Meet Me in New York | Full ROMCOM Movie | Brooke Nevin | Corey Sevier | Molly Lewis

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(projector whirring) Sarah, you need to trust me, okay? This is why you hired me. Events like this are a fine balancing act. We want your guests to feel swept up in the magic of the evening but we also don't want to distract them from the whole reason they're there. The exhibition. Your beautiful artwork needs to be the star of the show, and everything else is there simply to draw their attention to it. So you focus on those beautiful paintings of yours and you let me handle everything else. Sound good? Oh, um, I have another call, but I will touch base with you tomorrow, and don't worry! Your party is in safe hands. Okay. Bye. Hey, girl. What's up? Uh, yeah, I guess I've got five minutes. I'll see you there. Would you like another? Uh... Yeah! Okay, thanks. Thank you. (gasping) Hi! Hi, honey! Oh my gosh. You really like this place, huh? Yeah, well, you know, the coffee is good. Do you want anything? The banana muffins are amazing. No, I can't. I literally have five-- four minutes to get back to the office. What did you want to talk about? Okay, you're my best friend, and I don't even know anything that's going on in your life right now. You know? I mean, we get to see each other at yoga, but we're not even allowed to talk there, you know? Wait, are you breaking up with me? - Honey, I'm serious. - Sorry. You have a crazy, busy life, but I think it's important that we try to make time to just hang out like we used to. You are so right. I'm sorry. You know what? I have three days off next week. How about you and me go on a mini spa break? Oooh! Okay. Well, actually I have a couple of paid holidays at work so that sounds pretty good! Um, "pretty good?" Three days of Jacuzzis, massages, and face masks? It sounds fantastic. I will book it tonight. Oh my gosh. Uh-- - Thanks! - Thanks. What? So that's why you like this place, huh? I have no idea what you're talking about. (giggling) What about you? Anything going on in that front? I think we just established that I barely have enough time - for my best friend. - (sighing) I said it once and I'll say it again, you need to find some balance in your life. You can't be working 24/7 all the time-- Excuse me! My friend here would like-- Shhh! Stop, stop. One of your delicious banana muffins please. Thank you! - I hate you. - I love you. Enjoy. Have a good day at work. Aww. Samantha: Another happy customer? Uh, apparently. Unbelievable. 23 years in this business, not one client has ever bought me flowers. Well, anyway. I have some news. - Oh? - As you know, Melissa will be leaving at the end of the summer, and there are a few people in contention for her job. Well, one of them is you. Really? I know you haven't been here long, but I must say, you've made a very good impression in a short amount of time. Wow. Thank you, Samantha. Don't thank me yet. All I need to know right now is if that is a step up that you'd be interested in taking. Oh, uh, yes. - Yes, absolutely. - Great. A decision will be made within the next couple of months, so keep up the good work. (giggling excitedly) (panting) Someone's let their cardio slip. Oh man. Work's been too busy, I haven't had the time. Yo, are you ready for the big new job in Dubai? Ah, getting there. Doesn't feel real though, you know? Can't believe they picked me. Well, when you go from coffee boy to managing the company in a few years, that's going to attract some attention, my man. I guess. I've just gotta tell my family. What? You're moving to the other side of the planet in a few weeks and you haven't told your family yet? I'm just waiting for the right time. Come on. See if you can keep up! (phone vibrating) (door buzzing) Mom, what are you doing here? I have a surprise. Ta-da! - Willow! - Uncle Joe! Hey! What's going on? She's spending two weeks with me before her birthday and then Carol and Dave are going to come and join us. - Oh. - Wow. This place is so cool. First thing she said was she wanted to spend some time with you, so I thought I'd bring her over for the afternoon. Is that okay? Yeah, of course. Oh, great! Well, have fun, you two. And I'll pick her up later tonight. - Okay. - Bye, grandma. Willow, um, that's a little bit expensive. Maybe don't play on that. What's the point in having a bike if it doesn't go anywhere? Why don't you just get a real bike? Wow. Who else lives here? It's just me. Don't you think that this is a bit big for just one person? Yeah, I suppose it is. So what do you want to do? Did you, um, bring any dolls? Oh, I don't really play with dolls anymore. No, huh? Okay. Uh, snakes and ladders? Mmm... do you have Plucky Princess on your phone? - What's that? - Oh, never mind. It's just a really cool game. Oh. Heh. I got it. You never grow out of ice cream. Nope. I've really missed hanging out with you ever since you moved into the city, Uncle Joe. Yeah, yeah. I've missed you too. Well, don't worry, 'cause now that I'm older, mom and dad said I can come and see you much more often, so we can hang out, like, all the time! Having an uncle who lives in New York is gonna be epic. There are so many cool things we can do. Yeah, but what about grandma? She lives here too, she can do things with you. I love grandma, but she can't run around the city like we can. You can be my own personal tour guide. You know, Willow, I should probably tell you, I'm... going to... throw you a birthday party. - Seriously?! - Oh yeah. You're turning ten, right? I mean, that's a big one. - Yeah! That'd be so awesome. - I know, right? Okay, so what would you have at your dream birthday party? Anything you want. Oh, I mean, I haven't really thought about it. Just off the top of your head? Okay, well then I'd have music and dancing, and all my friends would be there. And so much magic, and fairies, and unicorns, and fluffy animals you can play with. Along with the best cake ever, and so much ice cream! And it would be held at like, a big palace. Or, no-- a castle! Pack those bags, girl! We are booked. Uh-huh! This time next week, we will be getting a five star pampering. The place looks incredible. I know! I