The Silent Sermons of God! - Bishop T.D. Jakes

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[Music] hallelujah to those of you that are in the sanctuary remain standing for those of you that are not prepare your hearts as we go into the word of god i'm gonna be in a scripture you almost don't even have to read especially you belong to the polish house jeremiah 18 2 9 should be the very sub-stratum of our church oddly enough for our church to be named upon his house i almost never preach out of this text but the holy spirit has driven us to this text today not because it supports and undergirds the name of this church but there is morsels and elements of truth that god wants to feed his people out of jeremiah 18 2-9 when you have it saved man arise and go down to the palace house and there i will cause thee to hear my words then i went down to the potter's house and behold he rather work on the wheels and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter so he made it again another vessel as seemed good to the potter to make it then then then then all of that happened first then the word of the lord came to me saying oh a house of israel cannot do with you as this potter saith the lord behold as the clay is in the part of his hand so are ye in my hand old house of israel at what instance i shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to pluck up and to pull down and to destroy it if that nation against whom i have pronounced turned from their evil i will repent of the evil that i thought to do unto them and at what instant i shall speak concerning a nation and concerning a kingdom to build to build and to plant it may the lord add a blessing to the reading of his word take me back to verse 4 for just a moment and the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter so the word so so it speaks to something that we cannot hear it is very important we are listening at the decision making process of the potter and from that i would like to extrapolate the thought the silent sermons of god the silent sermons of god spirit of the living god for fresh i need a fresh anointing you've given me a fresh word i need a fresh anointing give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil [Music] is the kingdom has the power and the glory in jesus name somebody shout amen all right settle yourself down let's get ready let's talk about the silent sermons of god whenever god speaks we know that he has verbal integrity we have been taught on and on and on about the word of god and the power of that word and that that word has verbal integrity means that god cannot lie that he is able to accomplish whatsoever he says also that he has the ability through his word to provoke change if it wasn't what he said when he said it it will become what he said after he said it his word provokes change he created the world with the spoken word we know that we know that for sure he established the nation of israel with his written word they weren't a nation until they had the ten commandments it was by his written word that he established the nation of israel god does everything almost everything by his word he introduced his coming through through the prophets of old and the bible says in hebrews a god who at sundry times and in diverse matters has spoken unto us by the prophets but have in this last day spoken unto us by through his son the message perpetuated itself through the prophets the sages of the ages announce the very coming of the messiah itself you must understand that he spoke the word and the centurion servant was healed not even needing to go in the house he sent his word and the word got the job done in the gospel of saint john it is quite clear it talks about in the gospel he is described as a word made flesh most of the prophets begin their utterance in the old testament thus saith the lord thus saith the lord and when the prophet said thus saith the lord it didn't matter who he was talking to whether it was the king or potentate thus saith the lord trumped everything else canceled everything else thus saith the lord declared definitively that's it that's the end of it if god said it that's center but what about the times when god says nothing at all i know how to respond when god speaks i know how to humble myself when god speaks i know how to prostrate myself when god speaks i know how to repent when god speaks i know how to surrender when god speaks i know how to throw my hands up and give up when god speaks i know how to obey when god speaks i was taught obedience before i got to church i was taught obedience in the house i know how to obey when god speaks but what about when god says nothing at all is he any less powerful in his silence that he is in his statements how are we guided through the moments of divine silence our bible is a collection of moments when god spoke but there were years in between his speaking years passed in the life of abraham where god said nothing at all and abraham walked with god longer in silence than he did in statements away with all the people who are talking about what god told them every morning like they just had coffee and donuts down at starbucks with jesus god is not a chatterbox he doesn't run off at the mouth he doesn't just go on and on his words are too powerful to be frequent most people who talk all the time their words don't have no power when your words have real power you don't say much cause you don't have to whatever little bit you said that's gonna shift the whole thing you must understand that that most of the patriarchs of all work with god for years having god say nothing at all god tells abraham take now thy son that only son and go to a place i will show you i will show you that i will tell you i will show