Every Hidden and Unmarked Quest in Fallout 3 Explained

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did you know that there are over 40 unmarked quests in Fallout 3 and that's not even including the DLC I'm going to show you where you can start the quests and what they entail they're definitely going to be spoilers for these quests but I'll try to keep them toned down fair warning I'm unsung King and I would super appreciate it if you guys like the video it helped me out a ton also if you love Fallout and other RPG content then make sure to subscribe because I'm putting out a new video every other day you can also follow me on Twitter with the link in the description 300 pieces of silver is an unmarked Quest that becomes available if your character cannot afford to pay Mor arti 100 caps for information about their father in this case Mor arti will task you with retrieving money from a woman named silver silver can be found in a small ranch located northwest of Megaton in Springville The Ranch House serves as a residence you must confront silver and retrieve the money she owes to Mor Ari which amounts to about 300 caps silver can be persuaded to give up the money peacefully or you can resort to violence to obtain it completing this Quest can result in either positive or negative Karma depending on your actions additionally there is an optional reward of up to 400 CS for completing the quest furthermore the quest provides valuable information about your character's Father which could be crucial to the main quest line a nice day for a right wedding is an unmarked Quest involving Angela and Diego in Rivet City Angela is in love with Diego but he is an acolyte and cannot return her affection Angela asked your character to obtain ant Queen pheromone so she can seduce Diego you can also choose to lie to the priest father Clifford or influence Diego to abandon Angela and stay with the church after providing Angela with the pheromones or convincing Diego to leave the church you can speak to Angela Diego Vera Weatherly or Gary Staley after a few days to learn about the upcoming wedding the wedding takes place in the church at 3:00 p.m. witnessing the wedding grants positive Karma and Angela and Diego will proceed to their own room in Rivet after the ceremony to uh well you know bitter cup runneth over is an unmarked quest in Fallout three that involves the character bittercup in Big Town to start the quest you must find bittercup in the big toown common house bittercup is a death obsessed young woman who will ask your character if they're seeing anyone regardless of your response she will express interest in starting a relationship with you if you tell her that you're not currently in a relationship she will become your girlfriend by returning to her once every 24 hours or using the weight function you will receive a gift from her each time the gifts can include various items such as radic stim packs nuca colola and more this cycle of receiving gifts can continue for approximately 30 Cycles before bittercup reverts to her pre-quest dialogue and stops giving gifts it's worth noting that bittercup will refer to your character as her Crush regardless of your gender bully the bully is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that involves princess in little lamp light if you ask princess about her nickname show he'll refuse to explain however if you have freed Sammy from Paradise Falls you can then talk to him about Princess by passing a speech check Sammy reveals that princess Once declared herself the mayor of little Lamplight calling herself the princess rain only lasted about 5 minutes until mccre punched her in the face and took over since then princess has had a secret crush on mccre armed with this information you can choose to torment princess by revealing what Sammy said doing so may result in negative Karma depending on a Charisma check Church donations is a repeatable and unmarked quest in Fall 3 that involves donating to the churches in Megaton and Rivet City both St Monica's Church in Rivet City and the Church of the children of Adam in Megaton accept donations in the form of currency in exchange for your donation you will receive an equal amount of Good Karma to donate speak to Confessor Cromwell in Megaton or father Clifford in Rivet City this Quest could be repeated multiple times allowing players to donate to the churches and receive good karma in return collecting Hol tags is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 that involves Gathering Brotherhood of Steel Hol tags and returning them to scribe Jameson in the Citadel after completing the main storyline Quest the Waters of life you gain access to the Citadel the Brotherhood of Steel's Main Headquarters inside the library in the a-ring area they can find scribe Jameson who is responsible for recording the actions of the Brotherhood she then asked you to bring her any Brotherhood of Steel Hol tags that you may find on your Journeys Brotherhood of still holot tags can be found on the corpses of Fallen Brotherhood members if you keep these holot tags and bring them to scribe Jameson she will thank you and then reward you with 100 caps and 25 XP for each Hol tag additionally she