The Iron to Immortal MOVIE!

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welcome everyone to the iron to Immortal movie what you will be seeing is about 80 hours of gameplay combined into about a four hour movie it has taken a lot of work to get to this point but I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout the series and I hope that all of you enjoy and the support on this Series has just been really insane and has really kick-started my channel and what we can accomplish in the future so make sure to like And subscribe so you guys do not miss out on any future content and I stream all of this at oxidized F so make sure to drop a follow so you guys don't miss out on any content we will be starting this series at iron175rr first game in Iron boys and I'm actually trying let's go my teammates are gonna love me how much you until oh [ __ ] one enemy remaining foreign dude I died no this [ __ ] actually used his util what is that [ __ ] that's not iron division I have a feeling that's all this rank is gonna be bro me just running it down and killing them one enemy remaining a team is just better though I want to get a zero death game once once this series probably would have been easier this game but I [ __ ] died pistol around because I'm a dumbass one enemy remaining okay I don't deserve a kill anymore one enemy remaining Reyna are you hack yes one enemy remaining flawless one enemy remaining Defenders win quick low 13-0 how much RR light 33 game number two I doubt it'll be a 13-0 but game number two nonetheless I want to keep track of how many games I've played one enemy remaining oh he went one he went wide he thinks I know you're dead foreign I just cleared that I just cleared that one enemy remaining fact pattern division right one enemy remaining someone's in Defenders one enemy remaining no I shouldn't eat what in the [ __ ] 28 kills first half let's go all right so I see a lot of problems with Crosser placement util honestly the util is not as bad as I thought it was gonna be I'm talking about [ __ ] that they can like fix like immediately if they don't have hours to aim train they could just do it quickly cross replacement's pretty easy to fix Crosshair placement's easy to fix [Applause] foreign [Applause] this guy's the only guy that can kill me I swear to God I feel like iron is the only rank I'll be able to like run it okay never [ __ ] mind over one enemy remaining Spike down [Applause] Spike planted [Applause] no I wanted third I wanted 40. Defenders win another another quick little uh that wasn't as quick as the last one but hey 39 plus 36rr all right we got a bronze three right on the other team G [ __ ] G we lose NT we have a silver three holy [ __ ] I'm iron one or two I guess two hours later who's playing on a toaster who literally hooked their graphics card up to a potato who did it who hooked their monitor up to a potato and started playing Valor who did it which one of you whose is it oh it's the omen omen's literally on a toaster his toaster fell on the bathtub no we lost a good one today one enemy remaining good [ __ ] this neon does not seem like he's a low rank like I'm [ __ ] iron bro like he doesn't seem like an iron player he seems like silver gold maybe I can watch I mean I can send my wallet he seems like silver gold at the least like no way this guy's coming this hardened iron I respect it but I'm just confused one enemy remaining Miles ready flawless good [ __ ] one of the vibes [Music] good [ __ ] white planet if you haven't one went down bro good [ __ ] for my demonic presence look at this guy look at this guy he doesn't know what he got himself into look at him look at him look at him look at him neither does that guy look at him look at him they don't know what to do look at um there's one more in the spawn I hate this angle though no never mind I'm stupid okay [ __ ] down a one enemy remaining that was game three that was in fact game three 41rr let's go they're done oh my God [Music] turn it up I [ __ ] saw her what the hell one enemy remaining enemies let him cook let him cook right back back oh yeah I am I love the sentimentals of light [ __ ] is this [ __ ] could have at least not glitch pop come on man I do I don't use it why it's trash it's better than this he's back one enemy remaining yo come help me brother I'll come help a brother back down B remaining 13 no let's go I don't know why the second game was so difficult I had to change it out I found Reaver Defenders win that's right all right let's see did I double rank up if I didn't I'm gonna be real sad 4500 we are officially bronze one with a plus 45 I think the main problem with iron a lot of people don't know when to use their util and they have really bad Crosser placement if you don't have like hours to aim train and like you know actually like warm up before like you play games it would help a lot if you just got better with your util because that you can do like really quickly and McCann and like just being more mechanical player it's like working on your movement like when you're in games working on your Crosshair placement figuring out like where the enemy's heads are going to be that helps a lot so yeah bronze one not bad what are you doing down [ __ ] trying to plant the bomb in our spawn oh [ __ ] are we on behind me low-key not gonna lie oh one enemy Sage bro is AFK live view workout Spike down a one enemy remaining 110 bro foreign walk out wait pop this [ __ ] see where they are entry I'll show you all right this music definitely gonna help me come it's gonna help me stay calm one enemy remaining all right all right all right I want to get bronze done in two hours another Ace [Applause] it I want this it's usage oh my God somebody flashes so many flashes so many flashes with fresh garlic over garlic crispy crust fresh garlic is so good plot three that's the champion it's pretty valid one enemy remaining no I could have had 32. foreign [Music] [Applause] boys Packers win 45 oh good Spike planted one enemy remaining no we music pet yeah well I mean I could give you tips if you don't have hours to like aim trade and work on your aim and your computer is like half decent meaning you can get like 100 FPS or like 80. I have the goofy one um work on movement cross replacement being able to move around the mount quickly positioning lay in a position where they're not going to really expect you to play crossover placement's a big one knowing where they're gonna peek from don't Crouch spray um with the Vandal you want to shoot like two or three bullets and then move so like I don't have the Vandal this round but um like if you just like you don't want to like immediately Crouch tracking is what a lot of players deal with that have a problem with um even in high ranks but her Valerian tracking isn't that big of a deal because you're never gonna have like an enemy stand still while you're like moving unless you're playing [ __ ] run and Gun simulator which yeah a lot of people do but working on little [ __ ] once you work on all the little stuff at once it'll get progressively better skin if you do have time to aim train the main things I would suggest micro flicking because like if you're aiming down see long and you're like going through it and they're like strafing across you really just need like micro flicks it's not really necessarily tracking just doing like basic like small increment of like changes will help you get better at the game a lot also just playing like you don't really have to aim train if you just play the game so locked in I'm shooting on my goddamn teammates see that guy insta crouched and it was just super easy to kill him that Rana swung short in instacrouch so it was so easy for me to shoot him Instagram isn't good because you're crouching and spraying and they're moving so you're not hitting them but they can line up their Crosshair and then stop and then shoot and it's easy one enemy remaining foreign don't just be holding the angle to hold the angle you have to hold the angle expecting someone to pee it's like when I'm holding this I'm expecting someone to peek and I'm expecting to shoot different 103. last player standing last one swing yeah there's two a lot you might be going through sewers I have this bike enemy remaining hey do this feeling 43r something light double rank up you already know bronze three one enemy remaining Spike down a flawless Spike planted oh current division 80s one enemy remaining my lover oh so close empty Gekko bikes planted I got my three nice diffuse the bomb let's go one enemy remaining Spike down mid bike planted foreign I have this bike last player standings one enemy remaining thank you feeling fight remaining screen down attackers win plot Jesus Christ cheers down bone I actually do not know where I've never played Sage right there like vertical wow this I'm feeling safe can you trade me please foreign Bob I didn't bite you I couldn't afford it thank you and one enemy remaining what does programmer moves Phoenix Spike down C flawless his main don't insult me get me out that's where they carry a big homie no problem hmm one enemy remaining iron two um yeah if you have any questions I could probably answer them for you ready cutting their vision still inside our set sound Spike down B itch sounds placing swamp grenade foreign holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] no I knew I was gonna get right clicked bro Spike down B foreign Defenders win okay that's the end of bronze what were the main issues in bronze honestly the main thing's wrong with bronze is kind of the same as iron if you don't have hours to aim train then work on movement work on oh that was a double rank up as well work on wherever the enemies are coming work on your cross replacement wait for them to you know walk into your Crosshair and then work on your timings on different Maps so like if you're aiming behind a barrier then you know how long you have until like someone's able to swing there if you're swinging into somebody you have to always or even if you're just clearing an angle you have to always expect to kill someone you can't swing an angle and then just die like if you're swinging the angle expect to get a kill and that's a lot of players in iron and bronze and even in higher ranks that they don't really do they just swing the angle to swing it but if you just work on like having good movement having good Crosshair placement then aim