J vs Ben: The HARDEST Death Eater Trivia Quiz EVER [Harry Potter Trivia]

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today's video is brought to you by the ridge wallet all right I feel like the juices are rollin juices are bubbling percolating to a low simmer gonna top similar the point in my life when I discovered that you don't cook all things on high at all times was productive okay this just seems like the fastest way one second to 500° same as 500 seconds at 1 degrees right Matt Matt hey brother and welcome everyone to another edition of Jo bercy's bend today we are taking on the world's hardest death eater quiz watch Avada Kedavra brother guys before we dive on into the quiz I need to give a huge thank you to today's sponsor the ridge wallet let me just ask you a question are you still carrying around that old leather brick you know that first leather wallet you got that one time that you still have to this day that contains you know but one card you use all the time the second card you use occasionally but then also like 13 receipts a concert ticket that pain you wrote down that one time a 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case you guys are new to the J vs. Bend format this is how it is going to work our younger brother Tyler is on the other side of the camera and he is going to be reading us all of the 15 questions plus one bonus patreon quiz master question we don't get the multiple choice unless both of us decide that we have no idea what it is and we're like we need to hear that multiple choice in which case Tyler can provide us those answers and I think that's all the rules hey how good was that hand off that dude it was like Segway it was I was like I have all of the words in my and now I'm gonna take that information and you were just going to pick it up and carry it from there [Music] question one where did Harry first see Death Eaters in the flesh oh oh man I almost missed this okay you got it yeah I think so oh yeah no your your contemplation babies ever so slightly nervous I'll explain okay three two one the Quidditch World Cup oh my gosh it is the crunch World Cup is the Quidditch World Cup first I was like well he sees Lucius Malfoy at flourish and Blatz yeah it's like technically a Death Eater in the flesh but they're like okay so here's my here's my small argument is that they were not there like on Voldemort orders like the actions that they're doing and even the fact that the dark mark goes into the sky like is almost counter to like they are not acting entirely on behalf as Death Eaters in that moment although they are technically Death Eaters they're not acting on behalf of all more but they are acting as Death Eaters yeah you know like that because he does meet Peter Pettigrew who I would argue is definitely a Death Eater Yeah right sure he was before that also true I was just not full before that but Death Eaters in the plural yeah yeah anyway anyway question two not a good start for Ben great start for James specifically where on the body is the dark mark burned into a Death Eaters skin this feels dicey I know the play you said specifically is making me nervous I'm like I know where I feel okay okay I'm trying to I'm trying to decide if there's any moment specifically that would flip my coin hmm oh boy people at home are screaming at the screen oh yeah oh I'm so sorry three two one left forearm left arm I will give you left arm but the correct answer is left forearm oh yeah that's like an extra point one right no yeah I do like when we like argue about the points though cuz Scott does the thing with the numbers yeah I think that's fun it's fun yeah question three what spell do Death Eaters use to conjure up the dark mark in the sky they love this question I'm looking for the incantation here right yeah three two one more small drag more smaller ah excellent hey this is like the third or fourth time we've had that question well we know it real real good and solid at this point right we did spell it wrong Ben really yeah actually it's all one word so you both spelled out whatever classic Latin is it Latin probably probably which of these death eaters were not present in the little angleton graveyard in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is it a Severus Snape B Peter Pettigrew see Walden McNair or D Lucius Malfoy this is a select all that apply or just there is one correct answer okay great yeah three two one Snape Severus yes question five oh sorry Snape is correct that was what they call on Weasley was also not present in the industry a softball you know how hard it is to hit a softball you know how much it hurts to be hit by a soft boy I sure do because softballs contrary to their name are in no way soft mm-hmm in fact the kind of rigid I would call them hard balls more so than a baseball they're bigger I would almost say more but no yeah I think according to geologic terms the Mohs hardness scale I would believe that a softball has a higher scratch test rating you think it you think you could scratch a baseball with a soft but I believe you could okay I believe no I think you're under estimating how hard a baseball is well I'm sure they're both made of leather has it's a simple matter of weight ratio question five how many Death Eaters broke out of Azkaban and Harry Potter in the order of the Phoenix did you have an immediate answer with us yeah why I just I just remember just sort of like a specific number yeah I just miss the desk ready yeah three two one ten five the answer is 10 why do you remember that it's just like the headless this is like when Voldemort was the happiest he'd been in 14 years and it's like the headlines in the paper there's like 10 more death papers join the ranks or whatever and I figured a hogs me even like the face of the ten Death Eaters were staring down at them yeah no no they say it a few times but they don't like list them off my name or anything most of they're just like better tricks they're strong and Neville's all like Brad Mara and understand that's when he starts getting real good at ya da I do remember that