may offer something more interesting related to the brotherhood's technological research this Quest can be repeated as often as you wish as Brotherhood soldiers respawn providing an infinite source of holot tags however after starting the quest take it back and releasing Liberty prime it is not possible to engage in regular conversation with James or most other Brotherhood members in the Citadel without the Broken Steel add-on Council C is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that takes place in Rivet City and involves Bannon and crave homes the quest can be initiated by speaking with Bannon at pomac attire he believes that crave Holmes is planning to steal his seat on the city council and ask your character to find incriminating evidence against Seagrave alternatively the quest can be started by finding the evidence at se graves's room and then speaking to Bannon you can enter SE Graves room in the midship deck to find an incriminating letter next to the Foot Locker Under the Bed the letter reveals that craves is actually communicating with the slaver boss eulogy Jones once the evidence is obtained you can talk to both Bannon and Seagrave Holmes crave argues that the letter shows he's not cooperating with the slavers and asks you to inform Lana Danvers that Bannon is trying to blackmail him Bannon on the other hand tells you to report the evidence to Lana Danvers without revealing that he sent them to find it choosing which side dis support is a tactical decision as Bannon rewards you with a deathclaw Gauntlet schematic and discounts on apparel while holes offers no immediate reward but has more items available for purchase with discount economics and violence is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that involves helping Pronto in Paradise Falls improve his Shop's inventory Pronto a Trader in Paradise Falls is unhappy with the quality of the items he receives from other slavers and ask for help in obtaining 20 Chinese assault rifles to improve his inventory these rifles can be found on Super Mutant Masters Chinese Remnant soldiers Talon company mercs and various other locations once you've collected the rifles return to Pronto to complete the quest his Shop's inventory will improve and he will have around 400 caps for bartering instead of the usual 150 additionally his shop will offer a 20% discount on all items election day is an unmarked quest in Fall 3 that takes place in the Republic of Dave Dave the self-proclaimed president of the Republic of Dave is running for re-election and asks for your help in securing votes from other adults in the Republic talk to Dave to start the quest he'll ask you to speak with the other adults to secure their votes for him speak with Jessica shaana Rosie and Bob persuade them to vote for Dave in the election optionally you can convince Rosie or Bob to run against Dave by persuading them and then stealing the other ballots to ensure their Victory return to Dave and inform him that all the votes are in he will proceed to count the votes if another candidate wins you'll receive the loot from Dave safe including old Painless by using the access code provided by the winner completing this Quest can lead to various outcomes depending on how you manipulate the election fungus deal is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 that takes place in little Lamplight Lucy or eclair and little Lamplight will ask for your help in obtaining items they need Lucy needs buff out to treat rickets a condition caused by malnutrition due to the lack of sunlight declare the cook needs strange meat which is actually human flesh to feed the fungus that grows in the caverns pools a vital food source for the children talk to Lucy or CLA to start the quest then speak with mayor mccre to get his approval for the trade deal you'll need a barter skill of 50 or the child at har perk to convince him obtain buffout or strange meat buffout can be found or purchased while strange meat can be obtained from various sources then return to Lucy or eclair and trade the items for cave fungus with the child at heart perk you can get a one for one deal otherwise you'll need to trade three items for one fungus after this eair reveals that the fungus in the caverns pool thrives on meat especially strange meat which was the discovered by the first children of little Lamplight when they threw the bodies of Dead adults into the pools it is possible to renegotiate the terms of the deal with mccre by returning with a higher barter skill completing this Quest helps the inhabitants of little lamplite by providing them with essential items and resources Gallows humor is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that involves your character learning the real name of night Captain Gallows from the Lion's Pride in the Citadel members of the Lion's Pride in the Citadel are participating in a bedding pool to guess night Captain Gallows his real name your character can join in by learning and revealing Gallows his real name talk to the members of Lion's Pride in the Great Hall in the Citadel they'll mention a betting pool to guess Gallows his real name approach night Captain Gallows and ask him about the betting pool he'll be reluctant