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today is my birthday and it's time to celebrate i've invited all my best friends to the party i sure do hope nothing spoils my special day i can't wait to celebrate i love my birthday guys am i alone at my own birthday party what was that i've captured your friends and now you are abandoned unless you save all eight of your friends your birthday is cancelled preston was not available for my birthday party so there's no way it was him yo i think this may lead me to noob let's push it no what just happened help i'm stuck no buddy i'm gonna save you i see a tranquilizer i believe down here these monsters wake up on bones okay so if you step on the bones it awakens these things oh they're kind of cute maybe they won't do any damage they do damage okay i'm sorry honey bun but you gotta go [Music] oh oh oh all i had to do is put him to sleep return to party so i see there's a mine cart that is sitting there um for our exits one moment one noob uh this could be a catastrophe hi nude my first of eight friends has been found and all we have to do is just casually walk out and don't get attacked by monsters right what did you do we have to tranquilize these guys all i have to do is get in the corner okay we're good we're good yeah my first friend has been saved and yes have fun eloise is she down here what the heck cowabunga hello little fur rabbit enjoy your bath of death he didn't hear me somehow guys just so you know you can also have your own eloise too on premarch.com but right now water is already getting in her tank she doesn't know how to swim hi baby i'm gonna save you i promise there's a keypad the evoker went that way so i don't really want to follow him let's read this book here to find the code let the lanterns guide you search beneath your feet what about here three okay so i wonder if under each lantern in front of the carpet has a number for the keypad what the heck i hate vexes y'all they're one of my least favorite mobs they fly too fast and i don't really have good aim okay we have so many numbers happening right now i am very stressed let's see if my college memory serves me okay you guys so i've typed in the code eloise is taking damage so we cannot doddle hi baby hey [Music] oh she's so happy now look at her face return to party that's where you need to go just get in the little cart return to party oh my goodness wait that was the cutest thing i've ever seen okay guys so i have saved two of my friends we still have six more to go i'm already exhausted but i'm ready to celebrate my birthday man it's looking cold down there oh it's unspeakable we gotta hurry before he turns into an icicle he is dangling in a cage over really really cold snow and there is an icicle dangling above his head we have to just slowly go and save it oh that was really disturbing help bree the icicle is melting so we apparently need to hit all of these targets to free him three minutes remaining are you kidding me here's a shovel get the shovel bree make snowballs yes so many snowballs because my aim is terrible 2 30 remaining this is going by very quickly my aim isn't as bad as i thought it was i'm doing all right this is just like that subscription button you're seeing also by the way so smack it how many more do i have that was it you're welcome okay follow me and you can return to my birthday party because i know that's all you're thinking about right now not that you were trapped in a cage above an icicle near death see you later i hope you brought cake let's pull this lever and hope to goodness wow that was beautiful let's head this way oh geez it looks like mary and joe did not make it out of this one alive so i hope we can save athmo in time is she in quicksand mouth don't worry i'm going to save you it looks like i can see a line around where she is where she's bobbing up and down so turn on the pulley above me and get me out it looks like this beautiful gentleman here is next to a ladder gun let's use this ladder gun to get as high up here as possible to turn on the pulley system using that chain up there i'm gonna use our ancient relatives here to guide me oh i think i see a head up there there's a head ahead is this a bad time to tell you i'm afraid of heights you cannot stop what's happening i need to turn on the pulley system right now um don't tranquilize me please why would you assume i have a tranquilizer gun dang it no goodbye sweet sir let's pull this lever and make sure it pulls afmel out so all you have to do is head back i tranquilized that guy earlier hey buddy hey let's just hang out and make a sand castle right let's just this is the best sand that's what you get when you try to mess with my friend aphmau's been saved unspeakable has been saved eloise and noob so we were halfway there mr beast mr beast i'm going to save you don't worry why is there a mysterious man in you now here i'm turning you into mr beast just like the rest of them oh my gosh there's clones of mr beast in there start the process wait everything's starting to look really weird and why do i have weird items in my inventory oh can i please get out of here are you gonna be mr beast yes i would love to come on out all right i'll show you the way follow me guys i still have poisonous effects this is awful guys we have to give this dude a taste of his own medicine he can't keep cloning jimmy hey sir sir i have a really cool idea here let me just show you i myself love mr beast videos like he's so great and i think he left some stuff in here jimmy wanna become a clone yourself no i don't have time for that sir i would really like you to attend my birthday party so i would just like you to kindly step into the mine cart and i will celebrate with you momentarily oh that's so kind what a generous birthday gift bye okay guys i think that means what have you done to me oh my gosh here oh brian i'm coming for you girl one two three four and leaving that guy behind girl one two three four where oh prepare yourself brianna if you fail this challenge it's going to cause an ugly mess for both you and my janitor excuse me stand on correct color or your friend will explode okay so i've been given some sort of effect and it is making me very uncoordinated right now and thank you girl one two three four she's the first person out of the entire video so far that told me happy birthday stand on green green green stand on green here we go five four three oh my gosh there is literally tnt right over girl i'm going to save you you will not explode on my watch help me please i am trying to girl oh my gosh i do feel like the timer is getting a little faster blue it's speeding up blue you got lucky take your friend yay come on girl one two three four let's get out of here return to the party and head on to noob he's waiting for you okay you guys we only have two more friends to save chuckles and baby preston here i come this looks fancy i like it wait charcoal's buddy he's in a cage that's locked surrounded by tnt and cannons excuse me we cannot allow this to happen he is my pride and joy don't tell preston that three minutes remaining i need to find a key to the door where would be a key to the door oh there's a boat over here i bet there's a pirate who's gonna be like our matey here's your key to your i'm a pirate parrot i have your key are you kidding me if you didn't know parrots and chickens are arch niminesis nimmini niminisis your chicken will be toast i am trying to actually oh is that what you're doing oh oh sweet don't do it nope no i got a parrot spawn egg literally i destroyed this parrot he's in an egg now we have less than 30 seconds to save chuckles i'm terrified right now let's get the key buddy okay chuckles is saved we just have to get you back to the party let's uh clear the way chuckles because these things could explode at any moment come over here oh my goodness we saved you just in time okay you guys we have made it to the last and final friend jerry over here little baby jerry wait he looks okay oh hey oh no that was so sad and i take back everything i just said in my entire life baby jerry is not safe i know buddy i'll get you we have here a diamond bow so let's see if that can take that what is that i have never seen a storm cloud that looks like this i think the clouds are giving him like stamina or whatever it is i i feel like we need to hit all the clouds make them die which i didn't know was a thing that could happen and then we can defeat the dragon also where did the dragon go he's literally lurking where we can't even see him that is so spooky i'm trying last and final cloud is down oh he is shooting lightning and i don't want him to hit that lightning rod oh we are doing a ton of damage now that the clouds are gone this thing is staring at me and shooting lightning at me which is better than at the lightning rod right one more shot look out world look out baby jerry i'm coming to save you i did it you did it i did it hurry we have to get back to my party because all the guests are about to leave i don't want to be abandoned again let's go baby jerry okay baby jerry everybody's waiting let's go [Music] thank you everybody's wishing me a happy birthday that's so sweet also like i would like to know who freaking did this to me because that was mean to leave me alone on my birthday right eloise i don't remember a button here before maybe this is a new car what the heck brianna preston it's not what it looks like okay oh is this my gift do not click this other boy to me are you kidding me you know what we've done you know our son is going to do don't do it don't no don't do it that's my boy jerry no
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 1,265,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: DA8wf5_s4Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2022
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