Royal Blossom | Full Hallmark Movie | Romantic Drama | Andrew Lee Potts | Stefanie Rozhko

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[Music] [Music] [Music] this is like heaven if it were located in hell I is the prince allergic to Poland no flowers well maybe you should just wait for us outside will you please excuse me well I love it do you think I can live in here when I grow up I think you're going to keep residing in the Royal Palace you are destined to be Queen one day Elena I don't want to be Queen I don't even like being a princess I want to be a flower girl no flower lady just like you and I'm going to school in America next year I hear you can be anyone you want there well how would you like your first lesson see this flower it's like you it has outgrown its home want to help me relocate it is that a rhetorical [Music] question feel better Herbert you Nam the flower Herbert he looks like a Herbert let's do some others I think we should go and locate your brother before he sneezes himself into an oblivion come on do you mind taking a picture than okay hello Frank this is Marvin and Elwood and they're your new neighbors so I expect you all to get along more really Daisy this is Marvin and Elwood if you bring one in called ay to then I'm out of here Little Shop of Horrors this ain't I've been meaning to ask you is the only reason you prented me because my name's Daisy no I mean it wasn't the only reason have you thought about starting a magazine that are homes are Gardens you're in a mood today yeah I just found out I'm going to be looking after your in a sanctum while you're away your brother Paul called because you're not answering your phone and your services are required princess don't call me that you know I hate it well your parents the king and queen of Fenwick called and they demand your participation on a Goodwill tour around Europe they can't go so they expect you and your brother to represent the Kingdom on a tour of London Paris Rome and to be honest by that point I just really stopped listening because I was crying with jealousy this is going to be hell are you kidding that's going to be amazing like sounds like Kevin and besides everybody wants to be a princess yeah be one maybe but not treated like one you mean respected pampered rich I personally would have a problem with any of that as opposed to being independent resilient having dreams carving your own path in life Daisy I grew up watching my mom go to Embassy functions balls christenings public events you name it just waving and smiling for an hour like a robot for what she'd come back home with swollen feet okay so we can just buy you some comfortable shoes I don't want a life like [Music] that I'll just sent the itinerary I have two days to pack that should be easy because they don't allow Gardens and plains no but they allow secretaries say what I mean assistance personal assistant to the royal princess interested well I don't have to teach any second graders at the moment so what do you say to an all expense 2 Monon paid trip to Europe Daisy please say yes I cannot be alone with Paul for that long we will literally kill each other okay but what exactly does a princess's personal secretary do assist advise basically what you do for me now I mean it's much easier than all the volunteer work you pour yourself into hey I like doing those things and but I could get my cousin to look after the plants he's been looking for a place to stay in New York for like a few months so perfect so you're in we're going to [Music] London Paul should be meeting us here so tell me what's your brother like a real stick in the mud no sense of hum like below sea level come on everybody's got a sense of humor no not Paul I swear okay when we were kids my Idols were Priscilla susanb Katherine ISO Kate sessions sound like funny ladies they were illustrators botanist they won the national Medal of Honor for plant Anatomy aided in the cultivation of trees in San Diego amazing things like I said funny well Paul's Idol with the Queen's guard outside side of Buckingham Palace yeah the ones that just stand there emotionless stiff all day don't react to anyone yeah that's his idea of a good time that's PA so what does he think of you becoming a florist oh um about that my family has no idea yeah they think I've been studying economy and world trade for the last8 years and working on Wall Street they have no idea about my minor in botney at night you mean you majored in bony and you minored in economics exactly and you're the only one that knows that so far years can we keep it that way oh Paul finally Elena Prince good to see you good to see you how are things in America oh you know the Dow is up excellent yay oh um let me introduce you this is Daisy mcferson my personal American assistant advisor bodyguard and secretary I'm the complete package all right she never leaves home without me Prince Paul Etherington of fenry please to meet you Daisy of Detroit pleased to meet you coffee please must say I don't en you knowing my sister as I do you must have your hands full there stories I could tell you but not right now not right now cuz we have a public appearance don't we we have several we must be on our best behavior at all times king and queen are counting on us mom and dad Dad you can call them mom and dad Paul never in public right leave you here see you back at the hotel ladies okay what did I tell you you missed out the handsome part oh Daisy please yes Father very well yes we've just touched down in London uh about a week or so good yes how's mother what do you think I think the Regal sweet suits me very well oh okay good uh Elena father wishes to speak with you oh hey Dad how are you mom's still turning tricks magic tricks dirt's her hobby oh she quit why what happened to the rabbit I was half hoping Elena's time in America might have changed her I think it has not for the better don't know how she intends to run the kingdom with that attitude of hers but aren't you the one that's going to come king after your dad steps down I wish the brain gets past to the eldest Elena was born a year before me oh so she's going to be ruler are they kidding me can't just throw