can't wait either! Okay, I gotta go. Oh, I'm going to try some of that coffee you love so much before I go back to work. Bye! You got lucky. How many wins have I had? Well, that's not the point. I'll always have this one. You'll always have one up on me. (laughing) - I've gotta say, man... - Okay, so when's my rematch? Uh, well, with Dubai... (clearing throat) Hi, sorry to interrupt, but I have an important appointment to get to, - so if I could just order? - Oh, yeah, sure thing. - What can I get for you? - A skinny latte to go, please. You know, um, just for future reference, that was kind of rude. Excuse me? What was rude? (clearing throat dramatically) Oh, really? (laughing) Well, I was trying to get served, and he wasn't noticing me, so... What should I have done, oh wise man? Well, you could have gone with a "hello." - An "excuse me," perhaps. - Oh? Anything would have been an improvement on that. Okay, I will bear that in mind. Thank you so much for making me a better person. - You're welcome. - Hmm. And I hope your important appointment goes well. Ah... (humming) Let's see here. Excuse me, I'm looking for Kelly Broussard. Oh, that is me! Oh. Hi. (laughing awkwardly) So, um, I guess I'm the important appointment. (forced chuckle) - You really shouldn't have. - I didn't. I was just looking to see where to put these. They are a little thank-you gift from my last clients. Huh. That's nice. Very thoughtful. Uh-huh, yeah. It was a lovely gesture. So, Mister... - Joe. - Mr. Joe. What can I do for you? Um, well, I want to throw a party for my niece. She's about to turn ten, and it needs to be spectacular. And I'm not very good at this kind of thing, so I thought I'd seek out some professional expertise. - And you-- - So I found-- - I'm so sorry. - No, no, please. Carry on, I did not mean to interrupt you. Again. I didn't, um, offend you earlier, did I? Offend me? (laughing) Oh, no. Not at all. You taught me a valuable lesson in customer etiquette for which I am eternally grateful. All right. So I was thinking-- But unfortunately, I do have to tell you, Mr. Joe, that I am extremely busy at the moment, and I don't usually do children's parties, so I am sorry, I just don't think that it's gonna work out on this occasion. Okay. Um... I thought this was one of the best event companies - in the city. - Oh, it is. That is why my schedule is so full right now. I see. Well, um... thanks for your time. Not at all. And good luck. (sighing) That was brief. How'd it go? Oh, uh, it... it wasn't, um... he just... Yeah, I just didn't get a good vibe from him. - Good vibe? - Mm-hm. Kelly, do you know who that was? That was Joseph Barker. Chief editor of, the most popular lifestyle website in New York. Having him as a client could have been good for this company. If you want a head start in the promotion race, that's the way to get it. (chuckling nervously) Okay. Oh, sorry! Mr. Barker, I am sorry. I think we got off on the wrong foot. Because I actually have some great ideas on your niece's birthday party if you would like to talk some more. Sorry, I'm actually meeting with a few other party planners. Well, uh, take my card anyway. I would really like to collaborate with you on this. - I'll let you know. - Okay. (sighing) Um... no. - Stop it! - I'm on my lunch break! (phone ringing) - Hello. - Mr. Barker. It is Kelly Broussard here from Horizon Events. I hope you don't mind me calling at this time. Oh, no. Not at all. What can I do for you? I was just wondering if you'd made a decision about your niece's party arrangements yet, because I would really like to talk to you again if I could. You know, now's not really a good time. I'm in the middle of meeting with another planner. Oh, I see. And I must say, she seems very professional. I apologize. It seems like I just can't stop interrupting you in the moment, huh? (laughing) Well, I will just leave you alone, then. Thank you so much for your time. I'll probably make my final decision in the morning. Oh. Okay, great. Well, in that case, I hope to speak to you tomorrow. Joe: Have a good afternoon. Kelly: A good afternoon to you too, Mr. Barker. (sighing) Ooh, is that your girlfriend? No, it wasn't. Do you have a girlfriend? Well, not that it's any of your business, but no, I don't. What about Rachel? Do you still talk to her? She was fun. Eat your fries. Mmm. Mm-mm-mm! Have you heard back from him? No, uh, not yet. That's a real shame. (sighing) (phone vibrating) Good morning, Mr. Barker. How are you today? Joe: I'm fine, thank you. I was calling to see if you were free to try that first meeting again? Um, I don't hate that idea. (quietly) Yes! So what would be a good time for you? - How about right now? - Now? Yeah, I'm actually standing in the place where you first rudely interrupted me. (forced laughter) Uh, Forest Cafe. Yeah. And I'll be here for another half an hour - if you want to come by. - A half hour? Well, don't worry if you can't make it. No, no, no, that is-- That is totally fine. I will see you there shortly. - Great. Bye. - Bye now. Um, okay. (phone chiming) Ah. You made it. Of course, no problem. I was nearby anyway. - Do you want anything? - No thanks. So I really appreciate you giving me another chance to talk to you about your niece. - Willow. - Beautiful name. Willow's party. Now I do have some ideas already, but I guess, first of all, I'd just like to hear a bit about what you're looking for. Uh, to be honest, I don't really know. I haven't seen her that much over the last few years, and it seems she's suddenly grown up on me. - She's nine? - Turning ten, yeah. I know she likes magical, sort of, fairy tale - kind of stuff. - Okay. I just want it to be the most incredible day ever. You know, something she'll never forget. That's nice. Oh, Forest, this is Kelly. She's helping me organize Willow's party. Oh, that's cool. Hey, if you need a good cake, you should talk to our chef, Maggie. She can do anything. She's, like, the Michelangelo of marzipan. Wow, that is quite the endorsement! - Thank you for the tip. - No problemo. So do you have a date in mind? I want to go for her actual birthday, the 30th. - Of? - This month. That's... in two weeks. Is that a problem? No, no. It's