The Journey (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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never ending our series entitled simple and we just simply saying discipleship is not easy I'm gonna tell you been in the discipleship for the longest time in 14 years spawn and as a discipleship group a call and the disciple poor who I'm being discipled up until now poor among appear discipleship community in a tower and disciple in someone so discipleship is not easy but it's simple while many police if nama he wrapped or complicated it's actually doable and transferable in fact a handful of fishers men fishermen 2,000 years ago a handful of housewives Nozomu suited for a Jesus they managed to turn the world upside down so come back a little a little a bunch of mana theologian II did a bunch of my Pharisees these are a bunch of ordinary unschooled people who under the lordship of Jesus Christ managed to turn the world upside and we've been saying under Dean discipleship and from the first time Paul I need to those not in time idea and discipleship it means you're just a follower of Jesus you're not a follower of anyone you just follow Jesus whatever Jesus said it's a Bible he calls the shot and it's not a selectively following him depending consumption he follows our arena finances there is a Arian and love like my emotion soon then when they say follow Jesus is an all-or-nothing deal and a disciple also not just follows Jesus but also fish for other men fish for people fish for lost people now you can be a Christian for the longest time at the kopo kopo dito and you haven't really brought someone to Jesus in fact in America the average spot of number of Christians to bring one people to Christ around 85 I believe it takes 85 the born-again it's the one I mean only a source so can opened easily like the disciple and also a disciple is someone who fellowship someone a cop are born again to encourage one another daily and last you've talked about that how do we fellowship because we need to mature and today we're going to talk about the journey of this and Christianity latina power of man and at the moment you receive cries the moment embrace Christianity but for my move now from being a new Christian to become a mature everybody say mature I'm mature follower of Christ and lassika talk about to malama spirit orb anjing okay 40 years old Alitalia papa 25 years scale is a victory in here wanting my friend Colin orphan ki God wanting me my sad below me personally paternal bond church and the EcoPOD happen born-again churches bow mannequin Alito's add a memo in the code man because you're looking for a perfect Church and again but Nikita mind in a perfect I said Nando Anna okay so and in the goal is Christ likeness to become like Christ and and patellar tendon Amanpour complicated every time a word simplest mention it also means clear there's clarity if something is so simple it's a very clear command of the execute command of gamete and in fact your puncher should not be complicated you've been joined in a bit from being born again all the way put it aside join in and it should not be complicated in fact that but I love a good nothing only in event and I think one big goal nothing and purpose not and then church that in that I work nothing remember when Jesus said I will build my church he had in mind something about the church say Tata Union and in fact women are famous logos await Papa Gita senorita animal brand Pau and you can easily say in one word and you mean a market nila it's a base of a tiny tsunagaru on dopamine Nikita Rio Sabine Johanna being a bent and a monitor number one KFC let me examine Oh barbecue okay chicken right next Starbucks coffee Toyota Nike Angels burger your favorite your burger develop Alan and now lastly Church come on one word give me one word this pile of electrical I'm said Church okay what comes to mind but where is if nothing in word the church ma-maybe mobile and Ito heaven Jesus salvation and no poem become me some power but only possess a born-again to offer Misaka Misaka Benevento say Oh Murray Leto you costumer is in it and like Starbucks when you go to Starbucks you know very clear and you can call it back Ilana one word ventures gonna you know offer it's really a big deal because for you bailing on up in your clarity because clarity allows people to know what to expect exactly that's what exactly what to expect from any organization so if you're gonna invite someone to victory or to born again born again I don't know nothing John and you don't know what to tell them you have no one world - what we're offering then we have a problem in fact according to this book simple Church by by Tom Rainer sattva-guna many of our churches have become cluttered and come in often go on unknown me but being going on in my mature chest so cluttered that people have a difficult time encountering the simple and powerful message of crimes soak laughter that many people are too busy doing Church instead of being the church guys one word there should be a clarity of purpose why was it created in the first place there was no church for in the Old Testament remember the word Church ecclesia was introduced by Jesus Christ and it says there in in Matthew 16:18 remember when Jesus had this survey SWS serve Asia and he's trying to get the feel of what people think of him and that means in a good time on a disciple yeah so you know Elijah and all but then suddenly Jesus I tell you Peter because Peter mentioned that you are the sandal this you are the Messiah the Son of the Living God and suddenly Jesus gave