The Life of Luna Lovegood Explained

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There are a lot of strange characters in the Harry Potter series, but the award for the strangest would have to go to Luna Lovegood she's not purposely funny, but is hilarious and not afraid to be uncomfortably honest Come daddy, Harry doesn't want to talk to us right now He's just too polite to say so She was perfectly cast in the films by Evanna Lynch Who literally is Luna. In this video I'm going to explain the life of Luna Lovegood Luna was born to Xenophilius and Pandora Lovegood in 1981 She was described as this She had straggly waist length dirty blonde hair very pale eyebrows and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look Xenophilius Lunas father was the editor of a magazine called the Quibbler which features stories very out there such as the Existence of the crumpled horn or Snorkak or a story on the theory that Sirius Black was actually a well-known wizard rock star in disguise These stories show how odds an Afilias is it shows that he might have had a huge impact on the way that Luna turned out The family lived in the outskirts of a village called Ottery st. Catchpole It was nestled amongst rolling hills and fertile meadows They lived near a few other Wizarding families including the Weasleys the Diggerys and the Faucets Lunas mother Pandora loved to Experiment with spells one day when Luna was around the age of 10 one of her experiments went terribly wrong She was killed in a horrible manner right in front of Luna after that Luna would keep a picture of her and her mother hugging on her bedside Table a little while after that Luna got her Hogwarts letter and set out for her first year when she first arrived She took the boats across the water along with Ginny Weasley who was also in her year the first night she arrived She was sorted into Ravenclaw, Luna was bullied very often for her weird personality and odd sense of fashion She would wear things like butter beer cork necklaces or orange radishes for earrings She also didn't wear shoes very often because other students would take them and hide them she occasionally blamed all of her things disappearing on Nargals a creature that almost no one believes in except for Luna and her father that are creatures known for being mischievous thieves Unfortunately all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared I suspect Nargals are behind it Because of her odd personality people gave her the nickname Loony Lovegood Ginny was one of the few people that stood up for her and was kind to her during her early years at Hogwarts Luna was A big supporter of Hogwarts Quidditch matches although judging by the way she announced the game, which I'll talk about later She most likely didn't completely care or understand about the game itself whenever her house played she wore a hat with an eagle on it That flapped its wings and whenever Gryffindor played against any team other than ravenclaw She wore a giant Lions hat that roared When Luna arrived for a second year of Hogwarts, she liked all the other students besides the first years were taken to the school and The carriages that most believed pulled themselves the thing that was actually pulling them Were creatures called Thestrals Unlike the other students luna could actually see these creatures and the reason she could see them was because they could only be seen by people who had witnessed death Which she of course had when she saw her mother died they can only be seen by people who've seen death before a third year At Hogwarts Luna went to the Quidditch World Cup over a week before the game took place during her third year at Hogwarts She had chosen to take divination with Professor Lawney Lunas fourth years where everything changed for her she met Harry Ron Hermione And Neville at the start of term and the floor found her very odd at first on the train Neville didn't want to sit with Luna But Ginny forced him and Harry to do so. Luna was reading the Quibbler that her father had published upside down when they walked in later Ron and Hermione walked in and Ron made a joke that made Luna laugh hysterically and far more than the joke deserved when they got off the train and onto the carriages Harry was very confused when he saw the thestrals He could now see them because he had just witnessed Cedric Diggory's death at the end of the following year when photo more Had come back to a full functioning body "You're not going mad. I can see them too." Luna was one of the few people that believes Harry, that Voldemort had returned one day Luna went up to him in the greenhouses when Their classes were passing each other and Luna made a beeline for Harry and before even saying Hello said I believe he who must not be named his back And I believe you fought him and escaped from him right after that Hermione told Luna that there was no such thing as a bliblering humdinger or the crumpled horn snoore cat which made Luna give her a withering look and walk away later that year Harry started a group called Dumbledore's Army where he taught defence against the dark arts to all the members and Luna stood out as one of the proudest amongst the members Each member got a coin the Harry was able to summon everyone with giving them the time and place to meet that same year Hermione Set up a meeting with Luna Lovegood, Rita Skeeter: an ex daily profit writer and Harry. Luna asked her father if Harry's story could be featured in the Quibbler written by Rita Skeeter. Skeeter writing the story because she was blackmailed by Hermoine She wrote a story about the events that took place the year earlier when Voldemort had returned that copy of