Sisters of House Black- An Unofficial Fan Film (FULL FILM)

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I watched this twice the other day. I found it relatable in an odd way. The sister’s relationship as very well written, and the portrayal of their parents (coupled with their actions) gave me real pause to care about Bellatrix. And whoever the actress is who played Narcissa made her very human - she did a great job. Does anyone else think she didn’t destroy the pensive in the end?

I also really liked the music box element and how they kept the ‘why’ of it playing very ambiguous. The line about “Mr. Deatheater having a heart” really got me too.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/HPthrowaway24601 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

In case anyone missed this - It’s a wonderful take on the Black Sisters. If you haven’t seen it yet do yourself a favor and watch now ^

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ADreamer 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

An excellent high quality fan film. Keeps well inline with both canon and intelligent fan theory. Production, acting, music, directing, camera...all superb.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OtterTheDruid 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I loved it. The last scene really got me.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OliveCat15 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really enjoy this fan films, it just shows how big is this fandom and how engaged we are. I feel proud of being part of it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Gamusina29 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

I did not see it on here so tried to post it and it lead me here. Really amazing fan made film. The actress that plays Bellatrix is just absolutely amazing. Worth the watch.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Moobx 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
(tense music) (dramatic whooshing) (mysterious music) [Female News Reporter] Seven Muggles have been reported to have mysteriously gone missing, having been grabbed by a group in black cloaks. - [Male News Reporter] Seems like this dark wizarding group are finally taking action where others dare not. - [Student] You got it! - Do you think this dark wizard really exists? I thought it was just some silly gossip going around the school. - I know he does. Rodolphus Lestrange is the one to talk to. (students yelling excitedly) (tense music) (electrical crackling) - Cissy, you should put your wand in too, see what happens! (students yelling excitedly) (electrical crackling) (dramatic blasting) (students gasping) - You watching, Mudbloods? This just proves that purebloods really are the most powerful! - Shut it, Lestrange! (students chattering) I wonder what this really means. I mean, I've heard about two wand cores, but-- - It means together, we can do incredible things! - It means we have a bond like no other. We can't break it. (students chattering) - [Student] Filthy Mudbloods! - You will never see her again. If you do, you will meet the same fate. (Narcissa crying) (melancholic music) (girls laughing) - [Andromeda] I want to see it! Well, let me see! Narcissa, give them here! (tense music) - Give them back now! - I knew studying Legilimency would be useful. I can see EXACTLY what's going on. - This is important! Magical purity is getting weaker! We need to ensure that the Black line remains powerful! YOU need to set an example! You know that Muggles are causing wars and destruction in this world! Their weak-minded blood does not belong with ours! - I will marry a pureblood, but right now, especially after I got my Auror apprenticeship, and what about all those NEWTs I worked so hard for? Besides, when I do marry, I want it to be my choice. I'll do it my own way. I don't appreciate being pushed around like a Witch Weekly magazine! Mother, please! - Be quiet! You're no longer at Hogwarts, Bellatrix. We've left it far too long. - I guess I better pack in my NEWTs now-- - Don't be silly, Bell, Andromeda. - If you do not comply, there is a very easy way to fix this! - Cygnus, she's forgotten enough as it is. (tense pensive music) - You are a disgrace to our family! You will marry first, and then you will leave this house. Then I will no longer have to deal with you. (melancholic pensive music) Our