to share his real name he'll need to use a really high speech skill to convince Gallows to reveal his real name even with high speech in Charisma the success chance is not guaranteed once Gallows Reveals His name then you can inform Paladin Glade about it geom mapping with is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 where your character can earn bottle caps by uncovering map markers in the capital Wasteland after completing the Riley's Rangers Quest you can agree to help Riley with her mapping service she then provides you with a geomapper module carrying this module and returning to the ranger compound allows you to receive 30 caps for each new location that you discover up to a maximum of 4,890 caps it's important to note that the locations revealed with the Explorer perk do not count for this Quest unless they are personally visited additionally certain locations such as DC Metro Maps or the regulator's HQ require specific perks to be accessed or do not count for the quest also if you're into role playing a character this gives them a perfect purpose for exploring the map and looting Grady's package is an unmarked quest in Fall 3 that can be completed alongside the quest of those the quest begins with finding the corpse of Grady inside marold station or by finding Grady's safe key in the maintenance room you can also pick the lock on the safe to start the quest after finding Grady's corpse or the safe key you must follow the instructions on Grady's holotape to locate the package the package is located in a safe and marold station which can be accessed by navigating through the tunnels and opening an easy locked door inside the safe you'll find the naughty nightwear upon acquiring the naughty nightwear lug nut will approach you and demand it and it gets really weird you can choose to give it to him or you can kill him to keep it if you give the nightwear to lugna and then loot it off his corpse after killing him it'll be fully r pred alternatively you can return the naughty nightwear to Ronald lren in girder shade for a reward of 200 Caps or 300 caps if a speech check is passed happy birthday to you also known as a sticky situation is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that involves escorting sticky a teenager who just turned 16 from Little Lamplight to Big Town once the player character is granted entry into little Lamplight by mayor mccreedy they'll find Sticky wearing a red birthday hat and eager to go to Big Town where he believes all the grown-ups go STI STI will join the player's party and they can equip him with weapons and armor for his journey during the trip sticky will talk a lot often making up stories using a madli template you can choose to tolerate his stories tell him to be quiet or even kill him without losing Karma the quest is completed once the player and sticky cross the bridge to big town it's worth noting that if the player has completed the big trouble in big toown Quest before escorting sticky there might be a super mutant nearby which could potentially attack Big Town's residents and sticky there are several nuances to this Quest such as the fact that sticky will remain a companion until the player reaches Big Town even if the player has already completed Big Trouble in Big Town additionally if the players taught the Big Town residents how to plant mines for protection before escorting sticky the mines will not recognize sticky as friendly potentially leading to his injury or death if not carefully managed overall there's no tangible reward for completing the quest but the player can obtain a party hat by talking about it you also get to feel good that was worth it right right hired help is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that probably most of you know about it involves acquiring the employment contract of a ghoul named Sharon in the Underworld the quest is given by azra Cal who holds Sharon's contract and is located in the Ninth Circle in the Underworld to complete the quest the player character can choose to either kill Greta a worker at Carol's place in the underworld or purchase Sharon's contract from azrial if they choose to kill Greta they must return to azol after completing the task if they choose to purchase the contract they can do so by paying azra Cal either 2,000 Caps or 1,000 caps with a barter skill of 50 or higher upon acquiring Sharon's contract the player character can then inform Sharon who will confront azrial and ultimately kill him the player can then L azra Cal's body for a key to a cooler full of caps and other Li with no loss of karma or angering the residents of Underworld however attempting to pick the lock on the safe or hack the terminal in the room will cause the residents to become hostile I want to drink your blood is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 that becomes available after completing the quest Blood Ties the quest is given by Vance the leader of the family of vampires residing in the mesty Metro station Vance will pay the player character 15 caps for every blood pack that they bring him this can be done by Simply Having blood packs in the player's inventory and talking Advance after completing Blood Ties player can choose to sell