Every Death in Harry Potter: A Tribute to 104 Fallen Characters (HP Explained)

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harry potter is a feel-good story but at its core it also focuses on loss war and tragedy it's no secret that a lot of people die in harry potter but before making this video i had no idea just how many deaths there were there are a whopping 104 deaths and i'm gonna go through each one explaining who they are and how they died before we go any further spoiler alert there are going to be so many spoilers for the entire series so you've been warned i'm going to structure this video as sort of a timeline and put the deaths in order based on when they happened and will start in the year 1000 and go to the year 1998 when the series ended i feel it's important for me to say that i will be basing this on the books not the films there are many differences between the two especially for many of these death scenes now let's get into it and go over every single person that died in harry potter [Music] starting in the year 1000 we have helena ravenclaw she's the daughter of rowena ravenclaw one of the four founders of hogwarts leading to her death her dying mother sent a man named the baron to retrieve her because rowena wanted to say goodbye to helena before she passed away however when helena refused to go with the baron the baron got angry and stabbed her and she died moments later this brings us to the next death the baron or the bloody baron after killing helena the woman he was in love with he could not live with himself so he took his knife and stabbed himself as well interestingly for both of these characters death was not the end for them because both had opted to become ghosts meaning instead of dying they took their ghostly form and both lived out their ghostly days at hogwarts the next person to die was rowena ravenclaw who as i said was already on her deathbed when she sent the baron to retrieve helena she never got to see her daughter and died shortly after that helga hufflepuff salazar slytherin and godric gryffindor the other three people who founded hogwarts all died after rowena and they all died of natural causes next we have the peverell brothers the three wizards that acquired the deathly hallows antioch peperol died first after bragging of his unbeatable wand that was dubbed the elder wand he was killed in his sleep by someone he had challenged and after slitting antioch's throat the killer took the unbeatable wand with him before we get to the second brother we must first go over the death of cadmus peverell's fiancee who died in untimely death before being able to marry cadmus then cadmus brought her back with the second deathly hallow the resurrection stone however when he realized he could not touch the woman he loved he was driven mad with hopeless longing so he hung himself to join her in the afterlife the third brother who was named ignotus peverell died on his own terms after many years of hiding from death using the third deathly hallow the invisibility cloak he greeted death as an old friend and went with him gladly next we have sir nicholas the mimsy porpington or as most harry potter fans know him nearly headless nick he tried to use magic to straighten a muggle woman's crooked teeth but his attempt failed and instead she grew a tusk nick was immediately taken into custody and was sentenced to death as a result of his mistake however the executioner's axe was not sharpened well and thus it took 45 hacks to kill nick and even then his head was only partially severed hence his nickname nearly headless nick like helena and the baron he opted to be a ghost following his death and he too lived out his ghostly days at hogwarts sticking with the ghostly characters next we have professor cuthbert bins he was the history of magic teacher at hogwarts and like his boring lectures and personality he might have the most boring death in the series one day he fell asleep in front of the fire in the staff room and he died in his sleep then when he got up to teach his next class he was a ghost he did not seem to notice however and went on to keep teaching history of magic at hogwarts for hundreds of years after his death perceval dumbledore is the next person in the series that died and this is a good 200 years after the previous characters perceval dumbledore is the father of albus dumbledore and he died in azkaban prison with his death actually comes three more on top of that because he was sentenced to life in prison for killing three muggle boys who assaulted and did some other terrible things to his daughter ariana not long after that kendra dumbledore percival's wife died in a terrible accident that involved the obscurus inside ariana if you've seen fantastic beasts you know that an obscurial can be very dangerous in one day ariana's emotions and her magic spun out of control and this caused an explosion that took kendra dumbledore's life ariana dumbledore was the next character to go and this was in the middle of a heated battle between her two brothers albus and aberforth along with albus's friend gelder grindelwald ariana unable to control her magic tried to stop the fight and she was inadvertently killed it was never known which of the three wizards