The Justice of God - John Paul Jackson (2013)

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[Music] Wow this is my second time in Red Deer and very happy to be here thank you for inviting me back I tell my interns anybody can get invited someplace once it's getting invited back that's the key and it's very good to be back here I love Canada I've spent a lot of time up here from st. John and st. John's and Halifax and Prince Edward Island Victoria and Vancouver and Whistler abbotsford Kelowna and Thunder Bay for some reason God has told me a number of years ago had a an angel actually appeared to me and has said to me you're going to need to take up dual citizenship with Canada and so it certainly seems like that's happening and as far as my my time up here goes so I really enjoy being up here a I'm very glad thank thank you Peter for having back you guys are great and I love your vision I love your passion and it was a joy the joy to be here I want to talk to you about something that I don't hear very often in fact I've never heard it I'm sure somebody in the world sometime in history has spoken this message but I've not heard it yeah and I know that there's nothing new Under the Sun so I'm not naive to think that I'm the only one who's ever got this but especially in today one of the things that that prophetic people cried out for was justice you were talking about the trash trafficking there's justice that needs to happen there justice comes and it's due in various shapes and sizes that it's not all the same that some of its very very weighty some of it is it's very very comforting but justice is so important and when I look around the world I find in myself thinking what Isaiah must have thought Isaiah 59 when he says that truth lies in the streets equity cannot be found and justice is lost I'm looking in in world scene issues and I'm recognizing where political systems have taken over what's right and wrong and men don't men and women don't vote for what's right for the for their country they vote for what will get them reelected and so we have a lot of politicians but very few leaders and leaders vote for what's right for the people and then they they don't look at the political consequences of their vote they have to answer to heaven or and to the people for why they make the decisions they make and I'm finding very few whether it's in Europe or Asia or the United States I'm finding the fewer and fewer leaders and more and more politicians and I'm very very concerned because of that but there is a God in heaven who loves justice he says in his word he loves justice over 500 times in Scripture God talks about justice almost more than any other topic in the Bible in fact he says this in Psalms 97 to says clouds and darkness surround him righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne you realize that it this is saying that if justice doesn't happen then the throne topples the throne of God falls over because one side is righteousness and the other side is justice and if one of those two fail righteousness or justice the throne of God topples God is saying and this one small two line verse in my Bible that I think justice is so important I stake my entire kingdom on and it's not just justice to a country though it can be but it is certainly justice to a person to you if you've ever had some time in your life where you go this just is not right that's a sign you maybe do justice if you've had something that makes you so angry because someone did something that you knew was unbiblical you're do justice you know what and if you've ever had somebody slander you you do justice justice comes in many different packages and it has many different ways to it and a judge has to decide what weight he places on the offense against you you don't put somebody in jail for ninety nine years if they stole your lollipop so there's weight to justice so I'm 37 28 sis for the lord loves justice and does not forsake his Saints here he's saying that if I do not render justice to you for the injustice that has happened to you then I do it is showing that I have forsaken you and how can you follow somebody who forsakes you Psalm 136 the Lord executes righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed so we're finding more and more 500 times God speaks about it in the United States we had an act of terrorism and that terrorism was that they these planes flew into the World Trade Center and when they flew into the World Trade Center there was a lot of damage you're well aware of that plane crash in the field as well as in the Pentagon and it's been written that each one of the families of the victims of this this 9/11 attack are eligible for approximately three point six million dollars in benefits that will come to them but they have to do something they have to do something there's four things they have to do first thing they had to do was they had to recognize they're eligible second thing they had to do is they had to fill out the proper paperwork the forms third thing they had to do is they had to go before a judicial panel and then the fourth thing is then they patiently waited knowing the settlement would be given if something they had to do to receive justice the Bible says this that you're do seven times what they what the thief stole in one place two times what the thief stole another place but you have to catch the thief the idea behind catching the thief is you don't punish the thief when you catch the thief you bring the thief before the judge and the judge then renders the decision and notice you don't get to render the decision the judge passes sentence so when you say to somebody I want their life you've just rendered the decision and made yourself judge but the Bible doesn't let you get to be judge you bring him before the righteous judge of all creation has said let me hurt you you bring him before the righteous judge so many times I hear people saying pray for me I'm being attacked instead of saying God I'm do justice I'm do justice the enemy has hurt me and I'm do something from this justice it's for the injured receive