The Last of Us - Episode 8 - When We Are in Need - REACTION

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The Last of Us season 1 episode 8. [Music] and it's JV and we're back with the last of us the second last episode in this series so in the last episode we saw Joel he was um getting patched up by Ellie she found like the sewing kit and we saw the relationship between Ellie and her former friend from before um yeah so we're gonna see how this plays out yes dude yep they got both got bit and it was tragic but they didn't show how how she died or they didn't show that and apparently in the games they also didn't show that so it's kind of left for your imagination um yeah it's really really sad episode last time but um let's see how Ellie takes care of Joel in this episode if you want to catch the full reaction that's on our patreon page so you can go to get Early Access and the full reaction and there's also uh reactions there that never come to YouTube they're in the vault they're for a cheaper price than something five dollars so check that out over there and let's go Gene has a terrible cough again so I'm gonna be I'm doing most of the speaking so uh yeah bear with us Riley so Riley yes you saw Ellie and Riley's relationship in the mall which was really cool she did that whole like special night for her with all those different like wonders of the mall the arcade and uh the dancing and the photo booth yep it was really nice two more episodes this is it one and then one more and then we're done pan ultimate more survivors they don't look so good religious group that there will be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither will there be any more pain for the former things are passed away when can we bury him oh no oh her dad died or something the ground is too cold to dig we'll bury your father in the spring uh uh her dad her daddy died looks like Toronto on Saturday how much do we have left venison oh grab it keep the whole town unrest maybe a week two the best are they gonna start eating the dead see what you want to see sometimes he voiced Joel in the games did you recognize it or you heard I heard and I recognized it I heard he was in it but there he is I sensed out in there you haven't lost faith in you David you're just scared not from them what's his name again guys comment section James now go get our guns we're going hunting going hunting there's no clickers up here I have to worry about them fungus and I can't grow it here oh exactly yeah it's green yeah it's not good gangrene antibiotics it's gonna go hunting my God that's scary by yourself walking around from experience up here in the North you can hear people from so far away in snow oh a rabbit stay there oh no [Music] face okay Clicker do you hear it there's something flicker I can clickers survive out here oh stop moving just stay still yeah there you go save these off CG deer that's real lady dear oh crap one other shot shoot it again oh she hit it yeah not a kill shot though where do you gotta hit it for a kill shot I don't know the neck I guess I'm not sure the head the neck I don't know oh I don't see anybody oh you think we can just take it oh yeah quickly whoever shot it's probably nearby she's gonna be like that's mine both maybe they have medicine any sudden moves I put one right between your eyes my name is David this is my friend James we're from a larger group women children and we're all very very hungry we're not asking for charity we we can trade you for some of the deer we have what do you need we have boots medicine yes for infections buddy boy can go get it he comes back you get half the deer anyone else shows up I put one right between my eyes buddy boy that's good yeah okay so go talk to Howard he's got a case with some penicillin it's not code James who's I said yeah why not what bring him with us go uh just one big deer yeah sad it's reality though yep you gotta do what you gotta do there's room for you in our group if you want you're inviting me to your hunger Club thanks you're the leader it wasn't my choice it was theirs but it sort of kind of got me there I am a preacher but pretty standard I said Colts first what the whole world ended and you still believe that [ __ ] I actually started believing after the world ended before that I was a teacher math so he went from teacher to preacher because what it [ __ ] rhymes well I found God after the apocalypse which is either the best time or the worst time to find him hard to say yeah we'd settle somewhere and then Raiders would come so we'd move again oh man wow that sucks and as we wanted we picked up new people along the way until we ended up here no I I believe everything happens for a reason it does I can prove it to you okay there's a reason the apocalypse happened everybody died we didn't expect this winner to be so cruel nothing will grow game's been hard to find Negative Nancy got four of our people to a nearby town to to scavenge what they could and only three of them came back the one that didn't was a father he had a daughter just like you and her dad was taken from her turns out he was murdered by this crazy man that crazy man was traveling with a little girl you see everything happens for a reason James lower the gun what the hell she is the one that killed Alec and she she didn't kill anybody what the frick did you bring the medicine yeah throw it to her back away yeah that's so smart usually they don't do that and the person grabs together you're not with a group you won't survive for long out there it keeps a deer what's she gonna say just take it yeah what He Set four guys out three came back so those were the guys at the University yeah oh my God yeah the guys at the