I Had The RICHEST Date With PrestonPlayz *trillionaire*

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what if you were the richest player in minecraft would you buy a new house new car a private jet well today i have one trillion dollars to spend there's only one problem we have to spend it all on this date or we lose everything okay look pretty i'm not even going to try to hide it anymore you i know i told you we were going to go on this rooftop date but it's actually to rob this diamond jewelry store oh my goodness don't touch me what do you mean listen we've been married for three years it's time to spice up the date night okay okay all right and we're getting real spicy because if either one of us gets caught i'll bail you out i'll bail you out okay okay let's let's make let's take a little uh little punch square over here husband wife promise wait three hold on let's count it down three three two eight three two swear perfect okay i'll bail you out you'll bail me out now bri i wanted you to only grab uh this that's this guy's kit you're gonna need that to sneak inside this is a bread loaf with glasses don't make fun of the bread loaf okay anyways thank you you have the disguise kit and the gas mask and you also have a price calculator to evaluate the price of the diamond jewelry all right so brie let's listen to me so i am going to be your sniper i have a sleep dart weapon and i also have a diamond gas canister i don't really want to use this because this is diamond gas you know exactly what it is it's bottled up gas from diamonds and it puts people to sleep so bree listen come here yes i'm i i'm on my way are you proposing again preston no i'm not i'm not propose i know you want to make that joke but no listen brie you were right at the entrance okay i need you to go you can do this i enter right here no no that's where i enter that's where i enter you go down you go down okay what if i hop down right in front of just go free go please hello aubriana good to see you but you're banned you just got out of prison you can't risk coming into the store sorry um wait a second breathe but i didn't know you were in prison what were you in prison you hear that larry moe and curly they're just being a little what do you mean you know nothing nothing hold on hold on beautiful viewers we need to know why bree was in prison and if you want to know please leave like on this video because i'm very confused as a husband you know what'll make you more confused what look at me i have never felt this attractive my wife is now aaron jaeger you look beautiful now please do your job sneak inside i've got you i've got you covered okay okay if any guard tries to look at me look at me indie guard tries to mess with you i'm gonna give them the zap oh that was towards me be careful i know it was a demonstration shot welcome in valued customer thank you i remember we need to get prices on all that diamond jewelry oh oh yeah yeah i have the price calculator yeah this one is a casual um it's not scanning this one is a casual [Music] nobody saw me nobody saw me yeah yeah sorry i was doing my little grappling hook where are you where are you what do you mean i just grappling i'm i'm staying low brilliant you're going to be super stealthy i'm impressed yeah i'm staying i'm pretty stealthy for a guy wearing tie-dye fire merch this is 25 000. i'm you're scaring me i'm testing out okay let's i'm trying to test out my sleep dart gun it works bree i literally put the guard to sleep with asleep oh with a sleeper you found the sleeper where's the z-quilt oh my gosh marie i can't even put the other customers to sleep this is perfect that seems unnecessary wait i saw your little hook free listen we can have no witnesses do you have the full do you have the evaluation of all the diamond jewelry in here right not all of it but a lot of it is very expensive are you ready listen put on the gas mask you know what's coming put it on i've never felt more attractive in my life all right let's go boom uh preston i have a bad feeling i have a bad feeling about this get it bree get the stuff i'm trying i'm trying i'm trying all right we've got one minute until the police arrive bring the guards close i'm gonna get him in the sleep press on their way i got okay i can only get so many breathers oh my gosh they're all asleep go go steal everything thanks i bring this while you're taking the jewelry i'm putting even the witnesses to sleep nobody can notice the body inside i am an innocent human being all right i'm even taking some jewelry what is this i don't even know what i don't even know what this is like a diamond ring what is all this stuff dude oh my gosh ivory how's the hall looking uh i'm doing i'm doing pretty good very holistic i will tell you that what do you mean is that holistic party dude don't tell me i've got more of these than these guys i definitely do you know what you're just a bad guy preston that's what this is me no i've i've just almost robbed this entire room i breathe 10 seconds getting ready to be oh my gosh four items five minutes i robbed the entire red room freeze time to go it's time to go what do you mean the cops are here our getaway car oh our getaway car preston i didn't bring a getaway car okay bree here are the dirt bikes you asked for preston wait wait wait wait wait the tiniest combo no break no what a romantic date i'll never forget you okay so i feel really bad that brie um what happened with the tawny police and brie was not okay so i built this entire diamond zoo filled with diamond llamas why are diamond llamas because they're because they're cheap um that's all hey whoa whoa wait wait it's not ready yet it's not ready you're on a date why did you believe me because listen some dates need some what are you doing over here you're just gonna spoil the surprise get back no don't do it nobody go stop it oh you weren't supposed to see this yet okay fine you can you can you can go in okay okay you can go am i gonna get tricked no no go listen listen breathe you go inside it's real i worked very hard on this all right because i felt bad about the tiny police situation wait guys i think we can only go in if you hit that subscription button okay if you haven't then we can't see the surprise are you ready go okay go okay listen pretty what do you think wait are you pretty sick they're just unruly llamas bree okay hold on they're just getting here buffalo bill how do you make a diamond lava llama how do you make a tiny llama listen bree with a lot of diamonds and a lot of breeding okay i don't want to get into the details this one likes me getting