The Jojoke Tier List episode 1

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hello guys welcome to the jojo tier list today we're going to rank every single joe joke from s tier to f tier i've got some guests in the server today everyone say hello to the discord server hi hi doing and we've got special meme advisor here today the shuckmeister yeah yeah that's that's me i'm here i'm back i'm back again you can't get rid of me so what we're gonna do today is first i'm gonna introduce the tears just to give you all some context c tears for average memes d tier is for bad memes f tier is for memes that are so bad you actually like dislike them like they bring you physical pain it's not just enough to be bad you have to be absolute dog [ __ ] to be an f tier b is for good memes they're not great but they stand out a tier is for the best memes the top kick they're really prolific ones and s here we're gonna try and keep this pretty sparse s tier is for the best memes that have ever been made but not just that to be an s tier you have to be like a defining part of the community all right i think we've got that out of the way let's begin guys let's start off with a big one let's start off with the one that like was the first big jojo mainstream meme that we all got sick of conor do you know where this is so personally i'm just going to cut this part out i'm at the wrong folder entirely here [Music] make the cut with the king crimson opening thoughts this meme was so prolific that everyone got so sick of it it was legitimately everywhere and it's like the only meme that you will get called a normie for using on shitpost crusaders like they are okay with beating memes into the ground but even they are sick of kono dioda but as much as a lot of people hate this meme it was so big and it was like the first mainstream jojo meme that i think it still has to go into b-tier discuss i don't know man because like you know the history of the meme you know originally yeah opened up it was kind of funny if you were a normie and now it's really annoying i feel like sea tier would be a lot better i feel like b tier is fine it's just like it's it's very what's the ah i forget the word for it's classic i guess there's not so much variance you can do with it you know if i have to assign like any relation to another meme it has it's kind of like a rick roll right you got to give it respect yeah or the presence it has but you know once you've seen one you've seen them all i say definitely thinking just like legacy wise would probably be bait here yeah i'll go with b all right uh the prevailing theme is kono dioda b to your meme all right next one let's you know let's keep going strong the torture dance [Music] i think the torture dance is fantastic i think that it has put some really high quality [ __ ] posts into existence i honestly think it deserves to be an s tier i think it's become such an integral part of the community yeah i'd have no problems with uh s tier this meme behind the scenes has actually got its own legacy like originally the manga it's just more panels but what they did in the anime is they made an actual musical number to go along with this one minute scene that we didn't need in the anime and of course it's a good meme so i'm just gonna say s tier for the sake of goldness i guess that's true this was a this was like a sizeable meme before it even got animated then he got animated and suddenly everyone's making the stop motion and shucks yeah yeah yeah everyone's making it in stop-motion i was gonna say hmm this meme is a little close to my heart for uh some reason right yeah how many tell me chuck how many hours did it take to make that video how many hours did you spend comparing i don't know original source material then like yeah i spent the whole summer just like working on it god that was for 100k and that was so much fun and i gotta say as soon as that one went up because i remember it got to like the second or third top post on the uh host crusaders for so long after that you know different animated versions of this torture dance just popped up out of nowhere spaghetti version yeah i love that one spongebob version popped up there were like all these different variations that just came out because people had been working on them and they were it was so awesome to see that like it was like it became like a meme within the animation community itself too like right right glorious about this what i think really makes this s here is a it's a classic scene b people can get really high effort with it and c can be used in average means so it's just everywhere it doesn't get annoying like conor dia does it i never felt annoyed by a torture dance even when it was at the high like the height of popularity oh right the song slaps like no doubt it's amazing yeah okay i think we've decided on ester pretty safe bet there all right next one let's choose one that's not like explicitly in esteem dead dogs the dead dogs you see everywhere any meme that is about a dead dog especially danny has a lot of ones about being in an incinerator i think this meme is very funny because it's true but at the same time i don't think it stands out that much i'm going with c i say d for the dog it's kind of annoying at this point