Peter I tell you you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church from the very statement that you mentioned Peter that I am the son of God the Son of the Living God I'm gonna build my church and report children in church a Tata Union and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it you see a picture the idea the one word purpose of Jesus Christ when it comes to it's it's advancing have you ever seen Anita the gates of hell see Nanak advanced I didn't gate night oh my back okay they keep people they shot people out isn't it from entering so something that you gate don't know hell because we're on the offense the church are constantly advancing we should always be on the go we should always be on the forefront we should be the one paving the way double-teaming as a political but myself I in Mehsana that's among a showpiece not at 9:07 engineering not potala hot and laggy now or not because we are the church we have a powerful message to share and if you are here and just sitting here every Saturday were missing on the very purpose white church was established in the first place we can even have a one word this is a big sign you're under put your children in church in Matthew 28:19 it says therefore go remember the kingdom of God is forcefully advancing and submitted Jesus on what you said Peter I'm gonna build my church and it's gonna be an advancing moving Church in the gates of hell right so I know see the defensive and defend no no power of the enemy can break through don't suck in a car nothing offends you often snap and it's gonna go and it's just gonna move forward with or without you that's why when the Bible says therefore go it means from where you are you receive Christ you can never stay this way for the rest of your life because we have a mandate we have a commission go and share the glass value mass in a burrito sharing the gospel is part of it but it's not just sharing the gospel it's gone and making disciples of all nations clarity and simplicity from this verse one word go one word disciple you see the danger is when we lose this thing the cone and make this iPhone turn remember the story this one restaurant way back it's it's actually a story I don't know if it's true there was this one Gris and behind impunity sang you know you grill you put mija one mirando poom is unrest or and a Pine Island house of God grill so Nakula human autonomy some curious Nellie lucky seven mano take a look into the latin-american aratake alumina a second man what's up why did you call your restaurant house of God grill um you la luna la luna la luna NOLA hall okay started bees it used to be a church unfortunately Manila you a mallet pound on the next town will be miles away so when when my great-great-great grandfather started the church people after the church let go go thumb along the way so I spotted this small green ler to grill some steak but a possum on a churchgoer for them to buy at a minimum price I get in the picture so lo and behold the mapping unfamous my Habana you peel and more didn't glued guess that don't send me purple as a church there's I've been alone in a harem Emilie de ballet lucky huh nothing to restaurant later than a nap in your church so in occupying space London Reston and on the church to open for more dining tables and then Aviva mill Adam Adam in a thousand restaurant in gingers per continent picante and this have been intolerable my toe will tangle in a church multi-unit I in the house of God grill that's why the church was dissolved and then now there's a wrestler and the house of God Grill in normal Church it loses the very purpose of its existence in the first place I don't know if it's true but let me tell you a true story from this book mission drift if you read this book there are a lot of organization you used to be a Christian organization and oil an apple you know Alana poor young purpose one organization I'll allow you to guess what organization this is this is their motto this is their goal this is their purpose to be plainly instructed and considered well that the main end of your life and studies this is a famous University in America if your life and studies is to know God and Jesus cry it's founded in 1636 this organization employed exclusively Christian professors they emphasize character formation in students above all else okay and they place among a strong emphasis on equipping ministers and student to share the good news anybody guess 1636 established matute in diploma to peak alledged okay yes you're correct that's Harvard in fact when I checked my diploma because I graduated there Harbor Cubao cycle tickler every seal phone and diploma was written these words truth for Christ and the church the truth the words Veritas that's a Latin word for truth nah II could put on your Cristo air ecclesia truth for Christ and the church did you know eight years after its founding the very foundation Ella for a born-again Christian but just 80 years after its founding it drifted away from the very purpose but hakuna latina unit in fact a handful of human a devout putin's a purpose who - Miwa lag and approach this one philanthropist his name is le hui' yale and started a new camp was with the same heart pyramus Doble go very fast Lancia did at the company le hui' yell nun an untruth and light but did you know they still managed to to make their legacy of academic excellence still intact but neither school resembles what their original purpose was neither of them in fact see Steven Muller he's the president of John Hopkins on the 350th anniversary celebration when a Harvard he was