just a little less time than we normally have, - but I can start right away. - Tomorrow? - Saturday? - I'll pay extra. Well, uh, we can talk about that later. And my work is very flexible right now so I can help out, and I'll be involved in the whole process. Oh. That won't be necessary. Joe: I want to be involved. It's for her, and it's very important to me. Absolutely. We can... team up on this. Okay, so do we have a deal? We have a deal. I'll see you tomorrow to get the ball rolling. All right. (sighing) (phone chiming) (acoustic guitar music playing) ♪ When you're feeling low ♪ (sighing) Okay, just do it. - Hey. - Hey! How's it going? Oh God, don't ask me that. I am having the worst day. Oh. I was late to work 'cause the subway broke down, and then my refrigerator broke, and it was a whole thing. - You're kidding. - I wish! It's just one thing after another. Uh-huh. This spa break can't come soon enough. Uh, yeah... about that. What? I am really sorry, Emma. I can't go. You... you're joking, right? Please, please tell me you're joking. This really important job just came in and I've only got two weeks, and... I just don't have the time anymore. But I want you to still go, and take your mom in my place! - My mom? - Yeah, yeah! It will be really great for you two, a little bit of mother-daughter bonding. Please say you'll still go. (sighing) Okay. Okay. I really am sorry. Yeah. And I promise I will make it up to you when you get back. - Sure. - All right. Well, have a great-- (sighing) Okay. Kelly: Good morning! Ready to get started? Joe: Yes, I am! Been ready for a while. - Sorry I'm a little late. - Well, 13 minutes. Like I said, a little. I'd say "a little" is like, five minutes. - 13 is late. - Uh... apologies. Won't happen again. - Shall we? - Yes. - Hi. - Hi. Welcome to my studio. Ah, it's... Very empty. Well, it won't look like this, obviously. This is just a blank canvas for us to create anything we want. You have to use your imagination. Lights everywhere. Fake fire lanterns, maybe. Drapes, music, enormous spinning disco ball above the dance floor making everything sparkle and feel magical. Tables around the outside filled with delicious food and drink. Over there, maybe a face painting area. Or a photo booth with fun costumes for them to try on. I mean, the possibilities are endless. If you wanted to, the kids could paint on the walls. - Really? - Totally. I can just paint over it afterwards. - They can go nuts. - (Kelly gasping) I love it! So as the party goes on, the kids could create their own mural around them. (laughing) How much fun would that be? Yeah, I guess it could work. Okay, well, I'll let you two discuss. Call me if you need me. Thank you so much, Sarah. Thanks. Are you sure this is the right place? Trust me, I can see it all in my mind, and this will be the most fun kids' party ever. - Okay. - Great! Venue, check. So, Mr. Barker. Joe. Please just call me Joe. Of course. Joe. Tell me a little bit more about Willow. Well, um... she's a... nine-year-old girl. Right. I got that. But you know, recent studies have actually revealed that some nine-year-old girls might actually be different from each other. For instance, when I was nine, I loved dancing, and spaghetti, and alligators. - I grew up in New Orleans. - Oh, okay. Ah, well, Willow is-- she's very smart. She's very funny. That's very sweet, but it's a little vague. What are her hobbies, interests? Okay, you know what? Just because we're not working with a lot of time here, how about I speak to her in person, get a feel for her personality. Okay, yeah, I am taking her to lunch later today, - so I guess you could come. - Sounds good. But I don't want you telling her what you're doing. Like, I kinda want her to think that I'm organizing it on my own. Got it. I will just be your charming and extremely attractive friend, Kelly from work. Mmm. Wow! That is really good ice cream. I told you. Are you sure you don't want to try some of this? No, I'm good. He doesn't eat unhealthy food. He used to, when he was fun. What? I'm still fun! So are you two boyfriend and girlfriend? - No, just work friends. - We're just work friends. So Willow, apart from ice cream, what kind of things are you into? - You like animals? - Yep. - What's your fav-- - Alpacas. Oh, wow. No hesitation there. (laughing) - Why alpacas? - I just think they're cool. Like Alfie in Plucky Princess. You play Plucky Princess? All my friends do. Do you? Uh, I'm trying. I have been playing for the last week, and I can't get past that annoying dragon. - What? That's so easy! - No, it's not! Pass me your phone, I'll show you. Oh, okay. Excuse us. Okay, so I know there's maybe a shortcut in this level. Ah, six minutes. Getting better. So I think I know what we should do for the theme of the party. Oh? We should base it on Plucky Princess. That silly game? It's not a silly game. It's pretty great. It's about a young princess who is trapped in a tower by her father, but she escapes, and goes on this adventure with her pet alpaca, Alfie, - who can fly. - Hmm. And she has to learn to defend herself against evil. It is actually very empowering for little girls. (clicking tongue) Aren't you a little bit, um, mature for playing this? It is suitable for all ages. - Right. - Okay, more importantly, Willow loves it. And even more important than that, her friends do too. So she will be the envy of her group. That is very important for a young birthday girl, trust me. - Maggie! - Hi, that's me. - How can I help? - Okay. So we are planning a big birthday party for a nine-year-old girl, and we heard that you are the person to talk to about cakes. Okay, well, what kind of thing are you looking for? Okay, so we're going for a bit of a fairy tale theme, and I was thinking maybe the tower of an old castle for the main structure of the cake, with a fire-breathing dragon wrapped around the tower, and maybe a young girl at the top holding a sword. Joe: (laughing) I'm sorry. This sounds very complicated. and you don't have much time to do this, so I was thinking... why not something like that? That is a wedding cake. Yeah, okay, not exactly that, but you know, maybe something clean, simple, classic. A little