The Life Of Ash Ketchum (Pokémon)

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foreign Ash Ketchum is the main protagonist of Pokemon the series he is a 10 year old Pokemon trainer from Pallet Town in the Kanto region who has always dreamed of becoming the world's greatest Pokemon Master the first human character to be introduced in the series he is the winner of the orange league and Kanto Battle Frontier as well as the alola Region's Pokemon champion receiving the title after winning its first Pokemon League conference he's also one of the eight best trainers in the Pokemon world after defeating ryhon and reaching master class in the world coronation series welcome to the amanki before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal to passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year when he was a little boy Ash went looking for Pokemon in the forest however Ash got lost and was frightens to the point of Tears when it started to rain he was forced to take shelter under a hollow tree while under the tree Ash noticed a group of Pokemon who were also seeking Shelter From The Rain Ash invited the Pokemon inside the tree where they kept him safe and warm this made Ash so happy that he wondered how much he wanted to become a trainer to travel the entire world with his Pokemon friends later on ash shows his mother a poster of Professor Oak's Pokemon summer camp that he wanted to go to and she happily signed him up however Ash overslept and missed the summer camp after that Ash went home hoping he would go next time sometime later Ash successfully enrolled in another one of Professor Oak's Pokemon summer camps where he would learn the basics of Pokemon and being a trainer when he gets older while looking for a Poliwag Ash happened upon a young girl and fellow camper named Serena who got lost in the forest while looking for her group seeing that she injured her knee when a Poliwag startled her Ash wrapped a clean blue handkerchief with a Pokeball on each Corner around her Wounded Knee to brace it Ash lenter his hand and helped her up even when she couldn't get herself up due to the pain while doing so Ash even hugged her and then guided her out of the forest and took her back to the campsite at some point before starting their Journeys Ash was friends with Gary Oak Professor Oak's grandson as they would go to the movies together when they were younger then one day Ash and Gary both fished out a Pokeball on both of their fishing lines after arguing about who gets to keep it Ash and Gary both broke the Pokeball into two pieces where they kept one half of it as a reminder of that day Kanto years later Ash started his Pokemon Journey when he just turned 10 years old however he overslept because he had broken his alarm clock by accident during the night and when he got to the professor's lab there were no more first partner Pokemon left the professor had one Pokemon left but he said that it wasn't very friendly and released Pikachu Pikachu disliked Ash straight away and shocked him with its thundershock attack this marks the start of his journey with Pikachu later Pikachu starts to trust Ash after he protected him from a flock of angry Spiro and then saw a mysterious Pokemon up in the sky upon challenging various gyms Ash started finding traveling companions such as Brock and Misty on his journey he regularly encountered the wacky Trio Jesse James and Meowth of Team Rocket who kept trying to and still tried to steal Pikachu during his journey he participated in a Pokemon race got sucked into cyberspace and was involved in a movie and helped with the flame of Moltres he finished in the top 16 in the indigo Pokemon League competition orange Islands after the indigo Pokemon League competition came to a close Ash Misty and Brock were sent to the orange Islands by Professor Oak on an errand to retrieve the mysterious GS ball as the transporter cannot send it to Oak's lab back in Pallet Town Ash picked up the GS ball from Professor Ivy and bid goodbye to Brock who decided to stay with her however Ash found that there were gyms in the orange islands and decided to challenge them winning a trophy for beating the gym leaders during his time in the orange Islands Ash gained a new traveling companion in Tracy's sketch it a Pokemon Watcher who observes Pokemon in their natural habitats and and draws them in his Sketchbook and caught new Pokemon Snorlax and Lapras as well he battled the orange crew in a style of battling much different than what he was used to eventually he battled Drake and became the next orange Pokemon League champion Ash then returned to Professor Oak's lab with the GS ball before Professor Oak could try to solve the mystery of the ball team rocket tried to catch Pikachu again along with all the Pokemon at the lab but they were stopped by Gary Ash was asked by Professor Oak to give the GS ball to an associate of his Kurt in Azalea town in the Johto region as he couldn't open it either hearing about the Johto region Ash decided to travel there for their gyms and enter the Johto Pokemon League Brock returned to travel with Ash and Misty while Tracy remained behind to help Professor Oak at his lab gold and silver Ash heard that there was a region called Johto and traveled there to find and catch new Pokemon unseen in Kanto he battled the gym leaders there and caught the three starter Pokemon just as he had done in Kanto Brock returned and left Professor ivy for unknown reasons and and Tracy remained at Professor Oaks lab in Pallet Town during this portion of gold and silver Ash won two badges for the Johto league by facing Faulkner of the Violet City gym and Bugsy of the Azalea Town gym he also catches a shiny knock towel had another battle with Misty and said goodbye to his Charizard as he left it at the Chara Civic Valley so it could become stronger Ash won three more badges but was delayed from having his sixth gym battle as the Olivine gym leader Jasmine was preoccupied with caring for an ill Electra Pokemon Emperors that fueled the lighthouse's power determined to get his gym battle Ash traveled over to cyan wood City to get the medicine needed for Ampharos along the way he meets the gym leaders Whitney Morty Jasmine and Chuck along with some new friends like Sakura and aspiring trainer and one of the five kimono sisters and reunites with Casey after his gym battle with Chuck Ash and his mates traveled to the World Islands on Chuck's suggestion to take part in the World Cup competition a tournament for water type Pokemon after competing in the World Cup competition Ash finally collected the remaining three badges to enter the Johto league by beating Jasmine price and Claire he also met Lance and stopped Team Rocket's latest scheme at the lake of rage and brought a Larvitar back to its mother in The Johto league he battled his old rival Gary and finally defeated him bringing their long rivalry to an end and then fought Harrison from the Hoenn region who had a blazikin a fire type Pokemon Ash had never seen before to face it Ash chose his trusty Charizard and the two fire types fought fiercely But ultimately Charizard fainted and Ash lost to Harrison however Charizard managed to wound Blaziken badly enough to prevent Harrison from using it in his next match which led to his own defeat Ash then decided to travel to the Hoenn region but sadly both of his friends had to return home and thus would not be traveling with him this time Ruby and Sapphire Hoenn upon arriving he gained two new traveling companions in May a beginner trainer starting out on her journey with no clue what to do and her younger brother Max who has an extensive impressive knowledge of Pokemon that far exceeds his years Brock also returned having finished his Aryans at home in Pewter City when may decided to become a Pokemon coordinator Ash supported her and helped her in any way that he could Ash encountered both Team Magma and Team Aqua two villainous crime syndicates occupying the hohen region for the first time Ash won his first three badges by the end of the subtitle portion of the sixth season the stone badge from Roxanne of the rosborough gym the knuckle badge from a rematch with Brawley at the doford gym and the Dynamo badge from Watson of the mauville gym he also caught three Pokemon talo Trico and corfish Ash was eager to challenge more gyms as he was able to win the Heat badge from Flannery the balance badge from Norman May and Max's father and a feather badge from Winona Ash's Pokemon team changed a bit he caught a tour call while his Trico and talo evolved into Grovyle and swellow before winning his last few badges Ash was caught in a clash between teams magma and aqua as they unleashed the legendary Pokemon Groudon and Kyogre to reshape the world due to Pikachu's connection with Groudon thanks to to the blue orb both teams were stopped and the legendary Pokemon returned to rest after that Ash beat the twin Gym Leaders Tate and Liza for the Mind badge and the grand festival winner Juan for the rain badge prior to entering the hohen league Ash declined an offer from Professor Oak to trade in his current Pokemon with his previous captures on the ground that his new team had earned it for themselves he gained two new rivals in Morrison and Tyson the former he would beat but the latter he would lose to he caught a snow runt which later evolves into a Glalie he placed among the top eight Kanto returning to kanta with Brock May and Max followed by leaving torkol and glaly at Professor Oak's laboratory and bringing fanfi on the team once Ash was involved to partake in the Battle Frontier battling Frontier brains for Frontier symbols upon his first encounter with a frontier brain Factory had Noland and his Articuno ash left his friends for a quick bit while the factory head took Max and Pikachu up in his airplane telling them I had to make a phone call later that night as the gang was watching Nolan's Pokemon eat dinner they speculated which of Nolan's Pokemon Ash would challenge Max guessed Venusaur May guest Rhyhorn but Ash Aiming High boldly decided on Articuno the legendary bird of ice wondering which of Ash's Pokemon he would use against a legendary the gang was excited when they saw his pick Ash had gone straight to the top and brought in the big guns calling in Charizard from the Chara Civic Valley to take on the ice flying type Head to Head despite the type advantage being set against it Nolan's Articuno demonstrated its ability to quickly recover after taking direct hits from Charizard's flamethrower and dragon breath attack X and managed to gain an advantage over the fiery Behemoth with an ice beam on the wingtip and repeatedly combining its ice beam and water pulse attacks the latter move being strong enough to counter Charizard's newest move over heat ultimately though Charizard managed to withstand articuno's steel wing attack and as the legendary bird came in for one last strike it grabbed its wings midair stopping the attack before it could connect and topped it off with its signature seismic toss knocking out Articuno for the win and earning Ash the knowledge symbol Ash battled all of the remaining Frontier brains Arena Tycoon Greta Dome Ace Tucker Pike Queen Lucy Palace Maven Spencer and Salon Maiden Annabelle after losing to her once and earned their Frontier symbols they last run to your brain however pyramid King Brandon proved to be more difficult for ash to defeat their first official battle saw Brandon's Reggie Steele defeating Ash's torque hole in spite of a new move it learned for their rematch which would be four on four Ash took a back to your roots approach once again calling in Charizard but also this time bringing in Bulbasaur and Squirtle to real unite his Trio of Kanto starters putting them together with Pikachu Ash formed a team of Aces from his early days pitting the Four Aces against Brandon's dusclops Ninjask Solrock and Reggie ice and finally claimed Victory and the final frontier symbol the brave symbol completing the set and winning the Battle Frontier after his victory Scott offered Ash the position of Frontier brain when one of them retired but he declined opting instead to continue his journey before saying goodbye to May Ash competed against her in the tarata Pokemon contest their match ending in a tie there was only one ribbon and they couldn't decide who to give it to Ash had his skeptile used leaf blade to cut the ribbon in half choosing to split it with May before they parted ways returning home Ash met up with Gary again and saw the latter's new electivire Gary informed Ash about the region of Sinnoh to which he immediately decides to travel next on his journey he manages to catch an Aipom who joins him on this journey Diamond and Pearl departing for Sinnoh Ash once again left his previous captures from the Hawaiian region at Professor Oaks laboratory with the the exception of his Aipom who'd snuck along after arriving in Sinnoh by boat and reuniting with Brock he gained yet another new traveling companion in Dawn a confident girl interested in following in her mother's footsteps as a Pokemon coordinator before receiving new clothes from his mother in the mail Ash gained a new rival in a trainer named Paul later on his travels Ash misses meeting Team Galactic due to moving on with his journey too soon he won his first two sin Out Gym badges a coal badge from Roark and a forest badge from gardenia Ash encountered Jay who temporarily kidnapped Pikachu by turning it into stone they also encountered Team Galactic and tried to stop them from stealing the adamant orb during this time Ash earns his fifth gym badge for some time Ash had to wait for Jim irfantina to return to her gym in heart home City in order to challenge her Ash reunited with May during the Wallace cup and took part as a coordinator once again late one night with Pikachu he saw the Spirit of azelf rise out of the lake the contest is being held at he tied with mayleen but earned a cobble badge from her and defeated both Crasher way and fantina for the fan and Relic badges he also acquired a new rival in Barry a somewhat clumsy boy who insists on finding people continuing his journey in Sinnoh Ash managed to beat Byron winning the Mind badge and Candace winning the icicle badge after his victory over Candace at the snow Point gym Ash