invited to speak and he said this the bad news is this university has become gladness that's only 350 years after its founding in fact on the 80th year belong it drifted away from its original purpose a former president poonam Harvard which this guy see Larry Summers subpoena things Devine have been central neither to my professional nor to my personal life Wow he confessed that he's a former president of Harvard University he's the one who calls the shot he's the one who made those important decisions in him since a Pina Christian is very far from my professional and personal life it's loses its original purpose if you read if you read the book this YMCA the origin of pawnshop it didn't start that way not only when Jesus said and the gates of Hell will not overcome it my hope is that we will never lose sight of the very purpose my church spire the called out ones that Lycia the very purpose of our existence you're not just called to sit here every Saturday believe me that's not what Jesus had in mind you see not be done I'm gonna build my church and they're gonna sit every Saturday 4 to 5:30 4:30 to 5:30 but 5 to 5:30 ameba believe me that's not what Jesus had in mind Bill Hybels said the local church is the hope of the world I believe so imagine with me for a moment imagine a world imagine a society without Church because church is where we learned a character we will learn godly character we learn we get our fading imagine an organization without Jesus in the middle of it imagine a palang guy now along born-again Church drops for nog Rafi sex and violence corruption you're gonna wake up some day going V naught into to Caesarea saw him imagine waking up in the gig this place flooded with nightclubs hotels and casinos so if we're not gonna wake up and really adhere to the challenge to go and make disciples we might wake up one day human opponent opponent and they're gonna wake up the norm will be for nog raphy some on a billboard will anime on the normal big casinos the norm will be motels the mall with drugs the norm is same-sex marriage it's gonna be the norm if we lose sight of the very purpose white church was created in the first place in America it's happening this is article now how will the shocking decline of his child in America affect the future of this nation they're shutting Jesus out of the picture according to this research eighteen point seven percent of all Americans regularly attend church right now only eighteen seven point seven percent they're founded by Christians by the way there the Constitution is based on the Word of God and it says here if this number continues decline the current pace also says that the percentage of American attending church in 2050 will be half of what it's today all son is is one is a church planter it's a present of this church planting group and their shopping Jesus out of the picture according to the study fifteen percent of all American says they have no religion Wow no wonder tell you what Canon a shooting rampage among high school and elementary school in America isn't it no wonder same-sex marriage will be the norm in all of the state eventually no wonder corruption with me well a moral character when you look at the problem unless an end on and those companies the well a moral integrity now let me tell you something let me warn you when we ask when any church loses the spirit of the Great Commission it surrenders the very reason for its existence Satan is working double-time look we cannot take things sitting down if you're saying or Henneman ago India became on a call Indian a movement is nama Agra Indian man hold up the drugs I'm good really it's just a matter of a generation away before you knew it we've lost the battle by default because we're merely attending here now don't get me wrong my papa tarsal on it then let me open Hansel on it don't get me wrong some a first time we do get hit galatea indeed cuz it lasts not the way cooling helical Nanaimo Parma in Indiana on the you're not just called to sit here every Saturday you're called to be more than just an we're called advanced we're called to mature we're called to move we're called to develop ourselves from born again even Kaposi Jesus Christ you cannot stay that way we have to mature that's why we're having this series simple intro sound of all it will move us I'm gonna share to you the simple strategy the offense strategy need Jesus Christ you see what is Jesus's simple strategy to change the world because if you are here with me if you agree with me that only when Jesus is in the picture that marriage will be solved Eucharistic appear no with the done go in more corrupt don't it's gonna be useless see Jesus at Langley less of Milan young see Jesus of a like a second-class or see Jesus until an assassin at door unless Jesus is in the picture never breaking point I gotta walk about it it's never gonna work it's only when Jesus comes to the picture because he's advancing his church so the challenge is you wanna be part of it miss suma so mama rose a bandwagon of advancing this kingdom and never settle here every Saturday enjoying life mama teleporting on heaven you're right are you gonna make a dent in this world then one day they're gonna say I have been part of that movement that changed the world let's pray lord we thank you reading reading a lot of my heart Naaman to understand fully that you have called us more than just being a Saturday effendi here you have called us to greater things you have called us longer to do to accomplish greater things for you you're gonna set in your world we're gonna do mighty exploits