less over-the-top. Shall I let you two maybe discuss this a little? Yeah, Maggie, that would be great. Thanks. We'll come back to you once we've made a decision. Okay. (line ringing) Emma's voicemail: Hi, it's Emma here. Sorry I can't pick up right now. Please leave me a message, and I'll get back to you. Samantha: Uh-oh, this doesn't look good. (groaning) I don't think this is going to work out. What happened? He is just... impossible to work with. Impossible? He is rude. He is completely closed-minded. He's not interested in my vision or collaborating with me because he has zero imagination. I have all these great ideas, and he's just not interested. Let's just... why don't you put Claire on this one? She'd be perfect for this. I can do that. I suppose there's a few things I could put Claire up for instead of you. This is the job, Kelly. Compromise. Our goal is to keep the client happy. But he doesn't even know what's going to make his niece happy. He's just too stubborn to admit it so he is going to ruin her birthday. Samantha: That's not your business, that's his. Your business is providing a service for him, not satisfying some creative vision. - All right. - Think about it. If you still want to throw in the towel, I'll understand. This job's not for everyone. (groaning) (muttering) Okay. Three minutes. Not bad. Sorry. (sighing) So I've never used this guy before. Fingers crossed he's good. What's his name? Oh, um, Mister-- Wonder. (chuckling) Um, thank you for coming today, Mr. Wonder. Not at all. Right, well, my name is Joe, and we're throwing a-- Birthday party for your niece, Willow. Yes, that's incredible! Do you read minds? I told him that in the email. Oh. So what else can you show us today, Mr. Wonder? Welcome to the world of Wonder. Please choose a card. Any card. - Ladies first. - Oh. Do not show me the card. Commit the card to memory. Have you got it? Return it to the deck. Is this your card? Oh... - Uh, no. - No. This... this isn't your card? (Kelly gasping) What? Mr. Wonder: Wait, just give me one... One second. Is this your card? - Yes. - Yes! - Wow! - That was incredible. Willow is going to love that. I think that we've seen all that we need to see. We'll just have a quick talk amongst ourselves, but we will let you know by the end of the day. But of course. You have my card. Oh, no, I don't think I actually-- Check your pockets. (laughing) Okay! - He's good. - Yeah, wow. Your face was priceless. Yeah, but it was impossible! I mean, the card is just floating! And he didn't even come close to us. I know. Willow-- it's going to blow her mind. He was a very inspired choice. Well, thank you. I do have my moments. Okay, so next up, music. What did you have in mind? I was just thinking a DJ. What did you have in mind? No, no, I do like DJs. I just feel with this whole magical fairy tale theme that we've got, live music would really bring this whole thing together. Especially in the venue that we have. - Hmm. - Too expensive? - No, not the money. Kinda feels like a lot of work. Well, that is why you hired me. Okay, so I hired this girl for a wedding recently, and she is brilliant. Great musician, and her fashion style is very retro and cool. Willow is going to love her. So I'm just going to check on her website to see her schedule. Looks like she's free on the 30th. - Oh, and look at that! - What? She is actually playing tonight at a restaurant in town if you want to check her out first. - Okay. I can do that. - Okay, great. I will just send you the address. The show starts at eight. Perfect. So what time do you want to meet up? Oh. Um... Oh, I don't actually have to be there. Right. Of course. Sorry. No, no. Um, unless you want me to. I could come. You know, it's just... it's all part of the job, right? Right. Yeah. Cool. I mean, good. Good. Here you go. Enjoy. - Thanks, man. - No problem. We still playing tonight? Actually something just came up. Can you do Saturday? Sure, I can beat you on Saturday. Hah. Funny man. Wait, you two are friends? Yeah. Yeah, we play squash. We go way back. Oh. Um, I am going to get some sugar. - You want any? - No thank you. Wow. Cheers. Cheers. Penny: Okay, now take one egg. And crack it into this bowl. Oh, a little bit of the shell got in there. Oh, don't worry. I'll show you a little trick. Willow: Okay. The best thing to pick up a shell is with the rest of the shell. Let me see. See? It clings to it. Wow! That's really cool. Why is that? I don't know. Maybe because that's its home, and it wants to stay there. Aww! That's cute. There you go, little piece of shell. Stay at home. Well, I've gotta go. You two have fun. Aren't you staying for dinner? No, I'm actually meeting someone. Kelly? Well, yes, but it's not a-- - Oooh! - Oooh! Okay, she's nine, but I expect more from you, mother. You're right. I'm sorry. - Have a wonderful evening. - Thank you. (laughing) - Not bad. - Impressive! (laughing) You know, I thought that this was a French place, but I looked it up, and it is a brand new Cajun restaurant. This is my childhood right here, and I didn't even know about it. You like Cajun? I've actually never tried it. - What? - I know. Okay, okay. If you thought Mr. Wonder was mind-blowing, - just wait for this. - Okay. Please, come in, come in. Just the two of you? Joe: Yes. Welcome to Dauphine's. My name is Eli, short for Elijah. I'm the proprietor, the chef, your waiter for the evening, and I'll be washing your plates at the end of the night. Start you off with something to drink? Maybe a nice bottle of red? Joe: Just a water for me, thanks. Uh, yeah, water is fine. - No problem. - Do you have any salads? No! They don't. We will have the gumbo. - Trust me. - Eli: Excellent choice. So how long has this place been here? We've been here a couple of weeks now. It's a little slow. To be honest, we don't have the money for publicity right now, but we're hoping that word of mouth gets around quick. Well, I grew up in New Orleans, so this place is just heaven. You'll be sick of the sight of me soon. Oh, bless you, girl. You can come all the time. And bring all your friends with you. Oh, I will. I'll be right back with your waters. Thanks. - So gumbo? - You're gonna love it. Man, she's