Everything WRONG With The Guns In The Fallout TV Show

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when the Fallout show first got announced I was really curious to see what kind of guns they would include since it's liveaction I expected them to stay away from all the uh goofy cartoonish nonsense in Fallout 4 and uh go for real guns instead not only because it would be more true to the West Coast Fallout games but also from a practical standpoint real guns are cheaper than making fake props and besides the guns in Fallout 4 are so stupid and nonfunctional that it would surely be impossible to re oh my God I I can't believe they did it they made the Fallout 4 assault rifle into a real thing honestly that's kind of impressive they somehow materialize this Abomination out of thin air or really it's just a 3D printed prop ain't no way these guys actually mutilated a real Lewis gun all for the sake of making this thing if they did then well I'm going to right when I saw that picture I knew the guns in the Fallout show were going to be another big fat load of Bethesda baloney well I mean to be fair they did add in a bunch of real guns which is awesome to see but at the same time there's still plenty of big stinkers I know that most people may not see a problem with these guns but to me it's like seeing a car with triangles for wheels or like watching a boomer trying to figure out how to use a smartphone it's just not very immersive so that's why for this video I want to show youall my my perspective by going over everything wrong with these guns and uh here's a spoiler there's a lot Not only was this made by Hollywood but it was overseen by Bethesda which makes for the perfect combination of people who know nothing about Firearms as expected there's a boatload of boneheaded mistakes so for this video I'm going to analyze the guns in Fallout season 1 and then rank them based on their overall design and implementation by that I mean I'll be rating these guns based on factors such as functionality Aesthetics and in Universe lore I'll also be examining the character's technique to uh see how competent they are with the firearm let's get started with the good old 10 mm pistol uh not the one from Fallout 4 I'm talking about the 10 mm from Fallout 1 and 2 which is referred to as the Colt 6520 I was glad to see they included it in the show it's a nice nod to the classic games but I'm not going to give this gun a pass simply because it was made by black Isle nobody is immune to my wrath so while this gun is a certified Hood classic it is also a certified boneheaded Design This is a revolver but it somehow holds 15 rounds like come on these guys can't even count revolvers typically have a five or six shot cylinder but I suppose this one could hold eight definitely not 15 though the cylinder would be comically huge but as it turns out this revolver doesn't hold the rounds in the cylinder it's fed by a magazine yep they fell for the meme it's a high-capacity magazine fed assault revolver obviously that wouldn't actually work everyone knows that you don't feed a revolver with a magazine that's with the cylinder for but okay before anyone says it there are some extremely obscure prototypes such as the darck and the lad 1900 with these guns the rounds are initially loaded by a magazine but instead of going directly into the chamber they get fed into a cylinder and then the cylinder has to rotate before it can fire but all that does is add an extra step to the Loading process which makes the gun more complicated and more prone to failure they're also a nightmare to maintain and unjam while sporting no advantage over a regular self-loading pistol so to no one's surprise both of these magazine fed revolvers flopped horribly they were a complete Failure to Launch because the concept itself is an absolute joke so while a magazine fed revolver is technically possible it is also completely pointless either way they didn't even bother to make this gun functional it has no way of ejecting any casings there's no slide no ejection port or anything you can't swing out the cylinder to manually remove them either the cylinder is fused into the gun so you would have to disassemble the whole thing to unload it that's why we never see this gun get reloaded a single time throughout the show because it uh it can't be reloaded it's a non-functional 3D printed prop the 6520 from Fallout 4 does have a slide and it ejects casings so I don't see why they completely forgot about that key detail for the show well I mean it's probably because they based it directly on the original design from Fallout 1 which doesn't have a slide or any way of ejecting casings turns out the reason for this nonfunctional design is due to a miscommunication between the artist and writers of Fallout 1 it was supposed to be an automatic revolver much like the webble fosberry and the mataba Unica they are self-cocking revolvers meaning they automatically load the next round and [ __ ] the hammer much like a typical self-loading pistol but of course uh they don't have magazines they're still re rvers so that means you get the crispy trigger of a single action the speed and convenience of a double action but also the ruggedness of a revolver that design concept would have made the 6520 quite an awesome gun but unfortunately the term automatic revolver was misinterpreted the artists thought it meant that it was like a regular automatic handgun but with a cylinder placed in there for uh no reason so as a result they made a magazine fed revolver I guess the developers thought it was funny because nobody bothered to correct them they kept the design for Fallout 2 and Bethesda brought it back with a creation Club DLC for Fallout 4 besides it being a magazine fed revolver it's also got this big foregrip under the barrel which is completely useless because you don't hold a pistol with your offhand under the barrel you hold it with both hands on the