We NEED More Horror Games Like This One...PLEASE

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what's up gamers welcome to siren head resurrection now i know the siren head genre is way overdone and has essentially died out but this game is a gem dude i'm so mad i'm just now hearing about this this game is legitimately a full-on horror adventure we're talking beautiful graphics a huge playable map a visual audio mechanic as well as a unique item inspection system seamless cut scenes and an actual siren head storyline with tons of environmental storytelling a multitude of secrets and even multiple endings seriously this is next level and dude the build up is insane it's just so well done like i knew about siren head long before playing this and yet when it finally shows up oh boy now i am preempting this video telling you all of this mainly because it excites me personally to see such quality in the indie horror scene but also because i really want you to remember two very important things about this game one it's made by a solo developer and two it's completely free to play i'm not kidding man now the game is apparently different every time you play so if you want to check it out for yourself the link is down below it's free so why not maybe even consider donating to the developer oh also there is a new game plus mode available that is actually recommended by the developer if you want me to revisit this game again let me know down below and i'll definitely do it oh and i'm sure you haven't even noticed but in the back of the main menu you can actually see cyberhead standing up look at him anyway i know you guys are going to enjoy this one so let's get this going i am on my way to the valley my brother is working there as a ranger i was contacted by the local ranger station where he had been in touch recently he did not report and is unreachable season is over there is nobody in the area and it's quite away from civilization jack had some issues with the radio recently so they've sent someone to check on him his cabin was locked and there was nobody at the watchtower i know the area quite well we used to spend a lot of time there when we were kids a storm will hit the valley in the coming hours and the whole area will be covered with thick fog in the following days i have to act fast yes please hello oh my goodness mouse wheel what you can sprint left shift yep your senses will sharpen while you sneak your site will improve and you'll be able to recognize the noises around you what's this like ancestors the humankind odyssey what is mouse wheel uh compass can help you find where you should be as you get closer the compass needle will start spinning oh captain jack sparrow hello i'd like to take out some money please no money okay okay siren head resurrection the fourth movie in the series okay everything's locked to john oh my god press and hold whoa oh what is this oh that is so cool instead of the item just kind of hovering and spinning around he's actually holding it okay this is actually kind of sick i knew going into this it was going to be pretty high quality but so far this is actually kind of insane although the depth of field like i would like to look at my compass okay compass where are you pointing over here silent lake off office right we need to go to the office right oh look at the map jesus this place is huge oh it's just a ranger station okay right we have to we have to go to him broken fang crooked spine trail whispering forest so this was my brother did i am i understanding that correctly check your journal once in a while it can lead you in the right direction you can access journal by pressing j oh we got spooky god it's creepier to be in my journal than it is to be out in the open office is empty there was nobody at the office but a car was parked nearby i should get into the cabin and try to find out what happened the first popular story we talked about as a kid as uh kids ah damn dude that just knocked one a off the triple a status while we were in a camp was okay i didn't like that at all is that siren head okay the menu is terrifying i don't want to be in there damn it it's locked it's locked journal updated we used to hide the spare key under the rock behind the cabin examine oh dude this is such a sick this is has this been done before i'm sure it's been done before but that's such an interesting way to actually like look at it having your hand interact with it that's got to be a pain this is a one-man developer i don't know if i mentioned that yet i probably did because that's kind of impressive look at this hammer dude what's on the hammer you think there's something important on the hammer oh interesting oh there it is that's not the back that's the side of the house is siren head moving around all my stuff use the key oh i got to go to the scary place if i want to unlock it's so dark can i get a flashlight are these flashlights what is this bear spray oh i could end it all here right eat snacks to recover some health your body