The Wedding Rule | Full ROMCOM Movie | Julie Nolke | Dennis Andres | Joey Coleman

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(♪♪) (upbeat music) (knocking) - Everyone is waiting for you in the conference room. - I'm on my way. - I can literally see you typing, Gemma. - I just have to fix-- - Step away from the screen. Put the scone down. The print on the flyer is perfect. - How did you know? - Call it, PA's intuition. - Okay, okay, go, go. I will be right behind you, I promise. - Fine, but only because I want the last raspberry macaroon or else the meeting will be intolerable. - It's my meeting. - I know. (door closing) (phone ringing) - Someone ate the last macaroon? What? When? (soft music) How did it happen? In her sleep? At least she went peacefully. No, um, thank you. Thank you for telling me. (soft music) - How are you holding up? - I, uh... I just wish I had more time. You know, I kept meaning to visit, but there's always some work excuse. And now, she's gone and I didn't even get to say goodbye. - You're being too hard on yourself, Gem. Rosa knew how much you loved her. - I wish you knew her like I did. She is the reason I am such a foodie. - And the reason for your kitchen utensil addiction. - Yes. (chuckling) Ugh, some of my favourite teenage memories are at Rosa's restaurant. She is the one who taught me how to use simple ingredients and turn them into the most incredible dishes. Ah, tiramisu, my all-time favourite. She made this for me the day that I failed my driver's test because she wanted me to have a good memory from that day. - Oh, that's sweet. Rosa's famous tomato sauce. - Ah. - Gemma. - I promised I would never share that with anybody. (laughing) I had to earn it. I can't tell you how many pounds of tomatoes I had to peel and seed before she would trust me with this. - Why not just use canned tomatoes? - Canned tom-- Rosa? No. She only used the freshest produce. And her secret ingredient... - Tell me. - The secret ingredient was love. - Oh, sounds like she was quite the romantic. - The biggest. She loved like, romantic novels and movies and she loved playing matchmaker. - Who's this? - Oh, that's Max, a guy that worked at Rosa's with me. - Did you ever... date? - No, he had a girlfriend. I mean, there might have been feelings, but then we both went off to college and nothing ever happened. - Too bad, he's cute. What happened to him? - I don't know, we lost touch. I mean, I don't think his girlfriend liked how close we were. Yeah, and I think he's a chef in New York now. - Sounds like Rosa had an influence on him too. - Yeah. - I wonder how many zesters he has in his kitchen. (chuckling) (♪♪) - Here you go. Here we go. Here you go. No, no, wait, hang on, wait, wait, hang on. Sorry, I forgot something. Don't look at me like that. Chef Paul makes the rules. (♪♪) Okay, there you go. Go, go, go. Next. Bring it through, bring it through. Let's go. Is this a kitchen or a science lab? - Let's post a tweet for the in-store event tomorrow morning. I'm thinking the photo with the mousse cake and Donovan Price holding his new cookbook. And uh, no more than three hashtags. - Anything more and it's desperate. Anything else? - No, that's everything. - Alright. Oh, I almost forgot, this came for you. Are you in some sort of trouble? (chuckles) Because if you are, I know a guy. - I'm going to need you to re-book the all-hands meeting tomorrow. I'll be out of the office in the afternoon. (soft music) - What do I got today? Lobster truffle mousse with an edible balloon. I don't get it. (♪♪) Dear Max McCoy. (soft music) (phone ringing) - Max, how you doing, buddy? I, uh, heard about Rosa. I'm really sorry. (Max): Yeah, sorry, that's kind of why I'm calling. Do you mind if I crash at your place for a few weeks? There's something back home I have to take care of. Might be a little bit longer. - Yeah, you know you have an open invitation. Is there something else going on besides Rosa? - I just don't think that New York's working out anymore. - Stay as long as you need. - I'll text you the details. - Sounds good. (Max): Bye. - Bye. (soft music) (sighs) (door closing) - It's good to have you back, even if it's temporary. Hardly recognize anyone in town anymore. - Is there anybody here from our old class or not? - Uh, not really. Most of them moved away like you. Hey, actually, you know who moved back? Gemma Taylor. - Stop. - Mm-hmm. - Wow, I haven't seen her since... since we left for college. - You never told me what happened between you two. (laughing) - What do you mean? Nothing. - Come one, you can tell me, it's been years. - I'm being serious. I was dating Joley at the time, Gem and I were just friends. What's she been up to anyway? - She works at Indulge. It's one of those gourmet supermarkets. It opened a few years ago. Actually, it's right up your alley. Gemma runs all the marketing and in-store events. It's quite impressive. - Huh, I'll have to go check it out sometime. - I meant, Gemma, she's impressive. - Okay. - She's changed quite a bit since high school. - Oh, really? - Okay, I have a meeting with a new client, so just make yourself at home and let's do dinner. There's a new sushi place I've been meaning to try. - You know what, why don't we stay in and I'll cook. I don't know. I just... I'm feeling something simple, something Rosa taught me, you know? - I won't turn down a home-cooked meal. - Nice, alright. - Someone should use my kitchen. I'll see you later. (sighing) (phone ringing) (soft music) - Max? - Gemma? (laughing) - I don't believe it. I was just looking at old photos of you. - Yeah, it's good to see you. - Where is the pony tail? - I got rid of that, it was a kitchen hazard, so. - That is right, you are a chef in New York now. - Sous-chef. What about you? No more short hair and bangs? - Oh, no. I'm all grown up now. - Well, I can see that. - What are you doing here? - I was just about to ask you the same thing. - Oh good, you're both here. I'm Marvin. - Hi, Gemma. - Max. - Nice to meet you. Max. I hope you weren't waiting too long, my assistant is off today. Are you together? - Us? Oh no. Like together, together? No. No, I haven't seen him in years like, since high school and like, he had a girlfriend, and then we both went off to college and the timing really like, never worked. - I think he was just looking for like, a "yes" or "no". - Yep. No, we're not together. - Well, I'm glad we cleared that up. It's too bad, though, would've made things a lot easier. Let's go into my office. - At the same time? - Yes, both of you, together. Even though I know you're not together, together. Follow me. Oh, I thought I had Rosa's file here, you'll have to excuse me for a moment. This place falls apart when my assistant isn't here. - No problem. Hey, Nolan was telling me about your new job, that's exciting. - Oh. - I mean. sounds like it's right up your alley. - Yeah, it's a great place. I love it. - Man, that must be nice having access to all those ingredients. - Hmm. Yeah. Actually, I can't remember the last time I was in the kitchen. I'm always promoting what other people make. - Aw, that's too bad. I remember you loved baking. - Oh, I still do. There just never seems to be enough time. - That I can relate to, yeah. - Don't you work in a kitchen? - I don't run a kitchen, there's a huge difference. - Oh. - Here we are, sorry about that. - Oh, it's okay. - Let's get down to it, shall we? I imagine you're wondering why you're here. - Yes, the letter said that it was urgent. - Rosa has left you both her restaurant. (Both): What? - I'm sorry, but like, how is that even possible? - We can't just go into business together. I mean, I... I don't even know how many zesters he owns. - There's more. There's a clause. And it's going to sound a little strange, but it's right here in her will. - Just tell us. - You must both be married to claim the restaurant. (soft music) (laughing) - You're serious? - To each other? - No, you just need to be married. - Oh, that's a relief. - Are either of you