Venti Knew His Gnosis Will Be Taken [Genshin Impact Theory]

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the queen piece is known as the most important piece in every game of chess second only to the king with the new revelations of kanria and celestia it's time to analyze one of the most important pieces of the board and his secrets venti as a character is known for his cryptic and secretive nature despite being the freest archon of the seven disclaimer the following is just a theory and nothing is indicative of the final product so let's begin with venti's personality in the entirety of gentian impact venti is known for his deception and secrecy he is a bard whose identity is unknown to most and even his smallest actions tend to conceal his secrets in the duration of the game in its story there have been numerous amounts of times where he has concealed the truth from someone gave half truths blatantly lied or withheld information as a character venti falls into the trickster archetype who while good-natured tend to mess with the protagonist's psyche by twisting their words and intentions often times because they're hiding skeletons in the closet these include but are not limited to the following wendy is the absentee archon of monsta that lives an incognito life as a board he's using a fake vision and makes up fake stories about barbados to appeal to the audience he is feigning ignorance of albedo's true nature and the dangers of the art of kemia he hides the truth of celestia from vanessa when she asks about the island in the sky one of his tests to see vanessa's worth was to lie to her that she would be happier elsewhere and that she should let her people go he lied in his character story about stanley's shield of magnificent honor and sort of valor and he forged rex lapis's signature when the aristocrats of ones that sold the soldiers to be slaves to leo and the list goes on of course this isn't implicating that venti is a bad person quite the contrary most of the secrets he kept are for the betterment of the people but even his intentions can never justify the truth venti is a character that tends to be carefree and joyful despite his burdening responsibilities as an archon when you talk to him you can tell he is a bard first before he is a god that isn't to say that vendi won't help monster of course time and time again everything he does is for the people of monstat starting the rebellion helping them against the fallen saving the people from earth of the drake he is there when he needs to be but you can tell vendy uses his secrets to cope so if he was somehow given the opportunity to keep venti and barbados as separate entities maybe he can live the life he desires so that's where i introduced the most important part of the puzzle the gnosis his deepest connection with celestia i propose the following theory after deducing the defato we are targeting him venti realizes that they are after his godly power as a final act of freedom he allows the fertility to take his gnosis this action was motivated by his own regret of kanye's destruction his fight against the abyss and his fear of celestia now that's a large assumption so let's break it into parts first is that venti deduced that the fatoui are targeting him in the monster archon quest called behind the scenes gene makes an assumption that barbitus's animal power was what the fertility are looking for she makes a guess that it's to kill the violin or take over the knights of evonius as the main defenses of monstart however she says that's why they're after the holy lad the hermel the cryogod's fatoui seemed to be after the animal god's power if the knights of favonius publicly prevented an attempt on divalen's head then the only other way to affect the animal god's power is to take the holy liar she claims that the way to control the animal power of barbados was through the liar which we know isn't true wendy has been able to control animal from the very beginning even without the liar and we know that once vendi retrieved the liar the instrument itself has no animal power left therefore jean's assumption here is wrong which makes sense she doesn't really have a reason to know anything about the gnosis since this is an important archon information it's also interesting to note that venti doesn't speak when gene's considering the possibilities this scene shows that venti could be contemplating what gene's saying but disagreed with her statement that animal can be controlled by the holy liar specifically as a fellow archon himself he knew that if gene's theory that their after animal energy is correct the saritza would target a more important artifact not the broken holy liar the hermel on a side note it makes sense why jane would say that the fatoui are interested in killing divalen after summoning him with a holy liar it's because the fatoui would try to use divalen's death as more leverage against the knights of evonius it's a political tactic to indebt the whole of monsta to the fatui this is mirrored with what tottori did in the manga where monstat's earth the drake was killed by the fatoui and that's why monsta is currently in a strong alliance with the fatoui what venti says in the quest after that though supports that he's getting suspicious of the fatouli he states that they aren't after the volun but instead are trying to lure the animal archon out gene just said the fatoui are trying to take devon's power for the cryogod i fear this might fall short of their true intentions i think they intend to use barbados connection to the wind to draw him out just like lisa traced the source of the storm to the temples