poppies and lies and throw Rose in the middle what kind of an arrangement is this PR swick no no not you Pap I said poppies as in the flower no there's nobody here named tulipa Rose it's also a flower but Daisy's here yes my friend yes a real person what I was so hoping that she outgrown this juvenile obsession with vegetation she's always been closer to plants than to people never really noticed really mhm does Elena have many friends in New York sure she um hangs out with Frank Marvin and Elwood Elwood mhm he's nice Paul hi look at [Music] these my favorite here this is my dad talk to my dad I'm going to fix this oh hello you're medy roal highness Yep this is Daisy uh no no no um I wasn't named after the flower my dad used to watch Dukes of Hazard well no I I didn't actually watch it myself but I I I don't believe that they were from a royal family who the heck's princess Elena you're next assignment no no no no I was supposed to be covering the FDT World Bowl this week you know that it starts tomorrow it's not the Super Bowl Adam yes it is for flowers you know you got the top florist from China Russia America Africa they all come to compete and it's the first time has been held in London so take some pretty pictures and write something about dandelion but but interview princess Cena she is the actual person of interest oh not to me she's not okay come on tell me who she is this is a private conversation thank you she's on a goodwi tour of Europe just arrived she's heir to the throne of Fenwick Fenwick never read of it did you just make that up it's in Eastern Europe somewhere near near panre oh so now you've said that still no idea what you're talking about where's Pantha do I look like a geography Professor y ask her she's been living in America for the past 18 years first time in London people will want to know more I told you I'm done with women like all women I imagine princesses is going to be like 10 times worse you've had one bad experience and one was all I needed you know Nina she snapped me out in two and then buried it in her abandoned Garden hopefully one day it'll grow back in the meantime while you a journalist for my magazine you will do the stories that I assign you and then you can go digging for dirt for flowers some other time fine Floral Design tournament first then the princess what's the obsession with floral arrangements because you know what flowers don't kick you while you down they certainly don't walk out on you after 5 years do you know just being around flowers it can help lift a sour mood improve a sad dispos position alleviate the symptomss of depression should I go on no just go and when you return I expect to see their stories on my desk oh and uh bring me some flowers why cuz after speaking with you I'm sour sad and depressed Charming yeah can I get a word with you for a second just over here just over here okay I shouldn't really be showing you this but check it out oh I want to go here but you have a really full schedule a packed planned Ider but I have a lunch break now let's go you know your brother is going to wonder where we've disappeared to Daisy we're going to look at the flowers an hour and leave okay relax I know you wow afternoon ladies hi here for the event yes is this where we sign in well that depends are you with the press a member of the jury or competitor general public well I'm sorry but the FTD World Bowl isn't open to the public until next Sunday for the final ceremony when the Winner's announced oh well I guess we can I'm competing oh well in that case welcome follow me what are you doing so what country are you representing the United States oh great we heard the American woman got the flu and couldn't make it this year she did which is how I was selected so last minute um you see this is my first floral competition a well good for you thank you so what is your name my name yeah you do have one right yes my name if your brother parents daisy daisy daisy okay Daisy what mcferson Daisy mcferson what mhm how fitting Daisy cuz my name is violet so yeah us flowers have to stick together right it's the only way to make a bouquet that is true now um fill out this entry form and I will send someone right over with your ID batch okay thank you eleno you can't do this you have commitments important commitments boring commitments you saw that basket of Welcome flowers at the hotel I bet I can win this thing as me well I can't very well be me right about Paul designing floral arrangements is not dignified of a royal princess been hearing that my entire life from him this is my chance to really prove to everyone what I can do what I was born to do Daisy new Flash you were born to be a queen news flash I can multitask and you know that9 it's 3718 there too I know the number two wait excuse me um badge yes yes do you need my name oh only if you want to give it Adam bur Daisy mcferson I'm just her friend my amazing supportive and loyal friend okay that's that's good to know so bad yeah please I haven't haven't got one yet oh well you should probably go and get one I know right that's that's that's kind of why I'm here oh that's why I'm here so I I'm just along for the ride mhm okay I'm I'm I'm getting a little confused let's back it up um I'm here for the Press I'm covering the event for better ways magazine in London I'm sorry I thought you worked here um I'm competing I thought you worked here funny situation multiple mistaken identity more than you know mhm well I would love to interview you at some point for the magazine oh yeah um yeah I'm sure we can arrange that why are you looking at me Daisy I'm not your secretary right why am I looking at you no you're not my secretary or keeper or anything like that that's weird no I'm my own my own woman I'm independent good I I mean it was so funny I don't know okay here you go ah thank you please tell me that you can find me by press pass yeah just inside the main hall mhm good okay nice to meet you both like I said and good luck with competition thank you I look forward to seeing your floral designs Miss MF oh well I look forward to having them seen Mr Birch I I've forgotten where she told me to get did you say the main hall yeah