and there's truth to that d for dog let's go we could do d for dog all right yeah the d works yep because like it's like rocky does because i think the meme in itself is more iraqi hates dogs when like he definitely doesn't he uses it as a device to make the villains more hateable but you can only use that so many times in the story before it becomes annoying and then it gets turned into a meme right and then it's everywhere so it's like you know uh like you know in a story when it's like ah the character was pregnant oh my gosh but then like the last of us two did like there were don't even get me started dude i will go off on that game no no no this is not the discussion okay but i'm just saying we can only do the pregnancy true they played that yeah they played the three she was credit card three times in one story how do you do that it's like did they not like fact-checking like did they have like three different writers that were like writing each section it was like you know what you know what really pulls at the heart strings pregnancy and they just didn't tell each other exactly well that's not going to be on the youtube video who knows it's cod for me because it's just a cliche that's been used too much by iraqi so yeah i've got the running theory that he got bit by a dog and just like to despite them he just kills them every time it's like it's like he got chased by a dog and he made a chain shot based on that dog in the mario game it's like no interviewer i do it to make the veil look bad though cars was a nice guy he did not kill a dog he killed a person before that's true and we also have police which is an old dog but thankfully didn't die by the end of part four there you go dogs d for dogs people all right next one i think on the list here this is just an auto s tier for me jotaro versus dio i've lumped them all into one category i'd even say like the oh you're approaching me the edits of that manga panel are so good and the meme refuses to die and there's the nice part about that is it's really hard to like make a [ __ ] version of it because you have to put in so much effort to do an edit and uh so yeah you're approaching me ester on its own but this category also includes rhoda rolada i've seen enough i'm satisfied theo trying to escape through a manhole american jotaro saying it's high noon jio's saying this is the greatest high and then finally so it's the same type of standard star platinum i mean how all those memes came from just one fight and that's impressive that just goes to show how good that fight was oh and i guess uh throwing knives at things steel likes to do that yeah and you have you have the infinite creativity of people to add more context to that meme so it's not like you know the bass thing pretty funny the edits people do s t s plus tier the i've seen enough i'm satisfied is never not funny to me wherever you throw it on honestly i just think that uh more people need to use the lpa scene of him throwing the [ __ ] oil tanker exploding instead of the [ __ ] steamroller but yeah all these are pretty good an oil tanker for you is awesome in this category i mean star platinum's voice cracks in that same fight it's so funny somebody pointed out that one of the knives do threw was actually a fish as well and i think that's hilarious oh man that fish must be like a swordfish in that case it's like a tiny little herring okay so i think we're in unanimous decisions but do you think this is a candidate for uh i guess we should do this at the end but i think this is a candidate for best jojo meme of all time maybe i mean but it's not bad so mayhaps i mean we'll see we'll see who else is in s here by the end of this but i think it's definitely up there next category stan cries all memes about stance we got aura we got luda we got dora we've got ari and wannabe all in one category but jack if you're getting the one battlecry that everyone never talks about and it's purple haze that goes you're right incoherent screaming is also a battle oh and i guess i should do an intro here uh also joining us today is riverdude covers say hi hello i got my chicken nuggies and that's all i needed this is not sponsored by mcdonald's by the way remember mcdonald's does not want you to do drugs stop it get some help so my opening thoughts on it are that it gets really annoying when people spam them in comment section that's like one of the annoying factions of the community but then again there's such an integral part of the show it still manages to stay above sea tier though i think i'd put it in yeah i'd say b yep beep i would actually think it's a little bit lower than b and here's why right because i think it's it's so it's not even that this is a meme at this point anymore aura and muta basically pop up when anyone in any other anime throws a punch it's everywhere so like yeah is that a [ __ ] jojo reference oh we'll get to that i'm sure we're gonna get to that it's on the list i just don't i don't find it funny i find it like ah that's charming they said aura you know moving on right it's just the fact that it's like in every anime and everything now whenever someone's doing a barrage of punches they're always doing something like auras or buddhas usually auras that's like or whenever