Active Love (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Applause] [Music] we are on r18 week of our series actually were to meet the way gravity no no a little linguist I mean a messenger a Bible on assignment the person in chapter 5 6 and 7 they were right mommy cassava but seriously paruppu in detail in a la layer because the sermon the mound about that loom chapters push and a Matthew chapter five six and seven have been talking about that I remember can sit on Quentin Eamon Delfina Bubba solution and Bible after so many years everybody three oakiness Elka thirty years ago to Smedley broken genomics Alma luminous a baboon and drove really brilliant aldo bible a young indian of dealing and inhumanity neck I remember him and Delphine after being made for thirty years Sabine wife yeah or him along with Bob Asylum Bible for the first time after man person even Delphine a quiet time for ten minutes in that I got to see Nellie Kenya scientist in embrace yeah but in a month I've been a wife yeah in up blaming Abbas Amman in a bus are more love your wife in day the bus was a Bible love your enemies okay so and that's what we're gonna talk about today okay so your new topic Napa me on you believe an application and all love your enemies fun apply but seriously we're gonna we're gonna study are we gonna flesh out it wound up but I hear up at Napa challenging the teaching the Jesus to love our enemies in fact but cuz I'll be good not gonna check out nearby animal a bus tonight okay so there you see I belong and in fact some of you here may disappear entire or some Eastman right Sheila senorita me over in Egypt Napa or you monitor on our Yamuna upon torito's a church you you are you Makita it as a church you are you mama born-again Cosima kasama mo pozzolana pero sure kappa Salonika calculator place Ababa did a limp a loudly and tassel shocking okay Lorena Bobbitt by a pan delica do young and ending Alamut lenita and London okay but I ended up all along it and ending more right and we've talked about not retaliation last week and about difference a non retaliation in topic last week and simply what we talked about last week is withholding what the offenders dissolve cynic tanka indica Gigante there's this judicial law there's this law the civil law that will apply the circus miracles but sure as far as you're concerned already forgiven so non retaliation simply means I'm withholding something to the offender Perito love your enemies you're not just withholding the bad things but you're giving this is so proactive this is full of action it's not just withholding what they deserve but giving what they don't deserve kind of like mercy last week today we're going to talk about grace well let's open our Bible to Matthew chapter 5 verses 43 to 48 I'm gonna read it for you and we'll pray you have heard that it was said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say that you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you so that you may be sons of your father was in heaven for he makes his Sun Rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust verse 46 for if you love those who love you what do what do you have do not even the tax collectors do the same and if you greet only your brothers what were you doing that others do not even the Gentiles do the same and last verse you therefore must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect let's bow down the heads father we lift up to you this morning knowing that this is a very hard teaching back then and also now it's gonna be very hard to even pray for our enemies more so to love them that's why today Lord God box on upamana pusu name in the cold America bracelet or in the eben power in the commandment Iqaluit Lord God so those people in America in the East Nepal may on the Paris Academy at all now Ito I ended up ago in Paris Acharya Lord would you just open our hearts this morning may we receive your word with with humility and may we apply it longer thereby giving us change life in Jesus name amen let's jump right to the first verse and it'll a get before the past what five weeks that we've been talking about relationship lagging it to you una and Sina Sabini Jesus you have heard that it was said if you knock a lock on unit oorah it imminent as a textbook nor into human a memorize no I didn't get over Carta the Milani no no no you have heard that it was said and the saying was you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy so they grew up nice a textbook melee a mullah grade one children Sabine Yuma you shall love your neighbor you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy and hate your enemy I mean for the longest time they have a long history of enemies from way back dance among Babylonians they were from the time nila mnemonic inks that they're ruling the world Babylonians the medo-persian the mapping on manga Assyrians among a person in the Greeks Alexander the Great and now I'm the rosula they have always been a slave so lucky