Prophet Todd Hall At iThrive Christian Church 07/01/18

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it's alright to praise it you may be seated you may be seated thank you [Applause] just touch someone and tell them yes he can and I know he will good morning I thrive God is a mighty good God I had to get some of that cuz that lady was hyping me up I said that lady with that orange hair can say can we give the praise and worship team to choir I never great to these great musicians as well marvelous now your clap better marvelous marvelous I love this atmosphere there's something fresh about it there's a reset in the house hold the music cuz I'm gonna be real broad then you catch up with me later but tesam I didn't tell him I'm in a season of reset I met your pastor and I like it this loud but I met your pastor believe it or not through a prophetic altercation I was preaching at a particular church and the Lord gave me a word for him and the work was great it was so big that I wanted to know him but I didn't bother him and I met he and his wife and then while we were at Full Gospel where I was one of the speakers and one of the teachers every day oh yeah we met again at the airport I said now two times is not a mistake talk to me front row I love football I'm a prophet but a quarterback only gets sacked when the enemy breaks the frontlines I don't like when folk up front get all deep that that scared man I'm a fourth-generation preacher born in a little town called Brownsville Brooklyn New York get out of here ain't nobody in here from Brownsville ain't no way oh you know Brownsville you lived in Brownsville I lived at 267 Osborn Street between Blake and Rockaway apartment 6f where my baloney had a first name if you're from Brooklyn then you put kool-aid in ice trays y'all ain't talking and you were baloney specialist you fried it got excited when it looked like a mountain flipped it it looked like a bowl look at these Georgia peaches ain't saying nothing right now and if you ate it right you ate the rim first you took them now I'm a little wealthy now but I started off with food stamps and bond ons and Italian ices and lemon heads and Jolly Ranchers grilled cheese and we didn't you know back in the hood they had a different oven you put it on to the bottom but you got to watch it as if it burned ain't no starting over you take a butter knife and scrape the black part off handles now these new Millennials ain't gonna do that they're gonna throw the whole sandwich in the garbage then I got save I don't want to preach until I testify got saved in 1979 January 2/4 at 836 p.m. in Far Rockaway New York at a church called Kelly temple Church of God in Christ 18:01 rich an avenue one block from two all-beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions now some of you that looking Baptist deep ain't scared of you I'm from Brooklyn and my grandmama just died at 95 my great-grandmother died at 106 my father still living at 77 and we got four generations of halls walking this earth and some of y'all were created off of my brother's music they are the group guy tease me I miss you Jam I'm the oldest of nine entertainers and Here I am preaching we met but I got saved man and I'm save I got saved after smoking two spliffs and drinking the fifth the Bacardi what y'all y'all do no front row should be talking and leave me hot that we're living in a day where folk preach that ain't safe they come in high turn with me to the book of John I used to be a pharmaceutical salesman I was a lead of a gang called tomahawks if you ever lived in Brownsville they used to call me ice in my uncle Cato we were very notorious in Brownsville and had two joints was to spliffs and a fifth of a Cardian got the munchies and went to McDonald's that's how I knew how to say to I'll be pedicles back in my day if you said in the 30 seconds the Big Mac was free we got a lot of Millennials in here they're like for real and I'm a stammerer but I didn't stand my when he came down to their food I was like to all be identity' to Kunal to all be better that's all you got 30 seconds and I've been saved since that day but I've made a many mistakes since I've been saved but his mercy endureth forever can I get some help right here went to college got a few papers a few of them and one day I had a stroke can I talk first now I have a very unusual gift at times that cuts on on his own so if I should do something weird just bear with me because when I was about to testify the Lord spelled the name in my spirit MC ke al that was the last name first name was Henry is that person here well yet he's scared of his own name say something yeah what you doing what you doing up there oh okay oh he's recording me oh I just told that man I was a pharmaceutical salesman in my past you gotta ask permission sir I'm trying to tell my story but the Lord has me it's called prophesy to you like I did to you Pastor God is a healing God but God said tell him I still have a couple of million waiting on him and in the past right now behind you is a fleet of Cadillacs I see a lot of cars oh yeah I see a lot of cars I don't know who you're gonna have as a partner or had as a partner or turn this business over to February 21st when were you born all right now listen to me right now he don't know what to do with his own cam he like what God is about to give you a shot to teach some young black african-american men how to be entrepreneurs he's about to use you in this church to let them know everything is possible if you put God first do I hear a mouth talking that hand went up now now what was that talking about no not the job part no I had a stroke y'all still stuck on drugs Lucia I had a stroke and I was fully paralyzed on my right side went to the doctor and the doctor what is your first name sir Vince right and the doctor told me that I did not have high blood he don't know where this stroke came from he asked me was I stressed out what I depressed I said no no no no to none of that I don't know where y'all don't talk in this church I don't know where my illness can't we in the gym this way they make a lot of noise in the gym they don't play quiet basketball quiet volleyball and we don't need quiet Church see the music ministers to you but then is a time when you have to minister to God and when he's preaching you converse and he starts talking to people like I want to give a new heart to a man that what I think is in that area over there your name is Walter who's over there is there man that's that's your first name stand up sir I'm trying to talk to you he looking like the now this ain't real no no you may not know anything about what's going on in your body but the Lord said the reason why I'm telling my stroke story is he's making sure you don't have one he said tell him I've seen him work work work work work and he does not know that the enemy was planning an attack on his body but tell him by midnight tonight I'm gonna put a new heart in his chest so that his blood are y'all with him flows properly that's all I gotta move quick cuz I don't have much time so be seated and if you don't believe in this then don't receive it because I didn't believe in it ever now pastor overseer Bishop God's apostle of this church I got to be very honest with you a lot of prophecies are true but they don't come to pass because when people get them they don't respond correctly so when it does not come to pass you call us a false prophet when you're a false recipient you do have a responsibility in your response if a person gives you ten thousand dollars you walk away and don't say thank you they want their money back now my gift don't work for me I lose my keys they lost I got married 30 years ago it didn't work if my gift was working it shoulda told me she is not the one night I didn't think she'd have been talking to a pitcher of water does not have the right to get thirsty it's job is to pour into empty glasses am i right about it there was a tall man up here he was just blowing my mind he was standing right here standing this tone where are you listen man where's your wife I want you to whenever you hear me I want you to just call and tell her we're gonna be good cuz we moving into another house you gonna call and tell her yeah go ahead call her yeah you didn't know who you was giving that cracker to ditching the Bible says according to your faith not your finances see cut there's another couple that's gonna get outs well several but I can only point to the ones God show me then the rest of you can get faith in just grab the crumbs that fall from the table instead of being haters be celebrators right the other person that God wants to give this house to he's gonna have to walk down slowly him or her down the steps and like do a quick slow job so you don't fall on this on this floor and thank God for new resources new ideas in the new home he got on the brown suit he just grabbed his beard he got glasses on if you make it down then take your job but are you the next person on God is about to bless you are y'all happy for more y'all yeah pastor go hug him tell them what to do past [Applause] now who's the lady next to you that's why you gonna get the house she louder than you and when praises go what prices come down see some of y'all missed that if you ain't got the money you give God praise he'll start decreasing now I'm a living witness everything I'm saying I have experienced how's your license stand up God's going into the computer about your license what happened to your license any night any day now what my Gillett with so you know what I'm talking about I'm not gonna tell it if you ain't gonna tell it but the law said if you get up and run for him and you're happy say tell them not only am I gonna fix the license I'm gonna give them a truck [Applause] I am be seated brothers and sisters I I understand any critical observation going on this morning it's understandable cuz when a old man 80 called me out by my name I thought he knew me so I said how I know your old man he said you don't when he finished with me I did something that in church only my mother and father and grandparents did cuz I grew up in the Holiness Church they didn't have no words to just call Holiness Church Holiness Church of the church where everything's wrong everything you do is just wrong you watch too much TV got a TV demon you know just you eat too much you look at the pretty woman you got a lust for I you know you hanging by yourself God show me you're lonely when I'm lonely cuz you won't let me look I mean that man finished with me I was acting like the people I used to laugh at I was under the Pew crying going crazy and because of my praise is why I got cured from a stroke they still do tests on me telling me that my right vocal cord or left I can't remember no more is paralyzed and that I shouldn't be able to oh I shouldn't be able do that and when I go to the doctor he said can I look down your throat they put this thing in my nose tell me don't breathe too hard don't cough and it goes down my throat and they do little camera shots and they be like it's still paralyzed so how are you doing that or how are you doing that your vocal cords got a vibrate any knife that has a praise in it has a miracle in it too and some of my sons and friends they hustle in because they don't worship enough they don't believe in screaming except for sports that don't pay your bills what worried about what team brother James going to then where you gonna move to cuz you're too quiet in church this church and then I'm gonna read the Bible is going to be so tremendously blessed within the second half of this year look at somebody tell them my second half will look totally different than my first [Applause] please be seated cuz y'all scaring me [Applause] let me tell you what the Lord told me this is just me telling you and to the 50 people that will scream loud cuz you're happy and you believe it watch God set when I finished blessing you if you're ready for it I'm about to give you property bigger than the one you on right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just look at somebody and tell them late in the midnight hour God is going to turn it around tell them it's going to work in your favor be seated I got a read speaking of favor Levi Levi Levi I need you to stay with this man as long as you can cuz he's gonna need you to preach one of these services when this church begins to multiply like a freak of nature God said tell Levi he owes me his life cuz I could have let him die so tell him don't hang out with folk there frustrate him or talks against his ministry tell him stay clear of the enemy's deceitful attack stay clear you do have enough in you to start your own but why I start your own when you can inherit another's [Applause] right now in this head he's like oh shoot this man a real proper I can't believe he put me out there like this I'm just gonna shake my head and act like it and whatever he says right I was talking to Dustin Justin about his house right and the law said because you've been faithful over the past few years and went through a job scenario tell him if he looks again don't look at the price look at the rooms cuz he's like a designer in his head tell him if he wants it I'll make the price adjustment and somebody would allow my praise God for brother Levi stand up lady then I got a read and get out of here and before I give her a minor word in a major house let me say this for three people who don't care who laugh at you no more cuz you're about to get paid the Lord said there are people in here that by the end of the second half of the year you will experience being debt-free God says he's gonna free your people's finances what [Applause] hey hey hey hello stop running hello hello stop him what's what's your name Andre how old are you you may not believe this but when you ran I had nothing to say but when you ran the Lord said tell him this what I would have paid him and given him if he went to college and graduated I'm gonna do it anyhow oh he danced and now that's what I like I'm with that right there yo jealous are you happy you got a wife you got a wife too hello tell him I'm talking to him you got a wife stand up doc the same thing I told Justin except it's a little different because God says I'm gonna make him a landlord I'm gonna let him rent one on the other but I'm only moving them cuz I want to restart their marriage too many bad memories in the old place y'all eat ah alright yeah yeah God's trying to bring a certain love back to your marriage where's your wife now here it's not over really but sometimes so much stress in bumping heads can make you be like forget it the Lord said the next time you touch your guitar you will be as anointed hear me as David was to play evil spirits off song so from this day forward for the next six months every time you play whatever's blocking you is gonna walk away from you and leave you in the place called victory yelling and somebody that wants victory shout victory all right I can't testify no more I gotta read we want a blind date and I was trying to make sure that we go out again we got three doubters two on this side in the second row and one over here but it doesn't bother me because Jesus had people that followed him and they doubt it Thomas doubted and from one person who was screaming cuz I'm teaching he doubted that's why he ain't got no book in the Bible he got a name but he ain't got no chapters you cut yourself out of a miracle when you doubt I doubt it but when I became a believer I got healed from a stroke last year I got cured from cancer went to an oncologist here in Atlanta he told me it's in your throat your PSA is through the roof did the prostate thing I went from one thing he found the worst thing let me not talk about that and when God cured me I promised him that ain't no way I'm gonna shut up when people stare me down because the cancer was in my throat but that's where my prays live and where you invite prays that area that was discomfort or being attacked God will replace it with good news and that's why his praise shall continually I don't know about being my mouth some of you are one Holloway from America and just don't know it why should sports stadiums be the only place with noise and excitement get your Bibles I was talking to your pastor and he shared a series he's gonna begin I won't mention it till he begins it but I'm going to tag along with him now when I teach I give it my best cuz my degrees make me do that I say things that other preachers are afraid to say but I know your pastors not afraid I already know that I could tell by how he acted upstairs and I could tell by who he married if you ain't scared that's how you marry when you're scared you get a good old little church girl that just come with flowers and a hat she make you look like a Baldy ain't no bullet you a good old boy and your good old boy good old boy who know how to dress you're a good old boy you came out your mama's womb a pastor but I want to open up I hope okay I want to open up by saying for anyone that will talk to me you don't have to stand doing this reading cuz I'm gonna do something different I don't want to cut a show I want to open up by saying for those will be honest today when I and the Holy Ghost has finished teaching the Word of God all of you that right now have issues they will be gone now if you can't confess it you can't get delivered I teach my churches that under me 17 of them I tell them little sayings that I like them to remember for to folk who talked to me for 35 minutes you'll be dead free and that is if you don't face it he won't fix it and black Christians are the best at camouflaging what's really going on in their lives y'all married a man cuz he looked rich he found out later he'd even have a bank account black people I'm really a ball I really got on Tim's and jeans and I want to give ring cuz that's my swag but I'm trying to be like a Jewish man and get a loan from a bank and some people don't know how you decorate yourself with determine what deals you get alright they got real quiet now I asked two people to talk as if we both got millions of dollars in the bank chilling so we can get there so I want to talk