the blood packs events or donate them receiving the same value in caps either way it's worth noting that Carl another Resident in the mesty Metro station May sometimes sell blood packs for less than 15 caps providing an opportunity for the player to acquire them at a lower cost and then sell them to advance for a profit there are no experience points or Karma bonuses granted for completing this Quest jigs loot is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that involves finding a series of secret codes hidden within access terminals around the Museum of Technology these codes are part of a security test set up by the scavenger named Prime who's left them as clues for another comrade expected to show up at the Museum the codes are all prime numbers which are numbers divisible only by themselves such as 1 2 3 5 7 and Etc the player must successfully unlock all three terminals to obtain the password for the security office terminal which unlocks a safe containing jigs is Loop the first terminal is located on the ground floor directly across from the Museum's entrance the second terminal is in the Museum's West Wing past the vault door the third terminal is on the ground floor near the Delta 9 rocket entering the correct prime numbers into these terminals will grant access to the safe which contains 200 caps various valuables and the gun locker key for the planetarium office's cabinet upon accessing the last terminal the player receives a note from Prime instructing them to meet him at the diner near jury Street Metro Station however upon arrival Prime is found dead but his body contains 500 more caps explosives ammunition and the unique weapon the Wong assault rifle it's important to note that the terminals can only be accessed once and making an error will avoid the quest and the chance to obtain the assault rifle Additionally the computer whiz perk does not allow for another attempt and the lock terminal in the security Overlook does not actually provide the password but rather triggers the note about meeting Prime at the diner just for the taste of it is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 it involves obtaining the secret nuca Cola clear formula from the R&D Department of the nuca Cola plant and delivering it to goalie Leo who is waiting at the red Razer Factory the quest begins when the player finds the body of Winger Mercier on the second floor of the ncac colola plants office section on his corpse is the note finding the formula which instructs merca to find the formula and meet at the red rocket tricycle Factory the nuca colola clear formula is inside a lock safe in the R&D Department to obtain the key to the safe the player must find the Mr handy robot named Milo on the lower level of the factory floor they can convince Milo to give them the key through a speech challenge or if they have the robotics expert perk Milo would then give it to them automatically alternatively you can find a note by the computer in the office next to the R&D that contains ID data allowing them to pass the ID check if all else fails the player can simply destroy the robot to acquire the key once the formula is obtained you must deliver it to goalie L do and his gang at the red racer Factory Le do offers 250 caps for the formula but the player can try to convince him to give them 400 by passing a speech challenge after selling the formula to Le do the player can kill him to retrieve it although there is no incentive apart from the recipe being worth 150 caps however killing Leo will grant the player his hockey mask which grants plus 25 action points and he will have a finger on him if the player has the lawbringer perk it's important to note that the game spawns in front of the red racer Factory only if the player character has obtained the nacac cola clear formula from the nacac Cola plant before or during the nacac cola challenge quest how many times can a freaking nacac Cola chuck if they complete the nuc cacola challenge quest before ever picking up the formula goalie do and his gang will not spawn and the player can never complete this unmarked Quest the Keller family Refuge is an unmarked quest in Fall 3 that involves collecting five holotapes located around the capitol Wasteland to gain entry into the National Guard Depot Armory bunker the quest Begins by finding one of the Keller holot tapes which are scattered in various locations to gain entry into the National Guard Armory bunker you need to collect four out of the five transcripts the tape that is not needed is tape one found in the pylon Shack here are the locations of all the Hol tapes tape one the pylon Shack found on the bottom shelf of the bookcase which again is not needed to enter the bunker tape two is found in the hollow Mo Cemetery inside the church on the left on top of a Lecter tape three is found in the grizzly Diner located on a desk at the back outside of the diner tape four is found at the sniper Shack inside The Shack on the workbench on the left and tape five is found an Anchorage Memorial inside a tent on the table across the river north northwest of the memorial upon entering the bunker you will find Mr Keller as is a glowing one the sole remaining member of the Keller family