna do what they heard we have two different words for that hearing and doing to them hearing was doing it's the same as synonymous the same thing we have to go back to that understanding when you hear the word of God and it connects with your spirit start doing something to move towards that hallelujah hold on then he said verse 15 said to the people be ready for the third day now that's twice twice it's very important - two or three means witness and on month of two or three witnesses my word will be established so when anytime you say you see - a repetitive thing in scripture this is God saying to you pay attention this is very significant so he says it again to the people be ready for the third day don't come near your wives then it came to pass once they're ready it comes to pass every prophetic word you've received in your life once you're ready it comes to pass well brother I've been ready for a long time okay let me qualify that once God sees you're ready it comes to pass that's the qualifier his ways are not your ways his thoughts are not your thoughts he sees things differently than we do so when he sees the readiness is there it comes to pass and then they had a visitation from God so we have three clear pictures of a separation of flesh and spirit of a separating yourself from a carnal mindset do you love the God of the promise more than the promise of God no more idols in our lives to God communicating and saying consecrate yourselves wash your clothes be without spot and wrinkle and be ready and all of a sudden visitations from God he comes down on the mountain in the sight of everyone you know it's powerful when you have a visitation from God it's tremendous what everybody has the exact same visitation at the exact same time we've not seen that too often in the church in the last few centuries - occasionally but I'm telling you now this is the hour that Jesus is visiting people groups churches and resurrected bodily form and they're all going to witness him at the same time 1 amen hope whole groups are gonna have the same experience in God whole groups are gonna be caught away in the spirit whole groups are gonna be translocated we're in a different hour you know one of the things we we witnessed in Mecca load the Philippines in our last school there Reshma and Michael band lineman went and ministered to the children because they have a Christian school and a week later they said they're seeing angels again they're having visitations there they're being caught up children you know how encouraging that is to me that just says this to me we've got to have childlike faith we've got to stop overintellectualizing everything and then our approach to God and just start saying I love you daddy you know I've always I've always kept it the forefront of my mind when I when I'm talking with the Lord the little child standing on the edge of the bed or something and the father saying come on jump jump and you have to they have to make the decision every time I talk to the Lord I'm at the edge going I'm ready just tell me to jump what's the worst that could happen you learn a lesson I'd rather err on the side of faith and succeed on the side of doubt God is so good when you trust him when you trust him trust is deeper than belief Trust is developed through friendship through relationship through spending time together with somebody most of the men in the room you've you've been through your your service here in the country a couple of years I spent 10 years in the military you know when you when you work with a group of men and and you especially when there's a war going on like Desert Storm you know who you want in your foxhole with you because you know who you can trust you've developed friendships yes but you've also developed a respect for those who are serious about what they do and can carry themselves in that with integrity and with you know with an anointing if you will in this church and so you know whom you can trust and whom you would rather not be in a foxhole with that's the same thing with Jesus by spending time with him you learn to trust him implicitly with anything and everything what's even more fun because of Jesus you can have access to the father and develop the same level of intimacy he everything Jesus did was to point you to where the father I found this in my life for years I would pursue relationship with Jesus and we need to but he said no no go to the Father go to the Father father wants you everything I did was for the you and the father to get to know each so I began to shift my attention towards the father and I have never been disappointed that shift took place back I mean solidly back in about 1998 in the year 2000 2001 I started having visitations and encounters like I never had before my spiritual eyes were open to an extent they've never been opened before and I began to be taken up into that third heaven and into the very throne room of God and talked with him because I shifted my focus oh I still hang out with Jesus we have fun he has he's my best friend other than Reshma he's got a great sense of humor just look at it now Exodus 24 16 says now the glory of the Lord rested I like that it's the glory of a Lord rest on you the glory of the Lord rested on Mount Sinai and the cloud covered it six days and on the seventh day this is the seventh day yahuwah called to moses out of the midst of the cloud and the