brilliant awkward main hole okay uh thank you good luck Daisy by the way what's your social security number and you better go check on Paul he's probably freaking out about where I am what do I tell him I don't know anything but the truth [Music] hey so I came here to tell you that Elena's gone to the London children's hospital she's where London children's hospital she thought it'd be a really nice idea to go and visit the sick kids and you know so they could meet a real princess you know how she loves to spread happiness to the children since when since she started volunteering at the homeless shelter New York a few years ago and also working with second graders really mhm why would I lie to a prince and like get my head chopped off oh no I wasn't implying that I'm just well I'm impressed that's all maybe Elena really is changing I thought the only thing she cared about were plants and flowers you can just nip that thought in the bud she's into all kind of things now queenly sorts of things or sure queenly things like there was a food drive she did for the elderly and another time she found homes for this litter of 10 kittens and they were just the cutest little things wow mhm it's quite something welcome to all of our finalist of this year's FDT World Bowl we are so pleased to be celebrating our 15th floral designers tournament each year we we've raised the bar this year there will be four design tasks to decide the winner we will begin with Harmony in Balance where each of you designers get to show us your happy place with an arrangement of petals sounds like a fun challenge I agree fun sure it's all fun in games until someone gets H with a PRI of thorn the pierced flesh from a cako I have been competing in this tournament since they begun and believe me there is nothing fun about them not unless you win which is precisely what I intend to do how Andre fov representing the great mother country of Russia and you are Daisy mcferson representing the USA and I actually intend to have fun I saw you convers with that journalist earlier Charming the registration woman nothing gets past me Miss mcferson I have eyes and ears everywhere oh so you're like Picasso don't talk to me about Spaniards they have never won the F the what the fij the neither have any American never want I heard that part Spaniards have never won the FDT oh the FDT the FDT they have never won it neither have any Americans until now oh wish shall see we shall see see we shall who was that competition did you talk to Paul how angry was he don't worry I covered for you who can be angry with a princess who visits Children's Hospitals saves kittens and volunteers at homeless shelters those are all things you done yeah well you're pretending to be me so I might as well go all the way right I think I'm in way over my head here I mean these guys take this competition really seriously like weirdly seriously uh-uh I have seen what you can do with flowers there's like nobody with a bigger obsession with plants than you you're like a walking talking Botanical Garden on steroids I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me that's pretty sad okay well so do you want to hear tomorrow's Ro agenda no I want Persian buttercups and roses and lots of them what's my person um let me introduce you to my very good friend Elena Arington princess Elena the fen wig so you've heard of me yeah yeah your reputation procedure you're quite the T London in fact I'm supposed to interview you for my magazine oh no no not not me you should interview Daisy here because she's my assistant has more time and is a lot more interesting than me no no no the princess is just being modest well that's that's refreshing this is this is perfect how do you even have the time to work for the royal family and compete in the competition that's a very very good question um The Princess and I share a very big passion for flowers more like an obsession a healthy Obsession cuz flowers and plants are so important I mean they spread Beauty and life wherever they go you'd have to tell me I take a plant over a person any [Music] day okay so can we carry on this conversation like another time because I need to speak to Daisy over here about some up coming appearances of of course it well I look forward to talking with you both um I'm going to go and okay stop babbling on would you maybe we could get lunch sometime yeah yeah I'd like that great she'd like that that's a good thing mhm okay okay see you see you bye Lena you cannot go around telling people that I am a princess that just was not part of the deal I had to tell him something I couldn't just keep calling you friend hello friend how's your day today friend oh that's so great friend I would be okay with that because I don't need a name you could have told them that my parents lacked imagination kid doll sweetie child whatever anything apart from being you okay what's wrong with being me one two you've always wanted to be a princess well now's your chance let's just pause for a reality check I can't pass for you why not firstly I know nothing about being a princess okay well we can do some research I'm sure there's some easy 12 steps on how to be a princess or something secondly your brother knows who you are and who I am Daisy I'm not asking you to be me the whole time just at the flal designer tournament and Paul you do not have to worry about Paul he wouldn't be caught dead in there like he would die in there so everywhere else in London I'm me and you're you okay how are you going to balance competing in the tournament and all your Royal appearances it's all about Harmony and balance yes [Music] I just want you to know that I don't approve of what you did this morning running off at the Cathedral but I must say I'm impressed with you what are Children's Hospitals great for public relations don't know why we didn't have it on the schedule it's a perfect spot for a photo op oh I actually didn't take any photos there and why not Elena thought it' be best um not to exploit the moment or the children you know it was more of a heartfelt personal visit mhm of course whose idea was that uh Daisy oh well seems you've been a very good influence I'm glad she