ROSTERMANIA! Making our DREAM Teams for 2023 — Plat Chat VALORANT Ep. 107

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The OG PlatChat crew(Overwatch) vs. Balla(Fortnite) content drought bit has got to be one of the funniest adlibs they've done.

Egg was so fucking red with disgust when Balla tried to compare Fortnite's "content drought" to Overwatch's, Avast's snarky "6 months this guy says" literally just sent me.

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/niceicebagel 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

I really want to know where BCJ will go. Guy had an insane performance in Istambul

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/MacarioPro 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

New episode already

it felt like no time passed bc not much happened

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Key-Banana-8242 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2022 🗫︎ replies

Damn they spent 2 seconds on cryo deal

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/daffyduckferraro 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello welcome to Pledge on episode 107 we had we had Bren do his uh moderate crazy intro this time because last time you nearly burst something got him go well I mean this this the intro hello it's much more reserved when I do it compared to you I know don't give me the grunt of disgust Bala Connor how are you doing not good followers I had the premiere of because they're so late or the the live thing to talk to people in the chat and it just started going [Laughter] right when you ask me how are you doing it's fine there you go that's your punishment for that's your punishment for uh talking to the to the common folk I I have the common folk up on my laptop as well I'll be calling them the common bug we're all common folk here we're all common is more relatable right yeah don't worry guys we're super relatable too you know why it's such a funny interaction with my groundskeeper the other day uh you know on my second property they just the guy just couldn't get my grass green enough I just [ __ ] freaked out I just freaked out I pulled out I pulled out the kitchenware yeah and I just started chasing him around the garden you just can't hire good talent these days you just can't get the staff you just can't get the staff yeah you should have heard what happened in my fourth home recently yeah so the bathroom exploded no yeah water everywhere it's crazy these hurricanes huh of course because you're renting it out so you didn't repair it no no of course it didn't of course I didn't no no that's for the uh that's not for the landlord as a land on each entry that would be an undue burden um let's talk about valorant stuff shall we i i people talked my [ __ ] brains out yesterday I I had a six hour stream just just people talking away I saw Barlow was streaming this morning ranking all of the free agents in valorant on a basis giving them a number one to ten on the game sense mechanics etc etc uh I I tune in and he's like hmm Rock the analysis emote has popped off you can see me that's that's from his recent vault and in the chat in the Box I said four hours 35 minutes that was four hours 35 minutes in yeah to you talking into the camera there's a lot to talk about the solo shot there's a lot to talk about we'll try and make this episode less than 4 hours and 35 minutes though Kurt found a really cool article that's where I want to begin okay there's a really cool article about the origins of Phoenix did you know they've been working on Phoenix since 2017 yeah [Laughter] like this article was like hidden in the depths of the ocean like in a casket and we've had to haul it up well and it's like a lost find it is it's just a it's just a yeah I mean this is like actually for the lore Masters but it's not even for the lore Masters it's literally for the Game Dev loremaster it's not it's like it's for people that it's for the people that want to know the inside of Game Dev Lloyd they're scrolling on the runic tablets be like oh you know Phoenix had a Sprint got a dash charge Dash that would have been so good if we could just have another legs in the game just the guy's primary ability was to run a bit quicker I suppose that's what neon really is but yeah you know he's alt used to revive him and then still sick huh are you still sick a little bit oh my God I have a cold in a couple of days time you won't have a cold in a couple days time you're not but how do you know you're not contagious yeah listen I I I've tested it's nothing too bad it's not too bad it's just a couple man it's a cold what do you want from me it's like it's like [ __ ] smallpox now but monkey pox is back no one's vaccinated for it anymore you just you've just like brought into the house that's why Conor and baller are in isolation we're gonna fly them in for this episode it's big episode we've got important things to talk about yeah but as soon as you said that we might need an iron lung afterwards that was like maybe not maybe not for me all right okay cool article if you want to go and check it out how did you want to bring up with this article I just thought it was interesting that is cool yeah it's called to see the philosophy of um how they or maybe not how they design heroes or Champions whatever you want to call them Asian stuff [ __ ] got those things wow I just thought it was kind of cool because they mentioned a few things regarding like the overarching like World of valorant was changed because of people like Phoenix Phoenix was going to be like an astronaut yeah can you show me the there's a picture of him like why was it why wasn't he an astronaut is it space debris no they decided to move away from a futuristic Tech setting for valoran and instead be like a a much more uh diverse normal cast rather than purely astronauts everyone was going to be an astronaut yeah it was like a monks tomb yeah there's a there's a cool image of like the wall though I kind of I kind of like this graphic style it reminds me of like the League of Legends art um in the article cut yeah this the can you imagine if all the graphics look like this it's like cartoony kind of style it's kind of like Wind Waker Zelda yeah I really like this yeah honestly the smoke Graphics in the game are extremely clunky looking really when you think about it like the the wall of the Viper wall and stuff like that in in order to make them not have these like wispy edges where you can you know sometimes the particle effects mess up the game they've made everything look very I don't know yeah yeah but not they're not as pretty as something like that does yeah maybe yeah maybe that's part of it yeah all right no that's all right [ __ ] it let's move forward up in