inside the bunker you can find the experimental MV five mini nukes and other valuable L Leo's drug habit is an unmarked quest in Fall 3 that involves helping Leo stall with his chem Addiction in Megaton you can open up a dialogue option with Leo stall by talking to DOC church Lucas Sims Mr Burke or by hacking Colin Mar AR's terminal in his Saloon DOC church or Mr Burke May mention Leo's chem habit leading you to ask Leo about it there's three path you can take with this Quest The Good Karma path you use a speech dialogue option to convince Leo to quit his addiction he will ask you to clean up his stash in the water processing plant this path gives you 100 XP Good Karma and Leo's key to the stash of Kims and caps in the desk at the water processing plant then there's the neutral Karma path initially choose the good path choice but do not choose the speech challenge option instead say I never thought about it that way Leo will now be available as a chem dealer during his evenings in the Water Treatment Plant this Choice do does not affect Karma nor give an XP reward and last the evil karma paath if you ask Leo what it is worth to keep him quiet he will start dealing chem and you will gain Bad Karma you can later kill him and loot the key to his stash from his corpse for more Bad Karma contents of the stash vary but include bottle caps buffout medic menet psycho and stim packs the number of the items in the stash is random completing the quest without harming Leo will change his brother Andy stalls attitude towards you making him more friendly in Fallout 3 there's an unmarked Quest called light fingers hardgrave that involves James hardgrave in Rivet City if you have the child at heart perk you can persuade James to steal ammo for you he will provide you with the stolen ammo 12 hours after your initial conversation with him and then every 12 hours afterward as a reward you'll receive random types of ammo from James there's a chance to get rare types of ammo like the 44 rounds which is used for powerful weapons such as the scope 44 Magnum Blackhawk Callahan's Magnum and Lincoln's repeat if James runs away after you've used the child at heart dialogue option and you manage to convince him to return it'll take a few in-game days before he will steal the ammo for you again in Fallout 3 the quest Lincoln's profit margins involves collecting the nine artifacts related to Abraham Lincoln found in the Museum of History these artifacts can be sold to various characters in the capital Wasteland including Hannibal Hamlin the leader of the ex-slaves at the Temple of Union Leroy Walker the leader of the slavers at the Lincoln Memorial or Abraham Washington a historian at Rivet City the artifacts include Lincoln's diary hat voice action figure Civil War draft poster John wils Booth wanted poster Lincoln Memorial poster antique coin collection and Lincoln's repeater rifle each item can be sold for different amount of caps and the price can be doubled with a successful speech check or higher barter skill selling certain items to Leroy Walker grants access to the Lincoln Memorial without being attacked however Once Sold the items cannot be retrieved except for the Lincoln Memorial poster which can be pickpocketed back from Leroy in Fallout 3 the unmarked Quest a manhandled manservant revolves around finding out the fate of argyle the missing man servant of Herbert daring dashwood Herbert dashwood a retired Adventurer living in 10 peny Tower believes that Argy still alive and ask the player to inform him if they find any sign of his whereabouts upon visiting rockopolis the player discovers argy's corpse indicating that he did not survive their escape from rockopolis returning to Herbert dashwood with this news he expresses sadness at argy's demise and gives the player the key to his safe as a reward inside the safe the player finds various items including bottle caps men hats a mini nuke radex bottle cap mind schematics a stealth Boy and a stim pack it's important to talk to Herbert dashwood about Argyle before completing the quest involving Roy Phillips and the ghouls at ten peny Tower as this affects the outcome of the quest if the ghouls are allowed into the tower and kill dashwood the player will lose the opportunity to complete the quest the unmarked Quest Merchant Empire involves investing in the Caravan merchants of Canterbury Commons to improve their trading capabilities this Quest is given by Uncle Row in canterberry Commons to start the quest the player must talk to Uncle row about the possibility of unifying the Traders the player has the Master Trader perk a high barter skill the Black Widow perk or is carrying at least 250 bottle caps Uncle row will offer a map showing the PA of the merchants and their trade stops as well as the option to invest in any of the Caravans investing in a caravan costed initial 200 caps followed by a second investment of 500 caps totaling 2,800 caps for all upgrades the Master Trader perk reduces these costs by half each investment improves the Merchant's inventory repairability and caps on hand total each Caravan Merchant corresponds to a different type of goods armor food medicine miscellaneous items and weapons after fully invested Caravan