pistol grip which is exactly how it's used in the games and in the show so I don't see why they slapped a big forgrip on there it's purely dead weight now if this forgrip were to be paired with the stock then that would make sense because then you could hold it and use it like a rifle but in its default pistol configuration then no it shouldn't have this big four grip it's also uncharacteristic for this gun to have zero recoil when 10 mm is known for being spicy especially during this scene with thus the gun simply does not move so that was really terrible choreography on his part it's also Mega cringe how he's slapping the trigger like a baboon that's a prime example of how not to pull a trigger you don't slap it with the middle part of your finger you're supposed to hug the trigger with the tip of your finger all it takes is a tiny precise movement and the gun goes boom the less movement there is that means you're going to be more accurate this overly bombastic trigger slapping is just hilariously bad I can see how it makes some level of sense because the character thus clearly has no points in the gun skill he uh mag dumps or cylinder dumps at close range and he misses every single shot so as it turns out this scene is very real istic if you slap the trigger like that you will most certainly not hit your target at the same time I don't see why thus would have zero training considering that he's a Brotherhood Squire like Are you seriously telling me that they don't train their soldiers how to shoot that doesn't make any sense I do like the overall aesthetic they were going for it's got a good style to it and I can appreciate that they were true to the classic games but they were being true to a mistake it's honestly really disappointing to see that nobody has bothered to correct it over 20 7 years later the 6520 has unfortunately never been depicted in its full Glory this gun would be so much better if they made it into an automatic revolver like what was originally intended as is the Colt 6520 has got some major flaws so my very best offer is one bottle cap I can't say I hate it though it does have potential and it's also a really big meme so I'll also put the classic 10 mil in meme tier okay now we can look at the Fallout 4 10 mm I can apply the showrunners for making a very game accurate prop but that doesn't change the fact that this gun design is absolutely terrible the main problem with this gun is that it's morbidly obese and uh extremely ugly it's uh super bubbly like a cartoon gun so I can't take it seriously like it seriously looks exactly like a Nerf gun they just painted it gray somehow it manages to be even less functional than a Nerf gun because the slide doesn't move meaning it wouldn't cycle ammunition it does have a moving slide in Fallout 4 but I guess for the show these guys didn't want to put in the work to make a prop with functional moving Parts probably because they thought nobody would notice well that's too bad because I noticed even if this gun were functional its excessive weight would make it handle like a brick it's an allmetal pistol so combined with its sheer volume this thing would probably weigh about uh 7 or 8 pounds which may not seem like that much but for a pistol that's freaking huge it's four times heavier than average yeah this thing's got the same ergonomic potential as a Tungsten metal cube really the only reason why the actors can use it is because the prop itself is probably made of lar foam of course more weight does help reduce recoil but for 10 mm there's not much of reason to go over 3 lbs it's just diminishing returns past that point but despite how terrible the handling is Maximus jerks this pistol all over the place like it's nothing he did the same jerking motion with the 6520 earlier for some reason this guy likes to jerk his gun forward before shooting which is a rather terrible habit because all that motion will make you miss your target I mean to be fair these shots were made under stress so that impulsive jerking motion is understandable but the fact that he's always able to hit a head shot despite his excessive jerking is absolutely baffling this guy needs to go gambling with this kind of luck given the whole context of the show I think it's pretty clear that Maximus invested all of his points into luck he's a pure idiot savant build either that or maybe he's a synth with Aimbot whoops I think I just spoiled season 2 meanwhile when Lucy uses it it has so much raw stopping power that it's able to launch a ghoul into outer space like holy moly this shot especially is absolutely comical you can't even call it stopping power anymore th this gun's just got straight up [ __ ] launching power obviously that's not how bullets work 10 mm may be a little bit spicy but it doesn't have quite enough power to uh break the law of inertia out of all of the pistols in Fallout this one is by far the worst I was really hoping they would use the 10 mm from Fallout 3 and New Vegas instead I mean it's still way oversized but it does have the right style if they slimmed it down and made it more similar to the desert eagle prototype which is what it's based on then it would be an awesome gun as for the Fallout 4 10 mm well there's no salvaging this one it needs to get tossed out I've grown to dislike this design even more over the years so I'm going to drop the rating to one bottle cap and place it in D tier and you know the excessive weight wouldn't be so such a hindrance if this was supposed to be a power armor only sidearm but no we never see this gun being used by power armor they seriously want us to believe that this giant brick is meant to be used by infantry but it's so heavy that you might as well mount it on a tank and speaking of tanks that really makes me want to play some War Thunder that's right boys War Thunder is back for more as today's sponsor if you like military history or just uh blowing up other players with cool military