kind of comes with it reaction time comes with it and just like overall focusing on how to use like your abilities calming to your team what like where you want to go play a little bit slower you don't have to rush everything even in Iron would you say there's a a lot of calm in this rank it depends okay so it's like it's like every other rank okay yeah yeah like sometimes I go in there and I got the most like well put together team yeah next game it's just nobody's talking I'd say if the first thing if there's like really no comms in a game you kind of have to work on your own play style yeah even even if no one's coming try and figure out what how everyone else is playing so I get through teams playing slow make sure you're playing slow for pistol round at least I'd say the best thing to do with KO is probably get an early nice beam in see if they're coming see if they're swinging down reloading launching smoke like butter baby okay and then when it's a post plant even if you have numbers make sure not to push because it's very uh yeah it's a coin flip on whether or not your team will win around yeah you want to play your way one enemy remaining once suppressed a lot of a lot of which I'm surprised but a lot of lower ranked players don't like forcing when they win pistol yeah it's really it's it's so weird to me like I I've had like gold players in my game tell me why they don't go away yeah and I'm pretty sure like they've heard the the correct way to do it and they just understood it wrong because they'll try to explain it and use those points toward forcing yeah the best play and basically any rank is to force after pistol then they're all there always is a chance you're gonna win bonus as well [Music] enemy down one enemy remaining so playing a playing a default on like a bonus round is really good that makes okay yeah wait for them to come to you yeah because they're gonna they're gonna Wonder especially after W King two rounds in a row I use my util to make sure they can't come out on site install them a little bit a lot of people like to use their Molly for bomb I think it just gets kind of dependent [Applause] so the last one hasn't been seen so it could be it okay [Music] I do have ulti so I want to play for all I have ulti and I have Molly's so I should probably stay back and make sure to not die we have a we have a lot of util for posts geez I said a lot of players in this rank like to really over rotate so if there's like one person B then the whole team rotates nice room out of here oh one man in this situation I just want to back up because I will see even if it means I have to bait my neon into you know him dying especially as and we have money too so there's really no point for me not to nice yeah you stunned me by the way remaining nice okay I may have uh went too hard there I would go arcade and also don't do like what this rain is you know what he did I mean one calm you know one calm if you're dead is fine like a couple like things that maybe the player didn't see but if there's a player lost alive only Calm stuff that like he wouldn't know so like if you hit someone don't really micromanage him because I could really uh and this goes for any rank don't really micromanage your team which I see I see a lot of players do they like to micromanage their team like this neon's using his uto which is really good and then another big thing that a lot of people don't do is when um when you're winning a bunch of rounds in a row like we're doing right now you keep pushing the same site they're eventually gonna stack you which they they did when we pushed a the round before and then if you lose because we we tried pushing in we couldn't take it we still won the round but we couldn't take it so then that could lead them to stack bees around later because like oh they just they just lost a after winning a bunch let's go be here let's talk B now they don't know that I'm here but when they do know that I'm here then I can run yes and Beacon here standing oh okay let's see if he uses you I'm not gonna tell him to use his util let's just see if he uses it nice there's one Flash he heard door open I don't know about that Molly nice the only the only things that I could see is you use your flashes which is good and then maybe the the Molly because you heard door open and then you immediately threw the Molly yeah any bit of stall util could be really helpful in the round so like if he opens door like jiggle Peak sand for a couple seconds and then if he's not there then throw your Molly main but gotcha that's the only thing that I saw so I'm playing smokes I don't really want to play on a site because I want to be able to smoke the other Main and if I'm playing a I can't do that oh we had numbers so that neon shouldn't have peaked [Music] one enemy remaining nice now we only see four Mains so there could be one lurking job yeah there is are they still fighting that reloading one enemy remaining okay smokes down one enemy remaining nice Thirty and five silver one or silver two done or so done unfortunate well [ __ ] what agent can I oh okay I'm playing raise on this map because a good race player can change the game on split all right for pistol round on raise the best nade you can do is just Chuck it down then just Chuck it down mid any chip damage on Ray's pistol round is really good because most of the time they're not gonna have Shield you can kind of switch it up when you're playing Rays you can play Be Heaven you can play male if they're not going mid then you can kind of give up mid a little bit so like three rounds in a row they haven't gone mid maybe push up a little bit because if they're showing no noise b or a it's good to take space somewhere so like they're out on site so now I can rotate oh we just jumped up I had a timing I lost on her I could have planted I think especially as kale but there's a good spot if you just play like even screens but like play like elbow or like screens and then throw your knife like this back wall it'll it'll scan a lot of people and you're playing on site it's like you can jiggle peek across and then a lot of people don't uh they don't take space on other parts of the map so if like if there's like 3A you wanted like fake space like up mid or like B Min or inside the instead a lot of people just like set on site and just like wait for them to push you kind of always but if they're not taking mid though your nade can definitely be useful somewhere else so like if they're not taking it a lot save your name don't like nade mid save it for like plant on A or B I'm gonna I'm gonna push up minigun they haven't shown any presents mid yeah they're just completely giving up mid they have nothing for flank so I can try and flank quickly now this is rough because it is a 2v4 we have no presence on site so they could expect blank um they haven't pushed mid at all in the past four rounds so I'm gonna play a and then off this knife I'm gonna need there's a lot there like this we have numbers and this rain is just peaking that is not we have numbers he should hold an angle like yeah he got the kill but you definitely just want to play an angle there is one market there's a couple Market I thought you were gonna go for a knife kill hey that goes up around oh one day I kind of just want to sit here and play a passive angle and say it oh what the hell so pissed I misclicked no that is what you're not supposed to do with Rays is alt the ground in front of you you want to cut off timings on people too so like right there I I wrapped The Omen so he he pushed outside walked out of the smoke cleared right here so he doesn't think anyone's here he didn't clear screen though so you always may want to make sure especially if you're pushing a site you clear all the angles because if you're going to plant and that person's therapy you could lose the round because of it there's four aiming rounds I got stuck there's four aiming ramps that is insane right there I should have jiggle pigs ramp instead of just peaking it can y'all hold the [ __ ] sight don't you players shut the [ __ ] up bro your dog [ __ ] five and seven has a raise bro what are you doing oh you're probably you'd be kicking yourself what are you doing bro making a YouTube video about throwing easy ban is he bad my account got suspended for smurfing no that's why you're negative five and seven right yeah I mean look at my career dude what is this guy's problem I'm so 40 kills I'm so confused I'm so confused right now did his girlfriend leave him today like I guess like I'm mad confused that help me no one's watching me morons Spike planted nice job holding you can't never hold the side good [ __ ] oh you got those nice damn I don't hear him talking [ __ ] anymore it's crazy that's crazy shut his ass off a lot of people aren't gonna expect to push in the spawn I mean that guy did but like that's besides the point holy holy [ __ ] besides the point how about King 's bike down one surprise um Cam's aim is actually really good like for for a silver his aim is actually his aim is actually really good let's see he's he's jiggle peeking which is good I mean honestly I didn't really see much issue maybe I didn't see I didn't notice if he had util maybe he could have flashed the corner did you uh did you have your tour or no I had flashes I I could have flashed yeah I think uh because since bomb is down right there and they know it they're gonna be holding like the angle that he was holding so flash in the corner probably would have been better but also it's kind of just uh it's a toss-up with flashes because they can either be not swinging or aim is actually really good okay as he has you tell here he has a Molly for bomb nice he has a flash too he doesn't need a show but that hit pretty well so fun to watch him silver and this helps so much a little bit tips of lives and videos yeah I like uh I like doing them live too just because it makes it it makes it easier for like people watching and just in general well damn you know you have to shoot your gun when the enemy's in front of you so right there since it is a um since it is a 3v what 2v4 at the time before you killed Sage you got the sage and I think the best thing to do is back off play time a little bit yeah a lot of people in this Rank and like a lot of ranks struggle with positioning like no one knows how to properly position themselves to like get kills all right I want to see what