brought you along Daisy and I are basically Inseparable yeah most days I don't even know where she starts and I end well I for one would never have a problem differentiating between the two of you right I was just telling Elena that well remember we have a busy morning tomorrow breakfast with the chancellor then tea at The Shard lunch at the famous Bor room and dinner at Buckingham Palace stop stop we haven't even eaten I'm already full very well uh excuse me I have to wash my hands ladies do that I think Paul likes you stop being ridiculous he just mistakenly thinks I can keep you in check I don't know he was very friendly he's like that to everybody that's his job Prince Charming remember oh so you think he's Charming I did not say that and I saw the way you were looking at that Adam guy the reporter I was just covering for you but he asked you to lunch tomorrow hey you can take him to the ballroom place with Paul okay I get it it's going to be tricky but we're just going to have to get creative and according to that schedule Paul's laid out you're going to have to learn how to eat all day without getting fat or sick or maybe not right does everyone know what they want to [Music] order food food poisoning it was terrible she was up and down all night she just got to sleep like an hour ago who ERS staking kidney pie and bangers a mash you know when in London well I guess I have to greet the chancellor on my own it's probably for the best you know you don't want her to be like all over him no that would not be good for public relations perhaps you'll be feeling better later I'll let you know thank you Daisy I truly appreciate you well Elena I hope you make the most out of your sick day good luck being me Good Luck being me yes may the best man person wi don't try to make any friends it's useless wow so sad contestants you have three hours to complete your Harmony in balance before the judges and myself evaluate the time starts now [Music] okay come on Sydney Arabella mopey show them what real Beauty really is Miss mcferson hi hey do you mind if I I'm just have you worked for a little bit Oh no you're just doing your job right well actually my job would rather maybe interviewing the princess but I much prefer to be covering this event oh really why I don't know people here are so grounded you know they're alive because they're they're passionate about what they do I'm a I'm a big fan of passion you yeah yeah especially when the feeling is mutual I knew I saw that in you it's what drives every great eyes right you have to play games they don't have to pretend to be something they're not you know where you stand with them speaking of standing um you're standing on my Greenery Mr Birch oh oh sh oh I'm sorry I'll um I I'm going to let you do what you do yeah and I'll go over there and be passionate on my own okay that sounds weird ignore I said that see you time's up a throne of flowers yeah my happiest place in the world are Gardens so I just wanted to kind of create one where I could sit and relax um hence Harmony and balance for me is the perfect resting place excellent work Miss mcferson you're off to a wonderful start thank you wow a throne it's pretty cool thank you looks like hanging out with Princess is rubbing off on you a bit well i' I'd love to know more about me or the princess both actually okay what are you doing for lunch eating makes sense would you like some company I already have some oh because I have a prior engagement with the princess I could tag along maybe no okay definitely no but um tomorrow I'm I'm totally free tomorrow for lunch tomorrow works tomorrow okay yeah yeah it could be just tomorrow tomorrow we should stop saying tomorrow yeah okay it's a date it's a it's a work date right right right the winner of the first round is Daisy mcferson congratulations now tomorrow will be devoted to strength in color and character up congratulations thank you I can't believe it um I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow yeah tomorrow oh sorry I was going to the and now you're doing that she said she'll be here but you know you can never predict what stomach flu what thought you said it was food poisoning well Elena thought so this morning but if she's not here then perhap uh do you have an ear rake or something oh no um hotel security L me one of their ear pieces so I can keep tabs on Elena yeah copy just knocked on the door and she's not in a hotel suite I I'm I'm sure she's on her way down I like punctual people like you I like you too Paul oh no sorry I didn't mean um well at least I wasn't trying to infer and and I I I wasn't trying to imply that you were inferring or anything no that would be uh presumptuous absolutely sorry no of me not of you I I I I don't want to put words in your mouth no nor I take words out of yours CA there you are sorry I thought we were having lunch at Buckingham Palace today no it's dinner at the palace lunch at the ballroom oh oh well that explains it fake flowers nice touch Paul yes I'm glad to see you're feeling better you know comes and it goes reminds me of someone so prime rib with the Prime Minister tonight no it was breakfast this morning with the chancellor he wishes you a speedy recovery well he got what he wished so what I miss but half of your scheduled appearances there we are oh I did receive an interview request from uh from better ways magazine I set up a time tomorrow at noon write it down did you get the name of the reporter by any chance uh yes Mr Adam Birch oh I spoke with him briefly briefly did you mhm when what what when I when I ran into him where did that occur in London yes I assume that she met him at the convention center yeah he's also covering the flower show apparently it's like the biggest one in the world isn't that right Daisy mhm um Elena asked me to go down and check it out for her mhm since I'm obviously way too busy to go myself obviously mhm yes well uh like I say I don't envy you you wouldn't catch me going near that place Place everyone down there is covered in pollen probably the journalist as well yes you know I think you might have to do this interview without me if I must yes Mom I did try to participate but I had very