salami enemy they're being taxed saying the nominal adapt at beginning machine path so back to the particulars enemy and this has been their teaching love your neighbor and hate your enemy so suddenly Jesus or not yeah oh Jesus esta bien I mean deeply on me new new pianist in asabi Latin or Osama but then Jesus as always as we've been learning for the past forty four to five weeks but I say to you love your enemies and during that time Jesus Moon second Baloo McKay I mean Jukka rain bucket pattern I buy up a Pigman Lani Moo say you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you pray for those who persecute he come up and pray you come on hakuna you name Jim Punk's awake are you listening but then Jesus as always Kimmo wreck you mine said Miller and that's what we've been talking about well is a redefine because they carried the letter of the law but they miss out on the spirit better this time Malay did not the gonna be nervous on for the past weeks we've been talking about human melilla interpretation you have heard that it was said do not murder but angry kheh murderous dinnertime Melanie Jesus parody snipe it upon verse Napa net that ball was in Loretto but an election and peggeleh supposed to be look up here you original commenced and Levitical law which is nun la la gay not Madrid ethnic defer well annamund don't hate your enemy it was never in the Bible in fact ability random to Runa Jesus if you go to Leviticus 19 as in a Sabbath on treat your enemy I should treat yourself in facilities of Bible if your enemy's donkey the who look cooling more ebonic moussaka immobile and yet the teaching hate your enemy it was never taught by God a different that that baba's Allah you shall love your neighbor making angle cylinder two worlds the ten letters okay meet Dylan girl Solana nap pakka important a Newton angle Mila Allen equality angle Leela you can go back to Leviticus 19:18 angle Neela you shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against a sense of your own people that's last week not in topic if you didn't gelila but you shall love your neighbor that's the 10-letter word ask yourself grant taught them muhuali mu young neighbor more I should love yourself in Dede nuru you me Jesus not to love yourself because by nature we love ourselves si senorita and Imam Hollis available we're so selfish we don't have to be taught how to love ourselves because by nature were sinful we're self-centered self-absorbed Lolita young Queen erm a magazine written among the table sample a Makka pakka en un puñado de modo mio marito Hindi cornucopia he banana una who'd eat edema anybody here but me wrong pants it palpable eco you una can you hum gradually bah-bah-bah community Baba me cannon KO jo Lucy parish and haughty Barboni encompassing Malabo : Anza hog Papa's Yamaha women are behind it globe Nandita pile opposite in Yokohama in opposite you need anything nah kid I'm enlightened Suhag okay element da me me wrong gonna Iike you are so selfish see the senior panoramic picture una piña sorry limo anatomy group picture cinema 300 can use a picture no one by one kimi no gorilla mama selfish detour the in Kahala Muhammad alligator but my party animal Enoch was electron I mean we're so self-absorbed self-centered la ha tire we are these people okay we're self-serving who now Amy said I'm not talking about self-preservation that's that's a good trait sudden but value poor as a fallen nature not and were selfish even if but my Malmo Sabin pow it's selfishly motivated anybody hear me monitor Oklahoma Holly Malcolm bad trip anybody hear me Oklahoma howl before in the Menomonee on qussuk Mahabali compact Pamela oh my own demon a fool of banana program dinner in Africa Mahalo so in reality in become a body seriously telecom about it my bike a summertime about it say oh so I'm gonna wanna talk manager love your neighbor as yourself I'm gonna be yourself Ari my European model Chris allylic oh but I cannot imagine I will be neighbor centered neighbor obsessed neighbor absorb neighbor seeking neighbor serving India time ago value and tangly money ask yourself and not only that they limited their neighbor see my mother neighbor or not and was their neighbor they somehow shrink young neighbor to those who are near and dear human a malapit lhang lhang happen so you Mabel's Apogee cheap meal are you monotone kugali more anybody here my bud Casa Monica wavelength Mohammed II said some on Amelia Nelson you cliquish me on become an illegitimate dad kami kami landeta not a Mean Girls you but I'm going on Eureka you're okay and not only that Mahalo you can read John Moore anybody deeper machete originalism senior be cool and oka yes I connect somehow Aloha no okay and somehow come in my Bisaya somehow it's so common in the Philippines you're gonna love those Schumacher region more special treatment began a llama I take a cabana to Anka ba and not only that it reduced one another hi like a victory kebab mmm I'm eating with my Hindi victory people