briefly reunited with Brandon from the battle pyramid back in kanto's Battle Frontier and witnessed a full six on six battle between him and his rival Paul it was then after that battle that it was Ash's turret for his full battle with Paul which occurred at Lake Acuity however Ash was not victorious in this battle along the trip to Sunny Shore City Ash and his friends encounter International policeman looker and were recruited to help stop the plans of Team Galactic as the three of them were chosen to share a bond with the three Lake Spirit Pokemon during which Brock managed to find uxi managing to find Team Galactic in the middle of creating a new universe with the captive Lake Trio controlling Palkia and Dialga Ash Dawn and Brock freed the trio and Team Galactic was arrested while their leader vanished into the collapsing new world effectively disbanding Team Galactic after the Team Galactic incident Ash entered the Sinnoh League after beating volkner and earning the beacon badge he also reunited with Jasmine from the Olivine gym back in Johto before heading to lily of the valley the Sinnoh League was one of the hardest and most intense leagues he had ever competed in as he had Rivals Paul and Barry to compete with and a mysterious trainer who joined with the mythical Pokemon Darkrai he battled against most of his Rivals saved for Barry who battled Paul and lost so Ash's next match was against Paul the battle was intense as Paul showed Pokemon that he didn't normally use while Ash had reassembled his team of six from the earlier battle at Lake Acuity after defeating Paul Ash face an opponent other trainers in the league dreaded to face as he was hard to defeat the trainer with the Darkrai Tobias after losing three of his Pokemon to it Ash was able to defeat tobias's Darkrai was skeptile and even knocked out tobias's Latios with Pikachu however as the rest of Ash's Pokemon had fainted he lost the match and was eliminated he reached the top four and was the only one of tobias's opponents to defeat two of his Pokemon let alone his Darkrai after the Sinnoh League Ash bids farewell to Dawn as she wished to continue entering contests and also parted ways with Brock his oldest friend and longest running traveling companion for the final time as Brock now wished to become a Pokemon doctor black and white at home in Pallet Town Ash received new clothes and was invited along with his mother by Professor Oak to take a trip to the far away Unova region for a scientific Expedition upon arrival a more formidable Team Rocket no longer fooling around and acting in a more serious capacity once again tried to capture Pikachu this was prevented by the timely intervention of Zekrom one of yunova's two legendary Pokemon Zekrom caused a storm that scared away Team Rocket and temporarily knocked Pikachu out arriving at Professor Juniper's lab Ash encountered a new rival named Tripp an insolent boy with an intolerant attitude towards trainers from Kanto Ash battled trip but lost as Pikachu's electric attacks had been temporarily disabled after the encounter from Zekrom after those events Ash decided to go out on a new quest to win the Unova Pokemon League during his new Journey Ash gained new traveling companions in Iris and up-and-coming dragon Master with Keen eyesight and silin one of the three optional gym leaders of the striatan city Gym who utilized grass type Pokemon and also a Pokemon connoisseur Ash continued his inadvertent tradition of catching all three starters of a region something not done since Johto he adopted an Oshawott that had snuck away from Professor Juniper's lab and an abandoned Tepig whose trainer no longer wanted it last but not least Ash caught a very strong Snivy which acts like the mother of his team Ash won the trio badge basic badge and insect badge as the journey continued he acquired a mysterious egg which later hatched into his Scraggy continuing on his journey through Unova with Iris and silin after they stopped Team Rocket from stealing Pokemon from the Nimbasa Pokemon center Ash and Co met up with Bianca and encountered both the gym leader Elisa and Bianca's father after he allowed both his daughter and Ash to continue their respective Journeys Ash battled Elisa and won the bolt badge then he had the honor of meeting Alder the Unova league Champion he also saved Unova for being torn apart by Tornadus and thunderous by summoning Landorus thanks to another scheme by Team Rocket following this ash had a gym battle with Clay after getting some Revival herbs during the battle Ash's rugging roll that evolved into a bowl door using its ability sturdy Ash defeated clay earningham the Quake badge after that he helped Bianca with her newly evolved excavalier and met Cedric Juniper he managed to catch the krakarock that followed him adding it to his team finally he had a gym battle with Skyla during which his tranquil evolved into unpleasant and managed to beat her winning the jet badge he participated in a race to the top of celestial Tower and came at a close second losing to Stefan as well as the dynamite tournament and ranked semi-finalist he also had to endure a harsh training session from Bryson which paid off as he won the freeze badge his plans to go to Opelousas city were put on hold as he found out the gym was closed and had to go to verbank City instead where he battled Roxy and won his final badge the toxic badge he also met and befriended a meloetta and reunited with his old friend Dawn from his time in Sinnoh and stopped Team Rocket's latest plot involving Meloetta tornadoes thunderous and Landorus along the way he also met Cameron who faced off against Marlin the humilau city Gym Leader Ash finally arrived at and completed the Unova Pokemon League placing in the top 8 as he had done before he made a new friend and and learned about Team Plasma and another legendary Pokemon Reshiram with Anne's help Ash was able to stop Team Plasma with his Adventures in Unova behind him it was time for him to head home again fortunately for ash Professor Juniper scored him boarding tickets to the queen decalore which traversed through the decalur islands on route to Kanto along the way he met Alexa a reporter from the Kalos region and briefly reunited with Claire from the Blackthorne City Gym back in Johto to help find a shiny drought again after arriving back in Kanto in Vermilion City he parted ways with Iris and silin as the two were headed to Johto and Ash returned home to Pallet Town once again with Alexa before choosing to leave the next day for Kalos and compete in this league X and Y Ash traveled to the Kalos region to compete in the Kalos league and to continue his dream of becoming a Pokemon Master Ash gained new traveling Companions and his siblings Clement and Bonnie Ash face Alex's sister Viola the gym leader of santaloon City who specialized in bug type Pokemon during their battle Ash faced difficulty against Viola sirskit who gained an advantage over Pikachu by freezing the arena turning it into an ice field Ash decided that what needed improving was his Pokemon's balance and with Alexa's help engaged in special training designed to combat this flaw in a rematch Ash ultimately defeated Viola and claimed the bug badge the first badge from ikalo's gym finding out about Clement's status as the lumio city Gym Leader Ash and Serena offered to help him get his gym back from the control of one of Clement's faulty inventions after retaking his gym and reprogramming The Invention Ash told Clement till battle him after he receives three more badges Ash battled against the silage City gym leader Grant and his rock type Pokemon having seen Grant defeat Viola at the Battle Chateau Ash sought a way to defeat Grant's Rock tomb when he faced Grant this ended up becoming a rock tomb climb the use of which earned Ash's second Kalos badge the cliff badge at Professor sycamore's Pokemon summer camp Ash and his friends met Shawna Trevor and tierno he later had an icebreaker battle against tierno's Squirtle with Froakie and lost after having a good time at the Pokemon summer camp Ash went to shallower city and battled Karina despite a failed attempt of using tierno's dancing strategy Ash managed to win his third Kalos badge the rumble badge soon after Ash teamed up with his ninja friend Senpai and battled against saizo in his barbarical during the battle his Froakie evolved into Frogadier and won the battle using its newly learned aerial Ace move finally arriving in kumarin City Ash had to First deal with Team Rocket trying to kidnap The vanillite evolutionary line in searching for vanillite its evolved forms had covered the city with ice which was stopped by the kumarin gym leader Ramos after dealing with the three ice type Pokemon Ash then faced down Remus in his gym battle he won the battle and the plant badge and celebrated his fourth Kalos gym Victory later after arriving in lumio City Ash and Clement faced each other in their promised gym battle despite Clement electrifying the field with his luxrays electric terrain Ash managed to win the battle and earn his fifth badge the voltage badge shortly after Ash and his friends made it to Lavere City and met Sawyer a young trainer who knew Clement from when the ladder was training for Ash's battle during their time together Ash and Sawyer had a double battle but were interrupted by the fashion show hosted by the Lavera City Gym Leader Valerie as the boys watched the show they were surprised to see Bonnie and Serena participating at the end of the show Valerie challenged Sawyer to a battle which she easily won with her spritzy due to its fairy type immunity to bagon's Dragon type moves after seeing that battle Ash and Valerie face each other in the gym battle for the fairy badge despite Valerie having a type advantage and defeating Fletchinder with the effect of spritzy's trick room Ash came around from behind and surprised Everyone by using his halucha to destroy the psychic type move with its newly learned bug type move x-scissor before it knocked out spritzy with high jump kick to give Ash the win when they got to Anistar City Ash and Frogadier met Olympia after winning a brief battle with Carrie she read his memories and along with seeing a vision of it gaining new power she revealed that at the frokey breeding facility as a Froakie he preferred being alone to train instead of socializing with others when he was asked to join he politely refused which was then met with him getting attacked by the rest of the Froakie this made him distant towards others despite doing well and it wasn't until Ash showed him love that he finally connected to a trainer that understood him as she used Frogadier alongside Talonflame in a gym battle against Olympia and her male and female Meowstic defeating them both and giving Ash the psychic badge X Y and Z shortly after as the group head towards snowball City in from A to Z the group comes across a mysterious Pokemon dubbed squishy by Bonnie who was being pursued relentlessly by the villainous organization team Flair prompting the group to put squishy under their own protective custody eventually they come across senpei's Hometown as they get involved in a conflict during which Frogadier evolves into Greninja and using the strong bond between it and Ash obtains a powerful new form which Rivals even the power of Mega Evolution this form is later called Ash Greninja Ash eventually met Elaine who was intrigued by greninja's new form Ash battled with Elaine and his Charizard and despite putting up a good fight he lost after the battle was over they became friends and Rivals later Ash's neubat evolves into Noivern when both of them along with Pikachu and halucha got involved to help a rampaging Zapdos calm down Ash and Elaine face off again in a more even battle while trying to figure out the mystery serious power his Greninja has been using since it evolved however when Greninja pushed too hard on using his form Ash collapsed to the ground and Elaine immediately called off the battle while unconscious Ash has a dream where Greninja was leaving him once he regained Consciousness Ash realized that he and Greninja have to be more careful while using that form little did he know Ash was slowly letting his lifelong fear of losing his Pokemon family get to him Ash honors diantha's request for a battle after training however despite Greninja finally managing to reach its final form of the ash Greninja technique and gaining the upper hand against dianthus Gardevoir Ash pushed too hard on the ash Greninja forum and passed out again once he regained full Consciousness Ash vowed to fully Master greninja's form later Ash met up with Sawyer again and they have another battle in the end Ash who feared passing out during a battle again lost due to Greninja failing to use the ash Greninja form and leaving Greninja open Ash who was slowly losing his way due to letting fear get the best of him was not only doubtful in mastering the Forum but was also himself Wonder hearing as to what he was doing wrong when Ash and his friends finally arrive in snowball City they meet up with the gym leader wolf Rick and Ash challenged him to a battle in hopes of getting his final badge during the battle his Pokemon suffered a huge amount of damage due to the hail storm caused by Obama Snow's snow warning ability an avalog's ice body ability along with Ash getting too impatient after losing the battle Ash was approached by wolfrick who tells him that he may have trained his Greninja well but also explains what he's been doing wrong in perfecting the ash Greninja form he didn't have enough faith and trust in their bond hearing wolfrick's words Ash realizes why he had those issues and was left incredibly devastated for letting his fears get the better of him Upon returning to the Pokemon center Ash learned that the Kalos League will take place in lumio's City soon which reminded him of the place where he and Greninja first met with his confidence fully back Ash and Greninja promised to start over again and went off to train for his rematch against wolfrick Ash faced wolfrick in a rematch with Pikachu Talonflame and Greninja and even with the surprise of Obama Snow being able to Mega Evolve he emerged Victorious earning him his eighth and final Kalos gym badge after visiting Goodra ashenko made