good reason to leave didn't Paul tell you that I went to the children's hospital the other day well I'm glad you approve thanks Mom okay give Dad my best okay good night so how long do you think you can keep the charade up for I until I win the competition and what about my interview with Adam tomorrow okay don't worry I'll tell him everything he needs to know about the princess at over lunch cuz I'm having lunch with him tomorrow and I know the princess better than anyone cuz it's me hi I'm the princess but I think he's interested in me only cuz he thinks you're me I mean no I'm you and you're not so how are you going to tell him about my background my upbringing my parents H I feel like if you come along it's just going to get messy and we won't be able to keep our stories straight yeah I don't really want to go anyway I know I know you'd rather be with Paul well yeah but there's nothing going on between us so just forget about it okay sure so am I supposed to learn your whole life story in one night do a 12 easy step search on how to be Daisy mcferson Daisy I do have you heard about those devices the security guards wear to communicate with each other yeah I think so why assignment two strength in color and character you have three hours to show us your Masterpiece May the FL be with you always carry on what's going on oh come on please don't die on me now oh come on jacqulyn Becky you should be keeping your eyes on the winner Mr Birch time's up nice Miss mcferson but I I was expecting something more special yeah it's really bad you means something more like good try Miss mcferson but this round's winner is Mr spov congratulations Daisy despite the outcome I want you to know I think the flower fan idea was brilliant thanks it was how'd you come up with it um well I was thinking about what's the purpose of a bouquet right and their Destiny is just to be put on display so I was thinking about things that people use and I just thought of a hand fan and I thought why not let the flowers be beautiful answer some rep purpose you know why can't they be both why not indeed cuz it didn't work and I lost yeah and that was just this round we going to get him next time it's not over yet yeah yeah you're right um but it is lunchtime it is and about that my editor is so on my case right now about me interviewing princess Elena so I'm going to have to take a rain check I'm sorry I was supposed to meet her noon and I know but she can't make it some Royal duties came up and she she really apologizes but she didn't instruct me to tell you whatever you need to know about her for the article if of course that's okay yeah that works for me okay okay we're back on okay I was going to go to this restaurant it's not far from here I mean it's it's a little bit fancy but the food food is really good okay yeah that sounds perfect um I'm just going to grab my coat and I'll meet you outside sounds like a plan okay what do you think this is amazing hope this will do quite nicely great choice thanks well you've obviously found your true Callin in life destined to work with flowers I've been trying to tell my family that for forever well they don't approve to say the least what about you when did your interest in florals begin uh I started with a girl everywhere else right you know I thought we were in love I followed her to London but eventually she well she dumped me and she she walked out she left her flowers and her plants all of it behind you know I was oh God I was this close to Ching it all away then I thought no they're kind of innocent victims right so I started caring for him helped him Thrive and in turn it kind of got me out of my funk yes that's the magic with flowers I I mean people don't realize how important nature really is you take care of it it takes care of you and I'm not just talking about for the environment I'm talking about for the soul it's in the air we breathe every day right you know I've got got this crazy crazy idea about opening my own cuton Edge Workshop yeah like a like a a floristry design center for Gardens and those people interested in you know creating professional arrangements for all different types of occasions I don't think it's crazy at all I think it's a beautiful idea I joined in a heartbeat then you'd have to start working for the princess then how would you juggle both jobs I know I know and that's basically the Croc of the entire problem let's order some food and you can tell me all about yourself you know where you're from what your parents are like you mean about the princess no I want to hear about you first mhm yes okay I'm going to have the chicken sandwich and a side salad do you mind to tell the waiter if he comes by I'm just going to just going to go to the lady's room sure yes that's the magic of flowers you wanted to see me oh yes I wondered if you care to join me just the two of us I thought why not we could talk privately about my sister amongst other things testing testing Daisy can you hear me yes yes what yes this is lovely Paul thank you for inviting me you're having lunch with Paul now well thank you for accepting tyy I'm about to have my interview with Adam you're supposed to help me and I will try and answer any question you may have oh excellent thank you I ordered great you ready as ready as I'll ever be okay well let me start by saying I think you're a remarkable woman person please call me Daisy so Daisy where did you come from well as I mentioned earlier I was born in the great state of Michigan really you don't you don't sound like that then I moved to New York I've been living there for years and which place do you prefer where you met Elena yes you prefer yes yes York cuz that's where I met Princess Elena in college ah that was actually my next question I guess I just must have read your mind Elena is in line to become the next queen of Fenwick so when did your passion for flowers begin and why why did your family disapprove and you um disapprove oh no not at all no I want Elena to be a responsible Queen does Elena believe that I don't wish her to be Crown I did not say that you yeah you did earlier did I sounded like that's what you might be in play what was the question again