the god of animal hasn't been seen for more than a thousand years what makes you think that's their intention venti's line here makes sense from a contextual point of view if the fatigue want the animal power they needed the ark on himself to be lured into a trap this way they can retrieve the gnosis the fatou we already know who venti truly is either they have their intelligence network to track venti or because venti with the wisdom of a war god decided to do a youtuber face reveal with the lackey of senora present in the chapel congratulations you played yourself starting with animal gnosis is actually a very strategic ploy when all things considered monsta is a city that the fertility have the most control over both economically and politically and with the development situation these forces are heavily focused on the larger threat conducting underground espionage and surveillance would be easy for the fatoui additionally if what venti says is true about him being the weakest and the cryo archon gains intel that barbados is currently in the city then she would know that his absence would affect his capability to fight against external threats well if he wanted to fight against them in the first place which carries me over to the next part vendy's confrontation with senora after the holy lady hermel incident venti is aware that the fatoui are targeting his power and that they know the violin has been contained it's possible that venti was merely counting the moments that they'll go straight for him at this point he's not quite sure whether they'll go straight for the gnosis or if they have another method for extracting his power but he was anticipating an attack and when that attack came he willingly let himself be captured and allowed for them to take his divine power dissecting the chapel scene can either make or break this theory so let's begin first it's crucial to note that venti is still in possession of the gnosis this according to him was the power of a thousand winds nothing in his previous actions would dictate that he doesn't have access to his nose's power albeit may be a little weakened because of his absence this means that he has the caliber of barbados and that while he says he's quote-unquote the weakest of the seven it's in the context of actual gods just because he's the weakest archon doesn't mean that he's not leagues above other mortals we know that venti's absent form was also able to terraform pylo's peak and the golden archipelago as well as fight during 500 years ago with the fallen this was also the same vendi that exercised earth of the drake from onslaught that puts into perspective venti's power at the moment despite his allegedly weakened state so the scene where he is overpowered by senora seems very suspicious we know that even with a cryodelusion which wasn't even capable of stopping the traveler she wouldn't have been able to completely incapacitate fenty to the magnitude we see in the cutscene wound him and rough him up maybe yes but not completely overpowered to the point of knocking him out unconscious but what's even stranger is that wendy just stands there yes his legs are frozen but he doesn't really do anything offensive he blocked the ice projectile from hitting the traveler but he never once tried to attack senora he just stands and provokes her which is actually a really important part of the scene because second i believe his resolve to give his power was when he saw la senora he knew of los angeles existence as a harbinger even before this meeting as hinted with venti's epilogue dialogue but it's possible that he knew her further as rosalind the crimson witch there are two reasons that this might be the case venti's power set with the wind is symbolic of knowledge over the course of years from ballads he says that he likes putting the names of great people into a song so that they shall never be forgotten the story of the crimson witch which was infamous during the cataclysm would have definitely caught him since he was also there fighting against the abyss and second is that venti has one of the best insights and memories in the game venti has a knack for knowing who people are even if they're pretending they're someone else an example of this was when he revealed stanley's true identity to the traveler seeing la senora would have reminded him of the tragedy with rostam and the knights of avonias expedition to the abyss but while she would remind him of his deeds from 500 years ago wendy would also know senora as a monstadian that turned her back on her people which brings me to the taunts first is the resident rodent beats invasive vermin while this could be seen as him not knowing that senora is a monstadian it's more possible that he's referring to her status as a harbinger or rather as she likes to put it a snes nyan diplomat in this taunt senor tohen isn't a child of freedom but rather someone that ended up doing the cerritos cruel deeds to monstad hence invasive the second one according to the wiki can actually be further translated into something more accurate a more direct localization would be oh so the reason you dare to mock me is merely because you hold power borrowed from your master this line refers to the ice powers she used to hold him down so he knows that her cryo is her delusion the third taunt may be a reference to her current status as the fair lady fair being a synonym for beautiful when the scene ends venti has lost his noses and regain exposition he makes no attempt to tell the traveler to chase after the gnosis and he simply leaves but why would venti give away the gnosis well there are several potential reasons