University that she killed they could who killed that one guy Joel right Joel they didn't have any guns but they attacked they did yeah I know where I'm just around there God you can't even look it up or anything you just have to just guess penicillin how much do you put in where do you put it you know what maybe you could rub my back that helps to that little girl yeah for sure that little girl lost her dad oh Joel yeah Joel like choked them but it didn't seem like he killed he died but he died but he did I guess keep him warm I think she's trying to keep him warm though like no it's love okay that's her husband only five more left is that venison what is it venison that ain't venison you don't think so it's like it's like a code it's got to be human well they're so dire and they look all messed up like it's got to be human meat it's the the father what she's like what is that the vent like Venice oh there's the venison no that's venison yep that was the dad big one all right they're all so unhappy way different than the last settlement orange is that you have power if you've heard a rumor yes we found a girl who was with the man who took Alec from us when the Sun rises I'll lead a group out to pick up her Trail won't be hard to find in the snow we'll follow it to wherever they're hiding and we'll bring that man to Justice you should kill him you should kill both of them [Music] oh gotta show us why the bad guy's the bad guy yeah because they're eating humans for sure and why he's bad because he seems pretty okay up to this point always have a father and you will show him respect when he's speaking what the heck this guy's weird uh he's her dad cult leader and they're definitely eating her dad right now [Music] they all get soup and he just gets a big plate of dad meat oh they were waiting to eat till he yeah oh God imagine eating your own husband oh they're so hungry look at them they don't care oh he knows they don't know though I think I don't know I think some of them do gross our only hope is that there's a storm fever's coming down looks better [Music] more more oh shoot they're coming freaking coming they're freaking coming God damn Ellie they're coming she left the garage and went the horse exposed yeah she's closed it there's no weapon crap oh man they got guns this time yeah well they had guns last time they alert this man's not already dead he's dangerous will you bring that girl back with us she's just another mouth to feed if we leave her out here she'll die yeah maybe that's God's will getting backhand him hmm man Joel you gotta wake up this is it Julie if anybody makes it down here you can kill them you got it holy crap you're so out of it you can't even move wow yeah get out of there Red Dead Redemption lure them all guide them away all right lure them away yeah we'll go right by them they might shoot the horse foreign [Laughter] she's awesome don't get thrown off that horse they it's probably gonna happen shoot the horse yeah he's gonna shoot the horse right in the oh no oh I had to video game Joel shoot she got it concussed gonna capture live action Ellie do it oh my gosh is he gonna shoot him like they were attacking them I know I wanted her to tell this guy they attacked us we're just looking around and they tried to kill us so we had to fight back sorry about your friend you know but yeah they attacked first two of you with me drag the horse the rest of you stay here go door to door you so hungry for vengeance deliver it good Joel can take on what two guys yeah her backpack two to drag that huge horse Okay three on one Jewels all messed up like she blocked the basement door [Applause] come on oh he's still there oh my God Don't Wanna Wake up Joel don't don't make noise oh this is the house yeah come on Joel this is it it's go time roll over come on Joel get that knife she's half dead okay got up now that your fools are gonna die right now oh back of the neck that's awesome yeah yeah it's over this guy's dead he's already dead like no matter what he's dead I can't scream I can hear the wind wind going out of his lungs blood and teeth trying to go for vengeance and then you die should have just went home dude two more one more I think well there were three so that stayed I think no she's waking up in yeah he wants to keep Ellie alive why am I in a cage because I'm afraid of you you're a dangerous person you've certainly proven that did you hear me say the others want to kill you yeah but I stopped them she's concussed I can see how much you care about him so I know it hurts that part of your life it's ending and what I'm offering you is a beginning damn she wants to get back out there and help him Timothy Timothy's dead oh [ __ ] he wants to know where he is oh I don't know any girl oh you focused kneecap off holy alive where [Applause] Super League yeah oh my God man Joel he's like done this so many times it seems so natural to him exact same spot your buddy points too oh the same test yeah nice like the guy and the woman yeah no Jesus Jesus Christ why the [ __ ] did you do that he told you what you wanted oh my God I ain't telling you no oh oh my God holy crap horrible well he had to like you have to kill them if you let them go They're gonna come back and try and kill you it's just never-ending cycle that was so jacked up nice Joel is like who's the bad guy you know yeah there isn't none right everyone's bad don't eat it don't drink it she's probably starving starve oh oh who's here is that the the guy that killed earlier the Dead oh my gosh we were right you're gonna chop me up into little pieces I'd rather not if you want to judge me judge me there are only a few of us that know but I would have told you oh oh my God it