This Thing Actually Exists?! The Breach is Far Worse Than Expected - SCP: Containment Breach Unity

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whoa nice anime songs nice really cool it also looks like poo you so look at that alright should know the compression Oh does it it looks very good from my end okay light containment zone sublevel 2 nice well that guy got [ __ ] up all right that light box is an SCP by the way CP 69 I can't get his flash what happened to him don't have a light do I go through the doors like I can't shut up alright then go upstairs let's go upstairs space is safe this is so weird couch co-op but not really virtual co-op oh Jesus Christ [Laughter] this looks so good please remember to wash your dishes oh it is peanut don't call them peanut he's gotta have a better name dude so the following file describes a class 8 koji called me to a hazardous entity and it's level five classified unauthorized access is forbidden level 5 act oh my god what is Tommy oh is that what that thing is it's a new class there's currently no known cure for exposure to ask me three thousand I hiked invasion should be contained what is it o SP three thousand a massive aquatic serpentine entity strongly resembling a giant more radial the full length is impossible determined by hypothesize beep between 600 and 900 kilometers xep 3000 this carnivorous and this cable will live and quickly dispatch prey despite his size is hypothesized that it does not require sustenance maintain his biological functions 600 kilometers is a cognate to posit this entert a direct observation will cause make severe man's alterations and viewers good that's kind of like oh here we go series for a series for guide this guy will take you through all the necessary precautions when handling a series for SCP alright we need to [ __ ] do this yeah it's been is there's been a breach dude can you open a bullet oh wait really it's steaming wouldn't be the fruit salad what's in there Oh Oh this is where what's the SCP he's at 7970 474 Meetup yes peanut what is it there was SP at 173 173 okay yeah no okay I opened that what did that do though what was the point in going up here since Ian and violent you can't blink I'm assuming after this I'll be able to blink right ooh god I don't want to go in here okay I'm going in like this at all $14.99 hey I could turn invisible all right hold on guys dr. Ewing no it doesn't turn you invisible a teleports you to another dimension oh is that what it does the gas mask deception report I'm running dude he just walks through walls dude there's no point I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going I'm going oh my god oh Jesus Christ how did you get I don't know I guess I was probably trying to maintain 173 and got thrown out the purity class yeah that's what we do this is farther than we've ever gotten what it is that live oh no don't look at that don't look at that why why it could be a picture of the shy guy if even one pixel is the shy guy you're I don't know if the shy guys in this game yet there is a computer in containment breach oh [ __ ] me I don't go down them and go up these stairs it's much safer up here anyway quit pull the fire alarm hey whoa where is it [Music] oh okay no no no no all right that's no very helpful Christ oh so cute can I take shut up you shut up [ __ ] but you're copying me oh oh what it's fine dude oh no [ __ ] is that gruesome string of murders reaches its end where's that vile mr. Brazil site lockdown is in effect wait concerning scp-294 what does that one look it up a coffee machine oh [ __ ] yeah look an infinite coffee any liquid urine this not normally in liquid form like iron you get liquid iron liquid human because they give to the people into matrix what the [ __ ] was the point in being up here oh I gotta go down I gotta go down the other wash what you see I thought I said I'm hearing voices I'm hearing voices two men I hate this game it's just a [ __ ] there's literally no point in any of this it's just a run out and die get the shits I have to I have to I have to get him he's gonna open it he's gonna open it no you're good you're good he will open it did they open the [ __ ] King what is this 49 wait no no good what do i do against this guy seriously kills everything within a 60 meters logs that's locked dude Oh No run a sprint I've run out of so I see him right behind me beating on me I did I tried you should use that CP 49 that's what I'm thinking oh when you all come the black goop your floor he's gone you just got out one image yeah Jesus Christ well I guess it's only fair because we've never been able to heal before and now where the [ __ ] are we dude wait what the [ __ ] is that that's a sky that's a very poorly rendered sky everywhere oh wait can I just steaming no it's not brush I heard him I heard peanut oh what is that that's a [ __ ] flamingo yeah maybe it's an SUV I don't have a blink meter so he's not around I can't believe him I heard him I swear are you sure it wasn't yes yes dice peanut no it's me walking on this stuff you could absolutely that's got to be an SCP have you not you oh how much SCP gets him a breach have you played dude there's plenty of [ __ ] like that like doesn't little teddy bear SCP one seven object class was safe that's been changed to Euclid one 507 what was that one during the briefs there were hostile towards staff members wounding eleven and causing four fatalities before being contained that is the pink flamingo what yeah your lies they fit no I am not lying it actually is for me you told me what we already proved that the sound is me walking on this thing I'm too daring he won't come through the door okay that's good to know what the [ __ ] am I supposed to I guess I just wait until the meter oh we survived it what the hell okay he's is so dark in here I don't his peanut I think I think he was on top I think he was on top of the railing the rail was he getting ready to WWE [Music] [Laughter] oh we