The Lore of Genshin Duos and Friends [Genshin Impact Voice Line Analysis #1]

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a good story is incomplete if there's no background relationships between the non-playable aspects of their favorite characters relationships can be familial platonic romantic and antagonistic to emphasize that these characters are living and breathing it's important to showcase the parts of their lives that don't revolve around the main character and for that we will be discussing popular gentian duos that have canon connections between them if you think this is a shipping video you are sorely mistaken there are no confirmed romantic relationships currently in the game so i won't be referring to any of the duos as such regardless of the amount of inconspicuous details i am simply here to talk about their connections with each other because i think it's great kenshin's characters have existences beyond the traveler also this is part one of the series so stay tuned for more anyway let's begin sincho and changyoon the prankster and prankstee duo of liue ah dear chongyon though he understands me quite well one has to exercise caution when teaming up with him to go on a quest he is making good progress in the martial arts but i would say he hasn't quite internalized the chivalry code yet he needs more practice especially at eating spicy food i do admire sincho for his devotion to chivalry and his martial arts proficiency however i must warn you that he definitely has a mean sight too if you find that you fall foul of any of his antics come to me and will form a victims of sincho alliance there is strength in numbers their friendship is one of the most popular ones on the board given sancho appears in two of chongyun's character's stories while chongyun appears in one of singh chose their friendship has grown over a long time and their dynamic is certainly quite amusing we were never explicitly told when they first met simply that they met along the way given a duo is still relatively young but are both technically working with occupations in their respective fields to tell their stories we have the following chang yoon has had the privilege of meeting a true friend in his long journey as an exorcist xing cho there are two sides to the swashbuckling singto's personality while quiet and assuming in front of strangers he is grigarious and chatty in the company of close friends and family though more restrained than his elder brother he even has a playful and mischievous side the ones who usually bears the brunt of his bizarre sense of humor is someone named chung yoon an exorcist usually found on one of the forest trails around liue in contrast to the hard-working chong yoon seng cho was naturally gifted and has a more flexible way of looking at problems after learning about chongyon's troubles sencho came up with a possible solution if you can't reduce the effects of your yang energy what if you sought out an evil spirit that is immune to it this was a eureka moment for chongyun since then chongyon has no longer sought to alleviate his condition instead he now tries to get sting cho to come with him to find such a spirit sencho usually just makes these leads up as he goes and thanks to his advice chongyon often comes back empty-handed blaming his bad luck we know that xingcho and chongyon care a lot for each other even though sancho likes pulling pranks on him chongyon's sweet yet gullible nature is a great compliment to sing cho's well-meaning but jovial pranks that sometimes do get to chong-yun but you can see in their interactions that they just enjoy each other's presence and have a great trust in one another the level of trust that chongyon has for saint cho is admirable and while saying cho does seem like he's just pulling tonyan's leg we can tell from their interactions that they're good friends oh many of these are from my friend xingcho he's well read and very knowledgeable not to mention he's always willing to extend a helping hand he always provides me with lots of reliable information if it weren't for my pure yang spirit i would have already vanquished numerous demons because of him i'm sure of it i should find a chance to thank him personally cincho said he learned the story about evil spirits from an ancient text the text vividly describes the appearance and even the whereabouts of the spirits i was bored with nothing to do and thought i'd come out this way for a bit of reading and then i thought why not bring chung yoon along too yes i'm just along for the ride really now which book to read today aha how about this cheongyun pick a book any book and read it out loud to me will you that way i can give my mind a rest huh um that's why you brought me along don't like that plan okay then i'll read one for you hmm how about young and hopelessly smitten sing joe don't you think you have one too many frivolous books in your collection of course not everyone is appreciative of saint cho's antics i find that miss shenhua seems to look at me somewhat fiercely so i daren't approach her lightly bizarre did i inadvertently upset her or maybe upset someone close to her bedo and ninguang the captain of the crux and the chiancheren of liue beethoven in guan's friendship and camaraderie seems like it's an obligatory business partnership between the two however the more we read into the details