about be careful cuz I like to be loud so let me be Baptist I want to talk about a woman that had an issue of blood see whoever did that your bills already started getting paid the past 16 churches I've gone to their credits started growing while I was preaching this is church 17 no in every single Church and it ain't gonna stop here watch if you got checking in about 30 minutes see other prophets lie I'm right here we make God look like a normal person I wouldn't serve someone and give them all of this glory that couldn't blow my mind see how quiet you got some of y'all give who you date more excitement than you give God some of you will fight for your wife but won't fight for your faith and now you and her need a miracle people who work hard don't worship enough worship decreases work it turns salaries into seasons see you didn't talk that side ain't talk imma talk to who talk to me now I was gonna minister to somebody named last name Duncan who is there alonzo that's you that's what I'm looking for born December the 13th something like that right okay you're gonna be debt free and one of the wealthiest men in this church God says 17 years is about to pay off jolly just about to pay off you are y'all happy or jealous which one all you need him you need him remember I told you you need him I'm about to start telling you who you need everybody else can stay but you need him I won't say who it is in the second row to keep down there I want to look at his eye pan see if their names on there come on ain't no point at you could mean you won't get mad but come on I ain't got no Trix Trix are for kids the same way my weed had clients my gift has clients I told God don't make me preach a watered-down gospel I need something that's something to lace my preaching with y'all later and he laced it with my gift you feel what I don't when I leave here I'm still upset cuz he used me to talk to everybody else about them and then stop stalking this woman so did you own like a limo company or something you upstairs oh he's not talking anymore so what you do with driving because he didn't get excited we're gonna give some millions to you to Joe for transportation companies something see that's how you post that then you won't be a false recipient like I would love to tell you jumping screaming God will make the government give you all your money see and because you didn't you just missed all that government money see that's how easy your swagger kill your miracle done you know how many black people I got dressing broke like what's up bruh and they brow I want you to get everything God promised you and I want you to get everything the devil stole and if you don't want it when you get it back give it to somebody else now pastor i'ma need you to talk to me through this cuz I'm gonna condense and cut and paste this sermon I'm not gonna preach like you I'm just gonna cut in pace and say some good points and let these people go because they don't know what's happening right now this was a service not scheduled this is all God cuz I'm supposed to be in Florida and he's supposed to be preaching his series when God brings a commercial you better listen to that infomercial hey sound man you wanted to sound man what's your name Carlos I know you'd rather me say it so you can get happy Lord see God's being me but you don't give me names all-time but I need to tell you something man you may not get excited over this but if anybody screams for you you you understand it God says I'm gonna give him business is I'm gonna start things over for him but tell him the way I'm gonna let him keep it is I'm going deep into the computer and erasing everything negative about his name tell them oh I bet y'all catch it I'm going they gonna have to Google 12 layers deep to find something later on you can tell me how to get muscles like you have to church I'm working on mine I am don't let the devil for you mark chapter 5 that's where you were coming from you may not believe it that's where I was gonna come from period I'm just not going to touch your verses I'm gonna leave them versus wanting them demons and stuff to you imma leave that to you but I want to borrow talk to me Baptist people well y'all in Baptist no more y'all I thrive [Applause] mark chapter 5 beginning at verse 24 reading through 29 and please 3 of you like Alonso pushed me and let's do what we do Alonso you're not married where is she God is about to that's why he's giving you this money because I can't talk to him y'all laughing but that's the correct response he's gonna bless her not to have to work [Applause] and with her unusual genius she can become what my mother's trying to be a millionaire mom at home do I have any mothers in here who would like to make money at home well high five your neighbor and tell them I'm next I don't know about you I'm next verse 24 Jesus went with him much people followed him and thronged him a certain woman you've been to college never been how old are you okay alright you talking real snow because you're working you've been to college I'll give you what I was gonna give him then he can tag on to the end if he gets happy the Lord said if she breaks Frank even though she's working and jump I'm gonna go in this mainframe and start deleting her loans I'm gonna take the twelve thousand nine hundred thirty-four dollars and I'm gonna start deleting it [Applause] your wife been to college doing the same thing I said tag on to the end where is she what's your wife's name Maya because she didn't hear it so I'm about to tell him Maya oh she didn't have to come downstairs i'ma tell her i'ma find out whether she heard cuz you should have caught what I said I said tag on the hoods at the end Maya you can stay there [Music] you didn't have to come down the stairs oh he crying he loved her he about to go in [Applause] did you go to college Maya Maya did you go to college do you have student loans did you hear what I told her what did I tell her they were gonna be erased I even gave her a $12,000 number the Lord said because you came downstairs and you didn't have to when he starts deleting your bills you're gonna drive your husband to y'all new new house y'all were blessed to get one but it ain't the one that you deserve God said you will go and you will hold a position in corporate America that people have never seen ever you're gonna be you're gonna be contracted it's not gonna be like you work 9:00 to 5:00 how long y'all been married nine years and I older you and you 35 you did well but I ain't gonna cause no trouble can I ask you something in your ear the son is going to get the mantle of the Prophet what I'm doing what I'm what I am besides a prophet I'm a businessman I'm a college grad of Howard University oh you ain't got a clap for me I don't care my genius causes me not to like to work for other people this particular son is going to start acting like he's seeing things like he's going to entertain himself because God's gonna start pouring into him weird ideas y'all gonna have to listen very closely to him because God told me to tell you this and I hope they screaming y'all get happy I had to talk in his ear because God said the only reason why I'm redoing this child's path is because he was gonna make you all have another but because y'all are satisfied I'm gonna put the next child's genius in the son that you have now so get ready to see something very weird but pay close attention pay close attention all right Jesus went with him and much people following him and throwing him a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years how many years thank you I've got three people pushing me and one is my son the Prophet Bush that's good 12 years and had suffered many things of many physicians which means she gave her condition to a professional you missed it already what you have as an issue should first make you find someone that's a professional don't give your issues too pitiful give it to a professional stop telling your business to your friends cuz friends have the potential to become enemies tomorrow they like you with issues they're jealous when you don't have any are you all right I can't get no real push tell them push man quiet direct there are some people that like you better broke because you need them but God says I'm gonna place half for you in this church the next six months in a position where you're not needed or needful you're needed the same people that laughed at you they're gonna crawl to you to ask you how did you recover some folk ain't moving because they think they ain't got no issues but if you want me to prophesy your issues I can google your issues twelve levels deep suffered many things and spent all that she had and was nothing better but rather grew worse when she had heard of whoo I'm glad somebody's not faking you reading the Bible when she heard of who came in press came in the press behind touched be careful His garment and sad in 28 and oh there's somebody in the front row that think you know this whole scripture huh we gonna find out no you don't know this scripture you know your bullet points but you don't know this