the freaking dog get in there i don't think llamas can fit okay anyways brie uh welcome so i also decided to build individual little biomes this is like a little mushroom biome for the diamond line cute love it i'm glad i'm glad you like it and then also um there's this area very cute right really cute preston what does this lover do are you gonna tell me is that for later look bree we don't listen that was gonna be for a different part of the video i'm not gonna show you what that does so follow me please please please back away something no i'm not just i'm gonna just remove this for now nobody get done they're walking towards the letter listen brie come over here i know how much you like to name your creature so there's an anvil with three name tags damaged and bull and name tags okay i only gave you i only gave you three name tags because i know you could name every single llama in this zoo and i didn't want that to be uh be a situation yes i could bree you're also a noob so i'm gonna set you to game mode zero because you're trying to place the anvil down in game mode two that's right i did it i did it okay so first we have luna um isn't that the wait isn't that the goddess of the moon i'm pretty sure preston so the first name is luna would you like to name one uh yes give me one just one like at least give me a name tag okay i have the first one made all right yeah so you just okay do you know how to name llamas the right i do here you go all right you're not you're not ready for this name oh yes oh no i'm scared all right behold brianna this llama right here chanel be known as lord voldemort no we must kill you no don't kill him he's lord voldemort he's trying to kill mr potter don't look what's happening over here listen bree it's not my fault or voldemort snuck out don't worry i uh he stopped you killed him no no no he just he's in the gulag dill pickle literally my least favorite food all right listen we've had enough fun here in the diamond zoo it's time to move on to the next portion of the day we have to move on anymore that makes total sense preston this place is amazing have you heard about it no but it looks sick i can't believe we couldn't get one diamond worst honeymoon ever no no that's so sad preston come back i mean we're still on a date remember yes yes this is beautiful this is an award-winning resort um very nice that's that's not where it is don't listen i don't like to get punched on the date i'm just saying so this is home to the diamond couples resort so what they do very beautiful is if you finish puzzles you get an award never seen before i actually don't know if anyone's actually completed this before are you ready i am ready baby okay so pick the flowers that are not in the appropriate flower bed okay okay that's the only way we can do this all right hold on hold on listen i'm gonna have to get some tools here chief oh we have a flower picker here preston i'll give you one all right thank you for the flower picker you're welcome i'm pretty sure this i'm pretty sure this is named something else but i'm not gonna talk about it okay oh i get the red no preston that was incorrect what do you mean you don't even know what that was so wrong this was orange are these all orange is that how you're supposed to do it yes what do you mean i was doing it right dude no you weren't oh my gosh okay guys if you've ever done an escape room with your girlfriend or boyfriend or whomever you understand my frustration right now free you've got the last white flower can you please put it down i was like why are you you're telling me you're telling me i don't know how to do it and i'm the one doing it okay that ding sound effect that's how you know that's how you know that you can now go into the mansion because we couldn't go in before until we passed the first puzzle preston where is the concierge that's all i'm saying like this is it's like uh it's kind of like one of those self-service resorts you know it's spooky a little bit oh wait a second hold on hold on okay we got picture pieces we got eight missing and this kind of looks like the edge of a diamond or a diamond piece of armor makes sense this is a diamond date wait a second hold on hold on to re mother teresa wait does that look like it no no no no like me here that looks good right hey listen brie how about you judge whenever you find some of the pieces i wasn't judging i am encouraging you you know what they say woman who have thighs lies don't all women have thighs yes so they all lie okay i have found one piece preston just so you know i am trying to impress you right now i am going to squeak you what what preston you're making me feel uncomfortable listen i'm finding them how many pieces do you have i have three pieces i have one piece i have four fudging pieces brief what are you doing i don't want to talk about it okay oh you don't just dress it's okay i've i have five so that means i've found six oh brittany i'm pretty sure i am the smartest man alive because i have put all of these in the right order yeah have you well i found the hardest puzzle piece to find it's floating up here and i can't get to him you need to show you how to get it yes wait what the hardest puzzle piece to get ladies and gentlemen wow oh wait hold on we got a stick that says destroy torches no it's it's destroying torches oh okay oh wait preston i think we have to get the red ones those aren't right get them out of here i know well because they are redstone torches which only you do other things they don't torch they red you know what beautiful people if you subscribe to the brianna plays channel right now i'll give you free laundry for a year you don't even do our laundry exactly no before you if you're subscribed to the channel and you get here in the first hour i will feature your comments on my real forehead oh wait was sharpie no no no like taking pictures of the comments you brutal woman no you gotta you gotta put them on your on your on your head how many torches you got i've got i've got two right now and i'm looking outside aubry oh preston what do you think is in there yo this resort better be paying out some workman's comp because i almost broke my ankles with that i haven't even met anyone named worker i do preston you don't know what's about to happen you are literally a bot how did you miss that wait did i give it to you yeah of course it did because it looks like let me see what it looks like i can't take it out of your hand oh it's a freaking diamond kitten okay it says a key for the water fountain bree i think this is the fountain for the key would you please plug it