was a last resort you think it doesn't shame me let them starve these people who put their lives in my hands the little girl ate her dad I don't think your friend would either didn't he take another man's life to save yours he was defending himself there you go he was defending you and you know what I see when I look at you me you remind me of me a leader everyone says natural leader you're smart loyal violent if I let you out of that cage right now put that knife of yours in your hand it just took me in a second you have a violent heart and I struggled with it for a long time but then the world ended and I was shown the truth my cordyceps what does cordyceps do is it evil no it's fruitful it multiplies it feeds and protects its children and it secures its future with violence if it must it loves Ellie this don't buy what this guy said don't tell me all of this they need God they need Heaven they need they need a father you don't you're beyond that I'm a Shepherd surrounded by sheep and all I want is an equal the heck um a friend how do you get all that from she hasn't said anything I can tell the others to stop looking for him now um they're all dead if he leaves us in peace they will just let him go they do what I tell them to do they did they follow me what is up with this guy he's he's creeping out what we could do together stab his hand trick him though go along with it and then kill him pull his arm in and smash his head into the is too weak imagine that life we could give them Justin she's tricking him she's not falling for this it's either she has a knife or something she's gonna do something [Music] I got my boobs again I don't know why I almost do that she's bleeding oh look I should have played it more until he opened the cage tell them that Ellie is a little girl hmm [Music] tiny little pieces he's gonna chop her up oh man her nose is broken you should have waited until you opened the door and then yeah Ellie too soon Dole doesn't have gloves or a hat she's all jacked up still is he there oh he's there he got there the horse yes it's a whole town of these people though well he's got his gun yeah gonna start killing is that her backpack yeah I'm scared someone's in there and they're gonna bump his head oh God is that a human back there oh it's gonna be disgusting oh multiple holy crap oh why so many I thought it was just a dad Justin is there his other people back there yeah just I'm scared I put her on that board shut up you had your chance he has a cleaver I'm infected and now so are you oh yeah I wonder if she can spread it oh [ __ ] if anything happens for a reason you're right I wonder if she can spread it now she will return by now this isn't real real to me holy crap oh my God holy shoot I didn't see that one coming oh my God right here she's in that Frozen room I think that was incredible she's in a restaurant she doesn't know how she's getting out of this as soon as they were just like talking amongst themselves oh oh video game Joel's dead that was incredible oh she has like a hot yeah hot sticks oh crap it's gonna go on fire oh yeah that'll get Joel's attention that's going quickly that's gotta be like velvet he's gonna butt up the whole place he had gave him gave her time to get away the whole Resort's going take it all down Ellie bam Ellie yeah he'll see it oh you don't know how good I am well you don't know what I could have given you just let me know see I changed my mind I've decided you do need a father so I'm Gonna Keep and I'm gonna teach you come on Ellie come on Ellie Joel shoot him so I'm gonna go through the window Ally's gotta get the kill holy look at that don't yell before you stab yeah it's not anime you don't have to yell out your move beforehand Justin oh the cleaver oh my gosh she's melted her the fighting is a part I like the most oh no there's no fear in love what the oh here we go here we go oh get his wings holy the fire behind oh gosh possibly the boys holy frick good job Ellie get out of there the smoke inhalation yep that symbolism was crazy God yeah he was a m he was yeah capital look it's me I've seen a lot of stuff now it's okay baby girl holy crap are they gonna go now that's what I call the girls baby girl wow that was freaking crazy that guy he was disgusting yeah he turned out to be disgusting at first he was like he was telling the story to Ellie in the cabin and he's like and then I sent four guys out and only one came back three came back and then I didn't even and then it it was them that killed them in the review at first I thought he was good because he's like he sent um the other guy to get the penicillin yeah because like this guy's all right but then I was gonna make it through that episode without crying yeah you cried and I didn't yeah it just it's like a sugar word right like what I call my baby girl's art I guess our baby girls but um yeah I even just did it there you know yeah and then so yeah then he sent them back and then I thought he was like gonna be okay and then it just slowly started to reveal how creepy he was he just kept getting worse and worse in the face and he's like I'm your dad now and all these weird things eating humans they're all so starving they all looks like disheveled and like there all of them had beards they can't eat until he eats yeah they like Joel is Savage he was only clean shaving one and the rest were not yeah and they waited so he they kind of like not worshiped him but they he was like a cult leader type yeah immediately I was like is this like yeah and he wasn't religious no he just he just was speaking what they they needed to hear she called them the Sheep but the thing that he believed in was the cordyceps he was like they he said oh that