married? - No. - No. - There's one other thing. - What, we need a baby too? - You must provide proof of marriage within three weeks or the restaurant goes to Rosa's nephew Santos who plans to tear it down and build a condo. - I'm sorry... Marvin? Mar... Are you joking? Are there hidden cameras in here? I... - I'm afraid not. These are Rosa's last wishes. She didn't want either of you to end up alone. It was her big regret that she didn't have anyone to share her life with. (sighing) - That does sound like Rosa. - What if only one of us gets married? - Then that person gets the restaurant. Look I know this is a big deal and I think Rosa was thinking that by now, one of you would be married. - Well, don't look at me. I can't remember the last time I was on a date. - There's no way around this? There's nothing we can... - I'm afraid not. My next client should be here, but take some time to think about this. Not too much, though, you only have three weeks. (chuckles) I'll arrange to get you a key to the restaurant so that you can go in and make sure this is what you both want. Keep me posted. - Thank you. - Thank you. - This is nuts, right? - I'm thinking. - Wait, wait, wait, you can't possibly be considering this. - Well, okay, look, hear me out. - I gotta sit down. - You were just saying that you want to be your own boss, right? - That's the dream. - And I have always wanted to own my own place where I can run cooking events and baking classes out of. - Sure, except that you're missing the most integral part of this entire thing. We have to meet someone in three weeks, and then marry them. - Yep. I know it sounds crazy, I know. But it can happen. My parents, they knew the moment they met and they're still together. And look, there's potential suitors everywhere. Maybe not everywhere. But if not now, then when? - It would give me a chance to finally cook the cuisine that Rosa taught me, stop with all these science experiments. - Exactly. Rosa loved that restaurant and the community. I don't want Santos tearing it down, it's too important. - I know, I can't let him do that. Do you really think we can pull this off? - We have to try. If not for us, then for Rosa. - Okay, hypothetically, we manage to make this work, then what? I mean, you said it yourself, we can't just go into business together. I own three zesters, by the way. - I was in shock, but we already know we can work together. - That was a really long time ago. - So, we'll make it work. - I can't believe I'm saying this, okay. Yeah. Alright, I'm in. - Really? - Yeah. (sighing) - Okay. Now where to start? Oh, I have to meet up with Evie. Are you headed anywhere? - I'm going to go to Rosa's and pay my respects. - Okay, I'll walk with you. - Okay. We're doing this. (soft music) Wow, this makes it real. - Yeah. - I think I took this. - You did. - I forgot how short your hair was. (laughing) - I know. - Ugh, hey, watch where you're going. - Sorry, man, I'm pretty sure you're the one on the cell phone. - Just give me those. - Hey, wait, are you Santos? Rosa's nephew? - Do I know you? - We used to work here as teenagers. - So? - Well, we... - Oh, I know who you are. - Why would you want to tear this place down? Everybody loved Rosa. I mean, look how much she meant to the community. - This restaurant means so much to so many people, you can't do this. - I don't recall asking for your permission. Besides, nostalgia doesn't pay the bills. Look, I'm sorry, it's just good business sense. No hard feelings. (sighing) - We cannot let him do this. - I mean, you can always join that seniors walking club. Look at that! You already got the hang of it. You're so fast. (rhythmic music) (chuckling) - Oh, now where were we? - Food for the grand opening. I'm thinking, mini cakes with a champagne and a violinist would be a beautiful touch. I'm going for fun and elegance like your shop. - Oh, that's fabulous. Oh, hun, you can take it from here. I can see why everyone raves about you. - Thank you, Fay, leave it to me. I will take care of everything. - Oh. You're a doll. Here, take the hat. - Oh, no. - I insist. (phone ringing) Oh, oh, I have to take this, um, I'll see you in a week. - Yeah. (laughing) - I'm sorry I'm late. You are not going to believe what happened. - It can't be better than my new hat. - Oh, just you wait. - Gemma. Gemma, what does that mean? - Come on, walk and talk. - Okay, Gemma! Can you take some of these for Indulge? I'm hand-delivering them to all the local shops tomorrow. I want the grand opening to be a success. - Of course, whatever you need. - Oh, and I'm sorry that you didn't get to meet Faye. She is the coolest. - I already see the influence she's had on you. Okay, last one. - Thank you. (sighing) So, what's Max like now, still cute? - I don't know, I didn't notice. - I still can't believe Rosa left you her restaurant. - But only if I'm married. I haven't been on a date in ages like... I forget what to do. - That's exactly why this is a good thing. It's time you put yourself out there. It's like riding a horse. - Do you mean "bike"? - Horse, bike, same thing. - I fell off the last horse I was on, remember? - Poor Snowball, it's not his fault he's blind. - Ugh. - Okay, not to worry, I'm going to help you. My job gives me access to a lot of information and a huge network of people. Trust me, this is going to be fun. - Fun for who? - Fun for me! Here we go, calendar is up. (laughing) - Very nice. - When was your last haircut? - Why? - Never mind, we have some work to do. - You doing alright? You haven't moved from there since dinner. - Thanks. This new client is already a handful. - Hey, you wouldn't happen to have anybody that you could set me up with, would you? - There's some single women at work I could ask. - Okay, that's a start. - My mom's friends are always trying to set me up with their daughters. - Okay. - My cousin throws these amazing dinner parties, you should go to one of those. - Nolan. - Yeah. - How are you single? - Hey, this is about you and the restaurant right now, back off. - Okay. What's this? What are you doing? - I am making a spread sheet. There isn't anything that can't be solved with a spread sheet. What do you think? - I've gone 35 years without a spread sheet and I'm doing just fine, why do I need a spread now? - Oh, I'm excited about this. Let's start off with some yoga with Lauren. - I thought it was dating, not torture. (exhaling) (relaxing music) - Let me guess, you met with that rude supplier again? It's the only time I ever see you meditate. - If only he didn't have the best balloon selection, I'd tell him to go you know where. (laughing) - I don't think the meditation is working. - Oh, who's Ethan? - Kat is setting me up with her brother's friend. He's a dentist. - I always knew your flossing obsession would pay off one day. - Ha, ha. But now I have three dates tomorrow. - That's perfect, you have to eat three meals a day anyway. - Very funny. - Oh, and you look gorgeous. Gary isn't even going to recognize you from your profile pic. - My what? - I met him on a dating site with your online dating profile. He's a veterinarian. - I have an online dating profile? - Profiles, plural with an S. - What? - Come now. You don't want to keep Gary waiting. He says he values punctuality and animals, obviously. What? He said so in his profile. Oh, don't mention Snowball. (sighing) Okay. (sighing) - Whoa, I know it's just coffee, but you might want to throw a shirt on there, bro. - Last time I checked, this was my bedroom. - Yeah, sorry, I needed two screens. This new client is driving me absolutely crazy. He keeps texting me every hour to run a market report. He thinks ending every text with a smiley face emoji makes it better, but it only makes it worst. - See, that's why I like food, it never talks back to you. - Actually, this guy loves to cook. You'd probably get along. - So, who am I going on a date with? - Oh, right, uh, Talia Reed at eight. - Talia Reed from high school? - Yeah. - Didn't she get arrested? - She was never charged. Hey, uh, you might