PROPHETIC SUMMIT 2018: "I Struck Oil" Bishop Todd Hall

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[Music] [Music] with uplifted hands yes I'm a little bit come on with the fruit of your lips give me a little more monitors little more house come on open your mouth with Matt or worship stop the music go ahead and bless him with him at all where she thank you Jesus come on just 30 seconds more you can do it hallelujah come on keep on we were surprised we were surprised we just lift our hands to here today she cries [Music] this is a space for mature oceans we just lift our hands la cote de la Mancha I love him because he first loved me I'm sorry young people [Music] [Music] [Music] you may be seated that that was a space [Music] carved out in time for true worshipers that was a space I can't get nobody to give me a little eyes also carved out in time for those who praise Him for more than cars and marriage [Music] you blessin cuz they thank you woke you up this can I get somebody to talk to me [Music] [Music] that gives me stream I thought I had more tofu from day today it will it's my and it region to the high hi it's Bob [Music] [Music] come here it's cogeco yes yeah you yeah [Music] my son enansal [Music] [Music] somebody clap your hands in praise [Music] softly son I must move quickly tonight because I'm a little fatigued in my body and I know your prayers will will give me strength can we thank God for Bishop Charmian CJ Alan [Music] while you're standing can we thank God for lovely wise lady or target you may be seated this England we thank God for his extension gifts gifts of prayer gifts of intercession people who know how to do warfare without worrying can we thank God for prophetess Barbour fallaway come on everyone doing her job too she led pray on yesterday and prayer is one of the staples on which the church was birthed little softer somewhat got Paul and Silas out of jail was they prayed and sang if you'd have left out either one of those it would have been serving a lifetime sentence if you want a well-balanced healthy Christian won't leave this like you had it then you will need both of those to get out of things that should hold you for life one yesterday I was told something that I want to acknowledge tonight I don't know everybody as well as I know some I only have six friends and one is a demon that's the truth because you have a friend that will betray you don't mean you have to betrayed them Jesus had 12 one was a devil but when he kissed him he said Jude isn't my friend so it's not who's your friend it's who you are a friend - can I get a witness yesterday was a great woman Apostles birthday upon so Ellis will you stand so can we salute this woman happy birthday y'all clap better than that happy boat I [Music] would have helped on and everything she spend her birthday hearing me preach that says a lot and I don't take that lightly Apostle John Jackson your gift is pure I don't care about rumors and what folk ever said about you don't need nothing when I see the glory of God resting on your life where y'all playin gone for God's man serving come on y'all do that apostle Jackson I stand apologetically as the Bishop of the Shabbat fellowship of churches my pastors are always here from East Texas one of my son's was supposed to do this er monic solo but I see we had just who supposed to say they couldn't make it they were on the road they were not home they were on the road when it began to sleet and rain rain and they said Bishop you want us to continue I said do what your faith tell you if you can't stand in the rain they don't hit go home cuz the truth is I don't want to I get mad Texans can't drive that good hold on music y'all cannot drive and you know it and with all the cultures here just pulling over in front of you without honking so it is better not to risk a life than to make people show that they accountable by putting their life at risk but can we clap for them anyway I believe they're watching now come on clap better for those who endeavored I also want to acknowledge just because that is 10 a.m. was one of the baddest services that we've had [Applause] and that is the absolute truth we didn't have to hollow one time we didn't have to prophesy with to no one it was absolute and I'm not too long it was absolutely life-changing can we clap for our mourning experience next year I'm gonna ask Bishop to give me all the day services I'll preach one night but give me the day service and watch what happens look at the folk who didn't come I knew I shouldn't went you absolutely right the Word of God tonight you that have prayer ministries pray for me as I'm weak but I feel my help in a minute I told people do you mind me being laid back before I break out I I told people my job in opening this prophetic summit was to lay the groundwork talk to me five of you just write for those who may have a little confusion about what a prophet is do they still exist I'm gonna teach you anyway what is I was wheeled back in the morning what what is I do [Music] what is the limit to their authority what is what is the maximum potential of the authority I just believe that the church no longer has the faith that it used to have [Music] is there a problem on that side again I also believe that if the church does not have the faith that it once had it also cannot be disconnected from preachers not having the power that they once had while you're not talking preaches y'all don't want to take your blame how can they hear without a preacher I'm gonna preach AME tonight but I'll be there how can they preach something he said I think I need to visit something else that's a little touchy it is my observation and my summation not my judgment call that people started acting a little different in church when we began to understand that God not only called men preachers but women ain't afraid of no ghost I'm just trying to help and in calling my sisters and my mothers to the platform by which once our Father said you could not ascend to your motherly love mixed with your anointing spoiled a certain generation real mothers always tell father leaves my child alone so we got a church full of tongue speaking wimps dancing lazy people that have arms of people that are tough in the anointing but soften their heart that they know they can run towards they'll apply it to soothe games that they inflicted upon themselves I [Music] was watching a movie and my born y'all like this cuz some of you are tired from doing nothing you don't lift nothing you don't do anything all day and yawn 18 times a day I don't see how you can really live with yourself I'm okay with it took time I'm okay with women preachers now because I didn't make myself a non-believer in them my ancestors did see I'm talking to the daughters of God who are strong enough to handle this quick dialogue because some of you who just started as female preachers are looking at me funny like you think your man's equal just for historicity God did not make man and woman at the same time I'm not being