The Loyalty of God - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] it's time for the word of god i want to get into the word of god today i want to unfold some complexities in the word of god i'm going to need your patience today i've got something to share with you i want to talk to you out of the romans chapter 11 verse 1 through 5 and i believe you're going to be blessed as we talk about the loyalty of god we're living in a time today that you can't hardly find loyalty not even in places you ought to have loyalty you can't find loyalty not even in relationships not even in relatives do you always find loyalty not with companies not with positions not with churches no no no no loyalty is almost extinct but today we're going to talk about the loyalty of god romans chapter 11 verse 1 through 5 when you have it say amen stand for the reading of god's word it is our custom to stand for the reading of his word as we go before god in his word it is reverence to the fidelity and the sanctity of god's word i say then hath god cast away his people god forbid for i also am an israelite of the seed of abraham of the tribe of benjamin god hath not cast away his people which he foreknew what ye not what the scripture saith of elias how he maketh intercession to god against israel saying lord they have killed thy prophets and dig down thine altars and i am left check this out i am left alone and they seek my life but what saith the answer of god unto him i have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the need to the image of baal even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace can you say amen father god in the name of jesus we ask you to bless the sanctity of your word enable these mere fallible frail lips of clay to articulate the oracles of truth in such a didactic and profound and prolific way that it penetrates the exterior of our carnal hearts and goes down into the depths of our deepest being and there germinates and brings forth the character of christ in our lives it is our prayer that you would be glorified and that hell would be horrified as we delve into the treasures of your word i thank you for what you're about to do in the midst of your people today have your way in jesus name somebody give him the best praise you got in our text today we have a very interesting thing because here paul contemplates with rome has god forever cast away his people the very question challenges not just the character of his people but it teaches us the character of our god because the character of our god is often proven best as we explore the frailty of our own character that is to say the more inconsistent and frail and weaker we are the greater he appears to us as we see him amidst the canvas of all types of infidelities insecurities inconsistencies it makes god look the better when everything else around you begins to shake and there's nothing solid left to stand on but god we must then understand not just israel but god through the declaration of this word hath god forever cast away his people has god forgotten his people has god gotten angry and walked away from his own this is an opportunity to understand something about ourselves and about our god expressed through the book of romans paul begins to deal with this whole theme the gospel it's the power of god for salvation for anyone who believes he does it because he wants us to understand this letter by stating clearly the real good news is not about the emperor or the empire what's going on in the world but the real power for salvation comes from god not the emperor or the empire or the strength of rome or anything like that because the truth of the matter rome was not going through such a good time you're talking about the writing of this book in about 56 or 57 a.d it's the time that paul the apostle paul has written a letter to rome that he has yet to visit and so unlike the other epistles that he's written where he is calling a lot of names and directing his attention to the issues of the church at rome he is talking to us from a much higher level and a deeper perspective as he unveils the truth of what is going on let me lay in context the environment in which things are germinating in this environment nero has come to power and nero comes to power from about uh december 15th of of 37 a.d to june 9th of 68 a.d he was the roman emperor ruling uh from 54 to 68 in control of anything and everything that was going on rome is still considered the force to be reckoned with the political empire of the entire planet in a class all by himself as nero has come into power his infamous reign is usually associated with tyranny extravagance and debauchery he he he later converted to christianity and yet we are still suspect even when he converted was he legitimately a christian or was it a political play for the times in which he lived that in part is brought about by the fact that on june 9th of 68 a.d nero killed himself so you have this leader who comes into power and influence at about 17 years old and about 17 years old with his mother's guidance he is able to rule over the roman empire uh with authority great authority but five years later he killed his own mother he was a ruthless tyrant and he was ruling over a group of people who had a lot of different religions and a lot of different ideas and a lot of different theological connotations and it is in this environment that paul is writing