your lesson of a born-again Doudna magna kita kita casino a man okay at Indian religious fanatic take a victory Ford khabar Casa come is a victory Ford mallamma Inc it's a victory Ford my parking Khmer I victory an Apollo mean Allah McCallum kanuma accept Arun Asahina nanana Kotaku mean sunny you're so exclusive and it was so clannish at the same time so they reduced their neighbor to the people in the goose pool on me la casa del idioma she likes a tax collector fellow June 11 if you look at John for I believe 47 Kelly desirous my Indy maroudo's a law they considered as cursed so they reduced their neighbor to near and deal and in somehow Jesus maybe that's a reason why he addresses this new Nagar on Shannon parable of the Good Samaritan it's a good Samaritan seen on a ball everybody say everyone the hot neighbor more because the Good Samaritan in vanilla social status in Dunellen religious status and yet the Samaritan a helped don't hyun joong Inasa kali and hold up when Jesus shared this parable the the the neighbor is everyone outside your relative so Nikita Nikita wanna mana do they reduce the neighbor to Mongoose : nothing but give me nothing to stop the Konami neighbor and problema anything the Hindi neighbor enemies that's one dimension enemies in fact the Romans human Romano okay they considered the Jewess anti-people girl it's an Atlanta over kinda Jew they were they were tagged as that people and then Jesus come on Bo but I say to you love your enemies the time now check out neelima kai Munafo okay CR Munna has hey you enemy's gonna be doing okay so the grab-ass anisocoria ba because this kind of love is not an emotional type of love Indian language we ship type of love are you get more like you know that's not the kind of love this love is agapao or agape which is unconditional and sacrificial lamb poem love not o to love unconditionally and sacrificially it's a wholesome beneficial love which is not at all self seeking because the minuto human gonna bother it on Bob I think I made my boyfriend in a column in Goleta be no Lara diba kasi gusto KO lanta hill began dhaka self-seeking so look at the owner indica maganda behind ikanai gusto onion so you lock in a ghana okay bet it on trophy and that's why when we love we only like a semi be cow used to my videos i really my we talk about that two weeks ago TV single when you love don't find someone because gusta mucho maya find some mangusta muazzama pasa you want to add value to the person so a selfish love is self seeking me me me me consumer type of love but I do so Hannah pavani bar so this lab that Jesus is promoting love your enemies let's talk about what this love is not it's not liking it's not about I gusto kit pal you stop it I'm making friends I say I like you no no no that's not the kind of love you can love unconditionally and sacrificially continue extreme power right example my enemies more this is not condoning and love your enemies in a busan aho panel yep let me talk and it okay no it's not condoning their sin and it's not also purely emotional in fact most of the time when an emotion involved Ito the type of love is eros you meirin boom laughs nah nah erotic that's where we get the word erotic and eros love is to an opposite sex passionate love of course in delicious pelayo now love with with the brothers or sisters initially type of love this love is I got power a gap in love and and it says here in New King James Version I like the canoe King James Version because he has given us how do you what is this kind of love when they say love your enemies love those who curse you do those who hate you those who spitefully use you those who persecute you jet how can I love those people in fact yeah I have been people in Episode two up at the end nobody donut and I'm Hawaii see the senorita young up at man you gotta be more welcome to the sacrum I well okay so look up here Jeff I'm bait Koopa will hum the kicker shocking well in Aggie hate socket well then again spitefully you something will hit the persecute socket Wow Billy but was I own because I've been in Winston Churchill you have enemies good that means you've stood up for something sometime in your life come along the persecute say oh well then kill it say oh maybe the mama akka said along alone because I'm emojos people hallelujah praise the Lord because I'm women are sinful people when I unintentionally perhaps Liliana I mean cushy Jesus himself a La Mina garlotte make persecute Muslim acaba hey Jesus because if you stand for what is right people will be mad at you super amongst my biood and time untaxed asuma business partner more allow me I'll say yeah yeah blah least that was a business partnership with good because I want to pay the right classes to the government you want to refrain from having sex with your boyfriend or girlfriend Sabina Mohammadi through six Michael building upon no because you're standing for what is right but until we say I do do not get that Halligan you'll be persecuted for