scripture see I could pause and tell the thirty folk that are pushing me that a happy I know you're gonna be dead free and karma go and bless your Credit Karma I could tell you this the people that God is reserving a miracle for are those who've been left behind you're not jealous of who's in front you look jealous cuz you're concerned it's like they don't even go to church they don't praise God how'd it get in cars and homes and I pay my tithe and I love my leader how am I so far behind she said if y'all don't mind me being loud do you good if I may touch but his clothes I shall be home I'm not gonna go too deep this word hole in the Greek for two screaming women and one man means whatever you get delivered from it cannot return this is your last Sunday dealing with whatever it is it's new job is to watch you succeed I might as well teach and bullet-point but needs some participation if it hasn't killed you by now it can't kill you at all and you got the right to walk scream holla it's okay if your folk laugh at you they gonna need you the Bible says and straightway which is the same word for immediately the fountain or the hemorrhaging of her blood was dried up and I like this part here she felt talk to me women in her body that she was healed look what it calls it now she's not sick of a plague he seed it go with me for the ride 20 more minutes passes then you can clean this mess up I want to read this from the message Bible and I need one person like my son and the Deacons in front pushing me again it reads from verse 25 a woman who had suffered a condition of hemorrhaging for 12 years a long succession of physicians had treated her treated her badly which now broadens the text for two people are still happy that says you don't get a miracle until you've been treated badly let me paraphrase it for full-course still happy you were there when folk needed you but nobody was there when you needed them be careful 9t they're badly taking all her money leaving her worse off than before but she heard about Jesus which means she never met him she never knew him she slipped in from behind touched his roll she was thinking to herself if I can put a finger on his roll I can get well don't get quiet with me 29 the moment she did it the flow of her blood dried up I feel my help now she could feel she could feel the change knew her plague was over and done with per study at the same moment message Bible Jesus felt energy discharge from him I want to say this in cause biblical controversy and if I can get one person who loved the Bible to scream I'll get deeper both parties are having a discharge now don't get all I didn't write it I read it which means there was an exchange some of you have a bigger issue and if I named this an issue you either stomp or stand but if you feel you're gonna fall stomp loud on the bleachers up front you scream or clap preacher that's experienced it you get loud and we'll move on it's crazy that your biggest issue is choosing for that you have nothing nothing to exchange you're the only giver in the relationship you're not upset that he left you you upset that he wasted your time you upset at how much money that mistake cost you the issue is you involved in relationships that are takers never exchanges and the law said all of you that were good hearted people but he was saving not that help people and they don't know you gave them money you need it for your bills he said within 30 days I'll give it all back no stay happy it's okay you will not use you had a good heart and there are a lot of people that got blessed because they came in touch with you but they got what they wanted and left you stranded and left you and I for talkers hemorrhaging they cut us so deep that was still bleeding now on that note I'm gonna say this with 15 minutes left or so for some of y'all who ain't talked yet who gonna miss a miracle and that's this they left us knowing they cut as deep was still bleeding the haunting thing for the person that left you and hurt you and abuser and user and took from you and never gave nothing back in return is this they don't understand why you can't die y'all and got quiet now the negro still living the negro growing that what they doing no one I thought the women would talk cause the woman is my character no one can bleed 12 years every day and live I wrote a little topic here for screaming women who want a miracle and men who own the business but you got to get loud if you can't die from it prove you can live with it some of us are succeeding with pain yeah Lisa Wynn succeeding with bad credit we are buying houses with no money down [Applause] your life is under miracle power a miracle is when no man can do it for you oh no she can walk cuz I said she can walk Wayne in our new church yet we're in the gym I said yet now look at all the bougie folk why they screaming ah the question should be why you ain't that's why you got kids in jail daughter's acting stupid cuz their deliverance is in your mouth and the issue is you only open it when you're angry and wanna cuss somebody out verse 30 at the same time Jesus felt energy that B word here is discharging from him he turned around to the crowd and said here we go who touched me the response from his disciples for those who are still in the text is what are you talking about this crowd been pushing and jostling you all day and you asking who touched me dozens have touched you I want to pause here before I go to my last fever says going in Fanta but let her have Church fifty of you kisses and scream for yourself it is funny that people are in the same place you are hearing the same sermon you hear but they will leave here with nothing and the ones responding you already got it and don't even know your head cuz the reason why Jesus acts who is he wanted a conversation the scripture said a lot of people touched him but they didn't get the release who touched me I'll preach Dean in a minute who touched me dozens have touched you thirty-two said but he went on asking looking around to see who did this who made Jesus discharged who did this the woman knowing what happened she's the only one who knew it knowing she was the one stepped up in fear and trembling note before him gave him her whole story jesus said to her my last verse daughter y'all wake up in here you took a risk I want to say this the folk who know this next six months is your best you not gonna see the money take the risk Oh y'all win when there's no money you walk by faith and not by sight you look at all these folk some of y'all acting like you rich we gonna find out during offering daughter you took a risk of faith and now you're healed not just heal that word homine closed off from this ever happening to you again then he tells us live well live blessed be healed of your plague be seated for another 10 minutes now I got four topics you can choose one imma give out all four and if any of these move you you will say Amen and you become candidates and recipients of it the first title is what you can't die from just live with the second one for women who won't get offended is my cycle is over the third one for folk who got all deep is I'm coming from behind and the fourth one is for everybody get up from there for you that didn't like the cycle one I'm sticking with it the definition of cycle for two people a set of events or actions that continue to happen over and over again in the same order different man same spirit oh yeah see you're miss different jobs same abuse different church same jealousy cycle a repeating series of events or actions zico am i preaching to the front row y'all ain't talking oh this how they treat you what I want them to talk to me a set of regular and repeated actions that are done by a machine as a part of a longer process menstruation look at the women that got quiet you ain't posed to talk about oh yeah when I was married for 11 years I and my wife argued the first year every month so I went to my mother I said listen I don't know why I married this girl I come home she creates her argument she knows how my ex pharmaceutical salesman I'm I'm trying to be bougie I my mama I'm trying to learn how to be a husband she said your father does that my mother is Hispanic my father is black he says oh you you know you got to know that we're always right see the women ain't say nothing on that and the men got mad like they domestically violent or something my mother says what happened and I told her she said how often I said I just told you every month my mother said are you into your wife I said I loved that girl what still am i into her she says let's go to the store we go to the store we go into the booking card part and we buy a twenty nine thirty cent calendar and she said here's your way out I said hold on we drove out she said your deliverance only cost you 30 cent she said she's seven years older than you I said yeah she fired you love her she's not angry with you she says uh when did y'all fuss I said yesterday she said put a hex on that date she says y'all should be altering again around this date next month I didn't tell my wife nothing next month what