to them the scene of religious power has begun to make a transition so now i'm talking about the transition because i want you to understand not only the times i talk to you about the times now i'm going to talk to you about the transition to go from the times to understand the times that the text was written in helps you to understand the text itself if you take a text that was written for a period of time that was up under the rule of nero and you can temporarize it without understanding that what was going on at the times really controls the impact of the text itself then you begin to understand that there is a transition going on so point one is the times point two is the transition transition what transition the seat of spiritual influence has begun to move from jerusalem to rome it is moving largely because the jews are for the most part rejecting christianity as as a legitimate theology and they're finding a home amongst the gentiles that they did not have amongst the jews and so even though jerusalem is still the motherland of our faith it is the grandmother of our heritage it is the roots in which our faith is extrapolated from yet the early days of christianity moved and transitioned from jerusalem as ahead to rome hence you have the roman catholic church and all of the various orthodox uh religions of that first century begin to flourish largely out of rome when paul writes to rome it is his biggest writing it is his longest writing because he is writing to what is and not what was jerusalem has for the most part turned its back on the idea of christ being the messiah except for a remnant in jerusalem and a remnant of jews scattered throughout the despara who embrace christianity the vast majority of judaism has turned its back on the notion of christ being a legitimate messiah so the seat of religious power now has come to rome constantine's mother who would later come along she is responsible for the spread of christianity history says because she is purportedly the one who actually found the cross and rather than to have people fighting over it broke it down into splinters and sent pieces of it all over the world and each part of the world that got a hope to a piece of the cross cost the gospel to spread across the world in an unprecedented way god has a way of using some of the most unorthodox people to to get done what he's trying to get done he's trying to create a transition and it's a transition not only of the seat of power but the influence of that power because christianity was initially considered a cult but out of the ground of that cult came such a powerful move of the holy spirit that you could not deny that it was sweeping the world and could not be stopped by scribes nor scholars nor statisticians or historians it had caught on fire and god used this one woman to help spread the gospel and it was going everywhere but the power started out of rome and what rome was starting to understand the christian faith so paul here is an apostle not just to the jew but the gentile his question in the text however he is he's saddened by the fact that his people for the most part have turned away they have turned their backs on god and gone in other directions and sought god as he was and not as he is and paul is saying has god forever forgotten his people israel are we cursed are we up under a bondage it is to this issue that he addresses the longevity of the fact that god will stand with you through changes now it's important that we understand that because we need to understand that god is right when we are wrong that god is strong when we are weak that god is there when we are stray and it is only the integrity of god that establishes our faith our faith is not built on a man our faith is not built on a preacher our faith is not built on a building our faith is not built on a denomination our faith is built on the integrity of god and that integrity includes a loyalty a loyalty so strong that it is beyond human comprehension and it is about that loyalty that we're preaching about today and it's hard to preach about something for which there is no metaphor when jesus comes and preaches the kingdom he keeps saying the kingdom is lacking unto this and the kingdom is lagging unto that and the kingdom is lacking unto that but when it comes to the loyalty of god i'm unable to find a metaphor that rightly depicts the strength and the power the loyalty of god what can i say about the lord only only thing i can think of to say is that god kept his promise to abraham when abraham was dead abraham was dead and for 400 years israel was enslaved in egypt and god still brought israel out of enslavement from egypt because he had given his word to a dead man you have a god that says that i'm not a man that i should allow the son of man that i should repent have i not spoken it will i not make it good and the reason i'm sharing it with you today because just as as the times were in rome just as indecisive as the times were in rome that same indecisiveness exists today in our country and other countries around the world where you don't know from day to day what's going to happen this one fighting against that one in fact rome was on the brink of civil war a civil war where there would be fighting between traditional jews and the roman empire that almost split the country and now in a tribal time in our country where everybody's mad at everybody and everybody's