they throw punches or us so it's like it's less more of a joke and more of just it's a jojo reference and that's the fact that it is a jojo reference doesn't make it funny what makes it funny is whenever you do it in an interesting way so just people punching isn't that funny in it of itself is it a jojo event or a fists of the north star reference i'm pretty sure if this is the north star did it first right oh yeah yeah they did [Music] [Laughter] i feel like you know it's they're so integral to jojo but they're also so really annoying for people to say it irl i feel like the sum of those two extremes meet at the c tier i think yeah it will have a good mean potential really you know i mean there's not a lot you can do with it except maybe you wanna be somebody does something really fast you can put the stan cries that's about it i think we've got the consensus this has been in the middle i'm putting it in c okay let's uh here's a simple one i i think this one barely made it in the list but it's on the list seriously this just took a turn for the awesome and this this really sucks by mista i love that meme i love that one that's one of my favorite ones to use i put that one a tier i love that meme you're gonna have so much fun with that i love this video all right that meme is asked here i love that meme i actually never seen much of that meme to be honest it's but it's like like as funny as it can be i think it kind of got like hammered into the ground on shitpost crusaders oh for sure it's probably the jojo version of that one meme from avengers for pocus like i see this is an absolute win it's like that yeah personally i put it in seat i think this is like the definition of a c tier meme because it's it's very image it's just it's just a reaction image and yeah you can like you can turn it into a drake meme by adding like this this seriously sucks part at the end of the day there's not much to it you just kind of find the funny caption for it yeah i agree but it's better than stan cries it is much better than stan christ yeah i'd say be tearful you guys do just like how the the version does a completely different version yeah dub was completely different this just got a lot more interesting i'm the only guy that'll know that because i'm the only guy who watches the dub to do edits no one else watches okay so i think have we uh decided c versus b tier give your vote i'm voting c i don't see things just got a lot more interesting so i'm going to put this in c all right noting riverdude loves it but we're putting it inside for today all right uh poses everything that is related to a pose in jojo this involves like people making the poses in real life people dressing up silly and posing i'd say it's like one of the most iconic things about jojo i'd say a maybe us you know it's interesting to see what people can do with it because i mean like they can always do the poses from the manga like covers like this one is but they can always do a different pose and everyone will be like oh it's a joke and it can be very interesting there's lots of ways you can do it and there's so many poses you can do so yeah definitely an eight tier for me sometimes you just have a poor model that's uh there's a wacky pose for her shoot and has a bunch of jojo references in the comments section and has no idea what's going on certainly reminded that one youtube proof that jack did where diaz walking like a model yeah poses have been referenced in not just real life but also in other anime series has like little easter eggs and all that so i guess it's a tier for that so i think we're kind of shifting between a and s i think you could definitely argue that this is like an integral part of the community and also important to the anime community as well just all of anime as a whole right i would say it's kind of like the references to aura and muda and like sam cries but like a little bit more tasteful right so like when you see characters in different shows pose it's like well well it's not like it's not like a class he's like oh that's a nice reference it's like oh my god they're doing the pose i remember that pose it's from that specific panel of that specific chapter is it s tear-worthy probably not because i think you can be a little bit more creative with the memes and ester but definitely a and he would compose he can go on a tear okay now this next one combines two different names here this is the kira monologue as well as his fetish for hands oh okay here's the thing though um explain to me first and then i'll give my hate on it's a d i think uh it's i'd say it's inherently a funny speech however i don't think there's pretty much anything funny you can do with it as long as like in diamond is unbreakable we told my gosh the monologue scene went on forever yeah yeah including yours jack like he used [ __ ] the alien and then just to get she like in a row and that kind of bored me so i thought about cutting that scene but i think the only time i've seen really good [ __ ] with it is in youtube poops that do like sentence mixing the sentence mixing parts of that speech in the retail really make me laugh i think those are great but otherwise yeah it's a weak one i thought the china it's just like it's your standard copy pasta so