compensation for damages that have been inflicted upon them but what if they didn't file for the settlement what if they never caught the thief what if they never recognized they were stolen from what if they didn't fill out the proper paperwork in many parallel ways were in the same place in the church today we know we've been afflicted we know we've been harassed but dole had been injured we know been hurt I would venture to say hardly anybody in here hasn't received a form of injustice from something the enemy provoked someone to do notice I said the enemy provoked someone to do we believe in Jesus and what his death has brought his burial his resurrection and his ascension is accomplished witnessed and issues facing the church we understand church government we believe in prophecy we understand faith we believe in deliverance and healings and miracles we but why don't we see more signs and wonders could it be that part of the issue of signs and wonders is the recognition that evil is the one who brought the illness and justice is due to the person who is ill because it wasn't given by God illness is an injustice on our lives and if we begin to understand that God wants to bring justice because what the enemy has perpetrated then maybe would see a lot more signs and wonders than we've been seen because we would be crying out for the specific issue at hand maybe we need to instead of complaining maybe we need to start like the widow who stood at the door of the unrighteous judge and kept knocking and knocking and knocking for what justice exactly now we focus on that usually it's that keep on praying keep on praying keep on praying and that's really true but pray for what justice and this is that the unrighteous judge will give you this how much more will the father the righteous judge give to you is it possible that we're missing some of the power of God that he wants to give us because we're not crying out for that but you wants to give Isaiah 3018 says this I'm reading from the New King James therefore the Lord will wait that he may be gracious to you and therefore he will be exalted that it may have mercy on you for the Lord is a God of justice blessed are those who wait on him now it sounds like it's a game of wait like well nothing's going to happen you're waiting God's waiting everybody's waiting nothing happens when Jesus wait but what is saying is this he's waiting for you to do something that you need to do so he could do something justifiably on your behalf and then you wait for him to take action once you bring it to the judge you pray for it to wait for it you pray for it but you wait for it you pray for it but you wait for it and he longs to do this to you it longs to be gracious to you he longs to have mercy on you but he waits for you if you're like me God was winning quite a while can see there's also an issue of me involved in all this am i right in right standing with God am i addressing the issues that God wants me to address have a repentant of of errant thinking or wrong attitudes is God justified in acting on my behalf or if he acted on my behalf would he would he be endorsing my sin see galatians tells us God is not mocked whatever we sow that shall we reap and what we what we don't understand is that if we ask God to have mercy on us and not give us what we deserve into sowing and reaping category we're asking God to allow his name to be mocked by not rendering something to us that we deserve so justice can book work both ways if I stab somebody that I'm gonna have justice one way if I get stabbed I'm gonna have justice another way and if I stab somebody and God acts in my head my behalf he's now endorsing by stabbing so what am I like Lee to do keep stabbing and so God waits he waits for me to repent of the sin that I've committed he waits and so he's he st. comes in he cut like with me Satan came in with some guys who brings in a file that's like two papers in it said to put them before the judge it says here this is what so-and-so has done with me he had to take a forklift brings us forklift in sets it down woo said this is what I have against a John Paul Jackson Lord goes hmm hmm courts in recess God's waiting God's waiting God's waiting and here's something it's me oh god I'm sorry what what I'm sorry I'm really sorry say the kid I'm sorry I should've said and I'm so sorry guy says oh really yeah walks back out courts in session not guilty the accuser goes we need not guilty you saw the file he saw the stack of stuff I had against him God goes what file what stack as far as these just from the West I can't see it sometimes we have to clean up our act before God can act on our behalf pulses are like this in first grade miss Jenny says when he's talking about casting and pulling down every vain imagination everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and he finishes the verse like this he says being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled in other words he's ready to act against those who have hurt me once I clean up my act my obedience has to be fulfilled before he acts because here's why in his judicial system if he acts against rebellion he's going to judge me for my rebellion if I'm clean from my rebellion then he can act against rebellion without acting against me this is why it's important we live a righteous life before him or Paul Hemann goes as far as to say becoming slaves of righteousness I wonder how many of us in a room tonight could say we are a slave of righteousness perhaps we don't see more justice because God would have to punish us as he punishes them but if we walked righteously and when yet no one's perfect we repent of our sin we would take care of all that is removed from us now God is free to act Wow so could it be the part of the equation as to why we don't see a greater difference between those who know God those of us who do God and those who don't know God how many times you can you sit down at a mall and how many people can you look at and say that person knows God that person doesn't that person knows God that person doesn't how do you know because I can see