fighting about everything and everybody's at war with everybody else and everybody it's one thing to disagree but now we hate people that are not on our team that are not on our side and if you wonder if we're not going to run into what rome ran into internal corruption ended up destroying the roman empire and when i look at america today i want to talk directly to america today you're on the brink of total destruction not because we have disagreements but because we have disloyalty and disjointedness and because we have divided and a house divided against itself shall not stand it is in the midst of that division that god sends a word i love god because god doesn't need a perfect situation to send a perfect word he'll send a word into a chaotic situation he'll remind you that he's still god in the midst of it all and i wanted you to understand that rome was going through what america is going through what other countries around the world are going through anarchy and deceitfulness and betrayal and denials and uncertainty and every day you woke up in rome you didn't know what was gonna happen next and still in the midst of all of that god was still faithful he had not cast away his people even when his people cast him away but the bible said that jesus came unto his own and his own received him not but in spite of the fact that they did not receive him god still had a commitment to be loyal to them in fact one writer says that god is married to the backslider i want to talk to somebody who's drifted away or turned your back on god or gone into another direction and now you're guilty and full of shame and you've done some things of which you are ashamed of you've had an abortion you've had a baby out of wedlock you've gone this way or that way into perversion or idolatry or other religions i want you to know that god is still right where you left off and you have unfinished business with god this text is about unfinished business with god that god is not slack concerning his promise as some man counts like this he's still waiting on you to come to yourself and that god has not forever cast you way i know the devil wants to tell you that god has cast your way i know the devil wants you to feel hopeless so that you have an excuse to go further and further into your own degradation but the devil is a liar god is still right where you left him ask the prodigal son if the father won't outweigh you he'll stand right where he stood and see you still my son and i still love you and i'm right where you left me and if you come to yourself i'll bring you up out of the market tomorrow i want to speak to america and say if we just come to ourselves god is waiting on us to come to ourselves and understand who we are so that we can begin to stand in the power and the grace and the anointing of god i am the lord thy god i change not i change not my mercies are new every morning i'm consistent i'm stable your mama is shaky but i'm stable your father is shaking but i'm stable your husband is shaking but i'm stable your wife is shaky but i'm stable your job is shaky but i'm stable your finances are shaking but i'm stable the stock market is shaking but i'm stable your friends are shaking but i'm stable i'm god i'm a rock i'm a rock i'm a stone i'm a sure place i'm an absolute in a chaotic world i do not have alzheimer's i have not forgotten you i know you i know you you think it's about you knowing me no it's not about you knowing me it's about me knowing you i know you in fact i knew you the text says i foreknew you god has not forgotten those he foreknew nothing about the times nothing about the world nothing about the violence nothing about the chaos nothing about the plagues nothing about the disease nothing about the presidency nothing about the leadership nothing about the election nothing about the nation has caused god to forget who you are to him by the way our nation is not of this world our kingdom is not of this world our king is not of this world we have a king his name is jesus and he said i'm still here the same yesterday today and forevermore i am the lord thy god i change not i'm going to say that again i am the lord thy god i change not i am the lord thy god i change not lord that's good news that's good news when you live in a world where you don't know you meet the same person you met on monday and wonder wednesday is that the same person the person who promised you love on wednesday has got your divorce papers on tuesday you don't know what's going to happen from day to day the company who said they appreciated you let you go next week you don't know what's going on god said i'm not like any of them i have not forgotten you because i foreknew you i for knew you like jesus for knew john before he met him in the jordan river he had met him in his mother's womb the babies had leaped when the women had kissed they were filled with the holy ghost god said your relationship with me did not start with your birthday i foreknew you before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee i ordained thee and i sanctified thee to be a prophet unto the nation i am your god not your buddy i am your god not your friend i am your god not your daddy i'm not a dead be dead i'm not somebody that will reject you i'm not a woman who didn't want to have a baby i will not abort my promise concerning you i am your god and i'm in it when you're out of it and i'm standing here