arrogant I'm trying to give you information we were here before you y'all have all the babies now but we birthed you y'all mighty quiet now we went through a c-section the Bible says for you that I'm thinking I'm not preaching that the Lord man didn't go he don't wait to man go to sleep he put him in was caught on a toast which means anesthesia because you can handle pain under guard sleep that you can handle if you were wide awake what you're taking unconsciously would kill you if you were fully away I think I'm born then with my open end brother but Adam and Eve worked beautiful together until her femininity allow her to be kind to a serpent the serpent was not the devil that we really know of but he was the most subtle beast in the garden talk to me sisters I'm not gonna leave you comfortless but talk to me while I give you history you didn't study with all these 50 women's comforters nobody talks about the substratum and all y'all began everybody want to be Esther looking for Boaz everybody wants to be Debra the Prophet is everybody but you didn't study these people you didn't find out that Deborah never wanted to be out front y'all look white Deborah told Barak nailed this guy and because he didn't she did and still put the hammer in his hand some of you men won't talk to me because you think I'm trying to straighten out the women so you can get your place back but the truth is some of you men rode her back to get where you are that house ain't in your name your credit is not better than hers and some of your laughing but I hope you're hearing me pristinely so they let the women priests that'm bother me it took a little more understanding for me to believe in women bishops because the Bible told me they should be the husband of one wife so I so I had to I had to you know y'all quiet now I had to make some adjustments and use some greek definitions to understanding that a bishop is just a super-sized pastor if your bishop with five churches and they all got two members then you could have kept one church and state a past y'all don't want to take this part your titles begin to make terrorists so the church began to lose its original authority over demons and sicknesses and things because everyone was trying to get promoted the two sexes was fighting to be equal but time we finished we had no power to cast out a demon cuz we had just dealt with one at home now it's almost like we have to be forced to go to church and wouldn't go if we weren't getting paid let me tell you how much church we had when I was a kid we had so much church and we had to be there for one person who would liven up and jump to where when we didn't have church we were shocked we ain't got no church tonight we got a night off i'ma catch up on my TV show you didn't even know what to do with your time now some of you got so much time you don't know what to do when you get to church you gotta be coached witness a hallelujah coach witness a thank you been saying God's been good to you all year but he only got one dance out of you in six months let me tell you something your pitiful the old school coined the phrase when I think of the goodness can't get no help of Jesus make sure the house is a little fuller and all that he has done for me y'all know it my very soul cries out testimony service deleted real choir rehearsals deleted everybody that can sing can harmonize cuz every lead is singing backup everybody wants to be a lead join your church you give him a license God done told him it's time to start their own church and they started their church with your members who they've been trying to steal doing Bible study in there huh how could you live with yourself and where we gonna dance just not right now when the church loses his focus it also loses his faith it then also loses God's support there was a lady in one of my colleagues churches who was giving him hell can I talk to 20 of you well then talk to me this is this is not a mom this is not a monologue this is a dialogue because in every real anointed Church there's one or two troublemakers that and death come take the good members and leave them there and you'll be wondering lord if you don't visit my church to kill somebody can I give you a list don't take my tithe paying members don't take my members that pray for me and show up and this woman was so good at what she did that she began to start a church within a church I think I'm born young and people I can tell them you don't want to listen cuz you start veering guilt makes you start a different conversation people started gravitating to her I didn't care she wasn't in my church but I came to a service like this and just begin to speak what God was telling me and she thought her pastor had snitched like some of you right now that are guilty you trying to locate the source is God and you know it's God when conviction hits you it's God preach that night she came in the office very beautiful very good to look at with the eyes very disgusting in the spirit so she came in dressed very well with the finer things of life I think I'm born young and doing her thing and she began to tell the pastor's wife who she was jealous of without saying it you need to come outside and see my new car and she had a nice Mercedes coupe I even looked at the seats I was like this is a bad cop thank you God is good showed up the next night sharp showed us pictures of her new house well it was a condo and I told the pastor I said doc you need to keep as a member he said that's the one you preach at home I said I can't because he said I know it confuses me too I can't get no healthy while I was in the midst of my flow preaching the witness of the text the Lord told me after church when she comes and gives you an offer and I know she's gonna do it but he told me says she's gonna give you a large sum of money take it and then give it back he said do this for me I said okay she came in profit whole your ministry blessed me beautiful woman nice Mercedes cool nice condo single you only never looked at someone you didn't know and just quickly did up and you were bad well then don't look at me like I'm crazy ain't too many save women single with good credit and nice things on earth she gave me $5,000 thank you and I held on to it for a while to see if God would change his mind cuz I had worked hard that week and the old friends were very small thought this was my woman at the well who was sent to fill my cup y'all I gave it back to her she said man oh god that was for you it's okay I said now the Lord told me not to keep it she said the Lord I said yeah that's my boss she told the pastor you need to tell him who I am you don't know that God speaks to me too now bless I am once she did that the Holy Ghost told me ask a question so me the pastor and his wife went out with her for a walk to her wonderful cou when we got to the coop I said to her I hope somebody hear me and push me can I see the title to this Cup she said I own it I said that's good if you own it I said forget that let me be a cop license