The Isle - THE UNSTOPPABLE RAPTORS - Hunting Dinos, Human Buildings & More! - The Isle Gameplay

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[Music] [Music] [ __ ] I heard something go no kiss the guys near me [ __ ] I gotta need me too I'm faster than he is but I do not have stamina I'm gonna hide the bush real quick did you call out okay can you oh [ __ ] me what what what oh I've got young adults here X here oh there's tooth I just stay here they gorgeous printed past me they didn't see me oh yes I found a carcass give me that food it's a Giga are we near each other I'm heading into the grass I'm just gonna fill my belly yeah I see oh [ __ ] all [ __ ] what was that I think that was something that's right next to me I'm gonna hide right here yeah we're close enough do you see the court yes what's up my brother the music started as soon as you walked over eat that sure right now okay I'm gonna keep going keep a lookout I don't know how we said coordinated magic magic dude yeah I have no stamina by the way so we need to chill bury this yeah I got a full belly from that Giga I think that was a Giga I don't know I apologize because I don't know anything about dinosaurs dude holy crap dude is it like yeah I guess I'll come okay you heard that right yeah are you full yeah I'm gonna excellent oh right well I'm full so my my salmon not quite middle clothes still giving me the finger here how are we on growth 0.78 yeah it's going rather slow but that's fine we're couple rafters just hiding in the bushes yeah I don't like this dude we're sitting in a bush around a piece of meat and water which is what everyone is looking for ocean nerds don't believe what oh don't move do not move okay do it yeah I don't even need the me but I'm gonna eat it because I'm an overindulging bastard that was brutal planning right there dude oh yeah so let's just get back to the baby this is how we survive I'm gonna go in this tree yeah so where you were coming from again let's go back up that mountain if you could remember which direction it was that's fine hey all for the experience dude but we got to find that thing I know the direction all right it's the direction of the scary sound family's calling to each other okay yeah once case scenario we scatter and we go oh [ __ ] where is it we are not befriending anybody okay if we are it's for the purposes of tricking them into growing a little bit getting food and then us killing them so we can eat them okay okay okay for the same reasons we avoid joining others oh [ __ ] is that you no that wasn't you calling that wasn't me calling I'm not trolling you in this game man well welcome everybody to the aisle this is yeah no absolutely this game is way more on the inside than it appears to be oh we're the water at night oh I love the low pass that's great see it's the attention to the little details that matters so oh don't [ __ ] call out insane we're not trying to find each other anymore I guess we should get to in a more open area and I can see where the that building was that was there should be a great big clearing in front of us over here yeah so far it's between me and oh yeah so though for those who know about the Isle this as soon as we start recording this there have been stuff added that are remnants of humans being in the game which up to this point didn't exist yet so we're tracking down on the way to find each other we saw oh I love how the water did you see that if you're like slightly under the water the water ripples and it pushes out oh yeah so yeah on our way to find each other I saw next to him was a a giant what looks like an aviation cage is no that's pretty close yeah fun are you sure holy [ __ ] is there as an herbivore I think I think the best is what I've learned from Jurassic Park and that's where you should learn all of your dinosaur information is that Raptors which are not these specific Raptors but the Raptors of a kind they tend to have one person out as a distraction or diversion and the others flank to make these to make others think that you're by yourself and then I come in for the attack yeah yeah you should totally yell for help like a damsel in distress or is a siren song come to me I'll sink your boat yeah you know like when you're sailing the Seas and you hear a siren song it leads it to your death yeah okay there's a lab over here dude if this was where I came from okay well I'm sure if I get to a certain point I'll be able to see it let's go do some scouting all right all right all right we got nothing else to do but grow and eat so hell yeah good yeah whoa whoa yeah of course I did there are no [ __ ] don't call back are you you I swear to God I don't understand you sometimes I think go back hurts you call back you liar okay see no it was damn it I wish own you want me calling back sounds like whenever chill okay cuz I don't wanna I don't want to go in the silver field and have them like looking up in this direction is that a dead body over there by those trees or is that a rock I can't tell so the guys didn't know you can sniff in this game yeah footprints and corpses and corpses yep holy [ __ ] they're getting closer are there's water all down there it is not a corpse okay oh it's more of us I think isn't that what we sound like I