The Last of Us - Episode 3 - Long, Long Time - REACTION

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The Last of Us episode three [Music] and it's JV yes we're continuing the Joel Joel and Ellie Adventure now it's just them two together so um they're they're just by themselves or we're gonna get to see their um character progression and how they get along and stuff in the show Tess died in real life the voice actor that does tests on the video game passed away she did yesterday she was 45 she had cancer what yeah so it was um it was so sad I was reading about it I thought they were the same person they weren't the same person oh yeah so I think it was yesterday or the day before I'm pretty sure yesterday though yeah she passed away very sad that's so sad all right let's dedicate this video to her all right let's go so the voice actor that played Tess died but it's not the same no different person but there is someone who's the same I forget who though yeah but Tess um yeah Tess is not but they corrected us they said who was the same actor but sad isn't it yeah 45. oh they really want us to stop calling them zombies they want to spell them infected infected click or zombies no no they're not zombies but when they bite you you get infection you get you get it and then you turn into a infected [Music] which is not Undead but they're just they bite you and then you get it and then you bite other people and they get it but they're not zombies it's just extremely similar to zombies but not zombies but just very similar [Music] there's no cure for it and it's spreading throughout the whole world but they're not zombies Ellie might be the Cure man I love the soundtrack really well done and unique just like the games the same same guy like the same person that did the soundtrack for the game did the movie too it does feel like a movie 10 miles list of bust so funny like that's like here too like just 10 miles or away it's like just Forest you know yeah so peaceful yeah man Joel is really unhappy because test died right so he's upset look I've been thinking about what you're sorry I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry nobody made you a test take me nobody made you go along with this plan you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault it's harsh but true kind of hard to find food yeah look at them look at their reflection it's so beautiful getting back a minute I gotta grab some stuff I stash I get stashed here yes a lot of goddamn questions Dash stuff everywhere is this for this reason right now yeah I don't know about this is there anything bad in here just you infinity zombie show or movies yeah or a game she feels like uh The Walking Dead the video game what was that called top tail that safe on in the floor scared holy crap what is that is that like she should use her flashlight tunnel or is it like a little safe oh my gosh that's so scary what oh God the hell Ellie she's going down here oh my God dumbest thing I've seen in a long time oh my God how's she gonna get back up now can you imagine in a zombie apocalypse doing something like this no she didn't have any weapon Joel doesn't know she's down there she could be the cure for Humanity it's so frustrating so irresponsible yeah because it actually step on something activate all them from everywhere oh tampons oh [Applause] my God of course I'm not okay he's trapped don't go over there you know it could be like I know it's just you could activate I know yeah he's gonna activate the others is there any Humanity left in him oh God no way what are you doing what are you doing why is she where's he gonna oh God uh where spores come out in all the freaking the fungus could reach out hard a knife to the brain you stab him in the brain and they die and they're not they're not zombies though she wants to kill them holy that was showing us a bit of her right like I don't know what that was she's curious a few times sure I think a lot of this stuff for granted and people yeah like her never experienced like she was born in this all of this stuff that we had how did it even start if you have to get bit to be infected then who bit the first person no one knows for sure but best guess someone that got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar that's it it is certain brands of food that were sold everywhere all across the country across the world in Syria pancake mix pancake mix you eat enough of it it'll get you infected Theory food all hits the store shelves around the same time Thursday eat some Thursday night or Friday morning okay goes on Friday night September 26 2003 by Monday everything was gone wow September 26 2003 on Friday so the 27th 20 is the 29th it was all gone whole world there was no chance to stop it because it got into the flower and went all over the world oh man there's stuff up there you shouldn't see no I have to see I don't want you to what's up well she likes like yeah death and stuff she's fascinated by it whatever it was this is different I think it's gone [Music] about a week after hell break day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were what if there was room oh if there wasn't wow I just kill you wow no probably not oh look at the tiny school oh man like a kid oh oh come on if you have to do that we get it jeez Frick man hey we got it already you didn't have to transition to the real life baby qz you're gonna be evacuated come on this way and then they just shoot you yeah a-holes you know is this uh Parks and Rec I think it is not today you knew World Order jet boot [ __ ] yeah what was his name in parks and rec imagine if it was the real Ron Swanson like you'd have all these like stashes and