and registration insurance card and it had a man's name on it so I said to her for three folk who hear me the church is we could you give him God glory for stuff he didn't do but to make yourself look like he's blessing you you are thanking him for things that you are quiet wrong man drove up while I was talking to her and told her get in your car and come home I said who's that jesus said a friend as I said friend he said I'm about to call my name so I asked is your name Jesus he's an on-set see you got to stop giving Jesus credit for what so-and-so did I said and it's the illegitimate thing you're doing that's making you look better than everybody else in this church some of you are just struggling because you refuse to do it wrong look how quiet it is if you wanted a car you can have a car tomorrow I can't get no real talk let me talk to real people who will talk louder game recognize game let me get back behind this sacred desk when folk leave certain things wrong they always come back with stuff saying God is good no no can I see license registration proof of insurance can I go to your apartment you say you have tonight and stay over do you need time to clear things off the dresser and do you need time it is not always a total fact but it is most about 85% right for three for pushing I'm ready to preach that right takes a long time see I can't get no help over there you know why I know I can't get help with some of you I know that's why you lost everything because you gave him glory for what he didn't do I don't know why right take so long to cash in on and let me talk to folks real who saved and made mistakes who don't mind admitting it without details it's not that you're a sinner but that rent due now you kids gotta eat look at some of these line women don't y'all make me go hard now I'm trying to help you you need a pair of shoes telephone disconnecting on your next paycheck tell you what you ought to do I'm a witness he'll see you through didn't he work it out I ain't sure so but so for this reason of our faith feeling and our preachers having our ulterior motives for self grandeur we have a church full of people that no longer know how to live by faith so they serve God walking on pins and needles doing little side jobs that don't have God in it to maintain their lifestyle for the record let me also confess to this 4:3 focused and and push me I had a lot of ill legal ways to get wealthy but I slept in my car see how quiet it got slipping I was so smooth with it my parents ain't know I was sleeping in my car I had too much pride to tell them I've been evicted three times now you didn't confess in this because I need license and registration proof of insurance I had to make myself struggle because it was easier to do wrong and I did it I hope somebody jumped because I really wanted to see whether God was who he said he was because there were several times I said let me make this one run young all right I can't get him on gonna make one run not gonna look in the bag some of you women who were nothing but rider died chicks for us you sit up in here trying to look only old you won't to you ain't never dated no real save man [Applause] all anointed real women are attracted to street people now who you fooling tonight you may want to preach it but you don't want the ergo preacher you want the preacher that say some be like you supposed to be a bishop don't talk like that [Applause] come on loosen up it's gonna get better in the middle I went through my worst struggle in the year of 1990 somewhere around 1991 I had lost everything I had everything I probably even lost a portion of my mind like Apostle John Jackson admitted he got to live it out of the institution and y'all didn't get happy because some of you need to be admitted but I see the old church would have spoken tongues on that in went great up God's able but the new Church nothing moves you apostle is say I'm preaching I'm not stuck y'all prison didn't my phone rang during this crucial moment that I was the Barefoot prophet my phone rang it was one of my old homies from the block he said what's up I said who did so I said what's going on he said I know you're a preacher but can I get you to do me a favor I said man what is it you want me to do you know I'm out the game I'm out here running a revival at this little Baptist Church here on route 40 in Baltimore Maryland he says how far as Richmond from you I said it's about two hour drive in totality say can you just rent a car dropped this off for me don't look at it and I'm gonna give you ten grand okay see some of you ain't talking to me because you know the game you just never got saved I'm talking to folk who got saved cuz this approached me when I was saved and representing God on the holy mountains ain't gonna lie to y'all cause y'all don't hear me I was like is it gonna be cash see no look at the women I said can I get it before half now now some of you women should be talking because some of you held the money for us and spent a little bit on your hair jury nails and makeup I told my boy I said give me an hour no no I'll call you back ain't gonna be time too safe to just be there i'ma call you back I'm flirting with a quick paycheck yo I'm not even flirting with Cyn I'm I'm ignoring what's in the bag I'm just trying to get paid y'all are missing where I'm going and I went through in my mind what you don't know I didn't ask him what's in it I don't know what I'm transported I'm just driving the car I got ready to leave at 3 o'clock to be back in time to preach at my little revival with ten thousand pesos the Lord told me at 3 o'clock said you go I said thank you Lord you confirmed it go I wish I had four people come when you got real parents and they tell you no twice the next one will be like gold and that gold means whatever happened don't call me see I can't get help whatever cuz y'all tryin to call on God for something he told you know what I'm gonna holler in about 20 minutes I'm gonna holler I didn't go the car was a little light rum color Chrysler outside with rental tags on it from Avis rental car service and it's sitting out there no budget rental cars out there sitting there the keys are underneath the floor mat cuz we hooked everything up I didn't touch nothing four o'clock fifteen cars come rush that car I'm on the first floor of what we call the Howard Johnson's hotel alright I can't get into Howard on route 40 or for Edmondson Avenue which back then was next door to Bob's Big Boy I looked out my window they were raiding the car they came into Howard Johnson's I hope somebody screamed with me and axed whose car that was they said we don't know it was brought here and dropped off they knocked on doors even mine are you the owner of that car I said absolutely not I absolutely don't know fingerprint me take prints on the top and I asked God this is where we're about to read enough church what's my man trying to send up he said no he said I am y'all quiet in the music trap over there I said what you're doing this is what