The Lexi Show: Prophet Todd Hall (part 1)

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the best is yet to come as soon as someone sees you praising God that's when God will see you see it's important that you influence somebody when you are influenced you all eyes are on you and people are using you as a prototype so if you in church lazy and looking sad and crazy that spirit transfers and anyone in church this morning don't get offended I'll help you later that has not praised him yet after such good singing and music you are a trespasser it is impossible for you to get a miracle that's why your kids on drugs baby daddy acting crazy cuz your praise is stuck and so is your life praise put some speed on your life well well well thank you for joining me for this edition of the Lexi show I'm so glad that you joined join me today because I have someone that I want to introduce you to this is a very powerful man of God I enjoy a lot of preaching I work for a network that that's all we do 24 hours a day seven days a week we have preaching and teaching the Word of God and I've met a lot of leaders and bishops and prophetess and pastors and everything in between but one of my favorite and I hate to take favorites but I'm sorry one of the top of the list for me I could put him up against anybody first being my pastor of course pastor reginal laid out of Detroit Michigan but like right after that is this guy right here he's one of the most accurate prophets that I've ever seen in the move of that gift and he is such a mighty man of God he will preach you up under a table and outdance anybody that that dares to shout in a church building he's no joke he's a favorite on YouTube very humble guy got a lot of wisdom sir and a very powerful testimony we're gonna get right into it please welcome to my show dr. Todd Hall I'm gonna call you doctor tonight profit at all let's just let's get right into it you grew up in New York Brownsville Brooklyn 267 Osborn Street between Blake and Rockaway apartment 6f section 8 you think you somebody don't you think you section 8 streets in New York but you know I love you because you have a lot of wisdom and but you do have that that dual side look like you could get with somebody definitely absolutely you can get with somebody real quick absolutely yeah there's no question about absolutely but but yet you're you're still a wonderful still wonderful man and God has used you throughout the years you're still a young man but God has used you throughout the years to bless so many people I want to talk really quickly about your gift that you have because that gift just really does something to me it's a very unusual gift when God can move through you and you can see things are you are you a seer do you see things with with that gift of prophecy just got show you do you hear things as he talked to you it is good that when we express what the prophetic truly is that we use the correct term no no not you you're always right in the Old Testament our predecessors our successes they were they were called seers because God would show them things but the true term of what prophets do is we say see when we're really hearing I hear like he saw no cloud up in the sky go tell me what you see then he said I see nothing go back again I see nothing go back again I see nothing then the Prophet said on the seventh time I hear the sound of an abundance of rain as he spoke it the cloud came out of the water into the air so we speak you see but I want to talk about quickly I want to matriculate through through this you grew up hard you grew up in in the streets of New York and you had a couple of famous brothers maybe that had a couple hits couple just oh yeah right and you know Damon Damien and they went the R&B road why didn't you sing I did when we were called the hall brothers Wow at Kings Temple Church of God in Christ one or two Laurel Avenue in Hempstead Long Island what do you remember address what is it with you that I don't know but my daddy would say I want my three songs to come up and we just sing we've come this far by faith and you grew up and you had your mom there yes I had my biological mother she is now deceased but she was there but not there my daddy was a holy man my mother had me at 15 and she was on crack and etc etc but he taught us the love of God by going every day or every weekend to go get his wife bring her home smelling like alcohol and say kiss your mama and tell her you love us so there's nothing that we can look at in this world that God cannot restore revive in return at all looking back looking back now what was your mother going through you think you were you were young so you but looking back what do you think she was well she went through something prematurely that these new first ladies are going through having to share their husbands with the church not with God but with the church see no one can compete with God but the church became the pastor's wife and they didn't know how to change hats so my daddy stuck with her I think knowing that he put it in a crisis and prior to her going home to be with the Lord just two years before she received the Lord Savior Jesus Christ as a savior and I eulogized him put away pretty well and look forward to seeing her again yeah absolutely that's a lot at an early age she was on drugs and how did she how did she pass she was murdered yeah she was in the Bronx New York on East 163rd Street taking my little sister Nicci across the street car hit her probably intentionally drove her 17 blocks we were II was on Christmas Day and we were in Long Island at our new home for the first time leaving section eight to six and straight y'all understand don't you and we heard it on the news Eyewitness News Channel seven in in New York if you know this woman please context on so made it to the Bronx I had a distaste for God I was saved but I did not want to talk to him didn't I want to hear from him and that's when the prophetic really started when he spoke to me in my pain not in my preaching but when you're lonely and you're in your cave cave of a deulim cave of Makeda or in your own little thing that one voice that will talk to you that small still voice cuz I'm not moving with the earthquake the fire heat from mashanda I'm not moving anymore but that small still voice after I beat up a pillow made the feathers come out said it was him he didn't care I knew he would kill me but instead he says I'm here and he can be a mother for the motherless I had to lose a mother to finally hear the father Wow what would they have to lose because for some is a gift when they give it to you as a gift you don't pay for it but when you have to pay for what you get it's not a gift I don't have a gift I'm the gift to my people but it's costing me it's not costing then it has cost me my health years ago I had a stroke bad marriage being accused of a chop
Channel: lexitelevision
Views: 142,546
Rating: 4.77707 out of 5
Keywords: hall, todd, lexi, tod, word, network, show, interview
Id: chqRBMI1O1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2010
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