your face I could see it coming I could see it coming no I did you could do there's some off-season tournaments happening there's been some off-season tournaments have been announced fnatic and Ascender going to Egypt to beat up the me na teams so that's gonna be fun I'm sure everyone will tune into that and see two organizations that we don't know I mean maybe maybe that's the fun part of it is that they'll be playing with their new rosters right maybe when is it I mean they have to have their roster lock by then right because of the the dates so yeah the the primary roster has to be locked by October 15th and this is on the 22nd so yeah so yeah this would be their roster but that doesn't mean they have to play with those guys I know I know that sounds pretty stupid but they don't have to play with them this is this is nice what are the rules involved I guess for an or competing in an outside non-vct tournament in the offseason set yeah I mean I guess so we'll play with Riot Global like initiatives right for the tournaments do they not well I think with the third party tournament section like it's relatively open it's not like you can't play in any tournaments outside of ECT I don't think that's the thing that we've heard of yet but I assume it's open yeah so that one that one's called the Super Dome which I think is a pretty incredible name just a tournament happening in Egypt with Ascend fanatic and then uh a few of the teams of which I haven't really heard of many of them um it could have uh like 10K people in the stadium or something like 10 000 people in the stadium I didn't say that that's what they're going for but that stadium is [ __ ] huge yeah capacity is pretty big 30 000 capacity that's either going to be one of the most yeah I mean that is a bloody Super Dome isn't it that's a that's a hyperdome a hyperbole hyperbole I mean the fans are pretty like passionate in that region for their teams so I mean they could I mean I doubt they'd get 30 000 people in there but it would be [ __ ] banging if they did it would be really [ __ ] cool you never know I I wouldn't have said that they would have been able to get 10K in for the the Japan um qualification in stage two yeah it was more than 10K but it was but it was it was like they packed a stadium yeah I wouldn't have thought that but Japan's viewership is much larger than uh Middle East and North Africa yeah yeah I guess yeah there's no real clear way to hell in terms of the intra this is gonna sound so stupid but you know like online viewership doesn't always equate to the amount of people that are willing to travel out and visit an event yes person there's no there's always no guarantee but yeah I do know that those guys who are running the tournament they ran like an uh a gaming convention before in fortnite that a couple of my friends went to they were paid to go to that popped off but that was fortnite was huge everywhere I don't know yeah it's doing in Egypt no idea honestly no idea but it'd be really cool if people did turn out because it opened my eyes to a whole different region that uh frankly I've just been ignoring up until this point I think um there was another tournament as well right what was this one called the glute Clash oh gee loot is that how you pronounce it yes man there's a dash people took issues though I saw because of the qualification process um even though it seems pretty standard for a lot of tournaments right because they're inviting teams they're inviting VCT teams um but I think they're having four slots that you have to I have no idea how this works there's three qualification methods uh I don't know if this article will show it but there's invited teams there's uh Open qualifier and then there's people being invited based off of ranked stats um which I don't [ __ ] it it doesn't really like tell us what that means but it says your rank stats out that the G loot app is drawing from so I assume you put your name in the Hat and if your rank stats are good enough like make a team but I have no [ __ ] clue how it works but that's not a team that's a player so stupid yeah I don't really understand how it works yeah I don't does this is this partnered with like their in-game tournament system at all or is this just their third party app pulling no this yeah there's no you can't run outside uh ranked systems like esea IB you can't you can't I guess you could tell people to join a custom lobby but I don't think officially you can do it in the TOs all right I mean the stuff that stops uh companies from doing that so I mean either way this is a riot endorsed tournament yeah yeah yeah yeah they could run some kind of qualify you know what this means how many sorry how many teams are going to qualify through their stats being good it doesn't say nope I didn't I looked it up I tried to find it I have no clue all right guys this is what we do we're [ __ ] care we got five of us together we smurfed the [ __ ] out of some ranked of the tea loot app attached we inflate our stats and where is this being hosted yeah there's a rank request oh it's yeah it's during the off season yeah but surely there's still a rank like there has to well I guess that's still like I guess if you're trying to Smurf though and inflate your stats like I guess it won't work once you start yeah they're not gonna they're not gonna invite the best players from Silver three yeah how does this work well I don't none of us know how it works exactly it doesn't seem to be a functioning system but but they're running with it I guess I think we could game it yeah maybe should we try I think yeah good idea we've already announced our intentions so if it were to happen like they would immediately find out as soon as they got our names so they would know delete the volume okay we've got big money coming up delete the VOD how much is the glute Clash for 50k 50k 50k how much is the Superdome for don't know did they announce the price I want to say 50k but I didn't see it actually I look for it I didn't see because I listen I don't mean to sound entitled but 50k is actually kind of small in the modern era for like off season it's pretty good no it seems pretty small for events that you're trying to attract like if the offseason's supposed to be serious events with big teams participating yeah it's quite smart really isn't it like for the current stage you know tiny inflation state of economy yeah yeah about 50k is the equivalent of like 1K like a year ago yeah yeah it flashes through the roof right now dude that'll get you they'll get you off the gas prices currently it's it's small but also I would hope that this is not the [ __ ] serious competitions that you're hoping to run yeah yeah is this gonna be because they said this is like or like during the off