standing for what is right believe me so who Allah can toggle it say Oh hmm either sentence and toka or no mahadeva elog then look as a light but lingo than there was a darkness Monday to Friday delicata yawn and were called to bless man bless those who curse you I want to bless them become iconic are fivefold ministry in ergonomically communion Lord in Jesus name hallelu anybody here may knock among our rehearsed conversation see Sigma all right nanoo nanoo nanoo second album oh no fun to think of a mess office there being a baccarat call number you never rehearse more casi el amor a service i-i'm piscina we say oh we intend the movie on mr. Buchanan or embarking on lamb in the medulla consistent you may pass a good college Lyla Sara we will rehearse Munna you Sasabe music Umaga who young kid cute Anokhi I saw an opiate pass me my purse together ha ha ha ha ha ha ha invincible do good do good I wanna do bad to them I want to kill them again please have an opinion anger leads to murder and lastly a new brake pin a paper economy no ha ha wake up a storm Nakula in the world Kimmy what the Lola Lola national align up Jeff our girl and we can don't hurt nothin and I see the senorita may Okinawa until usin that money on Facebook all right in he spoke more may baboon videos a selca that's not good premium a bug remember the one to work I don't know can send you over booty Jakob IOT someone look at the movie Ken you rejoice at the misfortune of those people wow you in England about being iPhoto Schumer's our most intimate rockabilly I for maybe your tapos to my back I put them at Ibaka na and maybe some of you gentlemen ago Canyon you can't wake up dead Milan I because those things Jeff blessed do good pray and do that for my family but not my enemies in fact some of you he loved me he loved my mechanical judge me ha ha ha ha ha ha are you listening that's why this frame is because some of your first timer from day ones in a beam upon Amin and Sermon on the Mount Punk born-again Christian Langer bang man a disciple Antichrist no penny preach poet or I'm gonna kick in a gland are you NASA kingdom now sabotage even Melania keke now if they want to join the kingdom of Jesus that is promoting well and good but here in these kingdoms abilities as they started Paul repent for the kingdom of God is near in my kingdom Kabbalah Quran it's an upside down Kingdom I've been talking about from day 1 blessed are the poor what blessing poor sir Roman mindset bless and Miami blessing in power blessed are the boost those who mourn message that the humble give us a kingdom that upside down Kingdom where might and power and fame well acquaintance humility serving loving union power Depot and through enough 300 years after they conquered Rome hello so if you are here and Jeff ago in the cooking ago I am blessed do good prepare or dead malama Casa Monica waking up and saying well I bad news for you because the opposite of love is hate but indifference you apathetic ah well I'm back Allah Allah apocalypse on the Jeff Kinney mutiny asado Hunan yokel it's available on that's worse than hate that's indifference wars are ongoing because of indifference because of the color of their skin that's why it's important for us understand good in a dead mumbling he difficult it's either fight or flight it's not gonna work in this kingdom on the Han Tory look up on the screen if your enemy is hungry feed him your penis better my boo bog my lass on a little subpoena to see Jesus well that's what this kingdom is all about it has different sides a chorus of condom there's a king in this kingdom and the citizens have to agree to a certain code of conduct and in this kingdom if your enemy is hungry feed him if his thirsty giving something to drink in doing so what are you gonna do you will heap burning coals on his head because your enemy is expecting you to retaliate and you know Mahabali Turan be less more peanut prema you do good to them but Miguel it Killeen no but we'll ride morena commoner ahead as a facebook but more I know but God bless you Silla bit more no no no no no I'm not gonna join your band I'm not gonna stoop down to your level because there's a verse in first Corinthians that the natural people they cannot discern the spiritual thing so pack a Christian car you are above this in terms of spirit world you have wisdom from God okay well happened just over academic react and look at the next verse do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good guys I'll tell something it's volitional not emotional loving someone welcome a container pack phil connelly it will never come you need time apart feel Kannamma hallelujah it will never happen I'll give you a tip start by praising alistun million in my town oh I know you'll pop tenly give me such a number one okay Most Wanted mother like a mama tyoma who looks up at us the manhole you money on top off instead of praying curses you pray for them blessing Lord I pray for these people we just bless him bless her