like if if memes don't inherently get worn out this one gets worn out faster because they think oh i'm going to post this in your comment section and i'm going to get all the upvotes everyone has that on every single video they're secure there's always that post every time i get it like 10 times every video and it's just like it's not funny it's not really funny you're just reposting the coffee buster it's not that funny at all hands are referenced at all that thing's going in the comments section guaranteed okay here's the thing can we can we separate like the hand fetish and the copy pasta because the hand fetish i'd put it like c here maybe but the pot copy pasta i put like d and f i hate that pie coffee pasta i would say d but maybe f i'm leaning towards cheating f but i'd still say d i don't hate it that much but river dude clearly hates it oh i know yeah just a copy pasta that's all it is okay so the overwhelming feeling on this i'm getting is a d and then are we gonna agree a b for hand fetishes i would say you know is pretty pretty it's pretty average you know yeah let's go to a bad one we haven't done like a really [ __ ] one yet one that i think belongs in f undoubtedly is the following i'm gonna post it first i hate this little [ __ ] banana [ __ ] get him out of here there's crusaders would not shut up for like two weeks about this meme like look it's for daddy avaccio banana dopio just said a banana of bacchio as a whole is that not the funniest thing the minion torpedo the minion banana tokyo the main ever minions right and they love bananas here please just like not even unhear it unhear it please just get like to the depths of like the shadow realm here a middle-aged mom facebook me like i cringe every time i see it it's so bad why do people keep up really i guess they don't anymore thank [ __ ] god well i'm gonna personally save yourself a cute boy we're gonna put it out but i can't do it we're done no no next one we don't need any more time on this what about family guy the banana dance with the anyone remember peanut butter jelly time yeah he didn't laugh all right the next one this is a classic we got the koichi pose yeah i love this guy i love throwing him into places he he's a [ __ ] he makes me happy i'm gonna put him in b i'd say hey what no it's funny but it's even funnier in the context of the show because in the opening it just stands there until you get the stand yeah yeah but like yeah he just stands there for like um 10 episodes and then he gets to stand and it spells a mystery because it's like yeah you know you love him to death but it's just like you can't so much not much else you can do with him you know you throw him into wacky uncharacteristic situations and it's pretty funny but it's not like i don't know how much you can really do so i'm going i'm keeping it out of eight for that but we've got one s one a i think three b's so far all right that's it he's going into koichi pose into the b tier he's a good mean but wait what about s plus a plus a plus all those b's that makes it eight here right because the s is powerful that i mean i guess one vote for us is powerful but it's i'm saying like two above four below i'm gonna take the average the mean the median here all right all right we got chuck meister in the chat so let's do this next one this next meme has caused a lot of sadness a lot of tears a lot of controversies it's a rock you forgot i guess i'll die i'm out of this conversation right now if i say anything any which way i'm gonna get [ __ ] for it oh it's funny but it worked itself out really quick let's just say when shuckmeister first made a video it was funny good funny jokes had fun with it and then people took it seriously and then it got super not funny this meme ended up being in my opinion more trouble than it was worth yeah i would say like i think even you way back when listed like a correction for each of them that's true i did didn't i i think you did i think that was that was like the it was such it was such a surreal feeling having all the people i watched and looked up to tell me i was wrong you know and usually usually like even now it's still true right i couldn't quite tell that you were like cinemasinning us i don't know right right so like that's why like when i made the second one like i explicitly tried to make it like more comedic right my my tone was definitely it definitely shifted um you know i just assumed wrongfully so that like if i put pizza time over me talking about stupid plot holes that people will think it's funny turns out that's not how the internet works unfortunately you know pizza time is an a tier meme anyway so right right i was just like combine a tier meme with maybe c tier meme i don't know i i think it's like c tier i think like c tier maybe b tier for individual ones like individual instances but like and you did like a correction video you're like right this is my yeah i'm shocked master this is my apology video yeah i've done two apology videos for that and then for now the now the only one i disagree with is uh you saying i still disagree with you saying that silver chariot could not have thrown polar i firmly believe he could that's the only that's the only one i have an issue silver i was gonna say that