and father here we are ready be used by you open our hearts today Lord in Jesus name Amen so let's study then Jesus came to them and said all authority in heaven was given to me in dealing heaven and also on earth so Jesus was speaking here it was on the Mount and when he said to his disciple come meet me in the mountain because I'm gonna go back to the Father the disciples have no idea what's next for them imagine Jesus was crucified forty days ago he rose from the dead on the third day and here he is you want to be saipan you're in fear in trembling that in Isabella by Dionysus read the manga Romans casts a copper Cardinale to see Jesus in a booth high genic I let me land in our own opinion banker in otaku not in perrito boy bander young so they're all afraid so Jesus approached them Jesus met them on this mountain in 70 cases don't worry although Authority was given to me in heaven and earth for what let me give you some of Jesus's authority he has authority to forgive sins yes authority to mediate that the father is the authority to send the Holy Spirit to open the hearts and mind of his people to reveal the father to give eternal life to raise us up on the day on the last day that is part of his authority so Omega thority you boast Magana polyatomic again in fact coming down on the boy I'm iliza become a time high such as a mouse are you gonna be kinda boy you got the bucket on peanut I am Boyka height and more with the lid sasame Hosea now after saying that he has all the authority and people if you're an amazing something what's it what is it to me and only over my authority car was what is it for and Jesus didn't say Allah peace or be a good wife be a good husband be a good children to your parents no no no just like jollibee just like McDonald's just like Starbucks just like Nike he had one thing in mind to use the authority it says here go everybody go go not sit not wait go dianna move go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you in verse 20 I am surely I with you always to the very end of the age but the purpose of the authority and today we're gonna see the strategy that Jesus has given us and our movement we're part have you been a pattern lump or Nothing strategy not in our journey as a disciple from starting on day one of the definer kohonen Italian hold what did Jesus had in mind and he may learn nothing he says I don't have the time for it says he therefore go and make disciples of all nations you see when the word says go it's not a waiting game it's not you're sitting here and you're praying Lord Zanna mecanim meeting the problem at the Lord Lord chenna you you've been on call European uncle Lord um but couple very much I'm not in there you keep on telling healing an alumnae Lord but a lotta hoie kidnap what would you please shut up and eat oh no no it's not a waiting game it's a proactive game we're not waiting for them I'm a cup of lemon we're going with we're knocking on their doors you don't just wait you go and you don't just go and share the gospel you go and make them a disciple and in the sabbath of all nation years were proselyting the world and when you say god it's not something that you compartmentalized i will go and make disciples but cut off Mattos of work no that's not the way it is we go where the people are at we go to the lost people James Hudson Tyler you know this guy of course one of the greatest missionary fall time he's a British prophet Protestant Christian even from a wealthy family but at the heart for China for 51 years he stayed in China you can society in an incident in Ibiza Chania was responsible for bringing over 8 hundred missionaries to China that was between 1832 to 1905 he was one 1832 and not only that humanity kneeling upon missionaries he started the hundred 25 schools in China he was direct you pogie the one Allah directly resulted to 18,000 conversion from Chinese to born again and you can see he supposed to Samana anything an amalgamation Eric I said during the time you don't an indica not aqui salamu ha in terms of changing your culture but he's the one of those missionary would change the way he dressed he dressed like a Chinese maybe pigtails yeah because he's trying to immerse himself to the people whom he want to reach if you're here but not focus on me office Monica Yossi break my human he'll be born again because a cubicle Monica Keena can podcast a pastor Jeff until a Samba maangchi game accuracy kayo mama take us impaired your boy bhai on we imply run higher you're not called to be in your cubicle every break and go out there immerse yourself engage them regardless of your job regardless of your word whether you're a farmer a priest a farmer you're a student go when you say go it means I like I'd bleep and more and you see our discipleship process is very clear the starting point is always engaged when you say engage it's a movement we go and make disciples we engage our culture and community unless we go and engage our family our relatives our of office mates our classmates in the pool in America alum coming on quick oh he means I'm on hold he can see Apostle Paul my pocket angel Dakini makuhita you angel my angel condenado angel locsin in the colon casino angel my papa he Tehran he call no you angel lay on you see when you say engage it always stand it starts with a handshake it just hi hello you see you start the conversation this is our co-founder rice Brooks he taught us how to start the conveyor engage an acrostic poem engages the word salty was a gotta be more salt you start the conversation me office maitika is that the home position because