you know what will happen God will never change the the the sir comes and says anima between the Lord you pusu more he will start changing your heart but the change of heart for my evil perspective more and I have a powerful testimony with that I have a we have one in a small NGO kao a Nia Nia Nia Nia for a alumina man : so Indian in the area because they used to live in the house tambien a Neapolitan melihat non-issue Mogae because marriage was never designed to Marisa bein an or some a gulag ma that's why a man will leave his father and mother but bein an Osama Ghulam or work a no master is a marriage mom on the sidelines young so Mina how Indian Anya Lumia chillin and bhai and didn't Galatea and Devon and I can be like eat the apple and banana 7s Jeff passage a p.m. calico Sabina was so blunt at all you know what why don't you start praying for your in-laws your mother-in-law specifically she started praying one time Lance having a passage AB I own attention then cousin Bhishma could be Lord Philip Reina one times of the Lord I choose certainly pray now Lord I choose to bless my mother-in-law I choose not to get angry and get mad bless her in Jesus name Amen the following day I kid you not the following day per month I'm gonna Nadal meet England bhai Saab Allah mimics my mcgroove unum behind the pillar and ambulinia not bundt pan this is after like three years and I met Akita kimitaka bhai did a workshop for the first time anak you are not loved one word reaction America say enough meat eating in bhai Pettibon Makino Munna Mickey you are ocean of unglued axillary at mommy jump oh my god that was wine in the constellation in the Lord prompted to prepare a food after 30 minutes of my leg Sabich believe me Sabina Melanie I don't send to meet again eat are you on the hall my booting in the end well I'm not Indiana yeah and the Lord changes her heart and this a Lord move bloom alabaster cylinder Yannick Japan Silla recently that's always been her testimony when you start praying God will move some of you hippie nappa gonna hang you see Lord some of you jumping be more lemon garlic in the mala music aid in the morning alum see God but communities Abu so more and again this is for Christian only or indica Christian irrelevant as alcoholics but if you're a Christian this is not a suggestion this is a command you love you feel you bless you pray Jake GK Chesterton it's a great English writer philosopher theologian the Bible tells us not to have to love our neighbors the Bible tells us to love our neighbors and also to love our enemies probably because general they are the same people and it's right this is the same people so if you can see it with someone an enemy I'm telling you love your neighbor love your enemies now I know what you think is it even possible I don't think so Jeff that's why come first time more we've been talking about this kingdom that Jesus is promoting in this kingdom there should be a radical shift in thinking the kingdom thinking lives to Kingdom living your belief the way you think drives the way you live your belief drives your behavior upamana citizens Kingdom na na in adopted Jesus in invited damn you didn't earn your your-your-your citizenship by the way I'm invited to this kingdom and in this kingdom they have a different ways of doing things now meet Joyce kanima Beto sir Kingdom de l'avenir kingdom of dry kingdom of darkness so Luna Khazar Kingdom kind of dark let's go ahead hate your enemies because that's a natural response but if you're in the kingdom of light three things you need to understand when it comes to loving your enemies Parliament in demo model elong Paulo we're going to talk about your identity the testimony and the maturity that will go we want to achieve okay an understanding of these three truths will really make you it will make it easier to love your enemies let's start by identity so that you may be sons of your father it says here this is who you are when you love your enemy is just simply show that you are the son of God NASA dugu me on its your being that leads to doing but liquid casita you mean some because we're driven to perform to earn a reward doing will lead to being kya karna king champion you've done goods a great small now you're a champion you're done goods a great small and now your laude and that's great there's nothing wrong with that but in the kingdom of God you were given an identity that leads to doing my daughter's when they were young they we say dad Betty will not sleep over some anomaly knows why in the paper a day and that baggage a melodious or similar there so skid spread among sleep over so because about breathable there soon okay let's copy this or India so say they say so Silla penicillin asleep over le stupidest car we do things differently here and it's the same thing with you you are a child of God in The Mikado we knew Mihama commune dawn and a promenade ammonia and difference more your the soul in the light of this world we have a friend an