yes anyone you guys talking about the the one true Gryffindor that's right a Longbottom that's right samurai Longbottom to you question 6 how did the Death Eaters kill Broderick bowed while he was recovering in st. Mungo's I got this one you guys this chapter comes up a lot these quizzes you should just read Christmas Christmas on the ward yeah yeah what initially looks like right into the middle of the biggest book yeah - it's like right when you're open to getting a little drowsy you know don't cruise control right and cruise control and you like you like leave umbrage for a while you're like okay happy times I mean mr. Weasley was attacked by snakes so there's that usually lockhardt again you're like all fun and games I couldn't use Joy's I'm writing again yes okay you ready yeah three two one Devil's snare Devils snare hate Sun Knights in them that's right it's loads of fun but Wilson the Sun dumb rhyme when is it fun when is it fun it's like a certain kind of person likes Devil's snare question 7 what did Bellatrix little strong say the Dark Lord called her what would be like to protect correct French pronunciation of her first name Bellatrix isn't French right right but like how does her husband say her first name no how does Ronaldo say it apologies exactly all my French's comes from what was it PR escargot yeah yeah alright scarred oh yeah oh okay let's just turn okay three two one his most faithful servant oh and there's trusted agent that sounds right mmm neither neither Oh his most loyal really I mean frankly hey more like Frank buck Frank long Bottomly riled it mess up so what are the other options was his most trusted and then his most precious and its most loved were the other two so I can't give you the point okay okay I see where your heart was yes Lee we know where her heart was you sure did we sure they're not with Rudolph us that's for sure and now for the patreon quiz master question of the game this question was submitted by Sean Rigby to get you a question in the quiz go to patreon.com/scishow McCallum brothers and sign up for the quiz master tier I was really good i sheer snows all in you know what was the spell that Hermione used in order to protect and cloak against Death Eaters in the Forest of Dean yeah you sly cat to cloak against Death Eaters well I mean like I feel like she's using a bunch of it yeah she uses a lot I mean they set up the same incantations everywhere I'm pretty sure I'm kind of thing is there something specific to this location I'm also not sure if I'm getting a movie spell mixed up here the force of dean is where they get the Sword of Gryffindor isn't that correct cuz Phineas not jealous overhears them yeah then Snape's like oh go there well I have a guess I know that this is a spell that they use to protect themselves I know that it is one of them so three two one protego Totalus I put mostly on oh they do use that too and the correct answer is protego total oh whoa oh come on you got to give me that yeah I would give you this all right give me that Gibson that's really good I do not feel like I'm doing very well and I don't actually think these questions are that hard sorry about how I do very well and these questions are not that hard Oh it'd be great if like Alex Trebek was like that guys I don't wanna you've only cleared off the 200s and uh no one's got any points frankly everybody's in the middle like our odds for the thousandth question eight what color sorry it's English what Kahlua is a Death Eaters dark mark when inactive that's how English people talk color what color color he's a jockey this dark mark when inactive are you dipping a little Australian they're ready yeah three two one red red red boom everyone thinks is black everyone thinks it's black it's not people are getting their tattoos the wrong colour or they're always active and you see someone they're like check it out like just summon him always always at the flame says it is what Snape says could definitely reference Harry meet Snape pretty early on he does that's true before Lucius even Wow why we missed that too we did look at Moscow probably he met Peter Pettigrew as a one-year-old right good point yeah Wormtail is here that's what the letter says question 9 what position did the imperious pious thickness gosh that's a hard word hold once the Death Eaters had infiltrated the Ministry of Magic highest thickness ease name is hard not the word holder that word is just look how much I my iPad versus how little he Inglis is can you see what I'm writing Jay I can see what you're writing not even looking at you right now then why are you doing so bad great okay this is a very poorly worded question I feel like let me really get that interrupting myself okay what position did the imperious pious thickness hold once the Death Eaters had infiltrated the Ministry of Magic I still feel like it's poorly worded but well explain afterwards yeah okay yeah maybe I'm just flat wrong I don't I don't know three two one the head of the Department of Magical law enforcement I said Minister for magic okay the correct answer is Minister for magic okay see but this is how they this is the position he has when they imperious him obviously they are able to imperious him because I'm infiltrated right I mean that is a different incorrect answer I know I think that I think the Ministry has not yet fallen okay well look for all that because when they go to the meeting in the beginning yeah isn't it yeah actually actually says I have successfully done this at everybody else's yeah whoa kind of impressive and then it's not until the wedding right that Kingsley sends the links that says Ministry has fallen yeah Minister is dead correct right yes so isn't it at that moment no but they will obviously have infiltrated the ministry all the time they have put the spell on him I see what you're said not fallen I assume you mean yeah okay I see what you say I understand what you're saying but I I yeah I think my interpretation of the question was like once once it was under their control well that's yes that's what I wasn't sure oh I see you