bases everywhere yeah like underground bunkers just gold stashes holy oh guns and ammo magazine evacuation Zone sulfuric acid yeah he was prepared for this he's a prepper cool hidden he has a mask he didn't trust the government damn we need some something like this bunker hmm look at him laughs he's gonna grab supplies now okay fill her up yeah Home Depot yeah this is the way to do it yeah all the power went out like you know everything's shutting down that was fast so he could kind of expect he knew this is cool so he this is kind of like Ron Swanson like he knows what's happening that was fast Once you turn your stuff back on looks like it okay I don't remember this guy from the game mind you I played he got wine yeah I played the game 10 years ago guys so I don't remember much people are like how come he's shocked we missed like 10 years the game with him about 10 years yeah for I played it for PS3 remember you had a PS3 yeah I played at that not even the full thing I didn't play the whole thing I had a piece three not to play games but because it was a way that I could watch American Netflix yeah yeah I don't think I made it this far in the game Greenhouse hey growing his own vegetables chicken for eggs hunting problem is isolation that's the problem look at this guy red wine steak Yeah oh that looks like a ticker or a runner or the column oh goodness oh oh will be traps [Laughter] that's all around his home what if that was just a human or like some guy like yeah looking for help this is so cool I like he's so ingrained in my head as Ron Swanson yeah like he even did this four years later just getting stuff bringing it here building up your defenses he must have gone crazy though isolation that's the problem you go crazy because you're alone you need solar power to power all your uh the alarm oh something fell down there oh are you armed oh yeah there might be more of them no why did you take that long to answer I thought about lying for some reason but the reason didn't come I'm just trying to get to Boston man I wonder if he's part of a gang of like probably covered with like C and cover it up Bandits you know like yeah just lucky no Bandits have come across like what if there's a group of 20 guys you know like yeah you want to know [Music] phew is this scout could be Boston is that way you can make it by Nightfall I'm really hungry first my name's Frank oh yeah here's the thing Frank if I feed you then every bum you talk to you about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch yeah this is not an Arby well Arby's didn't have free lunch was a restaurant crap man I don't know what would you do no did you shoot them shoot him wow you took care of them okay man I have a feeling he's gonna regret this I don't know water and that water and everything we couldn't build all by himself I left some clothes here for you thank you this is amazing oh like hearing another voice you saw that like having someone to talk to four years of complete isolation I think he might have killed some of those government guys because he got he has the but the temperature Checkers yeah oh what do they come in like that yeah do you have a family I don't know there's no pictures there was a picture there but quail he's so happy [Laughter] everybody has beards that's so accurate like I would have this big giant yeah I would hate it beer yeah yeah I've been able to shave and upkeep what the [ __ ] everything tastes good when you're starving yeah but not like this it's human meat and you're next people in and yeah I know I don't seem like the type now you do I think I'm picking up something I think they're like they're starting to like each other yeah yeah there's a little bit of flirtation in the game is he gay I don't know I don't I don't I don't know this character thank you hey guys check out patreon that's where you're going to be getting these movies Logan bad boys too and these movies The Last of Us and in the patreon only Vault the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special Transformers 4 Justice League the flashpoint Paradox Batman under the Red Hood as Squad and many more check out those movies they're available for Early Access on our patreon page the links are in the description for those now back to the video piano staring at this the whole time is it antique yeah 1948 wow wow these are worth currently nothing it's the same as Ron [Music] no no sir no thank you sorry not this song not this phone memories yeah it's got to be something yeah man I want to know more about this guy what's going on man what a great casting choice love will abide sounds like good advice but there's no one at my side that's what someone told me but I don't know what it means to try and make you this is beautiful he's really good [Music] for a long long time wow that was really good so gently say you don't want to go ask her if he can say hey who's the girl there's no girl yeah I picked up from that yeah got it I'm just so worried that he's gonna try and take his gun or something Trickster I don't think so because he's crying what's your name holy [Laughter] I think he's okay wow you sure yeah I can like Rob him was in the shower or something no it's like only semblance of like Humanity in four years yeah and like comfort and like normalcy I don't think they jeopardize that first day they met I would still be cautious if I met someone for the first time yeah I would hope so I would wait for it well yeah yeah like you know just in this world I'd wait for like a week before I would trust them with anyone like a girl a long time ago but before I do I want you to know that I'm not a [ __ ] I don't I have sex for lunches so if I do this I'm