amazing high morale and Sabbath mother mr. Popple a pizza a llama an Akane kilala non-general Kajal Allah Allah you mock at more you in the week of magnitude better than taught anymore kamusta Coahoma style academic Muslim boo hey mo are you reflecting God the way you speak let me reflect by you that I'm in heaven are you being a good representatives at campus are you being a good representatives office you lack of an Ambu anymore reflect your God or such arts colonic they reflect thank God the way you deal with your finances negative like masse God the way you deal with opposite sex did a great flick Ibaka because we are God ambassadors we are representative of God here on earth people will be drawn to glad the way you live your life victory victory near you know get invited to peel or Latino pan and into the office are you being a good representative because I got how he loves well he makes his son I like that word his son you are out I got the on everything in the world he created it he makes his Sun Rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the just and on the unjust you call that common grace here's how your father is slamming well as some favoritism Mazama my booty you are awesome it's Iike my sama my booty rule and pass a mexicana and that is attacks some Hamas a second Enigma biood and time on parks cool onion Wow that's how blessed we are imagine to Yuma sasame Hindi began oxygen helium he busts a little oxygen okay imagine come a distinction sama-sama a magma Shama Shama Bob a gravitational pull mulu tanker no Sabina missus more anonymous Ilana you know I'm above it a high K okay I'm gravitational pull imagicon gone on we can love our enemies because we are reflection of the Father God is not just loving listen up he is love he embodies love hindi esha loving God is love Makakilo ilaha valsa Pottermore we cannot love like the father if we are not his children that's how simple it is so economic pattern in the garlic the lemon and honey Lord syriza is upon us okay a union that they contain a power glug in an unequal Ossipon I say okay tell us Indian so impure lumba a talk in the USA - neon yellow along an identity next testimony what's our testimony because look up on the screen if you love those who love you and only white more don't even the tax collectors do the same modern-day power you wanna drug lords my husband is a eunuch mama secondly lay listening you permit Island lemon butter and lemon pie Odense Bulacan Mahalo tinea Mauna Kea endemic mammals Sanya indifference more because bad people does that and by the Pertamina though if you greet only your brothers what more are you doing than others do not even the Gentiles do the same look at the screen I want you to wrestle with this question what more are you doing than others what's your testimony and ok but mostly Christian oh I don't different smoker glass office but no no not the cinema pornographic videos but break time Nike panade Kaaba and the difference more I remember one of her pastors in case an Avenue Sabina I'm a small caption among a bargain Christian or they put it as a restaurant to do Bible study or went too hard but put the sinister and in a cofferdam beer a after office now so I'll have them table put my beer but that is nothing anymore or they're dealing with something as an Delilah Pyrenean have known as a Polly kidney of our table I mean as a table beer poor and okay but nothing ah waiter money man attire indeed only magnetic did I beer what's the difference ikaw can people sense the distinction say oh man a Christian car me hard comfort the loss or is a harissa passing Munoz Aloha and you come here every Sunday again these are only for the born-again Christian communicate Christian ok lang but if you want to be part of this kingdom God is gonna give you an identity he's gonna give you that sonship he's gonna give you he's gonna make you a child of God it may differentiate ballet there's gonna be a distinction I like what CS Lewis quote from his book Mere Christianity do not place time bothering whether you love your neighbor as if you did as soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets when you are behaving as if you loved someone you will presently come to love him similar Mulla fake it first going people fear fake it till you feel it better don't wait the fit but Phil Cunha Jeff but feel good enough of a concern as Jessica and I'm cosa Rania wow that's a weakened you are come going on in the ECMO but God is giving us an identity we are children of God we can have the testimony and lastly what's our goal maturity it says here you therefore must be perfect the word perfect here means complete and mature it means you're aiming towards perfection okay I'm problem element I in Casa be Hannah along you gotta be Hannah nobody's perfect it's in a bit they say practice makes perfect but since nobody's perfect why practice okay okay and in a play not in the circus charity that's the problem when we become when they became born again