The Pyro Archon Has the Key To Resurrection [Genshin Impact Lore Theory]

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folks it's time for some nlin the nation of pyro continues to be one of the most mysterious nations in the entirety of genin lore with hardly any information existing regarding its traditions and cultures and today I want to piece together what we know and investigate the theory of the current P archon not being Morata disclaimer this is all just a theory and none of it is indicative of the final product furthermore I stay away from leaks as best as I can and this video doesn't have any nlin leaks or spoilers that I know of so let's begin the Aran quest for nain is titled as the incandescent oat of Resurrection implying The Rebirth of someone or something and for this video I want to propose a theory that the Morata mentioned in the lore from thousands of years ago is long dead or incapacitated and the current pyro Aron is someone else that is fulfilling the role of Morata I also believe that Capitan duty nlin is to find the nosis and find a way to bring back maratha for some reason with agnet as agot foreshadow his demise so let's break the theory down number one I propos maratha is the pyate Aron for thousands of years ago from what we know about natalin maratha is known as the lady of fire and presumably the God of War back in those days Warriors from every tribe would perform rights of combat and celebrate victories in her name however the current fakeness of the Lord doesn't completely confirm if she's the current archon or is the previous archon much like aeria but I theorize that Morata isn't the current archon prior to the eras of radea it is told by the Lord that only ventti and johie are amongst the original surviving archons the biggest evidence for this is in the manga more than 1,000 years prior to the beginning of the game venty was talking to Vanessa regarding moraa he described her as a lady of fire and the lady of War but though he calls Vanessa a child of marata Vanessa herself is unaware of who marata is venty for their comments that Vanessa's Elders should have taught their tribe regarding this but Vanessa states that stories like that were the last of their priorities however the Talking Stick lore also mentions the Pyro Aron but doesn't specifically say Morata the Talking Stick lore States the story of tenoch and his adventures throughout the hot springs and lava of mlin I quote as tenoch gazed upon the vast burning flames a turbid black tide welled up from the Horizon he blew his bronze horn and raised his colossal obsidian Club to his shoulder and thus did lonely tanok go forth traversing the rugged Wilds where Dragon roed that Wilderness of hot springs and lava during the timeline of this weapon's lore the mara jaar had yet to be created but a pyro archon must already oversee Natan according to the lore for the stability of the tribes it is possible to petition the Pyro archon to vote for the expulsion of an individual from the tribes themselves I believe that this pyro archan is Morata and the fact that this happened before the creation of the mar dare is important because number two I believe that marata lost during the black tide War and died her ashes stored in the mara Javari the black tide War as I will call it was described as a ferocious battle for the burning lands of nain and there was at some point the mountains of darkness in the distance that Fierce Warriors dived into however I believe that this Darkness eventually threatened nlin in which marata herself had to intervene however as according to the chapter storyline preview the rules of War are woven in the womb the victors shall burn bright while the losers must turn to Ash I believe that maratha lost this battle which would explain why Vanessa didn't know about her but why ventti someone who has only woken up recently during the events of the manga would be unaware that Morata had passed away this would also support the fact that the current pyro Aron is not amongst original Seven according to the lore though I believe that V's voice line regarding the Pyro archon being a wayward warmongering wretch is directed at Morata and not the current one but given that both are known as the God of War I think the description would still apply furthermore we know that the talking s lore happened thousands of years ago because they mentioned that the mar Javari was created in the later days but according to the set of The Wanderers troop and the lava Walker individuals have already went through the mara jaari thousands of years ago the mar jaar is described as a sea of Ashes where the wind does not blow and furthermore within the mar javar is a proud Phoenix that sings amid the Flames Legend has it that there exists a kind of solidarity bird people worship it as a totem while King saw it as a sign of nobility it's possible that this Phoenix is morata's soul which would also lead later into our goisha name the name Phoenix is also present in the book known as Phoenix or Phoenix Phoenix teaches all wonderful sciences and hopes to return to heaven after 1,200 years furthermore he is depicted as a bird which sings Sweet notes with the voice of a child so at the very least the timeline is internally consistent with itself and we have a connection with the the mara Javari and the potential demon iteration of Morata but that brings the question of who is the current pyro archon I believe that the current py archon went into Power years before ventti reawakened during the cataclysm I also believe the current py archon is the one who fought for Natan during the cataclysm not Morata but the current iteration of the god of war is formally mentioned in travil as the one who shares the secrets with the traveler because she has her reasons I believe that this is also the archon that speaks in the agnitus agot gemstone if you didn't know the Ascension gemstones have several pieces of dialogue that are from the current archon we know this because the amethyst which is the electro gem contains a message of beable not B all just by virtue of context clues which means that the Agnus aot is most likely to current pyaron regardless of who they are the Agnus agot says a pilgrimage for a wish a battle to earn a name burnt to Cinders for a dream if the intention yet remains achieved blank's truth he has with what little information to play with I actually really like the speculation that the clire archon is talking about IL capitan's pilgrimage if you didn't know already capitana is an atlin and has engaged in the endless Ring