he does here I don't think this isn't a good plan that doesn't get much I don't like the knife because he doesn't know that he's there he could have walked up behind him bro what he does have two flashes he wants CT he has two flashes I think I think right there instead of knifing CT you can walk up behind him because he doesn't know that you're there and he doesn't know that you know like ECT that's true so if you just walk up on him you can get the kill and then you knew where Rhino was because he killed him [Music] Spike down mid night nice now they wear mid summoned in nade Mill in case a little bit of Chip damage smoke is good I'm gonna play Acro I'm gonna play off my Omen here nice those guys so incredibly hard on me a lot of people don't understand that they have to play off their teammates no matter how many people are alive always play off your team man all right don't know what that guy's doing I wanna name there in case they are that's a good nude I don't know if they could Be Heaven we know for a fact there's one CT they could be flank as well let's listen he did have time nice so I'm gonna keep going mid I'm gonna keep breaking this wall and then I'm gonna go back be main with my team I just want to make sure they have to when the wall is up mid they don't have to hold it so like they can they can move around the map they can stack a site like but then this I already got them to waste one bit of you so the wall is broken so they have to leave someone here to hold it I heard him sewers over get out of my way grenade swing with my Arena swing CT when they walk out one enemy remaining thanks here want to get in a safer position I don't know where last one is but I do have all I do have all cover going oh Mission play backside here with me I made main works too and your ball I kind of want Omen to swing first because I have ulti so I can just [Music] yeah an interesting game I'm not gonna lie all right so they are air I want to wait until they're close then I'm gonna Flash we have numbers I don't have to do anything yeah especially it's not the people that push us come on oh 30 seconds left Molly for heal last player standing one enemy remaining nice Spike down a oh nice okay you could come again yo that was actually wait no that was actually kind of cool boy I know this is like gold but that was actually kind of a cool Ace I'm not gonna lie hello open this [ __ ] door you heard me you heard me you heard me you heard me you heard that's rough all right I think the number one Play I should do here is when you're playing Phoenix you want to run up wash clothes it gets them off that angle this angle and Main sorry bro there is one in the smoke I'm gonna walk up my teammates are fighting someone B bro oh my God if one person is like lurking and they're fighting someone like like how you just were fighting that guy if you're on the other end of it so you're the one walking up and your teammates fighting you should always want to take more space so like they're going to be preoccupied with you it's like there was two people coming to kill you here and I was walking upstairs so just like shooting them in the back and helping your teammate like that just that that all comes with like positioning and stuff but no you don't my ultimate's ready um especially in situations like that where the team is kind of uh like stuck at a choke point like we were just outside amen you want to use util to like clear clothes like I flashed to clear the omen Out close how did I not kill the arena bro hello I feel like I just used my ring for like first time yeah that was though the first game in the last game are actually really good in terms of like the whole team like using YouTube and playing together and yeah oh oh yeah I thought I was wondering if you could get the double rank up I mean I guess you know that's crazy I appreciate all of your help and I hope that uh you know at least some of what I you know told you helped you've definitely given me a lot to think about it yeah well thank you for all your help I appreciate it I appreciate you playing with me yeah thank you for letting me on of course brother that was a very fast uh end to the silver part of the iron to a mortal series I hope you guys have learned a little bit about what you can do to like rank up in silver I think the main things I've noticed in silver were a lot of people the positioning columns were a little bit lower which obviously me not calming has a lot to do with that as well honestly I didn't see too much just work on like positioning using util playing off your teammates using YouTube to help your teammates get kills if you're not you know playing so good let your teammates bait you I'm playing jet so I'm gonna smoke cross for my teammates to get across the dart's gonna scan there's gonna be one right there could be close right make sure to clear that I have no smoke for dash going backside to help my teammate could be another one we have no trip for flank so I do hear two CT Omen could be flank I'm gonna play off my Omen here oh you're better a lot of a lot of the big problems and this happens in like every rank to the point where like a lot of rounds and like games are lost because of because of it you not you don't see a lot of people playing off teammates so if there's a teammate holding an angle and like you could play the cross in hell like I did with open it's like if I'm playing Helen he's playing graffiti then I can uh I can play off in when they swing and it's basically free kills it's very hard it's very hard for them to clear two angles instead of just one I'm gonna dash out clear left clear right there's one here there's two I'm gonna whiff all my shots except one could have went long but considering no we have a calm there's one garage so see how he plays this all right he's gonna get bombed on our Omen did Peak so that isn't good one is in Hell picks up guns his positioning is good he positions them himself behind the box to shoot Heaven guys so he can't get swung he knows where Reyna is he knows gekko's flank now I think the only problem there is you didn't know he was long but the flash did come from up here and with how slow Gekko flash is it can't it couldn't have crossed the box from short so he threw it from right here and then just threw it up I'd say the only thing is if you did know he was coming from long then you want to you know this guy's CT you try and position yourself in short so you can't get shot from behind and then you fight the arena one-on-one I'm not gonna smoke garage because my race is fighting I want to save my last dash for Sight we are blind I'm just gonna miss my Dash we got blinded from B so we know where one of them is their Sage could res mid window can you uh can you go long and uh play first oh B has res I'm gonna play Batman my Ally that's sad garage I'm gonna try and delay time for you to use a roll one enemy remaining anything that delays time if they have like because if they if they're playing Brimstone or like you're playing Brimstone you have the Molly obviously to get them off bomb and then you have your old so any stall time you can get on them is very helpful I don't like the smoke he got two of this oh we know there's one plank we don't know where jet is oh last one is flank and now our teammates are just running at them with bomb if we know where one of them is and you know like all of us ran at the jet flank but if he kills all of them and has a bomb with them you need to break a wall because then that kind of forces them to hold something you want to always make sure if they have a sage then you're always breaking the sage wall our team is kind of just running them down but I think even if you're running them down and getting kills alert isn't the worst thing ever and I did just get killed in flank we don't have a sentinel so it is very difficult to like hold like and push the site at the same time I didn't clear like try to sight a lot of clear a lot of clearing is positioning so if you're running onto a site like if you're running onto B you want to make sure you try and do your best to like clear one close angle before clearing the other because if you're just running on the site then you can get shot at by both of them all right let's see how he plays this he has the drones I think he should go short and clear short with his drone that's his only bit of util he has to clear he has Dart in 20 seconds he knows there's one on site he knows there's one short one flank so that's already 3A he could yeah a big issue right there is all of you guys focused on one angle so like all of you guys focused on the flank and you weren't focused on this guy so he was able he was able to walk out and just kill you guys from ones and then you also you also had drones so you could have cleared uh short faster with your drone to make sure there's no one there see that was positioning right there if I play right here and he flashes like he did or even a phoenix flash he left clicks it or right clicks it I'm just trying to explain man this guy smoked it so he could walk down or just hold we don't have anything for flank so they could be walking down the sea we have a control I think now you can dark garage [Music] all right they do have we know there's one garage so I think we just go B now we know there's one b we know last one is garage he does have almond oil I'm gonna hold this angle with my Riz I'm gonna make sure not to swing too wide laughs I want to swing off my raise there hold the same angle so you can't kill us now like this I want you to bait for me there there is a lot of logs so just like jiggle Peak and make sure they know you're there I think it is okay now I don't know this it could be an unpopular opinion I don't know if you're like if that happens I I feel like it's okay like if me and him are both running down together then we have the ability to trade one another but if you're just running down by yourself then that could be a bad thing since they are ulting with the gecko and that's a pretty powerful I'm gonna stay back make sure all four of us don't get detained I don't want all of us to be stuck taking that one choke point so I'm gonna rotate over to this one because they're focused on all of those guys so the chances of them holding this side are very low still possible just low I did make noise so they probably are gonna be holding this now I'm gonna help my right now here I want