sight of the glory of the lord was like a consuming fire on top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of israel so moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain and he was there for forty days and forty nights for the last 17 years on rosh hashanah i have had a prophetic encounter with the Lord sometimes in heaven he takes me there sometimes he comes here in this realm but in those 17 years on that particular date when he visits me it's what he's releasing to the church this is what he's prophetically saying to his people and so I document these times this Rosh Hashanah was no different in the fact that I had a visitation what was different was that it so paralleled what I've just been teaching it was overwhelming all of a sudden I'm standing in a the realm of the spirits somewhere now he has a reason you know the realm of the Spirit is a frequency of light we're trained at this frequency the frequency of the natural realm you can train your senses to the frequency of the spirit realm that's a basic basic explanation so I was not here I was there you know there's angelic there's all sorts of things going on but God tuned you into just the frequency of what he wants you to see at that moment otherwise you'd be overwhelmed so I'm standing there and everything's just this beautiful white and yet I could distinguish because there were people all around but they were beings of light in 2014 he started teaching me that we are light you're beings of light you're a light you're created in the image of God the real you is a being of light and so here I am I'm standing I looked at myself I'm standing there is a being of light and in front of me was this altar and I thought that's interesting the altar of burnt-offering and that was in the court of the Gentiles so that's what it looked like similar to that and I knew what it meant because I've been this way before so what I did is I walked up to that altar and I began to pray I said and this is my prayer Lord all that I am and all that I ever hope to be all of my hopes dreams wants needs desires all of my successes and failures all of my gifting and Revelation my everything that pertains to me Lord I just laid upon this altar all of it and I took a step back and I saw myself laying the armor of Christ all the gifts everything he'd given me and I stood back and as I watched nothing's happening at and I looked and all of a sudden every being of light was now covered in a flame of fire - I'd never seen that before so they're beings of light but they're flames of fire so no that's interesting and I turned to the altar and all of a sudden the flame came for and things were burned off but things were also purified anytime I've seen this what's purified what's left is what God says I can have back and so I thought okay and I started to move there and all of a sudden it's like a video went backwards and everything's back on the altar and I thought what's the matter Oh everything's still on the altar only this time I stood on the altar and the fire came up and he said I want you sanctify purified spirit spirit spirit soul and body and it same result with what I had placed there some was gone most of it was purified but now I looked at myself and I had the fire - just like that see on the seventh day our God who is a consuming fire is calling us to come up into that fire I got a new a new phrase out of this that I keep hearing repeated in my spirit the flaming company of believers are coming forth right now why because they live in the midst of that purifying fire jesus said he's coming back for a church without spot and blemish purified in a fire that seven times hotter so that you come forth as pure gold gold speaks of glory speaks of holiness speaks of purity so what he's speaking to the church is it's time for us to step into this purifying cleansing fire of God this presence of God and allow him to cleanse you of all unrighteousness everything that would hinder you in your walk with God in this hour because he's doing a new thing and I'm telling you there's not going to be the whole church that's going to do this there are a combo that there's a forerunner company believers the company of the burning ones that are gonna be manifested on this earth at the end of the age and you will literally see people that look like they're on fire and you'll know that's a company that's one of the company of the burning ones and they will go in and set whole communities on fire for God we keep talking about a Great Awakening this is part of what God has been speaking Leviticus 717 says the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day must be burned with fire New King James this is the third day we sing Lord take my sight my life a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto you present your bodies a living sacrifice the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day must be burned with fire God wants a holy people he wants a spotless bride he wants a set apart sanctified company of flaming people that are going to bring in the fullness of his inheritance at the end of the age so the question is is that you the answer is not what you tell me words no the question is is that you and the answer will be modeled in what you do I told you hearing and doing are the same thing to the Hebrew mind the choice has always been ours the Lord gives us choice even right now in this