Minecraft but SUPER PETS save the day

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let's luther has imprisoned all superheroes can i save them all as their super pets or will i die trying all right so every superhero has been imprisoned and we have to say hello thank goodness i finally found you quick we don't have much time he's on his way to destroy the powder right now we have to stop it and the only way to do that is by going around the city and saving all the superheroes okay save the superheroes save the pound got it superman he's right around here like page how do i save him sir you have to use your mind control powers on me he used me to save him why is my body floating oh look at me i'm so cute sorry i'm getting distracted apparently my name is crypto like the currency so be intimidated and confused by me hello sir it's an honor to to get to speak to you um i'm going to what oh good good good good yo hold on i have the ability to fly as crypto and get that wave two good we're making it more complicated you know what i want to be cool and see if i can win without flying let's make it harder for me wave three how many waves are there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa honey this is what is this face it's a gerbil oh my gosh now i feel bad destroying these guys but i have to remember these are not actually gerbils they are evil pillagers hello superman i am your super pet and i saved you whoa that's great i have him in my pocket he's much smaller in uh person guys okay you guys there are more superheroes to save as a super pet so i loved being crypto but it's time to be me again where do we go next i want to go into this pound and make sure everybody's doing okay if you don't know me guys i am a huge huge huge animal lover and oh this is oh i'm crying i am literally there are tears in my eyes right now can you see them we can't let these little babies be destroyed we have to go and save the next superhero but how where do i go next hold on i saw a ladder right over here i feel like this could maybe be helpful i didn't see any chickens in there so chuckles is safe all right so we have the evil lex luthor statue here and he is surrounded by these names uh there are six pedestals and i am placing superman right there okay on to the next superhero batman here i come oh this must be batman's pet hey little buddy sorry i have to do this i need to come up with a really good mind reading noise maybe help me in the comments yet again i'm adorable and yet again we're gonna save a superhero no dodge the blocks in my inventory we have ace strength and ace dash dash i've played league of legends and this is very helpful to use this dash ability ah oh no it's the gerbils again let's use our strength and hey um let's try it out let's try it out ow i've been hit by a block hey that is some good strength so i just use the little particles and then wachow okay batman he's been released up hey little buddy time to return to the pound it is time to place this on its pedestal that's so satisfying take that lex luther wait guys is that closer to us than it was before we gotta do this in a flash we have to save flash in a flash where's his pet hello it's oh look at how cute he is you can't be his pet though right because turtles are really slow i don't know i want to be a so turtle oh geez there are skeletons levitating in the air and i bet you there's tnt under these pressure plates so if they shoot an arrow at me um we could cause a large explosion and i am slow and it is hard to run fast as a turtle we have to make it through this maze very carefully i'm kind of fast for a turtle though right wait we didn't check our inventory merton speed whoa whoa whoa we are on fire baby i don't know which way is up and which is down and left and right and oh wait flash was over there oh geez i can barely even see where i'm going i'm so fast whoa hey flash now we gotta bring flashback but y'all where is my body where's my body and the meteor is lowering even more get back to the pound please flash down and then head to the next superhero where is oh there's me hey bri and there is the flash now it's time to find cyborg which guys i don't watch superhero movies so like i don't even know who this dude is but i know we need to save him oh as a chicken i can't wait to transform into this oh my gosh i am so freaking cute also that's mega sauce that's all i have to say cyborg hello i don't know what you look like but i am going to save you first of all it is really chill and quiet in here and second of all um we have my back-to-school bree merch bundle here and i also have a really super announcement super chuckles is about to be available for pre-order so you need to grab him because you can feel super too just like he does he does him so you can feel super just like him um so i want to just like grab a backpack here um let's shop at the store a little bit we have precedence here too cat with a mini gun tail cats are nice why does everybody make them look bad huh what is this super chuckles egg i'm spawning other chickens are they gonna save me ow ow i was hit by a minigun tail oh guys this