you and there offer him up as a burnt offering and abraham saddles up the ass and loads up his stock and puts his son in the cart and they head out for a place that god says nothing about god says i'll show it to you can you walk with god in silence and it must have been several days journey that they went because the bible said when they were three days off god only knows how many days they walked to get three days off abraham looked up and saw the place of far off and an angel said nothing and god said nothing he just knew it because abraham knew how to detect the silent sermons of god albert hubbard the 20th century author and writer who made a quote that i want to share with you he who does not understand your silence will probably not understand your words he who does not understand your silence will probably not understand you where you might as well stain your breath the old adage that is often heard today says i would rather see a sermon than hear one but do we really see them that is the question do we really see the silent sirens of god do we really detect the silent sermons of god in our text today we we are watching a prophet a speaker a sage a talker being shushed to silence as god told him to go down to the potter's house and there i will speak to you but when he gets to the potter's house god says nothing at all so jeremiah sits down and just watches because if god is not saying anything it doesn't mean that he's not saying anything without god opening up his mouth the sermon was to be seen and not heard and he brings the prophet down to the potter's house and there he just watches what's going on and what is amazing about it for me to go to a potter's house would be a treat because that's not my norm but in jeremiah's day the potter's house was like going to the mall it was normal pottery has gone back to about 14 000 years before christ [Music] our oldest antiquities of civilization have proven that the ancient mayans and people all over the world and asians if we find nothing left of them we find their pottery are you hearing what i'm saying to you so pottery was a part of his life and god says go down to a place that's normal and stare at it and i'm going to give you the solid sermons of god i think we do not see the sermons of god today because we are too busy we go in to get what we came to get give me two of them and one of them and we we check it out and we go on about our business and we are too busy to sit down and just stare and maybe that's why god has shut us down maybe god has shut us down to sit us down so that we can hear the silent sermons of god maybe god has removed the clutter and the noise and the busyness has shattered your schedule and disrupted your life so that you can notice the things that you have been overlooking simple things like your children or your wife or your husband or your life maybe god canceled your schedule because you were too busy to hear the silent sermons of god jeremiah is a busy prophet he is a weeping prophet he is speaking to nations but god canceled his schedule preacher god shut down his date book and said i want you to go down to a normal place and sit down and just stare this is a moment in history for the silent sermons of god to hear what the spirit is saying to the church not what the people are saying not what the preachers are saying not what the stats are saying not what the news is saying to hear what the spirit is saying to the church and often the spirit speaks without the lips moving oh he that has it here let him hear what the spirit is saying to the church because everybody will not hear it because the frequency of the spirit is not always audible with groanings and moanings that can not be lettered the holy spirit speaks in the silent sermons of god and jeremiah sees an extraordinary thing in an ordinary place great god you missed that jeremiah sees an extraordinary thing in an ordinary place we've been asking god to show us something extraordinary and god's been saying stare at something ordinary or y'all don't hear me stare at something ordinary right in front of your face did i know most of the miracles in the bible were done with things that were already in their house [Music] things that they already had god brought miracles out of what we overlooked and jeremiah you've been overlooking my sermons so go down and stare now clay comes from the ground usually in areas where streams of rivers once flowed clay is at its best when it's made from minerals from plants and so and life and animals that have collected in in dirt that water has passed over and over in all the ingredients of the soil over time and water and pressure breaks up the remains of the flora enabling the fauna and the minerals to be pulverized into particles that then become pliable enough to be clay you're not clay just cause you're on the ground you're you're clay because you enough water has passed over you and enough things have been died around you and enough deposits have been made inside of you that you have become pliable not everybody is clay don't marry anybody that's not clay don't don't don't hire anybody that's not clay don't connect on everything that comes off the ground is clay there is a difference between dirt and clay oh are you pliable can i work with you can i move with you can you flow with me can you change with me have you been through enough that you are crazy some of you are trying them all with jacks [Music] you can't make a vase out of that [Applause] though the clay is found on the ground it is not the ground it has been through enough to have gone through a metamorphosis that separates it from its environment to the point that it has become pliable pliability is an indication of experience when you've been through