room floating in the spirit there's all sorts of how do I say that Lord there's promises of God just floating in the air creative promises of God that he wants to release one person that I've just been reading about sees it as strands of DNA that creative Word of God that if you take hold of it whatever you need use answered that way but I I see see I see little scrolls promises of God in this room the choice is yours the choice is mine whether or not we're going to partake of whatever God is releasing to a people at that moment we all make the choice you know one thing was my dad Whitman I pastored with my dad for a number of years we started some churches and sent out 450 missionaries and used to bother me all the time if he'd say okay call somebody up for prayer we're gonna pray for this one everybody extend your hand so we'd be doing this and then he talked for another 10 minutes you know it's like I used to get I was in the flesh I get so irritated you're the one praying for him you put your hand out and I tell him why do you make a stand there for 10 minutes you just get this smile on his face later he told me because if I say that in Russia they'll stay there for months until we do it thank God I'm not Russian they wait so one day he's starting this again and I'm going on not again Lord so what I did is we were actually sitting down this time so I had a chair in front of me I said okay fine and he prayed within about two minutes of what well that was easy made it look like I was spiritual again and all of a sudden when we started praying an agreement in tongues I saw a light come out of every person's hand starwars that was cool but it went into that light that all of us were releasing that life went directly into the individual we were praying for and then it not only went into them then it refracted and went for reflected up into the heavens I said Lord what's that he said because you're praying for them and is coming through them up to heaven they'll keep watching and I watched and then all of a sudden a different stream a different color of light came down and hit that person and resided in them and then came back and touched us he said we sinned giving that you receive it sin blessing that you're blessed i Wow light saber now what was the point of that I don't remember we have to do things by faith occasionally God gives us an understanding but we do it by faith not by religious wrote but by faith father I do this by and if you have to I do this by faith my flesh really doesn't like this and so from that point on prophetic gestures became the norm for me when God would speak I would do something by faith to show him I honored and respected what he was saying even if what I was doing was not accurate I did something by faith and he recognized my willingness to walk my faith in my faith act and I began to connect with in ways I had never connected before this is the time for the church to grow up into him in all things what an hour we have in the second Kings chapter 20 verse 1 it says in those days Hezekiah was sick and near death now since we're speaking in metaphor hint let me say this the condition of the church is sick weak and anemic it really is well brother that's not faith no that's fact faith is we have a way out of this fact is this is where we're at and where we shouldn't be but remember God is separating the wheat from the chaff within us it begins at the house of God and so there's gonna be a removal of that which is weakened dust and caused us to be in this condition to begin with and I could spend all day on that subject but I won't because that's one of my pet peeves that's how we have so embraced the world that the church looks like a corporation not like a body of believers not like an entity that's alive we've mixed with the world and we've become chameleons they think we're part of the I mean there were no different we're gonna be different God's going to see to it so Hezekiah was sick and near-death and Isaiah the prophet the son of Amos went to him and said to him thus says the Lord set your house in order for you shall die and not live thank you very much I don't want a prophetic word today listen it grieves me for a long time because I kept hearing harsh prophetic words oh and you'd have the other end of the spectrum law everything's lovey dovey and wonderful where's the balance the Lord said clearly says this in Ezekiel in a couple of other places you'll know the Word of God is the word of God because his word always comes to pass the rest of it is superfluous it's flashers all sorts of junk but the truth is Isaiah brought a harsh word to King Hezekiah it was a word of judgment and it we had a purpose to cause him to repent we have been hearing a lot of things spoken into the church and into the world in this hour that's caused a lot of fear in a lot of hearts our response shouldn't be fear it should be turning back to God in repentance and saying Lord what do I have to get right in my life that's the word that came to Hezekiah from Isaiah and Isaiah leaves he's in the courtyard meanwhile Hezekiah is up there he turns his face to the wall in other words no more distractions from this life in this world and what he thinks he knows he's turning to the wall and he begins to weep he begins to groan that's deep intercession and repent and remind God of his covenant and before Isaiah even leaves the courtyard