The Isle - SOMETHING MASSIVE IS HUNTING US! - Magna Rex Encounter?! Rex Survival - The Isle Gameplay

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[Music] [Music] what's up oh my god always leaving yeah you're so terrified this is uh this is a danger let's get down from this hill because there's a lot of spots we could fall into and I'm not I'm not dealing with that today anyway welcome back to the Isle we are both starving and we're t-rex's little [ __ ] baby tea right yeah herbivores suck just saying there's literally oh-ho Oh back in the water what is that what is that oh come in please thank you hey buddy oh poor guy right oh you're next scoot it back dammit dude I need to eat maybe if I do this yeah kill him like right there there you go no drinking oh dang this is a new area nice little swampy area I mean maybe we should stay in the swamp cuz that one guy was there it might be more yeah but he was in the water oh yeah I probably went into the water in village oh I hear I hear something Oh what do you hear it's like a like a duck call I'm already getting hit I've been getting hit for ages oh yeah but I sound a Gore pile when I spawn is [ __ ] we should have stayed at the swamp I can guarantee another one would have spawn yep we're gonna [ __ ] make it all right I'm gonna go investigate I ain't got [ __ ] to lose dude that was like right on top of us let's call back our Rumble we're gonna die anyway it's like in the rock yeah monster hello miss The Rock Monster my my my screen is so rad I can barely see I'm surprised you're still alive actually mine and I'm also nowhere near you so I can't get it I don't have enough stamina don't chase away towards me oh I've died that thing is twice my size like an ostrich dude who's your friend over here so this is my uncle Barry he drank a little bit too much last night last night being hundreds of millions not looking too well he's like totally um I mean I feel like he hasn't been eating enough you know he's all bones and no skin didn't have children yeah yeah no he was he was a look what oh god that's here the hell at me I gotta recover my stamina do ridiculous here exes is slow fat ass does that mean yeah here at the t-rex field I think that I think that's a little mean yeah what the hell was that was that you well boy it's raining can I recycle some of this water well didn't he say there was a feature where like the water your water level doesn't go down if you're in yeah that's the difference between life and death for me oh god okay alright alright everybody a little what yeah so much oh here is hell I don't like this so I'm about a third of my food gun your waters all the way gone yeah waters all the way gone I think the storm is stopping me from dying really they must have at it okay there's no water over here where we're going no it's the North Stars over here then no Saints facility here really yeah nope there's no water so we definitely went their own way but there is a science it's a nice man and a forest there by which might have war in it yeah as far as some water right yeah dude yeah okay so this is where you originally died off the cliff to the right right and then I had to go left to go in there and I do remember her being water so I need to go that was it so you if you're facing the north though I can't see the store anymore yeah I go that direction you're going is that you you just called out okay no I yawned oh well there's a dinosaur near you it called that only gonna be bad oh yeah there's a veteran excellent yeah get it for food dude I'll try if I'm like super low on health I'm coming in is it a tiny bugger but my size oh I see him I see him always fast towards me I'm gonna ambush him if there's another one coming dude there's another one coming yeah I haven't lost as long as it's raining I haven't lost any how does that does that comes to me okay yes so are you still taking damage or are you're not taking any damage okay so you get some water alright so I took a couple bites you have the rest all right you hadn't hit over to the force there's a dino out that way though okay I'm gonna wait for you just in case it finds its time laughs I should be fine eat the [ __ ] thing it's telling me dude I have to eat the tip of its tail alright we can run over and get some more - dude you rent another Dino it was they look pretty big in the distance I can't oh but she much easier to see without the night vision though yep there he is oh no no no no that's an aloe come over here all we need to go he's ambitious he's ambition yep we're gonna die dude oh my god [Music] can't get us both sniffing for us you're looking for you I think I lost nettles me and heightening suspicious don't see him anymore yeah he's around the building dude find him groaning I'm about to run across this field is going in let them fight it out dude holy crap wait were there two big ones I don't know it's not that was not the same one I would have seen him pass us nope he's back over here yeah that was definitely to Jesus Oh God okay I gotta rest up you're being chased mine am i yeah he's getting ready time bah dude we're gonna go down the other side of this hill and oh my god I just saw the tail of the other one oh my god that thing is huge he's on you he's on you all right running oh my god oh my god I kind of want to see them fight are you sure they're friends oh they might have been scouting oh [ __ ] oh no he's chasing someone Missy you guys I'm sorry for those watching on