The Life of Bellatrix Lestrange: Entire Timeline Explained (Harry Potter)

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i've made so many harry potter life love videos so it's crazy that i've never done one on bellatrix lestrange who is arguably the best death eater in the series today i'm gonna go over her entire timeline from the books and notice i said from the books not the films there are so many differences between the two mediums so much in fact that it took me over seven hours to go over all of them in my book vs movie series with that being said though i will be using clips from the movies just to make the video more visually pleasing for you guys on top of diving into the books i'm also going to go over everything we learned about bellatrix's character after the series ended but i'm not counting the cursed style as canon because if we're being honest it's just awful bellatrix never made love to voldemort and she never conceived his baby we can leave that story in the trash where it belongs before we start i want to share something with you guys that i've been loving recently and that's hello 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one of the most esteemed pureblood families in the wizarding world known for the riches but even more known for being dark witches and wizards because of this bellatrix and her sisters grew up spoiled rich and prejudiced against both muggles and muggleborns the black family produced very good looking offspring and belatrex and her sisters fit that mold perfectly all being very good looking and shockingly similar often being mistaken for one another when bellatrix at the age of 11 she got her hogwarts letter and she set off for school the following september she was sorted into slytherin and she quickly made friends with other pureblood witches and wizards many of whom would later join her in becoming a death eater one person she met at school was a boy named rodolphus a member of the pureblood lestrange family growing up bellatrix and her sisters had been taught the importance of pure blood marriage traditions meaning they had to marry to ensure the family stayed pure blood this led bellatrix to marry rodolfos after finishing her seventh and final year at hogwarts and bellatrix black became bellatrix lestrange however bellatrix showed no affection toward rodolfos whatsoever never even mentioning him in conversations throughout the entire series nor bearing him a child she married him because she had to not because she wanted to her indifference to rodolphus was due to the fact that she fell in love with another man after becoming a death eater and getting the dark mark which she did alongside her husband rodolfos and brother-in-law bastian bellatrix quickly fell in love with lord voldemort himself after the series ended rowling expanded on this she said that bellatrix was madly and romantically in love with voldemort to the point of obsession and rowling even said that this was 100 a sexual attraction for bellatrix bellatrix's sisters went on to marry as well and narcissa fulfilled her duty to keep the family pureblood as she married lucius malfoy however while andromeda did get married she broke the family purebloodline not just marrying a halfblood but a muggleborn named ted tonks this sealed andromeda's fate with the family as they all turned on her bellatrix later saying we narcissa and i have never set eyes on her sister since she married the mudblood the same can be said about bellatrix's cousin sirius she considered him a blood traitor due to his opinions on muggles and muggleborns and they eventually fought on opposing sides bellatrix on the side of the death eaters and sirius on the side of the order of the phoenix during the first wizarding war bellatrix was the loyal soldier and ally to the dark lord and she served him very well she loved being his number two and in her crazed illusions she believed that voldemort truly cared about her however as we know voldemort did not care about anybody but himself in the sixth book dumbledore said you will hear many of his death eaters claiming that they are in his confidence that they alone are close to him even understand him they are deluded lord voldemort has never had a friend nor do i believe that he has ever wanted one nevertheless voldemort did trust bellatrix with one of his horcruxes though she did not know what it was he had her hide hufflepuff's cup and the lestrange family volts a place where he thought it would be very well guarded voldemort trained bellatrix more than any other death eater teaching her to be an incredible duelist and experienced aquamans meaning she could close her mind to those trying to read it and he taught her how to channel her madness into power however bellatrix would become absolutely devastated on halloween 1981 the day the dark lord fell at the hand of harry potter after their master's fall the death eaters started to get rounded up by the ministry but bellatrix along with her husband rodolphus her brother-in-law were bastion and a boy named barty crouch jr all avoided capture and they were determined to find a way to bring the dark lord back the four of them went after two aurors who were part of the order of the phoenix i was in frank longbottom hoping they had information on what happened to voldemort and how they could bring them back they spent hours torturing them with the cruciatus curse and bagel tricks leading the way they went too far permanently damaging their minds to the point of no return when they were done alice and frank had no idea who they were and were basically just bodies with no minds even