The Gaming Holdouts

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this video is sponsored by War Thunder let me guess your home it was and it was beautiful [Music] [Music] you [Music] yeah to quote the immortal words of Panic at the Disco If You Love Me me let me go but what if you love something strongly enough that you just couldn't what happens then well besides a restraining order history shows us a myriad of ways to hold on to that in which we love from one Emperor constructing a tomb to honor his late wife for generations to more modern examples we as humans like to hold on to what gives our lives Joy even if it's just a little bit and history tends to repeat itself in the world of video games this love is stronger than it has any right to be many of these games are nothing more than products the charact characters stories choices that the player makes are not real and yet the attachment and love we feel for these games very much is your feelings for her are not real they are real to me it's this love that has motivated to select few of the world's most loyal fans to go above and beyond the Call of Duty from the enjoyers all the way to the most strong willed of devout fans from players with only a couple thousand hours nothing to those that played for literal months on end today we're going to see just how far love for a game can take you as we explore the gaming [Music] holdouts there are levels to how a dedicated one can be to a video game and with that metaphorical background in mind I've categorized our stories into a completely original and not derivative at all framework Dante of defaults Inferno like Dante we're going to Journey Down to the levels of heck until we reach our final destination I must warn you with each new level comes more hardship and suffering that these Brave and dedicated Souls had to endure why don't we we start with acceptance It's here that you'll find Gamers who put up with a crappy situation and made the best of it regardless of what cards the world had dealt them country it's safe to say that the launch of Fallout 76 was not good game-breaking bugs servers crashing no NPCs broken settlements poor PR responses asbest inhalers it all coalesced into a nightmare of a game that permanently tarnished bethesda's reputation for years and we got a lot of well-deserved criticism I mean the game was so bad the guy on the cover couldn't even look Us in the eye he knew the game sucked and it deserved to be buried in a nylon bag coffin good riddance you filthy animal pathetic after an appalling release player count and viewership dwindled over time the game was ostensibly abandoned as Fallout fans went back to doing what they did best hating each other for most of the world Fallout 76' story ended here but not for everyone we all know the story of 76 but many of us might not know the story of what I like to call the parents of 76 two players that through sheer passion for the game helped lead the community legendary figures simply seeing these characters in game is enough to incite numerous Reddit threads teaming with excitement this is Mr westtech he's been playing Fallout 76 for a long long time a really long time there was something about the mountains of West Virginia that just resonated with him from the moment he stepped out of the Vault it just clicked he would create a character level up that character to Triple digits then do it again and again and again Mr westtech soon amassed an intimate knowledge of the game and shared it with the other Vault dwellers of West Virginia seeking to guide them in their own Journeys customization please turn theing the ground write that down write that down what's far more admirable though is that he stuck with the game since 2018 imagine looking at Fallout 76 in 2018 when the entire online discourse was and all that's left is a buggy mess don't play this game an inconsequential Wasteland Fallout 76 is an atrocious video game where this online mob would dissuade most of the world Mr westtech just tuned it all out and said yeah well I still like it to this day his channel is consistently uploading Fallout 76 content leveling guides item locations character builds he's been uploading all of this content for years because he wanted to show the world that in spite of a poor release and the negative stigma there's still a great game here you just had to give it a shot but behind every great man there is a Mrs Blobby because Mrs Blobby is not your ordinary Fallout 76 player Mrs Blobby doesn't just play Fallout 76 they dominate it for the Casual Fallout 76 player it can take a long time to reach a character level in the mid to high triple digits getting higher than a triple digit level or even seeing someone in the wild with one is enough to turn some heads Mrs Blobby is level 10,000 on their alternate account their main account level is 32,767 the maximum level that a character can achieve in Fallout 76 Mrs Blobby has essentially beat fallout 76 if that was even possible as crazy as a level that high sounds it's not impressive in the eyes of some there were various experienced exploits in the early days that were eventually patched out but before they were players could reap massive rewards and essentially level up with minimal effort however what makes Mrs Blobby unique is that they achieved this rank not from a lucky glitch or two but through good oldfashioned grinding not like that Mrs