vehicles then oh boy War Thunder is a must play it's easily the most comprehensive vehicular combat game out there they got tons of Tanks planes and warships from every major country and every time period all of which are very realistic the vehicles are a blast to use and the atmosphere really makes you feel like you're taking part in an epic historical battle it's also not a typical PVP shooter where everyone just has static health bars you got to aim at the vehicle's weak points to deal damage not only does this reward skill but it's is also very immersive the best part is that War Thunder is free to play and available on every system PC Xbox and Playstation to make that deal even better all new and returning players who haven't played in 6 months will receive a free bonus pack when they use my link in the description instead of the Fallout 4 10 mm serving as a sidearm for Power Armor we have the uh new t60 pistol when I say it's new well it's not really brand new because it's literally just a desert eagle with a bunch of random junk slapped onto it what do these parts do you may ask absolutely nothing it's just random visual flare to make the gun look more sci-fi but really it just looks like a load of crap and once again they didn't bother to make this gun functional the slide doesn't move it's completely static like come on that's three strikes in a row these guys can't get a single pistol right but unlike the other pistols they did at least remember to make the gun eject casings but where exactly are those casings coming from if the slide isn't moving I don't know man they just phase right through solid metal I guess even better the casings eject straight backwards at [ __ ] Sonic Speed but what's especially heinous is that they just took off the iron sights because as we all know aiming is totally overrated so that's why Maximus can't hit jack [ __ ] with this gun with the other two pistols he was able to flawlessly hit his targets dead on despite lacking discipline but with this pistol he misses every single time so in this case I don't think it's a skill issue or a luck issue this gun just sucks because you can't aim with it I really don't see why they had to mutilate a perfectly good Desert Eagle because the Desert Eagle is already in Fallout it was present in all of the classic games so there's no reason for them to modify it the Desert Eagle fits into Fallout as is but if they still wanted to modify it then all they had to do was extend the trigger guard so that it could be used by power armor they certainly have the right idea here I think it would be super badass if the Desert Eagle served as a power armor sidearm that would make the most sense seeing as the Desert Eagle is a little bit too unwieldy and impractical for infantry but with power armor that Hefty weight and excessive recoil isn't a problem so of course they'd want a big ass 50 cal sidearm for a walking tank because why not or at least that's how it should work but in the show this gun still has high recoil when being used by power armor well sometimes it does have recoil and sometimes it doesn't the first time maximus uses it the gun doesn't move which is how it should work but not really because even though the arm wouldn't move the mass of the slide reciprocating would still cause the gun to recoil by itself that's just basic physics but of course this gun doesn't have a moving slide so it stays perfectly still then in this scene Maximus jerks the gun backwards after every single shot uh except on the second shot which seems like a fault on the editor's part they creeped in an extra shot when the actor was clearly not pulling the trigger so as you can see this gun makes zero sense it complet completely defies the laws of physics and did it has Schrodinger's recoil like I said I do like the concept but they tried way too hard to make this gun look unique when it was completely unnecessary it's honestly kind of insulting how they took such a beautiful iconic firearm and ruined it with gribly nonsense uh best I can do he has two bottle caps the t60 pistol goes into C tier for now but it could have easily been s here if they just kept it as an authentic Desert Eagle now the first real gun we get a good look at is the Sterling submachine gun it's a real life gun of course so I have no issues with its design what I do have a problem with is how terrible Lucy's technique is she's gripping the gun by the magazine which is uh not recommended because it may cause unnecessary jams so that's why soldiers were trained to shoot these guns with the left hand under the barrel shroud which is you know how you shoot pretty much every other gun ever made her aiming technique is pretty terrible too because she is very clearly not looking down the sights her line of sight is way too damn high it's not like she would be able to see the sights either way because her eyes are closed which is obviously not a very effective technique for precision of course that's a joke she does have her right eye open but either way she shouldn't be shooting with one eye closed not at this range shooting with one eye closed is definitely better for long range Precision but for Close Quarters no shooting with both eyes open is the proper technique because it allows for more situational awareness and faster Target acquisition to be as Fair as possible Lucy does say that she's not very good with guns so her novice technique would be understandable given that context but at the same time her aim On Target is basically perfect so I guess she was just being humble when she said that in reality though that would be a true statement because she really has no clue how to use a firearm and she would miss this target entirely what I'm even more confused about is uh what the hell is a sterling doing in America in the first place the Sterling was never adopted by the United States so I don't know why this Vault would seemingly have a whole stockpile of