in i'm inside the fountain on this side inside the fountain but put it in there put it put in there there we go yeah diamonds are everywhere oh look at this okay okay listen man i'm kind of oh oh give me that yes i got the trophy since you you tried to do a picnic earlier and you tricked me whoa whoa okay first of all it was okay this is the oh what what even was that a ferret i didn't even get to defend myself before that happened bri um was that a diamond ferret bree what this uh what the heck uh did it go through there did you see it yeah yes it went through here breathe are you sure here you go first all right listen breathe no no no hold my hand come hold my hand no bree how could you do this to me oh oh this is sick what is this bree i've never seen diamond grass in my entire life oh me either i want why is there like it's like one piece of diamond grass i don't know oh it's the ferret is looking at us i don't think it's a fair i think it's a fox hi ferret oh i'm totally sorry for stealing your lunch i didn't know any other way to get humans to my dimension does that mean like all humans are fat you see my village is empty because of scary diamond eating monsters if you kill the diamond eater king you can keep the diamonds he dropped just tell him yes brie we'll do whatever it takes to get our lunch back finkelstein the fox please help us i don't like how he jumps like he's just a weird looking don't talk about finkelstein that way oh now bri yeah okay so oh he's got a sword in his hand bree here oh thank you i've never seen a ferret with a sword okay first of all bree it's not a fair it's a fox let's get that straight i breathe just oh bri bri i don't want to take the game i'll take the first one okay let's divide and conquer are you sure okay all right it's like a gollum oh we didn't oh that was actually easy let's keep it going baby girl i helped you there's a lot of these i know these guys are kind of big and chunky but they don't do a whole lot of brand so i think it's going to be easy we also have to defeat the king okay what is this what is this oh my god this one deals so much damage breathe oh my gosh watch out watch out these guys fighting the boss by yourself run that one's like the boss dude that one does so much damage he's like a diamond slime block wait listen yeah yeah help me kill these okay kill the little peons first that guy deals so much damage though i think he was offended by us killing his peons well okay that's the personal problem wait there's one more oh he's in the oh he's killed what he just killed his own guy watch out watch out breathe be careful be careful i'm gonna die oh yeah if you get i got you i got you oh look at my handsome man you know i thought you'd never notice i breathe battle battle uh about battle to the death bound to the okay you're ready to just okay yeah the diamond dangler bow to the death breed battle to the death oh i'm trying i'm trying to kill you for all the marbles for the finale of our date i bought us something you've always wanted do you know what it is no how about you use these to tell everybody who's watching here at home okay fine i know what this is we are going to test our marriage with a date night of opening our very first diamond restaurant it's gonna go really well it doesn't even have to be a test i mean listen people always say how stressful just be married but like how stressful can it be to run your own restaurant right like probably like really easy like picking daisies okay okay being married is not stressful well i need a private moment oh never mind the restaurant's starting oh no oh no it's dinner rush where's the kitchen where's the kitchen oh look okay but he followed me i found the kitchen i don't know what i'm doing where'd you go i have what do you mean what are you orders i'm down here okay i'm i'm cooking okay well first of all luke needs diamond crusted salmon um okay uh where are we wait wait wait wait wait uh bri oh shoot okay i made the diamond mushroom stew what does he need diamond crusted salmon okay hold on i think you know how to make that limes asparagus two of them two of them three i'm under pressure you can do this you wait do you need this here okay here's diamond mushroom stew in case you need it okay i probably will there's probably one vegan who wants it i got it i've got it diamond crusted salmon here preston we just have like 12 people walk out angry at us okay well i'm sorry i've got the diamond cry like george liked it look at that george is happy bree i've got i've got okay whenever you're ready chief i got your diamond samoon make like make like five of every single thing you can how many people want the diamond crusted salmon here i got two two diamonds not enough but i appreciate sorry that's oh my gosh i can't handle this this is too much pressure in the kitchen three people are walking out go and serve them he wasn't allowed to be in the quarters down there we have what else do they want what else do we want diamond filet mignon with diamond dust okay i've i've got this okay i've got a filet mignon i i need i need mushrooms too again i need oh god dude i made the mud i need like four fillets in uh okay one plate one fillet down there i'm gonna make some more oh the ingredients are really coming in slowly oh my gosh okay we have 12 people fed this could be worse nice nice okay i'm making some more i'll make it okay you can't even read there's so many people up here okay i got it floyd has been made fillet has been made what else do they need more fillets more fish okay more okay but do i do people the filet is mad popular right now i know right we have to feed nine more press nine more people press it all right one more customer i think we're good okay no we're not oh no but you have to serve one more customer and we don't even have one more customer oh what's gonna happen we closed we closed too early i have no fillets and salmon in my inventory oh no we're good hold on don't feed them i want to feed them i need okay mushrooms too i had both salmon in in briefly okay i can i can fix this i can fix this i'm sorry george i didn't want it to end this way he only has 27 seconds preston listen i'm crying yes i'm on my way chief don't worry i got you diamond mushrooms turn to me feeding the last person okay don't throw it take it thank you thank you oh no okay you can't that's it i'm just feeding them can we agree that we will never we did open a coffee shop called fire cup coffee but i will never open a traditional restaurant no it's too hard of work i don't it's too stressful honestly close the shop boys close the shop hold