looked at my calendar but just one day off I said I'm pretty close third month same thing I went to my mother jot down when we had our first argument she says you do know that it hits all of us in a different way Todd I said what are you talking about 30 cent in 90 days leave she says when your wife goes on her menstrual cycle oh yeah and that shows up somebody just I just saved a marriage I feel like I just saved a man so the next month I have wrote it down I went to her I said listen going in argue call me whatever I'm not listening and now I'm sleeping in my room with you get out to bed no later on she says why you don't get angry like you used to I said because my mother taught me that your hormones get crazy around this time and you're gonna argue cuz you're cramping things how you know that I had to go to a professional Oh y'all mister cuz if I had tried to figure that woman out on my own her cycle would have take taking us where we should not have gone then I study the cycle here we go and this is what you should want to shout but you can't in the bleachers but you can stop and y'all can scream down here this woman was having a mr. cycle but preachers won't tell you that because it was coming from her private area and she could feel it all right no hood women in here that's fine y'all clean up well but to all of my girls that a writer die you if you know yourself you can feel it when it's coming come on this ain't nasty this educational and you can feel when it's leaving the Bible says she felt when it was over there was no proof it was over I was somebody scream here cuz the blood on the dress was still fresh but the situation on the inside was dried up and some folks still gonna judge you by material only young only you know when you are delivered from the issue now I still hear a mother to overhear angry that I don't believe it was a cycle that's fine you've been to school you've been to seminary you read the Bible every day like we do she was crawling and when she was crawling that's from cramping she is dizzy and lightheaded because she's hemorrhaging yeah she is not focused she is not now you are not gonna talk about this but if it makes sense just nuts me could you go to the gym to just nudge me she is not healed from touching Jesus is gone it now my theologian overseer Dean would disagree because he is a Greek and Hebrew scholar he is but she's not healed from touching the garment she gets healed after touching the garment but nothing was in the garment or others would have been healed that touched him first Oh y'all all got quiet and then you rookies gonna say she had faith she didn't have faith she didn't know him she only heard about it but this is why she's healing this will you take 10 seconds and screaming clap because of what she said before she got there she put the cure in the garment if I could just touch so the deliverance is not in the touch it's in your confessor [Applause] that's why he said you took a risk you believe what came out of your own mouth she's crawling she's dizzy she's lightheaded and I need somebody to help me run I only need about seven more of your good minutes when she's crawling she's bleeding through the diaper they've kicked her out the doctor's office and told her there's nothing else we can do for you after you took all my money and once my Blue Cross and Blue Shield from Donald Trump was oh y'all got quiet was cut off you laughing but some of y'all don't know Trump's gonna make some of y'all broke again after she's bleeding the people cuz you're gonna screw say unclean they announced her dirtiness I'm clean I'm clean and because she's bleeding out of her private area into a public space Oh y'all the quiet everybody now knows her business they back away from her because she's a plague y'all ain't talking so she backs away nobody wants to touch her or they will contract what she has so they stay away from her now they didn't stay away from her when she had all that money y'all ain't talk oh yeah but as soon as she got broke and her business went now she already had the plague but it had never gone public she had the plague and money she got broke after 12 years but they were with her as long as she had more money than a plague but as soon as the plague took her money and her money took her to the bottom they all start saying unclean dirty and broke if these men don't wake up and talk to me y'all gonna miss a miracle Trump gonna have y'all working to u8e that pension gonna be gone she's bleeding all over the place unclean she's dizzy she's lightheaded she's about to die but she said if can you see I could touch while she's bleeding everyone Dawson moves away from her and here's where you should dance and you're not and this is where I'm away some beautiful revelation on certain people that want to act stiff and never get to Christ but all you that moving this catch this if her business didn't go public and bleed out she would have never had access to get to him your problem is not demonic it's necessary because it gets the faith vote away from you do you know how many people in Atlanta and everywhere loves your first season of your ministry until you started bleeding and now they thought you were gonna die but today I came to say touch my gummy baby watch you touch lost I got a clothes lost all her money what I like about this woman and I like about real women who've been hurt by some of us doggish men who have done things to you that was wrong but what I like about real strong women who are saved and understand purpose and what I like about you how you've recovered in doing what you're doing one person got a scream one this is real people don't tell of the business even when they tell yours this woman this woman contracted this and never mentioned who she got it from you oh I must be preaching for the front row don't gotta if I can touch she's bleeding her problem created a path everybody got away and when they moved she had easy access and I'm telling everyone with a mouth and joy whatever was blocking you tomorrow easy access baby and you still gonna have a problem but the problem won't have you you still gonna have problem none of us are exempt from I'm getting ready to close it I gotta lock this down in a minute be seated last time next time you get up stay up she touches the hem of His garment Jesus Jen then says I see the men leaning forward so I must be preaching cuz men listen with their body motions one of the boys was movie was like a little black man preaching what's his name something left him now let's me visit the text and then you can high-five me before she got there there was a man named Darius the iris is trying to get a miracle for his daughter all right forget it now I'm done his daughter is 12 years old if somebody jump on this then I know you love the Bible but the woman's issue is as old as her daughter is as old as his daughter she pregnant with a problem that's growing that she can't breathe she cuts in and gets a miracle Wow Jack J iris and Jesus are talking now if one woman jumps on this and one man acts like he's running in place watch what happens in 48 hours but you got to be serious you're gonna get blessed cuz God's gonna give you permission to cut in cuz some of you have been too nice you let everybody go you go you go you go God said not this year this year you get your rightful position and just tell who's there scuse me scuse me she interrupts two priests Jesus tells her come out he calls her daughter the way we know she contracted it cuz they don't you will see he said sin no more I see see it got cried no she wasn't born with this sin no more this ain't something that came as a tumor from cancer this was a result of a sin she did and who she did it with but she was nice enough not to throw him under the bus paid for it herself look I look somebody shouting cuz that's good because you're gonna be blessed pay for it with our own money cuz some of us may not scream on this but I will God said you're about to be blessed this next six months ask me why cuz you paid for it with the last six months you you don't get away with sin you paid for it [Applause] I'm about to close as you sit about to close normally I'd be hollering whooping playing music mother said take my time now I'm gonna bring this in cuz I see God talking to me and somebody's missing why we're here she stands up her dress is still bloody I told you 12 minutes ago but you didn't hear me the the blood on the dress is still fresh there are people that are talking about you like as if you just did something today I didn't know nothing about you till I put the fly on my wall and they said do you know where you're going I said to a great man sir he didn't say nothing I never heard nothing about Andre and Yvette Landers except Full Gospel where we hold in the church but as soon as we put both of our faces on one flyer they acted like I was gonna contract something I didn't come to contract I come to attract jolly talk because what most folks stay away from succeed when they pull away from it God allows your problem to choose your company if you leave me during my worst season