of the house God says turned around and tell him he's gonna live now most people would have called him a false prophet today well you gave a word he's gonna die and now you're gonna change your mind you're a false prophet no I'm a very accurate prophet I do what God says that's what it's all about we don't well I'll leave that alone he teaches on that here he turned his face toward the wall and prayed to the Lord remember now O Lord I pray how I have walked before you in truth and with a loyal heart and you have done what was good in your sight and he wept bitterly happened before Isaiah had gone out into the middle court that the word of the Lord came to him saying return and tell Hezekiah the leader of my people thus says the Lord the God of David your father why did he say that he's reminding him of covenant promise Hezekiah this isn't necessarily because you repented but your repentance reminds me of the Covenant promise I made with your father's and David in particular and because of covenant I'm going to extend your life well you need to hear that there have been covenant 'el promises released over your life the moment you accepted Jesus as Messiah you entered into a covenant with God and that covenant is the best covenant there is it's the blood of Jesus that gave you access to everything in the kingdom of heaven it's because of that covenant you know we've heard people demure and say well you know there's nothing good within me it's just because of the grace of God that's true but you have to understand that's true for everyone apart from God you are nothing but in him you have access to all that heaven is but the choice is yours scripture says in the book of John - as many as received him that's born again to them he gave the right to become children of God so there's a difference between receiving and becoming and that's a process when they receive him the kingdom is theirs but they have to grow up to the stature of a mature son before they can engage all that belongs to them that's this process that God's talking about on this 3rd day in the seventh day so he wept said tell him I've heard your prayer I've seen your tears surely I will heal you listen to this on the third day you should go up to the house of the Lord now follow the progression Genesis 1 there's a separation of flesh and spirit and God's saying what you've been sowing is going to bring forth or are you sowing to the spirit of you sowing to the flesh then he tells us and position ourselves go up to Mount Moriah and offer up to God the Pramod deal of the promise of God or do you love the God of the promise he's testing our hearts so that we remove idolatry and focus on him then he says through Moses on the third day get ready consecrate yourselves wash your garments because I'm gonna come down in your midst it's all about sanctification then he says in Leviticus 717 the remainder of your flesh must be burnt with fire sacrificed by fire on the third day in other words make your life a living sacrifice all of that he brings us to Hezekiah where they he says again the sickness that you've carried in your spiritual life I'm about to remove so that you can come up to the house of God I'm not talking about catching away I'm talking about a company of flame a flaming company of believers that has access to the throne of God at all times anytime day and night that you can go up to the house of the Lord that you can communicate with him just like Adam and Eve did so that you can walk according to what he has for this generation and modeled the kingdom of heaven on earth because most of the world is in very very bad way it's in a very bad way but we're gonna see a Great Awakening and the great awakening is going to be you're gonna set yourself on fire and people are gonna come and watch you burn boy that sounds a lot like somebody I knew once I've read about historically hmm one of the great revivalists John Wesley said how come you have such success in your ministry he said I just go set myself on fire and people come and watch me burn and he brought multitudes into the kingdom of God well now there's a great company a flaming believers we're going up to the house of God how many you'd like to visit daddy's house it's your birthright go and sit on his lap and he said and I will add to your days 15 years now remember numerically to Gaea Maitreya in Scripture is profound I'll just give you this basic five is the number of Grace three is the number of witness pay attention you have 15 three fives we're about to see a grace come upon those who have prepared themselves beyond anything we've witnessed before a grace always leads to righteousness it tutors you in righteousness in other words we're going to be a people in right standing with God not metaphorically not covenant aliy not just but in fact where you will be recognized as a set apart 1 I love Acts chapter forward Peter and Ja yeah Peter and John we're at the gate beautiful healed the man lame from his mother's womb got arrested for it because the religious spirit didn't like that the next day when they came before them they said this we can tell you are ignorant and unlearned in men but we can also tell you been with Jesus for the most part today the churches we can tell you're ignorant not learned it in religious and there's nothing about oh but you've been with Jesus because they don't see Jesus in us that's about to change