on no it's closed for the night no we're closing permanently too much stress you did say we were closing up shop but we were featured in cookery magazine when i first heard of brandon preston's diamond cuisine i was a skeptic i arrived not expecting much knowing the pear wow but i was surprised to be served spectacular diamond crusted salmon i must say i never had such a fantastic diamond crust and salmon since my childhood 10 out of 10 reviews brie listen yes come over here with me okay okay this is a big moment for us this is a big moment we might listen yes if this gets 150 000 likes we will permanently open up the preston and brianna diamond restaurant look at this money preston free is this supposed to be a part of the date our money running away from us no no no no i saved for so long how do we get the money back i don't know how to get the money back why are you pranking me what do you mean i'm not okay listen you are the person taking me on a date how would i be pranking you i i i don't know the money stack is talking preston okay okay wait hold on um oh no no no no another one splitting up re another one is splitting up hold on i'm gonna stand here and tell you there are apparently clues on how we get this money back so first clue come see me in the place where humans fly the digging of bones is where you find the next clue to give me back come find me at the bottom of the deep dark black i know where these are okay i'm gonna go get em you're not gonna ruin our date night money we're gonna catch you come here do you know where we are preston yes at the first clue obviously yeah the airport it's it's where humans fly oh nope you distracted me the money got away where is the money where's the plane we have to find the plane oh freeze button it's right here it's right here it's literally right it's on the terminal i repeat the money is on the terminal why did it go up there it's taunting us hold on she's pretty pretty i'm sneaking up on it hold on guys while he gets the here take this money stack i got one of them thank you i worked really hard to earn all this money for you to give it to you okay but did you know that the money was alive when you decided no i think it was cursed but you guys at home can end the curse if you like this video okay we have to impress preston this is the digging of bone so apparently the paleontologists work here to try to find the tyrannosaurus rex i feel like a dog i feel like i'm chasing a tennis ball i feel like i need to get this one you worked really hard to find the first stack so and i'm still working really hard for you oh my gosh what are you going where right here the money went into the cave oh no oh bree wait he's cornered breathe slowly slowly the money is cornered hi harriet harriet i worked really hard for you get up break get your dad out get your net out you can't intimidate him with the net until you get a break yay this is the deep dark something the money is driving away since when can money drive boats i don't know guys have you ever seen this before comment down below i have never seen it it's kind of cool yeah except for the fact that it's kind of creepy it is creepy but listen there's been enough bad things happening in 2021 that i don't need money to be able to drive objects i know right this is him cut him off same with him him with a sandwich i am not very good at piloting this boat oh i got him i got him i got him i got him come here baby yay hey take that money stack who's your daddy now money so now that we've collected the money the date can continue oh hey bud don't call me bud that's weird do you recognize this place yes we are at brawl airways yeah oh that kind of sounds scary so you can tell that i play in the state for you and that i love you because this is a skydiving activity where did you just go i'm like really right in front of you you disappeared on my screen well all i know is that i have ptsd of this place this is where the money ran away from us so i'm a little scared but you love skydiving so i think you're going to like this a lot okay all right not bad is this the training class because i remember you had to do a autopilot malfunction preston yeah listen we're fine don't worry i'm a trained professional okay bree you might want to be a little bit worried there is a fire in the cockpit and the pilots have already evacuated the plane okay this is not maybe the most uh romantic date night when we have an emergency i don't even think we can skydive at this point preston we're crashing no we're not gonna crash we're gonna jump out before preston there's only one way we can collect what we need no no i don't want to do it okay you go first okay oh my gosh fall to the ground safely i feel like that's easier said than done we need a shirt a stick and a feather preston asap asap asap oh okay okay so pick them up from the sky okay i have everything but the shirt oh i i only have a steak preston i oh i haven't i don't know i don't know good i'm good i'm landing on this building i i see you i'm landing too let me just talk about for a second you didn't try to save your wife what do you mean you i listen it's every man's for themself when they're in the sky okay no no no no no i swear i tried i kind of just want to always wear one of these i can always slowly glide you know like i feel kind of attractive in this i'm not gonna lie ah it makes one of you preston i thought you would like this what are you thinking i was gonna say i think this might be the best date ever um all-terrain vehicles you know that's what atv stands for right oh no i did it look at these briefs i know okay bri you're not even talking about the fact that these animals are literally made of money all right you refuse to tell me these things i know their luck what should we call them llama bills llama bills hey wait hold on actually llama bills is pretty cute i was gonna call the mammals but that doesn't make any sense maybe what about like what there's an animal staring at us on top of a cave what is that he's being kind of creepy bree catch him he'll get him in the capture pod oh he's getting away breeze getting away we have pokeballs i mean technically they're not pokeballs but you know are a pokeball breathe dylan get away don't let me go away hold it's corner cornrow okay get him i threw mine yeah yeah all right get him get him what is he what is he he's a diamond buck look at that baby all right haley you can keep him oh thank you thank you thank you i just love the fact that we couldn't capture them until we both threw together it was a very why didn't you bring your atv into here you