we got stuck to being a Sunday Christian from the time-machine Fulco Nikhil Alamosa Lord that salvation well I can participation Jan from salvation more living your life after salvation that is sanctification God wants to mold you into his image and likeness why because God wants to use you because he is patient not wanting everyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance so he wants to use you during distance otherwise no szilárd middle blue candle na means about peace in the mana ten minutes and gamma Metallica palace direction as a longing but no God wants to use you and during this time of sanctification God wants to perfect you to mold you into your character if God wants to make you holy perfect in love yeah we will not be perfectly as in para nós you fully sanctified a statement then because your glorification happen Parvati see Jesus Christ but then again it's good aim I'm gonna be like my father the way he treats people in character in holiness in love a tendency to sin must not hinder us from striving to be more like Christ I really love our people here at Victory for two hundred forty four finishers of leadership 1:13 it's a 10-month coarsening offer nothing for victory group leaders but resilience of victory Ford actually this is the this is a Sunday 8:00 a.m. and Saturday 4:00 p.m. any finisher in the Houston ten man cosmic anima data paska yes at the grandma ok and amadito these are the people who spend Saturday mornings for 10 months studying about the ology church history communication and i'ma preach my disciple for 10 months they came here every Saturday and these are the people and Saturday and Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 244 from three three different churches malate McCartney socket IO pioneer have their own graduation yesterday and these are the very people who even get stuck Menace a flan but wants to adhere to the calling go and make disciples go and make disciples seek the laws and some of you have got stuck to being a Sunday Christian man there's a favorite chair more I've got the Medici Jesus that's why Christian Cana you still cannot love your enemies why it's because only when we refresh others who ourselves will be refreshed only when you love the unlovable you will really display God's love but if you spoke to your Christianity then a box every Sunday 9:00 8:00 to 9:30 and bali casa mundo a grab us up into an air you're gonna go back to your world again you box Christianity to 8:00 to 9:30 thing well that's not Christianity we're not called to attend church we're called to go and make this iPod Jesus didn't go back to heaven and say go and attend church every Sunday that's not this point I was in managing life casual seated blasts on Thursday they asked me to speak this are this is not initiated by the company this is initiated by the employees we had the heart and the burdensome on our co employee Neela they've been praying for many years stomach Aronian gawa in Dawn's Emanuel life and what happened and I Palomar Christian Don and they gathered we held a service but it's not the type of service a Toledo Miren putas me seminar about finding purpose at work and more than a dozen people gave their life stock rises they were crying cafeteria you genomic Nemean because they had a heart for their company that they were called to go and make disciples guys this is our hope dear friends were already God's children but he has not yet shown to us what will be like when Christ appears but we know that we we will be like Christ for we will see him as he really is and this is our expectation our hope and all we have this eager expectation will keep themselves pure just as God is pure and keeping pure means loving your enemies keeping pure means doing good praying blessing your enemies keeping good means you have no loss keeping good you're not lying keeping good makes you have no anger it's really inspiring for who Christ is the Christ likeness you will fail yes nobody can tell you late case I mean he kind of try so guys as I've said this kingdom thinking leads to Kingdom living we are child of God that's identity we have a testimony to display we should be different and we have a destination that's maturity let me show you this this powerful video you know this guy his name is Gary Ridgway you're thankful in the bounnam eaten powder because this guy pleaded guilty of murdering 48 women in America he's actually the biggest serial killer in American history in November 2003 he admitted the guilty Shah and pilipenko Sonia Medina Pena and he was sentenced to courts lifetime without parole and during the time amongst a court hearing the relatives don't beat him they were given few minutes to to say words when they expect another possibly be coming up in a tiny animal pampinea yes all those hurtful words but then there is one guy I want you to focus towards the end of this video let's watch this it's like he didn't have any remorse at all for what he had done you know he'd