Blobby has a YouTube channel where they run through experien farming rots for literal hours at a time over 100 videos most of which are just a little shorter than a Christopher Nolan movie there is not a single video of theirs at the time of writing this that is under 1 hour and one of the only ones that are are 5 and 2 minutes off respectively think about that for a second the shortest documented run of Mrs Blobby repeating this grind is 55 minutes 55 minutes of shooting the same enemies 55 minutes of the same locations 55 minutes of the same loading screens and that is the shortest run they've documented on their alternate account these videos are severely underrated in their view count so there's not even an argument to be made that this is being done for financial reasons no this is simply a love for the game players like Mrs Blobby and Mr westtech have done nothing but invigorate the Fallout 76 Community a community that was in Dire Straits in the early years the roots and guides they pioneered paved the way for other players to level their character not to mention their work with the community outside of the game itself hearing stories of a mysterious max level player joining your squad motivated a lot of people to keep playing maybe if I play a little bit longer I'll run into Mrs Blobby or Mr westtech or maybe I'll try this farming route they made to finally whoop that piece of sh wend dingo's ass it's the same mentality behind putting down a summon sign and hoping that let me solo her appears Yes jarm Man kill her kill her kill her you destroyed that guy without even touching him it's players like Mrs Blobby and Mr westtech that can keep a game alive and in all honesty it's their stories that inspired me to give Fallout 76 another shot years later and somehow this is only our first level because what if just sticking with Fallout 76 and its current state wasn't enough what if these players took matters into their own hands but first Ramirez where are you private we need backup Ramirez sorry Sarge I can't fight right now I'm too busy playing War Thunder this video is sponsored by War Thunder I'm just as surprised as you guys are War Thunder is the largest and most comprehensive vehicle combat game out there sounds expensive well don't you worry War Thunder is free to play on PC Xbox and Playstation with over 2500 tanks planes helicopters and ships there's no shortage of what vehicles you can Tokyo Drift on the battlefield feeling nostalgic then try to buy planes in armored cars of the 1920s to make you feel young again feeling more modern try flying the fighter jets of today feeling a little naughty then use the damage x-ray view that gives you an in-depth visual analysis of the damage to AED on any vehicle as a cheesecake with a passion for history my favorite feature is the level of in-depth customization available for your vehicles and this ain't no Weenie Hut Junior customization you can outfit your vehicle with historically accurate markers to provide a more authentic experience I mean for me I love that level of detail my games that's pretty cool get ready to lose yourself on the battlefields of War Thunder where you will have the ability to control history's most powerful machines ever created in intense combat use my link in the pin comment or video description to sign up now new players and those that haven't played in 6 months will also receive a massive bonus pack on PC or consoles it includes multiple premium Vehicles the exclusive vehicle decorator Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver lions and 7 Days of the premium account but it's only available for a limited time so don't miss out folks join the massive war Thunder community of over 70 million players already on the battlefield if you're a fan of vehicular combat military history or just fun games to sink hours into then look no further than War Thunder thanks again to War Thunder for sponsoring this video now let's get back to it [Music] bargaining now we're starting to get our first real taste of the madness in this level we'll see communities and players not simply accept whatever bad odds they've been dealt like our other examples but attempt to completely reshape their game altogether Super Smash Brothers Melee was never meant to survive at its core the Smash Brothers franchise was Nintendo's fever dream the idea of watching a monkey brutalize a child wasn't a stale meme yet so to actually play it out was a novel concept for Nintendo the original Smash Brothers for the N64 was barebones in terms of its technical ceiling but the groundwork for a more complex experience was there and soon after the original the Big Brother melee hits the GameCube the fans of the original could not have loved it more the teaser trailer alone nearly broke the Convention Center [Music] Foundation when fans actually got to play it [Music] melee was an improvement from its predecessor in virtually every way more characters better graphics more stages but most importantly better gameplay because of melee's hectic development life cycle how Laboratories took a page out of Todd Howard's book and a lot of those unintended coding errors now became unintended coding features oversights I mean features like foxes shine wave dashing Moon walking foxes shine vows are not switching hands the ice climbers can Pummel you for as long as they want foxes shine and even foxes Shine the skill cealing for