the distinction I know but it kind of gets blurry because we haven't set ourselves apart and I'm not talking about how high of a collar you wear or short sleeve long sleeve no I'm not talking about any of that you see all those all those aren't holiness all those aren't righteousness you see holiness comes from being close to he who's holy you can't just say well I think I'm gonna be holy no you you can't be holy you can't even say I think I'm gonna be righteous today no you can't even be righteous you have to get close to he who's righteous to be righteous you have to get close to he who is holy to be holy once you're close to him it's an outgrowth of him you just start doing it you just start doing it see here's one thing we didn't understand when you're taking a look at your life the tabernacle of Moses is an incredible incredible illustration do you realize in the outer court there's two things not a court there is the the brazen altar and there's a brazen Laver and then inside these rooms of mystery are the holy place of the Holy of Holies there's five other elements that are inside those two rooms looks like one room on the outside but when you get into really two you realize on the outer court the brazen Laver you know what the brazen Laver is the brazen Laver is whether they burnt it's burnt offerings they burnt the put the calf in there and they burned it to crisp so much so that all that was left was ashes you know what the brazen Laver is the brazen Laver is representative of the lake of fire that you don't have to go into because of what Jesus did it's a very first thing you encounter when you walk through the curtain of that Tabernacle second thing is the brazen Laver that's where you get to wash off all the dirt it's where you come face-to-face with who you really are and then and so in the outer court things are taken off of you away from you and very few of us understand that in those rooms of mystery over there the sanctuary that covered tent nothing's taken away from you everything is added to you you walk through those five gold pillars into that tent and from that moment on things are added to you the problem is this most of us spend their time in the outer Court having stuff taken from us remove from us lift it off of us what's better than being out in the world and having to bear underneath it but do you realize relationship with God take you into the rooms of mystery it is there that you know what holiness is is there you know what righteousness is it is there you understand what they what the whole cloud of smoke is because when you walk into that first room there's no chimney in that room for all the smoke to get out curtain closes behind you and you're in a room of smoke but it doesn't burn you because it's three sweet spices + alt + frankincense not to mention the frankincense is burning on top of the table of showbread not to mention them the smoke that's coming off of the oil that's being burned in the in the lampstand not to mention that the ultra vincent's it's got they got the the five book the vibes things are burning - three suites three three sweet spices and salt and frankincense so lots of smoke in the air it's there things get added to you things of the kingdom and the outer court people can see into it from the hillsides but they can't see into the sanctuary why because their mysteries the rooms of mystery you don't know what's in there - you get in there Jesus talks about these rooms of mystery he calls it like this it's been given unto you know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven those mysteries were found in the first room holy Oh the holy place the mysteries of the kingdom of God he mentions on the other hand two separate issues two separate occasions not the same issue not the same time two different moments in Jesus's ministry the mysteries of the kingdom of God they're found in the Holy of Holies but we are so content to live in the outer court and and in the outer court it's really nice and it's better than living in the beasts of the world but there's so much more life in him that we can have that we don't have and part of that life is experiencing justice and how he wants to give it so what is justice we've talked a little bit about it it's the legal process and procedure of upholding the law it's what keeps evil in check you realize it there is no justice there's nothing to stop evil from growing and that's why when there's a lack of justice in the land evil flourishes that's what Isaiah was lamenting about Isaiah was watching the deterioration of the nation because justice was thrown out it weighs pain and suffering into this end of the settlement and the compensation on your behalf so here's what you have and the judicial process you have the scales of justice you've seen that pictures of this and so everything's supposed to remain in perfect balance God is not unjust in any form or fashion so what happens the enemy attacks you with a one-ton attack and now God is justified and give you a one ton anointing but here's the deal you may get a one ton anointing but it doesn't soothe the pain it doesn't heal your scar it doesn't restore the quality of life you had before the injustice and it doesn't help your children bear up under what they had to go through because you were hurt or incapacitated or disabled in some way so what does God do he says well I have I have part of the justice system for that that's called a settlement the settlement is for pain and injury and you get six more times seven all total one to balance the scale and then six more times for pain and injury seven all total I will give you seven times what the Palmer weren't eight seven times what the cankerworm ain't destruction destroying issues in your life that's justice but so many of us don't know we're do it we don't know we're supposed to get it it's too many of us two minutes is like I put this out as a CD I'm driving through Southern California listen to a Christian radio station and I hear the preacher on the radio station call me by name and saying you don't want justice what John Paul Jackson has