gonna stay for a few more days is it okay okay yeah yes [Music] I'm really taking a break from the alley I know yeah I thought this was going to be a quick like um Side Story but oh okay come on three years paint just tell me I did who wants to upkeep the place make it look nice paying attention to things it's how we show love and the clothing boutique the boutique are we hosting formal Garden but we are going to have friends oh he doesn't want to live alone we need friends and we will invite them to visit we don't have friends Frank I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio oh shoot you what if we learned anything from The Walking Dead oh oh Joel oh what the he's like I got the gun ready yeah [Laughter] cool you're gonna sell this back can I just before they get here gonna side which I get by the way how nice this is to have a civilized meal in such a beautiful place I've been waiting to see it not inside friends [Laughter] I understand if my um brought strangers into our situation I wouldn't be happy either but of all the people he could have found on the radio or actually decent people just trying to get by I don't know about that well aren't I the lucky one the stuff we have in the qz that you don't have here machine parts we can help each other and get that gun out of my face so what you were uh prepper or something survivalist [Laughter] s maybe not doesn't matter we're self-sufficient here I don't need you or your friend complicating our lives these codes oh that's a good idea right man remember Ellie was so like um she kept talking about the Terrible Things They did yeah you mean her wait yeah sorry test test sooner or later there will be Raiders they'll beat that fence and your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed we'll be fine I hope he's okay damn it just even telling Joel and Tess their what they have here is bad yeah they tell someone they tell someone and then three years later things might be starting to oh cool you can put all these cars there [Laughter] he's too nice outlook on life and they've been together six years now yeah oh things are too happy man yeah because you're too happy whenever they do this in zombie stuff shows things are too happy just to hit you in the gut you know yeah it happens cheers think it [Music] let's laugh it would be so good though yeah it's like high-fitch laughs giggle how long have they been here six years it's 10 years since the whole thing I was never afraid before you showed up oh he's afraid of losing him oh man you know Mike is Gonna Die Mike is definitely gonna die because we watched The Walking Dead and we know this formula of strawberries the formulas get you close to the character and make you feel attachments and then kill them disgusting way this is it yeah oh they come at night the Raiders no man freaking baseball bat with the barbed wire Negan comes oh that's for the whoa they're here get ready guys this is it he told Joel and then this happens right after frigman oh Mike he just wanted to get friends but he kind of the world is horrible but God holy God oh he's out there oh all electric fence he's out in the open get get get behind something no it's shut now yeah he's just standing in the middle of the street at least stand behind something so they can't see you but you could see them and he has no vest come on prepper he should have had like a a vantage point spot where he goes and he just takes them all out body armor ain't no standing in the middle of the street ah have a bulletproof vest on at least hold your hand there Frank I'm right here Frank oh Frank I thought it was Mike yeah call Joel uh-huh you can't be here alone did you die oh wait Frank is the guy we thought that was a Mike right yeah no what Ron is dead I mean Mike is dead what I didn't think that would happen at all oh my God what the hell holy crap I should have been shooting for his window survived let me break inside what 10 years later what is happening I don't know it was so old okay yeah this is now he survived he did what happened I guess the rest of the stuff killed the rest of the Raiders yeah wow why are they so old it's only 10 years later yeah it's been a rough 10 years yeah maybe they must they couldn't have been more than 50. or maybe he got like sick if he has cancer or something you know okay yeah and there's no like there's doctors right well you can't eat that stuff so he's drink soup or he's cutting it for him yeah I think he's getting it for him he was the healthy one too yeah the running and everything always happens like that can't even open the bag man like getting older sucks this was not expected I didn't expect this out of The Last of Us they're like the whole the whole episode I thought Ron was gonna die yeah me too I thought they like switched it on us and instead of um Frank dying Frank dying I'm exhausted God damn I got out of bed by himself I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day oh he doesn't want to go on anymore damn we're so messed up what if we find a doctor what if what if someone shows up who can help there wasn't anything to cure this before the world fell apart yeah it made up my mind that I've had more good days with you than with anyone else give me one more good day starting now make me some toast we'll get married and you cook a delicious dinner oh my God it's so sad then you will crush all these up put them in my wine then you take me by my hand bring me to our bed and I will fall asleep in your arms oh okay I can't do you love me yes then love me the way I want you to wow one last day together and they're gonna get married and sit this is so unexpected this seems like a whole other show oh it's so sad