them of course anything could happen in this alternate timeline but either way you look at it I think it would be much more characteristic for them to have classic American SMGs like the M3 or the m76 maybe even a couple tommy guns that would be pretty cool so overall the gun itself is fine the only problem is that the actors aren't using it correctly and it really shouldn't be so prominent in this setting my very best offer is four bottle caps and an at placement before we move on to the next gun I wanted to say I noticed that they're using real life ammunition boxes they got two boxes of shotgun shells one from federal and the other from Winchester while the one in the middle is 9mm made by celier and bellet or excuse me Celia and Bell if you want to do the uh the Frog eater pronunciation when I saw that I instantly did the DiCaprio pointing meme because uh that's the ammunition I use for my handguns so I thought that part was pretty cool because they're using real life ammunition BX boxes instead of the generic lame ammunition boxes that we see in Fallout 4 so you know what the first s tier rating goes to the ammunition boxes the next one up really isn't a firearm but it is a projectile weapon so I guess I'll include it I'm talking about the Tran pistol of course I really don't have anything to say about the design of this gun it looks uh legit enough to me but what I can say is that its Effectiveness is grossly exaggerated when Lucy shoots her first Raider the dart hits him so hard that it stops him dead in his tracks as if it has the same stopping power as a 45 not only that but the tranquilizer takes effect immediately in reality this measly Dart would have barely any stopping power and the tranquilizing effect would not kick in for at least a few minutes so yeah this Raider would have tanked this Dart like a mosquito bite and would have killed Lucy but of course that's not how it panned out because this is Hollywood and all the main characters have serious amounts of plot armor seriously this same exact TR gun is completely useless against Cooper he tanks a dart right in the chest and it does literally nothing which would make perfect sense it probably didn't Pierce all the way through his clothes and even if it did the tranquilizer wouldn't take effect for several minutes so as it turns out this scene is very realistic but the one with the Raider not so much if I really want to give them the benefit of the doubt then maybe this is some super drug that is scientifically engineered to have an immediate effect and uh apparently Cooper is just immune to tranquilizers because he's a drug addict I really don't think that reasoning holds up though because that would imply that he abuses this specific drug to make him build up an immunity to it but really it's just a prime example of plot armor overall the Tran pistol feels pretty mid the main downside is how unimmersive its Effectiveness is so the best I can do here is three bottle caps and a b tier placement ah yes the Glorious junk jet this thing is an obvious joke weapon its design is complete nonsense an amalgamation of random parts that don't actually work but it still manages to spit out whatever you put into it I do think it's pretty funny that you can kill people with Teddy Bears or even doll limbs just like we see in the show but in all seriousness this weapon is very stupid not much thought was put into the functionality of its design and it's straight up repulsive to look at so it doesn't deserve a single bottle cap but it is a funny meme gun so I'll put it in memes here a short note about the double barrel I really appreciate how they went with a real gun and instead of using the Goofy cartoon prop in Fallout 4 I also love that they show how powerful a 12 gauge is at Point Blank it's so powerful that it can pop a skull like a birthday balloon it's really not even that much of an exaggeration 12 gauge can uh most certainly blow a head into little pieces so it's kind of weird how in this scene with a sonoff double barrel a point blank shot doesn't absolutely wreck this ghoul skull it's just a regularized bullet hole maybe this guy was using the uh Infamous Rider teeth loads or something I don't know but I'll just pretend like this scene never happened because I want to give this double barrel five bottle caps and an S tier rating to open up episode 2 we get an epic shot of a Gatling turret missing hundreds of shots at close range like holy moly this is just laughably bad come on guys this is an automated turret with an AI targeting system so it should be dead-on accurate especially at this range when it comes to real life automated guns they can hit targets from a mile away so there is no EXC excuse as to why this gun missed literally every single shot when its targets are that close and uh only jogging at a Brisk Pace I know the turrets in game aren't very accurate either but that's total BS as well they're simply made that way to make the game easier for noobs in reality this turret would have absolutely shredded Mr Enclave guy and dog mate into little bite-sized pieces but of course this show has copious amounts of plot armor so it misses every single shot like the average Stormtrooper like it perfectly shoots a around them I really hate this Trope in media where they depict Min guns as being terribly inaccurate because they aren't I mean they certainly aren't precise per shot like a sniper rifle but the sheer volume of bullets guarantees that you're going to hit your target I also despise how they fall for the classic Trope of forcing a minigun to spin up for several seconds before it can fire when in reality Min guns fire instantly or if you want to get real technical about it there is a very slight delay as the first round is being loaded but it all happens so fast that it's not really noticeable so the design of this turret looks fine and I do think it's cool how they introduce a minigun style turret to the