for getting their own son neville the four of them were eventually caught for this horrendous crime and they had a trial at the ministry they were escorted in by dementors and the four of them were chained down to chairs but to everyone in the room's horror bellatrix sat in the chair like it was a throne they were unanimously sentenced to life in azkaban and as they were escorted out bellatrix screamed up to barty crouch senior the man that had just sentenced them and she said the dark lord will rise again crouch throw us in azkaban we will wait he will rise again and will come for us he will reward us beyond any of his other supporters we alone were faithful we alone tried to find him while she was in azkaban bellatrix had no doubt that the love of her life would return and sure enough he did after 15 years all of which bellatrix spent in azkaban her beloved master created a new body for himself and when he used the dark mark to call his followers bellatrix was so excited and delighted to feel it she of course could not go before him in the graveyard as she was trapped in prison but voldemort did mention herself her husband and her brother-in-law saying the lestranges should stand here but they are entombed in azkaban they went to azkaban rather than renounce me when azkaban is broken open the lestranges will be honored beyond their dreams it took voldemort less than a year after his return to break bellatrix radolphus rabastian and seven other death eaters out of azkaban exactly what bellatrix had said he would do and bellatrix was once again a free woman by voldemort's side fifteen years in azkaban affected bellatrix looks greatly though she retained vestiges of her great looks but her time in prison had taken most of her beauty her face had hollowed making it gaunt and skull-like but it was alive with feverish fanatical glow now that she was beside voldemort again bellatrix and the other escapees were some of the most wanted criminals in the world as they had committed some of the most horrendous crimes in history because of this they had to lay low and stay out of sight that is until voldemort gave them a mission bellatrix her husband and brother-in-law were all part of the death eater's task force led by lucius malfoy their mission was to go to the department of mysteries to retrieve the prophecy about the dark lord and harry when they cornered harry and his friends bellatrix mocked harry in a baby voice baby what she then tried to use a summoning charm on the prophecy but harry held on ensuring she didn't get it this angered bellatrix and she was about to go after harry but lucy has screamed at her saying to do nothing that could smash the prophecy bellatrix instead threatened to torture ginny but harry said he would smash the prophecy if she made a move and this made her stand down however her standing down did not last long after harry said voldemort's name and said that her beloved master was actually a half-blood this infuriated bellatrix so much that she began to stupefy harry but malfoy deflected it harry then began to distract the death eaters and he took his opportunity to shoot off spells and run as the kids split up so did the death eaters lucy is telling bellatrix and rodolfos to head left while the others went right they eventually found some of the kids including harry but harry ran for it while holding the prophecy above his head bellatrix knew she couldn't risk casting a spell at him as they could smash the prophecy so she just ran after him they eventually ended up in the room with the archway and bellatrix and the others cornered harry who was all alone neville then entered the room though trying to save harry but he was soon grabbed by a death eater who held him still when lucia said his last name was longbottom a truly evil smile lit up on bellatrix's gaunt face realizing this was the son of alice and frank longbottom the two oars she had tortured into madness making them forget their own son she became alive with excitement as she told neville that she had the pleasure of meeting his parents which made neville furious bellatrix then said let's see how long longbottom lasts before he cracks like his parents unless potter wants to give us the prophecy neville screamed out don't give it too hard and after he said this bellatrix used the torture curse on him neville screamed in agony and bellatrix loved every minute of it when she stopped she said that was only a small taste she turned to harry saying to hand over the prophecy or he would watch his little friend die the hard way harry was about to hand it over but just then order of the phoenix members arrived including bellatrix's cousin sirius and bellatrix's niece nymphadora tonks the daughter of her sister andromeda the battle of the department of mysteries took place here and bellatrix immediately engaged in a duel with her niece this was the first time she had ever met nymphadora but bellatrix hated her for tarnishing the pureblood black family bellatrix used through anger and madness to outdo her niece and tonks was knocked unconscious bellatrix then began to duel her blood traitor cousin and once again she out-did her family member just as serious was egging iran she hit him with the finishing blow siris's body sank backwards and disappeared through the veil bellatrix had killed her own cousin kingsley shackleball took over sirius's duel and even the very skilled order was no match for bellatrix after he was knocked out too bellatrix wasted no time in running as she knew dumbledore was near and rounding the other death eaters up she ran out of the room and made her way to the