Severus Snape Origins Explained (Childhood to Death)

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I just re watched the movies and had an argument with my fiancΓ© about Snape. Did he actually care about Harry? I think he did, but was just trying to hide it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bellaraychel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 18 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dumbledore's portrait didn't inform Snape it was Nigellas Black wasn't it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/splishyness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

So they didn't have the green eyes, fine. But are there really no blue eyed, red haired girls in the U.K.?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/section529 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 19 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Movie Flame The Harry Potter books are some of the most detailed stories ever written. And the character who was probably the most complicated and has the most detail is Severus Snape. He's one of my favorite characters in the series and in this video I'm gonna tell his entire life story starting from when he was a little boy all the way to his death. Severus Snape Origins Severus Snape was born to a witch mother named Eileen Snape Prince. Prince being her maiden name and his muggle father, Tobias Snape. He grew up down on Spinners End, by the river, which was not a nice place to live. Snape's parents argued constantly and he couldn't wait to turn 11 and leave for Hogwarts to get away from them His father was extremely hard to please and was described by Snape who said he doesn't like anything much Snape's mother was described as a thin sallow faced sour looking woman who greatly resembled him When Snape was around the age of nine or ten he took the one redheaded girl who lived near him named Lily Evans and watched her from afar, looking longingly after her He noticed traits of her being a witch and one day he decided to reveal himself and tell her about what she was Something he had been planning for a very long time. Things didn't work out the way he'd hoped. When he told lily that she was a witch Lily, being muggle-born and not knowing anything about witches and wizards, took offense to being called that. Then he proceeded to call Lily's older sister Petunia a muggle, and although Petunia did not know what the word meant she recognized the tone and she told Lily that they were leaving Lily obeyed immediately and gave Snape a glaring look as they left Eventually Lily started to trust Severus and they actually became friends. While Snape and Lily were at the Evans' house they found a Hogwarts letter in Petunia's room and couldn't believe that a muggle was able to send letters to Hogwarts so he immediately opened it It was a letter Petunia had written to Dumbledore Begging him to see if she could go to Hogwarts with her younger sister and Dumbledore politely said he was sorry, but she couldn't. One day Snape and Lily were sitting in the woods and Snape tells her about Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic Azkaban, dementors and underage sorcery. Lily then asks that being the muggle-born makes any difference and Snape tells her no, it doesn't. Petunia was hiding behind a bush listening to all of this and she lost her balance to reveal herself Petunia insulted Snape's ragged clothes and asked if he was wearing his mother's blouse Then a branch above Petunia fell on her shoulder. Lily rounded on Snape. Did you make that happen? No. You did! You hurt her! She gave him one last burning look and ran after her sister When it's finally time to go to Hogwarts Snape watched Lily and her family at Platform 9 3/4 and he heard Petunia say that she didn't want to go to Hogwarts She said that Lily and Snape were weirdos going to a school for freaks This made Lily cry and she brought up the letter the Petunia had written to Dumbledore This led to Petunia pulling away and ignoring her sister as she boarded the train. This would be a huge crossroad in the sisters' relationship and they would never be the same again. My perfect sister being who she was. I was the only one to see her for what she was a freak! On the train, Snape saw Lily crying about her fight with her sister She told him how Petunia hates her. Snape responded saying, "So what?" Lily gave him a look of dislike but Snape made Lily smile He said "This is it! We're going to Hogwarts! You'd better be in Slytherin" These last words drew the attention of a boy named James Potter He said proudly that he wanted to be in Gryffindor. At this Snape made a disparaging noise This made James with his new friend Sirius round on Snape which made Lily angry and she and Snape left the compartment James tried to trip Snape on his way out "See ya, Snivellus!" When it was time to be sorted into their houses Lily was sorted into Gryffindor, and at these words Snape let out a tiny groan As Lily went to the Gryffindor table, she glanced back at Snape with the sad little smile on her face When it's time for Snape to be sorted he was put in Slytherin and walked to the other side of the hall being separated from Lily. The thing above all he did not want to happen Lucius Malfoy, a prefect at the time patted him on the back as he took his spot at the Slytherin table. Snape excelled at most subjects, but mainly Defense against the Dark Arts and Potions. He nicknamed himself the Half-blood prince I'm the Half-blood Prince. Which derived from him being half-blood, meaning being born from one wizard and one muggle and he took prince from his mother's maiden name He wrote all sorts of notes in his potion book including multiple spells he created. including his famous spell "Sectumsempra" It sliced open the victim based on the wand movements they did, much like a blade or a sword He went through his potions textbook and made changes to the instructions, and actually made it better than the text by adding or doing little things a bit differently than