their way back to lumio's city for the Kalos League after making it to the semi-finals Ash brought Goodra back in order to fully fill out the requirement for a full party of six Pokemon Ash defeated Sawyer in the semi-finals and was prepared to face Elaine in the finals but was approached by Lysander team Flair's leader while talking to Lysander who was interested to know about he and his grid inch's abilities Ash explained to him about his bond phenomenon power after Lysander asked him to meet back up with him once the league was over Ash agreed although he and his Pokemon were unaware of the destruction and Devastation that was about to occur Ash and Elaine engaged in their Fierce full battle with Elaine eventually being Victorious afterwards team flare attacks with Z2 under their command after meeting up with Serena Clement and Bonnie who tells them that squishy went off the prism Tower ash leaves with Elaine to find Myron once they found her Ash and Elaine were blocked by The Vines which were growing like crazy after team Flair shows up Ash assumes they were there to take squishy again but to his surprise they were there to catch for him instead Ash not only gets confused as to why they were after him but he also gets betrayed when he finds out that Elaine has been working for team Flair Ash tried to leave with Elaine but all he did was resist his grip from his hand and did nothing to help him when he got knocked out by celosi as drapion's confused Ray after being rendered unconscious Ash and Pikachu were captured as they were put into restraints and then taken to prism Tower along with the rest of Ash's Pokemon after regaining Consciousness Ash finds himself floating midair then tries to break free from his restraints seeing Greninja unconscious in the same restraints and hearing Pikachu waking up Ash realizes that his Pokemon have been captured as well and asks them if they're all okay but Pikachu who then regains Consciousness right after he did was the only one to respond while the others were still out cold at the time hearing Lysander greeting him Ash turns his attention to both him and Elaine and then asks them what's going on while asking them to let him go after Lysander refuses to release them Ash with Pikachu cz2 that's under Team Flare's control then turns to Elaine and asks him what this is about later Ash and Pikachu witness squishy transform where they realize that their friend is also a Zygarde after his other Pokemon regained Consciousness Ash and Pikachu both protested and defended squishy when Lysander tells him that their friend will soon be under their control as well Ash tries to get Elaine to say something but he was still silent to him later Ash was listening in while Lysander explains his reasons as to why he had Elaine collect Mega Evolution energy while hearing his frustrations Ash who knew in his heart that he was still his friend despite everything he had done came to realize that Elaine didn't know anything about lysander's true plans as he never meant to betray anybody then sees that his only intentions were to help Myron and her chest spin later Ash was told by Lysander that he wanted his ability to use Bond phenomenon thus he sent too many devices to control him and Greninja while their friends Ash's other Pokemon could only watch in shock along with looking worried however hearing Pikachu's voice Ash and Greninja fight back and then tell Lysander that he will never control them as they will never change while still resisting team Flair's devices Ash was telling Elaine that he didn't know what had happened to him but he had to stop all this now well he also told Elaine that he didn't care about what he's done and believes in the friend that he knows Ash tells Lysander that he really cares about this world while asking him for a battle and then used Bond phenomenon to break free from his restraints with Greninja after Breaking Free Ash was about to collapse to the floor from the breakout but Elaine got there in time to catch him and thanked him for bringing him to his senses thanks to Elaine breaking Pikachu and the others out of their restraints with the help from his Charizard Ash and everyone were ready to battle Lysander Ash Elaine and malva were able to defeat Lysander but he tells him he's not done and takes a leap of faith later he did everything in his power to stop the giant rock and save Myron's Chespin with Elaine and in doing so the giant rock stopped but Lysander showed up to try and Destroy them thanks to the efforts of Pikachu Greninja and Elaine's Charizard they were able to destroy the control device on lysander's arm so Zygarde could destroy the giant rock Zygarde and finish Lysander once and for all Ash and everyone watched the sunrise as there is a new day ahead after team Flair's evil Ambitions were finally put to an end Ash plans on heading back to palate town so we can start his training over from zero but before doing so he and his Pokemon received honor of Kalos medals for his heroic efforts against team flare with his journey in Carlos over Ash bids farewell to his friends before departing for Pallet Town in Kanto he soon arrives home where his mom was waiting for him sun and moon Ash arrives in the alola region on vacation with his mom which Miami won for them after a nice Sharpedo ride a run-in with a bruxish that Lana caught on her line a race with grubbin and then having some bad luck with a beware and some racing Tauros Ash finds the Pokemon school where he meets Lily mallow and Sophocles however Ash gets mistaken for a new student by mallow and takes him to see Samson Oak which conveniently leads him to Delia and Miami after Delia gives the cantonian Vulpix egg 2 Samson Ash was shown the rest of the school by mallow including the classroom where he meets Professor Kukui after the meeting Ash Witnesses kiaweh who he saw flying on his Charizard before being confronted by team skull who challenged him to a three-on-one battle the prize being is Charizard Ash jumps in to help defeating the salandit and leaving the Zubat and young goose to be finished off by kiaweh and tertinator zemove Inferno overdrive after seeing all of this and receiving a z-ring from none other than tapu Koko itself Ash decides to stay with Professor Kukui and rock Ruff while attending the Pokemon school on his first day at school Ash's new classmates give him some challenges before tapu Koko showed itself which takes his hat before realizing it wanted to battle him in Pikachu during the battle Ash was shown how to use the Z move gigavolt Havoc by tapu Koko with Pikachu using the move but the Z Crystal shattered due to not doing the island trial after tapu Koko left Ash was told of the island trials by classmates which he decided to take on to get another Z Crystal with his classmate giving their full support for him the next day Ash was given a blank Pokedex by Professor Kukui to get info on the Pokemon in the alola region after receiving his Pokedex ass had a Rotom inhabit it as it changes into a Rotom Pokedex at school Ash introduces Rotom Dex to his friends and they all want to go find his first alolan Pokemon to catch while trying to catch a Pokemon Ash gets a surprise attack by Team Rocket who tried to take Pikachu again but failed when they beware that he saw when he was exploring on his first day in the region takes them away Ash was able to catch a rowlet his first alolan Pokemon after befriending it when it got hungry as he instantly bonded with him and they wanted to be with each other Ash meets Hala the island Kakuna of Mele melee Island where he gives him the task of figuring out how to get rid of the alolan Rattata and their evolved form alolan Raticate as they're causing problems on the island with the help of his friends Ash figured out how to solve this problem by asking young goose and their evolved form gumshoes for help as they once drove them off before Ash was taken to The Verdant Cavern by Hala where he would take the island trial and one when the totem Pokemon gumshoes gave him a normalium z Crystal after winning the trial Ash asked gumshoes along with its allies for their help to take care of the Rattata and Raticate which they did as they were drove off once again Ash was accepted to a grand trial battle against holla after that Ash was to do his Grand trial against kahunaala which their battle was a two on two battle through the hard work of roulette and Pikachu Ash won his Grand trial however Ash was about to accept the fightinium Z Crystal as his reward but tapu Coco swapped it for the electrium Z Crystal for his reward instead Ash catches rockruff the Pokemon professor Kukui was taken care of after helping it win a battle sometime after Ash and Pikachu got challenged to another battle by tapu Koko but the force of the battle caused Pikachu to fall off a cliff with Ash trying to save him but tapu Koko saved them both with no winner Ash declared that they would get stronger and win the next time they battle Ash and Pikachu went to an island named Treasure Island to spend time together during which they got to see tapu Lele the island guardian of akala Island then Ash and his Pokemon come across Litton who he'd seen a few times before again but this time he finds it with stoutland in its new home Ash sees that stoutland was trying to teach Linton firefang but to no success some time later Ash was asked by the Linton for his help as an a-league Mentor had fallen ill Ash takes doubtland to the Pokemon Center but only to find doubt it's nearing the end of its life and wonder if Linton knows Ash decides to keep them company but finds out that the pair have gone back to their home after stoutland passed Ash with his Pokemon kept Litton company for a while at its home Ash became happy to see Linton is feeling better than battled it with no winner despite no winner in the battle Ash sees that Linton who wants to Grant its Mentor One Last Wish wants to join him then caught it Ash came across gladeon Lily's brother thus becoming Rivals and good friends although through gladeon Ash learns and decided that he'll take on the grand trial on akala island to get Rocky MZ so he can use rock type Z moves however Ash was going to get his wish when he and his classmates are taking a field trip to akala Island but before they did they meet the island Kahuna of akala Island Olivia Ash then went with Malo to collect cooking herbs when totem Laurent has challenged him Ash won and defeated laurentis and received the grassium Z then ate dinner with his friends Professor Kukui and Olivia after Ash got the grass CMZ they challenged Kahuna Olivia with rowlet and rockruff while Olivia used midday Rock and probopass as their battle is a double battle after defeating her Ash received the rocky MZ so rockruff could use Continental Crush that night Ash and Pikachu went looking for rockruff who ran off to train but found it covered in dust from tapulele after rockruff got away again Ash and Co went to find him with Professor Kukui and Olivia Ash with his group found rockruff with Olivia and gladion's lycanroc at the ruins of life with tabou Lele who tried to heal it but failed the first time Ash passed out when tapulele used train kiss on him in the two lichen Rock which helped heal Rockroth along with giving the energy back to them after recovering from the energy drain Ash Witnesses rockruff evolve into dusk lycanroc right before he and Co went back to Mele melee island with Professor Kukui after their field trip Ash and lichenrock were using the rocky MC against Team Rocket but failed to do so after kiaweh took care of Team Rocket Ash and lichenrock did some training to help them perfect the Z move Ash did Rocky MC correctly when Team Rocket came back for another battle against them Ash returns to Kanto with his classmates for an extracurricular lesson where he reunites his longtime friends Misty and Brock after arriving at Pallet Town Ash reunites with some of his Pokemon under Professor Oak's care after dealing with Team Rocket again along with falling asleep from Jigglypuff's song Ash and everyone were treated to a welcome party with his mom there as well the next day Ash and everyone headed off to the Cerulean gym located in Cerulean City where they got a chance to battle Misty or bra Ash decided to battle Misty in a one-on-one battle with him being the winner of the battle then everyone headed back to alola that evening also Ash tells Misty and Brock to come visit them sometime which they accepted one night Ash has a dream where he promises the legendary Pokemon solgaleo and lunala however Ash couldn't recall it the next morning while heading to school Ash and Pikachu saw tapu Koko coming back as they follow it then saw an unknown Pokemon which helped him remember the promise he made to the cosmic Duo Ash brought it to school to show everyone then Lily nicknamed it nebby with everyone liking the name and so they all agreed to call it nebby Ash helped nebby find something he would like to eat but it didn't like anything they gave it at all its El Sophocles provided a bag of star candies which it liked a lot Ash and Lily were heading to Professor kukui's house when they see a helicopter on the beach as Professor Kakui explained that they have visitors who want to see them Ash meets lusamy Lily and gladeon's mother and the president of the Aether Foundation along with Professor Burnett Wick and Faba as they all came to meet nebby Ash shows nebi Talusa mean where she concludes that it's an ultra Beast then Professor Burnett explains about the ultra Beast and the battle they had with the tapu Guardians Ash tells them the dream he had that night about the promise he made to the cosmic Duo after seeing an image of the altar of the sun although lusamine and Wick offered to take care of nebby Ash declined their offer due to the promise to take care of nebby after Lily and Professor Kukui assured loosamine that he is a very trusting trainer as they tell her about all the accomplishments he has in alola Ash was allowed to take care of nebby and lusamine offered to help him whenever he needed it Ash has some awesome adventures with nebby especially when it learns teleport as it teleported him and his friends to various places minus Lily Ash got to go to the Aether Paradise with his friends which is where the Aether