enough you become pliable you become adaptable you become relatable when you've been through enough you know how to rock with it if you know how to roll with it and you know how to shift with it when you've been through enough and enough has passed through you you've changed in your composite that you might look like dirt but you're pliable somebody right on the timeline i'm pliable i know how to base and abound i'm in season and out of season i know how to survive good times at bad times i know how to work with whatever's thrown at me i can make it through the winter and i can make it through a hot summer i'm pliable if it rains i got a raincoat if it's hot i'll take it all i know how to be pliable whatever season i'm in i can be content cause i'm not just dirt i'm clay and this is the silent sermons of god can i preach this morning i got up at the bed this morning to bring your word this morning i got out out of the bed to impart unto you that if enough has passed over you and enough has planned been planted in you and enough has withered around you it has affected your ability to be to develop the elasticity that it takes to be a survivor let me hear from my survivors i want to hear from my survivors oh no no no i don't want to hear from the saints i want to hear from the survivors the saints can talk later i want to hear from the survivor a lot has passed over you and you're still here survivors make some noise yes yes [Music] and so i thought i would start the sermon by talking about the potter's hand for the potter's hand has reached down into the ground and extracted from the dirt the clay he thought most usable and the reason i want you to see this image of the stooping potter is that when jeremiah's looking at the potter stooping down into the ground to pull up the clay my mind went back to god you realize my our first glimpse of god was a god stooping over the earth to establish that this part of the jeremiah is looking at is just a shadow of the real partner who stooped down the living touching the lifeless the celestial touching the terrestrial the divine touching the human the miraculous touching the monday we have a god who can stoop to and god a potter stoops down and pulls up the clay we get a picture of god's commitment to touch the lifeless if there are any lifeless people listening at me and you cannot reach god don't worry he stoops [Music] he will come where you are he's not afraid to get his hands dirty he's not afraid to get down into the muddy messy business of formation some people only want to finish product i listen to them talking about dating before the service started most people are dating looking for the finished product but god is not looking for the finished product he'll come and get into the messy business of formation oh the living touching the lifeless is a picture of the incarnation itself that god in his divinity would wrap himself up in humanity is holiness dressed in wretchedness the incarnation of christ is the word made fresh the word wrapped in clay that's all he needed mary for he was the word before mary's mama met her daddy but he said mary i need to borrow some clay and the spirit of god came up on her not even saying a word when he did it but it was to make the silent sermon that we call jesus who is the word walking in the garden uh write that down the word walks the word walks it's not just that the word talks it's that the word walks the word walks the word walks the walking word is a picture of jesus a jesus indicating to us that god stoops in fact jesus himself is god stooping jesus himself is god reducing himself down to his lowest common denominator that he could come on a plane that we could behold the wonder of his glory when god got ready to stoop he stooped in jesus no wonder he says that he is the potter and we are the clay because we have a stupid god so i wanted to talk a little bit about the father's hand because i saw the potter's hand in the making of adam i saw the potter's hand and the incarnation i saw the potter's hand and the woman taken in adultery you were remembering the new testament when they caught that woman taking an adultery and they asked jesus what's saith thou about these things and he didn't answer them a word [Music] when he didn't answer them a word i said this is a silent sermon the bible said rather than say anything he's stupid he stooped down that's what he did no you don't get it yet that's what he did when he saved you he stooped down that's what he did when he washed you he stooped down that's what he did when he called you he's a stupid god oh my god the bible said rather than to argue with the pharisees and the sadducees jesus never said why he said let me give you a solid simon and he stooped down thank you lord for stooping for me [Music] i could not reach you i could not touch you i could not live up to your word i really tried i can't do it i wanted to be everything you wanted me to be but i couldn't do it and when i could not reach high enough thank you that you're you reach low enough and your arm is not short that you cannot save and your ear is not heavy that you cannot hear he stooped for me that's why i have to praise him for you praise may be optional because maybe you had an eye-to-eye encounter with god but i have to praise him because i am a product of god's silent sermon he stooped down for me he came where i was [Applause] it occurred to me that jeremiah never got to see where the clare where the clay came from that he showed up on the scene after the clay had been selected that god did not divulge the past of the clay [Laughter] ah if people could see where god pulled you from now you're deacon so and so now you profit so and so now your apostle this and that now you've been but