will feel better and refreshed what is this like an rpg dude this is so sick knock knock [Music] manipulate says the game ah what is this oh press the toggle flashlight yes oh that is so bright can i like blind siren head oh my i literally tried i picked this up and i was gonna say i hope that your flashlight illuminates it but not only does the flashlight illuminate but he literally animates to hold the flashlight out did you see that i know i'm i'm not usually one for like you know graphics cinematography type stuff in video games but i mean jesus christ that's incredible oh here we go if you're reading this do not try to follow me get out as soon as possible the radio is useless something is messing with the frequencies i don't know if i can trust my own senses i saw that thing it's horrifying i think i lost my mind those divers went missing and i worry that something bad has happened it somehow connected with the caves here i think i heard the echo of one of them in the distance i hope i won't be late link for a date bruh you don't have a pistol i'll take it anyway though when i get a pistol press left mouse button to use binoculars oh my god mouse wheel yep i blinded myself oh my god i just had an idea is this gonna be am i gonna have to like watch out for the trees do you have a gun in here like is there some secret compartment i'm supposed to find what does my compass say oh going this way uh i'm gonna stick to the trail i guess man i could really use that gun is that item only there just to tease me oh god what the what's the lore behind the compass you know what's up with that i'm very unnerved right now narrow creek forest okay where the hell is it telling me to go hello i'm here in uh-oh god stop it i missed dumbass oh yeah i got my bear spray i'm not afraid of nothing hey [Music] cut it out what do i do to him can i eat i can eat right right right okay g to eat you feel much better now thanks a lot [ __ ] hey hey hey oh oh man stop old house very good hello housekeeping please let me in i don't want to be outside with these filthy animals oh hey close the door thank you bear trap trap door bear trap door hello examine journal updated what is this i'm solving puzzles dude how expansive is this game broken old clocks to sign an old house i found a broken old clock and clocks inside an old house that did not fit to the rest of the house there was a small drawer at the bottom but i couldn't find any obvious way to open it oh my god okay clearly can't do this yet hey no hey back up stop it i'm almost out now my bear spray what am i supposed to do if there's a bear ah i see a watchtower no siren head in sight i don't think i'm going the right way at all though [Applause] [Music] [Music] is that just here to scare me or what's going on dude okay be no cuellar's not really working watchtower okay i don't have the key for this right i gotta find it on the divers oh god i'm gonna go in here and then come back out or up here at least and come around the corner and he's gonna be right there yeah it's locked yep okay oh there's a gun i could use that gun see here oh hello what is this oh it's another oh 20 gems okay where is compa compass is telling me to go back can i go around maybe oh man oh jesus lord have mercy oh my god dude all of those deer were like like the screenshot in my head that i saw was not an animal dude dark forest [Music] that sounds amazing pride rock is really grown huh is that is that a statue of siren head was that supposed to scare me like don't scare me oh dear oh dear yeah it is yeah i'm not i'm not a big fan of that dude who made this who made this isn't there more than one isn't it like a whole it's a whole species camp i found the camp we're at the north cave winter rock pass we're almost at oh we went all the way around oh that's where it wants me to go it must be pointing to the lake can i go through the cave oh i can't north to south cave it's got to be right everyone's gone cucumber what did they what did they have that for what is this oh okay this ought to be real good yep uh oh oh oh oh hello bear spray i'll take it um screwdriver can't take it what are you it's locked oh siren head no no did he rip apart the other siren head there's more oh where does this go where does that go can i fall down there i don't want to go down there did you guys fall down there i'm gonna go over here first nope can't go anywhere okay i think i have to fall down there let's go oh come on but i wanna go well that cave was unsuccessful and it does not connect to the south cave entrance so i gotta go all the way around now i think oh yeah there was yeah there was a sign here pointing yep cable car and silent lake is that straight here oh this is the cable car oh i'm an idiot i can lean left oh i think this is where i was supposed to go at first my bad my bad we're just exploring that's all it is sticking in the sights yep so you already know i'm prepared now wait this splits off where am i going left to right compass it says straight silent leg okay i'm here