goober i didn't know i could drive it inside of a cave preston i don't live my life that much on the other side listen i'm getting your atv it's better i want yours i don't care i don't know the difference i can't get back on preston do you see this grasshopper over here pretty it's not a grasshopper i think it's a bird wait there's no way hover above the name you can see it oh it's a dollar filled bird he looks sad preston what is he hurt i think he's wait we do have a shrinking potion in our inventory are we doing this is it honey i shrunk the kid's time i think i am a nurse so i have to go for this let's do a baby oh oh i don't like this feeling i love this feeling oh we are inside the bird and there are a lot of viruses pressing okay yeah yeah yeah listen listen you're the nurse you go go out there and do your job hey stop go out there stop we have to do this together okay listen listen i'm helping i'm helping get the green i'll get the red is there nothing else wait for it in here there's scalpels scalpels oh oh throw me one that's gonna make things way easier thank god i'm gonna get this little tiny guy you get the big red one yeah i think we got it uh hey brittany let me make sure the scalpel works i just need to do this no no no no no it works but you are not certified to use it sir how's he doing i am going to claim him you took him from me wait he's not in my inventory i promise no you put him on your shoulder look right click on it but it goes on your shoulder yeah look at that now go in that five mode billy the blob fish i love you okay his name if he had a name um it would oh it was an accident it was an accident we needed a moment of silence for billy the blob fish so this should be pretty romantic i have brought us to mr beast's restaurant sorry i got distracted there was a cow that passed away in here what no they're they're all alive preston what are you talking about circle of life listen it's the circle of life it's what god would want us to do you were terrible henrietta he is never touching you okay i prom preston stop it we're about to have dinner i got hungry for money steak i'm sorry question act mature for once we have to we have to walk into the restaurant for dinner this is supposed to be fancy it's mr beast restaurant ha ha bet you again carl wait they're betting in their restaurant wow what beautiful individuals oh we have been welcomed thank you are you ready to try the most expensive food in the entire world preston are you ready i'm ready for very expensive food i just ate raw beef so clearly i'm a connoisseur of the craft yeah you ate the money cow you don't need any more food to be honest i don't like these chefs as part of the experience you get to cook the food yeah i mean listen i'm down to cook some food baby all right okay too much communications just food i know oh we have hero brian chef we have a french chef and um marie from a girls only server okay so maybe they have their own specialty meals something along those lines they got something cooking is about to be okay so before we cook apparently they're gonna judge us so not only are we not being served a romantic dinner we are being judged okay preston i have the recipe we have to make ten thousand dollar soup are you ready uh yes absolutely i'm probably one of the best cooks ever i mean you're not a bad cook wait listen i'll let you cook i'm gonna go blow some leaves no no no no no no i need you uh but brie okay you know what never mind the leaf blower doesn't even work i'm coming back in will you cook some steak for me i'm going to combine a mushroom with a diamond which creates a diamond mushroom and an emerald oh i need another mushroom there's a bunch right there got an emerald mushroom now i just need some cooked steak i'm bree listen i'm really trying but the steak is stuck on the stove all right i forgot to put paint spray down unless i didn't oh i got it hand it to me that one's a little bit crusty but it should work ew now we throw it in the cauldron don't worry bree i'm watching very closely why are you inside the cauldron uh um i think you have to leaf blow it's gonna burn okay i think why would i what trust me what it actually worked okay here bri i don't know what to do with this gym stew so you take it what does it say elaborately created an overly complicated taste the soup is worth ten thousand dollars are you proud preston i'm extremely plowed proud okay let's serve the judges yes take it what do you think mr garraday oh no where are we supposed to make three of them if you don't like it i'm gonna slap you with this raw beef you understand chef guardian preston that's inappropriate help me get the steak brie i told you i forgot to put the pam spray down so the steak is really stuck on here take one of these here the problem is preston is i forgot we have multiple judges so uh right now we have only cooked for one i had one steak one steak do you have one i think you picked it up yeah i've got one i've got one yay okay i'm gonna feed the pretty lady oh no preston this is a date remember dress bun preval he took my leaf blower give it back you literally did i'm freaking done dude preston there's something important happening we now have to cook a 50 000 milkshake do you think you're prepared for that no because this guy keeps stealing my leaf blower jimmy you would never take my leaf blower would you okay how do you make it golden milk preston did you kill all the cows no there's one cow left can you give me a bucket so i can milk the cow no you're not allowed to come to the cow anymore okay well too bad i'm milking them no no no no no i'm going to beat you there it's time to milk the mutters baby i'm lost i'm lost uh bree we got a problem there are no cows in here no you're kidding me did you kill all of them no you left the gate open you literally left the freaking gate open now i'm gonna have to like scourge this oh my freaking gosh i'm gonna go find a dadgum cow this is ridiculous that's karma i'm just saying i'm gonna grab some buckets oh we have some gold so i think we just have to combine the milk with the gold i found a milk i mean a cow do you have a bucket yes i do but i think we need three buckets because remember uh three judges preston give me the buckets you let me do this you go do your other thing no i have to combine it oh my god give me this throw me the cap yeah i didn't notice him because he kind of blends into the green grass here take these tickets so now i think i just have to collect them preston where'd you go i'm i'm waiting for your instructions in the house so grab three cocoa beans for me okay here take