don't even know what the [ __ ] no dude no all right let's go let's go all right let's recover some aura stamina actually you're right no dude I'm trying to oh I have to stand back up I have a whole animation - wait before you start oh my I don't like this game at all that sounded a lot bigger we have a we evaded night time which is great i invaded a family of t-rex yeah you did for that footage watch IC caresses video whoa what what what what I hit him fight him flank him flank him he's injured I gotta get him again all right I'm gonna come in I'm gonna die though I feel like I'm dying nice nice heal up first dude heal at first don't focus on that we'll get the food will get the food healing up in this car all right look at the [ __ ] paint job dude do we just do it some adults we this is not competition people bring it on I was just kidding oh my bleeding marks on the way I might say like no it's fine oh you have a broken bone simple symbol what would that accomplish when an enemy comes you be like elder benjin and I'll take off good plan D oh all right well I mean we just killed something there's like three times our size yeah I think we can take on it really grow interior actions how did that guy find us by the way he sniffles how do you think I thought he saw my tail and he didn't see you know he didn't see me no he did as soon as he's there you attacked tried to attack you you know what you know what might be what might be an exploit is if they turn down their graphical settings the grass won't appear after a certain distance kind of like you cheatin pup G [Music] so they could be doing that why are you lying there huh I'm healing up dude but then once the blood symbol goes away it's just kids wait no uta' means you stop the bleeding I'm pretty sure you heal faster you know what let's just lay here for the fun of it dude we just our victory rest we kicked the [ __ ] out whatever that was was though trying to sort it sorry for questioning you daddy I think it was a dancer yeah yeah I'm so not gonna lie this is cute yeah we're so we're so adorable we are adorbs oh you can zoom in really for to them hey hey he's probably go black and fill up on food again before we yeah you're right let's go I'm all healed up what just gonna wait dude oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I heard something what did you make a noise it was a call stop calling I'm not calling and sipping okay dad so dig in alright let's go back yeah whatever we're going where are we going okay that's close yeah so I think I took more damage than you in that but yeah probably [ __ ] dude stop it well no you made a sound but when you made the sound you just appeared in my screen oh it scared the [ __ ] out of me yep he's not that close but yeah get out of here we got a live yeah we got a lot to work with must be night so at night for those who don't know we can put on night vision which is limited to a certain amount actually what's our Raptors that's pretty good yeah why you see some oh the screen fish you have a bush 0.92 boy we about to grow soon we trip down a t-rex already I I'm almost confident there was another one of us but you know whatever we'll take credit for credit is not doing ok was that was not you right okay dude [ __ ] Christ dude there's a tree [Music] [Laughter] there's a bunch of [ __ ] around us hold on see as we get further in our progression and our growth I feel like you're gonna take this a little bit more seriously I did not want to start over right now there's a lot no okay living things living things that will also eat us okay underneath the tree it would eat the [ __ ] it would not eat you what are you talking about from the soil [ __ ] from the water the carbs you really think these trees aren't secretly venus flytrap actually you know you're right you're probably right no I had worse tree beer dude we're in Fangorn dude and look look sort of like straight up and look at how that light bounces off your back yeah oh that's so beautiful yep we're basically glowing dude oh that's me music okay good are you sure it was just mountain range no if we get to high ground we'll be able to see it I'm confident it's really big I'm here I think yeah I think it's the music that's been scaring me for a while okay Oh like that we come up with a surrender scar there this is a Philly grande Giga okay I don't see it yeah Oh your territory yeah it basically oh okay yeah yeah that's what it looks like though like observatories and like I said it was a dome don't waste your stamina we chase it what does this sound do you hear that rumbling yeah it's not the music the music is off okay I don't think it's on it hardly you're you're mistaken dude I don't see any other creatures here either yeah I mean it's a big map I heard that call though yeah we should probably go investigate because of those babies we need to kill them for the hood true those only my eyes exposed I wonder what else nice what the hell was that Oh oh that's big is it right here oh dude there's something in the inland the trees right here right behind us right here oh how big is it pretty small going in I hit it once nope nice I'm going where he looks like a baby threat or is he are you chasing him yeah I really hope he didn't have a mother I