Smash Brothers Melee had suddenly gone from this dick move to competitive carpal tunnel that's not even a joke I wish I was kidding I felt an explosion I felt like literally an explosion in my hand melee's competitive scene steadily grew in the Years following its release because melee felt different the game was fun to play competitively and for the audience it was just as fun to watch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a for St oh he that for a brief few years it felt like Melee this lightning in a bottle could be the end game for smash [Music] there's a strong Norm in the fighting game Community it's expected that when the next installment of a series releases everyone moves on from the previous game like the smash Community just did when melee came out which makes sense you want to play the most updated game especially if there's anything inherently unbalanced all right the smash Community said let's give Smash Brothers Brawl a shot [Music] what fans of competitive melee thought was going to be an improvement ended up retroactively fixing everything that made melee well arthritis and this was no accident it was entirely intentional on Nintendo's end as they wanted to make Smash Brothers Brawl less sweaty and more goofy fun times confetti the melee players that did move on to brawl had two options continue to play or pave their own way and both of these options assembled some of the most driven gaming holdouts thus far those that chose to pave their own way simply wouldn't play a different game they would make it because the weird thing about the Smash Bros Community is that they don't hate Brawl for being braw they hate it for not being melee because let's be real Brawl on its own is still a fun game with tons to offer it just wasn't melee however through top secret experimentation it could be this mentality led to a fan-made creation called Project M Project M was going to fix it all if Nintendo wouldn't make brawl like Melee then the fans would do it themselves a small Enclave of talented and devoted fans spend years completely reshaping brawl in the competitive players's image waved dashing is back Roy is back Mewtwo is back and he's got the costume from the first Pokémon movie which should be legally required to be in any Pokémon media stages are reworked and actually work norfair used to be completely unfair but now it's more fair hanenbow is still here unfortunately as work continued for project Dem the lines between developer and fan blurred as more money came from their pockets and more of their free time funneled into development thousands of hours and dollars for a project that would not make them a single penny in sales but their devotion paid off for a Time Project Dem enjoyed a healthy competitive scene and even though it was eventually phased out it's still a beloved topic for the smash community and project M was just option one those that continued to play melee did just that for years even though there was a brand new game that most communities would have moved on to long ago the melee players stuck with what they loved after brawl melee tournaments went from this to this but it didn't matter they just kept playing what's that braws having a bigger crowd draw doesn't matter keep playing melee the guys in your dorm don't want to play melee because the GameCube controller doesn't scream when you choose Captain Falcon doesn't matter keep playing melee these players kept a game alive far longer than anyone thought was possible in the face of time technical improvements and even the creators of the game against them the melee Community has held on to this day not too bad for a fun party game chion mango first place here at Evolution mango and mango wins Armada is your melee [Applause] [Music] Champion the smash Community had to forge their own way without the help of Nintendo for a long time suppose what would happen then if the company actually listened to the community just hearing these notes probably hit you with a wave of nostalgia back to a simpler time why it hearkens me back to some of my fondest internet memories as a kid pretending to be a girl so someone could trade me free Rune armor is that unethical for a child probably but I can't you through my RoR if you never played RuneScape it was essentially the PBS of MMOs meaning it was easily accessible and free to most of the the general public if you had a computer with the internet you could play RuneScape thus its massive popularity for many players RuneScape was a great escape to ignore life's problems school work taxes your marriage throughout the 2000s and early 2010s gillor thrived but everything changed when the evolution of combat attacked the evolution of combat perhaps the embodiment of this Ned Flanders quote but we can't blame you because you have good intentions the the developers of RuneScape Jag X wanted to modernize the RuneScape experience to keep the player count alive and appeal to a younger audience they did not their solution was a massive update called the evolution of combat it took everything that old school RuneScape players loved about the original experience and flipped it on its Rune helmet-shaped head the graphics went from lovably low poly to we have World at Warcraft at home combat was completely overhauled stats were changed and the fans were not happy petitions make their rounds demanding jagex add the servers the community makes