really good. Right? And she plays all different kinds of styles, too. Just imagine her in that studio on a little stage. All the kids and their parents dancing underneath the glitter ball. (sighing) Magical. I want to apologize to you. Oh? I know I've been a bit... stubborn. No! I didn't put enough trust in you, and I now realize just how good you are at this. Well, thank you. So from now, I will bow to your expertise. You are the boss. Well, I don't hate that idea. Deal. Um... Why don't you give that to Willow? That's a great idea. That was incredible, Eli. Thank you for bringing a piece of my home to the city. You're very welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. - Oh, the food was amazing. - Thank you so much. And please, spread the good word for us. You know, I might actually be able to help you out there. I run a pretty popular website, and I would be happy to put up a glowing review for Dauphine's, - if you like. - Oh... bless you. I would be so grateful for that. - It would be my pleasure. - You guys have a great night, and please come back any time, you hear? - Oh, you bet. - We will. I told you to trust me on the gumbo. You were right again. It was so good, I've never tried anything like it. Well, maybe there is more to life than salads. Maybe. So, you're happy for me to book the musician? - Yes, absolutely. - Great. I will do that first thing in the morning. Well, I will see you tomorrow. Yes. Until then. - Okay. Good night. - Good night. Hey. So, look. I know I let you down. Again. You were right. Way more right than I realized. I have been so consumed with work that I wasn't making time for real life. Or the people I love. But not anymore. I'm really sorry. Please? Give me one last chance to prove to you that I am a good friend? (exhaling) I have some useful information about the bearded barista. I'm listening. Morning. Oh, good morning. - So how's it going? - With Joe? Um, I mean, Mr. Barker. That's the one. Still "Mission Impossible?" Oh. (laughing) No, no. It is actually going a lot smoother now. He seems to be trusting my judgement a little more, so I think it will turn out very well. That's great! I knew you wouldn't let me down. Actually, um, I don't know this for sure yet, but there is a chance that I might be able to get him to do a feature about the company on his website. Really? I mean, if you were to pull that off, you'd be a shoe-in for the job. What makes you think that? Well, I saw him offer to do it for a restaurant owner, and he didn't even know the guy. He just liked the place and he wanted to help. You went to a restaurant with him? Oh, uh, no. Well, yes, but it was just to see a musician that I suggested for the party. And he wanted to check them out first, so I went along. That's all. Well, see what you can do regarding the feature. No, I'm telling you. The first time he played, I thought I was going to have to take him to the hospital. Okay, no, he's exaggerating. It was not that bad. - Hey! - Oh! What a surprise! What a nice surprise! Um, Joe, this is my friend, Emma. - Nice to meet you, Emma. - Nice to meet you. Oh, and this is my friend, Forest. Hey. I've seen you in here before. Yeah, I, uh, love your coffee. Thanks. These guys were just talking about squash. Oh, I love squash! - Really? - Yeah! Um, I don't get to play very often, but I love it. Ah, awesome. - Well, we should get going. - Right. Because we are going to a petting zoo to see if we can hire an alpaca for Joe's niece's party. - She loves them. - That is so cute. So we will leave you guys to talk. - Okay. - See you guys later. Have fun. (laughing nervously) That was some of the worst acting that I've ever seen. Excuse me? "What a surprise!" Who even talks like that? Well, it worked, didn't it? I guess we'll see. - Thanks for the assist. - No problem. - (phone buzzing) - Oh. What is it? My mom needs me to look after Willow. - Right now? - Yeah. Well, why don't we just take her with us? Okay, we won't tell her it's for the party, though. We'll just say we're taking her out to see some alpacas. - That will work. - Okay. ♪ The simple rhythm of our feet ♪ ♪ As we walk hand in hand ♪ ♪ Our laughter sings the sweetest melody ♪ ♪ In all the land ♪ ♪ When your touch strikes a chord in my heart ♪ ♪ I begin to understand ♪ - I like this one! - Caretaker: That's Alfie. - No way! - No way! (laughing) - Can he fly? - What's that? Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry. (chuckling) Willow: Look at him, shaking his head. Hey, um, I was wondering if it was possible to hire Alfie for a day. You're looking to buy an alpaca? They're not for sale, sir. No, no, no, it's for her birthday party. You would come along too. You're inviting me to a party? Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll call you about it tomorrow. Thanks. You know what, Willow? I've gotta say. After that, I agree with you. Alpacas are officially my favourite animal now. I told you. They're epic. (laughing) We probably should get going. Can Kelly come to your place for dinner? Well, um, Kelly might have plans. - Do you? - I don't, but-- Please? I... I guess I could. Yes! - If that's all right. - Of course. - We're having pizza. - Oh, well. - Now I have to come! - (laughing) (music playing softly) Mmm. Willow: Are you sure you don't want to try some? It is so good. It has little bits of cookie dough. Mm-hm, and marshmallow. Mm-hm. And caramel. Okay, look, if I have one spoon, will you leave me alone? Yeah. (laughing) Oh! That is the Alfie the alpaca dance. - It is! - The what now? It's from Plucky Princess. You wouldn't understand. Oh. Okay, ready? What? (giggling) Come on, join us, Uncle Joe. Ah, no way. And it's getting kinda late, and you still have to call your parents. Party pooper. Tell me, has your uncle always been this uptight? No, he used to be really fun. Hey, I heard that. I want to give you something. Oh? Here. It's a friendship bracelet. I made them myself. Wow. Willow, that is so kind. It is beautiful. Thank you! You're welcome. Uncle Joe, can Kelly come to my birthday party? Oh, uh, well, that's up to Kelly. Willow: Please? I don't know much about it 'cause it's a surprise, but I know it's going to be amazing. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Yes! Okay, come on. You should feel very special. I don't even have one of those. Oh. Well, she's a great kid. I can see why you're pulling out all the stops for her. And... I think I just realized what we're going to do for the finale of the party. Willow: It's awesome here, mom! We went to see alpacas, then had pizza! Alpacas and pizza? That sounds like the perfect day. Where's your Uncle Joe? He's in the other room talking to his new girlfriend. He has a girlfriend? Well, they say they're just work friends, but I'm not buying it. (laughing) - Ready? - Yeah. We're gonna start with the Alfie ears. - Alfie ears. - Yeah, up. And then you're gonna take a step to the right. And lead with the ears. - Lead with the ears. - How was that? Okay, yeah. Try it again. (laughing) You're awkwardly laughing at me. - No, I'm not. - Oh, sorry. Okay, to the right. Uh-huh. - With the ears. Yeah. - Oh. - Oh, are you okay? - I'm good. I just pulled a muscle on my bike earlier. - Let's keep going. - Are you sure? - Yeah. - Okay. - Low. - Let's go. - Oh, yeah. - Uh-huh. - Okay, I'm feeling that. - There you go. - Yeah, oh yeah. - Oh, I'm so-- (laughing) I'm so sorry, okay, that was my fault. (laughing) Yeah, I think so. (door unlatching) - Just getting a drink. - Mm-hm. (laughing) Well, um, I should probably get going. Okay, sure. Yeah. But I will see you tomorrow to pick out balloons. Right, yes. I will be there. - Excellent. - Great. Um, well, I 'll just see myself out. Goodnight. (giggling) Goodnight. (Emma groaning) - Good morning. - Oh... (gasping) What is this? Well, I thought I would treat my bestie to some breakfast. I know it's not quite the spa, but you were absolutely right. I need to make some quality time for you. Mmm. Oh... - What happened? - Oh God. It's such an embarrassing story. My favourite kind. I want every little detail. Uh, okay. When you and Joe left, (groaning) Forest asked me if I wanted to play squash. I said, "Yeah, sure." I didn't even know you played squash! I don't. Mm-hm. - Oh, then why did you-- - I don't know. I thought it would make conversation, you know? And I figured I played tennis, so how different could it be? - And? - Very. Very different. Yeah, it was exhausting. I felt like I was going to pass out after 15 minutes. It was crazy. Wow. Thank you. Thank you so much. I am so happy my public humiliation brings you so much joy. I'm sorry. Please go on. What did he say? Uh, well, he was actually really sweet about it. But it was just... it was mortifying, okay? It was humiliating. Oh please, it could not have been that bad. Kelly, I am seriously telling you, I can never see him again. For real. Well, that's ridiculous. - You can't just avoid him. - Sure I can! There are so many good coffee shops around this city. I'll be fine. Maybe he thought it was endearing. - Don't give up so easy, girl. - Ow! - Sorry. - Oh my gosh. You know, no. No, no. I mean, I quit. I'm officially retiring from the dating game, everyone! Come on. This... it's just safer for the rest of the world if I keep myself to myself. I'll get a cat. Will you stop? I will not let anyone talk to my best friend like that. Not even you. I don't really want to talk about this anymore. What about-- (groaning) What about Joe? Huh, that sounds a little bit more promising? - What do you mean? - Oh, come on. I see the way you guys talk to each other. Okay, that is just my job. Uh-huh. To build a friendly, relaxed rapport with my client, and make sure they are comfortable. I see. Congratulations on a job well done. Thank you. I see the way that he looks at you, and that is definitely not his job. He's just being nice. Mm-hm. Well, Mr. Barker. That was the last thing on the list. - Wow, really? - Yeah. Apart from a couple of small things I need to confirm, everything is organized. And with three days to spare, I might add. Very impressive. Well, you hired the best. - Clearly. - Mm-hm. - Thank you so much, Kelly. - Oh, not at all. It was a joint effort. I think we make a good team. Absolutely. Is your back still hurting? A little bit. Yeah. You know, I actually know something that's pretty great for that. Joe: Yeah? (laughing) So people actually do this for fun? Believe it or not. - How's your back? - I think it's worse. Aww, well, you've got to keep practicing. Yeah. I'll keep that in mind. Well, I'm headed this way. - Okay. - So... I will meet you the day before the party at the venue, and we will start getting set up. - Yes, boss. - I will see you then. Hey, um, could I buy you dinner tonight? Just as a thank-you for all the hard work. My version of an over-the-top bouquet of flowers. Well, that doesn't sound very professional. But we could each bring a friend with us. Sure. - Welcome back. - Eli! Eli: So good to see your faces again. So how's it been going? You can see for yourself. Ever since the review on your website, business has been booming. Thank you so much again, Joe. You're a good man. No problem, man. I'll be back to take your order. Oh, actually I think he might have given us the wrong table. Forest: Hey, everyone. Hello again. Hi. So I heard you guys played a little squash the other day. - How did that go? - Oh gosh, it was-- Brilliant. She was brilliant. Really impressive. I hope we can play again soon. I think maybe I've met my match. Um... (giggling) Thanks. Thank you. It's such a nice night. Do you feel like going for a walk in the park? Emma: Um... Okay. Yeah. Have a good night, guys. - Good night. - Night! What? You really love to organize people's lives, don't you? No! That is not true. Okay, maybe a little. (laughing) Well. I'll walk with you for a little bit. Oh, you don't have to. No, I'd like to. Okay. That was a really nice thing you did for Eli. It's just my job. Finding new things in the city that I think the readers will like. Maybe you could... Oh, no. Forget it. - What? - No. I was thinking that maybe you could do something on Horizon Events, but that's-- that's silly. Yes, of course. Why didn't I think of that? No, it's the least I can do. - Really? - Yeah. - That would be incredible. - Absolutely. I'll write the piece myself. Can I mention your name? I guess, why not. Just