he explained to me and this is the full premise of our reading but if 10 folk jump you got it he says when people are called I let them get away with things several times chosen people get busted if they do it once oh it just got quiet when you are chosen you want to do it but you'd be like I'm gonna be the lucky one tonight and you've not done it more than once that's why some of y'all still struggling cuz you were afraid of that once some of you ain't saying Amen could you just find out you call cuz you don't got away with a whole lot latch here yeah before yeah before nobody care ain't nobody's spread no gossip on it your friends don't care cuz you have not found purpose you find purpose you want to find a different level of conviction no no you're not gonna be perfect you still gonna make mistakes and even after you do it I need an honest person and it doesn't spread every day you wondering when is this going [Applause] pastor Allen I'm sorry that I'm slowing down your prophetic summit but the next preacher will pick it up and do a fantastic job prophet Brian Jefferson knows he will do a fantastic job but listen to me almost sound like president trumped and he would do a fantastic job he'll do greatly Bigley when I found out what was in the car it would have automatically made me serve 16 years that meant how to win in in 90 the only time came out in 2006 trying to get my ministry back trying to write a fake book I found Christ behind bars oh yeah cuz some of y'all take your mistakes and try to embellish and make it your new ministry you can live celibate after you've been celebrating 20 years of course you can you sure you're not getting no points for that should I go back to my room now because so it's God this is where we are how long I got a preach now are you gonna make the chosen wait while you keep paying the faithful the unfaithful y'all ain't taught me the hypocritical and the Lord told me to tell the same thirty that jump jump on this he says just hear me and you know I tell a lot of stories cuz that's the way my mind thinks to make things simple and I'm gonna tell one that I've told maybe three years ago for about a whole year but I need fifty to catch this when God starts blessing some of you that are chosen he's gonna give it all to you at one time he gonna make up for 2017 16 2006 2005 and 4 3 4 cool casting scream you got it and you would need it right now you thought you needed it then but the truth is your vision has expanded your taste has changed your focus is focused you would do better with it not all right I can't get help then you would have ever done back in your day cuz you distill been blessing fake friends purchasing stuff you don't need I need to caution namaha I need to ask a question for 30 of you that's pushing me could you use it now now you that didn't answer it's because you use people but I'm asking folk who turned down indecent proposals walked away from fatal attractions didn't lie to get where you are almost thought about I'm done could you use it now I think the other question I want to ask for three of you out of 30 cuz you didn't get happy is if he did it would you know what to do with let me tell it like this and I have proof in the pulpit I accumulated for the first time in my life a debt over six figures it was over quarter of a million dollars yeah look at some of the call form you got it don't you know see some folk only love you because they know your potential you know it's going work cuz you know God's hand is on the individual but we don't see the same about you a quarter of a million dollars got myself into my next season and started purchasing things for my next season with permission from God and then something did not go through it fell short because of a hurricane Irma so my deal didn't go through and I was stuck with over a quarter of a million dollar deficit forget you y'all think I'm a props out of y'all and y'all not respect my testimony see some of you only need 5 grand 10 grand how about a quarter of a million dollars not to spin to get out of debt yesterday I opened up email while we were eating string beans potato salad sausage hold on all the Pope sausages and spareribs and chopped barbecue and grilled chicken I didn't eat much but and I opened up the email and I showed my brother cuz I trust him the blessing that came in yes of course like he wouldn't I would he quickened oh he said if God did it for you I'm next and this is what I told him and I hope 34 catch it and jump I said I can't rejoice over this cuz all of it is gone cuz I'm gonna pay the debt y'all understand that right once God knows he can trust you not to do what you did before to meet what you need again he can't give some of you what you want cuz your your your disciplining your temperament so he told me said what I did is what I'm doing to the people tonight and I want you to preach them out of it at least thirty of you will talk he said I held back from them what I knew they needed hoping that they would get themselves focused enough to know what to do with it when I release some of you that in clap I need you to not get offended that's why you broke cuz you can't cheer your own next level and you really believe it's just gonna happen and you called that faith I call it fake one person challenged my teaching and I you know I enjoy it because if you never heard it like that before you have the right to question it but the thing is don't question what you don't have an answer for hear me they said to me I'm using faith like God used it cuz he told me I'm creating his image and they went on to say that God called things that be not as though they weren't he spoke things into existence which is biblically structured true but false see how all the lazy folk who want to speak but not work didn't say man let there be light there was life I need three of you to understand that there was lights before then they got disconnected because of the sin of the world before Yali took there was there was vegetation before that's why it sprung up it was already what the earth got rid of was man sinful man refusing to pay Kingdom debts now next thing I'll tell you for five folk who won't get with me cuz now you upset that I went back this route that is day one he made lights day two firmaments day three vegies day four beasts of the field file there day five that's net then day six he made you and I then it said on the seventh day he rested now let me give you the appropriate terminology for the three focal screen because you're blessed it literally says six days did the Lord work keyword work God ain't never left nothing he spoke that was his job and that's my job for the rector for three folk who will get it when he made you he got dirty some of your nails too pretty ain't never worked toes pretty never worked how do you get a miracle - work some of you women won't talk to me I'm back to y'all for the last time then I'm reading and I'm gonna yell 15 women jump on this even if it hurts you it's some of y'all anointed woman's fault