to hold this angle top standing ahead Defenders win let's go religion is Spike planted I want to push with our Phoenix and his old we know there's one backside we tend to dust one enemy remaining I don't have really any Utah I've util to stop the swing oh my god um a little bit of whiffage there but I think it's fine a lot of players don't end up doing this but if you're playing like a sentinel like if you're playing killjo you're playing Cipher um and you're playing for like either kill trips or you have like Molly's save like one or even both of them unless you know that they're coming to your site because then it's kind of just wasted util that you could have used for like something else I just want to slow clear he is right there okay I just want to slow clear all these angles so walk up hold that clear left you want to clear left and then clear right so if I'm going up on B I want a clear left as far as I can clear right clear right and then clear left again I'm gonna hold the a cross for that okay he is mid I'm gonna wall this off just a stall and then basically that gives us a free run because you're not gonna have time to defuse please just everything it was [ __ ] boring as [ __ ] oh if I plant like default and I put a second near it do I just play main yes it's better if you have the site it's better to plant for a place that has multiple angles so if you play for right here you can hold it from R and Min so they have to clear both oh my God nice last guy nice an a idiots time to jump I go to spike telephone I want to use this old for a chance to reload since I can't push me could have walked out back so he's probably dugout my killjoy is holding me I just need to be careful of this angle there's one mid and there's one dugout one enemy remaining I do have flash I just want to play cross with killjoy yeah we know he's dugout foreign let's see how he plays this he has two stars left which is good you don't want to use too many for their take and you want to use some for a retake he hears one main he's only see he knows there's one man and he knows there's one Dugout but he doesn't know where the third guy is there's one I smoked it there's two and then there's three so he knows all three are on site now they're they're all swinging together which is good oh now they won the round so he should focus on saving um one thing I did notice if you don't know where all of them are because you heard what I mean and then you saw you always want to be looking at your mini map which is a a big difference between high rank and low rank is a lot of higher ranked players are like always looking at their mini-map like you want to be looking on the map kind of at all times to see where your teammates are playing what they're holding what they're not so you you heard one a man and then you saw one Dugout so you know there's two but there's three alive and then you you kind of stopped holding mid and just pulled out your knife when only knowing where two were instead of three so if they did come mid you would have thought all right he's gonna use his utility to try and help his team get out he does smoke that off which is good there is one fling so he just got [ __ ] on all good I don't know where to look that isn't lucky I want to Ping for my team where they are there is one CT I saw the breach done I'm gonna use a decoy to try and bait him okay I want to shut [ __ ] up try and break timings I know last one is heaven and I don't know where the other ones are Phoenix has flank so make sure to I've noticed a lot with you is your positioning isn't the best so you're holding angles that like they're expecting and it's easy for them to like pre-fire you oh should I hold close um you could have held so you knew there was one CT so you could have held like either right here and then waited for him to swing into you or you could have given backed up further to right here so then he's gonna be running so when you hear him get close you then swing to try and bait out like the timing on you they're all push stops good job Defenders that's my first actual Astro game yeah you're gold three and as soon as I told you to stop worrying about like the util and just focus on like the guns then it helped 15th century one enemy remaining babe you are useless bro you are just useless kill toy you have [ __ ] for flank bro place it all Bashar I love I love this I love that you have flash you have flash flashing TP he's on bomb he's not nope holy [ __ ] how do you whiff on a guy that's coming out of his old well I'm dead Gigi suck my balls Cypher suck my balls suck my left suck my left nut yo so watch this watch this watch this 105. 00 5 HP I know [Music] you guys like my [ __ ] I'm showing my [ __ ] on streams it's gonna be an interesting game you guys like my [ __ ] nice Spike planted yes he's waiting for his Sage which is good he has dark that Dart does clear a decent amount player standing he has drone but it's really hard to use I think right there you should have there's a dart you can do or if you shoot it off this box it goes into hell so you can clear that and then you were heavily focused on the one player when there's two alive Spike down mid an enemy remaining one enemy remaining oh left one down one enemy remaining sucked one enemy remaining Spike down last player standing my camera is destroyed is ready oh I need some hope Marina 74 Brim 40 ciphers last player stand Spike planted yeah smurfing's bad smurfing's not good you're just boosting your teammates this Reyna [ __ ] needs it okay talk [ __ ] this random easy he's 2 and 14. nice last seven last seven um also a lot of problems in this rank is no one really pushes sight at all I've noticed like jet he should pop dash dash out with me raise to double Satchel into sight not heaven and just take sight you plant the Bomb by taking sight you don't plant the Bomb by taking heaven heaven works when they don't play sight like if they're not playing sight take Heaven kill them go sight down feet no like my Crosshair was on him and none of the Bulls had let's watch the one time let's watch one tub no way GG Defenders win unlucky first loss we'll get him in the next one if you are in any rank not just low ranks and you love playing duelist or you like playing duelist or you install octoist this is the guide this is gonna be the game for you I'm gonna show you guys how to actually entry as play to-do list so this is just for split but you can obviously use this for any map it all correlates I'm gonna pop Dash you want a dash site clear that okay I'm pissed there what is that timing bro yes attackers win if I don't get split I'm fine I can't do [ __ ] on this [ __ ] dog [ __ ] map because when I'm playing when I'm playing [ __ ] attack I'm dashing in the sight my teammates are using util that helps the enemy team and they're not pushing with me I can't play split oh okay reloading one enemy remaining yeah please get me out bro I lost my last two in this rank oh my God oh my God good job good job good job good job attackers win all right first win only 17r okay that's rough no you don't know reloading one enemy remaining it is last round please do not save me up I swear to God if they save these Ops I'm gonna scream it is last round it is last round at least breech is like going in oh here we go Sage is just gonna save this [ __ ] Sage is literally just gonna save the song what is this play one enemy remaining oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God only 25 and I dropped like 40. what what you want to play Let's Play That's Cowboys we got the res out of the way boom we got the rest out of the way and no one lost health y see just doing that cringe [ __ ] wall yeah um there's another one tree one enemy remaining thanks man nice old Rays love that from you though right side ATP from left side two right side bro chamber you are the worst players oh he's playing hello I'm out I love you guys welcome I got you I love you guys I'm done with gold it took me a year now let's see if we get the double rank up please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I didn't get the double rank up I didn't get the double rank up oh my God I'm gonna start this outro by saying gold was by far the worst rank I've played in in a very long time and I'm very sorry for anyone that has hard stuck gold but hopefully I can give a little bit of tips so the main problems I did find in Gold were not a lot of people were playing off their teammates they were all pushing one by one like if you're playing on attack and you have doulas follow your duelist in if your Duelists are pushing out the site follow them you don't want to just bait your duelist play Slow don't be afraid to like peek behind the smoke if you have flashes or anything don't be afraid to like actually Peak them because I've seen a lot of players they they play Super passive to the point where the whole enemy team is going to rotate to the site before you're able to like push out so make sure you communicate with your team what you want to do and basically just don't bait your teammates if you don't bait them you get their trades it should be a free and easy win for you so all right here we go game one on Haven ready there's already two a I don't think placing the healers together is a good idea having one one on one side and then one on the other especially if you're playing a three side map it's really weird age should go either heaven or B and then res I think is what he's doing it all right he has full utility he has four utility I mean the whole team's I like the Flash The Flash was good because he didn't want to flash his Sage but he wanted to make it like a decent flash sword brim could have gun blonde they have nothing for flank you want to always be looking to make sure as well if they have something for flank like early on in the game stage as soon as put it as soon as she puts that wall up she should just be leaving B remaining Spike down I'm gonna do the same thing I'm gonna walk down short and if I hear them there's two more there I'm gonna walk up and Flash ing last one was here honestly there's not much in this game that you or team needs to work on I mean I'm not doing much so yeah we're all kind of just killing them all right let's see how he pleases this is weird I don't know if I like this let's see if he looks at his knob guy killed me and brim was on B and then Jet Dash garage okay so one dead let's see if you