hope so too he would have been calling out if so yeah you're right you're right yeah I don't like that I'm really worried a giant sonic night vision is super handy hi glad I was able to see that guy what a well-deserved meal I don't know but if that's the nature of the game item there he just sees two Raptors rock on guys like I didn't I just stay still the cat see ya when you know us and you turned your heads and then I turned my hand at the exact same time towards him and that's when he bolted yeah must be so scary yeah just like seeing two bands already just stopped drinking yeah nice what's up the only when twice the size oh I can't tell if that was just ambient insect sounds er no no yeah we're gonna do it oh wait still looking for the India alright whatever we have more stamina no oh we do you do we're definitely a lot faster yeah although it's kinda wish I could look in like a hurst person with a controller kit because if i tried to look up at his mountain range all I see is brass yeah unfortunately that's the problem cuz like the way the head turns and the eyes are on the site how we should emulate that in first-person you don't have to just like change the camera angle like zoom into the head like behind the head and then just follow where you're looking yeah yeah did you see that the cloudy must moved instantly that means the dev might be in the other borealis oh yes it's very I don't hear anyone else it was a single tree in this field what the hell that tree is the tree of hardship is this the right way are we [ __ ] up again no idea we should probably lie down for a bit to regenerate our sound that are you almost out all right we got to get out of the field so for sure all right let's go all right let's do this my dude wait holy crap it is I can't [ __ ] dude you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you at everything you stand for Jesus melodramatic Oh did the music do you heard that right I'm hearing wait Han do you make sound you crouch shut up I heard something snort very close to us I'm an ambush oh dude that was so fast oh my god we are so fast oh that's amazing I'm so high at least uh the ambience stopped so we can hear something is this an no that sounded what just accidentally run into the aviary be nice [Music] oh no oh no oh I don't like that seems like down here is a good oh no that's way too steep dude I gotta go down we're dead we're dead I broke a bone I broke a bone you died I said down and not down there like just down in general there's something hello I'm about to die by someone is that you huh I'm gonna call it that you that's not you know there's another Utahraptor next to me though he's talking to me I think it's a dev my god how long does a my ask this guy how long does a broken leg last if he says forever I'm killing myself because that's that's pretty much done 10 minutes so I'm still alive I don't have any food though so I might die of starvation this guy says do not go up this mountain like that that's a bad idea so clearly clearly are you by my corpse I know I can go down I guess yeah yeah oh my god don't ever break your leg though this is painstaking to watch this and it's fine it'll be fast and I'll protect you pop IGP I call you daddy no now you can't dad in you can't I think someone else might have eaten your corpse 10 minutes on a broken leg [ __ ] my ass Oh who's this hello is that you probably not okay take me up there can you yell at me some more daddy the eyes don't know the whole conversation before the stream I further applauding sorry well then I said I was going to make it feel awkward as hell like I'm dabbing so don't judge me judge him it's not awkward because it's true I think your your corpse might have disappeared into the nothingness yeah cuz I'm sniffing out see you don't know how far I can my scent is but oh hey my legs better nice it's no longer broken but I still can't walk very much can i yep yay that was not ten minutes that was way less than ten minutes yeah I don't see your body anywhere so great I might have to fight someone [ __ ] I don't know what he is it does not sound friendly though should I kill the sky or what I mean if he's not hostile to you I mean he's calling out and following me don't lie to him in a friendly manner he gave up I think yeah you give up I don't see your corpse anywhere so I'm about to die maybe you should kill him for food that's what I was saying should I kill him for food or what if I die I guess there's nothing to lose I'll go after only us alright test my skills which are basically nil I can imagine though that this guy is also searching for food so because we're in the middle of nowhere and there's no food around I'm hoping that my ambush can work I wish you luck my friend thank you Adam is he dead nope now he is yes we live another day here I don't see you say digging that was the trace or I'm past the lab if you're coming directly at me you're gonna see a lab before you see me I don't think I can oh I can't eat the little corpses anymore oh no I can be greedy daddy I'm being really dude we have taken out so many dinos I mean they're not bigger than us so I guess that's you know a little unfair to say that but babies a juvenile see right oh yeah you're right we did it yeah then we're good