The Lost Fallout 3 DLC

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I don't think you're prepared for the journey we're about to embark on where's the source thank you for calling zenx media what is this [Music] thing space they say space is the final frontier but if you've ever flown with Frontier space is the last word I would use if you want to explore the stars with style then welcome aboard the final DLC for Fallout 3 The Fabulous Mothership Zeta during your flight on our luxurious Starliner you'll find all the amenities you've come to love spacious seating check inflight entertainment check gorgeous flight attendance Eye of the Beholder worried about getting sucked into the cold dead void of space don't worry our Pals at Boeing have got you covered chilled Foods automated helpers Air Marshals on every flight claw games an inclusive workplace Environment nuking Canada it's all here aboard Mothership Zeta we hope to fly with you real soon please not that the crew of Mothership Zeta is not liable for any injury sustained during mandatory probing it's all completely routine trust me all of that sounds almost too good to be true doesn't it I get probed and I pay them money wow that's a first sign me up but what if I told you that this all-inclusive trip was no longer available that despite your best efforts you will never be able to own a real copy of Mothership Zeta many consider Mothership Zeta as the Dark Horse of Fallout 3's DLC due to its rather far-fetched premise and total contrast with the vanilla game I mean Fallout 3's entire tone is basically whereas Mothership Zeta is well aliens well I have a soft spot for this DLC you can't deny it sticks out like a sore thumb however it might stick out for a reason you might not expect Fallout 3 and its subsequent expansions released at an interesting time for video games in the early 2000s many video game expansions and DLC Packs were released on actual DVDs case in point Halo 2 had an entire multiplayer map pack that was printed on a DVD Wrath of the L King blood moon I could go on for literal seconds Fallout 3 was no exception like Halo 2 Fallout 3's expansions all had a physical release as seen here these expansions came with their own case manuals and seizure warnings my eyes my eyes all of Fallout 3's expansions released like this except for one see Fallout 3 released at the tail end of an outdated practice by 2008 the internet stopped sounding like robot phone and became far more reliable to distribute content namely video games companies shifted away from making physical releases of DLC to having them be entirely downloadable via their online services technically speaking you can find Mothership Zeta on the discs of the Fallout 3 Game of the Year versions but as far as Standalone releases Mothership Zeta got nothing this means that the ability to own a real physical ver version of this DLC is now impossible the lead producer confirmed it multiple secondary sources confirm it too it'll only ever exist in the digital world so how come when I Google Mothership Zeta dis the second result is this I don't think you're prepared for the journey we're about to embark on to find Fallout 3's missing DLC and figure out once and for all what is this thing like any internet M you have to start the Hub of the world's most aidite citizens Reddit I scoured Reddit seeing what I could dig up a quick pit stop and I was exactly where I needed to be r/ game collecting it's here that I found some important Clues first there is no DVD copy of Mothership Zeta that much we know already but there is allegedly a physical card containing a download code second this card came to standard Xbox 360 game case leaving us with a retail copy looking like this interesting across my Reddit travels I encountered only one person that claimed to have owned it I fire off a DM hoping for any sign of Life checking my inbox refreshing every day waiting for a response days turned into weeks and nothing a stark reminder of my old Tinder profile in college my DMs were drier than the Sahara a dead end if the internet's capital of nuance discussion was a bust then maybe we needed a more direct approach let's return to that Ebay listing from before and see what we can find Although seeing this listing again it broke me I was distraught every Source I had seen for years said that there was no physical release it doesn't yet here it was staring me in the face it certainly rattled my beliefs why don't we buy this and see if we can get some more information let's see what the damage is only $10,000 that's not so bad well I might be a mega wealthy and famous YouTuber this is a little high every other listing only has the case but no card there was one listing that had the card and the box but it was already redeemed kind of hard to see if something's legit if it's already redeemed and in the 15 or so years since Mothership zeta's release there's only been two recorded sales of both the game box and the card and they've long since been delisted another dead end however luck had not evaded me yet another lead the Fallout wiki says it was available at retail lending credibility to its existence but where's the source I I needed to Google more an old game facts Forum from 11 years ago perfect maybe this could shed some light on up never mind more evidence on a list of the most valuable Xbox 360 games it mentions Mothership Zeta and corroborates that there was indeed a physical release and there is a record of this item being bought by someone so it does exist somewhere it must be real I would be lying if I said that my worldview wasn't crumbling at this point what was real what wasn't I searched far and wide for an answer but all I found were questions a basic Google search only brought more confusion I needed to go to the source to hear the truth from Bethesda themselves at first I thought about contacting the lead Quest designer for Mother Ship Zeta to get his opinion but let's be real if a stranger calls you at 3:00 in the morning ranting about Mothership Zeta cards from 15 years ago I'd probably be put on a watch list so instead let's take a more generalized approach and reach out to Bethesda the company first and do out our questions more strategically then we'll get put on a watch list I gave Bethesda a ring on their main phone number oh God I'm kind of nervous dude all right here we go thank you for calling zenx media if you know your party's extension please dial it now or you may press n for a dial by name directory uh yes I'm looking for Todd Howard after being put on hold for a while they transferred me to the DLC from 15 years ago Department in the meantime I had some time to reflect why was I doing this truth this literally matter at all the time for valid self-reflection was over the second I was connected to an actual person