YouTube you probably can't see a lot of this but I'm seeing some crazy stuff he's running up the hill okay oh yeah I see him I see him really oh holy [ __ ] looks like they might start fighting because if it turns out they're friends I'm dead let's just go to the [ __ ] horse to get some water oh my god we're lucky it has to stop raining for you yeah yeah for sure well our evasive skills are pretty up there dude we are I mean if those two are here what else is around here they must be feeding on something yeah maybe we'll find some leftover Gore dude maybe God of course it has to be storming to freaking lightning bolts and whatnot by halfway you don't see any water down here Melanie hey that does not sound good they're angry dude they're so mad at us for leaving I wonder if they're starving as well yeah everyone in the world is starving but we're starving and we're the most important people right now so I'm trying to sniff through things in the water my goat tryna I'm trying to sniff dude using my big snoop it's not working out so well the drip snoop the droop snooze what do you at growth wise you should be like 1.8 right that's right isn't that something he said hey I mean maybe cuz I've been trying to sniff for a while ya know that would make sense yeah that would make absolute sense found it nice alright be [ __ ] careful did you even look around you yeah okay I trust you man yeah you can start healing good we're survivors I mean you're a survivor I died this is a very suggestive way to eat mystic might take notice Chloe possible oh my god I think I saw a dinosaur when the lightning strike that was terrifying I hear food yeah all right so we got to stay around here yeah relatively close so we can always return back oh I got it you got it you know you don't need any food oh my God he's so small yeah you take Oh tiny all right there's the gore pile I think I'll get the next one did okay I'll get the next one for you did you dig it actually there's still some food there if you want it I'm full now I tried oh we just gave you're right on top of it all right well AI spawns here you start looking for more that's good listen the best way to find them is by listening out well let's also assume that the Allosaurus that I just thought that we encountered I'm assuming there's an aloe this must be there so we're gonna head back here yeah one because that this has water into because we went here so me like I'm desperate for water 90 mark is that she's gonna camp a waterhole I'm a 0.82 no dude 0.65 huh very very far away from growth oh my god yeah it's the fruity ed I'm gonna go hide in a bush to recover my proud of me bad I'm proud of you man oh just to Rex is hanging out and open in the rain in the Wow hey do it breaks they eat some wild turkey there's a Gore pile here okay can i you can yeah you could definitely go pick it in the can so he's gonna aim yourself right point six seven holy crap I shouldn't have died I would have been so far another one nearby yeah dude this AI all over this place I'm not point eight three five yeah well let's just assume but we are not gonna be the only ones camping out here this is probably the easiest place for us to survive know for sure yeah until the big guys come that thing did not seem right you almost made me bite you dude unless I think I think so if you've ever worked in the kitchen right and you're carrying some hot pans behind someone who's cooking and you're afraid they're gonna turn around you say behind it right oh yeah hi yeah yeah oh there you are come here good job good bite so if you come up on me please just say like behind so I know not to like accidentally snap at you sniffing you ass dude you ain't even close man it's gonna suck when they wipe the server's four times a day and we have to restart again on a server yeah the IG paradise exists I wish we knew where we were it goes from juvie to young adult to adult right cards would just go straight from juvie booth oh do be justice up a doll I think you seen any landmarks do you see the tower okay so what are we area is that oh man I see I'm a ballerina nice dude that's hot hot I'm just trying to figure out where we are where the hell's that radio tower man come here [ __ ] knows map it's huge this map is it's gigantic okay so we're back at the redwood forest I'm seriously I'm still lost in oh did you think we were heading back to the water yeah oh no we weren't happy we were absolutely going the other way cuz I thought we were ditching it where are we going I see I don't know you were leading and then I just yeah I'm just best along I ran I'm running out of stamina constantly I guess I'm going high up so I could kind of see where we are and then I want to get to an antenna so that our or something I'll do my best man and take care of advice there's the buildings or the ILO's water down there yes so we're pretty far okay we can turn off oh dude you can see the bones from here you know wait do I get a key phases yeah yeah I'm so excited man so excited that's crazy you can't contain my except for you it's not messed around man this is serious Donna's gonna withdraw his support from our series when he sees a radio tower we're not anywhere near it dude crash did it yeah yeah you're just walking for it I hope your character just died dude though technically could I eat your dead Barney don't you wait my dad's no but I can kill you something big yep okay let's go dude all right get the hell out of here I'm at zero point