somebody say Amen we need that change and in His mercy he's gonna do it so we can move on quickly and I'll finish with this he said I love this hezekiah verse eight said to Isaiah what is the sign that the Lord will heal me are you kidding me you mean the fact that the prophet prophesied before ye leave even leaves the house and he came back and said God heard your prayer you want another sign that's the condition of all of our flesh this just a few more signs God and I'll believe you that shows a level of immaturity and yet in His mercy because the step was taken God responds what is the sign that I healed me and I should go up to the house on the third day and Isaiah said this is the sign to you from the Lord that the Lord will do the thing which he has spoken shall the shadow go forward 10 degrees or backward 10 degrees well it's nothing to go forward that's the normal course of things backward 10 degrees and I as they said fine and the sundial went back 10 degrees in other words God is about to redeem the time in our lives where you have fought you have wasted so much time on superfluous useless endeavors when we come to this place of consecration this place of visitation this place of former tea and become this company of flaming believers God's going to restore to you the years that have been wasted the locusts the cankerworm it's about to be a great restoration he's redeeming the time redemption is an interesting study it means to redeem and put back into a condition that it should have always been in when it was first released or redeeming this way when he says he's going to redeem the time that means what I got saved at 14 every hour that I missed when the spirit called to come and study and pray every time I made a mistake and missed the best of God for my life he's going to take all of those things and redeem it and make it as if I had never missed any of those times as if I had walked with him in obedience and grown to that level it's going to be redeemed redemption is an interesting study when you were born again you were deemed from a curse to bring you back to your first estate we were once dead but now we've been redeemed back to life you have to explore Redemption to come to full redemption and redemption is not just your spirit and your soul it's your body - amen one last one and we're done Ezra chapter 6 verse 15 the temple was finished on the third day what know you not that you are the temple of God and the Spirit of God lives within you the temple was finished on the third day you're coming to the place of maturity he who began a good work in you is going to finish it on this day this is it every covenant Allah promised that God has given you for your life it's going to see its conclusion it's gonna be finished on this day I like that maturity maturity mature sons and daughters are coming forth that's the promise for you this is what God is saying this is what he's releasing right now now whether you take what I've said and agree with it or you just put it on the shelf and let it stew for a while you're gonna see this begin to unfold and it's gonna happen quickly because he's redeeming time but I would prefer this is my heart for you I would prefer that you were on the forefront of this and you made a choice so that you could lead the way for munch multitudes of others this not only belongs to you but others but they need to see an example a company of four runners that are gonna say this is the way walk in it and though he's doing this spontaneously in different parts of the world why not here why not now why not with you amen let's stand up I want to pray for you we still friends too bad we're family you have to live with it you didn't know I was Singaporean did you I am I'm part of the body of Christ keep telling Reshma I'm Indian and I'm Asian and I'm European and whatever I'm the body of Christ father what I'm seeing float in the spirit here these promises from God these small little Scrolls that are tied with a ribbon that's why I know it's a promise they're floating over all of us as an act of faith as a prophetic gesture just reach up and grab one or two or as many as you can get old old use both hands if you want be a glutton for God Father we receive these promises these importations of lights in life that you're releasing to each one right now father as they do this by faith quicken in them quicken in them this this prophetic promise father release it in them and father beginning to unpackage it for them as the days go on from here that they begin to see things differently and walking things differently they begin to receive the kingdom of heaven on this earth their lives will be transformed far [Music] so we receive these love gifts from you old we tell you in return we love you Father we're grateful father that you have placed us in this house in this nation in this hour the see a fulfillment of your word of the past in our lives we are this endtime generation we choose to be a company of flaming believers purified washed glance just like our Father in hammer whose is a consuming fire so it's so much with that fire thank you for Lord as this fire begins to Kindle upon them there are physical needs here father let this fire purify their mortal bodies right now sickness and disease eradicated now [Music] pain go life come if you had pain in your body you move find that pain is gone thank you Father Lord