The Four Purposes of Man - Rick Joyner (2016)

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[Music] just consider them also why was it another since it Centurion that was the first from among the Gentiles to receive the Lord and so I'm just saying but first before I can say we just need to touch on these for purposes of man okay let me say this when the Lord when we were given the Great Commission to go into all the world that wasn't just geographical ston back going into every field every profession everything and and I believe some of the greatest ministries will never stand behind a pulpit like this we've got to see it now I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that because we've got to get this down we have to do this to mature and if we're not walking in our purpose we can grow in all kinds of knowledge have all kinds of experiences but still be immature okay for purposes of man first one was fellowship with God we're create for his pleasure nothing else will work without that as a foundation you know how those who are the most successful in any field or those who do the basics best it's true and the best golfers are out there every day practicing the basics over and over again the best Christians are doing the same you into all kinds of miracles and have faith to move mountains it says if you're not doing the basics it's not going to count the basic is loving God first above all things and if there's any way we can measure our maturity first it is we will be growing in love for God it's our number one job description as human beings loving God and number two is loving each other so that's fundamental that's as basic as we get so fellowship with God is first second was work man was cleared for work to do a job to cultivate the garden this is before the fall I've had so many people say well I thought work was the curse no toil was the curse toil was to accomplish with great and painful effort but work we were created to accomplish things okay it's in our nature psychologists have even recently determined that any any human being will go insane who is deprived of meaningful labor we're made to be doing something accomplishing something number three be fruitful and multiply what did the Lord say he was going to do to those branches that did not bear fruit in John 15 we've got to be bearing fruit if we're abiding in the vine we will be bearing fruit if we're not bearing fruit that is only evidence we're not abiding in him his life is flowing through us there will be fruit and multiply it you know he put it in every one of us to not just do it but to do it big you know ambition is not wrong selfish ambition is wrong but he put it in art how many of you have a vision for having an insignificant life no there's just something in our nature he made us this way to bear fruit and to multiply to do it big that's good we need that fourth purpose take Dominion rule authority and that what we have to do we've got to walk in all of these to accomplish our purpose just a couple of little hints I mean this deserves a whole lot more attention than I can give it now but I think you're mature enough you got you get it you got it every one of us has been given a garden we have a spiritual domain where we are supposed to walk with God cultivate bear fruit and multiply that fruit and we are supposed to have dominion over that garden now that's what we've got to find what is the spiritual domain that God has given to us now I think it's wherever we are I know school teachers that grab this they said I am taking dominion over my class I am going to be their Shepherd I'm gonna cultivate this garden I'm gonna sew seats and their life every chance I get and then I'm going to be sure to water those seats keep the weeds out keep the birds of the air out the demonic out take spiritual dominion over that garden I know housewife said I am taking dominion over my neighborhood and they start taking it personally if any of the neighbors kids get into drugs or have accidents or whatever they start taking spiritual dominion and they're constantly cultivating their garden I know some who have taken the grocery store they shop in they said this is my grocery store and they go in there to sow seeds they go in there with seeds all the time and with water too so the other seeds they've our Sun and pretty soon you watch these people they go in the grocery store the helpers will come up to them they know it because they're their Shepherd and they're bearing fruit and they're taking demand now I remember one teacher who told me you know she was a science teacher and she said you know I have really been blessed when I started doing this with my class I got promoted I became principal I did the whole thing with the whole school and I believe I'm supposed to increase again she said but what I really love is science I really feel like I need to take dominion over science I said that would work that would be great she really wants that to be her field where she is just sowing seeds watering them and seeing it brought to God or connected with God you know things like that mean if we are faithful in little things he'll make us ruler over the bigger things of course our families are part of that garden if you're if you are a leader or an elder and a church or something of course that's a primary garden that we have but where does God have you and how would it change if you started taking over your office that way and you can be the janitor and have spiritual dominion over a whole corporation if the president gets in trouble he'll come to you for counsel and you can start taking spiritual demand that's why I think you know didn't have Lord to his greatest works with small groups he didn't walk on water in front of everyone he grieved that gave the greatest teacher ever teaching ever given to just two people on the road to emmaus where was Christ preaching Christ from the beginning of the Scriptures to the end could it ever get better than that just two people heard that sermon we did we never heard it my point is I think