atrium of the ministry knowing that she had harry racing after her just as bellatrix was about to make it to the telephone booth to get out harry caught up to her she turned and shot a spell at him but he jumped behind the statue in the middle of the atrium while harry hid bellatrix stopped trying to escape instead deciding to toy with harry she told him to come out egging him on to get revenge for sirius's death when bellatrix asked if he loved sirius in a mocking way harry came out and used the cruciatus curse on bellatrix she was not expecting this and the spell knocked her off her feet and made a shriek with pain she got up very fast though breathless but also laughing she screamed out that it was clear harry had never used an unforgivable curse before she said you need to mean them potter you need to really want to cause pain to enjoy it righteous anger won't hurt me for long i'll show you how it's done shall i i'll give you a lesson she shot the cruciatus curse at harry but again he ducked behind the statue when bellatrix ordered harry to give her the prophecy harry told her it smashed during the battle using his connection to voldemort harry then said that her master knew it was gone and he was not happy for the first time there was fear in bellatrix's voice but she refused to believe him screaming that he was a liar she desperately tried to use a summoning charm to call the prophecy to her which made harry laugh knowing there was nothing to summon bellatrix then turned around and voldemort himself was behind her in a terrified voice she pleaded with him begging him not to punish her after voldemort announced himself to harry he told bellatrix that harry was not lying about the prophecy being smashed and she apologized over and over again she was about to warn him that dumbledore was there but before she could he screamed be quiet bella i shall deal with you in a moment do you think i have entered the ministry of magic to hear your sniveling apologies voldemort figured out dumbledore was there on his own however as dumbledore blocked the killing curse voldemort shot at harry dumbledore had made the statue in the middle of the atrium come to life and the statue of the witch ranted bellatrix pinning her to the floor she could not move and she watched as voldemort duel dumbledore during the duel voldemort vanished and bellatrix thinking that her master had left her screamed out and started sobbing however moments later voldemort returned to her got bellatrix out from under the statue and disapperated them both she was the sole death eater to escape the rest being imprisoned in azkaban including her husband radolphus but she could not care less about him she was instead focused on the fact that voldemort came back for her something that made her think voldemort truly cared about her which of course was untrue after that night tensions grew high between bellatrix and voldemort which she had taken notice of but she pushed it down and pretended the dark lord cared about her more than anybody else not long after that voldemort punished lucius malfoy for his failure to get the prophecy and he gave bellatrix's nephew draco the impossible task of killing albus dumbledore this made her sister narcissa become desperate and bellatrix reluctantly accompanied her sister to severus snape's house [Music] when they arrived and entered the study bellatrix told snape that she did not trust him and snape allowed her to expand she asked him eight different questions all of which implied that snape was loyal to dumbledore instead of voldemort but snape answered each question sufficiently also saying that the dark lord had already asked him all of these questions while giving his answers he called bellatrix out saying that she was no use to voldemort while locked up while he had 15 years worth of information for their master when he returned when bellatrix asked what information he had snape replied saying that he gave the information directly to voldemort and that he has clearly chosen not to share it with her this made bellatrix furious screaming he shares everything with me he calls me his most loyal his most faithful but snape merely said does he does he still after that fiasco at the ministry bellatrix then blamed lucius for that fiasco which made her sister narcissa say in a low and deadly voice don't you dare don't you dare blame my husband and these words made bellatrix stand down snape then asked bellatrix why she didn't speak to the dark lord directly about these questions and bellatrix and a rare bit of vulnerability said he lately we i'm asking you snape words that really show how being on bad terms with the man she loved was affecting her finally bellatrix remained quiet realizing that snape could talk circles around her all day he instead turned to her sister narcissa asking how he could help her sister said the dark lord himself forbade me to speak of this if the dark lord has forbidden it you will not to speak for the first time all day bellatrix agreed with snape saying narcissa should not speak of it but she was then in for a shock when snape said he knew of the plan saying he was one of the few the dark lord told the dark lord told you your sister dartsman when narcissa stated how much danger her son was in bellatrix told her sister that she should be proud she expanded saying that if she had sons she would be glad to give them up to the service of the dark lord when snape said he would help draco narcissa asked him to make the unbreakable vow and snape's reaction amused bellatrix saying that he was all talk however she was once again in for a shock when he