the only person who actually took the meme and made it completely dead is the one the only who shall not be named how does drama exist in the jojo community how is that even possible so i'm going to vote i'm going to vote d i think i always thought it was an average meme and then all the controversy just made it annoying for me but not like f annoying that's a c i would put it in d tier at least it's not as bad as like uh toriyama forgetting dragon ball related [ __ ] all right i'm getting i'm getting like a split anyone want to be the vote breaker d tier put it in d yeah yeah all right i take my c put it in d meister decide okay a rocky forgot is going into d by the man himself i hate to do my boy like that but it'd be how about another strong one zawarudo i'm not encountering it in the jodra versus diophyte it's its own category i think this meme is very good personally and i mean it got worn out yes but i think it's still very good it's got spare power hey i would think probably beat right it's a little more than average and then people definitely can't be creative with it but you still have that faction of fans who are like okay this name has gotten a bad reputation right right so i think it brings it up down a peg from a but not any lower the thing is yeah but you have to get really creative with it because you don't have a lot of work with it's just him saying the world and you gotta stop tying like that's the kind of thing it's like you're stopping time got that what did you do to make that funny afterwards once you've stopped time that's kind of the thing you got to add in other jokes with the fact that he stops hiding that's cool for example you can like uh stop time and just then do stuff like add in knives or do time related jokes within the time stoppage that's how you make a good sawada joke you combine it with another joke to make it effective personally here's my favorite one just right here okay but see you're also combining that with the road roller and things like that that's true so it's like it's a fantastic like accompanying meme like to start off the meme and make it even funnier i feel like it gives in a good point by itself it's like a c or b tier but combining it with something else to help give it that extra bit of flavor like you know you throw garlic and onions into a meat dish or whatever then you get something kind of spicy getting that a bordering on best here okay tony true i think it's close proximity to like the dio versus jodoro fight i made it its own thing because it includes the khaki and bit as well so i think i'm getting a b vibe from people here that uh yeah i would say a yeah i was i'm in the a camp too but i think the bees are winning here so zawarito b a wonderful dl meme re re in here i love re i love re put it in the same spot they deserve to be together they're married you can't have one without the other and re has been like he's probably one of the oldest jojo meme like i think besides like stan christ it is the oldest jojo yeah i mean it wasn't part one yeah i included it separately yeah i'm talking about way before like back way way back in because people made memes about it whenever they're using heritage of the future like clips from it like they've been oh all right yeah yeah they've been using re for a long time he has predated the anime that's true so i think uh what are we gonna i'm feeling a b to an a here i think it's uh it's very simple but it has a lot of longevity to it and like you can all if anyone screams you always can put in re and it makes it funny like it's better than having an actual autistic screech so reed is much more better than some kid screaming re it's like yeah you know what i mean because you're not you're not making fun of autism you're making fun of an [ __ ] final vote b versus a yes i will or whatever legacy meme i would put in an a personally so i'm still thinking b but yeah if you guys think a sure i'm going b honestly yeah it's b i still think it's b yeah he's going into b another one for the b tears all right let's go to in a completely different part not to get political or anything how the [ __ ] does king crimson work i i never thought this meme was that funny because i hadn't read part five yet and then when part five anime came around i thought it was just annoying by that point so i never liked it it's always a d for me it's yeah okay the thing is about that joke that joke by itself just in text form not that funny i never thought it was moving me personally i always kind of figured out oh okay king trim didn't skip through time you can move through time and then dust stuff after time i always kind of somewhat understood it so i never understood the fact that no one would get it just in text form it's not that funny to me but the recording version i don't know who did that dub version where the guy's just like okay you want to know five minutes i don't know how to [ __ ] germs it works and just that that by itself is hilarious i love that recording yeah that is a great just the text the text form yeah it's not funny it feels like a relic you know because it's like we have all this now and it's not so hard to understand how king crimson works but back then it was so it doesn't really feel like it applies so much