one there's one oh i have 24 cocoa beans preston are you trolling me yeah chef give me back my leaf blower now i just have to combine the milk with gold pretty we have a problem they all took my leaf blower here you go here are your expensive milkshakes guys milkshake fantastique nine out of ten eight out of ten all right it's a pretty good ratings pretty good ratings fantastic job i'm sure you're both very hungry oh we get to go in the dining room and finally eat together finally the gold flaked pizza place will you serve me right bri don't be uh you are literally a heathen woman you're gonna you're gonna like sit down you're gonna right-click the chair you're gonna you're just gonna stand on top of it that is true i probably should have some etiquette come on i thought you went to katillion or something i i did and i was a debutant this pizza is one million dollars cheers cheers [Music] um brie yeah it just tastes like pizza it was kinda it's kind of stale oh we have a poppin party yeah well why is everybody here so old i know it's a retirement home i don't know yeah mike mr beast throws the best parties mike or she throws the best parties oh we have to speak to guests oh i'm speaking to them i don't want to talk to them colton's in the corner it's okay we're going to bring out the socialite in you he invited a pillager i don't know how i feel about this you know i'm kind of anti-villager why is pro one two three four here uh because he's my dad preston i don't know why he's saying we have to pay him back for taking his money because i definitely didn't take his money all right you got this you got you got this okay cheer me on preston cheer me on okay breathe am i doing it i have eight points uh you're doing great i have 20 oh no he's beating me all right bri you're finally tied no you're winning you're winning you're winning you're winning yes yes i always win you're literally cracked that sounds like a like a insult preston i feel like i have to see your moves no no i would i would mess up your beautiful flow oh thank you thank you that's probably true i have 117 points by the way i'm i'm saying she's cracked at a baby you are interfering with my moves you threw off my groove there we go wow probe really sucks at dancing great job brianna these old people are kind of harsh critics preston whoa whoa step aside breathe i've been challenged you realize what that means he thinks he can beat you oh look at this look at this oh yeah look at you listen i'm just i'm falling behind a little bit it's all right it's right you know i'm just getting those little jerry legs warmed up preston you have to beat him i told you i'm cracked at fortnite i'm not gonna lose stop talking about fortnite this is a dance-off this is dance dance revolution i'm feeling the music inside of me i'm literally a beast right now okay bro give it up you can't win that's right mike thanks buddy mike down the hallway yeah right apparently we're great dancers preston thanks bree i knew i had it in me preston i am so excited for this however i didn't bring a big hat do you know what that means can you guess where we are i i don't know in a basement somewhere the place where people wear big hats uh cinco de mayo no the horse races look wait why do people wear big hats at the horse races oh is this where we make bets yes it is oh two of the riders have been injured by their horses as they weren't tamed is anyone experienced i could be a horse no i am a good tamer i can help how do i get down there i need to help you oh here we go is it these two horses oh okay easy oh oh no bri i'm not we're not well we're losing we're losing yeah who are you betting on i'm betting on myself uh bri you're in the lead oh whoa whoa whoa don't fall in the water this is not an easy obstacle oh no brittany you can do this you can do this just don't fall in the water i definitely stepped over the water a couple times i don't know we were in the lake i beat you keep going bree preston this is stressful let's go let's go let's go baby can we talk about the fact that i'm beating you once again okay let's talk with the fact that we're a team okay i thought we were a team tv and our frags completed the race yeah take that bree i thought you completed the race i did i'm so offended aubry listen can i can i open my eyes yet i don't know what you're trying to surprise me with can i open mine yes i i would open your eyes so you don't fall into the ocean okay that's a little disappointed it's not my colors but it's a yacht regardless so i'm pumped so this is going to be a romantic end to the night because there's a meteor shower coming and we can watch it so many meteors they look like little tiny mmms ooh a hot tub but it's not hot this is this is lukewarm um preston there are shooting stars bree this looks dangerous can shooting stars hit us i i mean technically bri don't worry i think we've got some supplies on this y'all get yogurt why do we need supplies preston we're watching the meteor shower do not mix boat fuel and arrows yeah that sounds like a horrible idea i agree listen i don't know if i'm supposed to do this but i am going to somehow uh yep oh what bernie don't worry about it don't worry about it i have something magical i'm very concerned uh literally here take one take a couple take a couple okay rocket arrows listen i know it sounds crazy i'm just gonna go ahead and try one is it gonna send us into space whoa where are the other ones we need more we need more boom did you see that something fell into the ocean wait okay bree you really want me to go swim in this i like normally i would go in there and swim but i'm made of obsidian or lava sorry that's fine you're fine this is important this is a romantic date preston can you can you go do it without me no we have to find the falling star together fine preston i found it come here oh not just one but two bree where's the other one oh do we eat it no let's go back up to the boat falling star this strange falling star gives off a strange energy it must be worth billions oh whoa wait if it's worth billions and we have two does that mean we have two billions yes yes and what does that mean i don't know it means we're gonna have two billion dollars is pretty good no it means since this was the last activity on the date you are going to have to surprise me with a billion dollar date next time it's only fair preston yes ma'am how you feeling so far i'm ready for some romancing i planned a billionaire date now we've already had a millionaire date so we had to up the ante girl i feel the wealth with this date night is that what happens when people