want to hurry up. Who knows what she'll do to you if you're late. (laughing) Watch out. See ya. - See ya. - Yes, your report is coming, man. Hey, at least there's no smiley face. (phone chiming) (chuckles) There it is, smiley face emoji. (soft music) - Thanks. - Aw, was it really that bad? - He talked about himself the entire time, I couldn't wait to get out of there. - Honey, I think you deserve a scone with your coffee, on the house. - I work here, so they're free. - And be careful, they're still ho... hot. Oh! Not as hot as him. Who is that? - Hey, what, do you sleep here? - Yeah, I know it looks like that, but no, I do have a home. I just come here most days before work. The best coffee in town. - Ahem, introduce me to your friend. - Max, this is Rory. - Where have you been hiding out? - Max and I used to work at Rosa's when we were in high school. He's just visiting from New York, temporarily. - I'm so sorry about Rosa. - Yeah. - If you ever need to talk, I'm a very good listener. - Thanks, I appreciate that. What about a coffee? Milk, no sugar. - Coming right up, I have a pot that's almost ready. - Thank you. This is where you work, huh? - Yeah. Actually, I'm glad I ran into you, I'm thinking of doing something for Rosa. - Okay, like what? - Like a party or an event, something to celebrate her life with all her favourite dishes. - Yeah, I like that, I can help out. - Oh, no, that's okay. - Hey, listen, I loved Rosa too and you'll need a chef. - Um... - Come on, it'll be a great way to see if you and I still work well together. - Okay, fine. Yeah, I'll put you in charge of food. - Great. We need to make a signature dish, we'll name it after her. - Oh, okay. - I got it. Rigatoni a la Rosa. - Or what about those little Italian fritters that are shaped like roses? - Yeah. - Well, there can really only be one signature dish, so. - Perfect, rigatoni it is. You did leave me in charge of the food after all. - We don't really have to decide right now. - What do I owe ya? - Oh, it's free as long as you promise to come back. - Thank you very much, it was nice to meet you, Rory. (sighing) - Looks like you have a secret admirer. - What do you mean? At this point, I'm not ruling out anyone. - That's right, an assortment of flavours, lemon, vanilla, chocolate, red velvet. Yes, five dozen should still be enough. - Hey. - Give me one second. Perfect, I'll see you then. - What was that about? - The Peek Vintage shop grand opening. I'm confirming the mini cake order. - I love that. Oh, I bought the cutest mini cake moulds from Indulge last year. They're still in the box, but I'm going to use those eventually. - There seems to be a lot of unopened boxes of baking supplies in our kitchen these days. - I know, I will get back to baking eventually just-- (both): Once work slows down. - I've heard that one before. Oh, before I forget, I signed you up for a speed dating game's event at the community centre. I saw it posted on Insta, it's almost sold out and I would join you, but I have to work. - Oh, sounds fun. Finally, a date that doesn't require physical activity. - Speaking of which, you may want to change. - Why? This is your dress. - And it looks great, but it might not be the best for rock-climbing. - Rock-climbing? - Oh, yeah, it's easier than it looks. - Oh, you've been? - Oh, no. I heard it was. I can't rock climb. - Evie. - You were way more outdoorsy than me. Come on, I'll help you find a pair of shoes with good grip. - Okay. (clinking) - Oh, I know that sound. Rough day? - Yeah, it's emoji guy. We're meeting tomorrow night to look over his financial plan, and I told you, he's really into food, especially Italian. Normally, I would've taken him to Rosa's. But now, I don't know where to go. But the food has to be perfect. - Why don't you have him over here and I'll cook? I mean, there's nothing like a homemade meal to bring relationships together. I'll make lasagna and all you gotta do is bum it in the oven. - That would be great, are you sure? - Dude, after everything you've done for me, let me do this for you. - Alright, yeah, thanks, man. I think that'll really help him build his trust in me. - Mm-hmm, um... What's this? - Ha, that is your art gallery ticket, my friend. - "Look at arts through the romantic period." - It's perfect, right? You're bound to meet someone there. - This is a grown-up event this time, right? - Oh, dude, I told you I was sorry, alright? I didn't know that museum tour was booked for a class trip. Mrs. Lee's third graders loved you, though. - Well, they were awesome. Anyway, I'll see you later, I'm off to speed dating night. - Later, bro. (soft music) - So, how long have you lived here? - Shh, I need to concentrate. - Oh. - That's what I'm talking about! High-five? Don't leave me hanging. - Oh, uh. - It's still your turn. Excuse me, are you going to go? - Oh, sorry. - Oh, that's okay. (laughing) Oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? - My ex and I used to play this game. (crying) - Here, take that, there. (blowing nose) (crying) (buzzer) (♪♪) - You know, Rosa would've gotten a kick out of this. - You think so? - Oh, yeah, she loved playing matchmaker. (chuckles) - How many fingers? - I don't know 'cause I can't see anything. - Good, that was the test. You ready? - Ready. - There's no way you are going to win again. So contender 95 he was kind of intense? - Oh yeah. Well, you looked like you had your hands full. - Yeah, I couldn't wait for that buzzer to go off. Stand still, don't move. - Oh, boy. - Tail. There you go. - Got it. - Alright. - This way. - Good luck. (♪♪) Come on! How are you doing that? (laughing) (humming) - What can I say, I'm a bit of a bad ass, do you get it? - You're a bit of a jackass. You know what? This is my chance for me to redeem myself. - No way. I don't trust you. I'm putting your blindfold on. - Fine. Go. - You know, we still have to decide on a date for Rosa's memorial ceremony. - Hm. Two weeks today? - That's my birthday, that's perfect. - I just forget that you're older than me. - By three months! (laughing) Okay, you know what? I am going to miss Rosa's tomato sauce, though. She used to send me jars every year on my birthday. - Same, she never missed one. - How many fingers am I holding up? - Just give me... Spin me. - Okay, alright. - Okay. - One, two... Okay, there you go. Now, do you need me to explain the rules-- - Tail me! - Alright, there you go. - I'm about to blow the hooves off this thing. - Here we go. - Straight, right here? - Yep, yep. - Boom! How'd I do? - Um, well, it could be worse. He still has an eye intact, so. - Stop, this game is rigged! - How is... Here. (chuckling) (soft music) I'll take it off. - Thanks. (buzzer) Well, that was fun. You win again. Oh, hi, hi. - See you. - Alright, I'll see you. - Yep. - I'll see you in a little bit. (Max): Hey, I'm Max. - He compared me to his ex, the whole time. I can't believe I got up this early for him. (sighing) - His loss, you look fabulous. And speaking of fabulous. You kept your promise, nice to see you again, Max. - Hi, Rory. Good morning, Gemma. That's a fancy outfit. - Ah. - What brings you here so nice and sweat... I mean, early. - Yoga class. - Oh, I like a man who can downward dog. I'll be right back with your coffee. Milk, no sugar? You left quite an impression. - Thanks, Rory. (laughing) - So, anyone interesting at Yoga? - Sure, if I was 65. - Hm. - Yeah, it turned out to be a seniors class. - Oof. - Wasn't a total bust, though, Betsy did give me her granddaughter's phone number. - Eh. - What about you, any luck? - My date made Mr. Highfive look good. - Oof, that bad, huh? - Yeah, he was only interested in taking photos of me to send to his ex-girlfriend to make her jealous. - Well, you can take it as a compliment. - Oh, wait, that's not even the worst part. You'll never believe who stepped on the court after us. Santos. - Stop it. - Mm-hmm. - Did you hit him with your racket? - No, but I was tempted. - You should've. Did he say anything? - No, he just smiled and waved, I feel like