said is untrue and it will lead you to incredible pain because if you get just as God's gonna punish you I know what time how what repentance for then I wanted to drive my car to the radio station but I know it was taped justice is given to the clean as I said it's mentioned over 500 times in the scripture every prophet cried out for it Kings and apostles were to ensure its application priests were to ensure that it was done correctly therefore when there's no justice the law of darkness rules and when there is justice the law of heaven rules we have a law of the land in Canada in the United States and every nation that allows a legal system to act and every legal system is built on God's judicial processes thou shalt not kill thou shalt thou shalt not commit adultery all of this is legal processes it sets the stage for the law to keep evil in check Israel understood this legal system of God that God was justified and acting on their behalf as long as they kept themselves clean this repentance was done sacrifices were made Jesus is our sacrifice eternal everlasting but in the Old Testament the sacrifice was made when it was supposed to be done how it was supposed to be done the hands were laid on the head of the sacrificial lamb the cap etc and when they to get these when they were righteous before God cleaned before God covered by the blood then God was justified in rebuking Kings for their sake he allowed no Baroness to occur he allowed no miscarriages to occur he didn't allow their clothes to wear out their shoes to wear out no one died prematurely there was no illness found among them no army could defeat them but when they didn't carry that out all of that fell apart but the fulfillment of the law and the coming of Jesus and the subsequent coming of the holy spirit for his laws written on her heart we sometimes find it difficult to keep in mind justices do us but just tablets of stones we can look at their pick up their heavy with there's an art marching through the land there's something visual but when it's written on a heart the only way we have of reminding ourselves that it's written on a heart is by relationship with the he who wrote it on our heart what Jesus did now justified the righteous judge the Father for plying the basis of a law to our lives let's just take a look a little bit at at this issue of the justice in the Bible anybody ever wonder why God chose Abraham I mean out of all the people on the face of the earth why Abraham it tells us the Genesis 18 why God's getting ready to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and it comes and says to the Angels we need to go tell Abraham because how can we hide these things from him what we're going to do since all and I've chosen him and I have chosen to know him for hit this reason for have known him in order that he may command his children and his household after him that they keep the way of the Lord to do righteousness and justice now listen God chose Abraham because he was the one man on the face of the earth that if God told him here's my way and here's righteousness and here's justice he not only would keep it he would teach his children and just to remind you he didn't have any children when he God said that that's how important justice is to God he's looking for a man he's looking for a woman who would teach their children the ways of God who would teach them about righteousness teach them about justice let them know you can call on the name of the Lord and he will act on your behalf we don't have to complain about the enemy attacking us we take the attack to the Lord he will act on our behalf if I'm the enemy I'm happy you're complaining because it keeps you from talking to God because when you talk to God and you ask him to avenge what I did to you that's what I'm gonna hurt if you're always saying we'll pray for me because he's attacking me I've really been under attack lately this week is really been hard I've been really hundred why because you're not bringing what he's done and identifying him as a perpetrator to the father who can act on your behalf Psalms 30:5 our 3035 he loves righteousness and justice the earth is full of the goodness of God what is the goodness of God comprised of righteousness and justice Psalms 97 - we talked about that the foundations of his throne are built on righteousness and justice Matthew 23:23 here's a good one all your prophetic types love Matthew 23 it's a seven of woes Jesus says woe unto you scribes and hypocrites Pharisees will you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for you pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin and then neglected the weightier matters of the law wait a little bit what kind of weightier than tithing there's something weightier than tithing yes what is it justice and mercy and faith these you ought to have done without ly leaving the other undone other words you should do righteousness mercy of faith without leaving tithing and done but if you're looking for something wait here than tithing it's justice mercy and faith God is displeased when he finds the no justice being asked for Psalms 59 13 through 16 I'm sorry Isaiah 59 13 through 16 in transgressing and lying against the Lord and departing from our God speaking oppression and revolt conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood justice is turned back in other words because people are oppressing you leaders are oppressing you they're lying to you and you're accepting their lives justice is turned back and righteousness stands so far off truth has fallen in the street equity cannot enter truth fails and he departs from evil makes himself a prey in other words if you dare stand up and say this is not right you just painted a target on your back that's where Isaiah was and I suggest to you worth of cusp of that today and he departs from you'll makes himself a prey than the Lord saw it and it displeased him that there was no justice God's judicial system is what governs the earth and advances his kingdom the ways of God create a code of conduct that we're supposed to follow it's written in the scripture