are very wealthy they have very long names oh yes lord brantis bilius of billwater he is very well known wait present yeah i think we've met him before i uh you think so oh the mummy milkshake hey you took mine there we go why is this guy look like he's in a he looks like he's in a gang i i don't really trust what's happening can we actually drink this okay are we supposed to drink this because like i'm kind of down to drink this a really expensive milkshake it seems to give you weird powers how are you feeling okay i'm waiting for it brie oh i feel i feel wealthy me too i literally have like a diamond trail behind me i was gonna say this is actually sick let's go apparently this is a competition wait what is happening i have no idea oh oh we have to make a bow tie so we need to find the available crafting materials okay and then we're going to make a bow tie all right sally please get out of my way george george get out of here okay we can't follow each other this is a romantic competition i'm not even trying to fall hey listen isn't it kind of romantic if i'm following you oh it's pretty true i started following somebody and i thought it was you and it was doug i'm so sorry doug you're not my wife like where are they hiding these materials i don't know so um i will say this i have found a lot of expensive fabric pieces and i don't know if that's what we need excuse me yeah go in there and there's a ton of fabric wait preston away did you take all of them we need no there's plenty of them in there okay well i've got i intentionally actually left fabric for you so i was trying to be nice it's too kind uh brie i found a bow tie gym do we need this you know what winner gets like a thousand bucks or something but i want you to win i am sending you on this date so where are you i'm coming okay was that what we needed is this it i mean honestly it looks very expensive brianna i'm gonna be very delicate with this bad boy i think doug is in i think he wants to get a video that's what i'm saying i literally thought doug was you and i feel kind of bad but you know so we need five of these so here you go okay now i have nine so we just have to craft it together hello sally okay so wait hold on i bet i can guess yeah i'm not telling you you have to figure it out i'm going to figure this out let me give you give me a moment i'm literally trying to figure out this with no you don't have to pee i'm proud of you look it kind of blends into like like if i put my head down like this it looks like you have an extra sad face it looks like my like droopy mouth keeps going down well you won a thousand dollars how are you feeling i feel great uh except for that punch right there you know really just got me going i'm feeling like i'm right come here yes what are you kissing me oh the guy gotta kiss you he punched me do hey bri you knew this is my favorite i we have lifeguard kits we have what are these things called jet skis all right wait hold on let's give them a fun fact okay so i know we're being timed right now brianna but fun fact i was a lifeguard for two years and it's perfect because bree doesn't know how to swim no i don't that's why i have both the lifestyle kids as well honestly maybe so do you have a gym range next no i do not have a net oh can i do you have an extra net man yes sir you need one there you go i would need one of these wait wait the fish these things in the water yes wait oh i don't know how to move ah breathe use the weight of me right click it right click it right click the jet ski okay there we go oh yeah wait wait delicious so gems are falling from the sky so do we dive down to go get them okay i have to do it preston i have to sacrifice myself i'm diving in brie i'm collecting gems right now oh the dolphins give you the um the was it the dolphins grace so you swim super fast oh that's nice i have yet to uh get any diamonds don't worry bree i got you i don't know what do okay bree do you like uh diamonds or emeralds more uh probably diamonds uh diamonds are forever honestly is it a true saying that diamonds are a woman's best friend i i don't believe that as a woman hold on can you come back to the surface i want to get these gems for you okay yes i mean i've got i have wait i don't okay i've been collecting the gems and they're not in my inventory oh no i think that's because i have to get them for my special special man i literally i can't obtain any of these jewels you gotta like look at them and like right click with the net out okay preston i couldn't get any gems aubry oh yeah what happened to my jet ski hey you know how to swim right you're good i mean i'm fine but like what's that i'm using my lifeguard kit rescue me here i got it this is a very close moment for us hey look at this okay i have no idea how i'm physically thinking me either i kind of this is fun and look our next surprise is here oh ladies and gentlemen please leave a like on this video to help us beat the youtuber algorithm and in fact if this video gets half a million likes i'll take brie on a real please i want to go on a real date not a minecraft date we should do a real-life video where it's like minecraft date versus real life dates we saved each other we showed great kindness and teamwork what are you hey listen brittany this is how his voice would sound horrible no that sounds like a richard ah yes our destination is here preston you just walked through the wall of the entire limo listen don't judge how i do things so this next part of the day is one of my favorites you just have to run through the village this village is um it's on is it supposed to be like on fire no we're not going to talk about that maybe this is just the style of the village you know preston we're billionaires so we're gonna be giving we can you know put out some fires along the way i agree brittany i think as billionaires we should become millionaires oh why why are they heading here this is creepy what have you done bri katie's scaring me no sarah is much more scary she has a monocle and then look at kim kim's got an eye patch um wait wait left hello oh oh okay and part of the billionaire date ladies and gentlemen required materials oh is that materials materials definitely okay here i will where do you want me to start whose materials do you want me to give i want to talk to john first obviously that's why i'm here i'm gonna give it luke luke wow nuke okay luke let's see um how many are you good over there yeah bernie listen math was not my strongest subject okay wait if you give them materials for some reason their house turns normal bro look at this investment my dude