the player will receive a gift from the merchant the next time they meet gifts include Crow's iBot helmet two to six Stealth Boys from Crazy Wolf Gang and three to seven stim packs from Doc Hoff oh and also a mini nuke from Lucky harth the quest provides a way to improve the trading experience with these merchants and adds a layer of depth to the trading system in the game the unmarked and reputable Quest Mississippi Quantum pip is given by Sierra in gerter shade after completing the nuca colola challenge quest Sierra can make Mississippi Quantum pie if you bring her the proper ingredients one flower one nuca Cola Quantum and one vodka the reward is a delicious Mississippi Quantum pie Murphy's bombing run is an unmarked and repeatable Quest given by Murphy a ghoul scientist at the Northwest senica station Murphy's working on an improved version of the drug jet called ultra jet and needs sugar bombs as an ingredient for every box of sugar bombs the player character brings him he offers to pay 15 caps which can also be increased to 30 caps with a speech check player character can then purchase ultra jet from him for every eight boxes of sugar bombs turned in in our little secret an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 the player character is tasked with uncovering the dark secrets of the residents of Andale and deciding how to deal with them the quest is initiated by speaking to Old Man Harris who Wars the player to stay away from the town to uncover the secret the player must enter either the garden shed or the basement of the Smith's house both doors are very hard difficulty to pick lock pick 100 alternatively the player can pickpocket the keys from either Bill Wilson or Jack Smith or steal the keys from their houses which also results in negative Karma inside the basement or shed the player discovers that the strange meat the residents consume is actually human flesh upon leaving the area the player is confronted by the town residents excluding Junior Jenny and old man Harris if the player did not speak to Harris first and pick the lock during the day the residents will immediately attack there are two speech checks available during the conversation with the residents the first option is to play it off as if the player was just considering getting a snack with the cannibal perk making this a guaranteed success another option is to play koi and not answer directly which leads to an easier speech check for Passive acceptance of their behavior if successful in convincing the residents that nothing is wrong and agreeing to keep their secret the residents will be kind to the player and Linda Smith will offer a free strange meat pie daily however if the player refuses to keep the secret the residents become hostile forcing the player to kill them all after dealing with the residents the player can speak to Old Man Harris who reveals more about the town's history and agrees to help raise the children right he explains that Andale was not only a town of cannibals but also a town of inbred cannibals it's worth noting that old man Harris is the only resident of mandale who is not a cannibal he tries to warn the player about the town's folks actions but they dismiss his warnings as ramblings in the unmarked Quest overdose in Fallout 3 the player encounters paully cantelli a chem addict in rivit City who is always looking for more Chim like psycho and buffout the quest involves giving paully psycho which results in negative karma for the player if the player gives paully psycho they will go to an unused room on the midship deck to use the psycho and he will ultimately die from an overdose after Paulie's death his wife Cindy cantelli who owns a quick fix will be relieved because she can finally make a profit from her products without poly taking all the Kims from her store it's worth noting that just one dose of psycho is enough to make Polly overdose and giving him additional doses before he reaches his destination will result in even more negative karma for the player in the unmarked and repeatable Quest Ryan Briggs is Wonder me in Fallout 3 the player encounters Ryan Brig in the jury Street tunnels Brig is is a hostile NPC who has been experimenting with making mole rat meat more palatable through his experiments he's discovered a method using a combination of molat meat and wonderglue the player can learn from a terminal in the area that Brig has succeeded in producing what he calls molat Wonder meat using briggs' Wonder meat maker the player can combine a slab of molat meat with a bottle of Wonder glue to produce a single piece of molat Wonder meat as a reward in the unmarked Quest searching for Cheryl in Fallout 3 the player follows the trail of a search party that went out to find Cheryl the sister of the party leader the quest unfolds through the discovery of several burial mounds containing log entries from the search party the first log can be found in LA Fint South near the irradiated Metro the second log is located in the ranger compound accessible with a code from Riley during the Riley's Ranger Quest or by hacking a very hard terminal the third log is north of the Francis Scott Key bridge in a grave near the Raider Camp the final log is