he's getting a kick out of this whole thing. - How he's related to Rosa, I'll never understand. - Hey, are we still meeting here later to talk about the memorial? I'll finally be able to give you a proper tour. - If I'm not busy with Betsy's granddaughter, I'll be here. (chuckling) - Okay, I have to get ready for work, I will see you later? - Sounds good. - There you go, handsome. Now, um, how about showing me your... warrior pose? - Maybe next time. Thanks, Rory. (upbeat music) (camera shutter clicking) - Right on time! - Hey. - Hope you're hungry. - Always. Wow, this place is incredible. - Yeah. I have worked really hard to make Indulge more than a grocery store. I want it to be a place where people can come for an experience. I'd love to do the same with Rosa's, make it more than a restaurant. - Wow, it's nice to see how inspired you are. You're like a marketing genius. - Oh. - Wish I could say the same thing about my job. - What happened? - I'm just tired of working under Chef Paul's vision. That's why this opportunity with Rosa could be really great. - Well, have you talked to him? - He keeps trying to contact me, I keep ignoring him. - Okay, well, you have to talk to him. No matter what happens with Rosa's, it's time for you to live your dream. Life is short, you gotta take a leap. - What's going on here? - They are setting up for a sushi demonstration tonight. Oh, and next week, Chef Donovan Price is coming to make something from his new cookbook. - World-renowned pastry chef Donovan Price? - Mm-hmm, the one and only. - Wow. - What? - It's amazing. - Thanks. - What's a guy gotta do to get some food around here? - Oh, you're ready for lunch? - Oh, yeah, I've basically been drooling ever since I walked in here. - Okay, well, you've gotta try our chicken parm sandwich, you'll never be able to guess the secret ingredient. - You know I cook for a living, right? - Yes, it'll be very embarrassing if you can't get it. - Fair enough. - Pretty good, huh? (sighing) - It was horrible. (laughing) - Are you ready to guess? - Oh, it's too easy. - We'll see. - There's a miso paste inside. - Ah, dammit! You know, I had to eat three of those before I got it? - Yeah, well, I have a more sophisticated palate than you. You wanted to discuss the menu? - Yes, the signature dish. - Why can't we have the fritters and the rigatoni? - Because there can only be one. I am the marketing genius, remember? - You are a genius at being stubborn. - I prefer strong-willed. - Ah, well, it's no wonder you can't find a date. (laughing) - I can say the same thing for you. - I actually happen to have a very promising date coming up with one of Nolan's colleagues. - Well, I have a date tonight too with one of Evie's clients. - Alright, I'm sure you'll find fault in him. - What is that supposed to mean? - It means you're too picky. - So are you. - Look, you have tons of potential suitors around here. Captain blue suit right there. - He's eating mac and cheese. - Yeah, so, what's wrong with mac and cheese? - It's from the kid's menu, he's immature. - See? - Okay, Mr. Easy-going. Oh, what about her? - Ugh, she's eating salad. - And? - It's plain green salad, she's boring. - Okay, so, look who's picky now. Okay, so, here this is a guy who knows what to order and it looks like he works out. - Mm-hmm. - Is that... - Hey, Nolan! Over here. - Oh, hey. - Gemma was just telling me how great that suit fits. - Thank you. - Hi, Nolan. - Gemma, it's been a while. - Hey, let me grab you a chair, sit down. - No, here, take my seat, I have to go back to work. - Thanks. Hey, man, you still gonna be hungry for La Palette tonight? That's where you're meeting Ally. - Are you kidding, La Palette? - Why, is that bad? - Oh, that's just where I'm going tonight. - Well, I guess, I'll see you tonight then. - Nice to see you, Nolan, enjoy your lunch. Excellent choice by the way. - Thank you. - She looks really good... And so do you. (clearing throat) Mmm, that's delicious. - It's the miso paste. (soft music) Oh, hey, how's it going? - Ugh, my date won't stop checking the score of some soccer game. - I don't think his team's winning. - How about you? - My date is not going any better. - What's wrong? (camera shutter clicking) - She won't stop taking pictures of herself. Hey, you want to get out of here? - What, how? - I have an idea, you in? Okay, here's what we're going to do... (laughing) - I can't believe that worked. - I know. - I kind of feel bad. - Oh, by all means, you're free to go back. - Well, I don't feel that bad. (chuckling) But I am hungry, we didn't even make it to the main course. - You know what? Follow me, I know just the place. (soft music) Alright, looks like it's ready. - Oh. - If you don't mind. - Smells amazing. - I hope you're ready for this. (soft music) There you are. - Oh, it looks incredible. - May I? - Please, you're the chef. - Alright. - Okay, moment of truth. (chuckling) - Yeah? (chuckling) - It's amazing. - Rigatoni a la Rosa. - Fine, you win, there can be two signature dishes. (laughing) Mmm. Wow, seeing you cook really makes me want to bake again. - Well, then do it. I mean, you're the one that told that me life is short, we have to make time for the things that we love to do, right? - You're right. - This needs... ...a hint of pepper. - Do you know what? I think I remember where it is. Oh my gosh! (chuckling) Max, you have to come see this. (laughing) (soft music) - Oh, that's... - Are you kidding me? Don't laugh, it's not funny, it's everywhere! - I mean, you look great with grey hair. - Is it in my hair? - Just a little bit. (laughing) - I want to see what you look like with grey hair. - No, no, no! - Yeah. - Oh! Yeah, yeah, there you go! - Stop! No, no, no. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Wait, wait, wait! (clattering) Is somebody here? - Wait here, I'll go check it out. - No, I'm going with you. - Here, take this. (♪♪) (clattering) - Great, no one will mess with us now. - Oh, stop it, let's go. (♪♪) - Thanks for meeting me here at this hour, Sal. So, what do you think? - I'm thinking two to three days tops to demolish everything. - Great, I have all the permits. - Excellent. - Santos? - Nice to see you both again. Uh, put your weapons down. - What are you doing here? - I could ask you the same thing, you know, I'm pretty sure you're supposed to bake with flour not wear it. (laughing) Sal's walking me through the demolition. - I still don't understand why you want to tear this place down. - Like I told you, it's not personal, it's business. - You're wrong, it is personal. - Don't waste your breath, Gemma, let's go. (♪♪) (clattering) (soft music) (sighing) - Uh-oh, is it the balloon guy again? (sighing) - No, not this time, I have a problem. - What happened? - The bakery marked down the wrong date for the mini cakes, it's too late to call another place. I don't know what I'm going to do. - Well, I have an idea. Why don't I make the cakes for you? - Really? - Seeing Max in the kitchen inspired me to bake again and I think this is the perfect excuse. Plus, you are always looking out for me, so now it's my turn. - Thank you! You have no idea how relieved I am. So, you've been spending a lot of time with Max? - Yeah, he's helping with the memorial. - Mm-hmm? - We're just friends, what? That's it. - I didn't say anything. - That can't be right, what does that say? Bungee jumping? Evie! - Chad looks so cute in his profile pic and he says he loves an adventure, I couldn't say no. - So much for looking out for me. - Well, maybe you shouldn't eat any more candy. It's probably best to go on an empty stomach, you know, in case you get nauseous. See, I am looking out for you. - Hey. How'd it go last night? It was great, this lasagna was a huge hit. - You could at least heat it up. - Just as good cold. My client loved it too, he said it was the best lasagna he ever had. I can tell it worked already. It's almost eight and he hasn't sent me any messages yet, I would've had at least two requests by now. - Well, I'm glad I could help. - Did