some of the most anointed teachers will never stand behind a pulpit like this but they'll give incredible teachings at a lunch table and it will be anointed some of the greatest pastors they will be the ones pastor in their neighborhoods their offices their where they shop they but do you understand because if we quip the Saints to do the work of the ministry in what we call church now there's not enough time no space for everyone to function in ministry I think only a tiny fraction of the ministry of the church is supposed to be in what we now Church and this is important the gathering of ourselves together is important the meetings are critical but that's not the church churches 24 hours a day seven days a week we come together for corporate worship for vision see vision sometimes healing encouragement spiritual food but we leave these services to go to the front lines and this the front lines is where I believe most of the work of the ministry is supposed to be done in everyday life just like Jesus gave us an example so you got that now you know you've got to take your garden over and if you don't plant you don't call today it's the only gonna have weeds you know you just clear a field out there and let whatever grow all you're gonna see grow is weeds okay so you can be in God's eyes the greatest pastor on earth and nobody even know you're a pastor according to our typical present mentality you can be a shepherd you can be a prophet to corporations to companies to governments and things I see that throughout the Scriptures that was part of the job you know but the main thing is the relationship with God now this is my opinion and some things I could say with greater confidence thus saith the Lord but this is my opinion but up I believe that our greatest most intimate relationship with the Lord should be happening during the week not on Sunday mornings or not on Wednesday nights those are great those feuless and get us back out there and everything but it's it was when Adam walked with God in his garden that in his closest most intimate relationship with him we should be experiencing as much or more everyday in everyday life as we aren't in any church media now there is a dynamic of corporate worship and all that you just can't duplicate that way it's powerful and necessary and and you know we can't forsake the assembling of ourselves together and be an assemble but the main place I believe we're supposed to experience the Lord is in everyday life all right now I'm just going to be tossing a few other things out I don't have time to elaborate on and I'm out of here tomorrow so then clean up the mess there is a military demeanor coming up on the church we can't become what we're called to be without it now we know that we also know the weapons of our warfare are not carnal we're not an army that's being put together to wound or kill but rather the opposite to heal we're not turn out to conquer people we're out to set them free and so but it is a military force you know God uses the term Lord of Hosts or the title Lord of Hosts over ten times more than he uses any other title in Scripture and Lord of Hosts means Lord of armies it's waste literally translated and he is a martial god it says that throughout the scripture he is a military god a military leader and you know when the children of Israel left Egypt it says they were a great mixed multitude a mob kind of like us now before they got to the Red Sea it says they were marching in Marshall array look at how fast God got them in that now I just want to touch on a few things now because God's army is mobilized now the church is many things and we've got to be all of these things they don't contradict each other they all fit together we're called to be a temple we're called to be a priesthood we're called to be a field a holy nation we're called to be a bride but two things that were called to be which you hardly see any you know manifestation of it yet well I think it's gonna be the two greatest at the end we're called to be a city and we're called to be an army and what does the city look like we could stay along down there the beginning of faith was Abraham's vision of God's city all true sojourners are seeking that same city do we see the city he wanted to be a part of what God was built in not just men and he sacrificed everything to do that I think all true sojourners that's in their heart this is what compels them on now you guys are obviously sojourners you wouldn't be out here on a night like this doing this you're seeking your after but we've got to become that City now a manifestation that city is going to be set on a hill the world's gonna see it okay we're also going to be the army now there's some ways that we're totally different from any human military or earthly military there's some ways that we're going to be much more alike we're going to learn to form strategies with clear objectives we're going to know how to measure progress toward those objectives know how to mobilize the forces that we need or the resources that we need to take those objectives we're going to start thinking with military strategy and tics and things like that in a whole new way and it's going to make us much more effective much more able to bear fruit that remains and isn't lost again so quick to the world and we've been taking a lot of ground only to lose it right back to the enemy and then the enemy comes in seven times worse you know in the vacuum so we got to learn to take ground and then to hold it then to occupy until he comes so there are a lot of ways it's gonna work out I think we're gonna you know see more more that I wrote a book last summer on called the army of the dawn I got a real download on this many of these things I've been seeing for years but they just all came together in a rush and went down to write another book and I didn't even get started I got a download and this is important since then I just this week finished part to another volume of that the army that we're gonna see the church become and how this relates to us okay now one