instructed During his Hogwarts' years, he and James, along with James' friends were continually going at each other It was described by Dumbledore that they detested each other. James and his friends called Snape "Snivellus" and bullied him on a regular basis Who wants to see me take off Snivellus' trousers? One student and one of James' best friends: Remus Lupin, who was a werewolf, was brought out to the Shrieking Shack through the entrance of the Whomping Willow where Lupin would go every month as he went through his transformation Snape was very interested in where Lupin was going every month and Sirius told Snape where the entrance to the Shack was and how to get past the tree Snape followed Sirius' instructions and when he was almost at the Shack James grabbed him at great personal risk of his own and saved Snape from being killed by Lupin Snape refused to admit that James did this for him, but rather to save his and his friends own necks Snape was extremely angry that he was in James's debt, but he would later make them even which I'll talk about a little bit Snape and Lily continued to be friends while at Hogwarts, but many of Lily's friends would question her decision to hang out with Severus She would continually make excuses for him to her friends But she didn't like the people that he was hanging out with and one day she confronted him about it She started to tell him that she didn't like what some of his friends were doing Because they involved dark Magic and cruel jokes on people. Snape got angry about this What about the stuff Potter and his mates get up to? He was unable to hold in his resentment toward them. Lily asked what they had to do with anything and he started to tell her about how they sneaked out at night and Lily asked him why he's so obsessed with them and why he cares what they do at night? Snape says that he's trying to show her that they aren't as wonderful as everyone thinks Lily replies saying at least they don't use dark Magic Then she accuses him of being ungrateful after what happened a few nights before when James saved Snape Saved you think he was playing the hero He was saving his neck and his friends - you're not going to quote Letyou Nape telling lily what he will and won't let her do got her very angry and sneaked back tracks instead He just didn't want to see her be made a fool of and that James likes him She assures him that she doesn't like James And she thinks he's an arrogant toe rag these words made snape relieved During his fifth year after he finishes o Wl he was confronted by James and sirius next to the lake where lily was sitting high They've tried to pull his wand out, but James disarmed him, but he always liked James and sirius starts to make fun of his big nose and greasy hands though they came over and told James and sirius to leave him alone James says to lily that if she goes out with him then he'll do what she says and leave snape alone for good she replies By saying she'd rather go out with a squid from the great lake while James was distracted by lily They've got up got his wand and shot a spell at james that made a gash appear on his face it spat out the blood James shot back and made Snape Hang upside down which showed off his grand Underpants and many people cheered as serious and James roared with laughter Lily's face twitched for a slight second as though She was about to smile before she told James to let him down james obeyed and through Snape higher in the air And allowed him to drop hard on the ground Jane tried to get them back But serious performed a spell on him that made him fall over and made him unable to move lily then took her own wand out And forced him to release the curse so that snape can move again. You're lucky evans was here Snivellus I don't need help from filthy mudblood. 'he's like her These words deeply hurt lily who responded saying fine. I won't bother in future and I'd washed your pants if I were you nicholas Later they begged for Lily's forgiveness lily says. It's too late the chief made excuses for him for years She keeps his snape and his friends of aiming to be death eaters snape doesn't deny it Confirming Lily's accusation lily says the chief shows in his way and she's chosen her way and turned and walked away from snape Snape didn't see much of lily over He moved on to his dreams of becoming a death eater and joining Voldemort while lily settled down with James was I'm sure Destroyed snape seeing the love of his life With his worst enemy snake serve the dark lord as one of his loyal death eaters and on Voldemort orders snape went after a teaching job at Hogwarts so he could spy on Dumbledore for him one day snape overheard a conversation between Sybill Trelawney and Dumbledore which were lonny foretold of a prophecy that would later be associated with harry and Voldemort He goes to Voldemort and tells him about the prophecy Voldemort realizes it could either be about neville Longbottom Or harry potter and he decides to go after harry potter the son of lily Potter the love of snape twice Which snape realizes he's going after the potters he begs to meet with Dumbledore dumbledore? Agrees Snape tells him that Voldemort thinks the prophecy is about Lily's son He tells dumbledore how he begged for the dark. Lord to spare lily dumbledore says the snape you disgust me You do not care then about the deaths of her husband and child they can die as long as you have what you want He then begs Dumbledore to hide them all to keep them all safe the mother asked snape while he will give him in return knave Replies saying another Dumbledore ensures a plan to keep the potter safe But lily and James put their faith in Peter Pettigrew Who betrays them and gives up their location to Baltimore Baltimore goes to their house and kills James and lily and tries to kill harry? but is unable to due to the protection that lily gave her son that she gave her life to save him and sneaked off the News Delay Lee died he fell on the ground crying It was described as this he looked like a man, but that lived