notice if brim has a hole Steakhouse all right all right Sage noticed Diego I don't think he did though nice try I did notice that it doesn't look like you're using like the minimap or like the top like the HUD as much because as soon as uh you get that kill on site you should just immediately tap to get remote out and then since you had already cleared like over here he's not gonna be here so you just have to expect him to be bottom mid so instead of running out towards bottom mid out of the old run uh like c-link okay ready to stop my ultimate's ready I did I was looking at the minimum timing was unfortunate I have ulti now so I'm gonna open CT if they do alert garage actually they're not outside I'm gonna go res erve just just hold her just hold her [Music] one enemy remaining 30 seconds left I like the flank from my stage there he's applying pressure on the flank just so even if I die he still has the kill um if you're playing a duelist not just on this map but if you're playing a dualist on any map it's best to uh take an aggressive fight and then play at an angle where you can get out so this this is very risky in all honesty playing right here because they can just easily span this wall so like if you're holding a shoulder shoulder angle taking like a couple bullets and then stop peaking and then if you get shot just like either heal or just like play safe I'm gonna flash one and question yeah I do like this flash it kind of clears long okay we know there's one there so we could he could have crossed right side he could have been waiting for someone um if you're playing Phoenix which Phoenix is a really underrated agent um not many people like to play him just because he doesn't have that much util I think Phoenix is like one of the best like agents that you can play I think Phoenix is like one of the best agents you can play just because of his ulti because ulti his ulti is like really good it's like almost no points you get two orbs plant get a couple kills and you already have it you can get a second right you can get a pistol round if you get enough kills so honestly if you want to play a duelist but you're not sure what duelist to play Phoenix is a good place to start I have ulti so pushing garage with Phoenix all is really good save uh save your dog I'm just gonna let things what's up I did hear one backside um if your teammates ulting in garage like that it's best to hold him it is a 3v5 so it is okay for him to push spawn he's using his I love that also it should be fine you guys are just better attack honestly that game was pretty good for the whole team thank you nice if you notice my positioning too I was hiding I was hugging around the Box killed the Phoenix I was gonna swing out and kill this guy but then I swung back killed the KO and then the Reyna swung me you always want to make sure you're only able to get shot at by one person he throws a flash for info which is really good oh you're crazy oh okay run away I can heal you run away You're Gonna Die get out of my way all right my team should be able to clear let's see how he plays this don't worry I like the old he sees one he shouldn't push it because he doesn't know if there's more than one here yeah I like that he should have just gotten the kill yo yeah I don't know about that one so so silly so silly I like that I like the play I like the play please have this be Olive plastic please I'm begging just games like this where they're simple and easy and I can just get out within a couple games please I'm begging oh yeah there's a difference between gaining space and just W King into a site when you're gay if you're taking space that means you're clearing all the angles between you and your teammates but if you're just W King you're just W King you don't play this you don't clear this you don't clear this but if I'm taking space I'm clearing all of it um I also did notice a lot of comments on my past videos about the difference between like movement and like aiming there's a big difference your aim could be like the best but your movement could be really bad so therefore it makes you die if you have good movement it doesn't really matter how good your aim is like it it obviously does but when you're clearing an angle you want to like jiggle Peak you want to crouch peek do anything you can to kind of throw off the opponent's Crosshair so then it's not just holding the angle see how this Jets jiggle peaking default anything you can to kind of throw off the opponent's Crosser is really good that guy had his squash out so I want to get off the angle oh my God can't hit this [ __ ] Omen to save my life finger him finger him yeah attackers win all right GG Plus 24. I'll let his dog clear right side then decoy is flash that send another TV entry this one backside yeah why are we planning once that's not clear make sure you always Clear Sight all of sight this you can get away with not clearing and planning but make sure you clear this and you clear backside we definitely should not plant when there's still one on site or let alone two on-site so they want to make sure they time their util correctly so Astra should suck and then killjoy should Molly and so they're not using it at the same time wasting it all right I'm gonna place this right here I'm gonna use ulti to clear all of this there's one right there I'm right here [Applause] they're at that entire sequence of kills in that Ace I was always using a bit of util and I was pushing off my teammates util to help me get kills I pushed off the uh Sky dog to kill the sky I pushed off my flashes to kill Cipher and sky and then the other two I just aimed the world I'm gonna use my TP to get out of the situation instead of use it to get into one oh actually let's back say one drop I'm not pushing them oh I'm so bad needs healing push spawn ing look there one enemy remaining last player standing GG attackers win I'm leaving now he you're kidding me right fight careful last player down C Nice Shot we gotta we gotta push up crowds a little bit faster and the smoke went down [ __ ] me I worked Mom yo we need to plant the bomb like bro what are this is not one window [Music] I don't have any smokes yo 132 on Sage watch your eyes institution what are you okay yo woman you gotta stop [ __ ] baiting the team and then [ __ ] talking after you [ __ ] die like a [ __ ] [ __ ] Ken stop [ __ ] baiting the team push with the [ __ ] team stop baiting and then stop bitching when you die welcome to the other half of class it's actually insane what is the smoke what's the flash out I'm so confused guys that's done my ultimate ready come on let's go he should all right it's only two they haven't typed yet be remaining should yeah I like this attackers win you'd think if we have an AFK you'd think the guy at the very bottom of the scoreboard would be the AFK nope but plot three a jet going 4 and 15. one enemy remaining Spike down mid nice job diffuse droids one enemy remaining I think right there since you knew he was there you could have uh he's gonna suspect you to be on so you could Reaper up and just get a better positioning because he's going to be like focused on bomb and swing and pop him swing everyone and that is the end of plot one will it be a double rank up uh all good though yeah and also for everyone uh [ __ ] you got me for smurfing and doing all this in my personal opinion if you want to learn from someone you have to learn what the correct thing to do is and just being told with the correct thing to do is a lot different than knowing what or like seeing what it is so yeah I could coach someone just looking out their vods and stuff but it's a it's a lot different than if I were to actually play and show everyone what the correct thing to do is enemy remaining okay he's in a hunter's fire [Music] we should run I think I got it one enemy remaining I just got a gun [Music] oh this rain is so bad Reyna dude Reyna your kiljo is pushing into sight do something division there's no spectator in it he's so annoying bro it's so bad push up a little faster bike planted the amount of util I just watched him throw at that kjls is insane unless Phoenix unless Phoenix goes absolutely huge here I don't really see a world viewing JoJo's on site and down reloading poops match MBP let's go 27. enemy kill we killed cyphers so there's no reason I can't Dash enough no charges left oh this is really gonna Slow Me Down one enemy remaining one enemy remaining oh wait wait no that Cipher's smart as [ __ ] no wait no Cypher you're smart as [ __ ] he actually this Cipher is really smart because he actually adjusted to the way I was playing a lot of players don't adjust to the way their enemies are playing but decipher notices that I'm starting to updraft this trip so he placed a super hot one and then it got me killed one enemy remaining you can see when you're in a blind you can see where their bullets are coming from if they're close enough um Defenders win easy match MVP 442 ACS plus 26 W1 giveaway plot three smoke this window RT nice Phoenix nice Phoenix stupid garage probably garage How Are You full HP what is going on better are you here I think spawn sheesh Let's Go [Music] All Right double rank up I don't think I got it but please I'm begging please yes I got it please please Jesus Christ Spike down one enemy remaining attackers win let's go how much are 27. Defenders win that's hello this is monster on the loose I got hit I got you they won't be able to get you it's murdered 78 enemy remaining mid nice okay Defenders win Defenders this is the question 25 right there rotating from the spawn a lot more no enemy remaining okay we're inside a pickle nice guys oh you're so sexy timing three songs remaining this guy is calling me dog [ __ ] you are [ __ ] terrible minus 14. foreign [Music] oh my there's so many corpses here oh oh right now wait wait they might be there oh my God no way no way oh I'm done with plot I'm done with plot I'm done with plot 26. congratulations you have been promoted oh the main things I saw in Platt was that nobody was playing as a team everyone was baiting and when you're playing a team game you have to communicate with them and you have to figure out what you want to do before you do it the big thing I saw was that everyone was trying to do their own thing they were trying to all make hero plays and take ones and like not swing together not do like strats with their team always make sure you're