family is the noble and most ancient house of Black! You will all contribute to carrying on a pure magical bloodline! If you do not obey or agree to our arrangements, you will be banished from this household and stripped of your rights as a member of the Black family! Do you understand? (tense music) - Are you listening, Bellatrix? (tense pensive music) - He thinks he can take away my memories? - I'm glad you tried to stand up to Mother and Father, Bella. I agree with you. (soft mysterious whooshing) But what can we do about it, though? I don't want to marry someone I barely know! (soft mystical tinkling) - Avada Kedavra! - It's okay. - Avada Kedavra! - Have an earwax! (Andromeda and Narcissa laughing) - Right! - [Andromeda] (laughing) No! - [Bellatrix] I'm gonna get you! - You have to (mumbles)! - Earwax! - Stop it, that's disgusting! - [Bellatrix] Earwax, earwax! (Bellatrix and Andromeda laughing) - [Andromeda] No, don't! (warm pensive music) (tense music) (foliage rustling) No, stop it! I told you, it's an Unforgivable Curse! The Ministry have traced you, Bella! - Not that she actually cast it, mind you. - Stop it, get behind me! (tense music) (foliage rustling) (wind blowing) - Ted? Tonks? I think he's in my year at Hogwarts. - Yeah, a seventh-year Hufflepuff. Muggle-born. (Bellatrix laughing) - Hello, I've got these leaflets for the-- - And what exactly are these, some sort of Muggle defence society? (laughs) - The Gigglyflits. My friends are playing in the village pub tonight. I said I'd help them out because I wanted to make it a good one for them. I was walking up to your house to put some through the gate. - They play music at the pub? - Yes, apparently quite a lot. Do you not go down there much? - There's no need for us to. - Well, if you want to, here you go. - Thanks. - Maybe see you tonight. - Go, leave! (laughing) - What an idiot! Did he seriously think we'd go to a gig? We're not desperate. (Bellatrix and Narcissa laughing) - [Bellatrix] The Gigglyflits! (Bellatrix and Narcissa laughing) - Bella, you seem to be good friends with Rodolphus. - Lestrange? - [Bellatrix] Rodolphus? - He's worse than Malfoy. (laughs) - Rodolphus? Wait, Rodolphus! I almost forgot! He said he'd take us to visit the Dark Lord tonight. You two coming? - Of course! If there's new magic being taught, I want to be there. I'll go get my cloak. - Rodolphus, really? - Whatever you can control, take hold of. Keep storing those memories. I'd suggest watching them in a Pensieve each night. - My Lord, there has been a mistake. These are the three sisters I spoke to you about, with the wands? - I'm Bellatrix Black, and I've no doubt that you know the name that my sisters and I share. We're from the-- - Silence. (tense music) I have heard of the Black family, a most prestigious and noble line, always pure. (tense music) However, you are Hogwarts students. Albus Dumbledore may be a hypocritical blood traitor, but he is no fool, and his power is unrivalled. His downfall will come at my hand at the opportune moment. (tense music) It's rather disappointing, Lestrange. This is why you are not yet a Death Eater like your father. - My Lord! I believe you will find great value in Bellatrix. She currently has an Auror apprenticeship at the Ministry - And I was four-times duelling champion at Hogwarts. - Very well. Duel with me. Duel with me, Bellatrix Black. (dramatic tense music) (Bellatrix grunts) (fire blazing) (mysterious whispering) Free yourself. - You have my wand! (Voldemort chuckles) - Fear and love will bind you. Don't let them control you. (tense music) You show much potential. You're so much more than just a simple Auror. Let me teach you. (gong reverberating) (water babbling) (pensive music) - Avada Kedavra! (ducks quacking) Avada Kedavra! - No, it's disgusting! - Shut up! (dramatic tense music) Avada Kedavra! - For heaven's sake, must you practise that here? - Yes, I have to get this! He expects me to get it! - Today is Wednesday, the 26th of May, 1971. Are we heading for a wizarding war? The view on Muggle relations is dividing the wizarding world for the first time since Grindelwald. (tense music) - [Cygnus] Enough of the distraction! (tense music) (melancholic pensive music) - You should be happy, proud even. I'm putting our family on the right side of power. You know, actually going out there doing something about it, unlike you! Cissy! - [News Reporter] Today is Monday, the 