a hundred years of misery James for the season wrong persons hockey Dumbledore tell snape that lily son has her beautiful green eyes and ask snape if he remembers the shape and color of them don't I wish I were dead and What use would that be anymore if you loved lily evans if you truly loved her when your way forward is clear You know how and why she died make sure it was not in vain Help me protect lily son no one from the brush never revealed investigation after Voldemort's to mind knit continues to teach at hogwarts as the potions Master and when the head of Slytherin House horace slughorn retires Snape takes up the post at the head of the house with harry first arrived at hogwarts They've immediately treats in portland. His way to spite his worst Enemy James Harry's Father Dumbledore toast Snape to keep an eye on quirrell the defense against the dark arts teacher And he does just that I'm done with warm to music On Halloween the troll is Led into the school while everyone is taking care of that snape Realizes the quirrell was the one that left the troll in and he was using it as a distraction to go get the Philosopher's stone Sneak follows into the entrance when a three-headed dog is guarding it he stops squirrel But stains an injury to his leg from the three-headed dog later that year when carl tries to Jinx Harry's broomstick during a quidditch match He performs counter curses trying to save harry. They protect harry all year dumbledore believed This was his way of making him and james even after James saved his life all those years ago Then he could go back to eating your father's memory in peace the next Few years snape continues to mistreat harry and his friends And favor students from his own house such as draco malfoy during the events of goblet of fire Named Dark Mark the mark of the death Eaters begins to get Darker Meaning Baltimore is gaining more life and getting more power Don't what his brother dies? At the end of the term voldemort finally returns to a full and complete body And he calls all of his death eaters back to him Nate does not return later that night Dumbledore sends snape on a secret Mission spy on Voldemort It's hell Voldemort to Dumbledore sent him making him a triple agent still loyal to dumbledore He returned to Voldemort Just as dumbledore said two hours after all the other death eaters And he explained to voldemort that the reason he stayed at hogwarts after his demise was because he likes so many others Dr. Dark Lord was finished and having dumbledore as an alibi was a good protection While all the other death eaters were being questioned and locked up. "Severus snape was indeed a death eater" I'm frightened Lord Voldemort's downfall turned spy for us a great press well Today he's no more a death eater than I am Voldemort didn't complain to this because snape had many years of information on Dumbledore Snape continues to pretend to be on Voldemort side on Dumbledore's orders and feeds them useful information But doesn't give them the most crucial details Snape scale and Aquaman see meaning mind-reading and blocking others from reading your mind was matched by no others But Voldemort himself and snape was able to block Voldemort from reading his mind Ensuring that his cover was not blown Snape will continue to play as a triple agent and will join the order of the Phoenix the allegiance Dumbledore formed to fight Voldemort and his death eaters and would reveal Information to Voldemort about the order just as dumbledore had requested a little more still having no idea That snake was still loyal to dumbledore and not him showing just how powerful snape was at Aquaman see there somewhere before harry 6th year Dumbledore came to snape after he had put the gaunt ring one of Voldemort's horcruxes On and the curse starting to take over his whole body and kill him ned came and stopped the curse from spreading past Dumbledore's hands The Buddha asked nate how long he has to live before the curse will kill him the state tells him He has maybe a year to live Dumbledore then brings up the plan that voldemort has they have Draco Malfoy Killin We both know Lord Voldemort This was punishment for his father lucious's many failures like a few months earlier where he failed to get the property Double hotels need to find out. What Draco was up to and offer him help and guidance The mood or then tell snape if he must be the one to kill him you must be the one to kill ministers It is the only way his reasoning being that he's going to die in a year anyway He doesn't want Draco to go down a dark path that boy's soul is not yet damaged I would not have it ripped apart on my account It takes a bit of arguing But snake finally agrees double or makes him promise that when he's gone snape will make sure that the children of hogwarts are always safe before the start of term Drago's mother Narcissa Malfoy Accompanied by her sister Bellatrix come this nape and spinners and unless just asks him if he can watch over Draco and Help him complete the task that Voldemort gave its hear the dull chicks questions him and his loyalty to the dark Lord and the test That loyalty she tells him to make and on breakable vow saying that he will watch over draco And the Jayco should fail to kill Dumbledore save himself will finish the task if you break an unbreakable vow you die at The start of term he notices that tongs patronus has turned into Lupin in the magical world if you love someone enough Your patronus will match whatever the love of your life's patronus is and this is the case with tonks who's in love with Lupin Makes these this and comments on it They've tried to help Draco during the school year just as he promised Narcisa and Dumbledore But Draco refused help saying he didn't want snape to steal his thunder oh Oh come on One day snape and Dumbledore get in an argument name saying that dumbledore doesn't trust them but dumbledore took too much for granted He said he didn't want to kill dumbledore anymore And the dumbledore was asking too much event does