We Played The Isle Again and It's Still Insanely Terrifying

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[Music] whoa what the hell is that noise let me what is that what is it I don't know I mean there are a few people on here heard that sound before in the aisle you're actually really close to me dude I gotta jump down and get you all right videos over oh I know oh my god kind of miss the game that was so loud why we actually will need food we got water nearby slowest what's not expecting anyone because there's literally no one on when he woman Joey what was that I hear water running water I heard something sweat I heard something that definitely was not AI yeah something is moving around all the tracks all the tracks what yes it is it's the same thing you're chasing what are you talking about that's horrifying things like ten times our size Jesus do so okay it sounds like a pack of AI is that normal I'm definitely hearing like the occasional boot staff yeah something massive you know what that you know we're not thisis you know we're not doing right now finding the volcano wait what that's two different direction oh my god yeah we don't need to kill the image we need to find the lava yeah which we could totally dude at night in a map we've never played before us baby Utah look we're not on our own server so if we die it's over okay this is there's so much more at stake right now oh dude I haven't played the island forever and when I did find the real I need to recognize anything Oh something dirty dude it is stomping stomping stomp huge dog I'm hiding I'm hiding holy crap Oh rats there's no crowd as prex right here dude I hear he's walking right past me he's walking right past me do not make a soured me someone have a full crew brats on this server they had it on this server before dude he's going right to you what no it's not that either of those are a good thing for you I'm just saying simple carnal about car no no dude wait where is it oh my god maybe it was no I didn't leave where I can't hear it he's ascribe to dude I'm actually understand all right number coming stam and i don't think he knows where I'm at don't move it's vision is based on movement there's a door on your right I'm gonna pass don't worry he won't see you you're too small holy high so we're not going to survive this deep probably foz or he is asleep dude and it's probably Dandi by the way if you guys have never run into the hypercar no so well I never saw the horn oh god I just heard that that's what I heard and in the distance I could see a little bit of yeah if you guys haven't heard these dinos like actually playing the game they're so loud it's a trap really cuz because when you play this game you turn the volume up hoping you can hear other critters and then one roars in your ear and then you're deaf then you die and then you have to turn it up even louder cuz you're deaf and then just the neverending cycle okay no you know why I don't trust you because no one can be a hypo Carnot except the developer and the developer has access to teleport all around the map so no matter where you go you're not safe okay you make a good point but I'm by water and you're not so some on the time of the third so dying of hunger so you know 54% versus 16 well something I can't eat that's all I know he is hunting I hear his heavy footsteps he's next to you he's trying to know he's trying to sneak we're gonna Jesus dude it's so laying down I can't tell where he's coming to you he's coming to you whatever it is no he's moving past me he's moving towards the other big thing are they gonna fight oh I want to see this my god run into my fight oh my god do they're running that sound is well there's another one there's no one to my left I can't tell what it is it sounds is that the car no are they gone I don't know I don't hear anymore I need my stand the back then we need to kill something yeah anything god if we get this thing dude we're set for life or that yeah we are yes oh that is never ever ever a good time yeah there's smoke indicating where the lava is but I don't see it we ran out to get to a high ground I see it ever so faint I'm getting the directions hold on okay it is directly a little bit Northwest below its north-northwest so are we going north north what dude yeah yeah so it's over by that that small valley up there let's go no there's something else mirrors now we're fine oh there is it's in what Ostrow stop filo oh it's a day IV low eating let's go get it let's kill it dude there's something in the sky what do you see that what is that I don't know but it's moving as I move it's like pretty near us in terms of parallax there's something else what's the hell it looks like a herbivore fun vegetation is flying dude the vegetation fly yeah it's all above us thank God we're not playing as herbivores Dandi Don B 1 D D D no dude I'm Way too distracted it could have been a high post hyper and doctrine Tyrannosaurus neuro oh thank you nose not me some bigs coming some big [Music] you gotta run lose it lose it in the water you're so dead can you like ambush I can't do anything dude there's floating vegetation get over here ambush over here now I can't that thing sounds disgusting please get over here quickly quickly means