Northwest of the sewer way station near a big cor Vega billboard the player eventually finds Manny Kosh the leader of the search party dead in a camp of super mutants near the jury Street Metro Station the main reward for completing this Quest is a mini nuke found on the Super Mutant Behemoth in the camp in the unmarked Quest slave hunt in Fallout 3 the player meets May Wong in Rivet City who reveals that she used to be a slave and is now afraid of slaver named sister who is on the ship hunting a rogue Android May is scared that sister might recognize her as a former slave the player has several options to deal with the situation you can enslave May again which turns Rivet City hostile and earns the player Bad Karma you can tell sister that may is an escape slave which leads to May committing suicide and earns the player Bad Karma you can give May 25 caps to purchase a pistol allowing her to defend herself this earns the player plus 100 Karma and the location of the Temple of the Union you can kill sister which makes Rivet City hostile including may but the player does not lose karma coming back after Rivet City calms down may result in ey are from the guards but thanks from me each choice has different consequences affecting the player's Karma and the position of rivet City's residents strictly profitable is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 available after completing the Strictly Business quest in this Quest players can use the mesmetron acquired from grous in Paradise Falls to enslave non-player characters for a reward of 250 caps per captive this Quest allows players to enslave NPCs other than the four VIPs required for Strictly Business Grouse also sells mesmetron power cells at a higher price of 200 caps per 10 Rounds players can of set the high price of the power cells by carefully utilizing the initial 50 rounds given by grous as he also pays caps for turning in the VIPs it's important to note that the enslaved NPCs other than the four required for strictly business will disappear permanently from the game additionally there are certain NPCs like those in Mor Ari Saloon and Megaton who cannot be enslaved using the mesmetron suicide watch is unmarked quest in Fall 3 that takes place in Rivet City Mr Lopez a resident of Rivet City can be found on the flight deck of the bridge Tower every day from 8: to 12 and also from 3:00 to 5:00 a.m. contemplating suicide the lone Wanderer has several options when interacting with Mr Lopez you can help him commit suicide by pushing him off the deck which results in negative Karma you can talk him into committing suicide by saying he's pathetic this also results in negative Karma you can use the speech skill to convince him that Ted Strayer needs someone to give him guidance and that Lopez is the one to provide it this results in positive Karma you can push him off manually do his death this is no Karma change and you can shoot him with a weak weapon when there's no guard around so that he runs off the edge by accident trying to get away also no Karma change any options involving talking to Mr Lopez require a speech kill of 50 to convince him to either live or die if the Player speech is not high enough they'll receive a note about Lopez's situation and can come back to him later when their speech skill is higher it's important to note that if the player decides to kill Ted Strayer in the quest you got to shoot him in the head or for any other reason the positive Karma speech option will not be available in the kid kidnapper an unmarked quest in Fall 3 players can receive the assignment from IGI Jones in Paradise Falls after visiting little Lamplight the goal is to convince a child named Bumble from Little Lamplight to follow the player outside where a child slaver is waiting this can be achieved by passing a speech check or using the child at heart perk players receive the boogeyman's hood as a reward from ulii Jones for completing the quest it's also possible to receive the hood while still having Bumble remain in little lamp light and also keeping the slavers friendly although 200 karma is still lost and Bumble wears her slave collar permanently this involves convincing Bumble to follow the player outside waiting for the slaver to put the collar on her then fast traveling to Paradise Falls to talk to eulogy fast traveling back to little lampl and then getting the slaver killed by any means other than the player character or a follower the Lost initia is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that starts in Fall's Church Paladin hos informs a player that during a super mutant attack peek became trapped in an office building while hos and another Paladin were fighting nearby Knight church was killed in the attack hos asked you to help rescue peek who is barricaded in a Janitor's Closet you storm the building find peek cowering with a jam gun and can fix his gun with enough skill once rescued peek follows you outside to join hos the outcast collection agent is a repeatable and unmar quest in Fall 3 that can be started at Fort Independence protector casden the leader of the outcast asked the player to trade certain pieces of Technology such as power armor energy weapons sensor modules and scrap