the Quibbler sold out everywhere Luna told Harry that no copy of the Quibbler had ever sold faster that they were actually Reprinting Umbridge banned the Quibbler from the school when she forced Harry to shower which in turn ensured that the whole school read the article At the end of the term Harry saw a vision of Sirius being tortured and Harry had to figure out if Sirius had actually left the headquarters of the order of the Phoenix they had to break into Umbridge's office and use a fireplace to make sure that was true Luna along with Ginny kept watch while they did this all of them were caught by Umbridge and Her inquisitorial squad they were restrained and gagged But Luna was hardly fazed at this as she was staring out the window dreamily as if she was bored They eventually escaped umbrage and luna suggested that they ride Thestrals to the Ministry of Magic the save Sirius when they got there they Realized that it was a trick and Sirius was not actually in danger the Battle of the Department of mysteries took place and Luna fought Well and protected her friends after Ron had been hit with something that made him highly confused She protected him in the battle later when Ginny had been seized by the ankle Luna attacked the Death Eater responsible But in the process broke Ginny's ankle Luna got both the confused Ron and hurt Ginny away from the action and met up with Harry And Neville both Harry and Luna I could hear voices beyond the veil of the Department of mysteries Voices, There aren't any voices Harry I hear them too that Veil is where Sirius would disappear into when he died a cool fan Theory is that since only Harry and Luna could hear the voices it is likely that through the Vale is the beyond and the voices? that they were hearing were people who had already died the reason that they're able to hear the voices is because they were both the Only people who had witnessed death just as they were the only people that could see the thestrals anyway Luna was eventually stunned and thrown across the room during the battle she came to toward the end of the fight and was relatively unscathed when they return to Hogwarts Harry was still mourning the death of Sirius and after nothing could cheer him up Luna told him about her mother dying I still feel very sad about it sometimes. But I've still got Dad. And anyway It's not as though I'm never gonna see mom again, is it? you heard them just beyond the veil didn't you? These words made Harry feel better about Sirius' his death and Eventually Lunas words would come true when Harry would see Sirius during the events of the Deathly Hallows During break Luna decorated her bedroom ceiling with five beautifully painted faces of Ron Hermione Ginny And Neville golden Inc wove around the pictures linking them all together the golden Inc spelled out one word repeated a thousand times Friendship the following year Luna along with the others that went to the ministry with Harry were semi-famous when they came back to Hogwarts they're even staring at us and Neville indicating himself and Luna and Neville were both Disappointed that Dumbledore's Army wasn't continuing that year. I enjoyed the meetings It was like having friends people expect you to have cooler friends than us You are cool. None of them was at the ministry. They didn't fight with me That's a very nice thing to say Without the D.A meetings luna was very lonely that year and would constantly checked the D.A coin that Harry had given them one day Ginny Stopped two boys in their Transfiguration class from calling her loony What's Luna greatly appreciated Harry asked Luna to Slughorn's Christmas party as friends? she wore set of spangled silver robes that made many people giggle she had fun following Harry around and talking to professor Trelawney who she No longer had his professor due to being switched into Firenze the Centaurs divination class she also made Harry laughs hysterically When she said the "The Aurors are part of the root Fang conspiracy I thought everyone knew that they're working and bring down the Ministry of Magic from within using a combination of dark magic and gum disease Harry thought that it had been worth bringing Luna just for that statement During holidays Luna and her father would go looking for crumpled horn snorkacks Something that they did very often when Luna would come home from school Luna took over as Commentator of a Quidditch match that year she forgot players name saying now that big Hufflepuff players got the Quaffle from her I can't remember His name, it's something like Bibble no Buggins, it's Cadwallader. She also said that Zacharias Smith was suffering from losers lurgy, and she even forgot the score 70-42 Hufflepuff is it already after the match Ron said you know she's grown on me Luna When Death Eaters enter the castle at the end of the school year. Luna and Neville responded to the D.A coins and helped during the Battle of the Astronomy tower she and Hermione were watching sneaks office when Professor Flitwick came running down the hall saying that Death Eaters had broken into the Castle he ran into Snape's office And she and Hermione heard the thud Snape then walked out and told them that Flitwick had collapsed and that they should tend to him They both later felt awful If they allowed Snape to go as he killed dumbledore Right after that Ron and Hermoine Drank liquid luck that Harry had given to them before the battle and because of that all of the D.A members were unscathed except for Neville But he healed shortly after, Luna helped Neville into a seat at Dumbledore's funeral the following summer Luna and her father attended bill and fleurs wedding She wore yellow and a sunflower in