when you fail and i'm strong when you're weak and i'm healing when you're sick and i'm life when you're dead and i'm peace when you're confused i'm god i changed not this point in the text he begins to teach the people of god to understand from a 40 000 foot view that god has a plan for his people and he weaves throughout the book of romans the plan of god talking first about the gentiles and then about the jews weaving it together and about chapter 3 3 or 4 he concludes him all in unbelief and makes both the jew and the gentile come into one door and that is the door of faith why do we come to god by faith because if we came by facts we'd have to have intelligence in order to come he had to fix the door where the illiterate and the intellectual would come through the same door i'm proud of your degrees i'm proud of your accomplishment i'm proud of the many accolades that have been bestowed upon you but you don't get to god because you're smart you get to god because you believe and if you believe god it is counted under you as righteousness if you're going to impress god it's not your money that impresses god it's your faith without your faith it is impossible to please god that's the text we have before us today that's the text we had before the common denominator that brings both the jew and the gentile rushing through the same door there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in christ jesus who walked no longer after the flesh but after the spirit that's the god that we're talking about right now that's the god that's before us in this text who's faithful when you are foolish i said he is faithful when you are foolish i know you need to act like you've never been foolish but the truth of the matter there's not a person listening at me right now who has not been foolish and walked in your own way and walked away from god and did your own thing and had to come stumbling back to the cross asking god for mercy and he was right where you left him he was there all the time he was there in your pain and in your suffering and your agony god has not forgotten his people say that with me god has not forgotten his people say it again god has not forgotten his people say it again god has not forgotten his spirit said again god has not forgotten his people say it again god has not forgotten his people i have to tell you this blesses me i don't know what it does for you but it blesses me because i admit sometimes i feel forgotten i feel forgotten by everybody and everything i've helped people who forgot i've loaned money to people who forgot i've comforted people who forgot i stood by people who forgot i opened doors for people who forgot and i have to admit that sometimes it just gives me comfort to know that god has not forgotten me god has not forgotten the bible said god is not unjust to forget your labor of love and that you have ministered to the saints and do ministry that god remembers when other people forget god has not forgotten you know why god is loyal god is loyal god is consistent we're talking about the loyalty of god and the reason i'm ministering the loyalty of god is because i'm ministering the loyalty of god in an atmosphere of total feelings of abandonment i have never seen a year like 2020 that has challenged us more deeply down to the core of our existence we feel abandoned by truth abandoned by justice abandoned by mercy abandoned by leadership abandoned by families and friends and the feeling of abandonment is pervasive now excuse me if you don't get blessed because if you never felt abandoned then loyalty doesn't mean much but if you've ever been abandoned it's helpful to understand that god is saying i will not do you like they did i will not leave you like they did i will not forget you like they did i will not abuse you like they did i will not forsake you like they did god is saying i will not treat you like you treat me i will not abandon you in spite of how you feel in spite of your circumstance in spite of your economy in spite of your politics in spite of your government in spite of your world in spite of the chaos of the times god says i'm still here in the pandemic with you in the fiery furnace with you i'm right there with you in the unemployment line i'm with you in the hospital i'm with you in despair i'm with you in feeling forsaken i'm still with you god is saying i am still with you seek the lord while he may be found call ye upon him while he's yet near let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts i am not like your father i will not abandon you i will comfort you as a hen gathers her eggs i will comfort you i'm fighting against the feeling of abandonment every time you see somebody shot down you feel abandoned every time you see the wrong person adjudicated and dismissed from being apprehended and seeing justice not work it makes you feel abandoned every time you can't get in the grocery store and buy what you need and you have to watch everybody else getting what they want you feel abandoned every time justice walks past your house you feel abandoned every time people look over top of you as if you're not a person you feel abandoned god said i'm not like them i will not abandon you oh somebody type god is loyal god is loyal with you in the storm and in the test and in the trial and god says you cannot afford to walk in your feelings you cannot afford to walk in your emotions you cannot afford to walk