of the things when I was a brand new Christian the Lord starts speaking to me about about this and about an extraordinary company of warriors he was going to raise up in the last days you know there's a saying in the military there are many soldiers but not many warriors now soldiers can be great they can they can accomplish many things military but there's a difference in the military one of my best friends by the way I don't know if you got this in Canadian news but he was all over us news the last couple of days as a member of our boards Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin he was fired you know he's retired from the Army but he uh just got fired from me he taught a course at Hampton Sydney College on leadership and they fired him because the LGBT complained about him they fired him word went out all over instantly and there was such an overwhelming response in six hours later they hired him right back said heck were they all GPT where and that's all of the news today if you have the fox news watch that he's been on that a lot and it's on there yeah but Jerry's been a friend for a long time he's a member of our Board of our ministry but he uh he's also a part of the Family Research Council he but he spends two or three days a week all he does is meet with senators congressmen Supreme Court judges whatever and he seeks to educate them on what's really going on now Jerry grew up in the Delta Force he was one of the first officers in the Delta Force he was a commander Delta Force if any of you saw the movie Black Hawk Down he was a commander of Delta during that battle and some of the other battles he led the invasion of Panama and he's a guy that Noriega surrendered to and that but he's been one of our great American military heroes in America but he's almost always been in Special Ops and then he as he increased in rank they gave him at one time he commanded all Special Forces Navy SEALs you know all of them and all that and then he went on to head up our covert operations at CIA for a few years before he got promoted above that headed all Defense Department intelligence so he was been in a place over the last 30-some years probably understand what's going on the world better than anyone just because of his history and all but when I owned our air charter service and we got a contract to fly the Delta Force commanders and back then this was like in the early 1980s mid 1980s now Delta Force the US Army Delta Force was a prophetic force that was a result of Colonel Beckwith who's considered the father of the Delta Force had a vision when he was in Vietnam that terrorism was going to become a greater threat to Western civilization and to our country then communism was yeah at that time terrorism was not even a word they didn't know what he was talking about they were nobody was using that word and he had to get authority to stand up this Counter Terrorist force when nobody even believed it you know nobody's seen thing didn't know what it was before and if you read the story of the Delta its biggest enemy greatest enemy for its first 20 years was the US Army nobody liked him what do you think you're some kind of elite soldier you think you're better than us should have they had to steal their equipment and their weapons and all from the other army which they they I better not say some of this stuff they did but they are in the rusting army kept trying to put them out of commission but some general would get division understand it keep them alive occasionally a president would understand no we're gonna need this and then they became so effective you know when we went into Afghanistan you know Russians have been fighting them for 20-some years and left defeated couldn't win they've sent in some of our Delta guys some of the Green Berets just to spy out the land while we were building our army our forces in Kazakhstan I believe before we could put an army together the Delta guys had already taken over Afghanistan now they did it by calling in airstrikes and things like they used everything but one of these guys could be worth a whole battalion or maybe even more of other regular soldiers these are some of the most incredible people and I've gotten to know a whole lot of them and I can say this about them they are all a bunch of nuts they are crazies I remember first time Jerry Boykin came to our place at Heritage in and I every time I'm with him I picked a little bit more of their history trying to understand cuz the Lord told me this is a prophetic parallel of what he's gonna raise up that's why I'm sharing the story he is raising up an elite force these are the ones Jude Jude prophesied of that he of course was quoting from the Book of Enoch in Jude when he talks about the Lord will come with his fell it's literally if you read it in the literal original language his mighty ten thousand it's not tens of thousands at all like some translate it's literally ten thousand when the Lord starts showing me who these guys were guys and girls that uh I was thinking where are you gonna get ten thousand and the whole worth you know we haven't seen anything like this before and why is a young Christian he started showing me about this and I would find little pieces little things about this force that was coming over the years a book would give me insight and I've studied our military history and a lot of special forces and but the there's some right here in this room and if you're not one of these it doesn't mean that you're not can't do extraordinary exploits for the Lord or do great things maybe even greater I mean you need Regular Army - and but there are some extraordinary vessels right here in this room and they may not probably don't even know they are but if you know Bob Jones was and his Shepherds rudd thing any of you know that experience prophetic friend of ours used to have it once a year well his last one before he died I was in this experience with him and we were before the throne this the only experience bob has ever had of this type where somebody else was with him and we were