Foundation is located as he got to see Lucy mean Wick Faba and Professor Burnett Again by accident when nebby teleported him Ash meets up with the gladeon again after he thought about him with Pikachu and lycanroc where he meets his type null nicknamed silvally Ash tells glideon that Lily is doing well also during the conversation gladeon explained why Lily is afraid of touching Pokemon due to an ultra Beast attacking her when she was little and his silvally saved them Ash wonders why Lily never explained this but gladeon believes that the trauma she suffered caused her to repress the memory of those events Ash was asked a lot of questions by gladia and as he is curious as to why the cosmic Duo chose him to take care of nebby but his dusk like in rock what powers does he possess and what kind of influences does he have on Pokemon however Ash doesn't have all the answers to gladeon's questions but decided to have a battle as Team Rocket interrupted before and he believes that this will help him answer his questions understanding the idea he accepts his challenge Ash with lycanroc put up a good fight against silvali but then lost gladion understood more about him but also had him promise not to tell anyone he saw him especially Lily which he understood and promised he wouldn't say anything Ash was hanging out with Professor Kukui and Professor Burnett Who Came To Give NBA checkup along with this Pokemon then kiaweh Lana Lily mallow and Sophocles came over as they're having a sleepover at Professor kukui's house Ash invited Professor Burnett to join them and she gladly accepts as everyone gets settled in Ash suggests having a contest to see who gets to sleep in the Loft as Sophocles and the girls want to sleep up there finding nebby is the contest after the contest with the girls being the winner due to nebby popping out of Lily's hat and into her arm freezing her in fear they play a game called Z possess one two three they play a game but kiaweh got carried away and used Inferno overdrive messing up the place Ash mellow Lily and Professor Burnett make dinner while Professor Kukui has the rest help him clean up the place just when everyone was about to eat Professor Burnett's much lack swooped in and ate everything prompting the two professors to go out and get something to eat for everyone while the others wait while waiting Ash and everyone decide to do some training for a Pokemon battle to help him forget how hungry they were after eating they all talked about how amazing Professor Burnett is along with talking about the homemade food at kiawe in Sophocles place right before going to sleep the next day everyone is walking along then Ash and everyone becomes stunned when Lily couldn't touch Pokemon again even snowy as nebby teleported her to gladeon's location where she saw his type null which triggered a memory from her past at night Ash was at the beach getting scolded by gladeon for having nebby bring Lily to where he was then apologizes for its action the next day at school Ash and everyone cheer Lily up and then witness her try to touch snowy but gets scared however Ash and everyone praised Lily for her courage after school was done Ash nebby Pikachu and Rotom decided to take a walk with Lily and snowy while walking Ash was asked by Lily if he saw gladeon which he admits that he did and he explains that he didn't want her to see silvally then told how upset he was which got his friend to laugh due to annoying her brother Ash here's Lily tell him that when she saw silvali it brought back a memory from her past not wanting to see his best friend down Ash cheers Lily up by having Rotom show a video of Pikachu doing an imitation which worked however Ash also unknowingly encouraged Lily to not give up on getting over her fear of touching Pokemon as she decided to remember her past then they were all teleported by nebby who decided to help her being teleported from one place to another Ash got to see all the places Lily and her family did together before her mother Lucy mean got busy with her work everyone was then teleported to Lily and gladeon's childhood room located at the Aether Foundation after being teleported to lusamin's room Ash realized that nebby wants to Grant Lily's wish as she wanted to remember everything when they were brought to the Aether foundation's basement which is strictly forbidden for anyone other than Aether Foundation employees while going through the basement further Ash Pikachu nebby and snowy minus Rotom were pushed into a wall by faba's Pokemon as Lily was grabbed by Faba who didn't want her to remember her past Ash nebby Pikachu and snowy tried to save Lily minus Rotom as it went to get some help by pulling the alarm but faba's Hypno held them down with psychic everyone was rescued by gladeon and a silvally and then became glad when Lily who remembered everything from her past touched silvally thus putting an end to her fear of touching Pokemon for good Ash told Lily how happy he was for her and then was thanked for his help after helping Lily get over her fear of touching Pokemon Ash gladion and Lily went back to Aether Paradise when nebby got kidnapped by Faba who wanted it to open an ultra Wormhole meeting up with lusamine Ash and everyone were able to rescue nebby but it evolved which caused the ultra Wormhole to open Ash and everyone seen nyligo come out of the ultra Wormhole and then become stunned when the ultra Beast took lusamine away who sacrificed herself to protect Lily and gladeon while heading back to Mele melee Island Ash offered to help Lily and gladeon find loosamine however Ash was told no by gladion as he tells that the situation is a Family Matter after arriving back to Mele melee Island Ash heads back to Professor kukui's house for the night the next day Ash was still worried about nebby as it hadn't moved since it evolved then kiawei Lana Malo and Sophocles came over to check on him Ash tells his friends about what happened at Aether Paradise as they become shocked that Lucy mean was taken away through an ultra Wormhole then they all hear more shocking news as Hobbes comes in with Professor Kukui to tell them that Lily and gladion are gone knowing that they're trying to find a way to rescue Lucy mean Ash and everyone head over to hala's house for some idea on where to go hearing Hala explain about the altar of the Sun and about solgaleo Ash remembers being in their dream where he promises the cosmic Duo that he would take care of nebby Ash and everyone head to Pony Island where the all of the sun lies to catch up with Lily and gladion as they want to rescue Lucy mean after catching up to them Ash tells them about their reason of being here despite gladion telling him that it's a family matter but Ash and Lily were able to change his opinions and so he lets them come along in their quest to rescue Lucy mean while looking for solgaleo as it can open up Ultra wormholes at the altar of the sun Ash and everyone come across the tapu Guardians instead surprising them Ash became amazed and shocked when the tapu Guardians showed him and his friends that they were the ones who brought nebby to Mele melee Island for him to find and take care of later Ash became excited when nebby evolved into solgaleo then was given a solgenium z as they needed to use a z move to make the ultra Wormhole however the Z Crystal didn't fit in Ash's ring so the tapu guardian encases it for him and then gave it back to him Ash gladion kiaweh Lana Lily Malo and Sophocles all get on solgaleo's back then Ash performed searing sun rays smash after performing The Z move Ash and his friends entered the ultra Wormhole leaving both Professor Kukui and Professor Burnett who also arrived to Pony Island to help them find loosamine behind making it Nation were not illegal Libs Ash and everyone find lusamine fused but they were blocked off by Lucy means Pokemon who were stopping them from getting close to her as everyone but Ash Pikachu and solgaleo kept going while the others battled the Pokemon Ash with Pikachu and solgaleo were able to get Lucy mean as they tried to save her just when Ash was having a hard time getting through to lusamine Lily and gladeon came to Ash's Aid Ash became shocked when gladeon tells him that they need to stop nahiligo and free lusamine because her Pokemon will keep getting back up Without End Ash and gladion hear Lily give a speech to help get through to lusamine which worked but nayeligo refused to Let Her Go Ash's electrium Z temporarily transforms into pikachunium Z then he and Pikachu performed the Z moves 10 million volt Thunderbolt which stops nahiligo and freed loosamine in her Pokemon Ash gladeon and Lily reunite with their friends as he tells them that they were able to save Lucy me and then return to the altar of the sun where they reunite with Professor Kukui and Professor Burnett Ash wonders where solgaleo or nebby is as a return to the wild as it left without giving him a thank you for its help and then greets Lily who took some time off from her school to be with her mom other as she thanks him for everything for their help in rescuing loosamine later at Professor kukui's house Ash becomes stunned but happy that Professor Kakui and Professor Burnett are getting married the next day Ash tells kiaweh Lana Lily Mallo and Sophocles about the news much to the girl's Joy although the girls were hoping for a wedding Ash tells them and the rest of the boys that the professors aren't going to do a wedding ceremony disappointing them Ash Kiowa and Sophocles were in on the girl's idea of doing a surprise wedding as a gift for the professors the night before the wedding Ash was approached by gladeon and tells him that he's going to go to the other eyelids trials but does ask him to congratulate the professors on their marriage for him and then leaves Ash goes to wake up Professor Kukui at his house and then brings him outside to see that they have a wedding as Professor Burnett tells him that it's a gift from his students which makes him very happy that his students did it for him Ash attends the wedding that Lucy came to them and asked the group to join an elite group called the ultra Guardians which they all accepted also they got to see solgaleo nebi flying up in the sky where Ash gets his chance to thank it for its help and who know he'll see it again one day Ash goes to Island for the very first time with his friends as they are arrive at Mount lanocula where hala's crab brawler is going to evolve into a krabomitable later on their trip to mount lanocula Ash participated in the Poke sled jump tournament where he tried to use his z-move gigavolt Havoc for his performance but failed Ash was pleased to see that Hollow won the tournament and got to see the price he won a sled Ash and his classmates were listening to Sophocles give a presentation on the hokulani observatory that his cousin molein runs at Mount hokulani on ulau island also Professor Kakui told the class that Sophocles his cousin is a friend of his Ash suggests to Professor kakuy that they should make a field trip to the observatory sometime after the presentation Ash and his friends were getting ready to have lunch but see Pikachu is not present then they all search for him when Rowlett left campus to keep searching for Pikachu through the air Ash with his other Pokemon left campus as well to go look for Pikachu by ground Ash found Pikachu with rowlet and an ultra beast and they were about to be captured by Team Rocket but he with his Pokemon arrived just in time to save them after dealing with Team Rocket Ash brought the ultra Beast back with him as it was given the name poipole also losing mean assigns him to be its partner until they can find the Ultra Wormhole it came from as showed poipal how pokeballs work as it believed that he was playing with it after showing his intentions Ash made one final attempt to catch it but it jumps right in as it had already grown fond of him in his Pokemon Ash with his Pokemon were all playing at Professor kukui's house and then became impressed when poipal drew a picture of Pikachu Ash kiaweh Lana Lily and mallow all go with Sophocles to Bamboo Hill as he made a discovery while camping with his parents Ash and everyone all dug it up as they spend hours doing so and then came to the conclusion that it is an ultra beast when they dug it up all the way the next day with the girls Ash and kiaweh became shocked when Sophocles told them that the ultra Beast was in the ground for 200 years then they were called for an ultra Guardian mission after explaining to Lucy mean that they already knew about celestila the ultra Beast name as they told her they dug it up the other day Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians headed back to Bamboo Hill so they can send celestila home however Team Rocket tried to steal celestila but they were stopped Ash kiaweh Lana Lily Malo and Sophocles wave goodbye as they were able to help the Ultra Beast blast off when it flew to the moon due to the ultra Wormhole it came from being there hearing Professor Kukui dream about making a league in alola Ash gets fired up ash left by boat for Ula Island so he can do its Grand trial after arriving Ash meets the island Kahuna of Ula Island nanu and his friend asarola also through her he got to hear a tale about the radiant one who brought light to alola Ash did a pre-trial battle against nanu but lost when lykenrock who goes berserk when its fur gets dirty went out of control despite nanu telling him to go back to Mele melee Island Ash decided to stay and train that evening Ash decided to go see tapu bulu the island guardian of Ula Island for a training through an idea from acerola Ash goes to the ruins of abundance with acerola so they can ask tapobulu for help in his training after going all the way to the top Ash meets tapu bulu and asks for its help Ash was excited when rowlet learned Razor Leaf when it was struck by the power of the trees tapu bulu planted when it started to rain Ash played with Pikachu poipole and rowlet then saw lichenrock going berserk again when tapu bulu pushed him out in the rain however however Ash calmed like in rock down by reminding him of the bond they both share and that he really cares about him for exactly the way he is after that Ash with lygenrock battled tapu bulu where it learned