that you fell in love with gifted men with no jobs no resume and told them I believe the God in you you better find a Negro that got a job who understands I will stick with you and your ministry but until your ministry bless you you gotta do what God did work that's a contagious word to some of y'all you allergic to that world six days did the Lord work yay on the seventh look what it says and if they stop working he ceased from his labor that means hard work I want to prophesy to three folk who will jump cuz the back ain't been moving you won't work this year it just ain't gonna be hard what you used to fight to get is gonna come a little easier now because you survived your temptation of you women ain't jumpin because you ain't never worked you mastered knowing who to date oh I know you when I see you I know my candidates I've been there the only time Jesus Christ with about 25 minutes left I'm serious ever got dirty was when he decided to make men alright it just got quiet again why wouldn't you serve them see how some of you ain't moving I may have dirt but I ain't nobody gonna know what I do we don't care who know it think I don't having the hell to put you in but the one that you serve he already know you go in the hell with a clean earthly record if you can make somebody believe you perfect you can show enough get a job if you can make people cuz you ain't gonna fool me believe that you've been holy since you've been saving never make no mistakes you can get a job and tell them you know the square root word to the PI square seven I don't even know what that is but you can come up with some stuff to make gates and Bill Gates and all of them hire you if you think that everybody is stupid enough to believe that everything you've got without working God gave it to you I don't care what they say God gave me everything I have you can say that all you want - license and registration proof of insurance so now we've got the last part of my silic way the problem that we the problem we have now is a group of real Saints frustrated by believing God is blessing a certain group of Satan's and you are left more confused with what am i doing so wrong see I can't that he ain't blessing me yet when the truth is for three people oh I got to do another dialogue when the truth is you given God more glory without it then they are lying about it you follow me see how quiet is getting now I won't go here cuz this ain't on my notes this party ain't on my notes thank you sir but there's a job chapter one and I won't read it but it says that there was a man named Joel you know from us and all of this stuff said he was a perfect and a right man a man that feareth God is good with evil the Bible says for those three folk talkin out a thirty God testified of him okay this is the book of Job then it goes straight to his portfolio he has five thousand s 3000 s seven thousand s where all the deep scholars that ain't talking to you can't preach on suffering and not know job now he had three thousand is five thousand there's seven thousand s he had seven sons he had daughters they all had their own houses he had real estate he owned the United Postal Service because he had five thousand camels which was messenger carriers then he had servants in every area of that so he was employing others paying their bills keeping food on their table this is how we are introduced to job and for three folk will scream and jump on this if you don't know how to say his name it's still good job so this is how we [Music] [Applause] see some of you want a job but you don't want to the problem we have with the story of job and then I'm out of this first chapter then I'm just gonna preach to those who are called who didn't like chosen conversation cuz you still stuck on so do you believe in women bishops are not yes what do we have to go all the way back there for proper you need to set people straight cuz everybody it's not gonna do everything after it tells us what job has verse 6 and 7 ceases in and says there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord front road looked bored and Satan came also which means if you're really successful in God really loves you the devil will show up to meetings uninvited yep some of y'all tie you know why you hustle too hard trying to get what God already has for you with no strength left for him hear me closely God stops the meeting he does not speak to the sons of men which of angels he talks to one person the devil he then acts the devil this question for 10 folk who feel like dancing cuz I could dance from whence cometh thou how you get here who told you about to me I don't even know we were having to me y'all mighty quiet Satan does not show up unless he's showing up as at a residence that has something to steal Oh y'all about to kill and that he feels is weak enough that if he takes your stuff you will curse God and die y'all don't hear me the truth is God is now allowing us to live without nothing so we can prove to the devil in the beginning if I stay with him with see some of you ain't praising God because you took ministry on to make your side I'll soul dis your hustle and now y'all endangered species cuz he don't play no more he back to save him y'all got quite a game back to save he ain't paying no money nor paying you attention you Satan then tells him from to-and-fro he never finishes seeking whom he may devour he just says from to-and-fro God then says to Satan as he's talking about us tonight and you don't believe it he says has thou considered y'all my servant Joel then he makes the devil man perfect and upright 5th God is key with evil he gonna stay Satan then says he squeals on himself because if you let a person talk long enough y'all don't hear me they're telling themselves Satan spoke too long and this is what he said for a woman in a man who were jumping wants to be wealthy he says why I bring up job you've already built a hedge around everything he has the issue is how you know that if you ain't been to his crib so now I know where you're coming from that's why you know where the meetings [Music] because we're holding a meeting I hope somebody screen to discuss how much more we want to give Joe Oh y'all look riot because he's been living right he didn't get it quick he said but I tell you what just for the sanity of the reader I'm trying and I'm a preach like y'all want me to but for the sanity of the leader for 500 who will scream I'm gonna show you that Joba serves me not just for stuff so what he did for the readers to see is did what he did to us take everything he had stopped him from ground zero yeah Leeteuk I bet you he'll still praise me at a place called scratch chalak and right away right away right away right away he has seven funerals all his son's house his house one of his son's house catch on fire all the children over at that one house storm comes burns it down beats it up servant escapes runs the Geoghan says they were having food at your eldest son's house storm king they all died he said an ice skate to tell