franchise but the fact that they made it completely useless all for the sake of plot armor is genuinely irritating zero bottle caps F tier next I want to take a look at Cooper's custom revolver which is easily the coolest gun in the entire show it doesn't have an official name it's simply referred to as a the ghouls revolver so I propose that we name it the massive steel I do think it's very badass however it is also extremely nonsensical and uh kind of cursed it may look like an American-made old western revolver but as it turns out this gun is Russian it's a revolving shotgun called the MTS 255 it was never imported to America so no it really doesn't make any sense to see it here in the States but I can see why the showrunners included it because it looks cool and it fits the Gunslinger and to really make it gunsling they saw off the barrel and the stock effectively turning it into a pistol they took the modifications even further by converting it into a rocket gun seriously it shoots gyro Jets which are basically mini rockets and yes this technology is real gyrojet prototypes were made way back in the 1960s but they never caught on mainly because they were way too expensive and uh not very practical they are super cool but there's not much reason to buy a gyrojet round when you can buy 100 rounds of 762 for the same price it's about the same price as an RPG so it would have to be able to take down a whole tank for it to be worth it perhaps if this technology was developed further it could have been made into a pocket sized anti-tank gun but unfortunately that didn't happen in the show this round is very powerful it explodes on impact like a rocket which is not how real gyro jets work they don't explode like rockets they're just powered like rockets but perhaps in this timeline they upgraded them to have tiny explosive Warheads you know to make a pocket sized antimaterial pistol that seems like a pretty cool idea but maybe all of what I said was completely wrong because when the ghoul reloads this gun we can see that this ammunition uses casings which doesn't make any sense this is like seeing a guy having to take casings out of an RPG because gyro Jets shoot the whole thing there is no casing the projectile and the fuel is all contained in one package like a rocket if we look at the projectile itself well we see that it never burns like a gyro jet while in flight so as it turns out this is not a gyro jet at all that was me just spreading misinformation on the internet and yet the projectile still has stabilizing fins as if it were a rocket when it's not and what's especially funny is that these stabilizing fins are completely unnecessary gyro Jets don't have stabilizing fence they don't need them because the projectile is already stabilized by itself they can't have fins anyway because they need to be shot down a barrel and uh this should be very obvious but if you have all of those fins jutting out then the projectile won't be able to pass through the boore so I don't know man this ammunition is some kind of magical hybrid between gyrojet and conventional ammunition well the actual explanation for all of this is that these guys were trying to make a rocket gun but they have no clue how rockets work either way I'm sure we can all agree that it's completely Hollywood [ __ ] how this gun clearly only holds four rounds and yet Cooper can shoot it six times before having to reload but really it shouldn't shoot four or six rounds because the MTS 255 has a five shot cylinder and it's not a break action either it's a typical Swing Out cylinder and while it's really cool to see Cooper fan the hammer like a gunslinger it is uh completely unnecessary because this gun has a double-action trigger you don't have to pull back the hammer manually and yet Cooper treats this gun as if it's Single Action only at this point with all of these modifications and inconsistencies I think it's better to assume that uh this gun is supposed to be a post-war handmade weapon rather than a pre-war Russian import I mean it's not like these guys imported a real MTS 255 and then modified it into this Abomination that's just not an option in the United States you can't import foreign made Firearms it's illegal so instead they made a 3D printed fantasy gun which isn't exactly an MTS 255 it's just heavily inspired by it and just like the other 3D printed props this one is uh completely nonfunctional the cylinder doesn't even spin but if it were functional and we assume that it's a single action then yes Fanning the hammer is a very legit technique and it shows how skilled Cooper is with the firearm he is so skilled that he can make very intentional precise shots all while hip firing which may seem impossible but it is possible if you're a gunslinging master this guy had over 200 years to practice so it seems pretty reasonable if you ask me this guy is very clearly a Max Level Vats built he's got 10 agility 10 perception and 10 luck but at the same time this supposed grizzled veteran makes a rookie mistake where he keeps spamming the trigger after the gun is empty it's almost as if he's surprised that he's out of ammunition of course a real expert would be very aware of when their gun is empty and they wouldn't waste any time trying to make a dramatic scene out of it but of course this is Hollywood so this shot was specifically made for the psych of being dramatic another Classic Hollywood Trope is the unnecessary cocking of hammers in this scene Cooper is holding Lucy at gunpoint with the the hammer cocked and ready to go all he has to do is pull the trigger and boom Lucy is dead but as soon as Maximus starts sprinting towards Lucy the Hammer resets by itself so Cooper has to pull it again thus giving Maximus enough time to do a Mr President get down move Hollywood loves doing this move a lot even if the gun is already cocked and loaded they'll have the actor [ __ ] the gun again simply for dramatic effect I also