polls asking if they support the update and over half the player base says no thank you JX now has a decision to make eerily reminiscent of Nintendo's conundrum do we stick by our new product that's strongly disliked or do we stay with an admittedly outdated one history could repeat itself once again fortunately for the employees at jagex it's a decision they would not have to make because jagx found the best to both worlds introducing old school RuneScape an authentic experience to bring you back to the good old days of catfishing and bank fraud we've kept everything just like it was back in the 2000s remember this H it's still there don't worry Zoomers if the game is too slow then you can always play our fancy new version Jag X had struck a balance and given players the freedom to choose which version of RuneScape they wanted to play not to say their track record is perfect but in a moment like this it was an admirable decision indeed and yet at the heart of this entire conundrum Li is one of runescape's greatest out in search of a new challenge perhaps always waiting for more [Music] challenges wuk started playing RuneScape back in 2006 and over the years he's amassed over 29,000 combined hours of Play Time across all versions of RuneScape but wooks had a soft spot for old school RuneScape and he completely reshaped it wooks became one of the first players to solo bosses a feat the RuneScape Community thought was impossible until he recorded it twice Thrice five times 20 times not only did he Pioneer how to play RuneScape but how to engage with it too uploading actual helpful footage of gameplay back in 2009 was already rare enough because the standard of quality for gaming videos in 2009 was all right guys today we're going to figure out how to leave the vault in Fallout 3 um make sure his accolades in RuneScape were truly Godlike he became so revered by the community that an entire technique was named after him the wooks walk good thing I know how to WS walk even after jagex introduced the evolution of combat wooks just stuck with the old version mostly for WS there was just more to love in the version that he grew up with that love for the game would take him far far enough to step on stage to receive personal recognition from JAG x a recognition that in a literal sense was a cape for being the first person beat a tough as challenge but I think in a more figurative sense this was jagex thanking WS for loving the game as much as he had WS my friend has to choose between two kills what would I do uh I would probably ditch both of them and play RuneScape instead unfortunately though as life marches on our interests can change today ws' interest in old school RuneScape has naturally faded leading him to gradually pursue other endeavors in life well wooks had the luxury to ease off the game over many years one game that was not so lucky was OverWatch before OverWatch 2 kept us from watching and before OverWatch became OverWatch there was a game called uh OverWatch the original OverWatch was simple old-fashioned fun except OverWatch would not be so fortunate with the announcement of OverWatch 2 also came the Revelation that the original OverWatch servers would be gone forever despite fan outcry blizzard was adamant on their decision the last OverWatch players gathered in their lobbies to say goodbye when the Clock Struck midnight everyone was booted offline and OverWatch one was no more but what could happen if blizzard didn't boot these players in their lobbies what might happen if these players could keep [Music] playing denial the deepest depths of devotion these are gamers in the face of certain defeat with no possible road to Victory their only outcome was to quit but these Brave Souls folded their arms defiantly and they said make me in the late 199s Microsoft was looking to compete with Sony and Nintendo in the console Market their solution was to strip down a PC and shove it into a box an x-shaped box so they called it game pass the Xbox was announced in 2001 by perhaps the biggest disparity in size between two human beings a year later Billy G announces Xbox Live an entirely online ser that will let you game with your buddies from around the world finally Xbox players wouldn't have to spend their rent money just to play with each other there were people willing to spend next month's rent to fly across the country to play in a game at my house the first Xbox Live player names their account e that will have literally no bearing on the story I just thought it was funny suffice to say the original Xbox Live was a special time Mech assault unreal Championship Battlefront Halo it was glorious it was becoming obsolete with the Advent of the Xbox 360 Bill Gates saw it fit to pull the plug on the original Xbox Live attention consumers uh valued customers we will be shutting down the original Xbox Live servers on April 15th at midnight thank you for choosing microsof how could Microsoft do this the Xbox fans cried my precious copy of Shrek super slam defunct thousands rushed to the Xbox Live servers for One Last Ride watch those wrist Rockets I will watch those wrist Rockets I'll watch them everyone waited for the inevitable disconnection at [Music] midnight got it I'm I'm still here I'm alive unlike blizzard that just kicked everyone out immediately Microsoft had left a back door open the shutdown had merely blocked your ability to rejoin a match which for most