in your abandonment you cannot afford to walk in your childhood you cannot afford to walk in your trauma you cannot afford to walk in your strife god is loyalty we are talking about the loyalty of god then the writer goes further and he starts giving the example of elijah who has the feeling of abandonment not because he's not anointed you can be anointed and still feel abandoned elijah is anointed he called down fire on mount carmel he called out fire on mount carmel he overcame all the prophets of baal he rose up against him he called down fire swallowed up 450 prophets of baal and turned around and ran like a little girl because you can be anointed and still feel abandoned and he said i'm running not just because i'm afraid of jezebel i'm running not just because i'm worried about ahab i'm running because i feel alone and i want to talk to some people who feel alone alone in your house alone in your apartment alone by yourself alone in your marriage yeah you can be married and still be alone alone in your ministry alone in your faith and you feel abandoned and forsaken and you're by yourself that's what made elijah run and that's why paul brings him up in the text elijah was running from a feeling it wasn't just a woman he said i'm running because i'm alone and i'm by myself i killed the prophets i got the victory but what good is victory if i'm abandoned i want to talk to people who have great victory and you feel guilty because you're not enjoying your victory because you feel abandoned and you feel forsaken and you thought victory would be better and you got the job and you got the house and you got the car and you forgot how blessed you are because none of it brought you the joy that you thought it was going to bring you and there you begin to recognize the house as just a bill and the car is just a note to be paid and all of a sudden you've got all of this stuff but you're wondering why you're running you're running because you feel alone and elijah was feeling alone and he gets up under the juniper tree and he says i am alone i'm anointed but i'm alone i'm gifted but i'm alone i'm i'm powerful but i'm by myself there are none left but me i am by myself and god says to him are you crazy i've got seven thousand that have not bound to bail nor kiss and nasty i mean i got people you never met yet i got doors in front of you that you haven't even seen yet i got blessings you haven't even touched yet i got revelations you haven't even seen yet i got power you haven't even touched yet i got victory you haven't even laid don't you know i am god i'm still god i'm god in the face of ahab i'm god in the face of jezebel and god in the face of rome i'm gone in the face of america i'm god in the unemployment line i'm god in the hospital room i'm gone in a time of trouble of god in a time of agony i'm god in your affliction i'm god in your divorce i'm god in your crisis i am god i'm not your boyfriend i'm god i'm not your girlfriend i'm god oh god you don't hear me i feel the anointing i feel the anointing of the holy ghost we're talking about the loyalty of god and we're weighing it against the feelings of men and the feelings of man says i am alone and i am abandoned and i am forsaken and i am here by myself and the loyalty of god says that is a lie i've got resources you haven't touched yet and to somebody listening at me right now i'm calling on a revolution in your mind to stop coming to god talking about how you feel and start talking to god about who he is stop going to god and talk about i feel like when i feel like giving up i feel like walking away i don't feel appreciated i don't feel this is you don't come to god by feelings you come to god by faith and in order to have faith you got to start talking god talk you can't be talking man talk you got to talk god talk you can't be telling god what's wrong god already knows what's wrong if you're going to come to him you got to come by faith stop whining to god god is not your therapist god is not your counselor god would not know when you were potty trained he doesn't need to know when you were potty praying you don't need to bring your doubt bring your faith god i thank you you're loyal god i thank you you're faithful god i think you're you're consistent god i thank you you're able god i think that you got power god i thank you you've got mercy god i know who you are i mean i see him but i know you got help i know you got profits i know you got to help i know you got resources god said i've got 7 000 prophets man that you have not even seen i want to close talking to you about what you have not seen you keep praying about what you see and god keeps talking about what you don't see elijah is running because of what he sees god is talking to him about what you you don't see i've got 7 000 prophets that have not vowed to build nor kiss a nasty image you are not in this thing by yourself i got help you haven't touched yet i've got resources you haven't built into god wants to talk to you about the unseen the bible said your eyes have not seen your ears have not heard neither have they entertained the heart of man the things that god has in store for them that love him if you're gonna climb out of this ditch you're gonna climb out in the unseen some of y'all are trying to climb out and what you see you'll never get out of it talking about what you see you got to climb out of that ditch and what you don't see i