hello audio functionality test oh my God representative immediate self-destruct die oh God I was connected to a very helpful zenax employee and after several minutes of trying to explain the insanity of my conundrum she provided some insight she said default cheesecake is that you God you're so weird and a pathetic man stop calling this number or we'll have to call the cop sorry guys that was a voicemail from my mom what she actually said was a solid piece of evidence straight from the makers themselves maybe I wasn't as crazy as I thought maybe this stupid box was just nothing more than a bamboozle but I had to prove it I re-evaluated my Approach perhaps I didn't need to buy one of those overly priced Plastics to get what I needed all I really needed was the zoom tool inspect the Box Zoom enhance triangulate those numbers cross reference the composition of the Plastics I did it all default cheesecake did you reach out to the manufacturer of the plastic cases of course I did I spoke with former representatives from Amor and flexbox both of which were manufacturers of the Xbox 360 game cases and there was no record of motherships data in their files but I still needed more these numbers on the side could tell me something right except I have literally no idea what those numbers are called like anyone struggling to complete their research I turn to a most reputable Source chat GPT hey chat GPT what are these numbers called they can refer to a couple of things depending on the region and publisher item numbers in some regions particularly the you catalog numbers in other regions like Europe and Asia these so while there's no specific term that can be called item number thanks chat GPT I looked up the item SL catalog number everywhere and I got nothing furthermore When comparing the item SL catalog numbers of the Mothership Zeta box with the other releases there's the addition of the letters DLC strange especially since the other boxes don't have those letters seems kind of weird to specifically denote only Mothership Zeta as DLC but okay catalog numbers can vary wildly it could merely be a weird coincidence but the only coincidence I believe in is that easy p is Elder lions so we dig deeper flip these bad boys over at first glance they look pretty similar in style and markings right both had the same layout bullet points content rating warning hey what seual themes in Mothership Zeta I was joking about the flight attendance man look closely though and you'll notice some subtle yet important differences namely in these little tabs down here notice in how the two legitimate releases there's the tabs players one and achievements yet they're both missing on Mothership zeta's box it's also missing the tab have friends but if you're examining an Xbox 360 game case this closely like me you probably don't have many to begin with you'd think those would be some pretty important bullet points to include given the fact that Mothership Zeta has achievements and is single player only but I wanted to bury this thing once and for all I need concrete evidence like any broke dude looking to buy something my eyes were immediately drawn to the most important part the price tag I scanned the barcode using an app on my phone and it said insufficient funds that's a weird name for a product in actuality I scoured through numerous barcode number databases and I was shocked entering the barcode numbers for the other Fallout 3 DLCs instantly has multiple hits yet if you enter the barcode number in for Mothership Zeta it doesn't appear anywhere I was able to find this barcode in another database but its only reference was the eBay listing it wasn't listed in a retail environment anywhere this isn't The Smoking Gun quite yet as you could say there are some Regional differences in video game releases that might be misleading us for example the European release of the pit DLC has a different barcode number than the American version from what I found though the only releases of Mothership Zeta were all from North America you can tell by that little box in the spine that says ntsc denoting that the game is from North America for reference this is what a European version would look like Peggy 18 the bizarre thing is that every single Mothership Zeta copy was ntsc and the barcode databases were all showing results from North America if this was a legitimate copy intended to be sold even in small quantities why is there no record of this being sold in a retail setting anywhere ladies and gentlemen of the jury I think I've come to a [Music] conclusion if you haven't picked up on it yet my personal conclusion is that these copies are not legitimate they're a Bamboozled a fake a ruse shocking I know if the primary sources from the creators themselves and numerous inconsistencies weren't enough allow me to make one last point you may think that this could be some leaked never-before seen ultra rare promotional item that only hit shelves for a limited pre-order but let's break that down real quick creating physical cases like this can be more of a logistical headache than you might realize so many factors can go wrong during production a good example I found was the story of a truck hauling thousands of GameCube box arts and them being completely ruined by water leakage so my question is simply why bother why would Bethesda spend the time energy and money to create an entirely unique case just to shove one piece of tiny cardboard in it a piece of cardboard that's only utility is to display a single code why not just save yourself the effort and have it be a digital only release it reduces Financial Risk on Bethesda end immensely and hey if the DLC sells like alien butthole then you don't have to worry about it competing for shelf space for that new Fallout game that's already been in its marketing campaign for months now again just look at this it's a business card why would you put it in a DVD case ultimately you're free to draw your own conclusions but who knows maybe you could be the next person to find the new lead in this case and if you think you are then share your findings below I'd love to be proven wrong but for me I think that Mothership Zeta is always going to be Fallout 3's lost [Music] DLC hey thanks for making it this far just wanted to quickly add here that don't go and message or harass any of these eBay seller selling these products I don't know if they think it's real or not it doesn't really matter just don't waste your time so that's it all right guys I'll see you in the next one I hope hope them aliens are real so that I have more things to [ __ ]
Channel: Default Cheesecake
Views: 142,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, Gaming, Mystery
Id: Nr0in-W1hQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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