of the world is what happened except if you were still online at the time of the shutdown you could keep playing as long as you didn't disconnect or turn off your Xbox you could keep playing yes I'm going to play Halo forever this gift that Bill Gates had bestowed came with a price as if our wish of Eternal gaming was granted by the furling of the monkeyy Paw theoretically you could keep playing Xbox live forever but you would need two things to survive a lot of luck and even more willpower with the realization that you could stay online only by keeping your Xbox on on most people that were left gave up pretty much immediately games like Burnout 3 conquer live and reloaded Battlefront one their servers became ghost towns and the rest of Xbox Live was soon to follow except for one group of holdouts still playing Halo 2 for days on end weeks after the Xbox Live server shut down 14 players were still online somehow they had not disconnected or turned off their Xboxes in weeks Master Chief you mind telling me how you've been playing Halo 2 non-stop for the past 2 weeks sir unemployment the Halo Community kns them the noble 14 the final Halo 2 players in the face of what was thought to be an impossible task 14 Spartans had proved the world otherwise even though we know it was futile for some reason their story gave us hope except hope can only take you so far remember this is a challenge that requires two things willpower and luck and the noble for 14's luck had just run out several Spartans lose connection to power outages and they're booted off a cruel fate others have their internet connection dropped unexpectedly a predictable fate if you have Cox another Spartan's Xbox starts borderline combusting so he's forced to tap out but they let him play Halo Reach early so that's cool the days march on only two remained agent Windex and Apache enforcer they let me pick did I ever tell you that choose whichever Spartan I wanted like the others you were strong and Swift and brave but you had something they didn't something no one saw but me can you guess luck agent Windex his internet had disconnected leaving aache enforcer as the last Xbox Live player he stayed online for almost a month straight leaving his mark on history as one of the greatest gaming holdouts of all time or so I thought the noble 14 while admirable and their efforts are not the most dedicated I've seen because that title is left for only a handful of people in the entire world a handful of people that chose to repeat history once again only this time they'd have the technology to last forever [Music] Nintendo drops the Wii U and 3DS these consoles were designed to be improvements over their predecessors hdmis I mean what more could you ask for Nintendo called this one the Wii U because you were probably the only one that bought one and the 3DS because good Lord this thing originally cost the price of 3 DS's that's not to say they didn't have their fans though as we will see soon enough eventually though Nintendo had seen their future and they wanted to move on from their past but Oopsy Daisy Nintendo had online services for the Wii U and 3DS called the Nintendo network since the switch's online service had been thriving for years Nintendo was ready to ax the old [Music] version assemble all aircraft [Applause] [Music] immediately goodbye [Music] Panic engulf the Nintendo Community everyone got their final games in in the face of certain destruction a brief glimpse of humanity shines one of the last recorded four Glory matches on Smash for the 3DS are two Kirby's on Final Destination just sitting there refusing to fight choosing to embrace in this moment of existential crisis they're dubbed the Kirby's at the end of it all play that match of bowling drift round them Corners this is it everyone you'll always be [Music] brother it happened again whether it was intentional or not Nintendo had laid the foundation for another Noble 14 this time things would be different there wouldn't just be one single game these holdouts would stick with this would be an entire community that would survive and with Hardware stronger than the original Xbox the Skyward Sword was the limit not much as known after the initial blast of the Nintendo network nuking information was a rare commodity and finding other survivors was even more rare the only thing we knew for sure is that those still online at the time of the shutdown were still alive the remaining survivors huddled around whatever warmth they could find looked to the sky and thanked the big man up above as the radiation Pockets cleared small tribes carved out a meager existence the first signs of Life came from a group of five Pokémon players that were still online they were all that remained in the now desolate landscape that once was the Nintendo network and just what were these Pokemon players doing after the shutdown well probably what you did back in the day catching Pokemon playing online making their 3DS pull backtack all nighters to fuel the crippling addiction to catch them all normal Pokemon stuff really [Music] in a stroke of Brilliance one of these Pokémon players lights off a flare to the World by that I mean a tweet goes live announcing that they were still online where the Halo 2 numbers dwindled by this point the Nintendo network survivors Were Somehow Against All Odds growing after this tweet more destitute survivors joined the cause refugees from