Our Hope in Darkness | Jeff Eliscupidez

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hi welcome to our youtube channel this is pastor francis and so if you want to hear more encouraging and inspiring messages we'd like you to hit that like share and subscribe button and so as you watch this next video my prayers that you get inspired and may god speak to you personally in your situation god bless you hello there victory green heels i'm pastor jeff thank you for having me once again alomo paso opportunity that you have given me i do hope and pray that uh we're going to encounter god today so today this is the time that jesus was about to enter paul in jerusalem riding in a donkey and people were shouting hosanna hosanna and they were they were all shouting okay and you know what if there's one thing through about this um the israelites they're always drawn to having a king to govern them old testament they demanded the king from uh king sorry from prophet saw well during the time right and so from theocracy meaning to say see godland they converted to a monarchy from that day on it started their downfall they were governed by different kings imperfect human kings they turn into you know different forms of idolatry and all can make you make a hulitant and hopefully we can learn something from them and we're going to continue with the book of isaiah for the past two weeks and the story of book of isaiah is recurring to them it is a call for justice and righteousness it is a call for repentance [Music] i mean god reared them raise them up lord you have abandoned your people the descendants of jacob they are full of superstitions from the east they practice divine nations like the philistines that embrace pagan customs so singapore instead of having one god worshipping god superstitious and not only that they're full of silver and gold and there's no end to their treasure they're full of horses and there's no end to their chariots they now put their trust on material stuff they put their hope in their possessions they try to create this false security by having a lot of horses and chariots and not only that their land is full of silver and gold and also horses and chinese man you identify security in fact they turned to worshipping you know material stuff their line has been full of idols okay indeed american eyeballs then okay so and not only that some people they bow down to make to the work of their hands to what their fingers have made grab it this uh group of people who demanded the king all right now even erected images of bails to the point of sacrifice there was this one king who sacrificed his own son uh as a boy so how to think of it why did they turn up like that i mean started from being a chosen nation from abraham and all now god gave them a king okay and what happened now see god made you and we're going to continue with the story and though a tenth remain in it it will be burned again like a terror beast or an oku stump remains when it is felt and sines but god will use a wicked nation to accomplish his will assyrians it's kind of like a picture of an ox israelites and then are all stumped because god will remove every form of idolatry why in the world is even gonna use an evil nation to accomplish it's a land of israel and judaism divided nation at all simply because god is just uh sigatpo he will not tolerate this spoiled brats jews or israelites as a loving father so chapel he is a loving father and yet lo yet he is a just god but then again he's the beautiful about god judgment is not his final word judgment will not be his final act restoration is the goal so he's going to bring them back to his loving arms so it's we go through this palm sunday preaching we're going to talk about hope that he is not a condoning father to this group of people he's not gonna allow these uh uh uh israelites that they're just gonna do whatever they they feel like doing and god will show them that he loves them to the point of talagang but not cut them off that's very important jesus god will cut them down but will not cut them off okay so let's go back to the story it is [Music] it signifies a small seemingly insignificant tender plant again seemingly insignificant but then again it's a picture of hope and maybe some of you here today you feel like you're already a stump young relationship because here's what what isaiah said there shall come forth a shoot from the stamp of jesse talking about the dad of king david and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit there's going to be a humble beginning a humble origin the babylonians all these nations they thought they're going to be forgotten but then again somebody got there's gonna be a shoot from the stump of jesse so there's hope okay so today we're gonna talk about who is this shoot must not be they're gonna it's gonna be the king a future kingdom will come out of this shoot and then anungagawinya what will he do and then lastly para sanyon so again against the background of judassin despite the dark warnings of judgment see isaiah was commissioned to proclaim the coming of the promised messiah [Music] and then out of the blue this story plays a story of hope the coming of the promised messiah immanuel that will shine bright and will give eternal hope new testament um in the book of matthew the people walking in darkness have seen a great light talking about the birth of this uh shoot on on those living in the land of deep darkness alive has dawned now let me tell you something i told you nina um they were cut down but not cut off the house of david was reduced during this time new testament to a very low manga king david the most powerful most decorated king in general during his time in fact they were reduced to obscurity and poverty joseph during this time and not only that the baby was born in a manger hindi posa castle they were reduced to merely a family of carpenters why just so you know that god can turn things around that even as a small tiny little shoot it can spur hope because god initiated it seemingly insignificant but that's just the start of hope and that's my hope and prayer for all of you today that we are not just gonna live each day in a paranoid it doesn't cure the depression that they're experiencing except you think that one time big night depression have you ever thought of that see this energy seriously it seems like it jesus came from a tiny dead stump but guess what eternal hope will stem from this so god is just praise god for that that he is a loving god he is introducing a new kind of kingdom jesus's coming marks the inauguration of the kingdom of god all right who is this king that's jesus and look at this picture