though like I can't take it oh the holy got them from good oh man he's gonna be alone again oh man this is it it's taking it all in his last moments so you made him dinner yeah same thing again rabbit [Music] don't do it come on still just stay alive with them I know he has to take care of you a lot but he crushed it up it'll be so hard one of us was gonna go I couldn't do it I'm carrying you around all the time foreign I'm satisfied I used to go too yeah and you were my purpose what was but from an objective point of view it's incredibly romantic what the heck [Laughter] Joel and Ellie are gonna just come across their their dead bodies in the bed yeah I guess oh my God and then this is the whole Bachelor of how they got there God damn I had a feeling he was gonna do that like what what would he have done by himself just yeah walking around like taking care of the property he's finished until Raiders come and kill him and take it you such a good Survivor though you know yeah but then if you have no purpose then what's the point right yeah wow I never even like it's so many things I never thought about get freeze prepping and then but he was alone and then we're gonna see Ellie and this is crazy how many times in a zombie movie or show we've seen like a dead corpse and then you just wonder like what they went through yeah yeah they look on his face he knows I smell probably yeah stay there you hear anything you see anything yell what if they're gone dust on it it was a long time ago yeah once they wouldn't have turned though right no it's not like zombies no no no they weren't infected they were just eating vegetables and meat all they left to know it's from Bill we're way off with the names well to whomever but probably Joel I think can you read it please yeah can we hear it oh man look at another if you find this please do not come into the bedroom we left the window open so the house wouldn't smell that it would probably be a sight because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps the bunker code is the same as the gate code but in Reverse I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died but I was wrong because there was one person worth saving I saved him then I protected him that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do and God help any [ __ ] who stand in our way you all of my weapons and equipment used them to keep tests safe test safe yeah stay here oh that sucks come on you agree for her now [Music] it's really had their picnic out there on the lawn that's what he always wanted a truck with a battery is gone is it probably recharging in the bunker or something keeping the battery cold I guess yeah man I love that he said that at the end he's like we gotta keep people safe and have a brother out in Wyoming he's in some kind of trouble and I'm heading out there to find him he used to be a firefly my guess is he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is all right taking you with me there's some rules you gotta follow rule one you don't bring up tests ever what you say goes it's a lot of stuff he just stay here forever yeah why was the music on reset the countdown every few weeks this playlist would run over the radio 80s nothing dented or swollen dude no [Laughter] toilet paper yeah little things his old school computer women's shirts they have hot water so we're taking a shower seriously this [Laughter] I feel like he has it somewhere oh she's got one you look pretty deodorant make him feel awkward has she ever been in a car before oh it's your first time in a car it's like a spaceship it's like a piece of [ __ ] Chevy S10 but it'll get us there seat belt oh she doesn't know what that is wow seat belt no Spanish is not knowing what a seat belt is so cool she said wow yeah that makes sense everything we take for granted holy back Ellie this little listen he's gonna show their bodies yeah the open window yeah to the room you don't need to show it no wow wow what what an episode yeah so interesting the way they did that that was wild they did so much time passing too yeah the time jumps because usually okay we watch The Walking Dead we've seen zombie movies and then you've seen those scenes and then we just watched um I Am Legend where like a character will open the door and they'll see like a person dead in bed or maybe two people dead in bed or something you don't know and then they just close it and you move on this showed the whole thing I have to say something before I lose it um so he's it brought back to the first episode where the music was on the radio and they were listening to the radio in the apartment because it was like he said it was set to trip to play 80s I guess if he wasn't controlling the music it goes to 80s to tell you there's danger right yeah so when they got there it was playing 80s and that's what Joel would heard on the radio as like so that's who's playing the music the whole time right wow cool I didn't catch that 80s was danger yeah so man that was so cool so they showed how they met each other so we gotta get their names right Bill and Frank we are messing up the whole time yeah um Bill who was the prepper showed his story of like it happening and then the those those the government guys coming and clearing out the neighborhoods and then if there was room if there was room at the Q Q Z then they let you in if it wasn't they just pile you into the side of the street and just kill everybody we killed babies yeah they showed the baby with the that was like messed up they showed the the cloth of the skull and his baby had it on it's like oh man but then he was underground you know in his bunker and then he was surviving he survived for I believe