find it really hard to believe that these rounds weren't able to penetrate maximus' power armor when Cooper could on-shot other power armor dudes with no problem when he's shooting at Maximus the rounds bounce off like BB's and they don't explode but when he shoots at other Knights they die in one hit well apparently it's because he's shooting specifically at a weak point in the welding under the chest plate which is honestly just total madeup [ __ ] power armor never had this weakness not until the writers needed it and besides this round looks like it could penetrate power armor headon no weak point necessary don't get me wrong power armor is indeed very strong it can easily deflect all forms of small arms fire but it's not quite as strong as a literal tank the steel plating isn't that thick so it's still vulnerable to larger rounds like 50 BMG a direct hit from a rocket or any kind of anti material round would uh absolutely go right through Power Armor and this here is a 50 caliber rocket gun with an explosive projectile Cooper even has a special armor penetrating variant so yes these rounds would most certainly be able to penetrate power armor the whole welding weakpoint thing is just another example of plot armor the writer simply needed an excuse to keep Maximus alive during his fight with Cooper at the end of the day I do like the concept of this revolver it's kind of goofy and a little bit cursed but also very badass at the same time it actually fits pretty dang good into the world of Fallout so great concept but terrible execution because like I said it's completely nonfunctional and they very clearly didn't put a single ounce of research into how gyro jets work if I were being 100% serious I'd just give it one bottle cap and call it a day oh I'm [ __ ] tired but it's so hilariously bad that it also belongs in the legendary meme tier the other gun that we see Cooper use is a sonoff lever action which is referred to as the mayor's leg mayor's leg is a general term it can refer to any sonoff lever gun so to be more specific this is a Winchester 1873 I don't have anything bad to say about this gun it is a real gun after all so there's nothing wrong with it the only thing wrong here is that Cooper the supposed gunslinging master has uh no clue which ammunition to reload it with he pulls out this big fat cartridge but it's clearly way bigger than the gun is actually chambered for so he just fumbles around with it and he pretends to reload the gun before the camera cuts to the next scene to be fair this reload animation is very accurate to the games it looks like they ported that [ __ ] straight from Fallout 3 but in all seriousness it's just lazy for them to completely ignore reloads we never see a single reload throughout the entire show the camera always cuts to the next scene instead probably because nobody on set knows how to reload a gun and look I don't expect every actor to become the next John Wick but please at the very least just use the firearm properly especially if that character is supposed to be a skilled Gunslinger otherwise it uh kind of ruins the whole facade it just makes him look like a total poser LARPing in cowboy clothes so like I said the gun itself is fine normally it would get a perfect rating but the fact that Mr welding goggles doesn't know how to use it is what keeps it from being s tier the best rating I can do is four bottle caps and an a tier placement okay now it's about time for the handmade guns they don't get too much screen time but from what we do see they look fairly decent far better than the god- awul pipe guns from Fallout 4 that's for sure you see in Fallout 4 the pipe guns are literal piles of trash that don't even make an attempt to be functional mostly because the magazine doesn't feed into the chamber so I'm really glad to see they completely tossed out those designs and made something new this time around they do have a proper magazine placement so they could be functional it's kind of hard to say for sure since they're only shown for brief moments but hey at the very least they do look like guns really the main thing I don't like here is that every handmade gun we see is semi-automatic and magazine fed there's nothing inherently wrong with that but the vast majority of people in the Wasteland wouldn't have the Gunsmithing knowledge required to make them when it comes to handmade guns the simplest type to make is a singles shot pipe no fancy moving Parts no magazine you don't even need a trigger just a shotgun shell and a pipe it's so simple that even a one intelligence build can make it seriously guns don't have to be complicated the main objective is to make it go boom everything else is 100% optional the more moving Parts you start adding the more complicated it gets only an expert gunsmith could handcraft an automatic magazine fed SMG and have it be uh somewhat reliable as for the average Joe not so much simple one-hot pipe guns would be the most common in a post-apocalyptic White land so the fact that we don't see any in Fallout is kind of disappointing nor is it very characteristic for the setting of course automatic handmade guns would still be present just not so overwhelmingly prevalent when it comes to this rifle specifically well it's kind of dumb how the barrel is made out of copper compared to Steel copper has a very low melting point so this Barrel would overheat and melt like cheese it could still work but there's no reason to use a copper pipe as a barrel when steel is more common and more durable the goofiest handmade design that really stuck out to me is this one which has two magazines placed in a v-like shapee I think it goes without saying but this is extremely atypical the only gun to have this is the Burton light machine rifle which is a really obscure gun from the early 1900s some random settler in the Wasteland basing their handmade design off an extremely obscure early 1900s prototype makes uh zero sense