before the run and the Lord was givin us both gifts and you know what my gift was 12 Babe Ruth candy bars awesome isn't it I knew immediately what it meant whose Babe Ruth he was the heavy hitter who changed the game he changed the whole game of baseball but also these candy bars are full of nuts I'm in first as I was saying a minute ago the first time Jerry came to our facilities at a heritage I said ok jury of all of my staff or people ring here that you've seen or met who do you think would make good Delta he didn't hesitate died Ben Lee there guys Delta really the Delta guys were such misfits they could not make it in the real army of the Regular Army they didn't fit it didn't work but he said that's exactly who they looked for because they were fighting an enemy that was developing all new strategies everything he said he had to have people that would think outside the box he couldn't have people with the Regular Army mentality now a lot of you have felt like misfits your whole life you were made that way you're a nut on purpose and given the right circumstances in the right place these nuts could be some of the most credible fires our History Channel did a special on all World Special Operations groups the South Koreans the Russians of British all of them together and at the end they all you know said who they thought was the most effective Special Operations Group in the world every single one of them named Delta Force and even our Navy SEALs everybody in fact the seals when they now these seals are incredible Special Ops people but you know this Delta turned down the the assignment to go get a sama bin Laden because that was so easy the seals can do that I'm just saying now is Navy I was nearly Navy I was kind of borderline Navy because even the Navy didn't I was in aviation and they didn't even think we were real military and we didn't act like it much but you know Delta guys don't use any military protocol they call officers by their first name grow their hair long they look like a bunch of hippies they because they did they're always undercover and they want to don't want to mess up somewhere and say hey colonel you know something like that to give away that they're military but that's one reason the military hated them so much in their formative years because they they wouldn't even salute officers or anything like that and they were so secretive this is a true story one of them his wife for 14 years thought that he worked for the telephone company because she had heard somebody call him and operated it's a true story I mean everybody they just showed up at this base nobody knew what they were doing they were so secretive but they were developing into an incredible force I think God has a lot of people hidden away like that okay he's gonna start gathering them together and they've got to be used correctly because they don't mix well I'm just saying I love these guys there's some my favorite people but they are out of the box weird now a couple of other things to have a military you know there's four stages you know talks about in Ephesians for the equipping of the Saints that's not even the first step that's step number three the first thing happens when you're brought into a military is you're taught they'll take two or three days of orientation teaching basic military behavior you know protocol and things like that teaching but then they move quickly to training where you know when I was a flight instructor I would always start by teaching my students this is the aileron this is that this makes this happen this you're out Terminator you're you know you have teach all the basics but then there's a time when you get in the airplane and I would take off I would take off the first time and show them basic maneuvers I demonstrate them but from then on you do it training begins when they take the controls and they're doing it how many of you would like to get in the back of an airliner and see the pilot up there say hey how are you doing how long you been doing this he said well I've never really done it but I've read a lot of books on this and I know you know it's gonna be good I don't know that too good you know I mean there's a difference but my point is I think probably 95 and it could be higher of a percent of what is done in church today is teaching we never even get to the training after training comes equipped that's when you give them their weapon this is your gun you take care of it this is how you take care of it and then the train keeps going to another level if if you're in a tiny thing you're assigned to a tank or in my case it was you know we were in the aircraft for a VA ssin but that's the equipping when you get the weapon where are the weapons of warfare that we've been given that are divinely powerful and should be tearing down strongholds everywhere we go the people have not been equipped and only after that comes deployment after you're trained after you're equipped then you go to the fleet in my case or to the to the your army regimen or division company whatever and you're deployed and but even then the whole time I was in then we got I was in some crises and I was in some situations where it was real serious and and and real but that was rare really even for combat soldiers they can be in combat for a few days and then they're given a few days off you're not in combat perpetually nobody can handle that but the the point is when we weren't in combat everything we did was training to get better and better and better at what we did and every time you know I was I was fortunately trained by one of the world's best pilots even trained the Israeli Air Force pilots who at the time had the best pilots probably in the world and but he made me inculcated into me every time you get in this airplane you say you will do it better than you did last time and in every way and constantly challenging yourself and as well as all the other challenges that come normally with that job but there there's something of that mentality to where I think you know you know I was I had some friends