from both ning guang and bedo's stories we see that their connection is one of trust respect and mutual understanding both characters have had difficult childhoods but grew to be reputable members of leo and society word has it that the crux's boss behind the curtains is none other than the chi-shi's chenchuan ninguang herself both of the people involved denied this outright though they do so for different reasons as a member of the qi singh ninguang often needs someone else to do her dirty work for her of the many candidates available she picked a baidu ninguang would emphasize that she picked beto not the crux ninguong's collaboration with the crux is therefore purely incidental meanwhile while beito hears the rumors about her dealings with ninguang she furiously insists that she collaborates with ninguang on an equal footing beto is her own boss and no one not even in guang is sitting in the background pulling the strings for her beto is certainly quite unique among ningua's collaborators ninguang's advisors worry constantly that beto is too unpredictable and too much of a maverick but ningwon simply smiles and dismisses their concerns tuning guang captain beta was the black sheep of leeway harbor's business community as tian chuen it felt an inhuman to impose heavy fines on beto each time she transgressed the rules but much to her consternation beto seemed to take these finds in her stride like water off a duck's back outside of the officials too ninguan tried to find ways to implore beto to change her ways and stop putting the chasing in such a difficult position in response beto simply explained away her actions as enacting justice helping the poor and keeping the sailors in their jobs as a firm believer in the principle of live and let live vedo had no time for ninguang's advice in the end ninguan agreed to disagree and gave up trying to convince the stubborn beto to change while it can be said that beto's friendship fun in guam began as business transactions the more we meet them the more they act like bickering old friends that are just exhausted of each other's presence neither will admit that they like being with each other of course perhaps out of pride but you can definitely see the way ninguan trusts beto in all of the endeavors in the 2.4 archon quest ninguang trusted vadov's fleet to assist with beast's attack in the lantern ride festival the two share light-hearted compliments with each other and in the 2.5 drinking event we see that both of them decided to have a vacation together which would suggest that they like each other's company outside of the offices wait did you two come together well this lady decided on a whim that she wanted a little vacation so we ended up traveling around the area but i guess we have different ideas of vacation we hardly hiked the mountains before we came here to put our feet up talk about spoiled come now no need to hurt anyone's feelings besides i specifically chose this place because i knew how much you like to drink i know how fierce you can be with words it's my treat today so remember to take it easy on me all right then i'd like to have a few more perhaps you've never heard me speak like this all that can be said has been said both the good and the bad but she still does as she pleases forget it keep baidu out of my sight the dynamic of these two lacked the jovial naivete of xingcho and changing's friendship but does have the air as though they've known each other for decades and that's just how it goes if you're trusting of another person kaya ah the bickering sworn brothers of monstat well according to the original chinese text if you read the english localization it says that kaya is the looks adoptive brother according to the wiki kaya used to call deluxe sworn elder brother sworn brothers in the simplest terms means brothers who are not related by blood it also refers to a delicate bond formed between close friends built from trust and honor in kaia's vision character story kaya is referred to as itsu foster son creepis is referred to as yang fu which is adoptive father and kaya is again referred to as yanzu which is adopted son simply another tide of localization that was unfortunately non-contextualized in translation regardless though we can never deny that their connection seeds back a long time ago kaia's father had abandoned him in a strange and unknown land to fulfill this mission and it was master creepus in the city of monstat that had welcomed him with open arms when they found him many citizens still remember the two most eye-catching young gentlemen in all of monstat a few years ago one of them was the dapper deluge an elegant swordsman who always had a warm smile and a confident posture the other was the eccentric kaya he was deluxe friend supporter and sounding board ensuring he got through every challenge he faced smoothly they were almost like twins knowing each other's thoughts and intentions without a word protecting monstat in both light and dark until that fateful day now ingrained deep in kaia's memory when the convoy that look was escorting was attacked by a huge monster it was the first and only time that kaya failed in his duty by the time kaya finally reached d-loop it was all over it was on that night that the two sun's paths diverged as a brother he should have shared in deluxe grief and yet as their father lay dying on the ground