Li this that conversation mean I second taxi in start the conversation you you just engage them and then after that you ask question good mama take a book as mine on but in depending on Hindi cannot belong but the packets are your provincial I start this question I know hobby more and even likes more you're engaging you're starting a conversation and then most specially you listen Center provincial deduct data when you're engaging your classmates when you're engaging your office mates because the goal is not just to start the conversation you ask questions so Anna Lilla you listen and then eventually you tell this story what story the gospel you see the end goal of engage I'm engaging someone for the last two years I'm engaging of people number one people and I can share the gospel but whether it's a one-year process it's a one-week it's a one-day - one hour process the end goal of engaging is eventually you will share the gospel otherwise it's just a conversation if you're part of whatever Club rotary alliance kharkhorin mob both clubs in all if you're part of any of it and well uncle it's just it's just an institution it's just an organization without the gospel it's just a kitchen we build connection we will try to be to be relevant to them we're trying to relate and eventually if there's an opening shared the gospel are you nodding but let me say it's a provincial do you want us to pray for your mother the top owners myself my own only go to Tuscany ever known and attend events in Lord be more one of our tool is one-to-one because of you in person openness for gospel kalin-san and he took up a stone ego magazine in there a one-to-one a booklet now neck evolved my and Paris on your through the years was dole a multi professors me up Libre it download Milan be bigger than a Wi-Fi connection he download Milan and upon excuse mommy I looking at make Mombasa made from college my anything oh Allah miron sha share the gospel and ones over the powerful tool again the gamma Thomas to jump in at the end no mom I saw was a whole way among apart an elementary magician and grasped in Hanuman's our yoke young Yahoo's are your recent business a trabajo more you know handle too near agents a market market how in the world a twelve-year-old girl will have a heart for her classmate I say nuggets now community Gucci Sharon and gas belt of a class may cause impair not to lean at all and who knows become a success Antonin boos mr. Kazan tone Angie format I belong you're only working Bible an encounter for the rest of her life I particle immune so office more and what are you doing you're busy earning money don't get you know that's good but when you say go go and make disciples I should go being a student make disciple I should go being an engineer make disciple as you go being a housewife make disciple whatever you're doing don't compartmentalize discipleship I'm of the disciple Hoppus you go Rebecca Miami now but graduate now gonna college know you're getting it all wrong discipleship same please showing the goodness of God sharing your testimony see not Alana these disciples Jesus a bit you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you you will be my witnesses you're gonna make disciples in Jerusalem what's Jerusalem in human a Luger una comfort zone event relatives comic Anna what else you're all Judy are your neighbors in this of mariya those people whom you hate you mark our he must share them with a gospel cuz if up the ping was our language patterns and in Makaha ye and also to the ends of the earth when we engage people something happened a lot of people will help Omaha Oh Sam one advertisers posted boo say some advertisements a newspaper it's in a bay I'm gonna listen to you and interrupt that for five minutes for five dollars he was flooded with cones because a lot of people want to speak and to open up to someone because a lot of people are hurting if we're only aware that there are people who needs the gospel then they'll have a slice of comfort zone happen hell of a slice em up concern nothing and it says here that's the discipleship so engage and then moving on after engaged everypony Jesus baptizing them so after go there and make disciple when they experience the goodness of Christ when they receive Christ but dicing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit but this M is a disciples public confession and declaration that he now belongs to Christ but Buddha in a pop-up ties may reboot I am a piece in Vito every last Saturday of the month so if you're here you haven't been baptized whenever patience a buncher CH or the only thing sowho eco point de panamá baptized in and of course the prerequisite accept to accept christ we're gonna baptize you because it's a public declaration I now belong to Christ it's a very jolly PO and very festive and happy Mahna Mahna baptism the relatives are being invited by cabin up ties you're declared the relatives I have now III I'm dead to sin a couple in emergence of tubing it's a declaration I died to sin and I'm in one with Christ but an inverse full shower a new creation the old Jeff has gone the new Jeff has come you're a new creation you are now ready to be established and the next face would have been established but still not be nothing established after pulling a born-again car you have to be established in three things for the upper canine helping in DeLand they listen to synchronize and then Ohain and know you have to be established in the faith in the Word of God and in the church okay line up oh I'm Christian local gossip on you know on you freak when the boo-boos because