Stone Edge but the battle was called off by the island Guardian Ash was pleased by the training he did with his Pokemon as he and everyone were given Oren berries by tapu bulu Ash goes to nanu for a pre-trial battle rematch which he agreed to do for him but his opponent is at the Thrifty Mega mart and abandoned sight Ash with asarola who's referring to the battle go to the site not who told him to go to but they find that Team Rocket is also there Ash becomes shocked to hear that the Team Rocket Trio are his opponents for his pre-trial rematch but he accepts the challenge Ash ended up winning when Pikachu learned Electro web and used 100 million volt Thunderbolt again to win the battle after nanu arrived at the Thrifty Mega mart Ash is accepted to do a grand trial battle with nanu arriving back to the ruins of abundance for his Grand trial battle Ash became surprised to hear that nadu's grand trial battle will be a one-on-three battle but he accepts his terms as he uses lycanroc for his battle however Ash wasn't sure that lycanrock had his rage under control as he told it to stay calm during the battle Ash becomes upset when nanu who realizes that he was doubting his Pokemon insults his skills as a trainer but lycanrock tackled him as it not only wanted to get him to calm down but to show that he's been under control of its red-eye State the whole time seeing this ash apologizes to lichenrock for doubting him and for letting nanu's insults go to his head after exchanges of Z move Ash won the grand trial and was given lycanium z a z Crystal specifically for lycanroc returning to ulau Island for a field trip to the hokulani observatory located at Mount hokulani Ash kiaweh Lana Lily and Malo all meet molayn Sophocles his cousin and Professor kakui's best friend Ash and kiaweh and the girls were given a tour of the observatory and they all got to look at the telescope later Ash became Amazed by The Miner at Starfall Hill where his poipole found one still in its shell then he and kiaweh brought it back to the observatory after the miner shell was able to open Ash and everyone spent the day playing with it but when night fell they saw a more minor and then saw them all fade away even though when they were playing with Ash Comforts POI pole after seeing the minor it befriended fade away then saw a Rayquaza in the sky after their field trip at the hokolani observatory they all head back home Ash and his friends head over to the Pokemon Paradise Resort as Lucy mean got them a reservation for the resort where their ride Pokemon can get a treatment due to all the hard work they do arriving at the resort Ash and everyone have the workers at the resort look at their ride Pokemon as to what treatment they need after sorting out what their ride Pokemon needed Ash and everyone headed over to the hot springs to relax before everyone went with their ride Pokemon to get their respective treatment Ash with mallow and their ride Pokemon go to the stress course to help them relieve their stress however they all ended up being caught in a net by Team Rocket then witnessed them almost making off with their Pokemon but all they ride Pokemon saved them after Team Rocket was taken care of Ash and everyone head over to the flower bath one morning Ash notices that both of the professors are acting very strange when he sees them not they're usually happy and upbeat selves at school Ash was informed by his classmates that their parents and Lily's Butler Hobbes are acting the same way after Professor Kukui left due to not being motivated to teach class Ash hears kiaweh explain about the upcoming Manalo Festival that happens once every 21 years Ash explains how he heard about the blinding one from asarola when he was on Oola Island then here's Lily explain the story to everyone after school got out Ash and kiaweh did some training but couldn't do their Z move which got them confused as to why they couldn't later Ash and everyone sees that the clouds are getting darker than they were called in for an ultra Guardian Mission Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians head over to Pony Island to meet up with Lucy mean Wick and Faba who are also acting strange and Professor Burnett too when they arrive at the altar of the sun on Pony Island Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians are joined by gladeon who also became an ultra Guardian it's explained that the ultra Aura has been decreasing and because of it it left a side effect in all adults which makes them their not usual selves informed the side effect doesn't affect children in Pokemon Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians were informed of a small Ultra wormhole but couldn't determine where it is due to the clouds being in the way Ash gladeon kiaweh and Lana use their Z move to help get one of faba's machines to work as it can remove the clouds after clearing the clouds Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians went with lusamine to the new ruins that the Aether Foundation found at the altar of the sun however Ash and everyone were called back by Wick when she tells them that something is coming out of the ultra Wormhole arriving back Ash and everyone see lunala coming out of the ultra Wormhole and then saw an unknown Pokemon coming out as well sensing lunala in trouble Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians head over to melee melee to help with the legendary Pokemon Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians did the best they could to stop the unknown Pokemon from hurting lunala but it ended up getting absorbed by it when Team Rocket tried to catch lunala while under the unknown Pokemon's control Ash was almost electrocuted by the net that they used after the possessed lunala Broke Free from it but solgaleo or nebby came to the rescue Ash became happy to see solgaleo again as he tells it how much he missed it and then witness it free lunala from the unknown Pokemon control after lunala collapsed under the beach and the unknown Pokemon collapsed in the ocean Ash with gladeon saved lunala and solgaleo who went to check on its friend from Team Rocket who tried to catch both of them when the unknown Pokemon came out of the ocean and possessed solgaleo Ash tried to chase after it as he wanted to save his friends but the ultra Wormhole closed before he could go after it seeing all the adults back to normal Ash and everyone head back to base so lunala could recover while at the base Ash and everyone witnessed lunala recovering and they all find out that the Aether Foundation decided to call the unknown Pokemon UB black ash becomes Furious when he finds out that it was Team Rocket who tried to take the cosmic Duo while watching over lunala Ash gladion kiaweh and Lana witnessed their z-rings glow which restored the rest of lunala's strength after lunala recovered and seeing its determination to help solgaleo Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians dispatch as they followed lunala through an ultra Wormhole that the legendary Pokemon created passing through the ultra Wormhole and seeing more poipole Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians helped care for nagan Adele poi evolved form through naganodel's telepathy Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians were explained about necrozma UB black and the blinding one's real name also how their world became as it is now also Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians were informed as to why Ash's poipole came to their world Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians watched lunala fight a possessed solgaleo wanting to help the cosmic Duo out Ash gladeon kiaweh and Lana use their Z moves in hopes that necrozma would release solgaleo however Ash gladion kiaweh and Lana zimus didn't work as they had hoped because it made necrozma stronger after getting a call from lusamine and explaining to her the situation Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians with everyone else in alola share their Z power to necrozma which successfully sets sogaleo free from it to help fully restore the crossma to its true form Ash and gladeon with the Island's kahunas use their zemu which give necrosma enough power to restore both its true form and poipo's Homeworld after poipole's Homeworld was restored Ash had to say goodbye to his POI pole as it decided to stay where it belonged funds which he understands before leaving for home Ash sees that poipole made one final drawing of him in Pikachu as its way of saying how much it cares about them Ash and the rest of the ultra Guardians waved goodbye to their friend and then returned to alola wanting to get stronger for his last grand trial on Pony Island Ash and Pikachu encountered tapu Koko again where they battle it once more however Ash with Pikachu were accidentally sent to a parallel world when tapu Koko and a shiny tapu Coco from the parallel world used an electric attack at the same time which created a crack between the worlds during their visit Ash with Pikachu encountered Dia and his partner Zara Aura a mythical Pokemon when they come across guzzlord who happens to be an ultra Beast Ash and Pikachu listened to Dia's story when he told them how guzzlord came to his world and how it also destroyed his world after arriving at the base Ash and Pikachu were in shock that his base is the Pokemon School Dia explained to Ash that he and Pikachu got sent to a parallel world despite being told no into helping them stop guzzlord Ash and Pikachu decide to train anyway which inspired Dia wazera Aura to join them so they can battle the ultra beast when guzzlord was approaching them Ash with Pikachu joined Dia and Zara aora and set the ultra Beast back through the ultra Wormhole for good with Dia and the two tapu Koko's help Ash and Pikachu were sent back to their world through a surprise Announcement by Lana Ash reunites with Misty and Brock once more after Brock offers to stay and help him destroy the Pokemon center Ash and his classmates show Misty their favorite spots while the girls were showing Misty their favorite jewelry store Ash kiaweh and Sophocles waited outside for them where they spotted the Poke ride Mantine surfing hearing that Misty Lana and Mala were interested in Mantine surfing with Sophocles adding about doing it Ash suggested going into Treasure Island as their destination to Surf through Ash and his friends all had a great time surfing as everyone jumped on the waves minus Lily mallow and Sophocles after arriving on the island Ash showed his friends around it however Ash and his friends had to stop Team Rocket from stealing the Mantine when they showed up once again to cause trouble after freeing the Mantine Ash kiawe and Lana use their Z moves with Misty boosting their moves by having her Mega Gyarados use hydro pump to blast Team Rocket off Ash and Misty meet back up with bra where he had dinner made for all of them Ash and his classmates take Misty and Brock to akala Island asikiawe's Family Farm after showing the Family Farm Ash with his classmates introduced Misty and Brock to Olivia watching a battle between Olivia and Brock Ash with his friends minus Olivia and Brock were captured by Team Rocket when they arrived to capture their Pokemon thanks to Olivia and Brock's teamwork Ash and his friends were set free from Team Rocket after this Ash and his friends watch a firework display then had to say goodbye to his longtime friends but they vowed to come back and visit someday later Ash and his classmates arrive on Pony Island to do their research projects for school Ash was planning to do his last grand trial battle as his project but couldn't because there was no Island Kahuna despite having no Island Kahuna Ash decided to battle tapufini for his Grand trial battle instead while exploring the island Ash and his classmates met hapu who is the granddaughter of one of the previous Island Kahuna of pony Island Ash kept asking hapu for a battle but he ended up getting kicked by her mudsdale when he annoyed her Ash asked for the grand trial but she told him that she needed to complete a ritual to be official after witnessing hapu's ritual to become the island Kahuna Ash hangs at the beach with his friends before going to the Grand trial battle once the grand trial battle came Ash chose Pikachu as his Pokemon to battle hapu in a one-on-one battle despite the type disadvantage Pikachu had Ash was able to come up with an idea to beat hapu which was to get her mudsdale wet and then used gigavort Havoc to finish it off Ash was excited that he won his last grand trial when hapu presents him with a box filled with Z crystals where he will choose his prize wanting to thank his best friend for all his hard work ashleigh's Pikachu decide which Z Crystal they should have where he chooses steelium Z as their reward for winning the grand trial of pony island with their research projects done Ash and his friends say goodbye to hapu before they head back with Professor Kukui to Mele melee Island Ash and his classmates headed over to Aether Paradise as Professor Kukui was going to make an announcement they announced alola's first ever Pokemon League with the Aether foundation and the island Kahuna sponsoring it Ash kiaweh Lana and Sophocles all plan to enter due to being a league where everyone can participate while Lily and Malo we're going to consider entering Ash and his classmates return to Oola Island for a two-day trip to Mali City when they got there Ash and his friends went to mallee Garden for some sightseeing during their visit Ash and his friends visit the cantonian gym where he Battles ryuki the Gym Leader Ash's battle was a one-on-one battle but was changed into a double battle when Melton interfered due to being upset about how roulette was losing thanks to roulette learning Brave Bird and a combination move with Melton's flash Cannon Ash was able to beat ryuki and got a souvenir badge from him after visiting the cantonian gym Ash and his friends head back to melee melee Island arriving to return a frying pan he borrowed from mallow Ash noticed that Olivia was helping at mallow's Family Restaurant and then was informed that his friend was off doing an errand after Rotom pointed out that Olivia might have a hard time helping due to being clumsy Ash decided to help