you were never supposed to be there at all but if you with me when I'm at my lowest point y'all later when I get back on my feet I'm okay yeah cuz we don't be a stick esteem I'm about to close here we didn't we didn't give this woman enough credit now I'm gonna prophesy two things three the first time if you receive it you will make a sound on the level of the word spoken number one is this and I hope somebody catch it this woman is about to give you what she used to have and I hope y'all catch it even though she had a problem watch now the problem wasn't going killer to 12 years she had it 12 years y'all yo y'all standing and not talking she had the problem 12 years but she also had something else to hold her over with the problem she had money the loss that imma give you her blessing in reverse but you gotta scream imma first let you uh uh he said I'm gonna first let you out live the problem and then give you 12 years of you will not be spending your money on recovery you will be spending it on your future you've already paid for yesterday why we still paying the note for a problem we had 20 years of them number two now I know y'all missed it but you're gonna have quite a bit of money because you make God look good in your bad situation number two is for my pastors and my prophets who are under me who came to visit as well and hopefully y'all will feel it but I'm watching them on this one so y'all forgive me all of you that jump on this means that you're spiritually mature catch this there is you cannot preach the text and put some minute that ain't there so let me take something out of it that y'all put there and out of you that you put there and hope you scream everything you've been through for the past 12 years had no demons in it there is no Devils in this text to be cast out to come out everything bad happen until you ain't no devil it's a test for a new level y'all be puttin the demon in scriptures that he ain't in now the problem you had did what it was called to do somebody help you actually what it made you get closer to Jesus in it anything that makes you look for Jesus is not a demon [Applause] we're closing now ain't no demon in that story anything that happened to you that made you go on the fast that you call made you go find a man of God who can preach devil ain't stupid he's sending you closer to God God said and now whoever screams on this guy and now that you'd back with me and close I can give you what you lost back cuz you left me because you had too much too much business too much love love your family ain't going to church today can't make it to Bible study got to job chasing that paper won't chase a god we're closing right here now premature wealth will draw you away from God you will think God is money God is I got a new house God is I just bought a new car you won't find out those things that you bought they are your God and God is gonna cause something to come upon you that's not a demon that's gonna show you what's more valuable in your life and until you recognize him as you get excited about cause marriages and things if he can't get the same excitement of you he'll get jealous of what he gave you and he will send a play oh yeah and make you start losing things that you don't know how you're losing it you try to patch it up you bleed through it you're getting second job still can't keep no money your life is in the hemorrhage and I close with this Chandler ten if you catch this and then we'll hold hands I'm from the hood maybe you're not out I can I can already tell you ain't from there I'm from the dirty dirty dog and we didn't know words in Brownsville in public school as minstrel cycle we know nothing about that we got slapped could we say she on her period till I moved to Long Island and went to Roosevelt junior senior high school my father said don't you ever say she on her period you can call it a cycle my mother when she remarried my dad and we moved along on she said it's minstrel cycle I said she on her ministry yeah I see about two or three right now drug dealers up in here scared acting cool I know your homie but you better stop bleeding cuz you can go to jail and you ain't coming out this time and I know where yet you ain't coming home this time each one no one you can floss on me if I wasn't in this so we'd be flossing together we call it a period so on my notes this is what the Lord told me to say two things who ever jumped you got it and we're done number one is whatever you've been going through time after time again he told me to tell you that topic that cycle is over will you tell somebody that cycle is over but the next thing is the bigger thing that you got offended about then I'm gonna put some prophetic lace on this is what I want to hear clamping and stomach for at least 30 seconds he said tell you after this service the cycle ends he says tell you like this you will never be broke again period you will never be divorced again period you will never be sick again period you let the devil know I'm on my period period I will never be [Applause] I am wealthy let people have the questions you work in periods I'm come stopping right there let their question be how did you get back on your feet I'm sure that when the man who gave her whatever she contracted saw again she probably looked at the man and told him this after he complimented her you look good I heard you join Jesus ministry and you're here you want to get together again this is for screaming women because you know when your future is ready when your past wants you back want to [Applause] she probably looked at him as you hold the hand of the person near you and told him this I'm also a preacher now what she said and I'm gonna give you my first sermon because the way you left me I had to carry that issue for 12 years she said I lost a lot of money playing around with you said you took me to my lowest point I'm completely healed no surgery I'm not on any meds I'm totally cured you might still have what I'm cured from she said but if I came from Pentecostal church I'm gonna give you a sermon I'm working on and I just give you the title of my sermon so you can go tell all your other homies about what I'm a preacher her first trial sermon you ever heard of trial sermon initial sermon testers you know she probably said these words for to folk will scream cuz it's gonna be you after 2 to 2 - Amaro I started from the bottom and now I'm here and God can't fix it til I face it oh yeah and I want you to know thank you for taking me to my lowest point cuz it was there that I found Jesus Charlotte it was there and sometimes life has to bring you all the way down somebody kissed us it couldn't kill her but it took as low as she can go she went to the ground but never went underneath she couldn't die you've gone as low as you can go if you can't died from where you are the only place to do now do to him do is get up I'm back on my feet after some horrible things hold the hand of that debt free man a daughter a woman of God hold your neighbors hand I spoke it and if they don't want to hold your hand when his empty tell them don't grab it when it's full thank you for giving me more time than you would normally give a preacher you will see why within the next few months I want somebody shout hallelujah again okay I'm just gonna leave it right there I'm gonna leave it right there I'm gonna leave it right there somebody shout how to do you again I need I thrive Church to believe in what happened this morning I need you to start expecting dramatic changes I need you to even learn how to treat the folk right that treat it you'll need a room because they're gonna pay for it by watching your success if you wanna kill an enemy succeed be everything they said you can't be until the two or three of you two still have questions about changing churches don't be dumb now stay where you add bleed and private oh y'all the Lord said when I would come and leave he said everything you once had you're about to get it all back he said tell you you'll never bleed again because you're being made whole not just well doing well no you're gonna do whole we're not gonna do well we did hell we're not gonna do well we're gonna do whole I want somebody to point at your pants and say be thou made whole see you can't you can't fail now because one can chase a thousand two can put ten thousand to flight you're holding the hand of a new homeowner Oh some of you check it nine they think I'm playing you knew your old credit score check your skull if any of you got it in your score jump just scream from your seat oh it's already started you got one minute what happened your credit score jumped how many points look at it okay oh yeah I ain't gonna tell it that anybody else are you checking it oh you don't have no internet service yours yours jumped how many points forty five points well see false prophets would Iran and forgot Credit Karma but if you got internet you better hurry I just saw a lady she downloading credit Karma's free forty five points is quite a bit last month we had a lady's credit jump 156 a credit we had one yes yours jumped how many