actually agreed to make the unbreakable vow meaning if he failed to uphold it he would die snape told bellatrix to do the honors of the vow and she did just that that summer bellatrix moved into malfoy manor with her sister and while there she helped train her nephew draco for his mission she helped him master oclemency which helped him later in the year as he repelled snape the very man bellatrix distrusted from going into his mind to figure out what his plan was now bellatrix played a much bigger role in the half blood prince film than she did in the half blood prince book the scene where she shows up at the burrow never happened in the novels that was made just for the movie and bellatrix was not among the death eaters to arrive at hogwarts on the night of dumbledore's death she was not chosen to go there that night most likely because voldemort did not trust her on this mission after last year's failed mission at the ministry bellatrix was present at the death theatre meeting in malfoy manor and when voldemort questioned her brother-in-law lucius asking if he didn't like having him there bellatrix cut in and said it was an honor and there was no higher pleasure than having him in their family's home as she said this she leaned toward voldemort for mere words could not demonstrate her longing for closeness with the dark lord the man she was obsessively in love with voldemort responded by thanking her saying that meant a great deal coming from her at this bellatrix's face flooded with color her eyes weld with tears of delight and she felt closer to voldemort than she ever had before however this didn't last long as voldemort then humiliated her in front of everyone bringing up the marriage of her niece nymphadora to the werewolf remus lupin he mockingly said that she must be so proud and there was an eruption of laughter and jeering from around the table all of the death eaters delighted with voldemort humiliating bellatrix her face so recently flushed with happiness had been turned in ugly blotchy red bellatrix spoke up saying she did not claim nymphadora as her niece nor had she spoken to her sister andromeda since she married the mudblood ted tonks voldemort replied saying everyone must prune their pureblood families to keep them healthy and as bellatrix's eyes swim with tears again she said she would rid the world of her blood traitor sister her half-blood niece and her mud-blood brother-in-law she got the chance to do just that as she participated in the battle of seven potters bellatrix and her husband were dolphis pursued in fedora and bellatrix tried her very hardest to kill her niece tonks later saying that she was after her more than harry belatrix was trying so desperately to please her master trying to prune her family tree just as he had said but she failed to do so here and in the process her husband rodolfos was injured though she hardly cared about that later on that year bellatrix was approached by severus snape who was now headmaster at hogwarts and he had her hide gryffindor sword in her lestrange family vault the same place she had hidden the hufflepuff cup horcrux however little did bellatrix know the sword she put in her vault was a fake copy of the original bellatrix continued to live at malfoy manor and they eventually got a visit from some snatchers claiming to have captured harry potter and his friends narcissa brought them in and had draco identified them but he said he couldn't be sure if it was them or not bellatrix then entered and seeing that they had harry she decided to use the dark mark on her arm to call voldemort before she could though lucius grabbed her arm saying he would call him bellatrix laughed in his face though saying he had lost that privilege when the dark lord took his wand earlier that year before she called voldemort though she saw the sword of gryffindor in the hand of one of the snatchers not knowing that the stored in her vote was a fake and that this was the real one her heart sank thinking it was stolen from her vault her mind started to race thinking that if they took the sword they might have taken the cup as well the thing the dark lord had entrusted her with she sprang into action and took all of the snatchers down except greyback and though it was four against one they did not stand a chance against bellatrix's unrivaled skills after she took them all down she asked greyback who was on his knees in front of her where he got the sword and he said it was in the trio's tent bellatrix swiftly told her nephew to take the snatchers to the courtyard adding that if he was too weak to finish them off then to save them for her to take care of later this angered narcissa and she yelled at bellatrix telling her not to speak to draco like that bellatrix silenced her sister though saying she didn't know the danger they were in if that was the real sword as voldemort would brutally kill them if you found out she pulled hermione aside and sent the other prisoners to the cellar bellatrix tortured hermione trying to get her to crack asking her over and over again where she got the sword and if she took anything else from her vaults how did you get it you and your friends i didn't take anything hermani eventually told her that the sword they had was a copy and lucius told draco to fetch the goblin from below bellatrix turned her interrogation to griphook and when she asked him if it was the real sword he lied which harry had asked him to do and said no it was a fake hearing this made relief break across her face all tension drained from it bellatrix then called the dark lord using her dark mark and he was on his way