even if it's pure coincidence the complexity of this design is not worth other the trouble as for the uh sketchy doctor's rifle it looks pretty decent he even added on a rail system with some kind of a improvised sight made from a big nut so that's pretty funny but of course the main problem here is that he went overboard with a duct tape it looks like he taped right over the bolt and the ejection ports so this gun would be guaranteed a jam in the end I'm still pleasantly surprised by the handmade guns in the show there is a lot of Mis potential and a couple goofy design choices but I will give them some credit for being way better than the trash guns in Fallout 4 as a whole I'd say the handmade guns are worthy of two bottle caps they get a spot in C tier when it comes to the rest of the real life guns in the show well most of them are treated as background props so I don't see a reason to review all of them in depth but one gun or two guns that really stuck out to me is the twin m240 wow what a cameo I was not expecting them to include this gun cuz I've never seen it in a piece of media before so I must say it is very cool to see it here I do think it's kind of funny how this guy is trying to use it as an anti-aircraft gun to shoot down Verte Birds though sorry dude but 762 is not very optimal for taking down aircraft you should probably use a 50 cal Instead This Gun here is meant for infantry but I guess it's better than nothing to be fair the show does reflect how ineffective it is against the Verte birts the bullets don't damage them at all and the guy Manning the gun gets immediately domed yep that's exactly how that situation would play out it's too bad we only get to see this gun for one scene but you know what I'll give it five bottle caps and an S tier rating simply because it's cool to see it when it comes to the ncr's Arsenal we see them using a bunch of real life guns such as the bar the RPD the Thompson the ppsh the M1 carbine the grease gun and the fal there's nothing wrong with these guns seeing as they're all real and all very cool it may seem kind of odd to see the RPD and ppsh and FAL specifically seeing as their foreign made guns but there is some reasoning for them being here and in Fallout 3 a whole bunch of Chinese assault rifles were smuggled into the states by Kami spies so it's reasonable to assume they would do the same thing with other Kami guns as for the fal well there is no uh deep lore explaining why it's here but it is in Fallout 2 and Fallout tactics so there is precedence for its presence the fal was never adopted by the us in our timeline but uh perhaps in the world of Fallout the US eventually did get around to adopting it to a some capacity it still feels kind of odd to see so many rpds like it shouldn't be this common either way I can really appreciate that they made sure all the NCR soldiers were using only real guns I was kind of worried they would make them use the clown guns from Fallout 4 so really the only thing wrong with the ncr's Arsenal is that there is not a single sighting of their main service rifle the M16 like that just doesn't make any sense it is their standard issue infantry rifle this gun should be all over the place and yet we don't see a single one of them I really don't see why why the showrunners would completely ignore it unless there are a bunch of liberals that think AR-15 is bad I bet that Bethesda doesn't want it in the show either because they completely ignored it in their two previous games the AR-15 is America's rifle it is by far the most popular and widespread rifle in the states so it absolutely needs to be in Fallout for them to completely ignore it is just plain disrespectful honestly it feels like a communist spy deliberately left it out so for the absence of the service rifle I'll give them neg5 bottle caps and an abyss tier rating there's a bunch of other real lifee guns that were shown very briefly such as the Colt Single Action the Colt Navy the Ruger Mark I the M14 the mini14 the Browning M2 the Browning 1919 and the Browning Auto 5 I think that's all of them all of them are great choices to include in the show the only thing wrong here is that they don't get enough screen time it's kind of hard to give them a fair rating because of how little they're shown but uh I'll just give them five bottle caps and s tier placement and the hopes that we get to see them more in season 2 when it comes to the energy weapons well we do see some laser and plasma guns but most are hiding in the background and are never used seriously not a single energy weapon is fired throughout the entire show like what did these guys not have the budget to animate laser beams on the screen did they think it would look too uh star warsy or something Fallout with no energy weapons it's like an angel with no wings and the fact that the Brotherhood doesn't have a single energy weapon is really dumb because because they're known for hoarding energy weapons but of course they wanted them to use the god- awful Fallout 4 assault my eyes rifle instead so for the lack of energy weapons they get zero bottle caps and an f-tier rating the only reason why it's not ays tier is because uh they at the very least acknowledge their existence hopefully we actually get to see them being used in season 2 and that brings us back full circle to the most cursed gun of them all the Forbidden Fallout 4 assault rifle I've already reviewed this gun twice and beat it to death but you know what I'll summon up one more time for anyone who hasn't seen my previous videos really the biggest issue with this gun is that it's butt ugly and they didn't even name it properly it's referred to as an assault rifle but for an assault rifle it is morbidly obes it's built exactly like a bloated Airship the only reason why Bethesda made this gun is solely because they think it suits their Goofy cartoon art style like sure it does match really good with the pridwin it's almost