was directly responsible for her death but albus and aberforth carried that guilt to their grave about 26 years later we have our next death ruby is hagrid's father or mr hagrid died at a pretty young age sometime during his son's second year at hogwarts and this meant he never saw a son get expelled which hagrid was secretly glad about though he was still devastated to lose his father as he was the only family he really had next on the list is marvolo gaunt who was the grandfather of lord voldemort marvolo gaunt was sent to azkaban after trying to fight off a load of ministry employees at his house as he was defending his son morphin who the ministry was after because morphin had attacked a muggle using magic he and his son of course lost and were taken into custody marvolo got the lesser punishment meaning he was freed after just six months when he came home he was expecting his daughter merope to be waiting for his return with a hot meal and ready to do his bidding but he was in for a shock when he found out that she was not only gone but had stolen his two most prized possessions his gaunt family ring and slytherin's locket and on top of that he discovered that she had married a muggle and was pregnant with the muggle's baby something that did not sit well with the muggle-hating pureblood-obsessed marvolo marvolo's shock was so great that he never mentioned his daughter's name or existence again and the shock of his daughter's desertion was so great that it led to his early demise and speaking of marvolo's daughter mary began was the next to lose her life she was of course the mother of tom riddle aka lord voldemort and she died while giving birth to tom in the orphanage where he would grow up the cause of death a broken heart after tom's father tom riddle senior the muggle that i just mentioned left her though he had good reason to leave her because meribee had him under a love potion and when she eventually stopped giving it to him he came to his senses and left myrtle warren was the next character to die she was a student at hogwarts and was the first victim of lord voldemort voldemort had some help with this one though because the thing that actually killed myrtle was looking the basilisk from the chamber of secrets in the eyes she instantly died in the girl's bathroom and she decided to stay in that bathroom when she became a ghost and she became known as mooning myrtle tom riddle senior along with his parents were the next three victims of lord voldemort thinking that his father had abandoned him and his mother because she was a witch voldemort broke into the mansion and killed his father and his paternal grandparents their corpses were described as having a look of terror upon their faces and this baffled muggle police and sparked many rumors in the small town that they lived in and sticking to voldemort's family morphin gone voldemort's uncle was the next person to die after completing his ascaban sentence for the standoff against the ministry workers morphin went back to his old house and here voldemort arrived stunned his uncle committed the murder of his father and grandparents that i just mentioned and then came back to morphin and modified his memory to make morphine think that he had killed tom riddle senior as well as his parents voldemort did such a good job modifying his memory that morphin bragged of his murder meaning there was no investigation because they thought they had their man and morphin was once again locked up in azkaban where he eventually died hubzuba smith was the next person to lose her life and again she was a victim of lord voldemort hebziba was taken by the young handsome and charming tom riddle and she showed him her two most prized possessions hufflepuff's cup and slytherin's locket after seeing these relics voldemort wanted these items for himself so he came back a few days later killed abseva and stole the two relics going forward about 30 years regulus black was the next character to lose his life regulus was a death eater one of voldemort's followers but he soon regretted this path during his time as a death eater regulus was actually the first person to figure out that voldemort had made a horcrux and to redeem himself he used his house off creature to learn how voldemort hid that horcrux he then had creature take him to that very cave where the horcrux was and unfortunately voldemort's defenses worked as infrared that voldemort had placed in the water dragged regulus to his death but not before regulus ordered creature to leave with the lockhead and destroy it for years no one ever knew of regulus's sacrifice not even his own brother sirius who thought his brother was unceremoniously killed on voldemort's orders not even important enough for voldemort himself to take care of him the time period that we have now reached is when the first wizarding war took place and this led to many deaths next we have dean thomas's father now this is an interesting one because this story never showed up in the books and was left on the cutting room floor but rowling later expanded on it in 2004 she explained that dean's father was a wizard who never told his wife what he was to his wife and later to dean it appeared that he had abandoned the two of them but in