god didn't even let the prophets see where he selected the clay from he said this is personal jeremiah arrives on the scene when the clay is on the wheel god does not allow him to see the back parts the hidden parts the private parts the broken parts the messy parts you see if you're going to be a part of you can't be afraid to get your hands dirty this is a messy business redemption is a messy business everybody who's called thinks they're called to preach is not ready to preach redemption is a messy business and you have to be ready to get your hands dirty we are introduced to both the potter and the clay on the wheel when jeremiah starts writing he says the work that he wrought on the wheel in other words jeremiah starts watching in the spin cycle the clay is in the spin cycle now i want to i want a digressive woman i was talking to one of our pastors i was telling him all through 2019 i was preaching about it feels like we're racing towards something and i didn't know what it was i told my wife it feels like i'm racing towards some and i don't know what it is everything keeps getting faster and faster in the world and it feels like we're headed for something i can feel it all through 2019 i didn't know what it was but i knew we were headed towards something in 2020 we hit it we stepped into the scene in the sprint cycle point two the potter's wheel is the spin cycle when god gets ready to make something out of you he puts you in the spin cycle he puts you in the spin cycle where everything is a blur in the spin cycle i've been pastoring this stretch soon to be 25 years and when i look back at it it's almost a blur it doesn't feel like 25 years everything was happening so fast i can't even describe everything about it i'm still trying to dissect it because i was in the spin cycle some of you don't understand what you've been going through but you've been in the spin cycle your life has been in a blur but you've been in the spin cycle you don't rest as good as you'd like to rest because you've been in the spin cycle you don't know what to say about how you feel because you've been in the spit cycle people ask you how you're doing you give them some candy apple answer because you haven't even diagnosed how you're doing because everything's going around so fast so fast so fast and all you know is that you're in the sprint cycle can i talk to somebody in this place who's been in the spring cycle all hell is breaking loose good things are happening now bad things are happening there sometimes you feel up and sometimes you feel down sometimes everything's going so fast you you can't even describe it or explain it or fully see it because you're in the spin cycle but the lord told me to tell you he controls the speed of the spin the lord told me to tell you he controls the speed of the spin that no matter how fast it may seem to you god knows just how fast to spin the wheel without allowing you to fall off and he told me to tell you to take notice of the fact that you're still here that no matter how fast your life was spinning god sustained you because he controls the speed of the spirit somebody say he controls the speed of the spin don't be don't be worried don't be anxious don't be worried because god controls the speed of the spirit he knows how fast to take you to shape you into what he wants you to be he controls the speed of the spin people coming in in your life and people going out of your life and people clapping for you and people trying to crucify you sometimes all in the same day you get a good call and a bad call you get something that lifts you up you get something that takes you down and god said don't worry about it it's not them in control god said i control the speed of the spirit i don't know who that's for but the lord told me to be sure and tell you that while his hand is moving on the top his feet is moving at the bottom for the feet of the part of control the spinning of the wheel and god said i'm controlling the speed of the spirit it's not your mama it's not your enemies it's not your haters it's not your naysayers it's not your ex-husband it's not your ex-wife god [Applause] god controls the speed of the spin and while the clay is spinning the potter says nothing at all lord how long will my life be in the uproar i had to move over here and then i had to move over there and by the time we got settled in here we had to move again and this job shut down i had to go to that job and all the while it was spinning the potter says nothing at all because he has placed you on the wheel and he's shaping you in the spin the only thing he does is every now and then while he's spinning while it's spinning he touches you throw your hands up and say touch me jesus if you're not going to stop the spin just touch me every night then if you're not going to stop the spin just touch me every now and then if you're not going to talk to spin just if you just let me know that you're still there though the storms keep on blowing though the winds keep on raging so all hell keeps breaking look if you just touch me every now and then the spinning is spinning the wheel is turning everything's getting faster and faster and i cannot get a word from the prophet so i will settle for do you know how many times i would have fell out of the wheel if he hadn't touched me do you know how many times i would have slid off the wheel if he hadn't touched me and established my going in and coming out he didn't explain anything to me pastor he just touched me he didn't let me know how long i was going to have to spend he just touched me that's why i'm coming to get the word because i need a touch from the lord i'm wondering if there's anybody in here that needs to touch a touch a touch from the lord i need a touch