on the Washington Redskins football team this is years ago but they were playing their big rival the Dallas Cowboys on a Monday night game and and they want us to come a few days early just to hang out with them and I was amazed at their training and then the night before the game I was staying at the home of one of the players and he couldn't stay at home he had to stay with the team in the hotel even though it was a home game there right they had to say totally focused before they gained and what would happen if we took gathering for meetings that serious what would happen if we took our calling and purpose now you know I've done a lot of professional athletes and I really respect anyone that can make it to that level it is an incredible accomplishment I remember one time I was having lunch with three guys the table had all been Heisman Trophy winners which in our country that's the best college player for a year three of them at the table were Heisman winners and I said okay how did you get started every one of them it was from eight to 12 years old said I'm going to be this by the time they were 12 they knew what they were going to be and that was the focus they would spend hours a day everyday preparing for that from the time they were that young summertime they said when other kids went swimming to parties everything its I'd stay home and train I remember sitting in Reggie White's den with him one time we used to play for the Green Bay Packers is one of my best friends for years and another teammate came over he was also a Hall of Fame player and they were just sitting around talking and all of a sudden got real serious and I can't remember which one but one of them just said you know there there are people in every single city we play in they could be doing what we're doing better than we're doing it they just didn't have the discipline they had the skills they had the talent and I remember you know Reggie when he was in high school went out for high school football now he was a gigantic defensive lineman and for a while he was the highest-paid player I don't know I think he was only defensive player there became the highest-paid in the league for a while but he uh when he went out for high school football they his coaches would beat him up every day punch him with her fists every single day nobody else didn't touch any other player just Reggie finally he said he couldn't take any more he just burst in to the head coach's office say coach why is it why are you guys picking on me all the time beating me up and don't do it to anybody else on the team I said I'll tell you why he said we went to the parents of all the players to see to get their permission to do this and your mother's the only one gave us permission true story I said through a few games with his mother I tell you I would say the safest place in the stadium's on the field but great lady but tough know now Reggie was one of two guys that got to go to college on a scholarship from this team of course he was all-american became you know all-pro for 13 years you know one of the best players ever but it was tough yeah reason I'm saying that is because if you're going through a lot of stuff maybe it's because of your and says Solomon used to chafer under his father's discipline he said the same thing why is it I can't get away with the same things you let my brothers and sister get away with and David's response was they're not called to be the king don't waste your trials don't run from your training embrace them we're all going through them comes with life we've been dropped behind enemy lines the whole world lies in the power of the evil one and you know in this thing you can't just in a battle you can't just say wait a minute stop shooting I've got a headache timeout stop this doesn't work that way tell you what we've got to get used to being in a battle until this life is over it's going to be a fight just get used to it but Warriors not only learn to embrace it they love it they run to the sound of battle not away from it James had counted all joy when you encounter various trials because the testing of your faith it's more in leader size more precious than gold says in acts 14:22 pulse it through many tribulations shall we enter the kingdom of God when I saw the title of this conference advancing the kingdom you know what that means ratcheting up the trials that's how the kingdom advances from pulse it through many tribulations shall you in count show you enter the kingdom in every trial every tribulation there is a gateway to the kingdom if we would learn to find it we could get through those a lot faster so we gotta start in every trial okay here's another opportunity to enter the kingdom go deeper into the kingdom build my life on the kingdom more you're gonna have the trials so why not make the most of it there's one friend of mine you say you never failed one of God's tests you just keep taking them until you pass so why not just let's get over these let's learn to seize these opportunities don't waste your trials don't waste any of them but look for that gate to the kingdom look for the is he trying to cause you to grow in love growing patience grow in faith what is he trying to do here why yeah I know a lot of us can look back say huh wasted trials for thirty years I've wasted so many well he can make up the years at the locust of Eden just get going now it doesn't matter we're here now for a reason and we want to finish strong it may take us a while to finish that it may not let's finish strong and but there's this this I think warrior mentality that you're gonna see arising and they love to fight and because they know here's another opportunity here is another opportunity so do you see the opportunities presented to you if they're more severe than other people going through just consider it could be because you've got a higher purpose you've got a calling that requires this kind of training tough training now the UH one other little thing I wish I could develop this son but I remember when I first went to boot camp