know Snape has infiltrated the Death Eaters from day one I'll give you the point but I think that was a really dumb question and you can get a brownie point hey yeah Scott can I have a brownie point please can you cash in brownie points for actual brownies that's how brownie points work right I'm pretty sure all right question eleven no question ten why don't the Death Eaters attack Harry when they first confront confront him confront him in the Department of mysteries my whole job is to say the words right into the microphone that is your entire job I'm still on a hundred percent sure I understand the question why don't the Death Eaters attack Harry when they first confront him in the Department of mysteries cool cool all right right three two one afraid he'll drop the prophecy yeah and in collect the prophecy from you is what I said he is holding the prophecy Oh focus I love this do shut up sorry question 11 Benjamin finally we of Voldemort's Death Eaters impersonates the order mad-eye moody and harry's fourth year does it say which of all des morts Death Eaters it sure does as opposed to like someone else's Death Eaters window bulbs yeah anyway also yeah three two one Barty Crouch jr. jr. previous Crouch the actual best math leader question twelve who kills Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of Hogwarts oh this scene was the first swearing exception on bacon and eggs Wow nice ready three two one Molly Weasley Molly waffles Molly Weasley yeah Oh like my favorite one of my favorite moments in the whole series it is I always loved yeah like those moments like with like McGonagall or Molly Weasley would wear it like it really demonstrates like they got power hmm you know and it's like Oh what I don't understand is like Harry's a seventh year shouldn't he be like more or less on their level he's got all the same education I mean he beats Voldemort he comes back from the dead he's got all sorts of powers he does other stuff yeah guess reviving yourself is pretty cool yeah question 13 why does Neville Longbottom react so badly to Bellatrix with a strong I have such bad handwriting I'm sorry okay three two one he tortured his parents sent insanity I said she tortured his parents with the Christiana scares if I were your teacher I would be looking for the words Cruciatus curse ah it's fine fairy but I am NOT your teacher just a lowercase the end and by this point they're also being question 14 which Death Eater removes George's ear with a Sectumsempra spell ready yeah three two one Speight Snape Snape I didn't know this yeah I don't like him well it was it was actually accidental yeah sure with you sorry about that didn't mean to blow your ear off well so I think that like during the ballast oven Potter's he's actually trying to like attack someone else and then he like misses yeah he's trying to like cut someone's hand off because they're aiming the obama Kadabra curse at them i think is what's happening yeah bad timing for Snape can miss whatever seems like a whole lot of moving targets just like risks um Sectumsempra 'he's yeah i wouldn't i wouldn't just go through in that yeah I know you sub like there's a whole crowd of people you basically just like throwing a sword into the mix it's like oh I missed I'm sorry question 15 who the final question I think Jae won pretty handily handily I stopped counting at about 7 so my guess is Jae won okay okay wait on me go I don't know the score though no I mean oh okay yeah 15 when Harry leaves number 4 privet drive golly golly have you guys ever noticed that these are actually start with like the JA sound dr yeah it's like dr drew Oh drive drive yeah drive genre name is dr o na tha Jonathan Jonathan Jonathan but like most no I wonder if that's like a dialect thing but yak when I say Drive it's like Jay RI ve drive and see you're probably just saying like we're probably all saying it wrong it should be like derive it should be drive yeah drive okay we'll try again John okay when Harry leaves number four privet drive for the last time how did the Death Eaters know he's the real Harry Potter three two one he disarmed Stan Shunpike with expel the armas you guys gave more detail than necessary you never know this quiz wants it just he uses expelliarmus is the correct answer see this this is one of those missed opportunities when he cut up stunned em and Ben theis jump below the bow oh by the way poor take you exactly you know you don't want anything bad to happen to saying obviously yeah actually that says that's basically Harry's whole mo he's obsessing but stay tuned Esther bird what I will not rest I will not sleep until Stan Shunpike is all that good night bus on that kite bus / zu / know who could call listen I think I lost I think I won yeah I think I even got the question I miss right which girl about the magic yeah that one yeah so compliment yeah I'm let go let me go 16 out of 15 you all know it's true hundred and twelve percent 106 percent okay thanks a coupon for that Wow okay so you be sure to let us know in the towels section down below yes thank you guys as always for watching today's video don't forget to leave a like and if you haven't already and subscribe so you don't miss any future J versus Ben's if you want another super Carlin brothers video you can click right here you want to hear more of Tyler's lovely voice you can check out his podcast bacon and eggs right here but until next time bye
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 461,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, j vs ben, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, harry potter, harry potter trivia, harry potter trivia quiz, pottermore, wizarding world, death eaters, death eater quiz, pottermore quiz, trivia, wizarding world quiz, wizarding world trivia, HARDEST death eater quiz, ultimate death eater quiz, hogwarts, hardest harry potter quiz, voldemort, dark mark, who kills bellatrix, molly kills bellatrix, molly weasley, barty crouch jr
Id: Ue8NSp8xfZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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