out in the family restaurant as well while helping Ash noticed that kiaweh arrived with a Mumu milk delivery as he told them that his timing was perfect and his friend joined in helping when he noticed Olivia was also helping out as well after kiaweh told the arriving Lana Lily and Sophocles that they needed help Ash and everyone helped keep their restaurant running until malo's return however Ash and his friends were all exhausted from the customers that came and they told they were turning mallow that they had a ton of people come to the restaurant while she was away after mallow's father who was grateful for the assistance told their friend that the restaurant got taken care of thanks to them Ash Olivia kiaweh Lana Lily and Sophocles were informed that their friend helped out in the Forest Cafe a lot then got a grassy MZ and a z-ring for helping Ash kiawe and Lana train their Z moves for the alola league while the rest of their friends practice their Z poses also Ash accompanies kiaweh and Sophocles to a z move training boot camp Ash and kiaweh both help Sophocles perfect his Z moves when kiaweh came up with a way to help Sophocles Ash stood out of the way during the whole ordeal but was pleased to see that his friend perfected his moves while at school Ash and his classmates were trying to cut makiwara by using Pokemon moves however Ash and his friends were called in for an ultra guardian's mission after entering the base Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians were shocked that the Melton living with the clefable have multiplied Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians were informed of the new Ultra Beast Cortana then they arc on their mission to find it when they did find it it was about to cut the Pokemon School ash stopped the ultra beast from doing it and convinced it that not everyone wants things cut after trying to catch it and witness how it defeated Team Rocket so easily Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians were told to cancel the mission due to a meteor getting ready to hit alola hearing the meteor was going to hit the Pokemon school and despite being told to evacuate Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians refused to run away as they decide to stop the meteor using their ride Pokemon to get on the meteor Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians have their Pokemon cool it down and then have some of them cut it when their plans didn't work Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians were running out of ideas but the ultra Beast arrived to cut the meteor which saved alola Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians were scolded by Professor Burnett for putting themselves in danger like that but was happy that it worked out and that they were all right seeing that Ultra Beast was getting to leave Ash and his fellow Ultra Guardians bid it farewell Ash kiaweilana Malo and Sophocles headed over to lilies for the Z move training while there they're introduced to magirna by Lily as she explains to them that it was a gift from her father while training Ash gave some advice to Lily while she was having trouble and how to feel while using a z move however Ash and everyone were called in by Hobbes as Professor Kakui was officially announcing the completion of The alola League Stadium Ash kiaweh and Lana became fired up when they hear that the winner of The League will have a special match against the masked Royal while continuing the training Ash Witnesses his best friend perfecting her Z move and was excited that Lily did it and was also happy that he was able to help her arriving at Manalo Stadium Ash and his friends get ready to participate in the league while checking out the stadium Ash meets up with how and was introduced to his newly evolved decidueye hearing team skulls plans to destroy the league and hearing about Professor kukui's pass with guzma Ash and his friends all plan to stop team skull from destroying it after hearing about them participating in the league as well during an opening fast for the league Ash and his friends meet up with gladeon again Ash and his friends were told that the preliminary round will be a battle royale by the mass Royal after getting through the preliminary round Ash was one of the 16 trainers to make it to the finals where he'll be battling Faba Ash was originally going to use Pikachu against Faba but he had his Hypno use psychic to bring out meltan instead through the use of meltan's ability to eat metal and its flash Cannon attack Ash was able to defeat Faba and move on to the quarterfinals after his battle Ash watched all the other matches he kept watching the rest of the matches until they revealed the lineup for the quarterfinals where he'd be battling against how Ash used his roulette against house decidueye which was clearly a disadvantage for him both Pokemon at one stage were down during the battle and since Rowlett did not budge an inch after house decidueye got up nanu announced how as The Winner only for it to be overturned by Hala as roulette had fallen asleep Ash used the second chance to finally defeat how using rowlet's Brave Bird thus winning the battle after the battle both Rivals applauded each other and promised to battle again Ash watched all the rest of the matches for the quarterfinals after the semi-final matches were revealed Ash was surprised when he saw he was to face guzma in the semi-finals before his match in the semi-finals Ash watched the other semi-final Battle of kiaweh and gladion after his friend's battle concluded and gladion was the Victor Ash battled guzma in the Second Battle of the semi-finals Ash was able to defeat one of guzma's bug type Pokemon with Torah cat's help due to having the type advantage however Ash was bummed that Torah cat got knocked out but praised it for the hard-fought battle and then sent out Pikachu to battle guzma although their Z move did some damage to it Ash and Pikachu had to finish the battle with all they got which they did after defeating guzma Ash gets ready for the finals against gladeon before the finals Ash greets his mother Delia and Professor Oak as they came to watch him in the finals also Ash his mother Professor Oak Kukui and Burnet witnessed all the other meltan arrive and then gives the others location Ash and everyone witnessed them all merge which led Melton to evolve into male metal starting the finals Ash brought up a medal and it gave its all but was knocked down by gladion silvally Ash had Pikachu battle it and defeated it but then he had to go up against zoroar who happened to be his and Lily's father's Pokemon after a clash with Z moves Ash and gladion were shocked that their Pokemon knocked each other out using their lycanroc Ash and gladeon gave everything they had however Ash was able to beat gladeon and became the first champion of alola after getting his League trophy Ash and his friends noticed that an ultra Wormhole had opened which a familiar Ultra Beast guzzlord appeared after telling everyone about the ultra BEAST's weak spot Ash helped get everyone to safety at the pier with the masked Royal Ash noticed another Ultra Wormhole with another Ultra Beast which was guzzlord Ash and the masked Royal fight off long enough to get it close to the ultra Wormhole but his friend Pokemon was knocked out before they could finish however Ash noticed another Ultra wormhole in which another Ultra Beast again Adele popped out of Ash didn't recognize it at first but when Pikachu showed the ultra Guardian pendant it's when he realized that his old friend poipole had evolved into neganadel seeing that naganada knows Thunderbolt and that the mass Royal has an electrium Z Ash and his friend used gigavolt Havoc to send the ultra Beast back through the ultra Wormhole however Ash and roton became shocked when they see that the master Royal is Professor kikui after his mask was sent flying due to the strong force of the Z moves with neganadel along with Pikachu being witnesses as well although he was shocked that the Royal was Professor Kukui Ash shook those feelings off as he became more excited for the exhibition battle as he not only gets the chance to battle his teacher and role model but he also doesn't care that he kept his double life a secret from him along with their friends for so long Ash and Professor Kukui both agreed to a full battle then he recalled neganadel before the full battle Ash trains with Mel metal in preparation during their full battle Ash had Torah cat attacked Professor kukui's incineroar but recalled him to recover and then sent out lycanroc to battle it but he recalled it and sent out his Braviary Ash was pleased that lichenrock dealt some damage to Professor kukui's Braviary but he ended up losing to it but Rowlett was able to defeat it in an aerial battle however Ash was bombed when rowlet was knocked out by Professor kukui's Venusaur but sent Torah cat back in to defeated and then recalled him Ash had Pikachu battle professor kakuis and polian but had him come back when he took some serious damage but Mel metal defeated it and ended up being knocked out when he sent his incineroar back out after Professor Kakui sent out his Lucario Ash set in again Adele to battle it little did he know Ash was being watched by tapu Koko who helped the island kahunas defeat guzzlord then decided to stay after the ultra Beast Was Defeated as it was watching the battle between him and Professor Kakui Ash was pleased to see when nagan Adele defeated Professor kukui's Lucario as he recalls it after their battle when Professor kikui resent his incinerar Ash re-sent out Torah cat to battle his rival after they both use Inferno overdrive at the same time and had a clash with one of their moves Ash was happy that toricat defeated Professor kukui's incineroar but he ended up evolving into an incinerar but he couldn't continue battling due to the battle taking a lot out of him when Professor Kukui was going to set out his last Pokemon Ash was surprised that tapu Koko came down to the battlefield and when it smacked Professor kukui's Pokeball out of its hand seeing that tapu Koko wanted to battle him again as Professor kukui's last Pokemon instead Ash became eager that he'd be battling but resent out naganadel to battle the island Guardian where Pikachu wanted to be its opponent first when again Adele was defeated by tapu Koko Ash praised it for its efforts and then recalled it and got ready to send Pikachu back out to battle the island Guardian after the rest of the island Guardians arrive and tapu Coco gave Professor Kukui a tapuni MZ Ash noticed his electrium Z was transforming into a pikachunium z once again as his opponent Was preparing a z move Ash performed his own Z move with Pikachu as both guardian of alola and 10 million volt Thunderbolt collided however Ash helped Pikachu by giving him his strength and encouragement which led them to defeat tapu Koko after the battle Ash was praised and congratulated by Professor Kakui for the hard-fought battle with the Pokemon League done Ash the professors and his Pokemon were having breakfast at Professor kakui's house however Ash had to say goodbye to nagan Adele who sensed an ultra Wormhole nearby and had to return to its home at school Ash listens to his friend's dreams and plans for an upcoming vacation then was asked to battle by kiaweh in order to make up for not getting a chance to during the league hearing Sophocles ask him about his plans for vacation Ash became unsure due to not giving that much thought on the matter after school was done Ash became lost in this thought and he doesn't know what to do next due to finishing his Island challenge but did think about catching more Pokemon despite that idea Ash asks Professor Kukui for some advice but all he told them is that he should figure it out himself although Ash was given some encouragement from Professor Kukui which he appertained after sampling some of malo's new recipes Ash battled kiaweh at akala island and won when Olivia who was referring to the battle asked him about their plans Ash was still unsure as he explains to her that he should figure it out for himself and then listens to what he always plans are when Olivia realizes his friend's true goal Ash becomes happy for kiaweh and supports him in making his dream a reality although Ash listens to Olivia give kiaweh some advice about going out and seeing the world as it would help him make his dream come true Ash was told by Olivia that he would understand what she was saying as he came to alola for his journey to make his dream come true that night after thinking about what Olivia said and realizing that his alola journey was almost over Ash not only decided to see more of the world but also continue his journey in order to make his dream a reality realizing that he woke up his partner in Rotom Ash tells Pikachu that their first stop was to go back home to Pallet Town to see his mom and their Pokemon family that reside to Professor Oak's lab in addition Ash told Pikachu that the world had more awesome things for them to see and tons of Pokemon although the next day when Sophocles asked if he knows what he's going to do during vacation Ash told his friends yes then was going to tell him along with their other friends of his decision of resuming his journey and going back to Kanto however Ash got interrupted when Lily arrived with snowy and the newly awakened magirna then became surprised when she tells everyone she was leaving alola with her family to find her long-lost father after seeing how bummed out his friends were about Lily leaving alola but they did cheer up when she tells him that she'll be back once they find her dad Ash decides to wait to tell his friends about his own plans to leave the region as he didn't want to upset them more by telling them on the Spot while staring at the sunset Ash was asked by Rotom when he was going to tell their friends about his plans to leave alola as well although he knows how sad their friends were going to be about him departing alola Ash tells Rotom he's going to tell their friends his plans to resume his journey that next day after battling and helping Team Rockets mimic you Ash reunites with nebby who decided to come see him and say goodbye riding on nebby that next day Ash meets up with