actuality dean's father had left to protect his family from the death eaters it was good that he did this too because the death eaters eventually caught up with him and killed him when he refused to join them and it is very likely that if dean's father had not left dean and his mother would have been killed as well going over more victims of the war we have edgar bones a member of the order of the phoenix who was killed by death eaters and even more tragically his innocent wife and two kids were murdered by the death eaters as well the same fate happened to another order member named marlene mckinnon and she too was taken down alongside her husband and two kids another order member named dorcas meadows was also killed in the heat of battle by voldemort himself there was also order member named benji finwick who was not only killed but mutilated by death eaters two more order members to lose their lives who might hit a little closer to home are fabian and gideon pruitt who were molly weasley's brothers the brothers were attacked by five death eaters and while fighting two on five they fought and died like heroes according to fellow order member maddie moody perhaps the two most meaningful deaths in the series are james and lily potter not only did their death set the entire series up for the boy who lived but their deaths ended the first wizarding war voldemort heard part of a prophecy that basically told him to kill either harry potter or neville longbottom and he chose harry though james and lily put security measures in place their friend peter pettigrew betrayed them allowing voldemort to come to their house where they were not ready for an attack james's wand was on the couch across the room and he shouted telling lily to take harry and run while he held voldemort off voldemort made short work of the wandless james and hit him with the killing curse he then made his way to lily and harry lily jumped in front of her son as voldemort killed her and this act of sacrificing herself placed a protection on harry that would last for many years and caused voldemort to almost die when he tried to kill harry that night though the first wizarding war was over the ministry set out to capture the remaining death eaters and this included evan rozier and another death eater named wilkes the death eaters were pursued and killed in battle by a group of horrors including mad i moody evan rozier went down with the fight though as he managed to blast off a significant part of moody's nose before madai finished him off the next 12 deaths are not named and the characters are not relevant to the plot but their deaths are very relevant to one character arc which is why i added them sirius black went after peter pettigrew for betraying james and lily and pettigrew managed to kill 12 muggles in the area and escape framing sirius for the muggles deaths these 12 deaths are so important because they literally ruined an innocent man's life sirius was locked up for 12 years in azkaban and even when he was freed these 12 deaths still forced him to stay in hiding and this absolutely destroyed his spirit and change sirius for the worse the next death is one of the more tragic ones barty crouch junior's mother or mrs crouch her husband barty senior had locked their son barty jr and azkaban for a crime that mrs crouch did not believe their son was guilty of and this incident made her health deteriorate drastically from stress in the last few weeks of her life mrs crouch convinced her husband to allow her to trade places with their son when they entered azkaban to visit him both mrs crouch and barney crouch jr drank polyjuice potion to take on each other's appearances mrs crouch stayed in azkaban while her son left with her husband and she died in prison shortly after making sure she drank the potion so that everyone would think that her son passed away body crouch senior then staged her death to the public and had a private funeral for his wife with an empty grave bilius weasley was the next character to die he was ron's uncle and after seeing the grim which is the death omen he died 24 hours later it wasn't specified how he died but hermione pointed out that the grim was not real and that wizards who think they see the omen die a fright basically meaning that the grim isn't an omen but rather the cause of death the next character to lose their life was pandora lovegood luna lovegood's mother pandora liked to experiment with spells and one day one of these experiments went wrong tragically ending her life in a horrible manner right in front of luna because luna witnessed her mother's death she was able to see thestrals now we get into the time period that the seven books took place in this starts with queerness quirrell the defense against the dark arts teacher for harry's first year at hogwarts and the man that allowed voldemort to latch onto his body now his death in the books was different than what happened in the films in the books he did not fall away like he was made of stone his body remained fully together instead he was terribly burned and blistered from harry's touch a result of lily potter's death and protection which i mentioned earlier lily's sacrifice ensured that voldemort could not touch her son without being