i think is there a cave entrance here oh there they are i can't see anything that's not helpful what's in the water homeboy oh i don't have a bell of discovery what does that mean [Applause] is this the other entrance oh it is maybe the keys in here south cave there we go stupid ass deer the secrets i want to know the secrets tell me what do i do with the camera dslr camera it is broken maybe i will be able to get something from a memory card oh at the office okay we got to go back up then what am i hearing there's something in the rocks radio maybe [Applause] oh there it is walk it talk it radio is active even if you don't hold it in your hands oh my god i thought i threw it is siren head like just stalking me where is he you got a gun i'll take a gun okay we got to take the camera back to the main office because i'm 100 sure i saw a memory card laying on that table [Music] okay [Music] man this is leading up to a probably a massive reveal [ __ ] go away holy mother of god why would you write in a journal after that i was on my way back to the camera when a giant beer came out of the forest unfortunately the attack was going right by the last sign of a horn the bear got scared and ran away yeah i'm more curious obviously there's [ __ ] bears out here dude duh what was that horn i mean i know what the horn was but why aren't you asking these questions keep going knowing what's happening kevin will be safe right close the door thank you is this it yes okay now what interact yes that is not a is that good person oh yeah there are people i didn't even see that guy two people oh that is a siren head blair witch doll cave paintings they have to sacrifice a baby the siren head oh it's the code 888. you got a gun yet can i take a gun i'm sorry can you say that again okay i'm at the old house hello are you at the clock let's take this with me i will hurt you if you touch me hello who is it is this the old house oh my god it was a person it was an action is this the blair witch guy the guy that you just woke up come on scream there is nobody in this goddamn place who can help you not even your best friends you want to know something about friends they left me there everything collapsed i was about to die and after i woke up i heard that voice it is demanding a sacrifice but you're not the one it's looking for so do not interfere leave this place and never come back okay my siren head yeah i bet that sucks dude should i eat is this a key i was looking at that while he was talking i thought it was a key it's not yeah oh i got pills yeah i found a bottle of strong medicine i have a bad feeling about it but the bottle was empty oh what is that book what is that book what the hell i can use an axe what is this oh that's you i'm so sorry that happened to you buddy five nine is it eight five nine then what's in the thing but i just got the doll what what could possibly be in the box that i don't already have i am so ready dude this game is playing out like this is such a high quality like adventure like this is so cool listen i have an axe i don't need a damn key it's literally made of wood i found a well in the middle of the forest above it was a huge wooden figure it represents a big screamer as they call it it's from local legends based on the paintings in the caves yeah i wonder if it's a whole species then it's got to be right oh i see okay it would be 999. come on there it is yes a key there's a notebook in here i can't touch it though why i got the key to the watchtower though i guess i don't need the notebook okay watchtower time please i can get that gun and i won't be afraid of siren head anymore [Music] what what what did i miss oh that's what i missed okay okay hey take shotgun i'm so ready dude sorry i had to see what i missed i knew it was gonna be important but my dumb ass keeps messing up don't fire ooh that's going to be important [Music] dude just the way you interact with that is so cool i love it i'm taking this with me so where did siren head he ran this way i don't want to go here who am i gonna have to blast oh my god what what was dead am i losing my mind yeah yeah yeah you are the guy he just flew up into the sky he's just jealous [ __ ] it's superman dude oh man keep that shotgun out dude you might have to use it on yourself holy mother of god dude the build-up to this thing is insane what the hell is this this is a factory uh abandoned factory interesting i'm ready to shoot at literally anything oh bolt cutters bolt cutters he's gonna be behind me oh i don't like this open without shooting please i don't want to accidentally fire i feel like i gotta keep the axe out [Music] wolf where you going i missed oh god what am i doing what am i doing i shouldn't make noise dude uh was he showing me the way do i have to jump yeah he was showing me oh that dog is smart yeah there we go parkour dude this game has everything no sorry sorry [Music] oh god it's coming it's coming oh my god oh my god this bird i knew that bird was trouble every time he appears now is he