his friends and told them of an adventure they had together also Ash told his friends that Rotom was offered to work for the Aether Foundation and accepted the job after explaining their Adventure Ash tells his friends that he was gonna go home to Pallet Town much to their surprise Ash explains to his friends that ever since he came with Pikachu to alola they met them in tons of Pokemon he also tells his friends that he and Pikachu learned a lot of things at the school as everything in alola had really been the best however Ash realized that it was not only time for him to go back home for a while but also to keep traveling in order to check out other places Ash tells his friends that resuming his journey will give him a new chance to meet more people and tons of Pokemon along with having plenty of Pokemon battles to become stronger in order to fulfill his Ambitions one day although his friends are sad to see him leave a Lola when they realize he's really going Ash nevertheless has their full support to continue his journey in order to make his dream come true which he appreciates when Lily and her family were getting ready to leave a Lola to find mon Ash was given thanks by his best friend for everything he did for her and better farewell arriving at the airport Ash and Pikachu say goodbye to the professors who he decided to leave the Pokemon he caught in alola under their care and then got on their plane to head back to Kanto while on the plane Ash and Pikachu were given one final farewell from their their friends and then continued The Voyage back to their Hometown Journeys Ash heads to the series laboratory with his mom and Professor Oak upon arrival Ash encounters a yamper who he tries to befriend but gets electrocuted by instead Ash then attends the opening ceremony and he learns about the legendary Pokemon Lugia who is spotted at Vermilion City and attempts to battle it when arriving at the scene Ash meets up with a local boy named go as the two ride on Lugia they are able to become friends after getting to know one another after returning to saris laboratory Ash and go are exhausted when Chloe goes childhood friend and cerise's daughter shows up and notices how tired they look Ash and go then show Professor Cerise the information on Lugia that they collected and become assistants of the series laboratory which they both accept Ash and Go's first assessment is to investigate the Ivysaur all over Vermilion City before investigating Cerise gives Ash a special phone that he and go have a Rotom fuse with their phones and become part of their Pokedex however during the investigation Ash and go have a falling out when they find an Ivysaur in trouble arriving at a gym being constructed the two follow the Ivysaur along with their pre-evolved form Bulbasaur to the building following the seed Pokemon Ash is able to easily climb but he notices that go is having trouble and decides to put his Grudge towards him aside to help him climb up although it was a long way up Ash and go get to the top of the building and then witness them about to evolve however Ash and gold become shocked when Team Rocket shows up to steal them Ash had Pikachu battle Team Rocket and sends them blasting off once again Ash and go witnessed their evolution but was oblivious when his friend was telling him that he and Pikachu were amazing Ash and go bring their findings to Professor Cerise and then some would apologize to one another for their Fallout from before ashenko's next assignment was to investigate the special phenomenon in the gala region upon arriving in Galler Ash and go encounter Wild score Bunny and three nicket who steal the former's backpack after getting his backpack back Ash and go then head to the train station on route to the wild area to continue their investigation when Ash and go arrive at the wild area the encounter is sleeping Snorlax and meet up with score bunny again when the Snorlax gets gigantomax Ash Pikachu go and score bunny try to move the Snorlax where it's blocking the railroad for the incoming train after successfully dealing with it Ash Witnesses his friend go when he catches his very first Pokemon score bunny Ash helps go begin his goal on catching all Pokemon to fill in his index on his phone Ash Pikachu and score bunny help go search and catch a bunch of bug type Pokemon in the Kanto region where he's successful in catching them Ash is also able to teach go how to catch Pokemon by battling and weakening them during their mission Ash brings go to the Hoenn region where he has them entered in the Battle Frontier flute Cup Tournament Ash brings Pikachu and Miami with him to compete in the tournament during their visit Ash and go meet a guy named Hodge who appears to be a cool guy and is nice to Ash but somewhat rude to go meanwhile Ash is rapidly advancing through the tournament winning battle after battle when the final match between him and Hodge starts Ash uses Miami against Hodges hariyama after Miami easily defeats hariyama Hodge sends out his Mightyena which Miami easily gives up forcing him to switch to Pikachu after winning the tournament Ash is rewarded with the prize while Hodge congratulates him as he had fun during their battle Ash and go later meet a disheartened and worn out Piplup in vermillions Port it appears this Piplup comes from the Sinnoh region and has gotten lost and it's trainer named Lauren was looking for it so they decided to take it back home when they ran they meet Lauren who is happy to be reunited with their Piplup however they realize that Piplup left after Lauren got another Pokemon a croagunku has a rivalry with Piplup Ash enters the Drift Ice Race with his Pikachu however Ash and gold become shocked when Team Rocket shows up to steal their Pokemon Ash and go battle Team Rocket and are able to send them blasting off once again afterwards they witness Lord and her Pokemon who finally make amends as they complete their assignment and return home Ash and go read the news about legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh appearing in Johto so they head to the region where they can meet it however when they arrive they realize that the sightings of Ho-Oh turned out to be fake which were due to a kid named Chad who did it to help his grandfather look for Ho-Oh after giving up searching for it the boys helped Chad and his grandfather look for Ho-Oh in the bell tower however they run into trouble with a mischievous and a Stantler until ghost stops them by catching them when they arrive at the bell tower they look for Ho-Oh and they call out for it despite failure on searching for Ho-Oh they help Chad's grandfather get his motivation back as he will continue to look for holo himself after their mission Ash and go return home Ash and go head to an island where they can investigate the Dragonite who lived there during the investigation Ash and go discover how the Dragonite lived there such as sleeping eating and living together along with their pre-evolved forms Dratini and Dragonair however while they're doing their research Ash befriends a Dragonair who has trouble flying and using Dragon Dance Ash was able to help it Master the move and was able to help it grow its wings while they were there Team Rocket attempted to steal the Pokemon but they were soon defeated when Dragonair evolves into Dragonite after Team Rocket was dealt with Ash caught the newly Evolved Dragonite thus adding it to his team Ash and go greeted their Pokemon at Cerise Park where they see Ash's Dragonite and goes Scyther and Stantler greeting each other with hugs and goes Wurmple evolving into cascoon they later encountered a mysterious Gengar at the saris laboratory and it starts attacking everyone Ash attempts to battle and catch it during their Pursuit but failed in doing so as Gengar continues its Mayhem Chloe shows up and she and yamper defeat it causing it to leave the laboratory at night the boys become determined to battle Gengar the next time it shows up Ash and go head back to the galar region to watch the finals of the world coronation series as they arrived tournament they witnessed the battle between one of the Kanto Elite Four lands and the Pokemon champion of galar Leon during the battle Leon defeated Lance and then became the world champion after seeing this battle Ash declared he wants to battle Leon when the match ended the wind on Stadium was attacked by a wild Dreadnought after Team Rocket accidentally provoked it and caused it to change into his gigantomax form Ash and go head out of the stadium to deal with the gigantomax Dreadnought however during their battle something unexpected happened the Dynamax energy from underground engulfed Pikachu and caused it to transform into its gigantomax form Ash was shocked to see his best friend gigantomaxing himself but took the opportunity to use it to battle dreadna Ash had initial trouble with Pikachu's newly giant form but somehow got used to it during the fight with Dreadnought Ash and Pikachu then defeated dreadna via Leon's advice with a powerful g-max move g-max Vault crash after a Victorious win Pikachu reverted to its normal size Ash and gold thanked Leon for his help as Leon thanks them for their heroic efforts as well Ash asks Leon if he'd like to have a battle with him but Leon stares at him with an interesting look the next day Ash thinks about Leon as he wants to battle which goes states that he can by entering the world coronation series himself go explains the rules in the ranking system where too they can climb through the ranks in order to battle Leon however the boys were shocked to see as Leon accepted Ash's offer much to the former's pleasure at the wind on Stadium Leon gives Ash a Dynamax band as Leon realizes he used Dynamax without it yesterday Leon explains how Dynamax works for when I Pokemon Dynamax their moves become Max moves and he told Ash that his Pikachu can gigantomax now he's his own special g-max move Leon also told him that he can use Dynamax when a Pokemon returns to its Pokeball Ash did remark about Pikachu hating being in his pokeball but he's sure they will still manage and decides to borrow the band as their battle begins Ash was being overpowered during most of it but managed to hold their ground during the battle Ash's Dynamax band glows and transfers its energy to Pikachu causing him to activate into gigantom X form again Leon's response is gigantha maxing his Charizard which led the fight to be a gigantic Max battle due to Ash's inexperience with it he was defeated by Leon after the battle Ash thanks him for the fight and tries to return the Dynamax band but Leon tells Ash he can keep it Leon told Ash he likes special unrefined trainers like him and he needs to pop more if he wants to truly satisfy him Ash asks Leon for another time that they can meet and Leon promises their next one will be an official match Ash then decides to enter the world coronation series in order to have his official rematch with Leon Ash registers for the new season of the world coronation series he plans to have his first battle with visquez the substitute gym teacher of Vermillion gym after arriving at the gym Ash was surprised that viscas knows him as she heard about him from Lieutenant Serge where he won a gym battle against him way back when Ash asks visquez to be his first opponent in the world coronation series which he accepts Ash starts his first real coronation series match in a 2v2 battle Ash sends Pikachu out against viscous as Raichu in the first battle however Pikachu had taken a lot of damage during the battle so Ash decides to switch Pikachu with Gengar Ash was happy that Gengar was Victorious against her Raichu but was bummed when it soon lost to electrode not before managing to do some damage to it was psychic Ash recalls Gengar and Praises it for its hard work Ash sent out Pikachu to battle against electrode Ash and Pikachu were able to defeat electrode by Rolling it in reverse and having Pikachu strike it down with its iron tail and surviving its aftermath by using electroweb as a shield after the battle Ash and Pikachu celebrate their first match Victory as they advance to a new rank this guy's congratulates Ash for his win in their battle and she plans to tell Lieutenant serge that he could have another rematch with them much to Ash's pleasure on wanting to battle him again Ash and go went to see a movie being created there they encountered a ditto who had fallen into a slump after angering a director due to not being able to transform very well when they ditto ran away from the studio Ash and go decided to search for the missing Pokemon luckily they find the ditto with Team Rocket who were helping him become a better actor they rescue it from Team Rocket who faked their defeat in order to bring the ditto back to them and then brought it back to the theater Ash and go then researched about Pokemon Eggs which they decided to go and look for one while searching for an egg Ash gets challenged by a trainer named Hayden and starts his third world coronation series match during the battle Ash senses a powerful wave of Aura which caused the egg to feel his presence after the battle Ash wins his third match in the coronation series but sees Pikachu get an injury and decides to take him to a Pokemon Center just then Ash senses something nearby but didn't know what at the Pokemon Center while his Pikachu was getting his wound healed Ash senses something again and follows thesaurus Ash then finds a Pokemon egg which Nurse Joy explains that the egg was originally from Sinnoh and got imported to Kanto after being told that it was passed down from one caretaker to another and even refused to hatch for some reason Ash tells Nurse Joy and go that he sensed the egg was close by Ash was given the egg to keep by Nurse Joy back at the series laboratory Ash shows everyone the egg as they explain how to take care of one Ash watches over the egg to make sure it was alright and even stops his Dragonite from almost accidentally squishing it when it tries to give it a hug that night the boys were sleeping until they woke up and noticed that the egg was starting to hatch after the egg hatch they were amazed when it was revealed to be a Riolu however the boys went after Riolu when it got confused and ran away from them the boys search for Riolu LED