believe me it's gonna be challenge how I wish but the born-again can I make a cup of lemon but in fact but no born-again can do my tummy Polly problem oh why because you're my dad the moment people of lemma in that the moon a problem not a permanent pariah de problemas and I canna even pornography more indica Nana the convict me in a born-again car you're running against the tide used to be the way of this world the pattern of this world but all of a sudden and repentance is hundred eighty degrees a change of mind a change of direction you're now heading to God so the husband manaka-san I am Oh golly at habits I'm a pornography you'll have to help Alan Moore and believe me it's gonna be hard there's a tendency for you the boom and eternal inaho that when Jesus said in Matthew seven twenty five in the rain fell in the floods came and the winds blew and beat on the house but it did not fall why because that man who's firmly establish a burrito because it had been founded on the rock on Jesus Christ on the faith in Christ by reading his word and attending church we need to be strong Christian a lot of Christians nowadays County offense allah al anabolic de la mancha vaping mundo grunting elisa preaching you're gonna turn on a belly band on okay malika in detour that's why if you're here today you just received christ and that's it you're enjoying Saturday service I'm not saying you're not gonna be established when you're hearing the preaching every Saturday don't get me wrong but it's gonna be it's gonna take longer time and in fact only were we when we're in the context of a small group setting unit Caracas kiss and tell in Ocala dukkha dukkha Nana bazooka telecom antenna fine as iron sharpens iron so this one sharpens another only in the context of a relationship in a small group setting data like a mocha grow so if you're here Eunice on Thursday attendee mmm gonna grow but unfortunately Jesus didn't commanded us to attend a Saturday service the Bible is gonna give up meeting together but encourage one another daily so we need to be established and lastly cielito and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you it means they are to receive the world of Jesus in its totality holistic complete and not just pick and choose but imagine my office make an Aldi my officemate Khumbu emeritus mas a gossiper and then you started engaging her engaging him l'amour getting to know our opinion in all their be now go when I'm coming in on in marriage nominally Celica owe me podcast need the gun more or you try attend the only one to one I were to discuss not Pinto then topical associate the born again and now then Ellen was a church the victory week and mana baptized and now is starting your victory group now she's enjoying life from Papa Nambu high and is on marriage and now there's an element of teaching you're gonna teach her you're gonna teach him to obey everything what the Bible says so it's not just a pig and juice type of obedience who stole something Cassie okay Jesus himself you don't do lots of blessing just on you starting you among healing and became about that Logan berry sacrifice me the sacrifice now forgiveness I Yogananda more i-i-i-i-i Harbor bitterness Bahamas Messiah oh no it's an all-or-nothing deal teaching them to obey everything it means they are to receive the word of Jesus cool heartedly and not only that what Jesus have commanded God's church is not designed to operate through a few paid professional listen of this very critical some of you are saying Jeff young teachings a union as a pastor car that you drop Jeff passed or you're trained for that and problem up a Camaro is some personality Lange like in my case and the parcel here or passage engine Lang or you might campus minister not and and now yeah a u-turn do your pastor into a super past or meeting Domenico it turns faster to be spiritual Giants in Super Heroes and the regular Christians into passive spectators couple Navi no an onion so listen up if you are hearing you're looking at your pastor you feed me you teach my disciple you feed me you do not say Trinity per second moto no it's like a picture of this okay it's like a soccer game there's twenty two men on the field desperately needing rest in 1 billion fans throughout the world needing exercise Ghanaian the thing maybe some pestilences stage now hallelujah plays if I start my born again a kind of boy few are playing in this disproportionate millions are watching they need exercise I'm blessed that our church is not like this the thirst that just one Steve mirth preaching and the rest of the sixteen different locations in Metro Manila video what is this one Joey Bonifacio come on Fort Bonifacio Joey put if I show may preach alum deep enjoy pony fine show in the rest of hours thirteen plus services Joey Pony fashion a screen I'm glad we're not like that I'm glad that we were given a chance to raise up as young asila jewels as younger as me because we're not called to be superheroes we are here to echo API was equipped we equip believers to minister it fixes for 11 for 12 min 13 hours Road the fivefold ministry is to equip you for works of service my role is to equip you your role is to minister your that your home every member a minister my role is just an equip / I'm a minister for India past or because I'm a minister as a Christian but as a pastor I'm here to equip you your role is to minister Majesty will always challenge us come upon a full-time pastor how much of your time is spent in ministering to people instead of preparing people to minister now gets you know how much time are you spending