make sure I sound awesome, okay? That won't be too hard. (sighing) Kelly: I think New York looks so beautiful on nights like this. Yeah. I do love this place. How long have you lived here? Um, my family is from Jersey. Moved down about four years ago. My mom moved out right after my dad died. To be closer to you? Yeah. That's nice. So what brought you to the big city? - An ex-girlfriend. - Oh. Yeah, moved out to live with her, and that lasted all of six months. - Oh, I'm sorry. - It's okay. It just didn't work out, you know? And I thought I'd go back to Jersey, but then I found this job, so I decided to stick around. Good decision. Um, well, I'm heading this way so I guess I will say goodnight. Okay then. But I will see you the day after tomorrow at the studio. - I'll see you then. - Good night. Good night. Thanks man. How'd the family take the news about Dubai? - Um... - Seriously? You still haven't told them? - I'll do it. - Today. Yes, sir. You're gonna tell Kelly. Why would I tell Kelly? Come on, man. Samantha: He actually said that? He said it's the least he can do, and he's going to write it himself today. Kelly, this is huge! You've gone above and beyond for this company. Oh, why am I wasting time? The job is yours if you want it. Are you serious? Oh, wow. That is amazing. I'll start getting the wheels in motion tomorrow. Congratulations. You deserve it. - Thank you so much. - You know what? We actually just had quite a big request come in. An extremely wealthy private investor from Japan wants to throw a lavish party for one of his companies here. Now I was going to do it myself, but I think you and I should partner up on this. - Really? - It's a great idea! Two heads are better than one, and it will be a good chance for you to prove to me you can handle a bigger budget. - How much bigger? - seven figures. - Wow. - Yeah. It's a higher level than you're used to. Think you can handle it? - Of course. - That's what I want to hear. I'll forward you all the details. He'll be here the whole afternoon of the 30th to discuss everything with us. Oh, uh, is that-- Can he do any other time? He's a very busy man, Kelly. That's the only slot he has available. Is there a problem? Uh, no. It's just... it's Joe's-- Mr. Barker's niece's party. Oh, don't worry about that. I'll send someone else to supervise for you. Remember, Kelly. Don't get too attached. We order the cake. We don't eat it. Samantha? I am so sorry. I really want to be at that party. That's a big decision, Kelly. Take some more time to think about it. ♪ When you're feeling low ♪ ♪ It's hard to see the good you have ♪ Hot chocolate? You haven't made me one of those since I was 12. Well, you look like you need it. Come on, out with it. You look like you've had something weighing on your mind recently. Mother's instincts. Well, um... I've got an amazing new job offer. Oh, that's great! Which would mean moving to Dubai. (gasping) Okay. Um, when? - Next week. - What?! Shhh, Willow is sleeping. Why didn't you say something sooner? I couldn't. I tried, mom, but I feel so guilty. You moved out here to be close to me, and-- No, don't worry about me. I'm fine. It's your life, your career. I'm happy for you. There's also something else. Let me guess. Kelly? Mother's instincts? I can't take credit for that one. That was Willow's hunch. - Smart kid. - Mm-hm. I don't know what to do, mom. You can't go wrong if you follow your heart. (glasses clinking) - Emma: Hey! - Hey, girl. - What's going on? - Not much. I was just thinking of maybe doing a movie night. You want to come over? Bring you pajamas? Just like the old days. Emma: Um, I'm actually out with Forest. Oh! Oh, sorry. Go, go! Go have fun! - Emma: Are you all right? - Of course. - You sure? - Totally fine. Emma: I could do movie night tomorrow. Sounds good. Emma: Okay. - Well, have a great night. - I will. - Bye. - Bye. This one's on the house. Oh! Thanks, Forest. No, thank you. - Emma is really cool. - Yeah, she is. - Don't mess this up! - I won't. Good. (yawning) Storm keep you up last night? Yeah, um... Yeah. The storm. Hope it helps. (sighing) (clearing throat dramatically) Oh, I 'm sorry. Was that rude? So I saw Willow this morning. She can barely contain her excitement about tomorrow. And she told all her friends about you. You've really made an impression on this girl. - You know, I was-- - Actually, I need to talk-- Sorry, all you. - Sorry, um-- - You go first. So... A new job came in, and I won't be able to attend tomorrow. Oh. Yeah. I'm so sorry. I mean, you can't just drop by to say hello, or... Ah, I'm going to be swamped all day, so I won't have the time. And also it's not... it's not really a part of my job. You know, we order the cake. We don't eat it. I'm sure she'll understand. - Well, we should get going. - Yeah. Deliveries will be arriving at the venue soon and we'll need to sign for them. All right, let's go. Oh, um, what did you want to say? Oh, uh, it wasn't important. Okay. Sarah: Kelly! I'm so sorry. I was just about to call you. The storm. Part of the roof caved in, and the whole studio is flooded. Oh my gosh. Are you okay? Nobody was in here, were they? No, thankfully. I found it like that when I came in this morning, and I've been on the phone to people since. But we're gonna have to shut it down until it's repaired. I-- I'll refund your deposit, obviously. I'm so sorry. - (phone buzzing) - Oh, um, I have to take this. (both sighing) How are we going to find another venue in 24 hours? I'm really sorry, Joe. Kelly, you're very good, but even you can't plan for a storm. Kelly, you have nothing to apologize for. You've been nothing but... professional. And this won't affect the feature on the site. Oh, uh, thank you. In fact, it's probably the last feature I'll do for them. What do you mean? I'm moving to Dubai next week for a new job. Why didn't you tell me that? Well, why would I? We were just working together, right? Um... Congratulations. Thanks. Okay, I guess I have to figure out a way to break this to Willow. Oh... Bye. Um... yeah, bye. Joe! Um, maybe we don't need to cancel just yet. Give me until tonight. I'll see if I can come up with a new plan. Okay. (laughing) (cartoon noises on