hurt and because quirrell was linked with voldemort as he was actually made one of voldemort's horcruxes squirrel's body could not touch harry without serious harm either his death in the book might actually be worse than what happened in the film where he basically fell apart and died right away because in the book he was not put out of his misery quirrell's body was burnt so horribly that voldemort disposed of his body and left him to die in agony the next death in the series is armando dippid who was the headmaster of hogwarts before albus dumbledore he was the head of hogwarts from the 1940s to the 1960s and after retiring he died about 30 years later of old age next we have bertha jorkins who was a ministry worker when she went on holiday in albania she ran into peter pettigrew and he persuaded her to take a stroll with him into the woods here he overpowered bertha and brought her before a very weakened but a very much alive lord voldemort voldemort tortured her and got information out of her which included the fact that voldemort's follower body crouch jr was still alive that the triwizard tournament was happening that year at hogwarts and that maddie moody was going to be the defense against the dark arts teacher that year voldemort used the information that he had gotten out of bertha to form his plan of returning to a full body bertha's body and mind took a serious toll between the torturing and voldemort invading her mind with magic it was damaged beyond repair so voldemort murdered her and used her death to make his horcrux inside of nagini frank bryce died not long after bertha jorgens he was the muggle gardener for the riddle's mansion for most of his life he was actually arrested for the deaths of voldemort's father and grandparents but when the autopsy came back they realized that he was innocent because there was no evidence of murder at all which undenounced to the muggles was because they died from the killing curse even after being cleared the whole town still thought he was guilty though and they gave him hell one night he saw a light on in the mansion and he thought it was kids camping out there and toying with him as always but when he got up there he discovered lord voldemort and voldemort killed him in the same house and using the same spell that he used to kill his father and grandparents next we have barty crouch senior we discussed him earlier he's the husband of mrs crouch and the father of barty jr his son who we locked up but then helped break out of azkaban years later voldemort and pettigrew put crouch senior under the imperius curse while breaking barty jr out of crouch senior's grasp kraut's senior son served voldemort and took on the persona of mad-eye moody that year and taught at hogwarts which was all part of voldemort's plan crouch senior eventually began to fight the imperious curse however and he made his way to hogwarts saying he had to talk to dumbledore borty jr who was still at hogwarts disguised as mad eye took matters into his own hand and he killed his father he left crouch senior's body in the forbidden forest but later came back and transfigured his father's body into a bone and buried that bone in front of hagrid's hut next we have one of the most shocking deaths in the series and that is the death of cedric diggory he was a hufflepuff student at hogwarts and he competed in the triwizard tournament he got wrapped up in voldemort's plan when he touched the cup alongside harry which barty jr had turned into a port key that took them to the graveyard outside the riddle mansion voldemort had no use for cedric so he told pettigrew to kill the spare and pettigrew obliged using the killing purse cedric was later mourned by his parents and everyone else at hogwarts both students and staff and his death took a serious toll on harry who witnessed the murder and had nightmares about it constantly next we have a death that many might forget carcass clarkus was a giant who lived in the mountains and he was the giant's leader he boasts the giants around and forced them to feed himself and his wife at the start of the second wizarding war following voldemort's return to a full body hagrid and maxime both of whom were half giants approached carcass on dumbledore's orders to try and recruit the giants to their side carcass enjoyed the gifts that hagrid and maxine brought him and he was very close to siding with them but that night another giant challenged carcass for the top position and the two fought a vicious battle the fight went on for hours and in the end carcass was killed when the other giant ripped his head off and threw it at the bottom of a lake next we have broderick bode bode was an employee of the ministry of magic who worked in the department of mysteries the place where prophecies were housed including the prophecy about harry and voldemort and voldemort was desperate to get his hands on this to do so he had lucius malfoy placed billed under the imperius curse to steal the prophecy however because a prophecy can only be obtained by those about whom they are made as soon as beau touched the orb the defensive spells around it were triggered and bode suffered spell damage that affected his mind he was taken to saint mongo's hospital for treatment