it's written on our hearts God's throne is the judicial bench that oversees all causes that are brought before him and to the degree where innocent God is free to act on our behalf it's therefore very important we live a repentant life to the degree that we're innocent God is justified and He will use them all of his force to act on our behalf he will move heaven and earth to get you where he wants you to be if you where he wants you to be injustice occurs in our lives because because Satan's system is based on lawlessness which attempts to preempt God's judicial processes now here's something that's very important to grasp I hope I can communicate it clearly see justice isn't just do you because of something that happened to you justice is due to your bloodline and here's the reasoning curses are passed down to the third and fourth generations so our blessings and so if the enemy did something let's say to your grandfather and you were suffering the consequences of what he did to your grandfather you are do justice in fact you might say the settlement is an escrow waiting for you to claim it and it's been waiting in escrow since it happened to your grandfather he's waiting for you to claim it it's an escrow curses are passed down three and four generation blessings are passed down three and four generations anything that cuts off your blessing is an injustice from the enemy and God will act on your behalf to recover that which was stolen from you so it is not just what happens to you it is what happens to you for what happened to your bloodline so justice is also the passing down of blessings to the third and fourth generation justice is waiting for many of you whose quality of life was diminished by the injustice to your parents or your grandparents or even your great-grandparents when we're clean before God it allows God to give us justice by providing for us protecting us anointing us empowering us giving us favorite influence with man vindicating us we talked about the woman and the unrighteous judge found in Luke 18 and she was crying out for justice Jovie job of what God did to restore God job's losses was an issue of justice Psalms 1 1 is an issue of justice blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight is in the law what's the law of the basis of the law the application of justice his delight is in the application of justice and that's exactly what God found in Solomon Lord comes to Solomon says what can I give you the Solomon says give me wisdom to understand how to apply justice to the people and God says well you didn't ask for long life you didn't ask for the life of your enemy you didn't even ask for riches but you asked for an ability to judge the people to render justice so I'm going to give you everything that's how important justice is to God he's looking for a man or a woman who will cry out and act on half of God's kingdom for the sake of God's people so how do we pray for justice well in Acts chapter 4 they were do justice you see but what were they the disciples had just been threatened and beat to some degree and we're threatened with being beaten to a pulp so what do they do in Acts chapter 4 they go back to the comrades and they said become rich this is what we're threatened with and here's what they did they didn't go help itty-bitty me they said okay God you're the god of creation you created everything and in your creation you created us we have a purpose the enemy is trying to stop that purpose you Oh God act on our behalf by giving us boldness and the power to heal the sick and raise the dead and when they prayed this the place was shaken and great fear came on everybody and as you read the account they laid hands on the sick and people were healed Wow see justice I'll tell you what I would rather have a million dollars in healings and not a million dollars in many God says okay I give you a choice I'll give you a million dollars or I give you a million healings what you're gonna take I'll take a million healings every day I'll take a million he's see justice doesn't always come in the form it was taken from you but it will come in the form that advances to keep them the greatest it will come in the form that destroys the work of the evil one that's really what justice all about with this purpose was the Sun God made manifest first John 3:8 that he might destroy the work of the evil one the whole idea is justice comes destroys II for the cost injustice to you and justice is now given to you and evilest held in check or destroyed that's more than what we're looking for here that's what I love what Solomon said in first Kings 3 says just give me the ability to judge everything else will take care of itself if you just give me the ability to give justice to people so how do we pray for justice don't ask for long life don't ask for guard to harm the one you hurt don't ask for the life of your enemy don't ask God to kill your ex-husband don't ask for riches ask for understanding to discern justice see remember you don't get to give the sentence to the person who hurt you when you give the sentence to the person who hurt you you just got your own justice when you sentence somebody you got your justice and that means God isn't going to give you justice now because you already got it you chose your justice over God's justice I want them to be hurt I want them to go broke I want them to be in sick their sick bed I want them to all the stuff you just got your justice but if you can just say God I step back I step back and I'm gonna let you step in here's what I found to the degree I step back he steps in to the drink I step in he steps back I don't want to diminish God's justice on my behalf and anyway I would totally step back let him totally step in here's the problem if I defend myself I have very quick satisfaction doesn't last very long but very quick satisfaction because usually the guy they are the people who say something about me they don't care if some of you defend me that's that's good but it too short-lived because guess what even if you defend me my enemies won't believe you but here how do your