from the lord if you don't talk to me touch me if you don't stop it touch me if i go through it again and again just touch me hey in the middle of the spin every night then he touches me soft touches soft touches with the potter make a big difference he doesn't have to make a hard push just a soft touch will make a big change and if you've been going through a spin right now i want you to lift your hands and for the next 60 seconds i want you to ask god for a soft touch just a touch just a touch just a touch just a touch just to touch just to touch just a touch just a touch just to touch i say if you touch me if you touch me i can take it if you touch me i can make it if you touch me i can stand if you touch me i can hold on if you touch me i won't fall off if you touch me i won't backslide if you touch me i will stand the enemy if you touch me i'll endure touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touch touchdown i'm in a sprint cycle i'm in a sprint cycle i'm in a smith i'm in a spit god i'm in a spit i'm in a spirit and i need a touch i don't know about my sister i don't know about my brother but i need a touch from you lord every time the enemy thought he had me god touched me every time i had gotten too close to the edge of the wheel and i was about to fall off preaching i was about to have a nervous breakdown but god touched me i cried all night but he touched me i was confused all week but he he touched me oh he touched me he would he wouldn't talk to me jackie but he touched me just a touch i lost my mother he didn't explain it but he touched me i lost my father crying myself to sleep thought i was going crazy but he attached a touch from god is all you need lost my job still can remember walking across the parking lot crying wondering how i was gonna feed my family but he touched me and i want you to see the wheel because it is on the wheel where the touching occurs it is on the wheel where the shaping occurs it is on the wheel where the metamorphosis occurs and all of a sudden a lump of clay begins to look like something if it doesn't spin it doesn't take shape stop avoiding the spin because you'll never be what he had in mind until you're willing to jump into the spin cycle oh god i hear something the problem with the entire text can i preach on a few minutes the problem with the whole text with me from a theological perspective is that the vessel that he made of clay the the the clay didn't make itself the vessel that he made of clay jeremiah says was marred in the hand of the potter and that's the problem with the text because because i have always thought that if i was really in his hand then nothing could go wrong if i really belong to god i can't be hurt if god has got to hold to my life i thought i wouldn't go through anything but the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hands of listen and how carefully jeremiah describes this he doesn't say that the potter made a mistake he doesn't even blame the clay it just happened did you get that that's so beautiful i don't think half of them got that but if you got that that was worth me getting up this morning it just happened stop trying to understand things that just the bible said oh the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter he doesn't say that the clay did wrong he doesn't say that the partner did wrong marcus he just says it just happened i have a prophetic word for somebody who's been asking god for months why and god said it just happened the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the powder which means that the vessel got damaged in the process that the vessel got damaged in the process how can a couple who spend all all of their money to celebrate their love in a wedding and exchange their nupitas in front of all of their friends and throw rice and kiss and make love for weeks end up so angry with each other that they abhor the breath of the person that you could not get their tongue out of their mouth in the wedding excuse my candor it was damaged in the process how can the baby that you heal and you couldn't you couldn't put the baby down and you held the baby so long you let the baby sleep in the bed with you you held the baby while you was cooking you held a baby while you sitting on the toilet this is my baby this is my baby you got 175 000 pictures of different angles of the baby's face and then they grow up and say something so smart you think i will slap every one of your teeth down your throat until you get indigestion and cough up [ __ ] because it gets damaged in the process how can the job that you prayed for and fasted for and have all your friends praying that you would get it and you was crying on your first day at work and now you're crying because you gotta go to work [Applause] because we are damaged in the process there is not a person in this room or watching on this stream or watching online from anywhere in the world who has not been damaged in the process you are here you you're a survivor you just got through shouting i survived i'm here yeah but i'm damaged in the process i listened at them talking about dating and how they wanted to be whole before they met anybody but the truth of the matter is you can't live to be 30 and 40 years old and not be what you really need is somebody who can accept your scars and your flaws and your brokenness because the truth of the matter is the longer you live even though you're in the potter's hand the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter god of mercy don't leave me out there by myself damaged people make some noise damaged people make some noise damaged people make some noise my ministry has always been the hurting people they said i wouldn't have anybody if i went after hurting people