points oh there's some people in here who couldn't get a house cut they needed ten points have you bought your new house yet dear one of them because I'm seeing three different houses they're three stories one is Midtown the others in another area what do you do for a living okay she a realtor all right let's move on well well I ain't about to start over who else yours jumped who else jumped how many 30 how many nine who else looking folks um folk ain't got no credit that's why you should be checking I had a girl in California and I'm done you're holding the hands of a wealthy worshiper I had a girl in California her credit was 5:37 I'm sure I got the text I'm gonna show you I got the paper cuz I wanted it to take it around the roll 537 now back in the day that could have got you an apartment in a car now you need at least seven hundred I don't hear y'all ain't got no credit now you need about some of y'all should be talking cuz you know your credit bad 7 7 20 at least yeah I've taken 7 20 she gives online be a give the fire whatever that is she sends me her credit score and a pay for two of them her credit score jumped and I was on my scream on this from 537 to 850 850 another girl in my church minister powwow could not get a house or car because of all of these student loan liens that she had can when you pull your credit the first thing that pops up is them alone she calls me from the bank signing for her house speaking in tongues acting all disorderly you joined my church for that bougie when you're in meetings she best shot that's how loud she is and she's a psychologist job ha I said girl wait yeah the bank I said what you doing trying to get a house I said you ain't getting no house screaming like that I already got it she said you don't believe it pull up your email and I pulled it up read the letter I start screaming she had three student liens and everything they were all erased from off her credit report she called Experian and all of these people and told them she had liens they said not as far as we concerned here's the miracle called the school the school said we got no record of you owing us no money now the Lord told me you that didn't get your credit miracle get your student loan debt watch you're holding the hand of a person that if they were sick they got healed touching you Bishop will you do me a favor you got your Bible Bishop cuz we're about to close here you have your Bible can you turn to Matthew chapter 14 and read 34 and 45 just just no no not y'all y'all hold hands and transfer this wealth any version Matthew chapter 14 verse 34 and 35 Dean you need to hear this and then you throw me a high-five you ready to hear this that's a nice phone privacy screen I can't see nothing what you had I'm gonna preach this kid read that yeah kid get your personal mic that I could couldn't use as your guest preacher verse 34 and 35 y'all not gonna believe this cuz we only preach about the woman with the issue of blood but she started a trend and so were you look listen to this they came to the land of janessa wrath they came to the land of janessa because you can be preaching this soon and when the men of that place recognize who when the men of that place a woman started but when the men of that place recognized him when they recognized Jesus they set out into all the surrounding region yeah and brought him all who were sick and and begged him that he might all they touched the hem of His garment and as many as touched it were made perfectly well somebody missed the place to shout right there they laughed at her but they sure followed the process you don't have a need to get jealous just repeat push to repeat you're not gonna get it being quiet be bougie at work be crazy in church be angry at home but be glad when they said coming to the house of the Lord last time you holding hands pastor will you stand here just stand in front of your people I was in the office praying and I know how you do things but the Holy Ghost told me he said anyone that wants to stop hemorrhaging in your love life marriage dead he said tell his members if they love him all of us today we're breaking trend will so a hundred dollars at his feet all of us the brokest of us any man that has money and won't give it I hope y'all don't fall in love with him cuz cheap men make abusive husbands when you got a beg your man for some money you got the wrong man and any woman that she should not be a wife cuz a real woman is a helpmeet not a help tank you've got to have something to bring to the table now this is where love is proven instead of giving all the money to your professionals and doing worse counselors lawyers prison all kinds of things why not give it to God and hire him to be a lawyer in the courtroom why not give him and make him your Realtor and let him find you a house and touch the owner that would just say move in and pay me when you can why are you paying professionals define what God can give and giving them 15 percent of something God could have gave you for free do God right now everyone get your offerings ready I don't know your process I don't know your procedure I don't know if they give by check or text to give I don't know somebody help me whoever works for them tell me how y'all do it you can text seven seven nine seven seven and you do that by texting the words I thrive CC so again that's I thrive CC two seven seven nine seven seven also if you have the I thrive app be it with your Apple phone or Android you can hit the giving tab on there will be give laughs I and it'll show you how to give there as well and you're still gonna walk by even with your from her el Carell that's your last name yeah cuz that's the name that the house is being signed in har reall it's alright listen he said you gonna make me cry no he said we gonna make him run I ain't bothering don't come yet almost almost cuz I'm asking people to come in to order I'm asking the men when I say coming to come first if you're a woman in love your man and know he got money and he don't move kick him somebody has to create a miracle give God your last bleeding dollar and watch your money never bleed again every man that's doing come put it at our pastors feet let's move now let's move quick even if you're given by the pad bye y'all smart about five men crazy cuz one man is in a big huge business deal and he thought he gonna sign this week because you kept your hundred dollars the deals gonna fall through the cracks oh he got up now it's not man smart man this hundred dollars we spent more on sinning drinks gin and juice cost us more than $100 the hotel room we cheated in cost more than $100 the money we had to pay her to stay quiet cost more than $100 y'all play something nice cuz you're professionals whatever y'all feel I've got them earpieces in talk to each other every man watch god of course the women gonna outdo us but watch God who's a clothing designer do I have you are you in this room she's she has on a white turban on her head whoever she is who's a clothing designer oh that's her stay there stay there what's your name say it loud [Music] Asia have you designed any clothes yet cuz the Lord told me to tell you he's about to put a new design in your head and it's gonna make it to every major clothing store that you have God says when people wear the clothes they'll be healed your leader when they put on the Gump are y'all jealous or happy I'm about to ask the women to come in a minute excuse me what's your name Kiki that's that's your whole name well that's your nickname Kiki onna you may not believe this but when I was talking to her the Lord said tell you something part of it you're not gonna like but I hope you like it the Lord said tell her I'm gonna travel all over the country whenever she wanted to come home and if she want to I'm gonna bless her marriage family but tell her I'm gonna put on on TV shows to talk to women on how to recover how to be made whole God says it's gonna be like you're talking to people that Oprah Winfrey would talk to Ron said I'm gonna make you the kingdom youth Oprah Winfrey you will be sitting with odyssey's actors actress people of renown and they'll be paying you just for consultation get ready it's gonna happen fast somebody shout hallelujah all right every woman that's gonna give you a hundred come now be good press like the woman with the issue of blood leave you're broke girlfriend right in her seat just do it this is not your type I'm sure Bishop will be collecting your time [Music] can I touch your head oh she is you felt that you felt that yeah sure did I was out as a baby because I won one of them drinks where y'all clap for these that are coming that are responding to ministry now come on they're responding to ministry your money won't be bleeding after this watch you won't tell your pastor bring that little man back cuz now I need to find out what to do with the money my father was the first black African American stock broker on Wall Street Aaron hall jr. to a firm called Benjamin Jacob sons Sons which is now Goldman Sachs never went to college attendance life started off as a messenger boy so I know