solves my question i've always asked i i don't know if chickens can fly but today they can ow ow there are other things up here i saw a spider he does a lot of damage he just killed a chicken you are an evil cat so many chickens are dying right now no i can't have any more of this meanness so legend has it you can use an egg to deflect his bullets but i don't know how to make that happen we both died at the same time okay this means we should be able to save cyborg whoo he looks cool he's super stylish here you go cyborg um let's go to green lantern i've heard that ryan reynolds really didn't like that movie but he did meet his wife by filming it so good vibes good vibes okay let's see what powers a squirrel can have oh everything is so big right now hi brian reynolds how are you doing uh oh is this like a parkour challenge color shuffle okay so we have a color in our offhand and we're counting down i feel like we have to be standing on the correct color block or you fall in lava this is terrifying where's brown brown oh okay man lava and lightning seems like a terrible combination let's come over here to the yellow lightning just struck over here so lightning never strikes in the same spot twice right that's a saying red red red red everything is awesome out i keep getting whoa we just had some skeletons pass away yo hold on i have a magical shining star in my pocket what is an electric pulse i think we gotta see what this does wait did this clear up the sky i feel like we uh just won this mini game somehow by using the electric pulse capability now these gerbil skeletons really you need to get out of here i don't have anything to fight you with right now you're making my life a disaster fall into the lava thank you so much green lantern it's time to rescue the animals what do you say okay let's transform back into me wow i am a lot taller than that squirrel the meteor is yet again getting lower and lower we have to save these animals they're so cute let me know in the comments if you have a pet because i love animals and i want to hear about yours green lantern which how the only thing we're missing is wonder woman so i wonder where this woman is but no for real we gotta we gotta hurry now legend has it she has a pink it's so cute it has little eyelashes and everything hi buddy okay you guys let's see oh hi wonder woman i'm here to save you and wow there are a ton of gerbil mobs in here and i hope they don't eat me so it looks like i can either be a big pig a medium pig or a teeny pig i don't know why though i have a feeling something's gonna happen okay i've seen this before i think a medium pig can handle this yes so all i have to do is make it through the holes without getting caught oh geez oh man oh man it's coming fast oh even though i'm real thick i fit through there oh geez there are gerbil creepers that just came down oh explode them oh he's so close to me no no no no hey that's one way to get rid of them nope it didn't work i need to focus on being a pig right now for real ow ow stop damaging me really i need to be a small pig right now yo stop getting me off the platform i will tell your mom i'm gonna be a medium-sized pig leave me alone or forever hold your peace oh oh geez we gotta run and save wonder woman before we turn into a pork chop i'm sorry oh this is not going well i don't know how to be a pig i guess whoa i am still large and in charge and i feel great ah dang it really well i lost that power it's time to go back to the pound and place our last and final superhero and yo the meteor is literally feet away from the pound we have no time to lose and i swear to you i have like slowness right now take this luke luther lex luthor whatever your name is you are a dingle doppler oh no that's bad news bears you thought you could stop me bree yeah this pound will burn along with the superheroes inside of it what geez that's a little aggressive now you're gonna try to hit me with something no siree i have the power of super pats on my side right those pads won't be enough to save you batman yes now i have strength and dash hey lex do you want to come here really quick let's let's just like have a quick little handshake ah how is that dog so powerful huh i don't remember this in uh his inventory before um let's see what this does take that let's luther i just struck lex luthor with a ton of lightning he is gonzo but uh the meteor isn't so we need to figure out what to do with this situation okay i feel like we have to use the powers of the pets in order to get rid of this meteor you ready guys guys um guys why is everyone asleep right now did you have like a sleeping potion or something thrown on you wait the powerful peg is still awake i think i can use her powers to crush this meteor look i'm the biggest pig around okay let's use the power of the pig in three two one jump you guys we saved all the animals if you're super make sure you subscribe
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,075,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: atuZpHOOESk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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