survived it yay your Blake Mia's gone so he's gone right mm-hmm I'm taking this wig of pure fear testosterone I could sneak past him yeah I could for sure sneak past him okay that door is open but I have no idea I'm so [ __ ] brave I'm so [ __ ] brave up so far great I'm so [ __ ] brain food I'm so [ __ ] brave tell me how brave tell me how brave I am you're a brave boy yes you're a brave boy you've got this open you know what I really don't if you remember from playing I don't know if you remember from playing the original um but when they can open he can open doors peanut could open doors in the original and if you turned your back you can to him you can always hear him like like he's stood here oh my god he's gone yes okay this is not good open doors yep okay yeah logic at its finest just he can't open doors okay I thought I just saw peanut behind you shut after you we're good what is this dude are you in ok exhilarate the backup generator yeah maybe Oh first yes Oh use it use it yeah use it's only like 10% part yeah ok used to why not open the door and then look away from the door sorry this is an SCP r yeah oh no this is the um isn't this the the gas area alright let's check I can't cry I can crouch I that's not I can't under construction I'm gonna leave that door open oh [ __ ] it's an elevator it only goes up what is it's coming from down here up or down up or down over there go down I don't wanna go down we need to go deeper we need to go deeper it's not I don't think it'd let me I think it's taking me up but that doesn't say Oh dead guy dead guy oh it's the saving [ __ ] me listen [ __ ] you game dude okay what there's nothing you don't know that okay listen to me what I was trying to say oh oh oh my god dude what are you researching do take your pink [ __ ] isn't that sure seven but no wait wait hey caught this is what caused the breach right Robert alright this guy and the intelligent creature that was able to talk to it he's the one that caused the physical breach yeah software seven six eight - wait I just saw that yeah 682 right here ICP 682 is a hated thing hate it it's so creepy oh my god this Titan no means available to SBT to destroy it personnel are forbidden to speak to it yeah I see pieces interact I'll like creature of unknown origin seems to be extremely intelligent was absorbed to engage in complex communication SB 0 7 pm-9 682 has a hatred of all life is this the thing that yeah they they push a guy in with this and he looked the shy guy and then shy guy tried to rip it apart and then gave up because it couldn't kill it well shyguy gave up that's insane Oh let me pick up the map oh damn it I thought we'd get a map yeah just a map of this floor though maybe well this is all randomly generated so that'd be kind of weird if it was oh wait what is this oh oh wait what is it though look at that were bad is a Ghost Dog what [ __ ] the scp-971 Kanaka monkey Oh touch do not dare send the doctor touch my friend he said it again he said I'm hearing voices I swear to god that's what he said each virus sung by SCP 1930s to age the owner of the item by one year just one year is a continuous like will you dive away every time it sings of eros you age Oh last your sing-along it will keep singing until you die okay there's a lot of stuff what did we do we hit some kind of jackpot oh wait what the [ __ ] is that that's a 4.1 on the Richter scale wait and earthquake boys Roebourne enricher scale was observed at site blank the light containment area received minor damage resulting in the containment breach of SCP blank the situation was quickly contained by MTF and were dispatched to the area the source of the tremor was discovered to originate from natural respiration of scp-169 causing unusually strong vibrations tremors originating from what is believed to be the head of scp-169 alright dude oh we have a hold on because of its size scp-169 cannot and almost certainly will never be contained I thought the 600 kilometer eel was a big deal look at this [ __ ] thing does it tell us how big it is there are no known as the Leviathan by generations of sailors and oral history what happens if you click expand document on the bottom right I'll just make a bigger yeah oh that's helpful oh my god oh my god died yet I think this is a safe room I'm gonna f5 Steve well there's a big bowl of some over here I don't know candy candy take no more than two please hold on I'm not gonna take it is that what 3:30 appears to be a small round stainless steel bowl filled with the variable amounts of individually wrapped pieces of candy tape to the side of the bowl two handwritten OHS has taken more than two please attempts to remove the note have met with failure as he attempts to hide or obscure it testers have noted finding it impossible to avoid reading the note that's actually really funny cuz we [ __ ] read it and those who approach it from the opposite angle are aware of this request when a quantity of candy greater than two people's removed regardless means involved the offender instantly has both severed at the wrists object class safe take two pieces of candy oh do not take any more I think it heals you right it's surely right candy conceivable tray you didn't eat it yeah ah five health oh okay so to every 24 hours I don't know I don't even want wait what what the ghost sat down and the rumbling cuckoo and the rumbling stops back up okay I take one more should I should I try try f5 ok to save I don't think I cannot have hands dude that's really cool oh oh we didn't go we went in there we did not go in here this is nine eight three did I get a document for 93 is it yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] so long as it's not your birthday it's fine but how do I know it's not my birthday is it your birthday today is it my birthday or is the game's characters birthday give me this make it you're fine you'll be fine it's not your birthday it's 1 in 365 chance you're fine go touch the month off [ __ ] off [Music] thank you regular I can't pick it up right but you can that's nine eight three that's not the other one oh yeah but still oh [ __ ] why Sodor okay buddy you eat the candy I don't want to eat the [ __ ] candy look at this [ __ ] I don't what does the candy do regular it's a consumable but I have full health I don't wanna waste it from the bell fell and sickle can they resembling a gumdrop pure black comic County was never consumed [ __ ] this subject was like to consume the county upon finishing the candidate following what the candy looks so enticing any side effect occurred it said look I can't leave it's saying the candy looks so enticing I can't leave until I [ __ ] on it don't don't eat it you'll explode what you'll explodes what am I supposed to do I think is what was this [ __ ] you were telling me about [ __ ] growing old it's only supposed to be your birthday I'm sorry I didn't know it was your birthday wait oh wait no I said it was a black candy that one wasn't black no it was oh my god dude are you tell if you're trolling me right now there's no research for the red candy the right emoji your birthday that was so [ __ ] ridiculous all right I can't no no no no oh my god it's so slow yeah I'm dead [ __ ] Jesus Christ I don't like this [ __ ] game dude oh oh right Oh freeze free bandages let's fight no leave it's gonna come it's gonna come back up I don't think we went down as if we went up yeah we went off you can't go to oh you can't no you can't okay all right this is the two fours yeah maybe just two floors okay cool okay we're not a safe room I wanna try to open the doors lower in the middle oh god wait Ark what the [ __ ] get a flashlight at some point both of the soldiers I've seen dead so far I've had flashlights and this guy doesn't have the balls to [ __ ] take it off what the hell we've been here oh I just went off wait we didn't go that way we didn't go oh what the [ __ ] wait why is that broken what is that thing what is that thing what is that thing what thing what does the [ __ ] is that thing oh are those robot dogs yeah it's robot dogs what are you why are you saying it like that's normal Oh walking no I don't [ __ ] think so dude don't trust anything in this goddamn game wait what ACP is that I could say I don't know look up SCP bro my dog oh boy what if I've saved wait why I can't find it I walked past the I walked past the middle of this room and the fans turned off maybe there I see peace what's that what was that it's uh it's mr. Winky blinky I used to see dark around here I don't know so the floor [ __ ] huh no such trash Oh oh my god how much money do you think the people made working here like not enough not enough Carlos right I can't see him yeah I can't see him either okay oh it's a containment area dude those aren't nasty Peas those are defenses oh really look at the camera this is broken what does that say it's a map it's a map why can't I take it god damn it Oh another dead guy [Music] that's very loud there's music yeah I see it I see the purple footprints there's SCP locked up in here it sounds like a [ __ ] alarm that looks like a weapon Oh give me a weapon god damn it I can't pick it up it's a pair of 3d glasses what it's a pair of 3d glasses sub-17 a [ __ ] you seen that I'm reading it I'm sure oh that thing okay that thing yep nope what is this one nothing 207 Oh SCP 207 it's safe I don't want to open it yet you tell me what it is oh here we go 1 7 800 is it SP 207 is the code is the coke okay 1 7 8 to be stored in the classroom anomalous object container guarded by no fewer fish [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that ambience ambience when warned the word begins perceiving large bipedal entities in addition to its ordinary surroundings entities reportedly exhibited docile and occasionally curious behavior reports include all [ __ ] me dude the appearance of the lacerations is rapid and continues until the moment the wear expires so if you try to drag will they affect me if I don't see that they mentioned oh no don't say that whoa all right I'm just being real here think about this if the glasses are just glasses and they're a window to peer into the fourth physical dimension or fifth or wherever we [ __ ] see that means that they're actually walking around whether we have them on or not I am so [ __ ] lucky you're blinking I know I know did you not see you how you're dead you can't escape though we did escape that guy the first time or second time [ __ ] see the gut [ __ ] see the guy in the first one he brings you to another dimension oh god I'm wearing him is he seriously right there oh he walks he walks it's horrifying okay curious curious okay so it's only if you have them on then what's the point in what the [ __ ] are these BOTS oh I don't have room I do wait 1079 zero night yeah yeah look at that look at that up look it look it look at that up all instances of it okay [ __ ] he's back human subjects for taking sensations immediately after their consumption 1015 seconds later subjects only blood don't eat the Bubblegum don't eat it what happens you believe that every pore in your body all as magnificent and if you eat too many the subjects blood whose - now you need to get the tests were about to test this I can't oh he's coming through the link this is it
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,882,741
Rating: 4.8605852 out of 5
Keywords: scp containment breach unity, scp containment breach unity gameplay, scp containment breach unity update, igp, igp scp, igp scp containment breach, scp containment breach unity igp, scp unity, scp unity gameplay, scp unity igp, scp unity update, scp unity scp 3000, scp unity 3000, scp 3000, scp 3000 lore, scp unity biggest scp, scp unity biggest, scp containment breach remake, scp containment breach unity remake, survival horror, scp game, scp gameplay
Id: ynxfp5PcO9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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