Of War what the purpose of this pilgrimage though is currently unknown but my theory for this one is number four Capitano has a goal of resurrecting the old py Aran now for my personal speculations I believe that capitano's goal is to resurrect Morata by getting the nosis from the current pyro archon whether he's going to work with a traveler though is currently however I also do want to entertain the question of what if he's not trying to resurrect the old pyro archon but instead the Pyro Sovereign but again that's a story for another day so what are the limitations to this Theory well number one Morata is referred to as the God of War and the god of fire the problem with me insinuating that there is another archon is that the God of War title would be shared between them when it comes to successors we don't know if the previous archon shares the same ideal as them an example of this is a jerus ideal never being confirmed but makato is also confirmed to be the god of Eternity just with a different facet if I were to guess I actually like the idea of the two gods of War of being the different aspects of War if you know Greek mythology this would be similar to Athena and Aries in which Aries much like Morata represented the harsher brutality or the ceremonial nature of War while Athena represented the Strategic side of War this would also make sense if the current God of War is the one that gives the traveler the secrets but another problem is that there's little information on what the darkness is or what's actually going on in nlin the biggest problem with nlin is the lack of the lore and we don't know what we don't know and while the theory does have the ability to stand on its own feet the fascinating part of it is that it's really limited All Things Considered everything in this lore right now and in this theory is very very broad so we're going to need to see what actually happens now for the other notes in this theory that I couldn't quite put in the main body I I said before that because of the themes of Resurrection that are supposedly present in atlin I suggested maratus Arisha name is Phoenix in my older videos I also suggested this kind of name which I still stand by but for the new archon I want to suggest two names since god of fire and whatnot the first name was an old name that I suggested in one of my earlier videos which was Fus he teaches philosophy astronomy rhetoric logic chiromancy and pyromancy frus is depicted as an old man with white hair and long white beard who rides a horse while holding a sharp weapon another name that I want to propose is aim or Habor who sets cities castles and great places on fire he makes men witty in all ways and gives true answers concerning private matters both names would actually be appropriate for a God who supposedly gives Secrets but thematically speaking genin does enjoy its two Gods Motif which has been consistent since a and sowhat initiated at by ventti the nameless Bard so the thought of genin repeating these motifs in a way of death isn't all too bad furthermore I refrain from talking about the new generation of dragons that have coexisted with humans this is crucial because in the manga we know at Earth that the Drake was a dragon that terrorized both monat and Natan only to be killed by Tor so it's not impossible that Natan had these evolved dragons that also coexisted with humans through several Generations as mentioned by net and I want to theorize further that it was because of the current ire archon's intervention whether or not this was marata isn't completely necessary but I like the idea that atlin followed the more primitive ways of the old civilization of devat and treated War as an extension to human instinct incapacity conversely the dragons would see War as a form of strength and camaraderie which they can respect as individuals this would in a way explain why the dragons were able to peacefully quote unquote coexist with the humans but another note that I want to share is the possibility that the God of War mentioned in the travail video is actually marata herself it's completely possible that the whole purpose of Resurrection is for marata to share the secrets with the traveler for whatever reason she has this could mean that the current P archon could be a hindrance to that mission or could try and assist the traveler but some could criticize that plotline as being too similar to the others where the successor is an instrument of the previous aran's plans if I were to shake it up I actually like the theory that the cire archon beat Morata in the battle previously for the title but that's a story for another day so to summarize this Theory again I believe that the Morata mentioned in the manga is dead and the current pyro archon is someone else katana's job is to get the nosis back and find a way to resurrect the previous pyro archon and or the dragon Sovereign but that's it for me today what are your thoughts on this Theory and do you think maybe the Pyro archon is someone else alog together anyway my name is aster and thank you for chilling with me by the bye I would like to announce a little thing a little project of mine if you didn't know I am a Communications research student and what better way to weaponize my knowledge of different kinds of Quant qu itative methods then to actually perform a survey so today I'm going to be showing you guys the first survey of many many surveys that I have planned and it's called genin fans don't read a survey on lore exposure consumption and dissemination of gin infect fans I want to see just how much you know about the lore also on what you actually consume in terms of the lore and the results are very fascinating I'm going to give this survey a week of response time period I guess before I show you guys all of the survey and if you're interested I'm going to B I'm going to do the results in front of you all anyway that's it for me today bye-bye
Channel: Chill with Aster
Views: 35,081
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Keywords: genshin impact, genshin lore, genshin impact lore, genshin theory, genshin 4.2, genshin impact 4.2, venti, ei, zhongli, furina, nahida, genshin impact story, celestia, genshin 4.3, genshin impact 4.3, genshin impact 4.3 lore, genshin new lore, genshin impact 4.4, genshin special program, harbinger, arlecchino, genshin arlecchino, genshin chill with aster, genshin impact story quest, genshin story, murata, genshin natlan, genshin impact natlan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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