calming to your team and if you want alert just tell your team that maybe your team pushes S4 and you lurk the other side and then they rotate make sure you're always talking to your teammates figuring out what you want to do and that is honestly the main thing I saw in plot everyone else like they did well Boat House Buzz Ed I liked the old a lot of people don't understand with brimmel is it has such a big radius you want to make sure you use all of the radius like some people will do it where like half the remote's like out of Spawn and it's like they can't be here make it so that it's very hard for them to exit it and they can't really hide from it my Phoenix isn't really cool one enemy remaining awesome flashed I don't know where the flash games he hears my teammates on my left so the chances he plays me are pretty low he's still uncommon my teammates baiting for me which is really good my teammates my teammate did a really good play right there if you see a teammate holding like a close angle like I'm doing and like there's two angles he has to clear if you just bait for your teammate they're not gonna they're not really gonna look here sure you you you you you ready yeah what demon just left your butt I don't know that was [ __ ] videos come on Rescue this rain is playing way too don't be like the arena this rain is playing way too aggro so he'll get one which is good but then he'll go for more and then he'll end up dying and it really [ __ ] it really [ __ ] him over and it [ __ ] his team over we are playing the get best game in the world Valerian and you're talking about fortnite right now never mind this game [ __ ] sucks everyone should quit a lot of people's main issues and this goes from all the way from Iron to ascendant and even in Immortal um people's main issues with aim isn't there not being able to flick or they're tracking it's literally they don't put their Crosshair on the enemy before they start shooting like a lot of people a lot of people will spray and then move their Crosshair to them like they'll spray a couple bullets and then they'll move their Crosshair spray and then move you out you want to make sure before you're spraying put your Crosshair then shoot Don't Spray and then put yourself on it attackers win 23r all right we're playing with lucky Tim Tam in Diamond one he is currently Diamond two what do you want on for skins all right let's see how he plays this I like this I like the cam a little bit of confusion on bombs so that could have gotten him killed but no what are you gonna do now I don't like this because then how's he gonna be able to swing bomb's not really playing it for him if he plays belt I really like the play of going top sight going topside and then taking rope on their own bomb in this position because right here the swing is just camera taken out thank you nice I can guess myself my bad you since you only have one like bit of stall util for bomb which is your camera you should wait until you should wait a couple seconds because you almost always the first one is gonna be a tub so if you waited a couple seconds before using camera I would have delayed a little bit longer he doesn't hold this okay I mean he's flanked but he definitely oh that's a tub yeah my bad we've lost the last two rounds because one person it's been a 2b1 so we should have had the win but both people have like taken the 1v1 and made it really bad situation like a rain on pistol peaked in when you were already low and then you did the same right there because yeah Sage yellow one running yellow nice shots dude gorilla whiffing bro I can't [ __ ] aim a 72. I want to push up to get aggressive clear I know one screens don't know where the last part 75 Raptors I mean game sense just comes with playing the game there's nothing you can do to really improve it always analyze how you're dying what you could have done better and then do what you could have done better in the next rounds work on your crossover placement these guys 25 hours a lot of people's issues in like silver and lower or even higher they have really really really really really really really bad movement smokes down check the boxes oh man's aiming for shock clear ly close wow 80 tree one enemy remaining popping he's dropped talking on top if you're playing a flash Vision you're flashing out of the smoke like if you're playing Rhino Phoenix or uh KO make sure your flash is really close though because that guy was super close the edge of the smoke was here this guy was playing here so if I right click my flash just the normal it would have gone behind him and he wouldn't have been pulled lines but I threw it up the floors then it was really close all right give me a sec game two 20rr X all right you know where chamber is know where chamber is brim probably rotated Brie B I don't like the old Pub they're gonna be super late rotating so his old kind of useless he knew there was one C and he brim was most likely be so that old pop was kind of useless yeah because his old's gone now if you're if you're playing multiple like characters that can get info you don't want to Stack people so me throwing my eye right there is useless if sniper is gonna kill him he didn't this time but usually he camps so me throwing my eye there also is kind of useless I know Thor door three I thought I was him for a moment oh I got him 20 RR Diamond two I got this Spike he knows where Alaska is upstairs he has nothing to help him here it's a flash in five seconds you can play for I like this I really like that I really like that play he wait he waited for his util to help him win the rounds which is what a lot of players don't do if if this was like if he wasn't as smart he immediately swings out a box and gets strawberry up phase one he's got dinked we're gonna smoke CT you want my mayonnaise ready one enemy remaining 102. 00 22 I feel like I should have gotten a lot more but it's fine I know this is possible I don't know how to do it but I know it's possible to trolling we do a little bit of trolling hockey's Banana's wall right rain is cross Replacements really bad oh oh we like that bro wait here's bum that was nice that was clean I want to push with my Oru here is there a gun is there a gun [Music] oh let me get that off bruh look at that off bro [ __ ] me I don't even look man bro [ __ ] me bro be faster Hopper done okay here's me so one more minute Pizza area bro oh [ __ ] bro okay all right see you next time okay was there he doesn't have a gun so I kind of want to bait him I have no smoke is that your rifle down man heaven joke's over you're dead remaining oh oh powerless [Music] I also want to make things clear just because I'm doing stuff does not mean you guys should reciprocate it because it may not work for you especially being being in this rank I like to buy Stinger's second round especially when I'm playing Reyna because it'll catch the enemy off guard whereas they'll swing me thinking I have a classic and I have a stinger and I can possibly win the round I also don't mind buying a stinger for third round too because I think it's a really good gun so do as you wish but you know you definitely do not have to force I'm also just trying to entertain everyone so damn symptom oh nevermind now he knows for a fact he's not on oh that timing was so good for Roman I don't like this oh oh oh this is fire oh that place attackers win 15. one enemy remaining like what could be out soon could be out soon could be out soon went up Tower what is that timing could have tped Sands B Sanders could be Santa one enemy remaining bike down nice [ __ ] 19 RR minus 17. no hard feelings oh this guy is no Crosser oh oh my God written down I guess she does get him get up one enemy remaining all right I got you good good play it is good play it is here we go oh my name is [ __ ] me oh oh I'm insane I'm the best can you break down maybe um it might rotate off of our kid they killed oh I'm an unknown I'm spam bro what it feels good on top on top on top yes one enemy remaining Spike down a nice nice shots well that guy was [ __ ] that guy sucks Defenders win all right how much are 21 not bad not bad you stealing my Ace [ __ ] I'm Molly to I Molly did so he couldn't plant yet inverted Mouse early [Laughter] pull down I might have C they they wrapped hey it's a kill Arena all right I'm going we should we should go see your turn is still here all right oh [ __ ] one enemy remaining nice bike planted us out and for 40. what is that where's the ulti remaining nice try very there oh nice yeah was okay okay for the one time you know Six Bullets we actually fight into this another cup ski yeah [ __ ] poor Miles ready out of turkeys wait a minute yeah you have Altair as well last player standing foreign what is it with low ELO players when they see a player dropping 40 kills they call them [ __ ] you are dog [ __ ] you are hard stuck geez not MVP 21r let's go Diamond three this is how you guys get a free gun playing your if you hold out your util they can't see you're close to them joke's over we're good wow he's [ __ ] Loki nice thank you yo if he's a man he's gonna be mad confused bro bro it's not confused plus 21. I feel like I should have gotten more for that game how much are 12 14. so what's your box close I don't think planking yet upside down I'm gonna I'm gonna push up after drafting actually remaining you're flying flawless nice guys one enemy remaining let's go boys we brought it back I'm so proud of all of you let's go mighty he's lit right I'm gonna heal thank you 115. there's a nice trade and 42 bring them down outside now run last player standing nice oh I have bomb no uh 200. all right we're gonna slow um oh I'm done 16. congratulations you have been promoted so that was the end of this episode a lot of diamond and people playing like bad and losing games comes from not playing as a team like all like the only reason we won this game was because we came back and we started playing as a team so if you just come to your team what you want to do and you adjust to the way your opponents are playing it's very easy to win the game so like if the enemy team is just W King hold like just sit back and wait for them to push so nailed them there's one there's two all right so they're stocking Arts uh it is kind of just free kills at this point foreign I got you I got you your room holy [ __ ] see our whole team like even though they have better guns than us there we were all