know you got blessings i haven't seen yet i know you got doors that are about to open in my life i know you got blessings i haven't tapped into you i know you got things ahead of me that's greater than what's behind me i know my tomorrow is better than my day i know my latter end is greater than my beginning i know that greater is the end of a thing than the beginning of a thing god wants to talk to you about what's next not what was not what used to be not even what is god wants to talk to you about what's next in my text today god is challenging you to open your heart and open your mind and open your spirit beyond how you feel and beyond what you see and beyond feeling abandoned and beyond feeling rejected and beyond feeling scared and beyond feeling uncertain if you're gonna climb out of this ditch i'm gonna give you a rope to climb out of this ditch get your hands on the rope you never see anybody climbing up a rope looking down whenever people are climbing up a rope they're always looking up and god said you've been down in the pit too long but i'm getting ready to throw you a rope this sunday and you're climbing out by this rope and in order to climb up this rope you got to start looking up you still got to start looking at tomorrow you got to start to understand what your eyes have not seen and your ears have not heard you got to start counting money that hadn't come yet you got to start walking in health you don't feel yet you got to start walking in wisdom you haven't realized yet y'all don't hear what i'm saying god god god he's faithful he's consistent he's loyal he's immutable he's everlasting he's eternal he's god he's wonderful he's a counselor he's a mighty god he's a prince of peace he's an everlasting father he's a kinsman he's a redeemer he's a day star he's a trumpet he's a shield he's a buckler excuse me he's the lily of the valley i thought i'd pick him up he's a bright and morning star he's my hope in the middle of hopelessness he's my joy in the military he's my peace in the middle of confusion god is the joy and the strength of my life he moves on pain misery and strife the faithfulness of god the problem in our world my god i feel it the problem in our world today is we have raised a generation of people who know church but they don't know god they know church they know when to raise their hand they know when to wear white they know when to put on skinny jeans they know when to be slain in the spirit they know how to fall back you know church but the test is on that you might know god you'll never have power just knowing church you'll never have glory just knowing church you'll never have deliverance just knowing church you'll never have a breakthrough just knowing oh my god i feel holy you'll never have a breakthrough just knowing church but i dare you this morning to get down on your knees like your grandmother did and start calling on the name of jesus oh that i may know you in the fellowship of your submarine and the power of your all that happened i'm talking to you about the loyalty of god because he foreknew you nothing that you have gone through has shocked him wait a minute he foreign nothing that you have gone through has shocked him nothing that you've discovered about yourself has shocked him nothing that you hold secret about yourself has shocked him the text says he foreknew you god does not forget those he foreknew the bible says in the last days many shall come and say i did great works in your name i heal the sick in the name i raised the dead in your name and he said depart from me ye workers of iniquity not you didn't know me he says i never knew you i'm happy this morning [Music] because he knows me i am known of god my wife is learning me my god knows me my children are learning me my god knows me i'm learning me my god knows me i am known of god when the pandemic first hit my wife and i were talking and i said you want to get some take out and she said no i don't want no takeout i said why not i said people are the restaurants are all switching to take out you can get a app and you can just get some take-up she said no if i cook it i know what's in it and she said right now because of the times we're living in i need to be sure what's in what i'm putting in my mouth god knows you like my wife knows what's in her recipe because he was there when you were stirred up and as time and heat and life and processing and refrigeration brings things out of you that you didn't know were in you god already knew they were in you in another place paul says those he did for know he did predestine and those he predestined he called and those he called he justified those he justified glorified [Music] lift your hands right where you are forget about what you got on and who's around you [Music] and when you raise your hands there's an openness and a vulnerability when you raise your hands and lift them and know that everything from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet god's already searched he's already known you there's not anything in you not a pinch not a dab of anything that he doesn't know the bible says all things are open before him with whom we have to do so when god says i will not forsake you [Music] you don't have to worry about him discovering something to say oh i didn't know that was there i didn't mean that part right there he knows you [Music] he's with you one of my favorite hymns is greatest our