and he was admitted to the spell damage ward most of the time he sat there in comatose and when he was awake all he did was mumble and stare at the ceiling eventually however a miracle happened and bode's condition got better and better upon learning this the death eaters knew they had to silence him so they sent an anonymous christmas present which was a potted plant that was really devil's snare and when bo touched it the plant killed him instantly the next death is a big one sirius black sirius was of course harry's godfather and when he got word that harry and his friends were in the ministry he and a handful of other order members rushed to save them while there sirius dueled his cousin bellatrix lestrange and while laughing at her and egging iran bellatrix fired a spell that hit sirius square in the chest as he fell back the laughter still etched on his face his body curved in a graceful arc and he sank backwards through the veil his body disappearing and never coming back at this point in time the second wizarding world was in full swing voldemort had just revealed himself to the public and there was death everywhere amelia bones was one victim of this war she was the head of the department of magical law enforcement and she often talked down on voldemort very publicly realizing that she was a very skilled witch and a pretty admirable enemy voldemort did not send his death eaters after her but rather took her murder into his own hands when he confronted her amelia did not go down without a fight as there was evidence that it took a great effort for voldemort to kill her after her death many members of the order of the phoenix referred to her as one of the greatest witches of her time and said that her absence would be felt by many this war also took emmeline vance who was a member of the order of the phoenix for both the first and second wizarding war and she was also among the advance guard who escorted harry from his aunt and uncle's house to the order's headquarters one day however she was murdered by death eaters near the residence of the muggle prime minister and some believe that she was watching and making sure that the prime minister was safe one lesser-known but more tragic death was florian fortescue the owner of florian fortescue's ice cream parlor and diagon alley he actually gave harry free ice cream when he was staying in the leaky cauldron before his third year and he even helped harry complete his history of magic homework he was a very kind man and he did not deserve what happened to him he was forcibly dragged away by death eaters leaving his ice cream parlor a mess rolling later revealed that he had information on the elder wand and the lost diadem which is why he was kidnapped and after voldemort was done with them he killed fortescue next we have igor karkaroth he was a former death eater but when voldemort fell at the end of the first wizarding war he gave the ministry loads of names of those he knew to be loyal to the dark lord which guaranteed his early freedom from azkaban he then became the headmaster of durmstrang but when voldemort returned and karkarov felt the dark mark on his arm meaning voldemort was calling him he fled he was on the run for a year but eventually he was tracked down to a shack in the north and killed by death eaters for his betrayal next is a rather minor death but a death nonetheless mrs abbott hannah abbott's mother was found dead in her home murdered by death eaters when hannah was informed of her mother's death she was pulled out of herbology class while at hogwarts mrs abbott's death is made more important to the story because rowling later revealed that hannah abbott would go on to marry neville longbottom in the future meaning neville never got to meet his mother-in-law another more minor but very tragic death was that of the five-year-old montgomery boy he was the younger brother of the montgomery sisters who were students at hogwarts after their mother refused to aid the death eaters they had werewolf fenrir greyback attacked a five-year-old boy instead of simply turning the boy into a werewolf greyback got carried away and injured him very badly after being rushed to saint mongo's hospital the five-year-old montgomery boy died from his injuries not long after being admitted next is aragog aragog was of course the acromantula that was hagrid's pad and who lived in the forbidden forest he died of old age oh well aragog king of the arachnids octavius pepper was another victim of this war and he was kidnapped and killed by death eaters the death eater named gibbon was the next character to lose his life he fought in the battle of the astronomy tower and was one of the death eaters that draco malfoy led into the school in the book he was the one who set the dark mark in the sky and this was actually done before dumbledore's death unlike in the movie and the mark that gibbon cast was used to make dumbledore think someone in the school had died while he was in hogsmeade which was what the dark mark was normally used to indicate gibbon's job was to wait at the astronomy tower while everyone else fought below but gibbon did not like the idea of staying there and waiting for the powerful albus dumbledore by himself so he ran downstairs to