her hair because she thought it brought good luck to a wedding to wear Sun colors muna recognized Harry who was disguised with Polyjuice potion how did you know oh just your expression she went out on the dancefloor and Revolved on the spot eyes closed and arms waving Ron said she's great isn't she when Harry was on his mission to find Horcruxes and Voldemort had taken over the ministry Xenophilius, Lovegood Started printing in the Quibbler that anyone who's against you-know-who ought to make helping Harry Potter the number one priority During her sixth year Luna along with Ginny and Neville Relaunched Dumbledore's Army and fought back against the two Death Eater Professors the cara siblings They would use the coins to send messages to one another and would sneak out and put graffiti on the walls that red Dumbledore's Army still recruiting the three also attempted to steal the Sword of Gryffindor from the Headmaster's office Which Snape resided in as he was the new headmaster? The three were caught doing this and the punishment was to go into the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid and Phineas Nigella Sterilized the three most likely had a laugh with Hagrid while they were out there when Christmas holiday came Luna took the train back home Which was stopped by Death Eaters they? Abducted Luna as punishment for the stories that her father had been writing She was taken to Malfoy Manor and locked in the basement along with Garak Ollivander, Luna was a big help to mr. Ollivander who had been down there for over a year you were an inexpressible comfort to me in that terrible place Xenophilious was a wreck they were angry you see I'd been writing So they took my Luna And I don't know where she is When Harry came to the love goods house to ask then affiliates about the sign of the Deathly Hallows Harry realized that Luna wasn't there and he found out that Xenophilius had Contacted the ministry hoping that if he turned in Harry They would give Luna back to him Harry escaped but not before Lunas house was destroyed Due to au Rhum Pitt horn which Xenophilius thought was a crumpled horn snore kak horn how he ensured that the Death Eaters at the ministry sent saw him before their escape so they wouldn't kill Xen affiliates for lying Luna Stayed in the prison for many months until Harry Ron Hermione Dean Griphook and Dobby escaped and went to Bill in the flares house But in the process Dobby was killed Luna placed her finger tenderly upon each of the elfs eyelids and closed his eyes There now he could be sleeping Luna spoke at his funeral. Thank you so much Dobby for rescuing me from that cellar It's so unfair that you had to die when you were so good and brave. I'll always remember what you did for us I hope you're happy now Luna had lost her wand when she was in the cell and mr. Ollivander sent her a new one because she was there for him and his time of need we went along with Dean most likely continued to stay at bill and Clara's house because they arrived at Hogwarts together when they got the Message that Harry had returned through the DA coin Runa was excited to be back with their friends and was ready to fight Harry asked all of the Ravenclaw da members if they knew Anything that had to do with Rowena Ravenclaw and Luna came up with the lost Diadem Luna took Harry to ravenclaw Tower and when the carro sister entered Lunas stunter Luna fought bravely in the Battle of Hogwarts During the fight when Harry Ron and Hermione were faced with a hundred Dementors coming their way But couldn't perform a Patronus Luna along with Seamus and Ernie stepped up and saved them using what they had learned in the DA Lessons to holded the mentors at bay, that's right Harry come on think of something happy something happy. We're still here We're all still fighting come on now these words gave Harry the strength to produce his stag and drive the Dementors off for good Luna fought Bellatrix the help of Jenny and Hermione so Molly Weasley stepped forward and killed him Harry then ended the battle when he finished Voldemort off Once and for all after the battle Luna distracted everyone in the Great Hall so that Harry could slip under the invisibility cloak and get some peace and After finishing her schooling Luna became a famous Wizarding naturalist who traveled the world and starts of strange creatures She discovered many new species that had never been encountered before But she was never able to find the crumpled horn or cat and she had to finally accept the fact that her father might have Made that one up Harry and Ginny gave their daughter Lily the medal named Luna naming her after one of their dear friends Lou Anna married Ralph's commander the grandson of Newt Scamander the writer of fantastic beasts and where to find them Luna wore a wedding dress made of rainbow Spangles and at the era of silver unicorn horns to her wedding which rita skeeter said her husband looked at with a shocked expression Luna and Ralph had twin sons names Loken and Lysander Luna was a very odd person, but was always so true to herself She didn't care what other people thought even when she was bullied She was a strong independent person who cherished her friendships more than anything in the world She would have done anything for them She pulled Harry out of a dark place Fought to protect and helped her friends and always filled darkness with light where it was needed Lunas bravery Self-acceptance and kindness is an inspiration to us all
Channel: MovieFlame
Views: 4,277,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games
Id: vT3gfTPkVNU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2017
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