you she stolen camel stolen two servants escaped that came back and said I need to go home now says you just lost all of your stock market funds all of your IRAs all of you see these all of your four one three and your 401ks says and I escaped to tell you everything he lost a servant survived the servant survived My servants about and would bring him a message I know I'm preaching I'm just knocking faucet a servant survives now here goes where you should take a three-second dance pose and act like you got a check and something you can only show to a friend and that's this it's funny that before God blesses you he's got to let a certain group of people only bring you bad news everybody that came you see you stood up and didn't talk because you don't understand Lord I'm tired of hearing bad news Lord I lost this Lord the doctor said this Lord my child needs this Lord when you gonna give me a break every person that survives survive to tell them something negative God is not talking to him thank you sir that'll make me preach job done here from God verbally audibly in his spirit for three folk for over six months straight and God already told us cuz y'all read the story but you ain't happy he did nothing to deserve this Oh y'all know some of y'all ain't send that big to lose everything when there's folk that done a multitude of things and they lost nothing you're losing it cuz you ain't holy well how you keepin your own you keepin yours you got three kids two baby daddies and I am losing mine over weekend of sick you're joking ain't you see I'm losing mine like some of your using yours because heaven is bragging about us and the devil has struck up a deal with God I wish somebody will catch it and the unusual thing for screamer is God nor the devil let you know what was going on you just he just woke up one day in all hell broke loose according to the economists who study the life of job Joe was a trillionaire and if he can lose a trillion dollars in less than a week you could never be broken less you are completely an idiot with 200 million dollars unless your bathroom you shouldn't be able to be broke with ten million dollars can I get some conversations I'm almost there I'm about to fly my kite job gets to Mike in joke chapter one job has to express his sentiments Joe being human because you don't loss now forget the stuff my kids god forbid it won't happen but how would you feel the destiny your grandchild was burned in a fire tonight why are you at church ain't no way I'm having no father in prayer call after that I wouldn't be human seven fumes here goes the craziest thing one person pushed me for the next few minutes the deal was if I touch stuff and remove it from him he'll curse you well joke didn't curse him job said naked I came all y'all applause all right forget it this side naked I came out of my mother's womb come on you gotta get happy cuz I'm gonna bless you naked I shall reap see you only happy over this part the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away the only him blessed be the maid y'all Aretha that's Joe one verse 20 and 21 best be the name of the Lord the next verse is the most powerful verse and in all this job sin [Music] push past his place of understanding and still sin couldn't get it jokes in not y'all gotta catch this nor charge T God foolishly chapter 2 gives the final temptation for a screaming woman and man who don't want to just be a preacher bishop Apostles and all that you want to be a worshipper catch this and scream the biggest test was when he woke up the next morning and his wife said cursed God it's funny when the things closest to you start working for the enemy Oh y'all don't hear me the thing that you gave close to purpose to means to is now regurgitating the sentiments of the devil now who I need to lean on I can't depend on chosen folk I wish I had some choice for who knew your children screaming it's just the fact that most of the things you go through you won't go through by yourself I can't imagine see that's why I'm not a character in the Bible but first of all for sure I'd have still been living in my garden and kicked Eve out that's for sure see how y'all lookin like he wouldn't yes I would there's no way I'm losing out on God you got a dope I got 13 more ribs God can put me back to sleep and we can try this again cuz I've been with God too long before I met you and I'm not gonna let our rendezvous make you get me evicted now you got a really screamin feeling this sermon issue that God is about to cut a check for the rest of you just sitting there like where's he going you would never know let me help before I who his wife said the exact words that the devil said that Joe would do some time to test the chosen and know the difference from the chosen and called here you someone called to betray you and they're only doing it because the objective for screamer is to get you to be just like do I have ten people really benefiting from this discussion I have to applaud job I'm not gonna talk about him no more because I don't think the story would have went like that if some of us was the main character see I can't get no real help when you preach the Bible if you want to be better than others you got to make yourself a character in the story if my wife would have said curse guard and I'd have been like you've been drinking see how y'all acting up what you've been talking to one of your crazy girlfriends who did you let make you betray a trillionaire you hooked on one of my employees why are you not encouraging me we just lost our kids I know I don't expect you to feel what I feel miss Jo I hope somebody's being honest because you ain't never worked [Applause] got quiet again see that don't have anything invested in what you're doing don't really care about you when you lose it I can't believe I'm there for them in vain there for me cuz they have no personal investment they're just going for the ride until the camels have no more homes I'm in the story now and y'all don't believe it I don't and I'm not gonna act like I can then I want to read for ten minutes I don't understand the God we serve all the deep photo about you gotta walk with Him enough no no forget that I do not understand and never will but there are few scriptures I'm gonna quote right now that might give you at least a little stream so when I read my last scripture for real you want to dance your way into your season first pitch I'm gonna say is this he knoweth the way that I take see they didn't get that one either where's that that's enjoy and when he has tried me oh yeah I shall come for now I don't know when y'all hit me but at the end of my story I'm gonna come out of this alive I can't get to and not just alive well off [Music] you almost made me want to preach I'm gonna do that that's soonerlater turn in my favor I was about to start hollering angle let you do it no man so if you chosen I'm sorry that I'm talking so melancholy the only thing that God's gonna do to bless you and he's gonna give you a larger income because