join the battle here he was killed by a stray killing curse cast by fellow death eater thorphin rao that was actually intended for remus lupin next is one of the most well-known deaths in the history of fiction albus dumbledore he was killed by snape but rewinding a bit he had actually poisoned himself a year earlier when he put on the gaunt ring which was one of voldemort horcruxes snape was able to contain the poison to justice hand but snape told dumbledore that he only had a year to live knowing this dumbledore told snape that he had to kill him for two reasons one so that draco malfoy the boy that voldemort had tasked to do so would not have to deal with and two so that voldemort would fully trust snape who was actually loyal to dumbledore all along dumbledore's death was a heavy loss for everybody especially the order of the phoenix and his funeral held some of the most well-known and respected witches and wizards as well as many of the creatures from the hogwarts grounds and on that day everybody honored him charity burbitch was the next character to lose their life she was the muggle studies professor at hogwarts following dumbledore's death however snape became headmaster and served voldemort under dumbledore's orders and one of the hardest things snape had to do was allow charity burbitch to be abducted by voldemort tortured by him and eventually killed by him and to make it even worse after voldemort killed her he fed her corpse to a snake nagini her life was taken all because voldemort did not like the way she glorified muggles in her class an innocent woman getting a horrible fate that she did not deserve the next death that breaks every harry potter fan's heart is hedwig she was of course harry's first friend in the wizarding world besides hagrid and she was there with him through every step of his journey always a loving companion her death in the books was a bit different than her death in the movies in the books she was not let out to fly freely during the battle of the seven potters she was actually in her cage at harry's feet while riding in hagrid's motorbike and while flying a killing curse that was aimed for harry ended up hitting her and her body fell like a rag doll to the bottom of the cage to make things worse howard was then forced to destroy the sidecar containing hedwig's body in an effort to slow down the pursuing death eaters afterwards hagrid consoled harry saying that hedwig had lived a great old life another person to lose their life during the battle of seven potters was alistair maddai moody he and mundungus fletcher flew together mandungus disguised as harry and voldemort thinking that harry would be with the most skilled wizard he pursued madai and mandungus mandungus took one look at the flying voldemort and disapperated making the killing curse that voldemort had shot at montangus hit madai instead and it killed him instantly making his body fall off the broom and fall to the ground his body was later recovered by death eaters and his magical eye was given to dolores umbridge harry later stole the eye while breaking into the ministry however and he buried the eye in the woods giving madai a proper send-off rufus scrimder was an unsung hero that many people forget about he was the minister of magic who replaced cornelius fudge and he and harry did not see eye to eye on many things which led to a few uncomfortable arguments between the two despite this though when voldemort infiltrated the ministry he captured and brutally tortured scrimgeour trying to get the minister to tell him harry's whereabouts and despite knowing in his final moments he put up quite a fight and refused to talk protecting harry through and through upon finding this out harry gained a tremendous amount of respect for scrimger and he was very grateful to the late minister the next person to lose their life was maku gregorevich who was a wand maker and the biggest competition of ollivander he was the owner of the elder wand for many years until he had it stolen from him by geller grindelwald and when voldemort began looking for the unbeatable wand ollivander sent him to gregorevich who he had heard had it last voldemort hunted gregorovich down and when he found him he was enraged to find out that gregorovich did not have the elder wand voldemort then used legelamency to go inside grigorovich's mind and find the memory of the night that he had had it stolen from him after getting this information he ignored the wand maker's pleas for mercy and used the killing curse to end gregorovich's life but still the backshot is next on the list she was one of the most celebrated historians to ever live and was the author of a history of magic she lived in godric's hollow and was friends with many notable wizards including the entire dumbledore family as well as harry's parents james and lily she was eventually murdered in her own home however she was killed through the dark arts and her body was animated by lord voldemort which he achieved through a snake nagini that housed a part of his soul because of his horcrux he used bethilda knowing that harry might come to godric's hollow to see his parents grave and when harry did come nagini shed bethilda's body and went after harry and hermione they