fast can you come please you're out of stamina completely know what you can eat us it's Amaya you stop what baking office it's not me do this must be another Utah I'm pretty far away from you I don't know what in the hell why does it change like that I know what that means we all know what that means by now yeah all right well it's the trees quickly covered some kind of cover recover stamina fast sorry Jesus Christ let him know where we are while you're at it are you sure about that really sure yeah yeah why isn't this stuff on v3 yeah dude that you struck right in front of me a hole my god what was that what was that no get up to me I'm coming I'm coming haha radio towers not pharfignewton second lightning bolt was forced whoa something's coming something is coming I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die it's gonna come up the hill and it's gonna scare the hell out of me and I'm not prepared for it and I remember that's cuz I'm big now oh my god there's a second yeah I can't tell between the Thunder and the stomps dude you think he's chasing us to the volcano boo what do you hate the volcanoes his home I'm trying to hear where he's coming from I can't I don't know where they're at dude there's somebody that's in front of me yeah all right us you're here too holy Christ dude I honestly can't tell the sound I mean that's always say the same as the other one so it's a half a card open oh there is there is yeah but then my luck I'd run into the tree trunk and then a bit that's an interesting thought I see it I see it I don't it's headed towards you uh you're running right into it turn go a different route yep I'm I'm sorry to die yeah we gotta kill this thing I bought what I barked barked not parked yes I see why to me of all the directions leave me alone know what that's not at all what I said oh god it's happening oh it's happening hey Kenny you can't get me I'm too good show you and 15 degrees I'm running I'm running I'm running I'm running running Spain let him chase you I do not have stamina I will die ooh there is two oh my god what yeah there's two he's scouting he's watching the rest think oh my god I'm gone I'm going to the flames where are the smoke where smoke dude we are so close you this is not this is not this is not the place dude is there's no smoke coming from this there is no there is not are you dead this is so bad I can't see them I'm so dead you're gonna try and eat me my dead body are you gonna treat I am Alive Oh free entry you are so stand up I laid down like an idiot I can't see it's at that point at night where it's like oh I'm so freakin dead it's really windy up here I guess it just turned today that's not right no it's not for the record in when wondering I am absolutely on official u.s. three I have no control over this so that must live no it's actually kind of Handy I don't see the smoke but I'm on the side of a mountain that I feel like if I fall even the slightest bit I'm gonna die oh there I go there I go I'm dead I'm gonna die book our nose right up there oh my god Jesus you're not kidding this was old we were following the red Raptor somehow is he's alive no one knows how he got yeah the - I was right hey what you said that yes well it's very loud up here so this smoke is the lava I think yeah Oh Mike that's not dead not fire dude look at that look at that oh we're gonna die I cannot believe you went down that I can't believe you risk that that would have been funny where's the car no I went back to his home in the lava can you imagine no that would make sense right where did the red Raptor oh my goodness wow what what what you see look I can't see it get over the hill the hypercar goes down there Oh God thank the hack the card I saw you yeah oh he definitely sees me wait that's coming wait it's gone wait there's a cave Oh No are you dead oh yeah it's like pouring out here we got to get to that there's a cave oh there's someone there's a there's the red raptor maybe it's the right be right there yeah and we just walking on the lava there it is running uphill this is so cool this is actually really cool why is this not in v3 yeah dog day dude oh my god the heat the heat that flame dude it's so bright Ryan oh my God look at the crew look at the cliffs what clips nevermind they're gone now there was like to to die no sky lighting dude yeah they are they're laughing at us oh I see those yeah damn it oh you did son why do not it's the right one oh hello Jesus does a kind of terrifying it's a cave no it's like just oh so what now should we jump the lava what just happened you died it just killed me with heat are you serious oh yeah that roar tells me that I'd rather die by lava so see you world [Music]
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,430,961
Rating: 4.8771524 out of 5
Keywords: the isle, the isle game, the isle gameplay, the isle igp, igp, the isle gameplay igp, the isle hypo, the isle hypo gameplay, the isle hypo carno, the isle hypo carno gameplay, the isle hypo carno attack, the isle hypo carno igp, the isle hypo update, the isle thenyaw update, the isle thenyaw, the isle update, the isle recode, the isle new
Id: v1wwRni9oaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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