of your outcome all right y'all mister all right he's gonna give you a larger income because of your outcome how long you stayed in it is determinate how much he gonna pay you is he's gonna pay the main people more than anyone in your family because you perfected waiting I know you didn't like that good things come so if good things come to those who wait terrible things come to those who rush and some of you don't want to admit that you were candidate cuz it looked well you rushed and now look yet a place called scratch can I talk like this for just four more minutes because cuz people think that I'm trying to be funny but I'm trying to really help you before what I see coming comes I eat a lot of Chinese food I have to admit that not from everywhere but I'm very picky so can't none of y'all persuade me I ain't no dog or cat so forget it none of you I like Chinese food and I recognize that the culture of Chinese people is very strange because we are indebted to them over a trillion dollars but yet y'all won't talk to me we let them move here they brought the weave to America I know y'all sell it Brazilian Tanzania whatever you want to tell us but them Asians came over here no I'm not racist I'm not Trump they brought the weave they also brought the mani and the petty they did the dry cleaning business you know see you that ain't wealthy won't talk about this you don't have to have your money you gotta have a mind but in New York where I'm from they had a Chinese food place like on every other corner now this one I recognize about my Asian brothers and sisters for ten Foca will talk to me they can't understand your order but they know when you ain't pay right all right let me help you come on maxi talk to me I need you you be like shrimp fried rice three extra shrimp no onions you say onions no no onions you say onions see some of y'all ain't been there and no bean sprout we know use bean sprout so you want pork fried rice with onion no shrimp fried rice see y'all ain't been there if I say this and one man jump I guarantee you wealth will hit you in 20 days and that is God is treating some of you like you don't understand your order right you like Lord I said a husband nada I said no sugar you got sweet and unsweet tea y'all sit down and I would go there I only need a few minutes cuz I'm done and I would go there and I would tell my Chinese person said come on find somebody that can speak English well I have been going to this restaurant so long that one day I went early and they weren't open so they opened up quick for me because I had so much business with them they opened up before time you got to hear me prophetically and ten folks scream when they opened up they said how you doing Todd Hall in English I said y'all speak me say all of us do said but we don't let everybody know unless they have a relationship with us and now that we owe young and God told me to tell 50 people this year I'm gonna speak your language the issue is he's gonna remember I need my rent this month not next year [Applause] so I went there that night and he went back to acting funny cuz the person in the morning wasn't then I told them I said I know y'all speaking so they messed up orders that we pay for y'all mister and some of us didn't have time to take it back so we ate it them Chinese people talk real fast so I made up something to see if 30 of you will dance cuz you're not done yet so that's why you ain't dead free you probably lose stuff for getting tomorrow because when you're in prophetic summits you have to do pathetic things he takes the foolish things to confound the wise you can't act bougie why you in debt you gotta give God the side of you that will make him want to give you what you ask him for so Chinese people say things very quick even if you watch old Chinese movies they be talking in English but their mouths be going by the way maybe like and if you bless him you know that kind of thing so the Lord told me to speak Chinese English to 30 of you who will grab a jump and shout he says you gotta hear it it's gonna be fast but you got to dissect it if you can dissect it you will now be a recipient he says when I bless you this year I'm gonna give it to you in one lump sum [Applause] place your order yelling Joe place your order tell them what to leave out tell them what you want extra make sure he repeated and then tell God give it to me in no not one lump sum say it like you Chiney one them something when he blesses you just like China for five vocal scream people will be in debt to you you will become the lender y'all never again powerin never scraping the bottom of a barrel never living from paycheck to paycheck but you have to survive your job it's right now you have nothing monetarily to show for it can't get the right job to match your degree can't get family to support your vision so I want to read my only scriptures and let y'all go cuz I'm ready to lean Philippians 4 verse 13 Jesse just put it on the screen so I can see a 5 folk will catch it I can do now you they excited more I can't help you no more I can do all see do Christ not that pays me Oh y'all don't hear me you might be broke financially but you've got an abundance in the spirit and focal confused when they see you cuz you are not as weak as your situation says i'ma say it again for three folk who know that's your candidate can't be Christ that strengthens me next verse I wish I had people notwithstanding you have well done that she did communicate with me and my fletchings which means don't you bless nobody that abandoned you while you were suffering if you can't talk to me like I'm already there don't talk to me when I get there you need somebody that can get happy on many are the afflictions of the righteous where's my church but the Lord will touch somebody not like you from a Pentecostal church and tell them I'm not preaching but I had to get that out the law that he communicate with my you never made me feel less than who I was even though I was at the bottom of the barrel I wish I had five people ready to have church next verse now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel when I departed from Macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but you own now I need to throw this out there for five help me preach you only bless who stayed while you went through because your money should not fun folk who wished you dead y'all eat up your money should be given the folk who wanted to see you succeed in everything that you do some of us only broke in struggling cuz we helped everybody but now the front to row should be pushing me I don't know what's wrong with you today 4:16 for even in Thessalonica you said once and again until my necessity verse 17 not because I desire gift preach the Bible but I desire fruit that may abound to your account which simply means every time any of you help folk when you needed it yourself heaven opened up a bank account now you gotta know that heaven said he that lend it to the poor lendeth to the Lord y'all don't give it so even though