spawning it [Music] running running running hello oh god oh god oh god no no i thought i could get past him oh he's back there sneaky sneaky no that means he sees me i wasn't sticking i thought i was thinking [Music] dude that's so cool this game is so cool but i need to pour myself a drink yeah flinderman can't get me in real life i can pull my drink safely i got to get a head in that way i'm just going to run book it book it we did it wait are you kidding me where am i going do i have to go over there what am i supposed to do i'm gonna run run runner oh this is bad [Music] big brain big brain keep me alive no way no what the hell what the hell you can't be heard you gotta go this way gotta go this way quick well he's turning around oh man i hate it i hate it i hate i hate it i hate it how are we looking looking fat oh where are we going no i can't go i have to have a a valve oh my god he's checking around corners dude who made this game i made it in here is that going to help me of course not there's nothing in here no valve not oh it's offline and poor's stopped i'd better not touch that what do you mean i'd better not touch that why would you not touch it tools pipes oh okay [Music] i need you okay down in the pipes this should work now with the wrench yes okay i put the main breakers down only critical systems are still online hall b has new equipment so if you want to turn the electricity back on you will need to find the right switching order if the power draw jumps too high the breakers will trip therefore you will need to switch this breaker before some of the breakers that have already been switched on i'm sure you will figure that out really soon oh god oh god [ __ ] there we go three too much what the hell did i just do it's on it said smash it i smashed it where did he go i don't hear him anymore he's gone okay control room what happened the gate opened oh my god is there anything else in here i don't need anything else right okay we're out i should take the forklift oh greenstone cave uh that's enough douglas stop making those sounds it's not funny anymore yesterday tom got scared that's gonna shut it for you i know what those sounds are just the right way how long do the lights last for i have a feeling they don't last long hello [Applause] oh my god it was reloading [ __ ] sorry buddy what the hell there's more than one what is that is that night is it night outside oh no holy crap what were we digging for here again this is a very long path that i don't like oh it's cold and it's night ah that transition was smooth i like it i like it and i don't like it whispering forest yeah now that i'm here i don't like it oh my god just go go go go go go no sense in lollygagging i got a mushroom and oh boy damn it i only have one shell [Music] oh no no that's bad that's bad oh i'm dead go away oh he is angry can you like give me some like shotgun shells this is so bad dude oh this is so bad what is that ain't no way homie oh great i hate heights oh yeah that's what i'm worried about here okay something's definitely gonna break this right can't see anything this is horrifying is there a siren head beneath me come on don't do it please don't do it please almost there just i'm looking down i'm looking down no way really greenwood camp sure whatever you want i'm in it i'm for it what am i hearing there's something moving what the hell was that hmm [Applause] [Music] i've ran i've ran what is this oh was there something important in there where's my compass nope nothing important in there oh god did you see that thing sarah broke her leg so we can't run away from it he lied here but i don't think it will simply let us go it's chasing us the whole time what do you mean i saw it several times down in a welly that's not possible it's been here all along i've seen it look i found this bottle i don't know what's happening but maybe frank poisoned us hey she is here i bring her that little piece of [ __ ] what the hell i've done it for you well well well thank you i was looking for her all that time and you found her for me stop it do you recognize this bottle you poisoned us no you don't understand otherwise you won't hear her calling it needs a sacrifice it will come and save us it won't come you're sick hallucination you are wrong it speaks to me see [Music] so you
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,479,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: siren head resurrection, siren head resurrection gameplay, siren head resurrection ending, siren head resurrection all endings, siren head resurrection secrets, siren head resurrection review, siren head resurrection game, siren head resurrection igp, siren head resurrection walkthrough, siren head resurrection compilation, igp, siren head resurrection pc, siren head resurrection download, siren head resurrection trailer, horror games, siren head, siren head games
Id: jp7VMQE-Mmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Wed May 11 2022
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