four years on his own right before Frank came along yeah yeah before Frank came along and then Frank came along and I thought Frank was like gonna be either a scout for a group of Bandits yeah or something else because I I instinctively thought that oh the guy that played Bill he's a very good actor he's in parks and rec and stuff yeah he's gonna be in the show now yeah that was my thought right so this guy would probably just be some Bandit guy and he's got to kill them and then Joel will meet up with him and yeah but no I thought it was going to be like bill and Joel for the rest of the series yeah with Ellie because that I I don't I forget the actor's name you guys will let me know in the comments but he's such a well-known great actor and he basically was playing around Ron Swanson yeah in this show if you watched Parks and Rec but um it just no it shows the story of Bill and Frank their whole lives together they kept doing time jumps 15 years or whatever yeah and um there were like a couple they were in love with each other and this beautiful story of like them you know getting into arguments about keeping up the place but like Ron or Bill wanted to like no you're wasting gas it's just these you know and then um Frank wanting to expand like the the neighborhood I guess yeah we have people over what people yeah and then so that's where Ellie and Joel Tess and Joel came in and then they were friends with them too they would have dinners and stuff and we got to see Tess in like a pre like messed up you know situation she seemed more and Joel they seem more put together yes before things went super dark and um they had friends and uh then the bandits came and then his defenses worked yeah and he was shot yeah he but that's one thing that he messed up Bill should have made some kind of like Towers where he could have a vantage point and take them out from there but he was just in the middle of middle of the street you know just like shooting standing at least I have a bulletproof vest on her and a helmet or something but yeah he wouldn't even maybe he would have been shot if he wasn't distracted because Frank came out and he's Frank's like all right go inside and there's boom yeah yeah but but still like he was just wide wide open and there was like guys shooting at him but anyway he took care of all those guys as we thought he was dead I thought he was dead and then Frank was going to continue but he wasn't and then it ended up that Frank got cancer and then he was like he felt so helpless and um he wanted to take his own like and and on his own accord yeah because he was just pretty much useless yeah and they were kind of just like there was no hope for them they were just surviving you know there wasn't anything else going on so and then uh Bill secretly drugged the bottle of wine and then poured more into the other one Romeo and Juliet yeah style it's like I'd be so mad at you if it wasn't so romantic and he's like I I survived here for well I forget what he said but he said something like for purpose I lived for purpose and you were my purpose yeah and um which was it was great yeah it was so cool it is I I I'm curious about how people are gonna find this episode because there's going to be a lot of people that are hate it because it has nothing to do with um the main story I loved it there's gonna be people that really like it because it is such a a Twist on things right yeah um the Ellie and Joel's story but we got to see a little bit of them I've seen him mourn a little bit too for Ellie or not really for a test for tests all that that letter was so good because it was speaking to Joel yeah I think that's the words that Joel needed to hear in order for him to make a turn right because he's so he like hates Ellie basically he's just doing this for his own purpose but then when he read that he's like I hated the world too I wanted when when everyone died I was happy yeah [Laughter] that's crazy and then but he found someone to like live for and he's like you have to protect them and then uh he's like you protect tests oh and then he finally grieved a little bit tiny bit he went out he went outside and then uh he kind of ran outside he's like stay here he ran outside yeah he cried a little bit he didn't even cry he just kind of it seemed like he was crying a tiny bit yeah but I think that's the turning point for him he opened is he's gonna open up a little bit to Ellie now because in the radio stuff that was he was a little bit more friendly to her so what a crazy how do they find his brother yeah we're gonna find his friend he didn't have any of those um we didn't have any of those clicker or whatever there was one well yeah the one that she stabbed oh yeah there was two actually there was that guy oh and the one that Ron Swanson blew up yeah um he and his booby trapped yeah so let us know what you thought of this episode in the comment section down below check out our patreon page for the full unedited version and our vaulted movie 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Channel: See Jane Go TV
Views: 66,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us episode 3, the last of us reaction, the last of us episode 3 reaction, nick offerman, pedro pascal, murray bartlett, bella ramsey, the last of us hbo, the last of us long long time, bill and frank, last of us, tlou episode 3, the last of us episode 3 review, hbo the last of us, tlou episode 3 review, tlou episode 3 reaction, the last of us 1x3 reaction, long long time, episode 3, the last of us episode 3 reaction 1x3, see jane go tv
Id: PDFB0IxeN2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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