escaped however and nagini left bethilda's body in her home and she was discovered dead a few days later the next person to die was gelder grindelwald who because of the fantastic beasts movies has been put in the spotlight a lot more he's the tyrant who ruled before voldemort and he was taken down by his former friend and possibly lover albus dumbledore in what was called the most legendary duel in history his arc ends much differently in the book than it does in the film however in the film he gives up dumbledore and tells voldemort that the elder wand lies with dumbledore in his tomb in the book however gelder grindelwald's time locked up made him see the error of his ways and in his final act he has his redemption he refused to tell voldemort where the elder wand was protecting his former friend and possibly lover albus this made voldemort angry however and he killed the now redeemed gala grindelwald with the killing curse next we have ted tonks dirk creswell and gornak ted tonks is the father of nymphadora tonks dirk creswell was high up in the ministry as the head of the goblin liaison office and gornak was a goblin who worked at gringotts after voldemort took over the ministry pretty much all muggleborns were forced to go on the run including ted and dirk and goblins were not safe either so gornack made a run for it as well eventually the three of them along with griphook and dean thomas came together to form a group and travel together while in hiding a group of snatchers eventually found them however and when ted dirk and gornok resisted capture they were killed peter pettigrew was the next character to fall and once again his arc ended much differently in the movies than it did in the book in the movie he was just comically stupefied but in the book his arc ended in a much more serious and intense way when pettigrew goes down to check on the captured harry and ron the two boys managed to wrestle his wand from him but pettigrew then began to choke harry with the strong silver replacement hand that voldemort gave to him however harry then reminded pettigrew that he saved his life referring to the time that he stopped sirius and lupin from taking his life in the shrieking shack four years earlier in response to this pedigree's eyes filled with terror and his metal hand reached for his own throat and he began to strangle himself harry and ron tried to stop him but pettigrew was too strong his face turned purple his eyes began to roll back and after giving one more twitch he was still dobby the hell self was the next character to lose their life and he died when he went to save harry and company from malfoy manor something that was quite meaningful because dobby used to serve the malfoy family in that very house as they disapperated bellatrix threw her knife and the blade managed to stab dobby in the stomach when they arrived on the beach harry held dobby as he spoke his final words toby is happy to be with his friend harry potter harry buried dabi making his tombstone say here lies dobby a free elf the next three deaths were not mentioned in the books but were in the films and i know i said i'm basing this video on the books not the films but i'm adding these because rowling said that she approved of these deaths despite not being in the novels bograd was the goblin that harry put under the imperious curse as they broke into gringotts being dazed due to the imperious curse he stood within the security dragon's reach and was subsequently burned to death by a jet of fire that the dragon shot out that's unfortunate when voldemort discovered the theft of his horcrux from bellatrix's volts he went on a rampage killing everyone within reach and in the film this included griphook who was the goblin that led harry into his vault the first time he entered gringotts and the goblin who had just betrayed harry and taken the sword of gryffindor while leaving the trio for dead and the third person that i'll add from the movie is scabier the snatcher that took center stage and deathly hallows part 1 and 2. in the film he was killed in the battle of hogwarts when neville and a few other da members blew up the bridge going back to book canon we have vincent crabb due to some legal troubles with the actor that played crab in the film they had to give his death scene to goyle instead but in the book it was crab that fell into the fiend fire that he himself had created and lost control of the next death is probably the most heartbreaking of them all fred weasley you okay freddie yeah me too as he was joking around with percy who he had just made up with the wall next to them exploded the explosion was closest to fred and it killed him instantly the ghost of his last laugh still etched upon his face death eater augustus rookwood was the person responsible for the explosion the weasley family mourned fred's death and though the good guys won the fight the weasleys did not feel as though they had won during the battle remus lupin fought a death eater named antonin delahoff but lupin was no longer in prime fighting condition as he had spent the last few months doing nothing but protective and concealment charms to ensure the safety of his wife tonks and their newborn baby named teddy because of this dolohov got the