Mario Kart Splatoon Mario Maker emerge still Shell Shocked from the shutdown but very much connected one smash 3DS player chario had been wandering the waist by himself for days looking for a match waiting for anyone to connect with his patients had paid off and he found an anonymous player but still online nonetheless as if the Kirby's at the end of it all had found each other in another life other survivors were not so fortunate at least with a single player game like Pokémon you can kind of understand how someone could play by themselves for a long time but just what do you do if you're stuck in an online multiplayer game like Splatoon well you do things like sit in the lobby by yourself for hours shop for cos Medics that unfortunately no one will ever get to see again bll in a loading screen endlessly Mario Kart 8 players like D2 and syndic Quil were stuck racing the same people until the end of time some survivors on Minecraft had their Lobby attacked by Raiders using hacks to forcefully boot everyone from the lobby while all these hardships might sound agonizing for some these survivors didn't care they had a mission and now they had a community their resolve was inspiring to say the least news outlets wrote about them only boosting their cause these survivors were pulling another Noble 14 and it seemed at this rate they could actually beat them yet time was here to collect its payment it had been over a week since the Nintendo network shut down what seemed to be a strong community in the beginning started to show its cracks and slowly the casualties Rose Panic swed the seeds of unease amongst the surv survivors who would disconnect next could it be me the last smash 3DS player's tale end in heartbreak with chio's nameless partner quietly logging off leaving him as the Final Smash 3DS player in the world dang I'm really the last one [Music] now by now few of these games resembled what they once were Mario Kart 7 was down to two players Mario was cool 246 and Fish Guy 6564 in order to stay online they had created a patch that circumvented the shutdown order and populated the matches with Bots to endlessly race two Puppet Masters locked in an eternal struggle Mario Kart 8 still had humans playing but it was down to the last three and after some internet troubles all that remained was one player left to select the next match for eternity by himself even though the world was now cheering them on these players were not immune to the r& G of the world like their family closing their 3DS by accident that was real by the way soon the once Vibrant Community had whittel down to single [Music] digits on May 3rd 2024 history was simultaneously made and again repeated 14 years after the noble 14 of Halo 2 in the exact same month eight people managed to do the impossible these eight players beat Apache enforcer's 2010 record by remaining ining on the Nintendo network for over 25 days after it was shut down to make it this far required a dedicated crew and the final eight players were an Eclectic crew to say the least there's the aformentioned Mario Kart 7 pair the brains behind the Mario Kart bot brawl operation slithery sheep the last Mario Maker player folks say he stomped more Koopas than anyone else Amanda the Pokemon matriarch LCD 101 the Splatoon lone wolf and the final Xenoblade Chronicles ex Squad G and IUD led by their fearless leader T together these eight defied All Odds and they were ready to hold out forever if only their consoles could say the same Amanda who was one of the original five Pokémon survivors saw the writing on the wall upon hearing that she was the last Pokémon player left she somberly walked to the scary house on Route 14 because of its minimal lighting and atmosphere it thematically coincided with her own feelings but more practically it would keep her 3DS from exploding after a multi-week battle to stay online she decides to log off marking the end of Pokémon X and Y her final thoughts memorialized in a heartfelt goodbye the Xenoblade Squad story came to a Bittersweet end Twi was the last tank in Xenoblade Chronicles X after the shutdown the tank is typically a less popular choice for players but it's essential for completing online missions upon seeing players still alive after the shutdown dis white t found a new purpose in their Twilight years to help them experience one last mission to helped all the players they could finish missions that would be impossible to beat once they disconnected and in that sense they succeeded yet they couldn't beat time Gora and IUD disconnected soon after Apache enforcer's record was beat and now tsuite was all alone a veteran of a battle no one could remember a leader with no followers T found a final resting spot and waited for the inevitable BR Mario's cool 26's battle concludes abruptly the bot races with fish guy had come to an end with Mario's 3DS freezing after running for over a month straight the final image Mario is cool could see was a shy guy arms outstretched ascending into the heavens after 13,000 races the final statistics were fish guy at 6,495 wins and Mario was cool with 6,656 Fish Guy may have lost the battle but he won the war at what price though we were truly in the end game now the Nintendo holdouts were down to the final three three Titans clashing for a doomed spot in a world of inevitable Destruction Nintendo if you ever want to make Dark Souls just copy this cuz I'm spin