just upgraded right yeah we might need to hurry because uh people's houses are on fire so i was trying to do this like mathematically and i think it's just better just to like spam right yeah you're welcome doug bernard is by far the best villager so far i would just like to like this one didn't end up too well i gave this person a lot of money and they built part of their house out of dirt oh is it noob no it's literally like looks like noob his name is doug the noob villager kim is a respectful villager only wants 15 diamonds and makes a beautiful house only 15 diamonds nothing it could be worse all right so if i was oh lisa wants five diamonds lisa is the cheapest so far thank you lisa lisa is a spicy lady oh look at sarah dude sarah only wants 18 iron ingots i don't know if it gets any cheaper than that let me know right wait are we done look at that yay i like that wait okay fun fact i don't know if anybody knows who they are but chip and joanna people say we're the chip and joanna of youtube extreme home make over here all you need is a little bit of this i don't i don't know if i like those that's their mating call their meeting we want to give you our most treasured item away oh away i don't know like i don't know if i want to get their most treasured item what if it's like a dead goat fish or something okay if if it's most treasured it's probably like an emerald golf oh dude that's my favorite oh you don't know these things i do me and bernard go way back oh yeah okay okay okay look it's a freaking yacht oh my gosh the most expensive item we own now thank you our village is saved i don't feel like we gave them enough uh to deserve this yacht but i ain't gonna complain baby bernard let me just express my gratitude guys please look under this video hit that subscription button to love bernard for who he truly is because bernard is like rhymes with yanard i love you're not yo yannard's got some trades okay preston it's time to go brie i'm literally already in this boat okay can you be the captain for me uh listen okay i don't know if i'm not qualified like if you haven't noticed i am made of lava probably not the best person to be the captain of this yaga i have to find the the steering wheel what's the line i'm free like willie no no no no it's rose jack rolls jack even though there's room for both of us basically rose does this and even a breeze so we casually arrived from our yacht and like our butler's here ah do we want to talk like that in the entire video yeah we only have a few more minutes until like diamond fish like start like spawning like brianna i don't know what a diamond fish is but if uh i do know that you're the only dime i see oh i'm enjoying this date i i feel flattered so preston you know friendly competition right i love diving fish me too oh no no that's fine no this one's fun i got it technically you have to punch the fish in order to get the diamonds i don't know i don't know how you feel about this one did he die i mean he died oh no he tied it i mean how else do you think we eat fish i thought you just catch the diamond fish he loves you he becomes your pet well it looks like you're gonna win honestly this is such a close tie breaker ladies and gentlemen the polls are in and it was unsure we're unsure you realize uh i don't even have half of what you got listen brie i think um i i honestly just don't know if you know how to count all right that's what i think it really comes down to i think it was a tie game are we in space what is happening are we in space or a regular plane listen bree it is time for us to do more good deeds this man's name is pilate p lot has brought us here to give gifts to people listen marie don't worry about the beautiful teddy bear you're gonna need some of these okay i'm gonna need some of these just in case of some shooting stars you know you never be too careful thank you so much you're welcome um i have uh i got this here all i'll go that's so cute thank you bri i like him a lot um do you think he can fly i just no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no aubry [Laughter] you're lucky i've got an elytra ladies and gentlemen we have confirmed on this youtube channel why did you push me down here you know what i can you know what fun preston i'm actually glad you're back because this is supposed to be a romantic moment wait where are you i'm trying to come back you push me down um shooting stars shoot the shooting stars shoot them too i got one stardust uh yes i have whoa okay this is the coolest thing i've ever seen in my inventory it is really cool thank you so much you know they call me mr cool back in high school for cooling stars for me i'm not stealing stars i am just doing so much more i have two i got [Music] you jerk what do you mean jerk i'm trying to save the world from shooting stars of doom that's okay i have three now so we're okay ah okay you got three now guys big big big boy what do you want from me taking any of them [Music] you gotta go fast for like sonic okay okay okay oh no i missed one i missed one oh you got one i have four i have four shooting stars wait do you have a light turning inventory yeah uh come down here then no no no no no no no crescent no no no no hold on hold on are you are you dead breathe yeah it's time it's time for what come on get out of there go so preston the only way we can end a billionaire date is to give the rest of the inventory to others we have a village here so let's just gift this make it rain baby [Applause] could you imagine like if i was like if i was in like the cul-de-sac in my neighborhood and it just starts raining diamonds and emeralds and nether stars i would have no idea what to do bro look at this place this place is so rich now scale of one to ten how do you think the billionaire compares to your other dates we've been on all right this would easily be a 10 out of 10 date night and that means we need to see your date night ideas in the comments below and if we don't see them then i'm gonna eat a water buffalo ivory tag with a bow and arrow oh no that's too much work what do you mean that's too much where are you and oh i'm gonna get you no no no no oh my god this is so romantic end of date somebody died hey if you enjoyed this video make sure you click one of the next two videos youtube is suggesting you bye
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 7,172,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: Vf_b63qgSi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 37sec (3217 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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