there's a removal of the shock and trauma in our physical bodies from years of abuse of use let's remove now we're free because you say we're free that's what your covenant is life and life more abundantly but I thank you Father bless you Lord lord I thank you that now one prophetic voice will come out of this house but many prophetic voices will come forth from this house and touch the nation's but I thank you but you've raised up this work for this hour bless you Father bless you Father just as you have seen a judgment in the house of God in this nation's so I tell you it shall continue until my people who are called by my name will recognize that I alone in God and every unclean thing that has come in to my church I will deal with it in this hour because my people have not dealt with it in the way in the manner in which I have called them to do it I will deal with it harshly and so I will reveal hidden sins and wickedness in high places and I will expose these wicked works within my temple so that my people will once again fear my name and call upon me and righteousness and truth for I have called the people to be set apart not to be a part of what this world is offering so I am going to do a quick work in this nation and you will be a forerunner nation it's seen a purifying of the Spirit of God within the house of God and though you might be a gazing stock to the world you will be a sweet-smelling incense to your heavenly Father or I have chosen you to be forerunners of purity and holiness sanctified and set apart for the master that others might follow in your footsteps so look unto me and cry out to me with all of your heart for it is an hour of the consuming fire of God that's coming to cleanse my church to remove those who resist and to establish those who are pliable and let of my spirit so do not be dismayed at what you say and do not be afraid that I am going to do something that I cannot contain or I tell you I'm doing that which I have proposed to do in the Council of heaven then it shall come to pass quickly now rejoice in the mercy and the goodness of your God in the midst of these things Court is my love and my mercy that compels me to act for I have a destiny for the Church of Singapore I have a purpose that you know not of but yet it shall be unveiled unveiled and begin to unfold before your very eyes through the midst of this trial and for the midst of this testing and you will no longer be under the thumb of the government but you shall speak into the government and you shall lead them by example and you shall be the moral compass of this nation and you shall establish righteousness in this nation and throughout the earth so prepare your hearts for I have called it to be so [Music] bless your people thank you Jesus [Music] seed standing in the church right up here an angel I've seen on a number of occasions I met him in heaven the first time is the angel that the Lord has put in charge of the supernatural provisioning of heaven for the end of the age he's in charge of all the provisions for God's people at the end of the age he's standing right in front of me with his scroll with his he's got the scroll with the list of all those things that are made available to you [Music] he's an angel of breakthrough or he comes to break through for you break you through bring you into a season of the provisioning of hello [Music] so if you have needs in your life that you're facing listen when I say needs I'm not just talking financially socially physically in your business in your finances whatever it is he's here and I want to challenge you healing is the children's bread but you know what the creative miracle is yours too don't just ask to be have something like an engine in your car you take out an engine you rebuild it and put it back that's good but what's better is a brand-new engine so right now believe I see hearts I see kidneys I see eyes I see limbs I mean whatever you need these are brand-new I see I see strategies creative ideas I even see well this is interesting you know when you graduate you put on the the cap it speaks that you've reached a certain level of learning of wisdom if you will I see those right here these these cabin God wants to release wisdom and understanding so whatever you need is reach out to God and receive it today because this angel is here to distribute and I think your father I thank you Father but I thank you that there will be a miracle in this church a supernatural miracle where there will be a well spring a wellspring of springing forth of supernatural supply for whatever the need is from this house will come forth the wisdom but I thank you the day is coming when this house will be far too small for what you're doing so you will expand it so we're naturally and sovereignly thank you Father what I approve of the children they're not going to be left behind in the goodness of God they're going to be four rows they're gonna be leaders even now father touch the children that they begin to see the here the go and to do that it's normal for them they don't have to take years to get to this place but they walk into it naturally right now [Music] you
Channel: Jesus My King Church
Views: 23,284
Rating: 4.86059 out of 5
Id: _JAyww1UYnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 39sec (4659 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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