nine oh five oh by the happen dude it's the fact that happen nobody's gonna mess with us after you grow what is up here Oh hear that yeah I heard it yeah where's yeah weird I don't know I'm curious about what the hell this thing is over here though oh my gosh dude parrots yeah priorities what the hell is this dude it's a boy hell yeah get your punk ass back up here and come get some food hey what oh you got you kill one no I can hear it there's like two of them running oh okay i'ma give him dude don't worry if I see him I will strike you straight legged sneaky scheme where are you going I'm just lookin around dude in front of hon these mysterious creatures you say you heard oh I heard it yes I heard well you're a really far one of us is wrong I hear some up here though I need to be careful yes especially you especially me terrible these fall every slip every game recording every game and I don't know why you do it I just want to kill this dude nice died so pathetically yay oh we're not losing water because of the [ __ ] rain great why I I have lost some but that's just the t media just a teeny bit oh here's some there am I gonna find it like within five seconds bite it I'm just gonna bite every Bush I see oh that sounded way more distant yeah my feed the two different ones screwing with me oh right here dude damn we actually win no are ya are you are you are you not seeing the building down there you know I have a terrible sense I there is absolutely no way that you have a worse since the direction than I do really maybe that's a [ __ ] dirty dude wait why do we play with each other I hit in this game where there's no compass or map I don't know oh really like I can shoot someone I can pinpoint accurate like someone up from like for co-op but you have to find them first I see that might have been Dondi oh okay so there's the rock these two that to that oh yeah that's by the beat yeah exactly leads to the radio tower yes I think I mean we're very much far away from you know we're getting there Johnny I'd say well pretty well off dude this rain is amazing I'm there's plenty of AI thanks God imagine playing this when there was no AI is it must have been terrible you're putting six nice obviously a big idiot dude would be worse to die at point 99 or to just achieve growth and then die 0.99 because then you don't get any of the gotcha but then is a false feeling if you get it and you're so happy that you got it then it's just taken away from you right away but you don't even get the happiness the other way just gets taken away from you yeah but that's what I'm saying is the blow worse like let's say for instance you've never met your mother ever and you've been dying your entire life to find her and you have dedicated like your real mother or something right there's this way that happens so these people let's say a kid is 18 goes on his own and tries to find his mom right right he doesn't realize it or maybe he realizes that he's getting close but never gets the seer or he finally sees her and then she gets hit by a truck and dies I feel like the latter would be way worse of a blow right like you finally attained what you've wanted your entire life and then it's just immediately ripped from you but I mean the first one gives you no closure the second one you can at least get closure yeah but you've lived your like eighteen years without her anyway right look like you want to find her yeah but I mean when when it gets to the point that's like when you find her the search is over true if you don't know you will be searching through the rest of your life yeah there is no publisher I don't know the others closure but then your visit your mom's dead but you don't know if I'm saying it after you meet her and she say by the tribe way my way no she's that great right so you're searching for ass your life and you can't mourn proper legs it's always digging of the back ear skull right are we still heading toward a topic I think it would be terrible yeah what are you at you should be there oh crap okay so over here where I'm facing is the rock and the beach I think see I don't see the lady of the hour though it's somewhere in this general direction fit if we keep going we'll find something wait do we circle around I feel like we got out of the redwood or hissed okay oh wait a second did we [ __ ] around we did all right guys we got turned around when we were looking for the food all right dude we gotta go god I'm so allergic to [ __ ] man I wonder if like the almighty Jesus Don Dee is just like hovering above us laughing his ass off and how [ __ ] dome we are and how bad our sense of direction is like we're playing as dinosaurs who have probably like staggering sense of direction yeah yeah it doesn't translate well we it doesn't carry over even I thought I was going in a straight no remember when we were trying to get the food I blamed on denude yeah I blamed on too - I'm gonna I'm gonna just send him a message to say I blame you Donnie something's done is a little [ __ ] I'm just kidding he's gonna coming [Music] once yeah I got apathetic actually Oh was that your broadcast don't turn around dude I'll stay facing the way we need to go oh you makes loud stomping sounds that's great I feel really slow legs alright I'm gonna go I'm just gonna start moving into the Redwood oh no but I could stock up on some food alright let's just remember that facing the writ we need to go into the Redwood where the hell are we we go in a circle