upper hand and took remus life tragically nymphadora tonks also died that night meaning their baby teddy would grow up an orphan tunks lost her life while fighting her aunt bellatrix lestrange it was the third time the two had dueled and this time bellatrix did not hold back as she killed her niece lupin and tonks's bodies were laying down next to each other because even in death they were still together lavender brown was another victim of this brutal battle she was taken down by fenrir greyback who sung his teeth into her neck she was able to get up for a second but she later died from her injuries colin privy also lost his life during the battle of hogwarts he was not supposed to be there because he wasn't of age yet but he snuck out to join the fight anyway he ran out on hogwarts grounds putting up a fight but someone eventually got the better of him and ended his life far too early later on neville longbottom and oliver wood recovered his lifeless body and brought it to the great hall with all of the other fallen heroes perhaps the most complicated death was that of severus snape as i said earlier snape was on dumbledore's side and was playing voldemort for a fool for a number of years during the battle of hogwarts though voldemort realized that snape was the true master of the elder wand because he killed dumbledore the former master of the wand though this was actually incorrect which i'll talk about later but to become the once true master voldemort released the snake nagini on snape and she wrapped around him making snape lose color in his face voldemort then gave nagini the order to kill and she pounced on him several times when voldemort left harry entered and snape gave him tears that contained all the memories that harry needed to know he then looked into harry's eyes the eyes that he had inherited from his mother the woman that snape loved and this comforting thought of lily potter was the last thing snape thought of before he died now i know that technically harry died but because he came back from death and was alive afterwards i did not add it to this video i wanted only people that died and stayed dead at the end of the battle nagini was the next person to lose her life and now with the fantastic beasts movies this death is a lot more meaningful because we know that she used to be a real person that was cursed with the condition of being a maledictus the timeline of when she was killed in the books versus the movies differs a bit in the book she was not killed during harry and voldemort's final fight but rather when neville stepped forward with the sword of gryffindor after a speech as soon as he pulled the sword of gryffindor out he charged at nagini and cut her in half destroying voldemort's final horcrux bellatrix lestrange voldemort's most loyal follower was the next to fall after nearly killing ginny mrs weasley stepped forward and challenged bellatrix fueled by her despair of losing her son fred bellatrix taunted mrs weasley as they dueled even bringing up fred's death but as bellatrix laughed molly shot back and hit bellatrix square in the chest right over her heart killing bellatrix once and for all and finally lord voldemort the man responsible for so many deaths on this list voldemort died because he was not the true owner of the elder wand the true owner was actually the person he was fighting harry potter himself the wand refused to kill its true master and it flew in the air and landed in harry's hand voldemort fell to the ground having been killed by his own rebounded curse he did not fall apart the way he did in the film though his body simply collapsed just an ordinary death for an ordinary man who tried so hard to be extraordinary but failed and there we are all 104 deaths in the harry potter series we've gone over many innocent people who did not deserve death and we've gone over a few that probably did deserve their ultimate fate either way these characters are real to us harry potter fans and going over all of their deaths whether good or bad was a really interesting way to look at this wonderful series thank you so much for watching guys you can follow me on social media to see more of my personal life and more of this little dude if you like this video hit that like button and subscribe i want to give a huge shout out to all my patrons listed below if you want to be featured on the next video plus get a bunch of other rewards become a patreon today again thank you so much for watching and look out for more great movie flame videos on the way you
Channel: MovieFlame
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Review, TV Show review, Harry Potter, Superhero, Marvel, DC, Star Wars, Disney, Hunger Games, fred, weasley, sirius, black, remus, lupin, nymphadora, tonks, albus, dumbledore, bertha, jorkins, peter, pettigrew, wormtail, moony, padfoot, prongs, james, voldemort, bellatrix, lestrange, tom, riddle, morfin, gaunt, marvolo, helena, nearly headless nick, cedric, diggory, barty, crouch, lily, st mungos, mad-eye, mad eye, moody, alastor, madeye, bones, rufus, Scrimgeour, order of the phoenix, deatheater, deatheaters, gregoravitch
Id: yb6Zp1Xsz4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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