you needed it yourself you acted like the millionaire you weren't before you became it you kept giving for what she needed yourself you were being put out why they will move him in and God said don't worry just give me five years give me eight years next verse be careful but I have all and abound I am full having received them I preferred I teach the things which was sent from you an odour of a sweet smell which means every time you bless somebody there's an aroma I can't hear preachers told me that's okay y'all keep your hustle now sweet smell of sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to God it pleases God when you give for what you need yourself to help them see that God cares about them he looks like he's ignoring you next verse the only happy you just got happy offer but uh I can do all things but there are two fantastic verses within five verses it goes your other verse that all to make folk get happy but my God shall supply according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus second Kings 4 1 through 7 and I'm going home now I'm glad I got five people pushing me now there cuz y'all remember I started my whole dialog talking about women and etc so now there was a certain woman of the wives first ladies people who were tracted to meetings prophetic gifts then she married one of these prophets who were being mentored I gotta read it like it reads by lash you're saying I thought I had a woman that's serving my husband Oh imma flip this is dead before I read it let me paraphrase it and tell you what it says and see if certain women will praise God because right now relationships are dying what she was saying prophetically to the Prophet or to the prophetic summit is my knees or the way my needs used to be supplied they've been cut on I need to know God can you take care of me when the way that I'm used to being taken care of is dead when God shuts your normal way of resources down he wants to see whether you compromise or come closer Oh y'all know quiet this lady did not go to the strip club she didn't try to marry Eli she she talks to him and she says to him thou knowest that thy servant where's my church did fear the Lord I'm gonna tell you why she gonna be rich and five people scream on this because when she talked about her marriage she told the Prophet he was the ministry's first and then my next he didn't say she didn't say he's my husband she said you're serving matters some of y'all can't get blessed prophetically cuz you put your family before your assignment but when you are chosen of God nothing comes before God so that about them about to fly my kite that servant did feel the Lord which meant he did some things I didn't like because you said the Lord said and now that he is deceased he used between seven and a half to eight and a half feet on the ground he has become the fertilizer of the earth said I thought that he would at least leave me with an insurance policy I thought you only helping me that the favor that was on him would be automatically given to me but the next thing I wish I had my church from from that I heard knocking on my door was not a miracle check it was the bill collector when you chosen you don't get miracle knocks first the creditor has come to take under him be careful my two sons to be you women don't care I could still be born men the enemy is knocking at a door in the form of bills and the enemy for jumping man does not want payment he wants a family she probably did what my mama made me do in the hood when she can pay the bills tell them I know I thought I had fifteen real people and the kids probably did what a stupid kids did and said my mommy say she ain't home then we got a beating when the bill collector walked off the problem with verse one and then we gonna whiz through so I can holla is that her main way of getting bills paid is dead and if you were a Jew or Hebrew for to scream the responsibility falls on the Sun so the devil's got her present and now he's after her future Oh y'all look right and her future for three screamers are double yeah Lee told the devil all right y'all stay with me now don't let me hear you rookies preaching here the devil is trying to take a future because to her husband's dedicated service to the prophetic ministry God is making a way for her to have double I [Music] want you before I lean into something to grab somebody's hand that's not demonic or jealous and tell them double is on the way now they may not get excited which is okay I'm not ready to holler yet but I'm close but let me tell three of y'all something who will scream not only did y'all get double but anybody that loses everything you have the least you go get back is a double return for three folk that are scream for you some of you might get triple cuz he said I'll do exceeding abundantly above all that we could that we could ask or that we could think next verse says and Elijah said unto her what shall I do for thee I'm here tonight to tell 50 of y'all that God wants to know what can I do for you if y'all don't talk to him you will need the same way you came oh the Prophet said to the woman that brought her issue to him what do you have in your house and she said then hand me with my church have not anything in the house save a pot of oil now before some of y'all that's God for this miracle money you need to first tell the devil you got my husband you got my money trying to get my children but I still got my oil ain't talking to me tonight the first thing you've got to admit is there's no way a regular human being can go through all you went through and survived if you didn't have oil y'all ain't talking to me that most of y'all what to limit oil huh to just be anointed oil being elevated your coronation service before you're elevated to kingship and to being a queen and dedicatory all services but let me do something with the word oil and tell you what wikipedia said and then give it a prophetic connotation if 30 folks scream after this you'll get it huh whatever you bet the devil tell you you can't get out of if you got oil let him know I'm slippery when wet now the issue is it's hard to hold on to something that's got oil on it y'all ain't talking to me you are anointed from the crown of your head to the very soul of your feet and the devil thought he had you I wish I had a church but that's somebody's hand [Music] [Music] I'm taking you out with me I'm taking you up with me but we gotta pay them at the bottom you better grab somebody from scratch [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the worst ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Christ Cathedral Church
Views: 40,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christ, Cathedral, Church, Fort, Worth, Texas, Sermon, Bishop, Todd, Hall, 2018, Kings, Christianity, Religion, COGIC, Pentacostal, Prophetic, Summit
Id: ForoDrdcxgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 7sec (6967 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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