why does your family disapprove of your career choice in flowers I just think Elena wants to be seen through who she truly is that's right what's right they want what's right for me mhm you see my family has this tradition tradition is everything Elena must take her rightful place and do her Duty we all must one cannot break with tradition I understand no you wouldn't understand believe me I totally understand my parents wanted me to be a lawyer yeah certainly not a journalist and definitely not a floral arranger I need your help the Kingdom's future could depend on it what do you mean um what do you mean I I mean I'm the same as I'm the same as you I I don't want people to tell me what to do with my life Fenwick is in dire Financial restraints at the moment hence this Goodwill tour we have to bring trade back into the country then what you need is a clever marketing idea to put Fenwick back on the map I majored in business with Elena and attractions attract then that's that's when money starts rolling in and you're naturally gifted at doing something that you love you know I wouldn't let your family I wouldn't let princess Elena get in the way of that you know with their own selfish demands that seems pretty harsh Mr bur I mean you don't even know my family you definitely don't know who princess Elena really is but you got to watch what you're saying oh I am believe me I don't want to scare her away which is why want you to speak to her mhm I know you have her ear you do mhm people with power they're all the same royalt is no exception come on I've seen the way she acts around you I've been watching the two of you right and what are royal princesses like controlling self-absorbed self-centered egotistical should I go on no you know I think they a a friendly face onto the general public but when push comes to shove the 1% always stick together um well if that's what you think of my best friend then this interview's over Mr Birch I need to be going to Daisy Daisy I'm sorry I just I didn't wish for Elena to monopolize our entire conversation I didn't mean any offense by it I guess being a journalist makes me insensitive sometimes I have a lot of stuff to do and I should really go and have that talk with Elena I just call things out AUM you well you made the wrong call this time Mr Birch goodbye please there's no immediate rush I think there is goodbye Paul Elena Elena where are you I mean where am I sometimes I talk to myself okay Elena where I'm home I'm sorry you're trying to keep a low profile yeah that's it Andre don't you worry your true identity safe with me there is one thing we Russians can do is keep secrets my true identity yes we both know who you really are she told you no I'm just observant I study people learn their habits my father was with a K well I cannot say you understand mhm absolutely so have you seen princess Elena no does that mean you have yes so um where is she I have no idea okay great you've been really helpful thank you man make an observation sure I do not think it's fitting for a royal family to be involved in a competition so beneath their social stature nor should they allow one of their employ always to be involved in one after all actions reflect sometimes negatively especially when one is keeping secrets I'll keep that under advisement princess Elena see what I mean sorry to interrupt have you seen Daisy we were just talking about Miss mcferson I would you just excuse us for a second yeah oh sorry I'll get that thank you weren't you supposed to be having lunch with her yes yes we were but I I said something wrong I it was really dumb I didn't mean anything by it I just I wanted to give her some friendly advice that's all mhm I heard oh she spoke to you not exactly to me okay I need you to know that I only have Daisy's best interest at heart you know I think she's I think she's really talented and I'd hate to see her take the wrong path I hear you loud and clear and we all want what's best for Daisy it's just a little bit more complicated than you realize okay actually when you see her do me a massive favor please tell her that my intentions they were sincere I just you know I I want her to embrace who she is she seems a little confused aren't we all after two rounds Miss mcferson and Mr spoff have won win each the third task is entitled season of blue in this round we would like to see personal growth we will be judging this tomorrow to decide our finalists you will have one hour to design now and 3 in the morning to execute I have to find Daisy where have you been I've been looking for you needed some time alone to think I need to talk to you but not here oh wow Paul would probably die in here uh that's kind of what I need to talk to you about Paul's dying no he um so he begged me to talk to you along with that reporter and the really really creepy Russian dude oh I don't care about them what happened with Paul nothing he's not interested in me he's um only interested in you he's afraid that if you don't step up and become Queen then the whole Kingdom will be in financial ruin and that's why this whole tour has been so important it's to save the economy of Fenwick I heard but I finances aren't my thing I mean I took those business classes but Paul's always been great with numbers well when it comes to age there's nothing he can do you will always be older than him stupid first child rule he really didn't ask about you uh a little bit yeah see then he does like you Paul has no interest in anyone unless he really likes them and you like him too yeah I do but it's just never going to happen why well he's a prince and I'm a daisy my dad watching Duke of Hazards is the closest thing to Royal Blood is I'll ever get so your brother marrying a common girl it's just it's just it's just not going to happen Daisy Daisy hey if it makes you feel any better that's exactly where I stand with Adam why what happened you heard Elena that was the worst four-way conversation I have ever had the displeasure of being a part of I know but he insulted me he has no respect or regard for Royals who happen to be my family he wants nothing to do with me but he thinks you're me right right right he wants you to live