TV) (giggling) I am looking for somewhere to host a children's party. I know, it is incredibly short notice, but by any chance, do you have availability tomorrow? Hi! It is Kelly Broussard. I planned your sister-in-law's 30th birthday party. Hi, it's Kelly. Okay, listen. So I am looking for a lead on a space with a disco ball. (sighing) I appreciate you taking the time. All right. Bye. Yeah, no problem. I had to try. No, no, that's okay. Thank you so much for checking. Thanks anyway. Bye. Yeah, all booked up? Okay. (sighing) (music playing on TV) You know, Willow, about your party tomorrow... Emma: So I hate to say I told you so. No you don't. You love saying that. Everyone does, that is such a dumb saying. Was it really that obvious? I tried so hard not to let this happen. I did everything to stay professional. It's just the worst possible timing. Do you remember how we met? - You and me? - Yeah. - Of course I do. - Okay, well... - Tell me. - What, now? Just do it. Okay. We met in that elevator in the building we used to live in. And then it broke down, we were stuck in there for hours. And then we started talking-- About how expensive rent was in the city. And I had been in New York City for six months. Mm-hm, and you were looking for someone to live with so you could make rent a little bit cheaper. I thought you were the one who said that. No, I made a joke, and said "We should live together!" And you thought I was being serious, and you said-- - When? - When? (laughing) That's right. Oh, I forgot about that. Wait, why are we talking about this? Well, you missed a job interview because you were stuck - in the elevator. - Oh yeah. I really wanted that job, too. But the universe locked you in this tiny little box - with some strange girl. - Very strange. Who ended up becoming your best friend. Sometimes, inconveniences are just life's way of redirecting you onto the right path. Did you read that in a fortune cookie? No, I actually just made that up right now. - It's pretty good. - Thanks. (laughing) (sighing) Can I just play the amateur therapist for a second here? Okay, philosopher and therapist. Wow, how much do I owe you? You are brilliant at planning other people's lives. I mean, look at what you did for me and Forest. I have never been happier in my entire life. And that's because of you. But when it comes to your own life... Okay, so what do I do, Doctor? (exhaling) I dunno, hire a life planner? - I don't know. - Yeah. Actually that is not a bad idea. No, really, if I just approach this like a job, and then I could just plan everything out-- Kel, Kel. I really don't think that this is a problem you can solve in a spreadsheet. The answer isn't up here. (squeaky voice): The answer is right here. (sighing) What are you doing? Hi, Joe. I think I have an idea. Mm-mm. I can't believe what I'm seeing right now. You do realize how bad these are for you, right? Who are you? What have you done with my uncle? It's a special occasion! You know, I'm really sorry about the party, Willow. Uncle Joe, it's okay. Really, it's not important. I've had the best time with you and Nana over the past two weeks. It's been awesome. The party was just going to be the cherry on the cake. And to be honest, I really don't like cherries anyway. You're a cool kid. I know. (laughing) Hey, you know, we have a few hours before your parents come to pick you up if you want to go see the alpacas again. - Yes! - All right, let's do it. It's good to see you again, Willow. Alfie really missed you. All: Surprise! Happy birthday, princess. Mom! Dad! (cheering) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, thank you so much for coming to the 10th birthday party of Princess Willow. (applauding) Now we have a little surprise for you all. You're gonna need a partner for this one. (crowd laughing) Doesn't he look pretty, everyone? (all laughing) Okay, take it away, guys. (funky music playing) And a five, six, seven, eight. (applauding, cheering) Okay, everyone! Let's get up here and dance! ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Oooh-hoo ♪ ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Maybe you know the number ♪ ♪ Maybe you know the name ♪ Willow seems very happy. Oh yeah, she is. Organizing all this in 24 hours. Pretty amazing. You never doubted my powers, did you? Never. Kelly, I can't thank you enough. It's been my pleasure. So, what about that new client that you're supposed to be working with? Oh. Well, actually... I quit my job. - What? - Yep. Why? I've always dreamed about starting my own events business and I think I'm ready. I think that's a great idea. You're gonna be super successful. And you have a whole bunch of parents here who are very impressed. I think you should do some networking. Oh. Oh, no. I think I'm going to take a break. I need to, um... find some more balance. What about you? You excited about moving to Dubai? I'm not going. - Really? - Yeah. I realized this city is where I want to be. It's my home. And I want to be near my family and my friends. And near you. If you want me to be. I don't hate that idea. ♪ Nothing can change the way I feel ♪ ♪ For you enliven me ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are my light ♪ ♪ And you are my love ♪ ♪ And I want to be with you ♪ ♪ For all of my life, be by your side ♪ ♪ 'Cause you are the light of my world ♪ ♪ You are my light and you are my love ♪ ♪ And I want to ♪ ♪ You are the light of my world ♪
Channel: Films 4 Us
Views: 190,347
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Keywords: movies, full movies, free movies, films, movies on youtube, new movies, best movies, romcom, romcom movies, comedy movies, romance movies, romcom full movies, comedy romance, romance comedy movies, best romcom movies, full films, romcom films, romantic movies, films 4 us, films 4 you, drama movies, romantic drama, romedy, Love story comedy, lifetime, lifetime movies, lifetime films, Meet Me in New York movie, Meet Me in New York, Brooke Nevin, Corey Sevier, Molly Lewis
Id: QG34PDizkNk
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Length: 89min 41sec (5381 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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