The Lexi Show: Prophet Todd Hall (part 2)

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you have to pay for what you get is not a gift I don't have a gift I'm the gift to my people but it's costing me it's not costing then what is it costing you it has cost me my health years ago I had a stroke bad marriage being accused of a child out of wedlock that was 0.000 church people trying to betray maybe one or two in here that may have heard cuz rumors go out being for you do and wherever your rumor spreads so were you so it's all good with me once we focus on what we're here for I was telling them in that wonderful limousine that y'all picked us up in here you know I said to them that I used to have a problem giving everyone what God gave me and then not hearing from him but then the Lord told me one night it was so plain cuz we have prophets out here prophetess it's a fact the Bible says and I shall pour out of my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters shall prophesy I didn't say they will preach see the difference in preaching in profit sign you got to preach from here but does God still speak when the book is closed see that's his continuation of a sermon but the Lord told me I am a pitcher of water pitchers of water don't get thirsty we quench everybody else's thirst after he paused us out is our job to be clean and put on the Shelf for the next thirsty group of people and once you accept what your calling is you are happy and everything that you do wow that's a Leutnant people call you appraised ologist why because I believe because I believe even as I peruse all of these beautiful people that when we put our ministry before our creativity we are out of order I like causing trouble I'm very disturbed by preachers who can preach you won't worship I'm very disturbed by folk who will play music and think that's their ministry but not get off and dance when it hits everyone else I am I used to be ex drug dealer in Brownsville Brooklyn not ashamed to say it but I get very disturbed when I see people only get excited when it's their time on the show like crack so when that miking in their hand they're crossing legs looking deeper once they touch it everybody get with me when I think of the goodness that really does me a disservice because the Bible says that we are created to praise we are called to preach chosen to lead so the most important thing to me which is debatable by some who will see the show and those who may even sit among us is when we go to heaven won't be no more preaching won't be no more laying hands on the sick but if you ain't appraiser you ain't going so when I say put your mouth on it I fully believe that what your pocket can't buy your praise can and what your money can't buy your message can I've got my first my first car my first Mercedes that's what I call the car the other ones were stepping in and standing in the gap see what I have a problem with and that's why I don't come on television much is I don't like when people real sanctified and act like there's no life after church I want all black cuz I planned on eulogizing fake preachers see people are looking but that's what the Lord told me when I came he said you ought to wear all black and let them know that the new parent is called transparent we cannot hide from the people behind the text Jesus became the word then he put it in the book you got to preach you wow you and then when people know you keep it real they can hear what else you have to say in the name of the Lord but if you use the Lord's name then we find out you fake it's hard to hear anybody talk about God anymore that's good and that's my issue with all this you know I've heard you preach the I've heard you preach a sermon where you said I dated a sinner I did yeah you kept it real I can't do it anymore but no I did yeah but the very interesting twist cuz I know why you're leading me down here cuz you're genius not at all you get me Wendy y'all know she is she's a genius not at all but I have never dated a sinner the Lord said come out from a Muslim be separate not separated so sinners are not bad people they're just people who have not yet met the Lord it's the fake Saint that's bad who keeps the sinner from seeing God so I decided to go out and try to live a normal life cuz I was a prophet and I met a young lady who didn't know what I did for a living she didn't know about guys she just met me I tried to keep it on the DL and one day we got closer and closer it was the best girlfriend ever had and one day I decided now that we close I want her to see what I do she said what you do I said we're gonna come to one of my revivals and I just want you to sit there and tell me what you think about my preaching well when I got up there and I am the Holy Ghost did what we did we got in the car and I went to get my kiss and she said I'm not touching them holy lips I'm sorry I cannot do it and I begged her this was the truth to go further and she said to me a sinner she says I will never come between what I just saw and Who I am he will not kill me which means sinners respect the power of God more than we do ourselves you're just gonna come hard tonight because ever said what we're doing no this might be my one and only shot I'm relaxing whatever whatever you know I wanted to give you the opportunity um is is is the Lord saying anything to you for for anyone in the room how does your gifting work do you have to you know go through a whole prays service and and conjure up the the Holy Ghost or do you walk with it you know or do you walk with it on a on a daily moment-by-moment basis where he just constantly talks to you how does that work that's a very great question and I refuse to make it seem like I'm the twin of Jesus Christ sure I don't walk with it 24 hours a day it walks with me 24 hours a day but I don't walk with it 24 hours a day and yes the truth is and most of my services is not the service it's when I worship that it works not the people or the music it's when I do my pre worship before I come to churches who want us to perform it's my daily worship that leads me to give daily bread now I can I can peruse this audience I don't see anything but what I hear God say is that the people that are here blessed but that he's about to make them take advantage of the famine because the famine was to bring the prices down to the place of their pockets that anyone who never saved money can't afford nothing now even though the price has dropped and he tells me about education so when I'm standing at thing about education he tells me that there's a young lady here who he wants to give you eleven thousand two hundred ninety eight dollars to to make her go back and attend school and get the degree she needs to go higher and that's the girl on the end silver shoes in the black dress on with a lace cross like this so I mean so it doesn't matter that's why she's looking cuz he's speaking that clear that's what he does he has no problem at dressing whoo he's made he has a problem with folk he's made taking what he addresses because it's not coming to you he speaks it and you must go after it so if you want that eleven thousand two hundred ninety-eight dollars you go back online you apply you reestablish yourself and don't make excuses and then you never whoever you are in the third row worry about whether he loved me he left me I was going but he promised to marry me that means nothing in the 21st century do you want to be married I think marriage is wonderful I don't think that it's a necessity it's an accessory I've never had that I asked you did you want to be and that means and that means I don't believe that God is will allow anyone such as myself or anyone that's highly known in this audience to have a sex drive to have an anointing and not need to be married so my answer is yes but the thing I was saying is not to be a necessity when a woman knows class she puts on a black elephant dress she does not wear five pieces of jewelry she just needs a string of pearls and what every man needs is a string of pearls we are so busy looking at diamonds and I'll take a dime she's a dime she's fine she could sing pastor's wife but they don't have that person that when you're down who can minister to you and say get your little self back up and be focused so yes if she exists and I believe she does I wear my string of pearls absolutely you all right absolutely lastly I want to say you know you've been even talked about you've been you've been through a lot you've been again through the loss that you've went through and you've been like you said earlier you know you've been talked about you've been through a lot what has kept you preaching what has kept you through it all through everything what has kept you saying you know what I'm gonna do the work of the Lord I don't care cuz you were hard dude you called me the YouTube preacher but what kept me is I never saw or met anyone that when I know I did wrong still spoke to me like I had value but him I know what I did I wasn't doing it to her to them to the church my animosity was against God all that I knew about him I'm a fifth-generation pastor
Channel: lexitelevision
Views: 118,018
Rating: 4.8988094 out of 5
Keywords: lexi, tod, todd, hall, interview, word, network
Id: 24y3qDQT82g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2010
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