the spirit of the lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding will rest upon him unlike the king solomon people thought he was talking no king solomon yeah the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the lord wow the this king that will come from that stump will be the perfect leader unlike their previous kings this king will administer wisdom that comes from god okay remember in luke chapter 4 verses 17 to 18 the spirit of the lord has anointed me remember jesus from the book of isaiah the spirit of the lord is on me because he's anointed me to proclaim good news blah blah blah and this happens in verse 18 to proclaim the year of the lord's favor but seriously you don't see now being jesus the spirit of the lord is on me shayon and and this is the kind of king that has come and sabotaged his delight will be in the fear of the lord okay he shall not judge by what his i see or decide disputes by what his ears here no no no this king discernment and he knows the inner most thoughts but then this king is different his judgment will be sure ends up with righteousness he shall judge the poor decide with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall strike the earth with the red of his mouth now listen up from a humble beginning like a tender shoot this will the king will be a powerful king a compassionate king as well and powerful they depend on lawyers and politicians to protect them the meek are dependent on impartial justice system hopefully you must judge uh impartial but then again we all know that but this this verse is saying that he will judge impartially and in righteousness the needy and the poor will not be oppressed by this king okay so again righteousness shall be the belt of his ways and faithfulness the belt of his loin what he's simply saying is his reign will be characterized by righteousness and faithfulness okay as if they were integral part of his clothing during the olden times righteousness and faithfulness that's the kind of king that this verse is saying and what will be the outcome of his leadership he is the prince of peace okay so next what will he do well actually he will bring peace this king that came out of that shoot will be the prince of peace the wolf okay jacob okay shall dwell with the land and the leopard shall lie down with the goats and then the wall talking about peace and then the cough and the lion and the fat and calf together and the little child shall lead them these are three unlikely pairings having peace there's harmony former enemies would coexist harmoniously see jesus christ and his kingdom permeates the hearts of people that had pondered under his sovereignty they will live in complete harmony with each other and that's the reason why this book of john love one another as i love you people will know that you are my disciple if you love one another hindi and predator no when this kingdom come those who will be under restraint there's gonna be unity and harmony how about that it intends to have a picture of a world where people will live at peace with each other a world where sin is no longer creating hostilities that separate one person or tribal nation from one another um recently who are promoting uh sin and promoting uh disunity and this harmony pero once this king comes into our hearts and his kingdom reigns in our hearts i don't mean feeling that i can overlook offense imagine a marriage we're in because that's the promise when this king comes there's going to be unity and harmony you overlook with your offense knowing that you value the relationship more than the offense i remember the story of this guy um you know mark pingres is a member of our church and then one time i guested him in my uh show uh so it's a facebook live uh he grew up into a single mom environment by a foreigner they're kind of like abandoned uh they were abandoned by the dad the father uh french children french to simari and then growing up soprano here [Music] and then the kingdom of god reigned over their lives and one time see dali kasich want to prompt the lord why don't we look for your dad that was french they're gonna go to europe is overpowered by the kingdom of god what's reigning in his heart it's all about love they just embrace each other and then and if you look at the story i mean i mean he was just so proud of his son back at ganon kingdom of god kingdom of god will overlook animosity overlook enmity will overlook offense because the kingdom of god anyway let's continue with the story the nursing child shall play over the whole of the cobra the wind child shall put his hands on the others then so what this verse is saying the natural order will be restored there's going to be perfect redemption and there's going to be peace there's going to be protection under the the rulership of this king okay they shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountains there's gonna be security okay and then only that the earth will be filled okay by the knowledge of the lord as the waters covers the earth what he simply is saying is wisdom that comes from god will we will come on every facet of society that everywhere we go there's gonna be wisdom of god god's principle will be applied in every facet of society that's why there's gonna be security there's gonna be protection uh and and it's just gonna be an awesome kind of kingdom then jesus christ two thousand years ago he inaugurated this kingdom because we're living under the ring of jesus christ neon and it's it's just exciting every time we share the gospel to people we're actually adding people to the kingdom of god crappy don't know so as we end today sydney king nato the root of jesse talking about jesus the messiah will stand as a banner a banner is simply a flag during a time of war right and it its intent is to rally the people around it they're gonna rally towards that flag and jesus and this verse is saying that jesus will be like that he's going to serve as the leader he's going to serve as a banner for the people and then the nations will rally to him and his resting place will be glorious and many people shall come and say come let's go up to the mountain of the lord that he may teach us his ways you won't picture that people will be drawn to this king and that's why victor has always been honor god and make disciples that's what we're doing because we're inviting people come come and see come taste more come and taste the lord is good and people will rally towards him just as i end it may be a shoot from a seemingly dead stump but guess what it's god's doing uh i say 11. i will i will i will well qualify participation it's gonna be god making it happen now the question is will