19th of June, 1972. The group in black cloaks have identified themselves as Death Eaters, and claim responsibility for multiple attacks. - Let me guess where you two have been. - [Bellatrix] This is our duty as a family. - You could join us. - [News Reporter] Their leader proudly claimed responsibility in the name of magical blood purity, and goes by Lord Voldemort. - [Bellatrix] Where's Andromeda? - [Narcissa] At her job at Gringotts. (tense music) - Please! - We'd be offering our house to rebellion meetings. If the Ministry found out, then-- - The Ministry still think I'm a dedicated Auror trainee. Besides, the Dark Lord will protect us, so will I. - I don't think this is a good idea. - I do. So many influential people are following him now, including the Malfoys. it would prove your alliance to him and to all the powerful families. - It really is beneficial. He can keep us safe. He's only going to get stronger. - They do have a point. - We'd be silly not to. We could set out to do what Grindelwald achieved, and more, and you could help. - Cygnus? - I will give permission to this, on one condition. You will marry. - Stop, I know exactly what you're thinking. - Who knows? We're good friends. - Bella! There are other ways to gain the Dark Lord's approval. And who knows, he may lose power within a year or so. - Oh, he won't. (tense music) All right. How does Lestrange sound? (tense music) (Andromeda laughs) - Stop! Andy! - (laughs) Your eyelashes look fine. - We're all so different in our own ways, aren't we? - Yes, very different. (Andromeda and Narcissa laughing) (mysterious music box music) - Lucius said it's charmed to play when it senses love. - He got you that? Oh, Mr. Death Eater has a sensitive side. (mysterious music box music) - [Bellatrix] Father should be here soon. (mysterious music box music) - You're quiet. Are you nervous? - Bellatrix Black, nervous? (mysterious music box music) You've only just realised what you're doing, haven't you? (mysterious music box music) [Bellatrix] - I know what love is now. What? No. No! You can't! There's no way you can! Bella, that's not love! (mysterious music box music) - [Narcissa] What did you say? - Forget it. I'm taking hold of what I can control. (dramatic orchestral music) (people chattering) - Sirius, this is incredible! How did you get it to track people? - The Homonculous Charm. Actually, I was gonna ask if you could help me with the Slytherin Common Room. - Of course! (laughs) - This is wonderful! You know, you're going to need some sort of concealment charm, though, If you don't want anyone stealing it. - Actually, she's right. There's one that I use on my letters, the (mumbles) charm. You create a secret phrase, and then it will reveal it. - And why are you concealing your letters? - Gringotts rules, of course. - All right, give it back! - You know, this is some really powerful magic. You could be useful-- (Andromeda groans) - No, thanks. My talents will not be used for any Muggle torturing or Dark Arts, thank you very much. - Well, you know, stars only shine in darkness. - Come along, Sirius! I want you to talk to the Carrow girl! - Swear, it's all our family bloody thinks about. You lot are so boring! - Hey! Not you, Andy. - Sirius, come! I want to make progress! - Someone kill me, please. - [Auror Richardson] You! (dramatic tense music) (people gasping) - Hey, this is a wedding! How dare you... (dramatic tense music) - I'm taking you into the Ministry, where you're in suspicion of conspiring with He Who Must Not Be Named! - What? - You were sighted attacking the Muggle Parliament building, castin' a Dark Mark into the sky! - No, wait! It wasn't her! - Richardson, there must have been some sort of mistake. This is my sister. - I'm sorry, Black, Lestrange. I'm just doing my job. Congratulations, by the way. (tense music) - [Cygnus] You can't just take her like that! I will be speaking with the minister! This is an outrage! - [Aunt Walburga] You should be proud of Andromeda. She's showing her allegiance to the pureblood cause. - Walburga, she could go to Azkaban for this. - [Narcissa] Bella, what did you do? - [Bellatrix] What I had to do to protect our family. They won't remember. - [News Reporter] And why should we have to hide our power from the Muggles when we're far superior? It's 197-- - And that's your opinion. - [Bellatrix] I don't remember any of this. When did this happen? Father? (dramatic