Jeff in ministering Samarra my problem as a marriage my problem as an addict my problem arose a funeral how much time is spent in Jeff in ministering to people or preparing people to minister that's a game-changer for me that when we raise up leaders were raising ministers not just Effendi's not offend lilypad in church you're not gonna grow sitting here believe me it's only when you disciple others because that's biblical he will refresh as others will himself be refresh so that's that that is the way we equip people we equip them we have a lot of trainings for you can either pocket at a postnup on empowering leaders Naaman say the goal is for members to be competent and confident Casa Camaro member not competent lung and alum um Bible from cover to cover Alomar theology sutapa la parrandera Mekons then useless stock knowledge pelo mera naam up or a confident young man or a confidence patina know John 3:16 level of numbers and so my manga bar beta Hindi my address Poonam verse neon specifically Anton own Porou John 3:16 a circuit more value is awkward John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son McCann's or no for God so loved the world Shepard gain a lamb on a boxing fan and Jose then a guy look Milan a leader was equipped I'll tell you how it works he one of our firm little skill is dote upon you know Jordan it could be someone do you here's Joe Tafolla he works he's one of our leaders he he lead people to Christ him up nice people to Christ and problem of a job but you are a senior minute I'm in a separate puja because he works as an accountant circuit nantan lupan Luqman Bagatelle let me tell you only tension is a trabajo it might keep a day off now look at winner a couple interpreting you laughs okay Ashoka hello Sal over the reto like what were considered elements in legend and in your point rahbaniya that's your hair if you look at Joe he's confident to share and it's also competent because from the time he got saved the disciple Pasha nomnom engage mess publishing fitna he was equipped here and he will never stop hindi tamil indi Megami do not petunia if you're saying there's no church there well image on NASA get Nana and we angrily answer Africa so Panama Panama to church develop a store down well in church it never stopped him because he knew he is the church but the church is that the building so he no Anya if in a plane and pool and Lanyon laptop they make the download machine among a podcast me who me internet you cannot not do tinea Maron podcast at live stream if you playing among some computer madam Speaker at the people in the podium smoke patina because it's available it's printable and then he started sharing to his office makes a day up and when they started engaging people people get saved in fact one time I was free after I preached mainly map exactly and the Pawnee River who enjoyed Walia the born again who do sir sir oil rigs and then me Rupa in church dito heights an island near you you multiple but uh the location on victory and let me put the born again yucca beat day it is the finest a complete the church nothing mystical feet but the bonnet is open at or near Antonio second man I hate sin develop that's why it's a big dick to my Manito how did he do that because he is confident and competent and as we speak we have 7000 victory group leaders in Metro Manila every week NASA is a Starbucks but one terminal Robinson's and normed on a small group put that on a sapling go I think someone Tonto and here you are beautiful black Akaka in mama yeah gosh you never problema more happily self-govern and mama yeah and people around you are dying and if you are convinced that apart from the glass fell popplet an impairment I began more what are you waiting for go go that's what we want to equip you that's why we're putting up this next building for that very purpose alone to raise up missionaries the race of campus ministers to raise up pastors like me there are more than 100 missionaries out there as we speak that's the purpose to equip them and as we end is the promise and Shirley Feeney Jesus go connect question you Paco you authority call cooking the question panel you're in doubt and any field hospital in the Posada disabilities as surely I am with you always to the very end of the age jesus said these disciples that he would be with them never leaving them so when you go out the Starbucks make me meet him one-to-one hi congressman Ryan I'd say lador pea kite artista walking on my back would be some versafine yeah you're in good hands until 11 aha so the mean more than we can 360 moment jesus wept in a bit more Genesis 1:1 in the beginning the Catalan Pritikin and Lou mob and pray gas equivalent just shown negative UN will happen Adamus Elton and Jose so that's how that's what that's how we do it we empower that's what authority is for once they used to be creeping without empowering it's useless you're so equipping the minimun will have an avenue to use that's why he mean victory our discipleship journey we want to empower because that's the Mandate of God to us as a leader of this church as one of the leaders here are calling the Apostles pastors evangelists teachers we're calling is to equip you for works of service because you have a role to play that's life you're here the starting point is the starter crew go a condom on a sample towel in a moment indeed upon a DUI case my job pastor JP but I'm a power couple in and keep more like small group car mess my hammock and Joe kilometer to Toulon must intimate you can you can peel oppose you some and elope or detain you can pretty much sell me