metal in return the player can choose to receive ammunition grenades or medical supplies or even caps to start the quest visit Fort Independence and speak with Defender Morgan who will introduce you to the outcasts then talk to protector casden and offer to trade technology items for rewards casden will accept certain items and reward you with points based on their value once you accumulate 50 points you are considered friendly by the outcast and can enter for independ dependence without hostility it's another great quest for players who enjoy role playing in my opinion it gives you a reason to go find technology and immerse yourself into the Brotherhood outcasts The Runaways is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that begins in Rivet City James Hargrave a resident of Rivet City can be engaged in conversation about his troubled family situation if you bring up his alcoholic mother it can lead to a speech challenge where you can insult and go James into running away from home this action earns you Bad Karma and has repercussions as CJ young a well- behaved girl from the young family later goes missing and you may be implicated a female Rivet City guard May mention seeing James and CJ running across the Rivet City Bridge to the mainland which can lead you to find them at an Acosta Crossing station you have the option to bring them back home where CJ will be able to talk to you this old house is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 that can be found in the Museum of History in Underworld Winthrop a ghoul resident of Underworld offers a trade where the player can exchange five pieces of scrap metal for a single stim pack rataway or rad X to initiate the quest the player needs to speak with Winthrop however if the player strength small guns big guns energy weapons or melee weapon skills are high enough they can threaten Windthrop into giving them 10 STI packs and rataway bypassing the need to collect the scrap metal it's important to note that this Quest does not award experience points for both turning in scrap metal unlike the quest Walter scrap metal additionally if the player does not have at least five scrap metal in their inventory they cannot turn in any treatment is an unmarked quest in Fallout 3 that can be started by talking to Walter in Megaton Walter asks for help in fixing the broken pipes around Megaton and he doesn't have the time to do it himself while also maintaining the water plant to fix the pipes the players need a repair skill of at least 30 after fixing all the pipes Walter will reward the player with 200 caps and 100 XP he will then also offer to buy scrap metal from the player in another unmarked Quest called Walter scrap metal to help maintain the pipes in the future water B is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 where wastelanders suffering from dehydration ask for purified water giving them purified water rewards the player character with plus 50 Karma there are three Beggars Mickey outside Megaton Carlos outside Rivet City and Willie outside 10 Penny Tower if the player denies them water they will die at the next map change even if they were given purified water before however if the player tells them to find their own water and then gives them water they will live on there are some complexities with giving Aqua Pura and if the modified fev was used to infect the water as part of project impurity giving aquaa Will subtract 50 Karma and kill the biggar on the next map load yearning for learning is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 given by scribe yearling at the Arlington Library scribe yearling is searching for pre-war books to supplement the Brotherhood archives at the Citadel she offers to pay 100 caps and 10 XP for every pre-war book given to her Zip's nuca fig is an unmarked and repeatable quest in Fallout 3 given by zip in little Lamplight zip will trade various items for nacac Cola satisfies nukacola addiction the reward received depends on the player character's barter skill and a random Factor Jesus when I began to make this video I anticipated it being a lot smaller in scope basically one of my regular lower videos I could never have guessed just how many unmarked quests are actually in Fallout 3 it's pretty incredible firstly I just want to thank you guys if you watch this far you are the real ones if you enjoyed the video or learned about a new Quest then please leave a like I really appreciate any views comments or whatever on these videos you guys always just make my day don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on more Fallout in the future also follow me on Twitter with the link in the description I need more friends on there to talk about Fallout with thank you guys again have a great week I'll see you in the next
Channel: Lunar Legends Gaming
Views: 18,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, theory, iceberg, bethesda, obsidian, fallout3, falloutnewvegas, fallout4, fallout1, fallout2, interesting, gaming, fallouticeberg, falloutfacts, rpg, global, new, theories, gametheory, scary, disturbing, facts, horror, story, stories, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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