and i've been preaching 43 years and i haven't run out of people yet damaged people make some noise damaged the damage the damage in the process the vessel that he made of clay he made it he made it was marred in the hand of the potter and all of a sudden this word so leaps into the text the soul is the response to the dilemma of what happened look at somebody or type on screen something happened to me something happened to me something happened to me you you should have met me before something happened to me i wish you to know me before something happened to me what you're seeing is what's left after something happened to me something something happened to me can i be real with you something something happened to me i used to laugh louder i used to be more fun i used to be more jovial i used to be more trusting i used to be more expressive but something happened to me and now jeremiah watches the potter who has gone through all the investment of lifting the clay out from the soil extracting all the debris that was in it of shaping it and wetting it and putting it on the wheel and spinning it and molding it and making it and now it is something has happened to it and so the soul is a suspended phrase that demands a verdict it is a moment where the jury has gone out and the trial has been suspended waiting on a verdict the evidence has been entered into the court docket that proves that the vessel is guilty of being marred there is no question to the authenticity of the depth of the scar but we are waiting for the jury to come back in to determine the outcome of the trial because there is no dispute as to the authenticity of the occurrence it is a suspended moment the soul has got the whole text in jeopardy it's got the whole moment hell it has put us all on paul the soul is the same thing that in music would be an augmented chord an augmented chord give me an augmented chord an augmented chord is a suspended chord there you go there you go that's an augmented chord when a singer hears the augmented chord that is a suspended moment it means the introduction has been played and the augmented chord means that something is about to happen play it again [Music] this this text is suspended suspended by the nail holes of two words so will he throw it down [Music] and start over again will he walk away and be frustrated will he give in and present it broken we don't know the jury is out the soul means that the jury is out and so all of a sudden we come we come face to face with this moment in time where we are waiting on an answer and we are waiting on the premise of a word s o no wonder the bible somebody say so somebody say so somebody say so no wonder the bible said let the redeemed of the lord say let the redeemed of the lord say let the redeemed of the lord say let the redeemed of the lord say that is that that is how we got redeemed we got redeemed in the silent sermon of god where god is making a judicial decision about someone who is obviously guilty and something has happened can i go deeper the silence is pervasive how long will the jury be out i cannot tell i cannot tell how long the jury will be out i do know that god told abraham i'm going to bring your children into egypt and i'm going to bring them out with great substance and i do know that they went in 430 years and at the end of 30 years they went from being guests to being slaves and for 400 years they were enslaved in egypt and for 400 years god said nothing 400 years they were suspended on a soul i do know that from the book of malachi to the gospel of saint matthew god again gives us 400 years of canonical silence and for 400 years we are suspended on a soul i do know that christ was crucified on the cross no different than the thieves beside him and on friday the gospel was suspended and on saturday the gospel was suspended but early sunday morning god came and took us out of suspension and responded with his decision when he raised him from the dead so [Music] he made it again another vessel he made it again another vessel he made it again another vessel now he has done something that is miraculous you can either make it or you can make it another but only god can make it again another you can either make it or you can make another one you can make a cake and if it goes bad you can either go ahead and serve it or you can make another one once you've baked it you can't remake it but only god can make the same cake again another it is it but it's not it it is the same but it's not the same all of this is point three the potter's choice and god's choice he made it again another it is me but it's not me i am the same but i'm not the same he made it again another i am another people who knew you before they come to you looking for it and you have to tell them i'm another i look like it but i'm another he made it again another that is redemption he made it again another blind bartimaeus was the same and yet he was another the woman at the whale was the same and yet she was another the woman with the issue of blood was the same and yet she was another over and over and over again we see the chain the lame man was at the pool of bethesda was the same but yet he was another the ten lepers were the same and yet they were another the crippled man who was carried by four was the same and yet he was another jesus was in the upper room he was the same and yet he was another you are the same and yet you are another god can make it again [Music] another then the word of the lord came unto him saying all of this happened in the silence sermons of god as i close what is going on in the silence of where you're at right now [Music] what does god want you to see about his ability to make you another person what is god showing you in the silence