nowadays but here's the thing though um even though king crimson is is like an illogical stand in terms of how it's used i still think the meme doesn't really work because you don't need to apply logic to king princeton like do a golden experience i mean sort of but the thing is i never really cared about this meme because at least king crimson was a fun stand so yeah i'm just gonna put this in deed here right i agree i think it's going to be like the like that one voice over is pretty damn funny but i think that's like a standout amongst what is otherwise not that funny yeah yeah okay we were talking about it earlier so let's just get to it right now we're going into the duane jokes anything that came from duang is in here easily yeah it's one of the most classic memes like you have to be in like a different layer of fandom to get this it's like the iceberg meme right you see the iceberg on top that's jojo and then as soon as you go below the surface you find the layer of duang and then all scandalation errors and like that's why i end every video with doing it's like one of just the funniest most enjoyable i'll tell you what this meme did like for me specifically right i was trying to get one of my friends into reading jojo's right and so he goes and he he's in the middle of part four he's like i love part three right into part fours it's like i hate it i don't understand anything i'm like why part four is amazing he's like yeah but this town of du wang i just don't get it and i'm like oh no [Music] has given me endless enjoyment like exactly i had a boner so great and if you're an anime only you would never know about these jokes unless you're hearing it from someone else you only can know about the du wang if you have either read it or you are heavily in the jojo community like that's the only way you would know about it all right i think we're quite clear this is an s tier meme it gives me a feeling so complicated it makes everybody's gonna make it like that but i'll put in an sd because yeah it's that good next up it was the first meme to ever be banned on shitpost crusaders and that is speedwagon all memes related to speedwagon even speedwagon is afraid speedwagon is best girl best waifu whatever speedwagon withdraws [ __ ] speedwagon narrating everything that happens and strohaim saying speedwagon i think we're going ss s tier yeah the jokes aside it's still just funny i just love the like how you can always just mention speedwagon everyone's just like yeah speedway and we love them and she's like it's a wholesome meme for me as well because it's just like speedwagon's best girl two wagons great like he's just it's like the one of the few wholesome memes of jojo like it's not it's not any controversy it's not annoying at all it's just it's speedway it brings a smile to your face i like that yeah that's why i put it so high above everything else because it's one of the few feel good memes of jojo that doesn't get annoying over time let's stay in part one uh tell me to undo your injuries how many how many lives of innocent lives did you consume okay as an italian person in the room right loaves of bread are like water so i definitely think this is b at least maybe a i could say b because it's not overused it only comes up at times and then when it comes up it's like i like seeing that so i definitely say as well i'm not too hot on it i'm gonna go see i mean it's like i think it's fine it's like a funny reference now and again but uh and dang it squad a lot guy you're posting porn now we're trying to make a video [Laughter] sorry guys i had to hey there's nobody go to you said you were being uh and never being able to afford bread uh asked here obviously i'll just [ __ ] it i'm just gonna put this in beach here because it's not not that great if i mean but it's fine i guess it's funny but like you know once you get past part one it just doesn't follow you around like some other memes you know what i'm trying to say ethiopian kids be like damn deo is innocent guy i'm feeling a b b for bread b for bread b for bread all right next meme is one of my favorite i think this is like the defining meme of part two it's awakened my masters autumn awaken my masters when my friend introduced me to jojo this was the meme i picked up on so much with that meme and the music making it so funny and just like whenever it shows up one of my favorite trick memes is whenever that guy does a flip and it goes straight into it it's s tier for me awaken my busters i love that one i wake up in the morning to awaken my masters not even joking i thought you might have feelings to honey esteer yep yep right next to jack's wifi not working yes man this is gonna be totally unedited all licking memes that includes rero that includes taste of a liar and all the little ones like uh payload dude the remixes of these are so fire i think we're gonna count the the dude in part four where he licky slips before touching the panties and then dies yes you like that one i hate that no i was only referencing because no one's gonna reference it that [ __ ] aaron hansen dude is so ugly uh yeah squad allah hates that scene because he uh he sees the guy grabbing panties and then dying and thinks that could have been me oh [ __ ] you jack i i was