he had hung back behind his brother that ancient plot running through his mind consumed by guilt kaya knocked on deluxe door as the rain poured down the shroud of secrecy was washed away and all the lies were revealed kaya had finally come clean he had anticipated deluxe anger the brothers drew their blades this time pointing them at each other kaya felt that this was a punishment for a lifetime of lies since that day kai and luke have gone their separate ways their relationship has become relatively tense throughout the encounter but we do see hints that deep down inside they still care for each other they wouldn't dare show weakness around the other brother of course acting almost like real-life siblings but beyond their constant bickering they do seem to slowly fix their tense friendship dee luke he was cute as a young lad but nowadays he just seems to be in a world of his own overall not much fun to hang out with oh and if i did have one too many what then you'd throw me out along with the trash is that it throw you out you know the same way you threw out father's legacy you sold off his mansion or maybe you've forgotten i see no reason to cling to things that have outlived their purpose is that so then i trust you were most swift indeed to part with a certain vase sorry i have no recollection and that's odd mr d luke i'm sure i saw such a vase in your home a beautiful one unmistakable in fact the vase mentioned in this scene is the same one that kaya gave the look which housed his vision they are at least beyond the part of ignoring each other and in the manga we see them share crucial information with each other and work together quite well despite their differences they do have their ups and downs more downs than most but they still retain those sparks of a repairing friendship they were all signed dodo king anyone else find it hard not to crack a smile when master d luke says dodo king delucan kaia's relationship still holds the tension of the past and it's still evident that they're both waiting on each other's moves the trust between them still has cracks from the fight after their father's death kaia's role as a country and spy will definitely come into play in the future and whether d-look will fight with him or against him will simply be up to fate ryden a and yai migo the friendship between a and the is them from many years ago perhaps even along the time of the kitsuna saigou given that the eye already existed along the time that ryden makoto was still alive the dynamic between the ever so elusive fox on voyay miko and a firm yet idealistic a is actually quite fascinating firstly yai's language of friendship is playful banter tied with dedicated acts of service to a yay is someone that acts suspiciously but can still be trusted when she has to and in this story this aspect of yai was highlighted greatly with how she asked the traveler to save e locking herself away in the plane of euthymia when she clearly wants to be out it's just willful self-torture really on the other hand it's also rather stubborn but cute don't you think you want to save the people of inazuma from the vision hunt decree so do i the only difference is that i'd rather like to save this nation and save a while we're at it the key is that the plane of euthymia represents a's inner world defeat her there and you may well have the chance to shake the ryden shogun's will you know a never said goodbye to me before she stepped into the plane of euthymia perhaps it's just my wishful thinking but i think she did this deliberately as her way of keeping our friendship eternal by neither saying goodbye nor seeing me again our relationship will remain forever how it was in her mind at least then my duty as her eternal familiar is to drag her back out of her own head and into the real world we can see that despite her somewhat harsh exterior all that she wants to do is to both uphold and guide a to the right path of rulership in inazuma in this scene we see that the eye carries the burden of losing someone she cared for and in a way this is her plea for help concealed in false confidence and attitude yaimiko still tries her best to support a and correct a's actions to the best of her abilities and for the sake of a friend but eternity is far too cruel of fate for you eh for me not only have you stopped paying attention to the world but you have stopped paying attention to yourself it must have been terribly lonely here all alone for centuries on end but it is necessary this is your plane of euthymia it's your inner world so it can only mean that you are happy to see me again you have found the loneliness here unbearable for a long time now haven't you i have nothing to say to that but i have so much to say to you let me tell you all that has happened over the last few centuries [Laughter] mikko i never thought i would have the chance to meet with you like this again seeing you again is a change to eternity and a very nice surprise since you are willing to admit that i suppose that means we can still be friends what a childish conversation this is i'm placing my god in your capable hands for my sake and for inazuma's please bring her back yay miko said nothing of the sort and the traveler has some nerve making up spurious claims about her while she is still present the defeat was a heavy blow to her it also didn't help that i forgot to bring