and everybody had to go through boot camp didn't matter if you're going to be on submarines or aircraft carriers didn't matter everybody goes through the same basic training because everybody has to get the same basics and but we started marching like second day and by the fourth or fifth day that was most of our day was marching I'm thinking the whole time why are we doing this I'm in the Navy I am never gonna march around that ship now that I'm in aviation on no we're not gonna march around the airplane why are we wasting this time it wasn't about March it wasn't about looking good on parade day when we graduate it was about learning to listen hear instructions and follow them immediately instantly at first if you didn't hear right and the whole company goes this way and you go that way you just look stupid and everybody laughs at you after about a week or so it gets more serious 50 pushups run two miles what I mean it's and then it gets real serious we used to have what are called blanket parties that's not politically correct we did it which if they you know after a while if one person messes up the whole company is doing push-ups the whole company is running miles whatever is you made everybody go through this so at night they would come in and throw a blanket over them and just beat the dog out of them you know part of growing up in the Navy or the Air Force er by the way do we have any Marines in here Marine Corps former Marine sir we're not in the u.s. so I guess not whenever we did have Marines I always try to get a sailor to sit next to him in case I use a big word I'm just saying but uh if we love our Marines it's why we own them keep them know the listening hearing right now may be one of our biggest problems I tell you okay I'm just saying and I don't have time not to you the full truth the whole truth I am yet to meet anyone that has not had military you know experience or a high level of team sports experiences that does not have a problem hearing hearing instructions hearing god Jesusa be careful how you hear I was talking to one coach Joe Gibbs a couple of years ago we were having lunch and because we won his golf tournament I just need to brag a little bit wouldn't me I had a player that he won it we just carried his bags and watched him basically but uh we're having lunch and he said this is the biggest problem he had coaching professional football players at at the you know he had three Super Bowl championships but he said this was one of the biggest problems he had on every team is getting his players to he to to recognize the instructions to hear the instructions to get to play right and then to get the whole team on the same play doing their part because it takes everybody doing the right thing for these things to work now I remember I had to go through Marine Corps infantry training even though I was in aviation and in the Navy because we've all got assigned to a ground Defense Force at that time we did no basic infantry stuff and I remember one time when we learning to set up what I call fire teams and where you have three or four men fire teams that you set up and set up a defensive perimeter or whatever and they they told us they say you know if we tell you to go set up your fire team at this point and you get over there and see another place a little bit further that's a much better position and you decide you're going to move over to that because it's a better position if the enemy doesn't kill you we're gonna kill because if fire we start seeing fire coming from a place we didn't send anybody we're gonna think you're the enemy now I got more serious when I'm flying if if I don't hear the right altitude the right heading right airspeed in some cases it's really not gonna end up well you've got an image still you know flying into some of these airports like oh error and and all when they're caught they don't have time for you to read back your clearances at the busiest airport you've got to hear right and if you don't it can really be bad so that's one of the things you know you just have now I tell you in the days to come if we are not able to hear when the Lord says don't go down that road it's gonna be life and death he said we were not going to survive if we did not know his voice much better than we do now much better this is one of the things we've got to focus on his communication he's the captain of the host he's the one directing his forces greatest general we could ever have greatest captain no question about it but we've got to hear him and then it's not just hearing they cause us to build our house on the rock it's hearing and obeying not debating you know this is a real serious issue and it's gonna be really devastating it's already I can promise you this and it's probably across the board it's already cost us far more than we most of us could imagine not to have heard his word when he tried to give us direction at Dimes many of the trials we've gone through were not him were not necessary he'll still use them work things out in our life we need to learn to use them but a lot of more unnecessary it's what reads and Peter if you know if we're encountering various trials it says if necessary which means for some it's not they've got it they don't need anymore they're doing it they've they've got this why are we still going through a whole lot because we're not learning the lessons now I didn't come to make you feel good I've come to make you get serious because we're entering really serious times I think the greatest times we really can live the greatest adventure there has ever been on the earth we can have we if if we make it through these times we're gonna see I think the most exciting things that have ever happened on the earth but we want to make it so we get to see these things it is the day we are coming to the day now there's a lot more I could share about this but I don't want to where yeah I felt like he had a full meal before I even got up here I mean all this stuff was tremendous it was coming out that testimonies and all but I can say it's we've