going to say a tier yep matpat almost ruined it don't you dare bring up his name oh wait it doesn't exist i literally dude i literally made a video a science video about bruno and he comes out like a week later with his own and it gets like way more views i was so pissed i was like man i can just we can all agree to hate on madpat especially what he did to my wife of yuri from doki doki literature dude [ __ ] that then i shot him in my next episode on on the show so it was fine everything worked out it wasn't basement involved too i think he was yeah he was the guy yeah he wrote it oh it's another shitty thing from him so are we going to say b or a i'm voting a for all i would say a i would still say a yeah a it is despite everything matpat tried to do to ruin it can you taste a liar it turns out you can't there's 12 minutes going by wow i never would have guessed this is busted by dollar shake that's actually fashion bad run all right next meme is significant because it was the first jojo meme to get mainstream outside of any anime community can you guess what it is all right i think we i think we have a clear s to your mean that's true yeah and let me tell you why okay the only thing that ruins this meme is compilation videos everything else besides it like if you watch a compilation video this is not funny at all because you expect and just the roundabout it gets you going the music's just flowing i mean i don't think it could be anywhere but as here oh yeah i'm personally not going to be sold on that right now just because they usually play the notes before the surprise happens so i know that's right i like exactly i think will be right personally will be right back as the funnier version though it is a rip-off of this one right right but i yeah i prefer the roundabout many times more and more and the thing is with roundabout people have like gotten rid of the beginning notes as well for some edits like future edits they've done more of the we'll be right back kind of thing so we'll say it's a best here it's the only ending theme that actually begins before the ending sequence takes place you don't see that with the other endings from part three onwards that's true you know what you know what it is this meme started a trend that machi no dolphuru is still doing today right like those whole things where you don't expect it then the music comes in and then like freeze frames on something maybe zoom in on something else you know so i'm getting a lot of s here so even though i would play on that this year the lobby has decided to s-tier it above my head it's time for another meme that i think is total garbage we haven't had one of those in quite a bit we've kind of been hitting the high notes right now so let's go oh boy with everyone's favorite pick that you've never seen before in your life holy [ __ ] it made no sense when i didn't watch jojo and it was annoying as [ __ ] when i did watch jojo it's never been funny to me it's ironic it's because like you know it's like something will obviously be referenced and someone post it but it's just kind of funny because you know it's ironic that's me personally okay but how many people use it ironically though you gotta like take into the cavemen braid the caveman brain of like all the uh jojo fans out there i don't think too many use it ironically as many that uh should they probably should be using it ironically i don't know i know it started ironically as like everyone would always be like yo is that a jojo reference and then people yeah like do it like yo is that a [ __ ] jojo reference but then people didn't i guess there was not enough people realized it was ironic and i started seeing it unironically everywhere it was like this is the reason why people think jojo's an annoying fandom because you won't shut the [ __ ] up all right i changed my mind i think it's funny how this particular image was made before part 5 was animated or anything like that and like most of the references on there it's like two of them are polynomial and then like then there's the knives and there's menacing but it's like two of them are about pull and rip in part five and yet this was made like during part four's airing i think that's when i started seeing it used so i feel like the the irony part of it would be like a b tier but you know what it's referencing the annoying part of the fandom would be like d or f tier um yeah i'm thinking f d yeah i could put this in f here but i could also put this in d or c or b i'll just put it in uh the bin well that's a good thing jack is in control of this listen up this is my video on my channel i'm putting it in f because i hate it executive decision thank you for watching episode one we've got a lot more memes to cover but this video was getting long enough so i'm splitting it into several come back later and we'll have more of shockmeister more of riverdude and more of the discord server covering more memes
Channel: Jack Duripper
Views: 1,060,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jojo's Bizarre Adventures, Jojo, jojoke, jojo memes, memes
Id: pfZuv94WRO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 42sec (2442 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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