swinging together so it's very difficult especially like for the arena the arena was solo fighting this Gekko is right here they both took 1B ones it would have made it less likely for them to get absolutely [ __ ] on like that if they like were peeking together Reyna gave a 1v1 here this guy hit the trip died then Gekko gave a 1v1 here and then you already killed the guy's flank like a higher ranked player's mind in different situations so adash is almost gone so I want to take a quick fight and then get out or goes away Cypher has flower I saw rain across [ __ ] me 148 on Arena bro I'm gonna cry 20 RR you should definitely only have a couple agents in your mouth pull that you mastered don't try and master every agent at first just because then it'll overload you oh did you get window one site here's your window I can alter this if we want backside oh my God how is he backside what the [ __ ] is this guy doing one more seat s too long foreign you can play one Heaven one Heaven I kill am I killing I kill him what the [ __ ] One Direction oh ah miscalculation he's heaven or hell I'm checking her yeah just everybody chill everybody chill y match MEP 16 RR oh that's [ __ ] foreign man oh my God I'm cheating I'm cheating bro that's disgusting walking down holy [ __ ] okay what's on the screen back down B ite GG guys Plus 18. I know I'm gonna put all up it's clear if Jet doesn't push it was winnable Jet's super aggressive and he thinks he's like the best [ __ ] player in the world you heard one mid you heard one man oh my God no no no we're helping he's out 80 on jet 80 on jet yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] grab that round from my ass and threw it into the game 105 105. shot you up mine is 17. down a hurry up bro like what else am I supposed to do I killed three I'm one HP whole team's dead I don't know oh please please 8080 please bro please please please please please please please please at least resume don't rest right now bro don't rest right now don't I swear to God you rest right now I swear there's no way come on holy I got that guy [ __ ] on me that got [ __ ] on me Reyna's trying to be bad right like Reyna's trying to throw like that wasn't actually him playing he's like trying to lose like that was him trying to lose right historical storm nice I'll move fast change the pairs not to start a change yes holy [ __ ] one enemy remaining headshot never swing an angle with utilo that KJ up but this is how you play defense on jet they do have an omen if you're playing against an omen on Ascent they're gonna flash right here if they're smart so this is what you do trust me it works not a lot of times actually but it'll work this time because I'm making a video never mind they're not here 20 kills 17r oh [ __ ] one enemy remaining through must be done cutting through I'll handle this on my mind not one enemy remaining is fun Defenders win -17 remaining Spike down a um probably made okay crazy race nice attackers win minus 18. okay I was gonna oh a [ __ ] [ __ ] NT GG close yet one enemy remaining nice old spawn for this guy You're Gonna Fly show I'm gonna hold this angle okay flashlight to 30. enemy remaining bike down a oh he's there I should have checked to see who is still alive in this one hello this guy shouldn't plant this guy should not wait one enemy remaining nice good bait yes one drop I think could be get the number oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me GG Fiji GG dude this shop is so good why on my alt account if I was like silver I'd buy this on this account but now how more do you like basically done with the challenge so oh I blinded three of them and this guy's full Sprint full blind like I can't bro one enemy remaining Spike down a attackers win uh Spike Down Beat there's three just sitting and spawn all three let's go let's go let's go all right GG there's no way to describes him oh he's spawn Plus 19. get out of here yeah Spike down attacker spawns one enemy remaining long standing no no that's what I'm saying man I got chicken nuggies but I also got 16 RR this is living here wait wait I can look up a I can look up a that was [ __ ] nah that was Chris nah that was crisp I killed I can kill him and kill him plenty safe I'm just gonna pop wash play right here so he doesn't yep yo oh my God too many Spike planted me remaining oh my God she's gapping they're up all heaven thank you remaining -17 RR 18 RR ick s someone someone's probably drawing here someone's gonna draw I'm just gonna leave my hands off my yeah if you guys haven't already make sure to uh follow my twitch The Shot TV slash oxidized F and my Twitter oxidized f all right and when you're playing c-long on Haven obviously my tips kind of vary like from map to map because obviously I'm um explaining things on one map but a lot of them can't be used for other maps I mean I guess some tips can but especially if you're playing C on Haven you don't want to peek from here because that box is very spendable peeking from right here is a lot better rotate once they're still like holding a shorts jumped out one enemy remaining window oh that's probably joking dude he's on beat two two on me no all right that's not b no just waiting for the smoke to go down he's wrapping plus 20 8r what minus 18. we're back to being two games away let's go oh yeah Defenders win oh minus 20. [Music] flashing three two four five [Music] plus twenty we are officially two games away find it faster one enemy remaining foreign Defenders win 13-0 I haven't had one of those in a while plus 22 we are four R Roa um the fact that that just worked is insane oh thank God we did it I'm not hard stuck ass one anymore oh let's go man 18 plus 18 that was rough that was a long stretch of games just to get out of ass my whole career is ass one act rank is 90 ass one hey guys hello I'm losing my mind it's 10 million degrees in my room my computer sounds like a jet engine if my computer explodes just know I hated all of you try and sneaking up behind us freeze down if you play if you like main Joe and you're not confident with their knives you probably honestly should stop mating her one of her most OP kits is her old and it's just super op because you have 100 accuracy while full running if you find it hard to use or not you should definitely get better with them because they are really good and they can make really good Eco run guns you can get a lot of guns out of them but just the knives and they can open around so maybe you shouldn't win fight planted I don't really know your fault one enemy remaining I gotta stop speaking early and dying last player standing bro we gotta stop peeking early and dying if you're if your team is just like giving up picks like that that really throws around like they were stacked they had 3B at the start and then two of them died almost immediately before our team can rotate it it basically gives them free sight [ __ ] our teammate who's also on site and then it's losing around basically if you were an a totally in Toy Story but you were an unassembled Lego set oh my God yo that'd be raw man you're just an unassembled Lego set you're just like the head of one of the little Lego guys yo Dorito I'm gonna leave a little Easter egg in this video for you if you if you see this just send me send me uh uh send me a gif of uh a gif of a cat I don't know why just do it okay foreign last player standing Spike down beat Defenders win minus 18 if I lose one I'm out of ascendant dude 149 bro what's great Scrapy Main mid night can you see over that wall yet Spike down mid black man they didn't plan for long so that means jack could be flanking like our spawn [Music] they tried oh the game was looking rough I played and I've been watching a movie if I'm Gonna Keep it a buck Plus 17. [Music] he's lit 54. yes indeed oh my God elephant's almost through it's not gonna heave anything for blank oh my God this round is enough Ian's yes sir machines divide a dollar for every chicken nugget I've eaten I'd probably have like a million dollars right now like that ass all right then time to get the bread time to get the loafer get it because British people like they say like loaf instead of bread I mean I guess it is a bread loaf but it's not the point I'm trying to make here okay bro could you imagine being in like a tsunami and you're like you know you're gonna die and you're just like waiting to like drown or something then you get like hit in the [ __ ] face but like a fight with like a rock or some [ __ ] underwater you just get hit in the [ __ ] face that's gotta be rough bro that's gotta be rough 149 bro one enemy remaining I'm actually a god Opera the only problem with opting on Rhino on attack is I have to play slow and sometimes my team just doesn't want to play slow like at all like ever or at all and just left me bro cover going out back player standing like push out bro please it's so difficult when you're just baiting man it's so difficult minus 18 bro I'm on a deep rank s one enemy remaining Defender okay it's great guys going inside oh wait how does he hit my head there wait how does he hit my head there when only when I'm literally on top of him [Music] Spike down a one enemy remaining all right no I got the trade standing ahead one enemy remaining Yoho you're a different boss sorry bro I'm ass one enemy remaining Plus 19. fight planted outside one enemy remaining remaining careful now foreign [Music] plus 20 yes and two last player standing you're done oh whoa I'll handle this enemy remaining one enemy remaining where behind you woman behind you your biggest mistake was that pissed me off early over there Spike down sorry enemy remaining attackers win I don't know what the [ __ ] that game was but Jesus Christ Plus 21. that's here thank you remaining that is one thing a lot of a lot of teams don't do is when the enemy team is down one player they do the same [ __ ] they were doing if it was a 5v5 when you're down when the enemy team is down a player you have to rush because they're down a player so if we're hitting with five there's only gonna be Max two on this side so it's going to be a 5v2 on site and then the other two rotating the only way they win these rounds is if they Gamble stock and we walk into their staff come on it's main it's me Spike down all right plus 17 damn the Harvard did kind of walk into my bullets I'm not gonna lie all right that probably was the only two here 's probably on c one stairs 105 man