again can you imagine like I wouldn't put money that we were going in a straight line but okay yeah here is sending the world around us Inception stuff I just don't see the radio tower anymore dude your phone it's going on dude I mean we never saw the radio tower into first place we only saw the rock oh we're not losing water our stomachs are getting bigger oh yeah you're right you're right yeah smart dude what would we do without yo brain well there's the North Star which should be if we head north we should see the beach so did we go backwards again wait do not start behind us yeah well maybe North is no we definitely didn't know because we're in the redwoods there is no way that we turned up begins running in a straight line yeah but we thought well here front him straight line every single time yeah but we actually ran in a proper fill a straight line there is no way back I don't know man life finds a way finds away how are you sir I can't even drink it oh there we go so there might be food here because I like layout drugs a lot of evil okay behind the floor price where are you what I'm just walking I've spread like maybe for two seconds cumulative I'm having to walk as well but it's time to regenerate so damn for t-rex bail alarm Shane Shane are you excited to become adult yeah man I'm so excited and I just oh that's an actual dinosaur [ __ ] I don't know how far ahead you are I'm sorry it's okay I should feel it sounds small it's eating don't diamond it's way bigger than I am [ __ ] me here all the way up there dude really cool oh I'm sure it would yeah I did warn you if you die no that would suck yeah point 975 our prophecy about to come true yeah I'm still now he doesn't see me so okay right I hear Ryan hearing it running oh it's so tiny yeah eat that bad boy I wish or is the Sun [ __ ] coming up behind yes yeah yeah so we're going the right way yeah exactly all right I mean if everything is as it should be Sun rises in the east and I can grow come up here dude holy crap yeah I'm slow as hell yeah big ahead Oh [Music] we're by the beach yes so you said that the yeah here's the here's the rock cool yeah the radio tower is closed I wasn't looking how's it going in this direction is that supposed to be mine dude I'm dying are you yeah hey you were dying yeah you got the last one oh yeah oh yeah it's probably not much food right yeah oh yeah we need to climb all the way to top of that mountain oh no this is where we died when we didn't have water son of a big speed but we were bigger than ever right yeah can wecan can go last distance yeah we can go less distance slower speed okay okay I've never heard a dinosaur sound like that before yeah don't use up too much time though we might go huh this is terrifying I'm gonna rest and get some stamina back before we have to fight something oh yeah we should be coming up to a lake yeah Alex sounds Crenn Everest to me man yeah everything everything is terrifying to me in this game [Applause] oh I think I see there's water oh thank god found water geez okay oh there's the big one the big one some big t-rex I think that's a Rex the gigantic one right up there to your left yeah let's get to this water dig it'll be friendly because we're also Rex's I don't know have no idea I mean there's two of us and one of him and if he's not fully green maybe there's uh we know waters here dad is not normal what the hell oh Jesus Christ where is it I thought I heard of AI over here I was gonna try to get food but now I'm just like should I even just give me a second to Dinah's hey they're gonna kill us dude they're gonna [ __ ] kill us strike run hit a couple of heads and we've got them yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna ambush this guy you ready he's running oh dude oh my god I think we should give up look behind you Oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that is bad we should've guy see us yeah I think so I'm not gonna bother looking back oh yeah there's two of them dude hold up I'm stuck wait how'd you know there's two of them God [ __ ] the framedrops what the hell is going on just get behind here getting this would strike us water and leave dude oh he's chasing us oh he's chasing us both of them yeah there's no way he didn't see me that filly groan t-rex is a high pain I don't know dude I don't know what a hypo is he's huge yeah but there's no way that's a t-rex no no way can he still see us yeah yeah yeah he's coming he's coming our only choice might be to scatter oh Jesus creative ones right on you dude that's an olive it's got me it's got me I'm dead Jesus Christ yep I'm [ __ ] there's a punk like who's like five of them yep oh Jesus [ __ ] hell well two members in 30 minutes I love how I can hear us getting well we did do well thanks for watching we'll get to the tower eventually I'm sure bye bye [Applause]
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,126,862
Rating: 4.925096 out of 5
Keywords: the isle magna, the isle magna rex, the isle magna trex, the isle magna t-rex, the isle magna rex gameplay, the isle magna trex gameplay, the isle magna rex in game, the isle magna trex in game, the isle magnatyrannosaurus, the isle magna tyrannosaurus, magna trex, igp, igp the isle, igp the isle gameplay, the isle new dinosaur, the isle updates, the isle news, the isle, the isle gameplay, magna rex, the isle lore, magnatyrannosaurus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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