you just go out for a run? - Yeah. - Wow, I'm impressed. Was that a warm-up or a... - What do you mean? - Well, you're signed up for a singles running club this morning. I'm dropping you off on my way to work. - No way! - Dude. - I'm exhausted. - It's on the spread sheet, so. (sighing) - This dating is killing me. - Hey, you can't give up now, think about the restaurant. You want it to go to Santos? - I wonder how Gemma's managing. - Are you into her? - What, Gemma? No. - Because that would be the easiest way to the restaurant. - No, I told you, we're friends. Okay, like, don't you think that if something were to happen, it would've happened a long time ago? - Okay, well, maybe I should take her out? - Really? - Why not? - Well, I just... I didn't think she was your type. - What, beautiful and smart aren't my type? - Well, then, I didn't think that you were her type. (chuckling) - Hey, I guess there's only one way to find out, huh? - Yeah. (phone chiming) - Ready to go? - Uh, yeah. Yeah, give me a second. (soft music) (humming) - Kat, it's Gemma. Yes, I know you have caller ID. Look, I have decided that I am not going to go to the event tonight. Can you do the introduction for me? I know you're ready. No, I'm not sending a limo to pick you up. Okay, great. Thank you, good luck. Alright, I will see you tomorrow. (humming) - Someone looks happy. - Max, what are you doing here? - I was just dropping off the extra chairs for the memorial. Those look amazing. Need any help? - I could use some more frosting. - Okay, I'll unload the rest of the chairs, and then grab an apron. (humming) (birds chirping) - Okay, let's just go over it one more time. I posted the event on social media and put up posters around town. How about the groceries? - Ordered and delivery is confirmed. - Okay, Evie is also on the decorations, the extra chairs are in the storage room, thank you for that. - No problem. (yawning) - I think that's it. Oh my gosh, this coffee's the only thing keeping me awake right now. - I'd be offended if I wasn't just as exhausted. - Thank you for staying all the way to the end, I may have gotten carried away. - No, baking another dozen at midnight is totally reasonable. - Okay, you know what? That was your fault because you're the one who told me about Rosa's carrot cake recipe, I did it for Rosa. - Well, it was nice seeing you bake again. - Yeah, it felt incredible. I can't let it go that long again. - Well, hopefully, it won't happen. - Thought you could use a treat with all that coffee. - Mmm, please, go ahead. - I couldn't, you first. - Oh, after all your help last night I just... I insist. - Oh God. Please, I insist. - Growing boy. - I'm done growing. (laughing) - I still cannot believe that you are a principal at Pleasant Elementary. I would love to go back and see how things have changed, I mean, it was so big back then. - You're welcome to visit anytime. - Thank you, I might take you up on that. (groaning) Is everything okay? - Hmm... - I'll be fine, I'll be fine. (groaning) - Okay. Are you sure? You don't look okay. - Was there dairy in the salad or... - I don't know. Do you have an intolerance? I should've checked. - I should've mentioned it. (chuckling) (groaning) - Oh wait, the um... the salad dressing has cream in it. (stomach growling) -- I'm sorry, I'm going to have to go. - Right now? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, okay, um... (panting) (sighing) - Hey, what did you do to that poor guy? I've never seen anybody run so fast. - Perfect. What are you doing here? - Hey, I'm innocent, I assume zero responsibility. - I didn't know he had a dairy intolerance. (laughing) It was actually going really well, he's a really nice guy. - It'd be a shame to watch all this food go to waste. Guess what? I don't have any intolerances. - No, but you can certainly be intolerable. (chuckles) Oh. - Stop. - Mm-hmm. - Is this Rosa's tiramisu? - Mm-hmm. - You've been holding out on me this whole time? - Well... - It's a cute picnic basket. (soft music) Needs more espresso. - I followed Rosa's recipe. - Well, then you didn't dunk the lady fingers long enough. - Well, it doesn't seem to be bothering you. - Nope. This is nice. - Yeah, it is, it's nice to just relax and not have to do any of that awkward first date small talk. - Oh, I feel like I have the first date script just rehearsed in my head. - Yeah. - You know, it really wasn't nice of you to poison your friend there. - I didn't poison Gabe. (chuckling) Oh. Sorry, go ahead. - Thanks, I appreciate it. (sniffs) God, this is exactly what I needed. Oh, hey, I think I got a way to figure out your um, your bad dating streak. - It was going well with Gabe. - Oh yeah, but I don't think he's coming back. - I'm listening. - You know what? Don't worry about it, it's all good, forget I said anything. - No, just tell me. - I think Nolan wants to go on a date with you. - Oh! - See, you know what, it's a bad idea, don't worry about it. - No, I'm... I'm just surprised. - Yeah, I was kind of surprised too, actually. - I just... I never really saw him that way. If you think it's a good idea... You think it's a good idea, right? - I just can't think of a good reason not to, I guess. And I can vouch for him. - Great, Evie is always telling me I need to be open to everyone. - That's good advice, maybe I should go on a date with her. - That's a great idea. - What is? - I'll set you up with Evie. I mean, I can vouch for her too. - I don't know. - Can you think of a good reason not to? - I guess not. - Then it's set, we will do a double date. (soft music) Do we really have to make a special playlist just for this date? - I'm going to pretend you didn't say that, it was pump-up music meant for us to, you know, get in a good mood. Clearly, someone isn't. Are... are you nervous? - No, no, I don't know, maybe. - Well, you got nothing to be nervous about, you already know Nolan. - I guess. - Yeah, and you know, experts say, "Couples who are friends first have a better chance of getting married." - Did you just make that up? - Yeah, but it makes sense, right? - Yeah, but I'm not really friends with Nolan, like I don't even know him that well. - Okay, forget about the experts. All that matters is that he's interested in getting to know you. And besides, I'm the one who's going in blank. - Oh my gosh, I think you're really going to like Max, though, even I can admit that he can be charming. Oh, there they are. (indistinct chatter) - Oh, he's hot. - Right? - I can appreciate a man who wears a tank top on a first date. - No, that's Nolan, Max is the one in the hat. - I thought you said he had hair. - He does, it's just a sunny day. - Well, isn't there some rule about wearing a hat on a first date? - You were going to wear that hat that Faye gave you from the vintage shop. - Okay, that is different, fashion has no rules, Gemma. - Alright, forget about it, let's just go. - Okay, wait, wait, wait. - What is it now, you don't like his shoes? - No. Well, I can't see them from over here. I just want to say, have an open mind. - Okay. - Yeah, just like, be yourself. - Yeah, I got it. - No pressure, have fun. - Okay, Evie, I got it, I got it, let's just go. - Okay, let's go meet our future husbands. - What happened to "no pressure"? - I want a husband. - Oh, man, these are delicious. (♪♪) - You won't have any of those to bring home. - That's okay, I barely have fresh produce at my place, or anything for that matter. - So, what's the name of the restaurant you work for? - Do you think they're having a good time? - My fridge is usually pretty bare. - You don't like to cook? - No, not really, if I'm not out for a dinner with a client, then I'll just order take out. (scoffs) - Oh, yeah, they look okay to me. - Should we check on them? - No, I'm sure they're fine. - So, how many siblings do you have? - Hi. - Hey. - Hi. - Sorry, what were you saying? - The name of the restaurant that you work at. - It's Eleven Underground. - Oh, no way! I love that place. - Yeah? - I helped plan a party a few years ago