tense music) - Please don't tell me someone has died! - He only killed a couple of Muggles! - Oh, oh, that's okay, then. Just a couple of Muggles, is it? Are we killing Muggles in the street now? Oh, I don't know, bringing about the people who murdered them into our... This isn't right. We can't keep on living like this! (dramatic tense music) We have to do something. (Andromeda laughs incredulously) (dramatic tense music) I hate the Dementors. It's so cold. Father, can't you just-- - [Cygnus] Enough! There's nothing I can do, she made her choice. - [Narcissa] No, you made it for her. (melancholic pensive music) - This is a detailed plan of the Death Eaters' attack on the Ministry. You do know some members of the Order of the Phoenix, right? - Maybe. - Hurry up! - Sirius, we want them out of our house! - Funny how you both only get involved when it concerns yourselves. (melancholic pensive music) - This was a mistake! - But it was an attack on the Ministry. We're fine, no one knows that it was us. (tense music) - Anything interesting in there? - Not that I know of. - [Bellatrix] Hmm. (tense music builds) - What are you doing in here? - Is it a crime to come see how my sisters are doing? So rare that we do this these days. (dramatic tense music) Such fond memories in here. Yes, surprisingly, I remember them, like, the time that we dressed the ghoul in Andy's clothes. Or, (laughs softly) when we sipped Giggleshots Or maybe the time that we sat here and said to each other, "At least we'll be able to rely on each other." The only people who could've known about the attack last night are the people in this house. No Death Eater could have done this. I made sure of it. - I don't appreciate people jumping to conclusions. - Never said it was you. It's just that Malfoy would never forgive you if he thought it was. You'd have to say goodbye to that arrangement, wouldn't you? - Maybe your protection spells weren't as powerful as you thought! Lucius has told me about a certain-- - Would you like me to perform Legilimens on you, or something worse? - No! It was me. (tense music) - You? (laughs softly) You've ruined everything! He trusted me! And after all the things I've done for this family, after all the things I've done for you! Using memory charms on Aurors, you know how much I hate memory-- - That was your mess! All of this is! Dementors, murders in our house! - The Dark Lord, does he suspect any of us? (tense music) - [Bellatrix] He suspects an outsider. - Then can't we just move on from this? Maybe it's a good thing that this happened. - A good thing? They'll never visit this house again! - As I planned! You need your space, we all do, but this is our home. Can't you see what the Dark Lord is doing to the wizarding world, to you? (sighs) To us. - [Bellatrix] Stop trying to cover your tracks, stop being so selfish! - Selfish? Can you not get through into your thick skull that you're the one who's putting us in danger? And for what, your own gain? You're supposed to protect us! This, this is not what big sisters are supposed to do - Andy! - You disgust me! Everyone's been talking about the things you've been doing. - The things I've been doing are magnificent. I have power you will never reach. Would you like to see? - Go on then, mastered the Killing Curse yet? - There's more creative spells than that. I could charm your clothes to tighten and strangle you, or perhaps I could torture you as punishment. Or maybe I could force you to do my bidding. Yes, see the errors of your ways, make you join us as a Death Eater! (loud slapping) (tense music) Deary me. Hitting me like a Muggle What's wrong, scared to use magic on me? - We both need to just stop and think about what we're doing. (tense music) - [Muffled Voice] Ted? Tonks? (Bellatrix laughing) - [Bellatrix] Talking about Muggles! - What are you talking about? You're mad. (laughing) (muffled speaking) - You really shouldn't have betrayed me, or our family. (tense music) (mysterious tense music) (loud whooshing) (Andromeda mumbling) - Bella, wait! (Andromeda mumbling) What's going on? - [Andromeda] I don't know, I think she's... (tense music) - You really thought you could hide this from me? (laughs) - It's okay. I'll handle this. - No, Ted. Bella, this is my choice. I'm doing it my own way. You remember that, right? - Not this way - What is this? How long's this been going on for? - Since The Weird Sisters