your dreams and embrace your talent and open up a floral business and maybe live happily ever after with him but in order for you to do that you have to get rid of me so basically he's everything you've ever dreamed of in a man mhm except I can't escape who I am should just quit this competition and accept my fate uh you cannot do that why that's not who you are and you know it they announced the last round of the competition seasons of Bloom you've got to create a floral arrangement that showcases your inner truth well that makes this decision easy it's over I've already lost why because everything about me is a lie everything I quit D Elena hey is Daisy or princess Elena out there they have left from the day permanently I believe huh princess Elena has finally done the right thing she has quit the competition she made Daisy quit no no no no no Daisy is Princess Elena and vice versa she fooled everyone she fooled you she fooled everyone but me of course I sold through their little sh don't touch me and I happily they will once you schedule my interview F magazine Mr Birch now excuse me I have a competition to win Elena you said we had an appearance at the Opera tonight yes will you be joining me I'm ready to serve my kingdom I won't let you mother or father down anymore I promise Daisy spoke to you she is an amazing woman she is and I know what must be done if I'm going to be Queen someday well I believe our car's waiting then let's not Dole princess come on wake up princess we really need to talk Daisy I already know what you're going to say that I should not abandon my hopes and dreams right that I shouldn't quit the competition at this stage and that I should be with Adam cuz he's Mr right I should make it work with him but I'm not going to do that cuz for the first time in my life I'm going to make my family proud and do my duty okay and there's nothing that you can do or say that's going to change that just let me go back to sleep I actually wasn't going to say anything I just came to give you some reading material what is this better ways magazine just hit the stands and is online too he didn't he most certainly did my lunch with Princess Elena the front runner of the FDT World Bowl are you serious cover blown oh he's a son princess can you please remember you are a princess does Paul know about this l l are you in there Elena look I demand a word I'd probably say he does now Elena we have to talk get Adam Birch on the phone right now oh my God it's my parents this is a nightmare this is a nightmare this is a nightmare Elena Elena I demand a word I don't know Daisy we're like 8 floors up if I land in the pool I should be fine right no that's crazy is it I don't know oh my God okay I only got through to Adam's voicemail it says he's out all week covering an event oh an event well I know exactly where that event is but you need to help me stall Paul no no how am I supposed to stall an angry Prince Daisy he likes you okay he told me so last night he thinks you're amazing he did yes and you're the only one that can calm him down right now because I I can fix this I can fix all of this I just need some time okay so just do your Daisy thing and just cuz I need time okay I think you're amazing too [Music] Paul as Elena SE mhm she's on her way to sort it out now she's just getting dressed first oh M would you like to have breakfast with me I'd love that good mhm okay well um I'll see you later mhm do you realize what you've done look well just I did the job of any journalist I uncovered the truth you ruined the reputation of Fenwick I barely mentioned Fenwick the article's about you I'm supposed to be their Queen one day do you not get that what affects me affects the kingdom affects my family affects my brother did you read the article no I read the headline which was plenty enough I suggest you read the article you had no right to publish this listen to me I had every right because you granted me permission for the interview and you let me record it and it's a good thing I did a good thing when Andre told me yesterday who you really were I was hurt you lied to me Princess you lied to everybody here I was just trying to protect the ones I love by hurting the one person that matters the most you no you the worst person to lie to is yourself but when I started writing the article I was I was upset I'd opened up to you I told you my my dreams my ambitions I I thought you'd understand I thought we were the same like that when I found out your true identity well I felt I felt like you betrayed me yeah I was going to write the article to expose you out of spite you were going to isn't that exactly what you did no no that's not what I did I wrote that article because I hope the truth would set you free I've never lied to you Elena you could win this you're that good you just need to decide what you want what's in your heart look at me I believe in you it's about time you believed in yourself [Music] it's too late I'm I missed the third task and I'll be disqualified so it doesn't matter you've got 30 minutes 30 minutes to come up with something genius season of blo they want to see your personal growth they want to see the inner you where's Elena now she's gone to the convention center to talk with Adam and I should really be there for her hey where are you going I'm coming with you but what about your allergies oh stuff the allergies grab your coat time is Once Again up ladies and gentlemen let us see your season of Bloom aha quite striking Mr sov yes it truly represents me yes quite sure it does oh I say oh my word very creative Mr dagger thank you but we appear to be missing our American competitor I have it on a good authority she has quit the competition no she hasn't thank you objection that woman is not Daisy mcferson her real name is Elena Etherington Fenwick Fenwick that's what I said Fenwick we know we've all read the article Andre well I demand to be removed from the FDT princess Elena entered under false pretenses and an allias she must be disqualified whoa whoa just slow down yes Elena registered in the competition under a different name but that was only to not draw attention to herself so she couldn't use her celebrity