in New York and my client took me there. The food is so different. - Yeah, I mean, I work there and I don't get it. - I love to cook. - Oh, yeah, I mean, I understand that, just for me, it's a bit of a waste of time. No offence. - Oh, none taken. (♪♪) - Well, I guess I appreciate the creativity, right? It's fun, inventive. - I prefer classic cuisine. - Yeah, hm... Aren't you going to try one? - Ah, ha, ha! No, no way, not without washing them first. I'm picky about my produce. - Yeah, and other things. - What's that? - What? - Oh, you want to sit down? - Oh, what? Oh. Okay... - Then we've got one for you. - Thank you. - One for you. - Hey, thanks for bringing these, Gem. - Oh, you are so welcome, I picked them up from Indulge earlier this morning. I hope everybody is okay with turkey and brie, you're favourite. - You remembered. - Works for me, I will eat pretty much anything as long as I don't have to make it myself. (chuckles) - Same with me, you should see the leftovers I bring home after events. It's one of the perks of being a party planner, you don't really have to cook for yourself, and if it wasn't for Gemma, I'd probably store my shoes in the oven. - She would. (chuckles) - Hey, did you wear sunscreen? - Yeah. (Gemma): No. - Oh, you mean Gemma. - Just 'cause she burns so easily, here put that on. - Are you sure? - I insist. - You do have hair. - What? Hey, see, look at that, suits you. (laughing) - You know, I think I have some sunscreen in the car. Gemma, will you come with me? - I... I think I'm okay now. - No, I think you need to put on some sunscreen. - Well, can you just go get it? - No. I need your help. (Gemma): Oh. Okay, we will be right back. - Don't eat this. - Well, I might, see you soon. - Okay, bye. - What is up with you? - This is not working. - What's wrong? - Max is preoccupied, I think he's into you. - How are things going with Gem? - I don't know, I don't think we're clicking. We're probably just better off as friends. - That's uh... that's too bad. - I don't believe you. - Oh my gosh, don't be ridiculous, this was his idea. - Well, something is distracting him. - Okay, well, you're the one who always says, "You need to be open-minded." You need to take your own advice. - Fine, I'll try, but I'm usually never wrong about these things. (scoffs) - I've been picking up this weird vibe from you all day. Are you... are you sure you're not into Gemma? - No, I told you, Gemma and I are just friends. I mean, why would I set you up with her and agree to go on a date with her best friend? - Alright, if you say so. - How's it going with Nolan? - Um... Yeah, we don't seem to have a lot in common. - So what? You know what they say, "opposites attract." - I know, but he thinks cooking is a waste of time. - It is a waste of time. - Look, I don't need someone who loves to cook, but I need someone who appreciates what I do. - Yeah, and I certainly appreciate his biceps. - Yeah, you said. (laughing) - Sorry. - Give it a rest, let's go. - Hey, uh, how is Evie? She's got a really good energy. - Evie's nice. - But? (sighs) - I don't know, man. - Dude, the restaurant is on the line, you should at least give her a chance. - I have to get married. I mean... Shouldn't it be the right person? - I'm sorry. - It's okay. - Have you tried these strawberries, though? - No, I... Not without washing them. - Should I be washing these? - Mm-hmm. - What are you going to do with all those? - Um, I'm thinking I'm going to make a crostata. - Uh, whatwhata? - Oh, it's basically just a fancy way to say "tart". - Oh, I'm glad you asked because I can't keep up with these foodies. - Rosa used to make the best crostata. - Yes, she did, you know what the trick is? You have to use room temperature butter. - No, you definitely want to use cold butter. - You also don't want to listen to somebody who doesn't put enough espresso in her tiramisu. - Wow! - What, hey, who's the chef here? - Oh, sous-chef, right? - Oh, we're going to go down that road. Okay, well, I can't in good conscience let you destroy these strawberries, so... - What? Give those back! - You're gonna have to catch me. - Yeah, I'm going to get them. - You ain't catching nobody. (laughing) - And they're off. Guys! - Max! (laughing) - Is there something going on with these two? - Yes, I don't know why Gemma's being so stubborn. - Yeah, same with Max. - Maybe they could use our help. - What do you have in mind? - I've got some ideas. (laughter) - Stop. - But I'll probably need your help. - Okay. Yeah, I should take your number then, you know, for planning purposes. - We should probably get started right away. - Yeah, immediately. - Yeah, immediately. (phone ringing) - Hi, I've been meaning to call you. Kat, can we make sure there's enough signed copies of Donovan's book at the event tonight? What? The flu, how bad is it? Okay, well, I didn't need those very specific details. Oh, it's going to be impossible to find a replacement for tonight. Wait, I have an idea. (beep) (knocking) - Coming! (knocking) I'm coming. (knocking) Yes, yes, yes. - Hi. - Hi, what's the emergency? - Um... Uh, I need a... I need a favour, Donovan Price has the flu. - So, you came all the way over here to tell me that in person? - Well, my event is tonight and I wonder if you can fill in him for him. And I didn't want to give you a chance to come up with some lame excuse. - I'm doing laundry. - Like that. Though that would explain the lack of clothes. - Okay, what's in it for me? - Well, I will be posting the event on socials, so it could be really good for your career. Not to mention there's going to be a lot of single ladies there. - You're going to have to do better than that. - You want more? Um... I'll bake something for you. Hmm? - Oh, twelve cannolis from scratch, none of that store-bought stuff. Yeah. - Yes, of course. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Alright, you got yourself a deal, then. What time do you want me there? - Oh, I'll text you all the details, yeah. - Okay. - Thank you! You're a life saver! - You sure you want to do that? - Um. Maybe just... Yeah. And clothes are mandatory. - Ha, thought they might be. - So... see you tonight. - Yes, you will. (upbeat music) Now that we have our first layer, what we're going to do is repeat the exact same process. Like I said the first time, it's very important that when you dip your lady fingers that you dip long enough that they can absorb the mixture, but not too long because then they'll fall apart. I recently had a conversation with my friend who didn't use enough of the espresso mix, it's very important to use enough espresso mix. Now, that our bottom layer is completely covered, we take the mascarpone, spread it over top just like this. Then you want to gently spread an even layer over the top, making sure not to distress the fingers underneath. So, now that we have the completed two layers, what you want to do is take some cocoa powder... ...and chocolate shavings and just dust the top layer like this. Voila. You have yourself a delicious tiramisu. You want to throw this in the fridge to chill for about four hours which we're going to do right after this. Lucky for you, we already have one chilled in case anybody wants to try it. Any questions? Yes. - Are you single? - I... am single. (chuckles) - So am I. (♪♪) - You were great tonight. - Yeah, I had a lot of fun, it was really nice making something, you know, on my own terms. - Yeah, well, you should only do that from now on. Did you talk to your boss? - No, not yet. - What are you waiting for? You should feel this good all the time. - I appreciate the pep talk. - Hey, it's the least I can do, you totally saved me tonight. I could always count on your help. - I think we make a good team. - I have a confession to make. - Yeah, you knew all the single ladies at tonight's event were going to be seniors. - Two confessions. (laughing) - Okay, what's number two? - You were right. There was not enough espresso in my tiramisu. - Yeah! I told you so. - No gloating 'cause it took a lot for me to admit that. Oh, before I forget, can I get a selfie with the chef? - Yes, of course. (camera shutter clicking) - I'm sorry, I just forgot my coat. And you, mm-hmm, you were fabulous. I'm Faye, by the way. - I'm Max. - Owner of the new vintage shop. - Oh, it's so great to finally meet you. I'm Gemma, Evie's best friend. I made the mini cakes for your grand opening. - Oh, honey, people are still talking about those. No, you, you really should go into business for yourself. The red velvet, mmm, especially divine. - Wow, thank you. I mean, I'm so glad everybody liked them and I'm sorry I couldn't make it on the day. - Oh well, just promise me that you'll come by and see me soon. - I promise. - Would you mind taking a picture of us? - With me? - Oh yes, I know a future Michelin-star chef when I see him. (camera shutter clicking) - Look at the cute couple. There you go. - Thank you, I'll see you soon. - Nice to meet you. (♪♪) - Hey, look at that smock. - You know, I'm starting to think you're following me. - Well, for your information I'm meeting someone here. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. - I am too. - Looks like you're stuck beside me. Hey, how do I look, do I look like Da Vinci about to paint the Mona Lisa? (chuckling) - It's on backwards, the pockets are supposed to go on the front. - Oh. - Okay, since I am stuck beside you, I have to make one rule, you can't make fun of my painting. (chuckles) - I'll try my best. I'm just kidding. Truth be told I'm a little out of my element here too. - Yeah, surprised to see you here. - Nolan set it up and he was unusually adamant that I come. Truth be told, he was acting kind of strange. - Oh yeah? - Yeah. - That's weird, Evie seemed a bit off today too. - Yeah? - Huh. - Do you think our plan is working? - I think it's already a success. Don't you? (clinking) (laughing) - What? - What are those supposed to be? - It's the bird! (scoffing) Okay, look at all those colours, it looks like a unicorn threw up on your canvas. - What? No, it's really good. - You got paint on your cheek. - What, where? - Right there. - Right here? - Here, I'll get it. - Right here? - No, that's not... Right here. Close your eyes. - Max? - Joley, what are you doing here? - I promised my friend I'd pop in and say hi. Are you back in town for good now or? - No, I'm just visiting. - This is crazy, I was just thinking about you. (chuckles) - Oh, hey, Joley, you remember Gemma, right? - It's just like old times. Wait, are you together? - Us? No, no. - No, no. - Our dates didn't show up. - Hey, why don't you take my spot? It'll be great to catch up. - You sure? - Yeah, I mean, of course, we're sure. Right, Gem? - Well, I actually just remembered that I have a meeting, an early meeting tomorrow and... I have to... I have to go. - Are you sure? - Yes, you guys probably have so much to catch up on, so you stay and have fun. Joley, it was nice to see you. - You too. - Gem! - Yeah? - You forgot your painting. - Oh, right, yeah, ah. - I'm so glad I ran into you. Okay, this might sound a little crazy, but I have a favour to ask. - Yeah, shoot. What's up? - Would you go to a dance class with me? - Yeah, sure, that's exciting. - Thank you, I'm so excited. - What? - You look very handsome, it's distracting. - I think working from here might've been a bad idea. - Oh. - Eve, it's me. I think I forgot... Nolan? - Hi, Gemma. - Are you two... - Since the strawberry picking. I was going to tell you. - So, the double date was a success after all. - I, uh... I hope this isn't awkward. - Are you kidding? No, I'm so happy for you two. Oh, here it is. This is all I needed, I will let you two get back to it. You look very cute together. - She thinks we're cute. (♪♪) - What are you trying to do here? - I want to push these tables together. - Well, don't worry about it, I can handle it, I got the sketch that you drew me. (sighing) You don't trust me? What's the matter? - Uh. (sighing) - Gemma. - What? - What's the matter? - It's not working, I need a clear pathway to the buffet table. - The memorial isn't for three days. - It has to be perfect. - What's really wrong? - Can you pass me that chair? - Hey. - Oh, great, just the person I wanted to see. - I hired a company to remove the furniture, you don't have to do that. - It's for the memorial. - Yeah, I saw the sign. Maybe I'll drop by since it's the last time this place will be a restaurant. Unless there's something I should know. - Uh, I totally forgot, I have work-meeting thing, you can handle the rest. - Was it something I said? - Wow, Gem, you look gorgeous. - I don't know if I'm in the mood for ballroom dancing. - It'll be fun! And just think, you'll be ready when one of those reality dance shows you love come calling. (laughs) - Come with me. - I can't, I'm meeting a potential new client. - I'm running out of time. - That's why you can't give up now, you never know who might show up. It only takes one when you least expect it. - Like with you and Nolan? - Exactly. Now you better get going. - Okay, wish me luck. - You won't need it, I have a good feeling about tonight. (soft music) (indistinct chatter) - Hi. - Oh. - You look beautiful. - Thanks. - You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're following me. - Evie. - What's that? - Oh, nothing. - Who's ready to dance? (both): Rory? - I have many secrets you don't know about. Everyone, find a partner. - Um... Should we... - If you don't, I will. - Gem, there's something that I wanted to... - Uh, uh, shh. Dance is the language of love, romance. No more talking, use your bodies. Now, we dance. Gentlemen, left foot forward. Ladies, right foot back and quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow. Quick, quick, slow. And don't be afraid to use your hips. (chuckling) - How is this? - Yeah, you're perfect. - Yeah? What did you want to tell me? - I don't remember. - I'm sorry I'm late, did you get my text? I got stuck at work. Hey, Gemma, I didn't expect to see you here. - Less talking, more dancing. - Oh, I'm with him, he's my partner. - Looks like you're stuck with me, gorgeous. - Uh, so... It's your right foot back, my left foot forward. - Okay. - Like this. - You okay? - Yeah, I'll be fine. - Are you sure, honey? - Thank you so much for doing this, my fiancé is going to be so excited. - Hmm? Mm-hmm. - Two, slow, three. (laughing) - Gemma, where are you? You're not going to believe this, I was asked to plan a sweet-16 party for a dog. There you are, did you hear me? Oh no, what's wrong? - I like him. - Max? I knew it. Finally, you admit it. - I know you set me up. All your talk of, "Oh, oh, it only takes one when you least expect it." I guess all your good feelings were wrong. - I did it because I know there was something between you. - Not something, someone. - I'm not following. - Max's ex-girlfriend, Joley was there. Her and Max were partners. - Oh no. - I feel like such an idiot. I think they're back together. - You don't know that and it's not too late. You need to tell Max how you feel. - What is the point? - Come here. You know what? I think you need a break from all these dates and we need a girls' day. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, just you and me and no dates. - I could really use that. Did you just say you're planning a party for a dog? (laughing) - Yeah. Just wait until you see how this place looks now that it's open, you're going to love it. - What do you think? With the scarf? Or without? - With the scarf. - You're right, this is fabulous. - Wow, your store is incredible. - Yeah, it is spectacular, isn't it? And it's always been a dream of mine. And it's never too late to do what you love, right? So, what can I do for you? - We're looking for a bit of fun. - Oh, well, you've come to the right place, doll. It's pretty quiet right now, so why don't you go, go. And holler if you need me. (upbeat music) (Gemma): Ready? (Evie): Yep! (Gemma): One, two, three. - You look awesome! (♪♪) Ah! Another one? - Yes! - Yes. (Gemma): One, two, three. - Ah! Oh my God, the mirror. Whoa. - Whoa, whoa, look at her. - Dangerous. - Ah! (laughing) Oh my God. (gasp) - I knew that you'd come back. And I got the tiara that you tried on, right over here. Did you bring the veil this time? - I did. - Oh, good! Oh, this is so pretty. And? What do you think? Oh, it's spectacular. (Joley): I'll take it. (Faye): Oh good. Oh, I'm so happy for you. You knew it'd be perfect, didn't you? - I did. (laughing) - Thank you. Oh, and good luck with the wedding and with the move to New York. - Thank you. - How exciting! - Hey... Are you okay? - I thought he liked me. - Oh, this is all my fault. - He's getting married and I... I want it to be me. - I'm sorry. - What am I going to do? I don't want to lose him and the restaurant. (crying) (phone ringing) - Gemma, I was wondering when I would hear from you. I hope it's good news. - Is there any way you can extend the deadline? - I'm sorry Gemma, there's nothing I can do. - I just... if I had more time. - I understand completely, but these are Rosa's wishes. And besides, I've already heard from Santos. There's no way he'll budge on his plans. What about Max? - Well, you'll have to ask him yourself. I think he may have met the terms. - Well, I'm sorry to see it end this way. - Me too, I wish I had better news. - I know how much Rosa's restaurant means to you, I just wish there was more I could do. - I understand. Thanks, Marvin. (soft music) (sighing) - So, Cassandra said we're not doing it right. (laughing) (phone chiming) Ah. "You have to come back for the new menu. Charcoal sushi donuts." - Wow, even I think that sounds awful. - I can't work there anymore. These last few weeks have really reminded me why I wanted to be a chef in the first place. Cooking Rosa's dishes, I don't know, it reenergized me. I don't want to do these science experiments anymore. - Hey, that's great, what made you finally make your decision? - Gemma. She helped me see it clearly. Now I know what I want and I know that Rosa would want this for me, despite what happens to the restaurant. - I'm happy for you, bro. - Thanks, man. - When are you going to go tell your boss? - I'm going to go there after the memorial, put my notice. - Can you really eat charcoal? - Oh, good, you're still here. - Those are beautiful. - Who is Gabe? (soft music) (gasps) - Happy birthday! (trumpet) - I'm just going to go back to bed. - Oh, then I guess you don't want your favourite lemon ricotta pancakes with raspberry compote. - Did you make these? - Not technically, I ordered them, does that count? - It counts. - I knew they would get you into the birthday spirit. And besides, you have a memorial to get ready for. - Memorial, with Max, ugh... I just want to go to sleep and wait till it's all over. (trumpet) - I'm not going to let you feel sorry for yourself, that is not what Rosa would've wanted. Now, eat your pancakes before I eat another one. - Another one? - Eat! I've already had like, four anyways. - Are you sure you're making the right decision? I've gotten used to having you here, bro. - Yeah, well, the sooner I tell my boss the better. And there's nothing really keeping me here anymore, you know? It'd be nice if things turned out differently. - Hey, you can't say we didn't try? - It's been a wild few weeks, thanks for everything. - Hey. The couch is yours any time you want it. - Thank you. - I'll see you at the memorial. - Just let me have a peak, it'll make me feel better. - I knew I shouldn't have asked you to come with me. - Well, I didn't want to be alone. - Aw. (Joley): I really liked it. - Ow, what was that for? - It's her, it's Joley. - What? - Oh, great handbag. Ouch! - Gemma. - Gemma? Hey, we keep running into each other. - Hi, um... Joley, this is my best friend Evie. (Evie): Hi. - Nice to meet you. This is Mateo, my fiancé. - Fiancé? - Yeah, I just love saying the word "fiancé". Oh, please don't mention where you saw me the other night, it's a surprise for the wedding. - Are you moving to New York? - Yeah, after the wedding, how did you know? Oh, Max must've told you. We know each other from high school, I was so jealous of Gemma. - You were? - Yeah, I thought Max liked you more than a friend. That's why we broke up. I was so sure you'd end up together. (laughing) - I have... I have to go. Very nice to meet you and good luck on the wedding. I think I have to... I have to go. (knocking) - Coming! Hey. - Max? Max? He's not here? - Yeah, I've could've told you that. - Where is he? - He's already at Rosa's. - Is he leaving? - Yeah, right after the memorial. - I have to talk to him. - Nice to see you too! (♪♪) - Hi. - It's beautiful. - The dining room is almost ready. I'm just finishing up the patio. I'm glad you like it. - Elegant, just like Rosa. I can't thank you enough for everything you've done. I'm so lucky to have you. - Thank me later, Max is inside. Go tell him how you feel. - I'm nervous. - I've got a good feeling about this. Okay, go, go, now! (soft music) - I wasn't expecting you this early. (Gemma): It looks incredible, Rosa would be so happy. - Happy birthday, Gem. (soft music) - "Dear Gemma, I know it's not Rosa's, but I hope it comes close. Happy birthday. Love, Max." (soft music) I can't believe you did this. - I thought it'd be nice to keep the tradition going. - I love it. So, are you checking in on me? Tables match your sketch and I stuck to the menu that we decided on. - No, everything is perfect, I trust you. - Then why are you here so early? - I have been looking for you. - I've been here this whole time. - I ran into Joley and her fiancé. I didn't know she was engaged. I thought I lost you again, I thought... - You thought what? - I thought you were in love with her. - That's impossible, I'm in love with you. - I love you, too. - What about Gabe? (chuckling) - I was only dating him because I thought you were taken. - Well... Wow. (laughing) - Gemma... These last few weeks have been crazy but incredible. I never could've imagined you and I ending up in this restaurant again after this many years. - Yeah. - But here we are. And I feel like the luckiest guy in the world. There is no one I would rather argue over recipes with than you. And promise me that I never have to go on another date with anyone ever again, but you. (laughing) Will you marry me? - Yes, yes, I will marry... (laughing) - Okay, alright. Hold it, don't move, one second. (exhales) Did I not tell you that rigatoni a la Rosa would be the best signature dish? - One of the signature dishes. (laughing) (laughing) We're engaged! (cheering) - We're so excited for you guys! Congratulations! Buddy, come here! (laughing) - Bring it in. (Nolan): Aw, I'm so happy for you guys. - Marvin. - I asked Nolan to bring him, to officiate your wedding. - Here? - You only have a few hours left. - Let's get to it. (Gemma): Okay. - I was hoping things would end this way and so was Rosa. - What do you mean? - Well, she left this letter with her will, it's to both of you. - Oh. - "My dearest Gemma and Max, true love is like a good recipe. You need the right ingredients and cooking time to produce the most delicious result. In time, I knew you would discover that you are the perfect ingredients for each other and will make a lifetime of recipes together. Just remember to put enough espresso in the tiramisu. (laughing) All my love, Rosa." (♪♪) (♪♪)
Channel: Films 4 Us
Views: 152,724
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Keywords: movies, full movies, free movies, films, movies on youtube, new movies, best movies, romcom, romcom movies, comedy movies, romance movies, romcom full movies, comedy romance, romance comedy movies, best romcom movies, full films, romcom films, romantic movies, films 4 us, films 4 you, drama movies, romantic drama, Love story comedy, lifetime, lifetime movies, lifetime films, Hallmark, Hallmark movies, julie nolke, dennis andres, julie nolke movie, The Wedding Rule (2023)
Id: VUVeT3z6utE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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