the Crouch pistol can't do anything this game man I'm just getting [ __ ] KO flashes are really hard to master but they go pretty far forward especially if you walk forward so you want to make sure you're if you're in a smoke and you're flashing out as KO you're in the very back of the smoke and you walk you hold your flash out you walk forward you throw it and it'll pop like as soon as it exits the smoke a lot of people don't know how to throw kale flashes like well there's 78 the ashes one person nice Spike down that's right unless our Jack can somehow like a huge here you got one nice nice Teo has all he should use it I'm surprised minus 20. you should run one left side sure oh one lurking Mitch one enemy remaining oh okay got him yo Sky just insta flashes all right never mind one main one market one minute one enemy remaining I need help become better yeah I killed the heavens attack Plus 16. last player standing reloading one enemy remaining facts foreign away I'm too Midway one enemy remaining on the walls you were beautiful one enemy remaining over here come on oh my God shut her bro one enemy remaining attackers win yeah my whole team's kind of just running them down I'm not gonna lie there's not much there's not much else to say about this game I'd say I think the only thing maybe would be more calms but like we are winning six to two so like there's not really much to come about if we're if we are just running them down Miles ready reloading I tried to flash for my job but he swung before the flash pops oh okay I also the reason I didn't swing immediately I knew there were gonna be at least right here I wanted to wait to swing until the cipher went off so when the ciphero went off I knew where I was gonna be aiming instead of just like wide swinging and not knowing if he's like here here here here basically just any time you can like wait to use utility like secure helps a lot okay this is pretty cut and dry game if I'm Gonna Be Honest One in twelve Arena 10 and 9 throwing jet uh lucky do I get detained if I get detain that is unlucky prepare for Hellfire first game in ascending three win how much are Plus 16. oh no one enemy remaining my God just killed me what is running away you disappoint me I'm cleaning guns foreign you for two so far plus 14. yikes that is rough that is rough all right I woke up like five minutes ago on the win there's a flash out one enemy remaining last player standing nice oh my God what is happening what the [ __ ] is happening bro holy [ __ ] one enemy a lot of people don't know but the raised Boombah only lasts five seconds so there's no point to shoot it and give away your position if you don't have to unless it's like locked on to someone it'll only last it'll only last five seconds unless it's locked onto someone so if it's not locked onto you and it's not locking onto a teammate you don't you don't have to shoot the Bubba and give away your position my ALT ready one enemy remaining on TV at the same time um okay that round was very hard for the Rays to win but the only chance he has at winning that round is pushing something so pushing showers to kill the guy's TP or pushing spawn to kill the one one guy spawn and if he kills me he gets my gun he has a much bigger chance of winning the rounds so he kind of has to push something which is why I was shift walking and holding for him I'm not saying anything Luca GTP ad 148 140 on Sky now I'm not taking showers control this round because they are broke so I don't wanna I don't want to give them a gun I've got your Trail in case I do end up dying we did get the early picks so it's really good somebody out one enemy remaining I tried attackers win I mean that's fun I mean that right click is broken oh [Music] a lot of them [Music] [Music] oh smile don't you ever do you love your mother bro's confused Bros confused how he just whipped like that how many licks does it take to get to the center of the touch top 72 I tried it when I was an infant bro what is wrong with me what is wrong with the Mead bro get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out come on Skye you are the Undisputed goat of the team one enemy remaining play together Spike planted ready ever flash two flashlights he already knows you're there plus like 12. 16 oh that's more than I thought I saw a [ __ ] down one enemy remaining 30 seconds left hilarious [ __ ] it I'm going for it man [ __ ] hey call me again enemies [Music] [Music] I did what I could 2v3 please please 2v3 enemy remaining 20. nice [Music] thank you if I carry us down I have this bike plant the spike hey for me all right and it's 18. nailed it one enemy remains dude this guy's always lurking be [ __ ] main bro swing he just baited his Omen and he didn't even trade you have bullets in your gun what are you doing I have the spike here one enemy remaining attackers win last night using FaceCam for a little bit at least a couple games I'm also going to be laying down so hopefully I wouldn't yeah be sick I'm not intrigued headshot one enemy remaining we do have enough util you only want to fight him in or you only want to fight anything if you have more useful than they do we have a breach so our util is pretty strong never mind cover going out he got too aggressive he still had time as long as I don't get minus 21 we're chilling minus 17. let's go player stand ing okay healer oh my God enemy down one enemy remaining one HP men attackers win plus 18 . duck one enemy remaining oh I was holding that sneeze in the whole [ __ ] run I think if you know the enemies one HP and you play too scared there's a bigger chance you there's a bigger chance you lose the round than if you just fight him because he's low he's one HP if you just fight him with the guns that you have then you're more likely to win than if you're just hiding in a corner playing scared player standing and then Defenders win minus 18. I'm so curious this Jet's gonna lurk the whole game and he's gonna piss me off if you're playing a duelist don't lurk stop lurking if you play duelist stop if you're playing duelist don't lurk his lurks literally have zero impact 30 seconds jet thinks he's him or something yeah just go away this guy's lurking all of his kills are from lurks he cannot say [ __ ] he hasn't pushed with the team once he hasn't pushed with the team once he's been lurking all game and he shoots him in the back when they're not looking at him yeah I've had a couple whips this game I'm not gonna lie that's all me but you have zero impact my ultimate's ready one enemy remaining oh nice bro both on both of them no you smoke bomb there confuse player standing um planted one enemy remaining attackers win was 18 we are out of the danger zone attackers win lost 16 my bad yeah what that only did 50. one's close oh my gosh Silva [Music] Spike planted you guys have a good day plus 16. there's four of us bike Heaven showers bro we get a route actually that's the sad part about that trip 260 260. 77 bro they do not use comms I know it's this late but like no way raise doesn't come that I already used the decoy there one enemy remaining uh plus 18 we're getting there we're getting there we are two games away rush them rush them rush them rush them standing ahead one's about to hit CP cease plus 17 let's go only 15 on our way one enemy remaining foreign [Music] where's the body I can hold and hear one inside they can't flank right your trip is here reload Ed [Music] one enemy remaining normally is are these links No No One mini box close to you one enemy remaining left layer standing okay plus 18 w it's gonna be in Smoke I don't know why wait why did he back up he could have walked into the smoke no he walks out he's dead today off JJ minus 18. the club begins bro what the [ __ ] is that what what is happening what has happened what is happening what is this Spike planted what is happening I don't know what's happening I don't know what's happening my [ __ ] is being lagged off completely oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don't don't throw oh [ __ ] jet oh that was nice about 17. we are 20 on our way one enemy remaining Spike down get inside attackers win you should run at all one enemy remaining Spike down a one enemy remaining puts me back two more [ __ ] games bro coming out right now come on I'm CT in a second I'm waiting for something maybe one enemy remaining my way yikes that's right one enemy remaining mic down a oh my God Plus 18. 99 punching smoke grounded damn one enemy remaining where's Alaska oh what attackers Plus 23. concentrate so far [Music] with my credit three one enemy remaining area oh my God I love that oh my [ __ ] God I love that I love that [ __ ] play from you Silva nice [ __ ] flash right now that was a w flash they didn't break it so quickly I go all three oh my God please 18rr immortal 6 16. last player standing one enemy remaining one enemy remaining foreign [Music] yeah one enemy remaining [ __ ] one enemy remaining five seconds did it and we're done thank you we did it I'm more oh my God all right that is the end the finale of The Iron tool mortal Series this is what the ACT rank for this ax looking like this is a previous act took a little bit longer a lot longer than I expected or wanted it to but overview of ascendant 3 I started winning a lot more games when I stopped running it down and I started playing as a team honestly the biggest thing has nothing to do like if you're in this rank you already have the AIM and you already have the game sense to play in this rank if you want to get out of the rank however go to aim labs for 30 minutes a day warm up don't just hop right into a game but most importantly just play with your team literally just just play with your team tell them what to do if you don't know what to do have someone igl for you talk to your team give good comms don't just know calm run it down I mean you you can still win games without a mic but it makes it 10 times easier if you have one that is the end of the iron to Immortal movie and the end of the series so make sure everyone like And subscribe so you guys don't miss out on future con and I hope all of you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: OxiDizedF
Views: 102,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _tNeTF5a5m8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 52sec (13972 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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