status as an advantage and there's no rules concerning name usage right I believe not and the real Daisy mcferson she give a complete permission to do so is this true 100% your honor oh miss mcferson I presume you presume correctly your honor you needn't call me your honor aren't you a judge not that kind of Judge oh well there you go nobody's quite who they seem to be around here princess Elena said she was representing the United States and she's not American she's fan princess Elena has lived in the United States for most of her life she's a dual citizen of Fenwick and the US I looked it up for the article this thing about America be whatever you want to be you follow your dreams Mr Burch is correct princess Elena is still officially a contestant for the world bowl and I'm pleased to announce she's also a finalist however this round's winner is Mr Marcus Dagger of South Africa which also makes him a finalist as well along with Andre sedkov congratulations to all three of you now this final round will determine the winner of the entire tournament I think I need a moment alone with my sister okay I have to go talk to my brother Paul Paul I was planning on putting an end to all this today I swear I I came here to officially quit which is why I had to come and stop you stop me I read the article so did Mom and Dad I spoke to them on the way over they probably hate me what are you talking about they love you Elena and so do I this is what you're meant for believe it or not the entire Kingdom of fenwick's rooting for you to win it seems there are a lot of flower lovers in the world this is the best publicity Fenwick could have hoped for if you win it could triple our tourist trade you know I spoke to Daisy the other day and she gave me a business tip attractions attract money and you are the star attraction of Fenwick because of you we're right back on the map a so you want me to pursue my your dreams career absolutely Adam Burch was right you're as much an American as you are a Fen wikian now was until I read this article and started to see you through his eyes and I finally came to understand who you are I really have to read this article you should it's sort of a love letter and lovely as it is peace could we lose that Crown it's killing me oh sorry now um onto more pressing matters Daisy kissed me she now yeah on the lips then we had breakfast together think she might like me oh what's not to like I don't quite know what to do kiss her back duh ah that is a thought right you better go you have a bowl to win this final task will determine the winner of this year's floral designers tournament World Bowl the arrangement designs are open you can design whatever you desire the theme is love show me your expression of Love through flowers you will have two hours I'm going to love beating you so much oh bring it don't worry about him you got this oh by the way and I never said that's my last article for the magazine they fired you no they loved it I quit why you I guess cuz you inspired me writing's okay but it's not it's not my passion I've got to follow what's in my heart too yeah Life's too short to not do what you look now go win this thing contestants take your positions please and begin h [Music] time's up the moment has arrived ladies and gentlemen our three finalists have given it their all to be the winner of this year's World Bowl let us witness their creations the judges and I shall now deliberate for a few minutes but we shall return with the final decision consider all of us winners and I consider both of your losers they can be only one winner on the F and that Winner Is Me yeah I'm full of surprises thank you that was excellent work from all of you but there can be only one winner like I said and this year I am proud to announce it [Music] is Princess Elena of benwick and America done thank you um thank you guys I really feel truly honored to be here um this has truly been a childhood dream for me and I can't wait to share this award with my family and my friends in America and of course the great people of Fenwick I couldn't have done it without them they really inspired me and I especially couldn't have done it without my partner in legal crime Daisy and that dashing man standing beside her is Prince Paul of Fenwick my brother um I actually have something for you Marcus do you mind thank you I was inspired by you when I made this um well thank you but I'm never wearing that oh well that's okay I think father has a better one waiting for you anyway you mean for you you're next in line I want to take this moment to hereby announce that I'm officially and willingly abdicating my heir to the Royal Crown and passing down the honor to my brother Prince Paul no Elena you can't do Paul you're the right person for job we've always known it talk to mother and father and they approve I also think that King Paula Fenwick has a nice ring to it don't you I don't know what to say well I'm sure you'll think of something before coronation and I think I should be giving this to you wait no this is your story I'm just the friend the sidekick like no I'm not supposed to supposed to be what princess hm like you always always wanted The Grass Is Always Greener right King does need a queen uh princess Elena I've got I've got a last question yes what are your plans now well I had this crazy idea of opening up this Cutting Edge Workshop kind of like a floristry design center for Gardens and those interested in making all types of other arrangements for different occasions like weddings yeah and caroni uh well yes but maybe not maybe not this one but I will need a partner to fulfill this dream interested yeah yeah Life's too short to not do what you love or to be with who you love I finally read your article and I was missing a few things such as such as the perfect romantic ending okay let's see how about this [Applause] [Music] myself took me showed me my way e fly [Music] [Music] heart Tre Lo [Music] [Music] my heart would fly [Music] [Music] every I see
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Length: 83min 2sec (4982 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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