some heat these were not your ordinary holdouts these were the best of the best for example slithery sheep the Mario Maker Master initially survived the shutdown by having three Wii U's running simultaneously one ran Mario Maker while the other two ran Mario Kart and Minecraft even though slithery sheep tried to better their odds of survival the world was not such a welcoming place as previously mentioned one of the Wii U's connected to Minecraft was forcefully booted by hackers well at least they had another backup Wii U running Mario slithery sheep's final Hope was Mario maker and after thousands of hours running Mario Maker nonstop I'm sure Mario wanted to make it all end slithery sheep couldn't play new levels couldn't play event courses look at their uploads pretty much do anything the only thing left slithery sheep could do to stay online was remain on this screen riveting stuff as for LCD 101 he had his own preparations in mind prior to the shutdown LCD 101 put all his Splatoon game files onto his steam deck and using a Wii U emulator was able to get a working connection other players were able to stay online using a Wii U so it's not like this was only possible on an emulator but at this point it didn't really matter what console he was using he was still connected and all he could do was wait in his Lobby lastly Fish Guy 6564 the deserted Drifter of Mario Kart 7 without Mario is cool fish guy only had Bots left to watch over racing them endlessly having to lap the soulless husks of what once represented a real human now reduced to Mindless drones with only the instinct to drive and throw blue shells [ __ ] you queen bee LCD 101 disconnected accidentally after he moved out he managed to hold on for 68 days after the shutdown the final screen the world could see of Splatoon 1's multiplayer was crusty sha telling your Internet to get good two remained an agent Windex and an Apache enforcer for the modern era and at the time of recording this sentence these two are still online even if they were to disconnect tomorrow at the very least they managed to last 92 days after the shutdown a feat that regardless of who is the last one standing qualifies them both as some of the greatest gaming holdouts of all time [Music] I was lucky enough to interview slithery sheep while they were still connected to the Nintendo network I asked them a question that I think anyone watching this would want to know why did you do it and this was slyther sheep's answer to the world because I love Mario maker that's hard as God damn it's such a simple question isn't it why do it I mean in the grand scheme of things why waste your time on something as trivial as being the last player of a defunct online service there's more value to these stories than you might think though it can capture a moment in time that however brief or seemingly insignificant could never be seen again like LCD 101 who was the only person left to see the last Splatoon map rotation a piece of media that had he not recorded it would have been lost to time or to S helping their team grind out the final Xenoblade missions that be impossible to complete otherwise but more importantly my response to this point is why not why not hold on to something that gives you a little happiness think about how much devotion for a single game one has to have to syn thousands of hours into it or create entirely new content or keep playing long after the Finish Line let's be real if someone told me I couldn't play Fallout 3 anymore I'd probably hunker down for month too it's our devotion for these games that can make them more than just a product but something meaningful because after all why do you play video games in the first place [Music] [Applause] [Music] this video was a giant project and I would like to thank several people for making it possible first of course thank you again to War Thunder for sponsoring today's video make sure to check out War Thunder now for free on PC Playstation or Xbox and use the link in my pin comment or video description to register those of you that are new or haven't played for 6 months will also receive a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms including multiple premium Vehicles in-game currency and more it's pretty cool I would also like to give a massive thank you to everyone that was willing to interview with me your Insight was invaluable to the making of this video I'll put links to their socials and other accounts in the description but I also want to give them actual shout outs so thank you again to wooks Mr westtech Amanda chario LCD 101 slithery sheep Deb sd2 smf2 Mike towi and the Nintendo Network After Hours Discord for compiling a lot of that post shutdown media so thank thank you everyone that I just mentioned for speaking with me I truly do appreciate it anyway thank you guys for making it this far if you have I really appreciate yall watching at the time of me posting this video it's been about a year since I started this Channel and the growth I've seen has been tremendous so thank you guys so so much it means the world okay I'm going to go keep my PS3 on until 2031 so I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Default Cheesecake
Views: 86,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fallout, Nintendo, Gaming, Halo
Id: bCe4BmSH8HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2024
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