faithfulness and the reason i love the hymn i cannot say over the 43 years of my ministry that i've always been faithful to god [Music] but i promise you [Music] he's been faithful to me whether you're watching me in a prison sale or a hospital room whether you're in a penthouse suite or a jail block [Music] god's been faithful whether you hire people or you're unemployed whether you're running the company or lost the company god's been faithful now everybody will be with you when you're up [Music] but god will be loyal to you in a down season and it's just a season you hear that it's just a season he'll be loyal to you all the way this sunday morning god asked me to remind you [Music] that he's loyal that you might be delayed but you're not denied that god has not forgotten all those that are truly his [Music] and if you are his this morning as the old folks say he may not come when you want him [Music] but he's right on time what do you say to the loyalty of god if you're grateful for it this morning if you realize it this morning if you taste it this morning if you sense it this morning turn that kitchen into a church [Music] turn that bedroom into a storefront and open your mouth and give god praise and give him glory and bless his name greatest high faithfulness [Music] greatest our faithfulness people will come and people will go [Music] seasons will come and they will go but if you want to be left standing when all this craziness is over give him the glory right where you are tap into his loyalty and start bragging about how faithful he is when people ask you how y'all tell them god's faithful [Music] he'll meet you right where you are i want you to play that for me one more time and i want you to think about how loyal god has been [Music] so [Music] [Music] dr marcus dawson all i have needed the hands have provided [Music] i want to pray for needs this morning [Music] we talked about the loyalty of god we've talked about those moments when you feel abandoned we've talked about those moments when the systems of this world around you begin to cave and quake and shake and break and you wonder where is god [Music] i want to pray for the needs the drive and elijah to a journal juniper tree i want to talk i want to pray for the people who are so powerful over here called down fire from heaven over here and so weak over there and everybody calls on you because you caught fire down from heaven but when you're up under the juniper tree nobody's there and you're there all by yourself i want to pray for people who feel [Music] abandoned father right now [Music] these are your children their needs are your needs their pains or your pains their burdens are your burdens they come to you with their hands raised and their hearts open just as surely as you fed elijah feed them this morning if you have to bring it through a raven feed them this morning [Music] and strengthen your people great god that you are let your power and your glory saturate your people today in the supernatural name of jesus i thank you in advance for what you're about to do in the hearts and the lives of your people who have come to a breaking point and a falling point and a stumbling point and a weeping point and a wrestling point and they need you they need they need you they need you they need you they need you they need you they need you some can't get over the grief some can't get over the pain some can't get over it they're trying they can't get over it oh god oh god let strength rise up like an artesian will let peace spring up out of their belly let living waters saturate their soul let new realms of peace come into their spirit i pray in jesus name that they would never be the same again press down press down shake it together as i close this prayer i just want to thank you for being the god of the shipwreck to being the god of the broken heart for being married to the backslider i just want to thank you for riding on the boat when the boat is filled with water ow let me thank you jesus for being god in a hospital room god in a nursing home god in a crisis center god in a halfway house god in the time of my affliction guarding a god in recovery rooms i want to thank you lord for your loyalty you never left me you never forsook me and i believe you for it today now lord as we come to the close of this service [Music] let your anointing abide with us let your peace and power saturate us let us go through the rest of our day whispering to you driving down the road talking to you while we're doing our laundry let us keep talking to you because everywhere we go and everywhere we be you're right there in the midst of us for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory well without it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we pray amen amen and amen put your hands together give the lord a praise thank him for today thank you for today thank him for today thank him for his loyalty thank him for his patience thank you for his mercy thank him for his kindness we love you we're praying for you may god be with you till we meet again in jesus name take care [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 531,267
Rating: 4.8859758 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, theloyaltyofgod, sundayservice, tdjakes, loyalty of god, gods loyalty
Id: YqdXOIuqLJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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