her some tri-colored dongo and light novels when i went to see her oh the poor thing without desserts and books to console herself with she was so angry she quite simply lost it crying and ranting and raving oh i could hardly bear to see her that way and in the end they still have a surprisingly happy relationship with each other yay's carefree behavior and a somewhat reckless and naive nature really give a breath of fresh air between what might be considered as a god and subordinate relationship and in turn ate trusted in azuma in yaya's hands during the 2.5 story quest and even the gnosis during their exchange after kunikuzushi's dismissal honestly it's nice to see a and eye being so relaxed with one another given that a's initial introduction through the writing shogun was so rigid it's nice to see that a's true emotions and the eyes care for her lie behind all of this yunjin and shinyan yunjin's friendship with shinyana is one of those that are just hinted in the textual lore but haven't been completely explored in cutscenes besides the one shot in 2.4 the elders of the troop are always harping on about rock and roll being a bad influence needless to say they never approve of me going to see shenyan's shows it's for your own good they say all it's really about is their inability to accept anything new whatever those old fogies can't tell me what to do i'm going to keep rocking out at chin yan's gigs every week and that's that tell your secret but you got to keep it that way here she's real fun to rock and roll comes to watch me at least three times a week no matter how packed your schedule is you'd think that the head of the huge tea house's troop would be in the finer arts and all huh but i guess it gets suffocating after a while their story is actually quite fascinating and wholesome when you look at the lore yunjin was warned against meeting with xinyon because xinyon's style of music was so loud and bombastic but yoon jin pressed beyond those prejudices and still attend the rock and roll performances on end but the other side of chinyan the one who is known to embroider cook and clean was also one that yunjin appreciated as a friend shinyan was even worried that she would push yunjin away since the aesthetics are so different from her usual rocker style but much to her surprise yunjin appreciates this side of xinyan as well according to yoon jin's character stories the elders are not fond of the rock star xin yan but they have taken the shine to xinyon the adopted daughter of fan erie i've heard that xingyang can cook and do embroidery she must be a polite and accomplished young lady yunjin might be able to pick up a thing or two from hanging out with her how capital yunjin has long got nufan arya to agree on the details concerning the made-up shin yan so don't worry no one's gonna call her out on this well at least yunjin's creative albedo and cli albedo and clay's wholesome relationship is something that is constantly built in the lore and there's no denying that according to the stories alice the most powerful sorcerer and devat had a daughter named kali yes that kali will be a family from now on treat her like a real younger sister from that day forth remedying cleanse disasters would come to take up most of albedo's remaining energy they entrusted the care of albedo and the knights of evonius indeed i view clee as my younger sister whenever she gets herself into some explosive sort of trouble i can only console myself with the fact that her current destructiveness is nothing compared to that of miss alice me and alvado have a secret code whenever he puts a sign on his workshop door saying experiment in progress that's code for come back later clee alvato is really nice and he's so patient with me so i don't mind waiting until he's finished with his work albedo's love for cleous and older brother never fails to show in the scenes they're together you can see how albedo cherished this glee during the 1.6 event where he helped set up the islands for her and in the irridori festival of 2.6 he acted like he's so much chaperoned in azuma additionally cle mona and albedo hang out together wow it's so beautiful here so many things i've never seen before slow down clee please be careful not to bump into others telling klee so many stories about inazuma during the trip was probably not the best idea as a result she could hardly sleep all the way here it appears she's even more excited now that we've arrived albedo's gentle nature and doting brother-sister relationship with khali is so incredibly wholesome that it almost makes you forget that albedo has several death flags on him in a ticking time bomb in his lure ganyu and kuching out of all the duo's that i put in the list one of the reasons i wanted to put gone new and catching was because of the development in their friendship from 1.0 all the way to 2.1 it's actually fascinating to see how their story unfolds considering every duo in this video has been quite stagnant since the start of the game at first ganyu and kaching don't really get along because of their differing opinions about the gods and rex lapis i cannot stand her disrespectful attitude towards rex lapis but he says to me ganyu this is just the kind of person leon needs in this day and age i guess i'm not smart enough because i simply do not understand what he means by that i think i need more