enemies change but you let God defend you he changes your enemies how do you know that because it says in Proverbs have when a man's ways place the Lord it makes him in his enemies to be a peace with him so if you step back God will act on your behalf but here's the problem with that is that God will take five to ten years to give you justice you want it today now you want everybody to know now but God doesn't work like that we think in days and he thinks in decades but here's what you find out I'm 63 years old so I've lived a while and here's what I found out the people who hurt you unless they repent their lives deteriorate and your life when you let God act on your behalf your life gets better stronger more vibrant you have spiritual children running out your ears you have people that are looking for you to hell and they want to help you because you help them this your life is full of intrigue and excitement every single day their life is miserable justice comes in many forms let God give it to you here's what I was instructed to bring this message because I think there's an unusual amount of injustice here and he said the Lord indicated to me the spirit or indicated to me that he's gonna put specific issues maybe got fifty issues of injustice and you're like maybe five thousand but he's gonna put one in your mind and and he said if they will pray this one then I would give them another in another if they need it but it may be what I do for this one takes care of everything like the man who was a contractor in Florida he had the lowest bid on on three jobs but becomes a bribery he didn't get the to construction and his company almost went bankrupt for lack of jobs he cried out to the Lord for justice then that's for the life of the guy who took the bribes didn't ask for any of that he just said God you give me justice you determined how it comes I step back I let you step in within three months the guy who took the bribe was caught removed new guy comes in within the next three months after that he gets another contract from the state or your case would be the problem here's another contract he gets another he got five contracts that replaced the three that he didn't get and the five that the you that he got was the total of the five he got were ten times greater than the three he lost so he writes in or maybe you'll be like the mother in Ohio Road ed has said I heard what you said about justice I begin to pray because my ex-husband when he left has failed to pay child support can't find him and he's left the country very wealthy but he's left me in the kid my son had autism I began to cry out for justice saying God I'm not asking for the life of my ex-husband I'm just asking you for justice please bring me justice and she said this tear-stained letter I asked for justice thinking that maybe my husband would catch up on his child support but I got justice because my autistic child was healed now which child what justice would you want there's many ways that God can give justice we let him give it we cry out for it we don't sentence we don't suggest to the judge what he should do we cry out for it he gives it to us I believe that even tonight while you sleep as you're laying on your bed as you're exiting from this room even right now or even while I was talking the Holy Spirit already began to put something on your heart that you need justice for and the Lord wants to give it to you he will not forsake his Saints he would not allow his throne to topple he will act on your behalf and we need to cry out for justice and we need to cry out for justice to be predominant throughout all of Canada throughout all the United States at so many different levels that men would be leaders and not politicians and justice would be granted to everyone so I'm gonna pray and as I pray I believe the Lord is going to cement this deal in you that's crying he's placed it on my heart I'm not the giver of it I don't have anything to do with it other than I'm the messenger and the Lord will uphold his messenger but I ache for you so abba yahuveh and the name of Yeshua Messiah Ben Ali the Son of God may you hear the cry of your people may they recognize that an attack is an injustice and not complain but bring it to you your the righteous judge of all the universe surely our our issues our attacks are easy for you to handle there is nothing too hard for you you placed each of us here at this particular time you've taken us from one blood and formed what and many nations of people that and you've determined our pre appointed times you determine the exact place we should live and there's a purpose for each one of us being right exactly where we are and the enemy is trying to stop and dilute your kingdom and what you put us here to do and Lord I come on behalf of this people asking you to act on their behalf and render justice so that the Kingdom flourishes and darkness dispels you Oh God they're trying to stop you the enemy is trying to stop you when they try to stop this people they're trying to stop your plan when they try to stop each individual they're trying to stop your purposes and the reason why you searched through time and chose this time to place them here on earth and the enemy is trying to stop your plan and your wisdom and mock you and we ask you O God may your name Jehovah mishpat the God of justice be implemented into each of their lives o God we pray that you will grant unto them their prayer their petition that you will bring to their memory what needs to be prayed for even if it happened three generations ago bring it to their memory and may Justice reign and may they recognize and give testimony to the mighty hand of God who brought justice to their family to their bloodline to their life to their children make you receive glory and honor from it and may the name of Jesus be exalted who made all this possible we ask in his holy name amen [Music]
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 26,202
Rating: 4.9139166 out of 5
Id: XYiV1-MgFtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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