something along there is a smoker pretty much you see the harvest is plenty but the workers are few why don't we all stand today we can end now in my hope it's Marquita me you urgency not on gospel to be shared and not only sharing the gospel but people to be discipled that you're not just gonna have an altar call and then people got saving and that's it go go go I cannot fell for yourself you receive Christ Ohanian know because we know that's like the parable of the seed he said things will happen pressure it will come that's already here for you we have leaders who want to guide you and walk side by side with you because in revelation 7:9 god has given us a glimpse it says in heaven this is what we're gonna look forward to in heaven after this I looked and behold a great multitude that no one could could number from every nation from all tribes from all people in languages standing before the throne and before the lamb clothed in white robes that's us the born-again Devon we're gonna be standing in front of Jesus one day with palm branches with our hands who's represented there it's just from from Philippines from the geek no from every nation from all tribes people in languages Jesus died not just for the Jews notice for Filipinos he died for everyone and they're crying out with a loud voice salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb if you believe this that salvation only comes from our God let me ask you this question for the longest time you've been a Christian eliminate the lamb oh my lord I'm not talking about the dilemmas of church I'm talking about you personally shared the goodness of Christ your testimony that is so unique that only you can powerfully share what are you doing with those testimony come on tell me what are you doing are you so comfortable with this church you're attending every Saturday and then what buckling Amanda you're so consumed with how to make money your money will never count in heaven how I wish jesus will ask me Jeff how much money did you earn xalapa he's not gonna ask that how I wish at the new media in an Oklahoma culture and I'm behind a bit more how I wish that I'd only lay on let me tell you something he's not gonna ask it's gonna ask you what did you do with the message I entrusted him I formed a church that should advance I form a church that no gates of Hell can withstand what did you do did you go where did you stay did you go out there or just sit for the rest of your life how I wish whatever things were busy right now with cancer heaven the world he thinks for doing here on earth will never amount anything in heaven it's only when we share the gospel then it becomes God's business it becomes an internal business of God that's my hope and prayer for you that's what's gonna see the urge of the sea of sharing the gospel but I sing them in the name of the Father and the son of the Holy Spirit and walking side-by-side with those people it may be slow but it's the fastest way to do it one person at a time and we're gonna wake up one day our children will wake up one day the norm are born again politicians the norm will be born again movies the norm will be born again advertisers the norm will be born again campuses then it's gonna be the norm but we cannot have it by wishful thinking we have to go to make disciple father we thank you tonight Lord we thank you because this mandate as Christians we should take it to heart we should never deal this falen she came with Munna busy family note we should treat it with so much urgency that when Peter and the rest of the disciple when they were empowered under day of Pentecost they preached immediately and three thousand people got saved on the very day father help us today to see that our calling is not just to occupy us in every Saturday and give our tithes and wait for heaven to come our calling is to share engage those people to share the goodness of Christ how you have changed us indeed a Maccabee McKean been thrown up when the Lord you're just asking us to tell our story how could it get so father help us today open the hearts of these people that they will never send us this offending Saturday service and having no stock knowledge standing on the donors are preaching well an outlet I love us just like Betsy the reason White's death because there's no outlet but compared to the different river surrounding it's life because they have an outlet just like the day Lord you're gonna open the eyes of these people they're gonna see beyond the presence that comes and says they're gonna see beyond the needs that's when they put you first but when you seek you and your kingdom and your righteousness all these things you'll be given to us as well that if we delight in you you will keep the desires of our hearts Lord put some in my bowl saw them on a towel at thought that they will never just sit here but they're gonna be discipled first and they're gonna be making disciple for the rest of their life and now it will count it was found you should worldly well forget friends suited for the dynamics and asked we will be welcoming those people will be brought to you Lord Father thank you we honor you today discipleship is simple I don't work out we can make it in Jesus name we pray amen and amen come on let's hit God pray come on let's give it praise
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 16,944
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Id: wZHXXE8gh78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 3sec (3303 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2015
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