first is as i've mentioned is that venti might have wanted to sever ties with celestia venti himself was a god of freedom and celestia is an entity of unmoving principles venti says he wants to live a carefree life of exploring the world and he has expressed fear and discomfort when speaking about celestia he has no real reason for divinity he is a god helping while he can yes but his life as venti is one that he cherishes deeply he doesn't need the treasures of the gods to be happy much like john lee or a second is that he knows what might happen if all seven of the gnoses are used together and that he's hoping for the outcome to be for the betterment of the world wendy says that he hoped the seven nations would have instead come together to fight the abyss instead of each other and pulling together all seven of the arkhan's power could be a symbolism of that and third is that he somehow some way empathizes with the cryo archon if the cryo archon was someone he knew well and then he found out that she became a heart and soul after the cataclysm which also changed the other nations not just nishnaya i believe giving her his power is his final act as her old friend of course he doesn't know what she will do with that power but venti's trust in her might be what led to him to not ask for the traveler to retrieve the gnosis maybe it's that small hope in their old friendship that the cryoarchon is going to use his gnosis for the world's salvation him willingly giving his gnosis to the fatihi would be symbolic in a way similar to how john lee made a contract to end all contracts vendi chose freedom over power so that's the theory itself but there are some gaping holes in it first is why would venti fake being in pain well simply put it's probably not fake venti had to recover to the tree at the end of the fight telling us that there might have been some physical repercussion getting a hand shoved in your chest to grab something referred to as a heart probably sent venti into a temporary slate of shock while yes he anticipated that he might give the noses to the fatoui he couldn't have known how painful the extraction would be another one is that why doesn't venti just give up the gnosis straight up well it may be that he didn't know that they were targeting the gnosis specifically just the arkhan's animal power but whatever they wanted from venti he would have given it for the reasons i've said previously why did wendy put up a verbal fight against senura if he was willing to give it anyway transaction never had to be peaceful especially since both of them were really hostile to each other in my opinion it's because of two reasons first is that while he's willing to give the gnosis that doesn't mean he agrees with the fertility's methods after all they were holding monsta politically hostage and they weren't good people fenty should be free to criticize such a behavior and second which is a more personal take in my opinion is that i think it's just to give senora closure for rosom's death there would be no way for venti to know that rosalind's goal is revenge against the short-sighted gods according to the pale flame but in the event that he did know this would be a way of setting her free allowing her to seemingly avenge the death of her lover by attacking the short-sighted god that she was angry at why did venti say that he never thought of the sarita getting the gnosis and why does he not know of her plan i was considering that lying quite a bit actually but then i realized that it made sense why he never thought that theresa would plan to get the noses of the gods him deducing that the fertility were involved to take the animal arkhan's power would have been sparked by gene's own insights about the fatoui wanting to control the holy liar he probably never even thought of the possibility that the zariza or any of the seven would cross the boundaries but after gene's dialogue he would have been enlightened to the situation which brings the next dialogue where he says the fatoui's plans may be bigger than what gene suggests i'm not saying venti was the ultimate mastermind of the fatoui heist but rather that he accepted the circumstance and simply let it happen however regardless of whether venti giving the gnosis is intentional or not this opens a whole realm of possibilities vendi had always been the more open of the archons he was the one that spoke of allergens and the one that told the traveler of the cataclysm 500 years ago so that means venti is the biggest player when it comes to gaining information about conriya conriya has its closest ties with monstat with spires abyss and most of the culinary and characters being situated in monstart him losing his gnosis means he's freer to speak about the harsh realities of celestia and since he isn't bound by a contract like john lee the traveler will soon have to find venti again venti is the key to finding the truth of the cataclysm which is why the queen is the most important piece on every game of chess second only to the king
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 188,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin impact lore, genshin impact theory, youtube, genshin impact youtube, genshin impact youtuber, genshin 2.5, genshin impact 2.4, genshin 2.4, archon quest, genshin archon quest, mondstadt, venti, diluc, genshin theory, genshin lore, chill with aster, game with aster, sorry tags, im not, :), yae miko, signora, shenhe, xiao, zhongli, ganyu, liyue, mond, khaenriah, celestia, jean, theory
Id: M33q2-jo54Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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