we are amazed they're gonna be so impressed with our skill hell yeah you should all subscribe like right now if I it's a race whoever hits the subscribe button first gets to feel smug and get post about it in the comments yeah go oh look at this okay this is not just a lab this is like multiple buildings call out oh my god you're do you have a mountain in front of you I think so yeah oh my god hey I have a I have a a mode area somebody was taking a lawn mower to this area I love how our like clickbait tidal voices get more and more indistinguishable time goes on just swipe your hand across the keyboard [Music] pourtant shut up I don't care so has anyone ever pictured a dinosaur resting next to the buildings before I don't think oh I love the sounds I make when I lay down okay so I guess we might not want to meet each other we might want to go to like a populated area to get food for you know call out okay yeah you are beyond you might just have to die and then hope you respawn near me like in dayz what the [ __ ] was that what was what sound like a giant water droplet I don't know what kind of dinosaur that is yeah it was just a huge elongated version of that oh my god have you see small mine jumping in the ocean no and someone oh yeah yeah oh it's beat need to build a nest do you wanna do you want to be my my hatchling of course I do daddy just let me kill myself first daddy no stop sorry daddies this making you uncomfortable if you don't call me baby I'm gonna keep calling you daddy daddy oh my god that's fine I'll take you go on daddy okay daddy I like you daddy can I call you daddy you're a good daddy your uses in my video are no longer needed I mean if I get you in Starks death I'm really very upset yeah it's gonna suck oh [ __ ] me that is a large serrata source I think so I'm going to run the hour serrata Thoris Renaissance Cerreta strategies Sarah Turks are assert the sincerity Ceratosaurus is it John Cena hold on what the [ __ ] okay there's a lot of [ __ ] going on can you sure you sure I'd rather not right now go on you know you look I understand you're not back in the game yet let's not fooling me I'm alive and well and I'm not ruining that for the sake of you getting a few ducks out of it god damn it okay there are very large things around me I don't like the sound of any of this did you hear that yeah yeah it was like a horn you must be pretty close to me dude there are so many different sounds what the [ __ ] Welbeck here's water how you doing on water you should be fine right I'm like half full of water and my stomach's nearly a tiny one got him instead alright I'm right here on top of this me what me what are you talking about oh god please hurry dude okay I swear to God come over here and just stop talking for like five five seconds and you're gonna hear a billion [ __ ] calls from different things in every direction what you know I only saw that Raptor because he had made a sound crouching down that's I like that attention to the audio detail and the importance of it oh there's another one oh [ __ ] is two of them [ __ ] I can't take two two babies you know they're two uh underneath me whatever that level is called they're not babies you see me I hear you you hear that don't I can you hear this the meat isn't your right over here oh you know it disappeared oh I'm here I'm not even cleaning I think it disappeared what the [ __ ] how is that possible well I need more food okay I'm I don't know what happened to the body dude I did not eat it my stomach's leading today that's sex well looks like you're gonna die do ya you were tiny yeah okay let's are you actually bleeding should we kill somebody yeah okay yeah I guess we're just gonna have to charge and kill some I swear it look over here and see if there was a body laying here for you because this is where I killed it I'm confident nothing any red see footprints nope I guess it disappeared you can bait you want to be bait you want to try this tactic out I can hide in the bushes you bait out somebody let me know if someone's coming up to you oh and I will [ __ ] ambush him I'm ready somebody's calling back I think something's falling back I'll stay at a distance Jesus Christ dude terrifying watches run into a pack of tier yeah right it's gang at higher [ __ ] do you hear that yeah it sounds like it I guess this to symbolize that's dying just stay close to me I guess yeah the water but the water hole over here might be good oh [ __ ] it's a big version at always just around a source [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] dude that's some huge yeah it's throught a source it's pretty big are you following me still you're tiny you should be able to cross the field no bro behind that's not oh dude he's like right near you he's like right next to me think if I go up and ask him nicely he'll give me some meat Oh gali gali oh god I'm gonna come to me come to me oh wait Lily I got him he's dead he's right on top of me big guys being friendly I think so with the red face serrata Soros yeah but I don't know if you'll be friendly to your cuz you're big okay I'll move there's a Tyrannosaur coming to sniff out the food over here okay got this guys come right on top of me all right big guy Sarah Taurus is coming towards you [ __ ] he saw me he saw me [ __ ] I'm in the woods are you eating oh god I got food yeah good is he right next to you not that I can see no he's not god I'm so injured well you're injured whoa Oh from that yeah so get to a place and heal up I mean I could just heal up right next to Sarah Taurus if he's still friendly I wonder why he's being so friend oh he's trying to bait he's trying to bait me out cuz he knows you're probably with someone yeah yeah he's not near you no and are you still eating no I'm lying you're so pure itand is the same size it's my entire body yeah I'll try sniff out the other body I killed I need food or the Ceratosaurus is killing someone right now maybe I didn't deserve it up maybe he's using me as bait he won't want to kill me I honestly think he killed it for me for you to get food yeah cuz he was calling out to man he's leading me back to hey he seems like a nice freakin guy what it what a guy yeah because basically like you're useless to him like you you sure yeah you like no food at all God that was so hungry this is taking so many medals let me know if he's gonna be coming up near me he's ran a store there's a transport coming I'm going back in there's a lot of big guys around here I can't believe I'm surviving as long as I have been yes that's the rash there at the store is helping you is nuts I stick with him for a second dead some like fit and stuff I'll keep sounding off so you can fall from a distance if you go to where I was by the way I'm in that planes there's a full body there for you to eat yeah yeah yeah that's the only problem just stay close as soon as I eat we can leave yeah yeah I don't know it could like the Sarat are it's just clearly following me is they no perspective or oh [ __ ] because of you know he's just rich straight after another creature and ripped apart God do you think if I introduced him to you him what no he needs me right away you are you kidding me oh wait no is this as big as I guess oh I can't grow any more this is big as I get ya oh you're not yeah fully grown sorry sure no there's someone near me the most playing Marco Polo right now I don't know what the [ __ ] that's about there are so many dead bodies room this must be the Sarah Taurus is hunting ground maybe am I getting close with you yeah he's following me I need food so bad I'm gonna have to go without you yeah but I can't get to him because it's service around sources there do this it's like a game of like triple spy betrayal but in spy is double crossing and triple drinking something keeps calling back every time they hear a dinosaur sound I don't like that doesn't trap for sure yeah I'm gonna die very soon though dying very soon it's like a lion taking care of a puppy hey alright alright well I'm gonna start losing health soon you seem to have survived for quite a while yeah yeah you can keep going for a while oh I see the Prince the Prince up there it is make sure there are something smaller than you yeah but I can't tell if it's alone when that can act as bait yeah you're pretty fast but if this guy's faster than your [ __ ] oh that's you okay don't make any noise don't make any noise I gotta sniff this Corinthian oh here buddy I slipped that honest in the water are you kidding me dinos behind us yeah they're along the water's edge okay are they close or what yeah they were like only a like oh there's another buddy here oh [ __ ] there's a dino guardian can I take him is he big what is my middle in size a mystery that I'm circling right here okay they ran got him got him I need it yes alright I'll keep watch eat him I'm trying dude there we go you got to eat his face survive if anyone comes up right now I will die I'm literally going to die that wasn't even much food for me but that's enough to get out of here oh we got to find a nice spot food to pause this dude there's a forest up here we let's do it just go up the field up the field oh I think I heard the horn I don't think that's him but it's something are you not coming up dude Jesus Christ well you see yeah holy crap indeed if this is interesting to you guys let us know I'll be happy to continue this is actually incredibly fun way beyond what I expected I enjoyed myself yeah and we're doing pretty well I feel so if you enjoyed the video hit the like button subscribe to our channels ICS is down below he's also probably in the comments trolling what the user does you can just click on that subscribe and let us know if you want some more thanks again for watching we love you all and we'll see [ __ ] see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,991,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the isle humans, the isle human gameplay, the isle lab, the isle human lab, the isle building, the isle human buildings, the isle utahraptor adult, the isle utahraptor growth, the isle full grown utahraptor, the isle biggest raptor, the isle raptor adult, the isle gameplay, the isle beta gameplay, the isle update, the isle gameplay update, igp, igp the isle, igp the isle gameplay, the isle news, the isle ending, the isle game, the isle, the isle lore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 6sec (2526 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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