gig. - You remember, all those years ago, when we saw the Mudblood right here. (Andromeda gasps) - Explain yourself. - Hey! (Ted grunts) - I tried to tell you! Did you really think I had a job at Gringotts? - You lied? All those times you left the house, you were with him? I don't understand. - Because unlike you two, I don't care! I don't care about power or riches, or blood. We're all magical! Even if he didn't have a single drop of magical blood, it wouldn't matter to me. You all lead a life with no true love! - I love you, myself and Lucius We're pureblood We love each other. You don't need to prove a point by trying to taint our family. - How on earth does marrying Ted taint the family? It doesn't! You're both brainwashed! - Enough! (dramatic tense music) He's the one who's brainwashed you, teasing you with something new, something different. That's exactly what they do. Just a moment of weakness for you, Andy, that's all. (Ted groaning softly) I'll say this once, let him go. Promise not to see him anymore They'll forgive you (dramatic tense music) - You should listen to her Think about what you're doing. Being with him puts us all in danger. (dramatic tense music) Andy, please! - I can't. We're engaged. Let go. - [Narcissa] No. - Let go. Imperio. - You'll pay for what you have done. Crucio! (Ted screaming) (tense music) (bones cracking) (Bellatrix laughing) - No! (dramatic tense music) (Bellatrix laughing) Pure. (Bellatrix laughs) (Ted yells) - Petrificus Totalus! (ice crackling) (dramatic tense music) (Bellatrix laughing) - Stay out of this! - No, you've been foolish! - I've been foolish? Look at her! (Bellatrix laughing) - I'll deal with her, but if you don't stop and think about what you're doing, I'll petrify you too, and you can both stay here forever! - A perfect love story. (dramatic tense music) (whip cracking loudly) - Shut it! (dramatic tense music) - Avada Kedavra! (plant sizzling) (Bellatrix panting) (dramatic tense music) (Bellatrix laughing) Don't stop, come on! (dramatic tense music) (electrical buzzing) (dramatic blasting) - Stop it, both of you! - Fine. - Bellatrix, I'm warning you! - I'm taking you to Mother and Father. - Bella, no! Wait, can we just discuss this here? (Bellatrix scoffs) Please! If they hear about this, Andromeda will surely be banished. - Take me to them. Do it! (tense melancholic music) - No. - [Druella] You will never see her again. (Narcissa crying) (melancholic music) - Didn't you hear what she said? Never visit her again! (dramatic tense music) (soft tinkling) They were your memories! What are you doing here? - I heard about what happened with you and the Dark Lord. - How can you be so stupid and naive? He's not gone, and she is never coming back! - No! Please, no. This is all I have left. (tense music) (glass shattering) (soft tinkling) Are you really gonna do to me what he did to you, make me forget? Who was it that disapparated? Was it you or Andromeda? Bella! (tense music) (soft tinkling) - Fine, have your stupid memories, but you know the Dark Lord is highly practised in Occlumency. He will not-- - The Dark Lord is gone! He was killed by a boy. Now answer me! (flesh sizzling) - [Bellatrix] Cissy! (tense music) (soft tinkling) - Was it you, or Andromeda? (tense music) (soft tinkling) - She made her choice. (tense music) (soft tinkling) - What are they? - [Bellatrix] Frank and Alice Longbottom - [Bellatrix] They know something. They can help me find him. I'm going to- - Bella! I'm sorry, he's gone. He was killed, there's no point! - This could help me find him. - Enough! Don't be so stupid! Look, I promise I'll destroy the Pensieve, just promise you won't do what I think you're gonna do. (mysterious music box music) Bella! Promise me. (mysterious music box music) (melancholic pensive music)
Channel: Kelsey Ellison
Views: 6,210,941
Rating: 4.9366636 out of 5
Keywords: sisters of house black, full film, movie, full movie, fan film, the black sisters, prequel, bellatrix lestrange, narcissa malfoy, andromeda tonks, real, harry potter, J.K Rowling, HD, 4K, subtitles, kelsey ellison, dancing hermione, neville longbottom and the black witch, voldemort origins of the heir, snape and the marauders, son of the moon, mischief managed, the gathering storm, dumbledore and grindlewald the greater good
Id: 0hrcRtu45TU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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