you trust him will you embrace the savior you will say in that day i will give thanks to you o lord though you were angry with me your anger turned away that you might comfort me when god you cut all those trees what he's saying is start from scratch and all we're gonna we're gonna cut them all but then from a stomp a few remnants of israel there will come a shoot from that stamp grabelo and this habit of behold god is my salvation and i'm gonna trust and will not be afraid for the lord god is my strength my song and it has become my salvation aren't you tired of being afraid since last year stress anxiety and all and then we thought economy and all two weeks ago but overnight the serbs we had the highest numbers of kovid patient hospitals are being full so some of you are being afraid today some of you are being disappointed today but then again sabrito i will trust and i'm not going to be afraid you cannot put these two things together you have faith and fear it cannot coexist either you have fear mababang faith or faith or you have faith and there's no room for fear but it cannot coexist you cannot be equally in faith at the same time fearful lord i'm so if you put your trust in him faith disappear fear rather dissipates why because you're not relying on your own strength the lord god is our strength and that's my challenge to all of you today as we end this sermon will you trust him today will you put your full trust in him today we must learn not to judge god's work by mere external appearances don't don't don't do that trust him in small ways those who can be trusted with little will be entrusted with more will you let okay his kingdom reign over your situation today i'm going to leave you with this question yes i am going to put god i am going to allow god to reign in my situation yeah it's easy to say yes but deep inside your heart can you really say lord have it your way your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven lord not my will but yours be done some of you look up here some of you god is asking you to let go let go something let go of that immoral relationship we are still hindering his kingdom to reign let go of that fear of lack of malpractice how can the kingdom of god reign no no no no it's not your job to do the rest your job is just to accept him will you let his kingdom reign over your situation today you know the people during the time of palm sunday they were all shouting hosanna to the highest they were waving that the palm branches and then they were all shouting a hail to the king savior because they're expecting a king that will save them from their predicament that very same people who are shouting hosanna are now shouting crucify let's just crucify him wow i don't want you to do that that we're going to crucify christ and we're going to turn our backs on him i do hope and pray we're going to shout hosanna to the highest all the way i'll be praying for two sets of people maybe it's time to repent and come back to god because that's the story of isaiah asking but impara pleading for the people to come to him so if that's you today you have a hopeless case and somehow the feeling hope maybe it's time to recalibrate your perspective on who god is can we just pray lord we live up to you these people lord raising their hands thinking lord insignificant and sometimes you're not enough but lord today would you just correct lord got their mindset would you just correct them lord god seeing you for who you are that you're a god of impossibilities so father right now we pray for these people lord god intubate lords i see you as a hospital and paraphilia i pray that you're gonna touch their hearts you're gonna change look at their hearts more than their circumstances father those people who are bankrupt because you're negotiating father right now i pray that you will infuse a fresh anointing of your faith lord god fresh anointing of your grace to these people to trust you again the way they saw you lord god in the past they're to see you again lord as a mighty god all-knowing all-powerful god so by inaudible but lord today we know that your kingdom will reign over these people in jesus name amen and for those of you who's for the first time or you've been attending by you've been watching this podcast you've been watching a lot of podcast in the past and right now you haven't given your life to christ the starting point for this kingdom to reign is to embrace him as your lord and savior so this is an opportunity for you to receive him today ask your lord and savior and let this kingdom reign that's a starting point in your hearts so if that's you this is the greatest moment of your life would you just lift your hand if that's you watching right now [Music] i do my thing 2000 years ago so that i can be saved lord jesus and starting today i repent from all my sins [Music] thank you jesus may your kingdom reign in my life today and throughout eternity this i pray in jesus name amen amen amen come on let's give him praise thank you very much pastor jeff for the powerful word now for some of you here you may have responded to pastor jeff's prayer that's the best thing that you have done in your life surrendering your heart to jesus christ we'd love to connect with you even you just know that this message hit you hard we still want to connect with you no victory.org slash connect or you could just go straight and pm us in our facebook page whatever it is we'd love to connect with you or predicament comments comment section and connect and someone will message you after this service i like i'd like to pray for you before we end lord thank you very much indeed for what you have done in our lives you have saved us you have died on the cross for us and you have given us salvation hindi language and i pray father even as we approach holy week we will use this time to reflect and look at who you are and what you have done in our lives in jesus name amen and amen thank you very much for attending our church online reminder once again holy week or eight devotion or holy week it all you have to do is to go to this link sababa or make join us and celebrate holy week next week is easter sunday please be prepared okay and i want to encourage you to share our services god bless you and see you next week
Channel: Victory Greenhills
Views: 9,284
Rating: 4.9449539 out of 5
Keywords: victory, greenhills, sunday, worship, service, online, church, stream, gospel, add, livestream, preaching, sermon, series, message, 2021, God, Jeff eliscupidez, Palm Sunday, kingdom of god, trust, Holy Week
Id: 0hoJ_kUZk-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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