she told greyback he could have the mud blood referring to hermione but at these words ron and harry entered and a duel broke out it ended quickly however when bellatrix picked up a very weak hermione and put a knife to her throat choppy bones i said before she could do anything though the chandelier from above dropped on bellatrix courtesy of dobby but she still had her knife so when dobby disapperated bellatrix threw it in their direction and though she didn't know it she landed it right in dobby's stomach which killed him moments later bellatrix had already called voldemort so when he arrived and realized that harry potter had escaped them he was furious he severely punished bellatrix and the malfoys for this and voldemort kept them confined or more accurately were imprisoned in malfoy manor seeing bellatrix's reaction to the sword made harry think there was a horcrux in her vault they used a piece of her hair to disguise hermione as bellatrix and go into her vault and there they took the hufflepuff cup horcrux bellatrix was present when voldemort discovered his horcrux had been taken by harry and without hesitation she pushed others out of the way and ran out of the room which was smart because everyone in the room was dead mere seconds later not long after that the battle of hogwarts took place and bellatrix entered the school to join the fight after failing to fulfill voldemort's wishes of pruning her family tree during the battle of seven potters she got another chance to do so with hogwarts and this time she succeeded in killing her niece nymph fedora when voldemort called a temporary ceasefire bellotrix retreated to the woods with all of the other death eaters as they waited for harry to come bellatrix sat closest to voldemort looking disheveled and covered in blood showing that she was a part of a lot of fighting during the battle including many duels after harry showed up and voldemort used the killing curse on him the dark lord was shot to the ground and bellatrix immediately ran over to help him up but he told her to get off as voldemort stood the other death eaters quickly backed up very scared of him but bellatrix alone did not she stood by his side after bella tricks his sister narcissus that harry was dead even though he wasn't they took harry's body back to the castle and when mcgonagall screamed out after seeing harry's dead body bellatrix laughed glorifying in her despair when neville stepped forward bellatrix laughed telling voldemort that it was neville longbottom the son of the aurors reminding her master of the people she tortured into madness bellatrix's smile did not last long however as neville stepping forward restarted the battle the fight ended up in the great hall where bellatrix fought three at once hermione ginny and luna all of whom were battling their hardest but even when it was three against one bagel tricks was equal to them and eventually was better as she almost hit jenny with a killing curse ginny's mother molly weasley saw this happen and she stepped up and said not my daughter you bellatrix laughed at the sight of her new challenger but her smile soon faltered when the duel began it became clear that both women were fighting to kill bellatrix tried to distract molly saying what will happen to your children when i've killed you when mommy's gone the same way as freddy this did not have the effect bellatrix had hoped for though instead of getting distracted it only drove molly moore molly told bellatrix that she would never harm her kids again and she hid bellatrix directly over her heart bellatrix's gloating smile froze her eyes seemed to bulge for the tiniest space of time she knew what had happened and then she exploded with the force of a bomb this made voldemort scream out in fury as his last and best lieutenant was dead voldemort tried to avenge bellatrix by killing molly but before he could harry stopped him and moments later voldemort would be defeated as well bellatrix was a lunatic obsessed with a madman she was delusional and thinking voldemort cared about her but believing that is what drove her in life she dedicated everything to voldemort and ultimately that steal their fate thank you so much for watching guys i hope you enjoyed the video you can follow me on instagram to see more of my personal life like my cute dog loki and some behind the scenes movie flame stuff i also do similar content on take talk and twitter that i do here on this channel so if you like what i do here check them out all the handles are right below me and links are in the description over here are my wonderful patrons if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a few other perks become a patreon today as always if you liked the video hit that like button and subscribe and look out for more great movie flame videos on the way
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 785,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Disney, details you missed, hidden details, top 10, countdown, easter egg, easter eggs, behind the scenes, facts, explained, voldemort, tom, riddle, hermione, ron, weasley, granger, death eater, deatheater, villain, black, family, history, story, azkaban, lucius, malfoy, andromeda, tonks, nymphadora, remus, lupin, dark lord, wizarding, war, albus, dumbledore, fantastic beasts, cursed child, pureblood, pure blood, dark mark, review, movie, book, novels, books, movies, films, narcissa, draco, greyback, hagrid
Id: _Kwk8aYB-WM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 19sec (1639 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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