indistinguishable from it but really this goofy looking steampunk gun would fit much better into BioShock Infinite you see this gun is based on heavy machine guns from World War I specifically the Lewis and the maxim but it also has furniture from the M249 so that's quite the cursed combination the funniest part about this gun is that it has circulation tubes meant for water cooling but also the air cooling radiator from the Lewis gun so this gun is somehow both water cooled and air cooled at the same time which obviously isn't possible you can't jack both of them even if they made up their mind and made this gun functional it still wouldn't make any sense this gun was designed to be used with power armor but Power Armor was made to wield big ass 50 cal machine guns not uh 5.56 assault rifles I mean sure you can still use low caliber guns with power armor but what I'm saying is that there is zero reason to specifically design a weapon around power armor only for it to be an extremely obese 556 assault rifle you might as well just use an M16 even if they correctly chambered it for 50cal there is still no reason for this gun to exist because it's already rendered obsolete by the M2 Browning if they just had them use an old Salvage Lewis gun then it would be fine but this is supposed to be a futuristic pre-war machine gun from the 2070s and yet it's using outdated technology from the early 1900s those designs were later replaced by the M2 because it's simply better so they're evolving all right just uh backwards if you need a heavy machine gun for Power Armor it's going to be the M2 that should be a no-brainer the dumbest part about all of this is that the M2 is in the show but it's only hidden in the background and never used like come on man it was right there but of course Bethesda would rather shove this big truck Muffler in our face because uh they think it's cool and unique but honestly this inbred hunk of scrap needs to get reccon every everyone in the Fallout Community hates it and yet it seems like Bethesda wants it to be the poster boy of Fallout guns they reused it for Fallout 76 and uh here in the show it's the only gun to make an appearance in every single episode they are subconsciously conditioning us through consistent exposure to accept uh this thing as the face of Fallout guns but frankly I will not stand for it I will not rest easy until this gun is officially deleted from the annals of Fallout history but okay when it comes to how it looks in the show well I can appreciate that they depicted it as a heavy machine gun meant for Power Armor rather than some lame ass oversized assault rifle they scaled up its size and it sounds much beefier that implies this gun would be using a much bigger and more powerful round but it doesn't look like this magazine is quite big enough to support 50 BMG frankly I can't tell what exactly it's champer for because as usual the editor forgot to make it eject casings at least it always comes with a big drum mag instead of a 30 round stick so it would be capable of serving the machine gun roll properly the Brotherhood Knights use it for suppressive fire and to mow down anyone who gets in the way as they should but I don't see why they added on a sniper scope if they're always hipfiring it that just seems kind of useless maybe they did it simply to increase the accuracy stat by far my favorite part in the whole show was when the yau destroyed it in a single bite this yay honestly did nothing wrong he's my hero for destroying the Fallout for assault rifle well it didn't necessarily destroy the whole gun though all this bear did was Chomp down on the barrel thus illegally modifying it into an SBR I'm surprised the ATF didn't immediately show up and burn down the whole Forest to confiscate it but seriously Knight Titus didn't have to throw away the gun it would still fire even if the barrel is broken probably I don't know he should have at least tried but of course these guys in Hollywood probably think that if you saw down a barrel it destroys the whole gun when really all it does is get you a Fel charge although I hate this gun with a burning passion I do have to admit it is uh ever so slightly better here in the show when compared to its in-game counterpart so you know what I'm upgrading the Fallout 4 assault rifle to F tier it's still not worthy of any bottle caps but that's certainly better than the negative rating it had before so there you go that's everything wrong with the guns in the Fallout show in the end I suppose the show did a much better job than Fallout 4 I can appreciate that they left out the majority of cartoon guns and favored a lot more real guns this time around really the main guns dragging down this list are the 10 mm pistol and the Fallout 4 assault rifle those are the main two guns that need to be reconed everything else can be fixed and adjusted though so I'll let them stay anyway that's all I got for this video as always let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and uh let me know if there's anything I missed or which guns I should cover next I'm going to bed now it's 3:00 a.m. good night before we go I want to thank War Thunder for sponsoring the channel there's a supports is what allows me to make these awesome videos and remember y'all can use my link in the description to download War Thunder for free and receive a sweet Bonus Pack
Channel: ItsYaBoyBrandyBoy
Views: 267,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 4, Fallout, Fallout tv show, Fallout show, everything wrong with the guns in fallout 4, Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3, everything wrong with the guns, Fallout lore, everything wrong with the guns in Fallout, everything wrong with the guns in the fallout tv show, Fallout tv show guns, fallout guns, Fallout 4 guns, fallout show guns
Id: ahaCyd90jxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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