life experience to become wise enough to comprehend his words however after the fight with docile and the teamwork executed by the adeptai and the leoichi singh ganyu and kaching grew a better understanding of one another's ideologies when it came to divinity and humanity i find myself getting a second opinion from her a lot these days lots of things come up that i just have no idea about and of everyone in leeway she's probably the most familiar with rex lapis i feel a bit awkward though because i used to be openly disparaging of rex lapis in front of her but she doesn't seem to mind so i guess i've got nothing to worry about she came to me recently to discuss the reopening of the bishway trade route she even asked me what rex lapis would do if it were him admittedly what we came up with was not quite on par with what he would have chosen but seeing the way she kept starting her plan from scratch over and over again i think i started to understand her a little bit afterwards their friendship and understanding of each other continued to grow with ganyu explaining their relationship as almost sister-like so much so that they thank other people for taking care of the other if kanye has a secret and she wishes to keep it that way nobody should make it their business to try and get it out of her that's just basic decency is it not thank you you're so kind and considerate i've always seen that in you what's that got to do with honestly go on you should be getting back now gone you is an assiduous worker up to foregoing food and rest once she is busy please make sure she eats and sleeps properly whenever you see her i will ganyu has always been a great asset to us her health is a priority so i will take good care of her i think we need more relationships in the game that have a form of development instead of simply staying one way for the continuation of the story i think the polarizing difference between ganyu and kuching's friendship from the beginning and then now in the present time is so fascinating because it's an actual development so kuching and ganya's friendship in cutscene shows us the potential that genshin can have developing friendships hutao and jungli i wanted to end this video with the dynamic that i personally appreciate hutao and john lee summit parental guardian but also professional business partners motif is a weird combination of dynamics that you'd think shouldn't work but when you add john lee's existence as a god and who tell as a cunning but well-meaning and determined woman you see the deeper respect they hold for each other's capabilities despite the childishness that huta possesses of course the current overseer of the funeral parlor i cannot deal with that child zhang lee looks young but his personality's a bit dusty knows everything but doesn't fret over anything hmm couldn't be the hisa forget it whatever according to their character's stories we see that despite johnny's annoyance his character story refers to hutau as a friend for the various ceremonies sending a depth tie off hutao usually employs the help of a friend and more or less the same business that person's name is john lee of all the lecturers zhang li is the most revered one as such his lessons have proven to be the most effective in cultivating the competence of huangshan funeral parlors undertakers despite often being teased by hutao due to his old-fashioned style he is also the person that she trusts the most apart from that hutao always instructs her undertakers to respect their clients wishes and not insist any particular form of funeral and when we see their interactions we see that hutao and john lee do retain their cordial conversations it is the consummate mastery of this balance that turns a humble dish into an exquisite one oh that's quite the compliment don't you think i'm flattered thank you mr zhang lee and i thought i have a way with words but you certainly take the prize mr zhongli you are too kind director your eloquence is um infamous in leo harbor the god and mortal dynamic between the two is really nice to see especially since hutau has the higher position regardless i want to see this dynamic cultivate further in the series given we're getting more moments with johnny integrating his mortal persona and his background duties to those he cares for maybe john lee will also have a moment where he'll save hutow in the background like a guardian or maybe hutau gets confirmation that her worker is in fact leo is god but yes that's it for today i just wanted to start off the series with some popular ones and then slowly dive into obscurity with connections that you think are very unlikely but regardless my name is astor and thank you for chilling with me you
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 63,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin lore, genshin impact 2.7, genshin impact story, genshin analysis, genshin impact gameplay, chill with aster, aster genshin, aster genshin impact, new enemy genshin, genshin 2.7, genshin archon quest, genshin fight, genshin impact game, genshin gacha, genshin impact lore, game design, genshin opinion, game, genshin game, diluc, kaeya, ganyu, keqing, yunjin, xinyan, zhongli, hu tao, genshin friends, genshin ship, genshin friendship
Id: QAzMjRP1eeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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