got to get connected in a local church life too or we're not going to make it you know there are two basic words used for church in the New Testament which is ecclesia which speaks of the government the structure and then there's Koinonia in the south of real pronunciations Keenan Nia but in the south we made it perfect call a Koinonia but uh no there's Koinonia is a bonding together so strong that is so strong you cannot separate the parts without both dying now and the only place I've ever seen anywhere in the word where it gives us the reason why Christians are weak or sick or in some cases die prematurely it's because they don't have Koinonia there in first Corinthians just talking about communion common union that word is the greek word quintanilla now I think it's hard to find Quintanilla anywhere in the world then either still place I've been but I've been in a lot of places a lot of churches a lot of movements it is rare to find that we've got to we've got to have it we've got to have we've got to have that local church life I think one reason we don't have as many have tried to build on ecclesia first without having Koinonia first that's not the way they did it in the New Testament they start when they had Koinonia then they would come bring the ecclesia you understand that that you don't need a wineskin - you got some wine flowing and but I just ask you to search that out if we've got to be bonded together as we're called to be you know not only we're not being trained and equipped and deployed as we should you know I've asked thousands of people in conferences haven't even knew their calling usually it'd be about 5% or less only maybe half of them are in any degree walking in them how well would you be doing if 5% of your body was working it's something we've got to do and we've got to do this now it says it's got to be the proper functioning of each individual part and I think one of the main reasons for church splits and so many people falling away not in fellowship and church life a mores because of the frustration they feel a calling something and maybe am Biggers whatever but they're atrophying in our typical church life and the frustration builds up got to have people deployed but you don't want to deployed until they're trained right but if you get them in that at least some real serious training and equipping and some deploying that's enough encouragement to keep them going and usually it is life-changing you know someone go on a mission trip radically change their life and I just seeing God move and you know we've of course had prophetic ministry for many years and it's awesome the transformations you see when someone receives a word that's great but it's nowhere close to what happens to somebody when God uses them to give a word it's like that takes them to a whole new level of encouragement and all and being plugged in so we got to get people doing what they're called to do functioning in this this body it's our job if we're pastors teachers evangelists prophets or apostles it's our job and but I think we're going to see it now that book I wrote the army of the dawn I think he gave me some wisdom and strategy for how this transformation is going to come and very practical transformation I elaborate on it a whole lot more than the second volume but we've got to do this now we really have to do this so let me throw out one other thing they I had the Lord asked me a question he uh and this one encounter he's said you always thought that it meant that wherever two or three are gathered there he is in the midst of them they're men if just two or three of you could get together I'll be there said yes he said have you ever considered that if you have more than two or three I'm not going to be there no I didn't and he brought me back to something we've been doing back in the 80s and early 90s maybe when several friends and I we would go to cities trying to bring unity in the body of Christ so we wouldn't go to a city unless a high percentage of the churches in that city came together to bring us there if they wouldn't do that together we said you're not ready and Lord just asked me another question how much fruit came from that you know we had good meetings live stuff happened I look back at every one of those cities I don't see any unity in the churches he said you should have started with two or three then I would have been there I would have been manifested there you could have seen me you would have built on the only foundation that remains that relation then you can add more he said that would have brought unity I'm just saying our churches and we got a lot of people in our church we do this we got to start all over do I need to kick all these people out start again or what how are we gonna get there he said no but you got to learn to take your you know like we did in the infantry build your fire teams build prayer teams Vangelis t'k team please but make them small keep them two or three and after they've matured operating two or three then they can add others as they can but keep them small they're far more effective now all the fire teams they were in a squad that became a platoon became a company so forth you're connected to the big army but I think we've got to learn to build small teams and then teach them train them equip them send them out set them out there we've got to see the army come forth and we got to see the city and all of this is related now I'm gonna try to elaborate on some of these things tomorrow but you know the the word that I felt like he showed me would begin to show me I want to wait hopefully we'll be able to share with you tomorrow for Calgary but I can tell you this you're connected to Edmonton that's two gathered together two cities maybe throw Red Deer in the middle or whatever but but there's some kind of but you know I had this encounter with the Lord a couple of summers ago it was a closest I've ever felt in my relationship to the Lord totally change or is changing my relationship to Lord and may share a little bit about that tomorrow but one