God's a miracle worker some people say he's away make a miracle worker promise keep a light in the darkness my god that is who you are every one that did not have a hundred you will come after and give what you can a hundred percent if it's ten dollars you will give it and shout I'll never be broke again we're gonna break the cycle of hemorrhaging finances amen you will bring whatever you can with a hundred percent of your heart and you will walk by pastor and say I'll never be broke again practice that statement right now say it Oh y'all said it like you was broke say it like you'll never be broke again I was the brokest hall in my family ask me where I land now my brothers were singing traveling grew me yet you have dum dum diddy traveling the world black street everybody rapping my son I was the brokest and the oldest but ask me who money they borrow now I'm getting paid funding them I charge my brother's interest bless your mother I love you so much yes man somebody shout hallelujah again [Music] Lord y'all clap for every bullet lord I I didn't recognize it cuz I say you don't lost half yourself where you go [Music] that's one of my favorite Sunday best like for real like for real Honda shut up behind never again sir hold on sir as they're given God is going into your organs you should be dead three times God says tell him I'm the only one he can come to for spare parts at your age they really can't find what to do I'm gonna my people tell you I don't lay hands much but I'm gonna lay hands on your head and I'm gonna watch God create a miracle may he grant you the extension of hezekiah somebody would allow mouth use it now in the name of Jesus he deserves to live y'all won't have to walk with him doctors holy goes on [Music] to the lady in the black with the person on your shoulder where were you born North Carolina when you walked by me the Lord said tell her I'm sending my glory and my grace to her entire family tell her the storm they tried to hit the family years ago God said he's gonna use you to reconcile everyone back to God and the Lord said tell you whenever been this idea that man fully has he's about to breathe it into it like a deflated balloon your family's about to live in prosper and somebody clapping tell God thank you if you're given any amount come now and say I'll never be broke again I don't care what the amount is the Lord does not care what the amount is so into the kingdom that style is going now so into the kingdom no matter what amount it is come and so never be broke you have to say it [Music] I'll never be broke again while they're playing softly cuz you're about to have your mic God told me to tell you if the men in your church screen there's gonna be a drafted NFL football player coming to the Falcons that's gonna pay off your debts let's go [Music] hey you know why I said it no you don't you want me to tell you why cuz the boy came by and said I'll never be broke again he had on grace cut off things and the red keys chain out his pocket he gonna pay off all your bills y'all a talk gods about to bless me some people just don't believe has everyone given stand on your feet when I give this man the mic or when he talks in his own mic cut them up a little loud I want y'all to under come on I want you old look at me stop playing a mini reek y'all need to know who you have as a pastor y'all need to make his enemies regret they ever said a word about him or this church I couldn't make him the woman that crawl but I did make him read the men this man is about to rebound not recover he's already recovered he's about to rebound in every area and have double like Joe for his trouble if you love your leader I want you to clap and scream as loud as you can for dr. Andre when you give God praise for the ministry of dr. Todd Hall come on I thrive now listen real quick we've got to do two things number one we've got to do an offering and then we've got to do our tithes and offering you say well that's we just did offered first offering it's not money the first offering is Souls I have to give somebody an opportunity to give their life unto the Lord and that is the greatest offering that you can give listen the woman with the issue of blood said if I can touch the hem of His garment I would be made whole there's somebody in here you say I don't care what your record is I don't care what your past is I don't care what your sin is if you can have an encounter with Jesus you would be saved and at this moment the Prophet even called out some people with life styles and some people with professions and in pharmaceutical sales I'm talking to you too he says if you can just touch the hem of his garden you'll be made whole there's somebody in here you're not safe you've been wanting to get saved but your problems being I got to get myself together and I'm gonna wait no your time is now and so whoever in this place I'm not safe God's calling me to join our through our Christian Church I want you to move to this altar as quickly as possible come right now right now right now right now right now right now I'm gonna be saved I'm gonna be healed I'm gonna be part of this church in the name of Jesus come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come come turn to your neighbor on your left on your right if God is talking to you come come come come come come right now I'm not saying amen amen amen now listen I need you to understand my name is Andre lenders and I endorse this message how many of you will admit that this is the first time you've experienced a prophetic gift in your presence okay Amen I want you to understand that it was completely authentic everything that he prophesied was true he was calling out things that we know to be true and confirmed and there was nothing rust-eze that would make you doubt what God showed you today I admonish you every prophetic word that has gone forth about this ministry and about you lay hold of it don't let anything or anybody steal it from you the next six months of your life is gonna blow your mind here's the other thing I was up a lot later that my wife was last night I came to bed later than I normally do because I was praying for something I didn't tell him about it but I was praying for something I was praying that God would take this opportunity to do many things but I prayed that he would do one specific thing that needs to be done and I thrive and I wanted him God to do one thing I wanted him to break this hole that's been over this church on giving and as you were walking up giving that hundred dollars or whatever God told you to give and that offering the financial trajectory of this church of your life your personal finances just went to another dimension don't know you better shout right here because I'm telling you I didn't talk to him I didn't say anything to him but when he called for that offering I didn't ask him y'all know how I am I'm kind of and gods even breaking that timidity off of me but as you gave get ready you will never be broke again another day in your life somebody needs to shout about it right now in Jesus name now listen we've got to do our tithes and offering that was a special offering and we praise God for but we've got to bless God right now amen what do we do is our times if you up pay for the week or bi-weekly as $1,000 then you give God a test how much is that you give him the tenth and then that's how he creates an atmosphere for you to be blessed he Till's the soil he rebukes the Devourer he makes sure nothing hinders but you have to sow a seed where your offering comes for there to be increased and that's what this moment is about so if you already use an envelope you need another one raise your hand and Usher's will get that to you and your offering envelope you can always text to give to the number seven seven nine seven seven typing I thrive CC press ENTER or you can use the gibla fire app find I thrive Christian Church and then find the gift button and give listen don't miss this opportunity there comes a time we must be more mature when it comes to giving the tithe belongs to God it is holy unto Him he creates an environment for you to be blessed and your blessing comes from the seeds you sow so I want you to get whatever your size is and your seed is and I want you right now to lift it higher if you're giving with your phone hold your phone up your right check your cache how're you gonna give lift it up and repeat after me do you have any father thank you for this opportunity to sorce but I also thank you that this seed is not only gonna meet my need it will exceed my need in Jesus name somebody give God praise in this place where didn't take your seats as a Qualcomm
Channel: iThriveCC Media
Views: 133,468
Rating: 4.7224383 out of 5
Keywords: Overseer André Landers, Pastor André Landers, André Landers, iThrive, iThriveCC, iThrive Christian Church, Listen, The 4 Bars Of Effective Listening, Feedback, Todd Hall, Prophet Todd Hall
Id: Mk3U_M_-t2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 57sec (6957 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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