part was weird he's like the cordyceps um spread and then they they use violence if they need to and they had to love each other he's just yeah crazy um but yeah he used religion as a tool because really he's aiming the kids yeah that part right at the end oh man say the word on YouTube guys yeah yeah we can't say certain words but then um when he was like Ellie was in the cage and he was like saying we could be leaders together and all this but I was like how is he getting all that from Ellie and she hasn't said anything yeah it was very strange but I think he just yeah it was weird um and then Ellie Ellie just kept fighting man she's such a fighter that was so sick the first thing she did was with uh with the horse and I was like yeah over here mother she's like trying to lead them away um yeah she's so resilient and she keeps fighting no matter what um yeah then she stabbed the guy in the neck the guy that voice acts drool in the game got sliced right in his neck I think it's Nolan something I forget his name but guys let me know his name in the comments killed him with the meat cleaver um while they were kind of like worried about the bite I wonder if she can spread it I don't think so because it wasn't getting all weird but it might it happened really soon like that between he that she did on purpose I know but like I don't because quarter steps I don't know it's a theory right that cordyceps are in her but it's just a different strain of them I don't know there's all these different theories but I wonder if she can uh infect people um but yeah that place was creepy as heck and then you saw the humans all like hung up and they were like skinned and like mean beheaded and one of them just was the cut in the belly they're cutting out the pieces that they want to eat they're just cutting out the parts that they want to eat yeah I think and then keep them the rest like eating the best parts first yeah it's disgusting yeah but um only some of them knew not all of them knew um yeah it was just weird but that's so hard to eat yeah well yeah if you knew there most of them don't the scene where Ellie was like with the flames and stuff and then she was like stabbing him and the Flames were off in the background that was like such an epic scene that was amazing that shot was really cool um but she got him and then Joel came back Joel was fighting for her she was fighting for Joel she kept asking about him constantly is he okay where is he and then um Joel kept asking about her and he killed those two guys three total three or three three but the way he killed those two guys delicious you know he's like okay I'll tell you and then he told him and then he's like stabbed and his buddy's watch like why'd you do that I believe him oh man it was so freaking brutal that scene was crazy and then you said like there who's there is no good or bad guys like yeah they're both terrible yeah they're all to everyone is just it's like who's a little bit more terrible than the other people Joel is not necessarily good in anyone yeah Joel's reasoning because these guys just wanted Revenge right like yeah there's no way they were going looking for stuff they were going to loot yeah they were going to become looters yeah whatever what are they called Raiders Raiders yeah um but these guys just want to revenge for their friend like they weren't necessarily evil but Joel had to kill them because his cause is to try and save Humanity to to to to keep Ellie alive because first to keep Ellie alive but then because they're such good friends now and the fate of humanity might be you know at stake so no matter what he's got to kill and do anything to get to that goal right to have his jacket for her yeah that was nice I do that for the girls I would take off of mine um so the whole uh cabin the lodge is gone their leader is gone a bunch of their men so that place is probably gonna die like most of those people are gonna die now um if yeah so we're gonna see the next episode is the last one season finale so he's got to get where they need to go to get Ellie I'm guessing they're gonna do a time Jump because there's no there's like no time left and they've done time jumps yeah so he has to get Ellie to the fireflies and so they can uh get her blood so they can get the Cure going um so we'll see what happens in the next episode are we gonna be is gonna be a good season finale or is it going to be a flop like you like this one I liked it I liked it I thought it was really well this is the penultimate episode yeah [Music] yeah so guys check out our patreon page for the full unedited reaction Early Access to more videos and uh there's a bunch of movies that never come to YouTube they're in the vault so check those out it's for a cheaper uh cost subscribe to the channel check out our Mandalorian reactions we're doing Mando's back and we'll see you next time we're out of here peace if you like that video and you want to see more go ahead and click that square button if you want to subscribe click that Circle button thanks for being part of team go
Channel: See Jane Go TV
Views: 59,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us episode 8, the last of us hbo, the last of us episode 8 reaction, the last of us reaction, the last of us series, last of us, pedro pascal, the last of us 1x8 reaction, the last of us when we are in need, the last of us episode 8 breakdown, last of us show, the last of us 1x8, when we are in need, see jane go tv, see jane go tv reaction, see jane go tv movie reaction, episode 8, left behind the last of us, the last of us hbo review
Id: 2m4Dj0v_YwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 07 2023
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