of the things he said you know I was he said you're a friend and no longer a slave I didn't know how to be a friend that was the most awkward thing in the world for me my era I've had many encounters with the Lord I've had two physical visitations of the Lord one where he put his hands up laid hands on me there's I've had many or quite a few where I was caught up into the heavenly realm caught up before his throne all of them for me were to get orders tell me what to do I'm a slave I've been trying to be the best slave I could be if you asked me I wasn't even getting close to being one that deserved a promotion but you know he always grades on a curve it's called grace you know but for some reason he felt like okay I'm giving you a promotion he said now I've got to deliver you from the slave mentality he said but you couldn't have gotten here without it this is a whole new thing but I didn't know how to relate to him as a friend my first words at my mouth Lord when I get to the beach I was going to I'm gonna finish this book for you you know he said any I can get he said Labor's cheap he said I can get anybody write those books he said but I don't have many friends people just want to spend time with him and I mean this I didn't know how to do this and but this is what really Quinn and he is it starts with friendship it starts with family you know we're family reason he wants his church built on Koinonia first then you add ecclesia as you need it because this church is called first and foremost to be a family not an organization if we ever lose that family that we're called to be we've lost we've gotten off-track we're not becoming what we were called to be but then he started this whole thing look it's not what you do for me it's what you become who are you becoming now I want to share a little bit more about that tomorrow cuz to me that's the essence of true prophetic ministry simple friendship with God were you such a good friend where says a mystery where he won't do anything without revealing to his servants the prophets it's not that he obligated himself under the law or anything not to do anything without telling them first but it's he doesn't want to because they're his friends it's like he told Abraham when he told the Angels he's cannot do this thing the earth without sharing with my friend Abraham and that's the real essence of being prefer getting so close to God he doesn't want to do anything without sharing it with you and that's available to anybody sitting in this room tonight fact you could be his best friend in the last days that place is open to whoever wants it the most and this is a truth sound biblical truth we are all as close to God as we want to be right now do you think I'm not very close after didn't move who wants it bad enough everybody wants it when they hear about but who wants it better people asked me here you think you're gonna be one of those 144,000 no that's too low I'm gonna be one of those two witnesses so there's room for one more could be in this room and no I don't know you know I do have a competition a few friends Sid Roth is one of them every time we talk I'm closer to God than you are now I've gotten ahead of you we got this holy competition she says provoke one another to love her good deeds doesn't it so I've got a few others that I have this competition it helps helps I know uh Bruce Wilkinson guy wrote the JJ bez prayer I had this thing going with him I'm gonna get closer to God than you oh no you're not then he came to visit one time he was so close it was scary I mean it was really scary he had been spending a minimum of 70 hours of week in the word and in the in prayer and but it helps me to have friends like that but you know there's some I have a corner nail with they don't have to live close by we got to say em we're friendly competition why not why not have those that help pull you along drag you along push you so there's room for one more witness but lord I want to ask you for all these hungry people here they wouldn't be here if they weren't hungry you say if we seek you we will find you lord I ask you I ask you for prophetic dreams I ask you reliefs dreams tonight we don't even want to waste our sleep lord Lord I ask you right now for the greatest gift the greatest gift that we could have and that's love for you when your son Jesus prayed his last night before he was crucified that the same love wherewith you loved him would be in us father I ask you to give us your love for your son Jesus that you will fill us with that same love that he prayed and I know you hear his prayers I know you will answer his prayers there will be a people that walk in that I ask you Lord make it Lord we want to be that people where Paul said the love of Christ controls us Lord that that could be said of us too it is the drive of our life to know you and we can't know you without loving you Lord we ask you for revelations first of who you are where you sit show us your city that would compel us like Abraham to do whatever it takes to be a part of that and Lord we ask you to lead us forth with vision and purpose but most of all of serving the greatest king there will ever be and being the best servants we could possibly be for the Great King I ask you for every one of these in part that love and part that hunger in part that desire that it would control us from this night forward in Jesus name [Music] [Music]
Channel: Frontline Church
Views: 4,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Conference, Prophetic, Prophecy, Bobby Conner, Bob Jones, Rick Joyner, John Paul Jackson, Frontline Church, Seer Prophet, Shawn Bolz, Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, Che Ahn, Harvest Rock Church, John Arnott, Carol Arnott, Catch the Fire, Lance Wallnau, Prophetic ministry, Randy Clark, Todd White, Michael Koulianos, Benny Hinn, Paul Keith Davis, Whitedove Ministries, Frontline Worship Centre, Chuck Pierce, Glory of Zion Ministries
Id: 9an2DQFAx-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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