them to a forest during which Ash expressed to go how he felt that real Lou is waiting for him and later believed it to be just mistaken after go suggested to split up to cover more ground Ash and Pikachu left in One Direction while their friends left in the other luckily Ash and Pikachu found Riolu who was being attacked by an onyx seeing this Ash and Pikachu rushed to protect Riolu who sensed his Aura Powers when Riolu pushed Pikachu aside Ash realized that the emanation Pokemon wanted to battle with him through their teamwork they were able to defeat Onyx Ash praised ryolu for its skills and then takes it to the Pokemon Center to heal its injuries at the Pokemon center Ash was happy that ryolu had its wounds healed however Ash became surprised that riola wanted to come with him which he accepted Ash caught ryolu and it becomes a member of his team while in hohen to investigate a beautify migration Ash and go helped raboot win a dance battle as it was helping some wild Pokemon living in the area hearing that go wanted to release raboot Ash told his friend that he should have talked to his partner about it first which got him to realize his mistakes after rabout caught up with them Ash was pleased that go and his partner are planning to stay together Ash was at Cerise Park training with Riolu as he heard Mimi used reflect on its vacuum wave however Ash was called by go as he had Pikachu and Riolu accompany him as they meet up with him and then take care of his Pokemon however Ash and go notice a food shortage and they decide to spend the night at the park Ash took some time to get some rest with Pikachu and ryolu but were woken up by go as it was their turn to keep watch however Ash and his Pokemon fell asleep and were woken up when he heard Pikachu use Thunderbolt after waking up the boys see that the other Pokemon were fighting and Dragonite would grab everyone as it told them that they should have let them work this out on their own however Ash and go saw that Golurk was going berserk as its seal was removed but some of his friend Pokemon recovered it and then put it back on although Ash go and their Pokemon all helped his friend kaskoon evolve into dustox after everything was resolved Ash go and their Pokemon enjoy some time together hearing rumors at the resort area in The Sinner region Ash and go head over to investigate while there Ash and go meet up with the team rocket Trio who were on vacation in Disguise as they were helped by them after finding out what they came for Ash and go had to stop Team Rocket's Elite group matori Matrix led by matori who lied to the Team Rocket Trio just so she could get them out of the way operation Ash had Pikachu and ryolu battle them but his partner ended up getting taken as he tried to save them but go stopped them while at the Pokemon center Ash decided that they needed to find Team Rocket and not only get Pikachu back but the other Pokemon as well with the team rocket Trio who overheard everything what Tori said and wanted payback Ash and go found Pikachu along with the other Pokemon as they were able to rescue them after Team Rocket retreated Ash and go thanked the disguised Team Rocket Trio for their help and then left to go back to Kanto Ash and go later traveled to the Kalos region where Ash partakes in a battle Festival to raise his world coronation series ranking he and Riolu later sent an aura nearby which turns out to be from Corona's Lucario and is greeted by its trainer Corona Ash and Corona later face each other in the finals Ash using Gengar and Dragonite and Corona using bien Xiao and Lucario Ash helped GO train his Magikarp for a jumping competition but was bummed when it didn't return to Earth however after investigating Slowpoke Islands Ash and go see that the ladder Magikarp had made its return returning to galar for a coronation series match Ash and go see Leon battle a galar region gym leader and he beats him after that Ash and go learn a little bit about the Region's history through Sanya hearing about a wild far-fetched Ash and go found it as he watches his friend battle and then lose when he was about to have Pikachu battle it Ash became surprised that ryolu came out of its Pokeball on its own and then had it battled the wild duck Pokemon instead Ash was pleased that Riolu beat far-fetched and then brought them both to the Pokemon Center after they were healed Ash offered to help far-fetch become stronger and it happily accepts the offer after catching it Ash brought far-fetch'd out and then watches its spar with Riolu while eating ash and go meet a wild sobble but it ran away from them however Ash became surprised that go caught Sauble and encouraged it when he had it battle a wild silicobra after Sable ran away from everyone Ash helped go look for it however Ash and go were stunned that Sabal was captured by Team Rocket and then helped his friend save his Pokemon through the efforts of their Partners Ash and go were able to save Sable and then send Team Rocket blasting once more while training Pikachu and Riolu Ash was asked by go if he saw Sable to which he said no hearing some of Ghost Pokemon crying they realized it was nearby and had his Dragonite comment down which worked Ash and go became amazed to see Chloe taking care of a pit of although they notice how jealous yamper was about Chloe giving pit of more attention than him Ash and go were told about Chloe's pass with the emperor however Ash and go were willing to help defend the two Pokemon from a wild fearow although Ash became annoyed that go didn't think about catching the Pharaoh Ash was later seen to be battling Tony in a world coronation series match between Electabuzz and ryolu after Riolu got the win Ash went up to the 901st rank in superclass however while trading Riolu Ash was unaware of Pikachu feeling neglected as he didn't give him a chance to spar when his mother later arrived at the lab to check up on him Ash ate the dinner she made and everyone then left to train with ryolusa more the next day after his mother left Ash was ready to train with Riolu as Pikachu tried to get his attention but to no avail this led him to run away however Ash noticed Pikachu's absence and realized that his partner was feeling neglected because of how he'd been training Riolu instead of him with Chloe's help realizing the truth and where he was going Ash rushed to his hometown of Pallet Town in order to find pikach you and apologize with go accompanying him after Pikachu who realized his mistake of leaving him and Miami who went with him arrived in Pallet Town Ash sees him and he apologized to him for not paying attention to his feelings and his partner in return apologizes to him for leaving without warning that night Ash decided to thank Mimi again for looking out for Pikachu and then lullabied him to sleep Ash and go aided Ginny in helping your Phoebus Phoebe to win a water type friendship contest in hohen which they succeeded later Ash accompanied go to the Pokemon Center in order for him to participate in a trade meeting he later battled karomi in a world coronation series superclass match which he won Ash later visited the fighting dojo in Saffron City to battle the karate master who had been beaten by the gala region gym leader B he decides to have a world coronation series great class match against her despite his determination Ash was utterly crushed by Bee's overwhelming strength resulting in his rank dropping Ash soon accompanied go to find some wild Pikachu they eventually have an encounter with an affectionate Pikachu who gave the gang some Petra berries as a token of friendship Ash later attend attempted to have Riolu battle at a distance in two great class matches however both resulted in his rank going back down to normal class this caused him to become depressed which made him falter in the battle against a Flygon fortunately go was able to remind Ash of his unique battling style and Ash decided to start fresh again Ash and go later went to alola where go hoped to catch in a lowland executor he was reunited with Professor Kakui and Professor Burnett he was soon introduced to lay Bernard's newborn baby and was referred to as a big brother Ash soon caught up with his alolan team and his classmates save for Lily who is still searching for her father Ash and go later brought Chloe to the Pewter Museum to see the exhibition of the giant shield on after missing out on a chance to see the exhibit they decided to dig up some fossils in the park Ash was seen training Riolu and Pikachu in the park when go delivered news of B being in sightwood City upon arriving at signwood City Gym Ash had not only re-encountered B but also met up with the gym leader Chuck he soon has a rematch against B since he managed to raise his rank back up to great class however the battle ended in a draw when their last Pokemon knock each other out despite the draw ash and B both acknowledge their skills as trainers when Ash and go were preparing some shaved ice there was an electrical surge which turned out to be the work of the Legendary Pokemon Zapdos finding Zapdos at a power plant Ash and go teamed up with Team Rocket to battle it until his friend left to confront it while go was continuing the battle against Zapdos Ash battled Team Rocket and then blasted them off after their battles Ash and go were happy that they battled Zapdos as they hoped to battle it again one day as Ash and go were strolling they came across a Marshtomp who is stuck in the dried up mud although they tried to get it out Ash and go failed to help marshtom until they eluded Colo and its friend came and they helped the mudfish Pokemon get out of the dried mud however Ash and go were shocked that marshtop got stuck in the dried up mud again one night as Ash was about to go to sleep he notices Dynamax band glowing a red light the following day he and go decide to visit the leading Authority on Dynamax phenomenon Professor Magnolia whilst on the way to wedge her stay wild Bunnelby came in through the window and ran off with some of their lunch into the slumbering wield whilst chasing after the Bunnelby and go end up separating from each other soon enough Ash was approached by a mysterious Pokemon who attacked him out of the blue despite Pikachu's efforts the Pokemon appeared to be unfazed by the attacks after the Pokemon summons up a thick fog Ash and Pikachu wound up unconscious after leaving the forest he noticed several rays of red light falling from the sky upon coming into a nearby Town Ash came across a rampaging gigantom accent to Scorch who was attacking the residents Ash decided to try and stop the rampaging Pokemon with Pikachu Dragonite and ryolu despite their efforts the rampant sentence Scorch appeared unfazed by their attacks it wasn't until Leon and Charizard showed up that these set to Scorch returned to normal Ash and Leon soon arrived at a mine where a colossal ended up giganta maxing and went on a rampage after returning it back to normal Ash defended the Pokemon from the miners who were putting down the Colossal despite it not being itself at the time Ash was soon encountered by Rose and his secretary oleana who invited him to a meal at Rose Tower during the meal Rose offered Ash an enforcement if he were to accept his proposal to which Ash states he would rather Forge his own path Ash soon departed from Rose Tower in order to reunite with go at Stow on side when he saw a bright red light emitting from the energy plant at hammerlock upon reaching the stadium Ash encountered Team Rocket who were being chased by a giganta maxed Meowth inside the stadium Ash and Leon witnessed the terrifying power eternitus was capable of when Rose entered the stadium he told Ash and Leon his reasoning behind using eternitus as a power source Ash Pikachu and ryolu continued their battle against chairman Rose's kaparaja and ferrothorne whilst Leon deals with eternitus noticing that Ferrothorn focused more on defense and kaparaja on offense as strategically gets the two steel types to attack each other just as Pikachu is about to unleash its Thunderbolts it got pushed back by eternitus's Dynamax Cannon just as Ash and Pikachu were about to get trampled by Rose's Pokemon Riolu intercepts the attack to defend them despite the pressure of the power whip attacks ryolu evolves into Lucario and pushes the two Pokemon back Ash then commanded Lucario to use vacuum wave until Lucario told Ash through Aura to command Aura Sphere instead upon defeating Rose Ash Pikachu and Lucario head to where Leon was taking on eternitus and reunited with go and his newly evolved cinderase with help from zashian and zamasenta Ash and go were able to defeat eternitus as they caught it and then sealed it away so The Darkest Day wouldn't occur again Ash and go return The Rusted sword and shield as they thank the two legendary Pokemon for their help also Ash and go hope to see the two legendary Pokemon again someday when they return to Kanto Ash and go received word about a strong psychic energy signature that Blair's similarities to Mew hearing this Ash and go Venture off to Cerro Island to investigate the mysterious energy however they encounter Mewtwo which Ash knows but doesn't tell go because of the promise he had made to the genetic Pokemon from last time they saw each other Ash and go battled Mewtwo as they fight a good fight against it but they lost to it in the end however Ash and Go's passion for their ambition impressed Mewtwo who brought them back to the lab where they reunited with their friends did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and be sure to like subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 321,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pikachu, Pokemon, Ash, Pokémon, Poké Ball, Kangaskhan, Professor Oak, Jessie, James, Meowth, Pokémon the Series, Gold and Silver, Ruby and Sapphire, Diamond and Pearl, Black & White, XY, XYZ, Sun & Moon, Pokémon Journeys, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, timeline, lets go, eevee, infinity energy, team skull, kyogre, X and Y, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Tap Koko, sword and shield
Id: LdItbphBI6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 36sec (5616 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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