killed so many people he didn't remember who they were what they look like I just couldn't believe that somebody could kill all those people and not remember them you had said your memory when it comes to all of the women you took was gone our memory is not in your words you said they they didn't mean anything to you but she meant everything to us she was a mother she was a wife she was a sister and we miss her Gary Ridgway sat there stone-faced as victims relatives damned him and mocked him he's an animal I wish for him they're low on cruel death he's gonna go to hell and that's where he belongs but then the emotionless facade finally cracked when the father of one of his victims appeared to surprise him with a dose of human kindness mr. Ridgeway there are people here that hate you I'm not one of them you've made it difficult to live up to but I believe and that is what God says to do and that's to forgive you are forgiven Missouri [Music] you are forgiven three words powerful words do not clap you murderer and I imagine I don't knowa I mean you hurt me is just hard as stone it's it's old heart and yet when he heard you are forgiven I like what the guy said I know you have made it difficult for me kamusta ha how should enemies cannot be here upon common Lampung to live up to what God has called you to do all well anti-lynching God because you're easily swayed to the other side now here's the problem because we think we're good we think we're not enemies of God before that's why maybe as a Christian and the lemo underly and here that moment for a game let me tell you something look at the verse here ok once you were alienated from God ok it says hey once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior we were once enemies of God in the power bi ok bigoli God because of our evil behavior but now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical bodies through death to present you holy in his sight but now I want you to understand if you're a Christian we were once enemies but now it's not because you're good no no it's not because you're kind no it's because he is good he died so that we may be presented to God wholly inside without blemish and without accusation you see we have been forgiven by Christ we have been forgiven by God and yes it's free for the receiver for us but it's costly for the giver forgiveness is free it cost so much to you ok and when you love your enemies it's free for them but it's costly to you you will overlook offense Mahela of course but there's somebody model it before us when we were still sinners he died for you and me and God showed his love for us when we were still enemies of God when we were still sinners he died for you and me that's our beg Church that's why you can love your enemies and if you're a Christian you call yourself a Christian I have one advice to you love your enemies because he did it for you you can do it others it's about honor health if you're struggling with what I just preached about blessing and in doing good and praying I'd pay my pal canasa easy for my heal up elegantly four-game past or not he'll grab italica if that's you and you want to be released you want to have a greater understanding of Christ did I believe he will give you the grace today let's bow down our heads if that's you raise your hand and declare before God I need that grace Lord God yes I see that Wow praise God you're gonna be released this morning believe me it's a sign of surrender it's a sign of Lord help me Lord Jesus you see this hands raising before you as a sign of surrender Lord God we cannot even pray for our enemies more so doing good to them but thank you balki no imouto salmon muna and then you commanded us to do this Oh indeed to something I'm a hero in the natural thing to do is to hate but we are under a supernatural intervention so Lord Jesus give these people the grace to offer look offense human tower builders and ulama Medina McDowell Miele about shuttle pellet Outlander sell them a satanic a transit Lord in the name of Jesus Christ we choose to pray we choose to believe we choose to bless them we will start by praying to their pray for their brother we'll start by lifting them up to you pray for them and bless them today Lord Jesus we're gonna be released from the clutch of sin and hatred and bitterness we're gonna be religious with racial hat is a sign of declaration we want to be released from this slavery of hatred and resentment and bitterness release us today Lord in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen Lord Jesus we thank you it's a slow got to leave Lord and according to your key to your kingdoms condom and and and your love log and may flourish to each and every one of us in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen amen god bless you I'll see you next
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 31,770
Rating: 4.8589745 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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