it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore The mother Replies saying that he gave him his word Which snape should meet him later that night? it is here that dumbledore finally confides in snape he tells nate that a time will come when Voldemort starts to Fear the life of his snake nagini and when that time comes he must tell harry the truth the truth that on the night when Voldemort tried to kill him part of Voldemort's soul was ripped apart And it latched itself onto harry And that voldemort is to be killed harry must first die and solder moore himself must be the one to kill him Knave looks at Dumbledore questioning everything he gets angry I thought all these years we were protecting him for her for lily this comfortable our second daughter You have used me. I have spied for you and lied for you put myself in Mortal danger for you Everything was supposed to be to keep lily potter's on safe. Now. You tell me that you've been ranking him like a pig for slaughter Have you grown to care for the boy after all for him? Nathan takes out his wine and cast his petronius a silver doe the same patronus as lily Dumbledore turns to snape with tears in his eyes almost I'm cold a few months later Draco's plans to kill Dumbledore finally come into play But he isn't able to do it instead snape comes up and does what he promised dumbledore. He would do one year earlier Snape fled Hogwarts with Bellatrix Draco and a few other death eaters But harry was trying to stop him before he actually escaped snape blocked all harry's curses with ease and so harry called him a coward Fight back keep our boy back A coward this was the thing that snake was farthest from the man who gave up everything for this boy? The man who loved this boy's mother more than anything in the world the man who for themselves in Mortal danger? Every day to protect him He was not a coward Snape space was suddenly cemented in Human as though he was in as much pain as the yelping howling dog stuck in the burning house behind them Don't call me a coward After the incident took place that night after Dumbledore's death It continued to speak to Dumbledore Portrait the portrait tells him to tell Voldemort the correct night that harry is leaving privet Drive So his loyalty to Voldemort is not questioned but the portrait also suggests making the order use decoys to ensure harry safety nate then meets with mundungus fletcher in a tavern and Confronts him meaning he used one of the three Unforgivable curses to make mundungus do his bidding he tells mundungus to suggest to the order use decoys apologies potion to make seven Identical Harry's Nate tells Voldemort the correct night when harry is leaving because of this the death eaters are able to Ambush the order throwing this chase One death eater had their one pointed right at Lupins back snape saw this and cast a spell that he created sectumsempra He was aiming for the death eaters wand But instead hit George weasley here was badly injured in One night snape decided to go back to the old headquarters of the order of the Phoenix While there he stumbles upon the letter written by lily to sirius along with the picture of lily laughing at baby harry on a broomstick along with James Tears were dripping from the end of its hook-nosed stay picks the part of the letter that says lots of love Lily and puts it in his pocket. He then rips the picture in two It keeps the part of lily laughing late disappointed headmaster of hogwarts and keeps his promise to dumbledore if he would keep the children safe Upon receiving the job snake takes gryffindor sword is in the headmaster's office And hide it in the wall behind the portrait of dumbledore and replaces the sword with a fake one the minister for Magic Rufus scrimgeour takes the fake sword thinking It's the real one because it was in Dumbledore's will so harry this ensures that harry knows that he needs the sword But the real sword is still safe so snip can give it to him later on Later that year the portrait of Dumbledore is Informed that the Trio was in the forest athene the portrait of Dumbledore tells snape to take the sword there But not to reveal himself in case Voldemort reads harry's mind through Aa clemente and see snape helping him thereby bellowing snakes cover then goes to the forest of Dean and Produces his patronus a doe and that Dobby tarried the store near the end of that term harry return to hogwarts and Dumbledore's army the order of the Phoenix and the heads of houses drove snape out when he was outnumbered a Huge battle throughout the castle on the grounds takes place and later that evening snape is summoned by fulda ward himself and the shrieking Shack Snape realizes how closely Voldemort is keeping his snake nagini Just as dumbledore said he would and he knows it's time to tell harry the truth Unfortunately the reason why boredom were called him? So that he could kill snake voldemort thinking that if he does this he would be the true owner of the elder wand Voldemort release a snake Nagini on snape who wrapped around him making snape lose color in his face until Voldemort spoke the words Voldemort: "Nagini... KILL..." Harry took off the invisibility cloak and looked down upon the man He hated was widening black eyes found harry as he tried to speak ritchie Memories poured out of snape and harry put them in a flask These were the memories that told harry the truth the truth of snape being a triple agent The truth that he was always loyal to dumbledore Truth that harry must die in order from Voldemort to be killed the truth snape loved Harry's mother the Green eyes found the black eye After a second something in the depths of the dark pair seemed to vanish and snape moved no more Snape truly was when a double doors most loyal followers and the reason Voldemort never suspected. He couldn't comprehend Snape's Multi love Harry: "He was the bravest man i've ever known"
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 13,923,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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