of the times we've been living in i have been amazed at how little god needed my stuff to run his church that god didn't need my parking lot and he didn't need my building and he didn't need our theatrics and he didn't need anything that god didn't even need us to be here to run his church that god is still god what are you seeing in the silence about your life that will change how you live out your life because you're starting to understand what does and does not matter [Music] what will you allow him to repair in you where something happened i want to talk to some people i want to talk to some people that have been through something and something happened to you [Music] and i do not negate the fact that you are in the potter's head in fact in fact my friend you have always been in the party's head even when you weren't living for him you were in his hand he protected you when you were drunk he protected you when you were high he protected you when you were wild he protected you when you were in the street you have [Music] you've always been in this here [Music] but something happened didn't it something happened [Music] and you've been damaged in the process and all of that makeup and all of that hair and all of that stuff you got on cannot hide the fact that you have been damaged [Music] in the process [Music] and all of them red bottoms and all of that stuff you got on cannot change the fact that something happened in the process and you work out in the gym until you ripped but something happened didn't it the lord said i'm not gonna throw you away [Music] i'm not gonna throw you away i'm not gonna cast you down god said i have a plan for you on the other side of this god said i love you [Music] if you would lift your hands and worship me god says i will transform you again into another i'm not through with you your mama left you your daddy left your friends left you but i'm not leaving it's been bad [Music] i know you're hurting [Music] i came to tell you the mother [Music] he still loves you [Music] the potter walls [Music] if you've been broken this is your moment if you've been cracked and shattered [Music] if you've been hurt stop the air if you've been in jail if you've been wounded divorced rejected come here [Music] come here right now right now right now right now you hear me god's got a word for you [Music] i tell you the potter [Music] [Music] this is a silent sermon of god [Music] you need to stop being stubborn and stop by [Music] you need to break down and change and stop talking about church heard and who wasn't there for you and all of those excuses you make to remain marred in the hand of the product this ain't about church people this is not about preachers this is not about denominations or organization departed himself it's him that's calling you [Music] the pot of water i pray with you today [Music] i mean really pray with you not just a form or fashion can i really pray with you to all of you that have been marred in any kind of way being marred right now going through tragedies everything's spinning out of control and it seems like the spin is a crazy spin can i can i pray with you today i want to pray with you i want to pray with you i want to pray with you you got a chance to get up you got a chance to get up you got an amazing chance to transform your life half step and half living half loving half working half fighting you can't go into this new year again a fool i'm just going to break it down you can't go into 2021 acting a fool you can't go into 2021 being a fool everything you've been going through is a solid sermon of god [Music] everything that's been happening around you is a silent sermon of god can i pray for you i want to hear from you as i pray this prayer i want to hear from you father god in the name of jesus i lift up mard vessels marred leaders mart's sons and daughters i want to lift up marred preachers mart pastors mark minister i want to lift up my choir members and singers and workers and leaders and teachers i want to lift up people that you had great plans for and something happened i want to lift up people that destiny is calling and something happened i want them to understand that you still got them in your head and the change is imminent and that it's possible i want them to understand that all things are possible to him that believes now come on into my heart and come on into my life and come on into my decisions and come into my choices and come into my situations as i release you to turn me into something else other than what i've been he made it again another as seemeth good to the potter to make it if you prayed that prayer you believe that prayer if you're on your second chance or your third chance or your fourth chance but you're serious and you mean business for the next 30 seconds i want you to praise god with all your might with all your strength [Applause] [Music] come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] it took the potter's hand it took the potter's wheel it took the party's choice to make it possible for you to be it again another let the redeemed of the lord say so [Music] you
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 585,441
Rating: 4.8636146 out of 5
Keywords: td jakes, faith, potters house, bishop jakes, The Potter's House of Dallas, TPH Dallas, td jakes sermons, bishop td jakes, inspiration, td jakes motivation, motivation, sermons, td jakes ministries, motivational speaker, motivational speech, gospel, motivational, td jakes 2020, td jakes sermons 2020, sundayservice, tdjakes, expiration date, the silent sermons of god, silent sermons of god, when god is silent sermon
Id: JdIRmXorq8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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