season there's a bunch of actual third party events is G Loot and the Superdome going to be the premiere I hope super dome's legit I think Super dome's legit on YouTube whatever but but come on man you can't invite people from ranked to have a serious tournament that's just that's some fortnite promotional [ __ ] Friday fortnite Hub stomping like that's what's happening the rank teams will just get stumped Anyway by the invited teams exactly has that uh won this weekend been announced yeah well then but not who's working it no you made that real [ __ ] chill wait what I mean I know but so can I talk can we talk about it yeah recently for Content creators yeah well that but my point there is as well that we were having a discussion about like the the off season was at least we hoped it would be some kind of like serious competition for the teams involved but these tournaments that have all been announced for the off-season are either minor or the content creator tournament or um like uh two major teams getting invited and the others last Nations which is like like a World Cup type of format with blast yeah which I I don't want to judge it I feel like we should judge the off season at the end of the year when the off season finishes we'll have the hindsight to be able to look back and say was that successful time where you can nope the best time to run tournaments would be I mean maybe not December that's where most people are taking breaks but you might see some tournaments around December and also probably January I mean the best time to run tournaments is right after October 15th where everybody has their rosters and people are hyped to see them and they you know that every team but in terms I mean there's going to be some teams that uh they have like the Skeleton Crew assembled by October 15th yeah where they have the the minimum requirements and the building process is still going to go on all the way up until February yeah but I think at that point it's fair to you know throw them in and be like this is the first looks at the the roster like that would be a really hype tournament but um you asked us to you know not judge the off season until the office is over but no this is a really bad sign I don't want to do that this is really really bad there's only one tournament announced in Na and it's a content creator tournament yeah that's kind of lame yeah it has only been two weeks since Champs it should have been announced before chance we should have had these like three weeks from now is one that gets locked up the roster start getting locked up I mean I feel like they're I don't know what how their Global Ops teams work but after seeing a lot of orgs work I'm sure they had literally all hands on deck running Champs and figuring that out and they've had no time to touch anything else we also think as well a lot of teams are not even going to be thinking about tournaments right now if you're assembling a team right now the the entire the entire emphasis and focus is going to be on building the best roster possible I imagine it is just [ __ ] like I don't know just non-stop chaos if I am a GM I wouldn't losing my [ __ ] mind I'm losing my [ __ ] mind if I'm a gym right now with the amount of free agents and like so many restricted free agents and everyone's coming after the same people and you're like gonna be fighting to the death like GM's like legitimately like that's it's crazy I think it's a ridiculous crunch not like it's necessary for what they have planned but I know GMS are pulling out their [ __ ] hair right now but also one of the one of the best ways to actually stress test if you get a skeleton crew together and you're wondering like does this core actually have legs you know you're running scrims and trials throwing them into a tournament is actually a really good method if it's like a one day tournament to go in there see what the results are see what what the problems are and maybe make some moves off the back of that as well anyway those are some of the off-season tournaments that have been announced so far we'll keep looking for them and Bala says bad signs ahead uh so we'll see what occurs um one of the other big pieces of news that's uh some boring snoozy stuff but actually really important potentially the challenges uh roster rules have been revealed so we previously had the roster rules for the international leads being revealed and now the challenges roster rules have been revealed as well I haven't had the time to go through these entirely but Kurt's going to bring them up on the screen and we can just take a a look through some of these as well I think the highlights were minimum uh minimum 16 years old so it's you know you can still compete in tier two before you're eligible to compete in tier one so you get that same Dynamic that you were talking about last week bran where you actually get really excited to watch the players coming up yeah um because it could have been a possibility that they had locked this to 18 and then it's not the same case but yeah so yeah I like this that's kind of cool three players on a starting roster must be residents of the region as well which is different to the tier one in in current system whether they're going for there's four players and you you're only allowed one player to be import talent in this it kind of opens up a little bit more actually I think with any team that's in the tier 2 circuit you have your pick of up and coming Talent from every regions more so because you have an extra slot but also that's on importance that's different compared to how the open circuit system worked like in 2022 2021 Etc I thought it was three done um it was two in the vrls and it wasn't even starting roster if I remember yeah really the I don't think it worked like that because for example you had um didn't you have teams with more than two Korean players playing on the Japanese playing in the Japanese leagues didn't we have teams of three Korean players oh really I can't remember okay maybe maybe I'm wrong there then but I seem to remember it being two out of five instead of three out of five but I could be could be wrong not sure not sure um maximum roster size of seven instead of ten so well that's really going to affect a lot of tier two teams I think that's uh that's a serious problem uh no minimum salary requirements either which makes sense I think it would be somewhat absurd to have an entire tier 2 circuit where there was minimum salary requirements uh I'm all for um strengthening contracts for the players as well and just for the for the players themselves so they get you know good deals they don't get screwed over but in tier two as well um that would probably be where the line is drawn because just the amount of talent that's going to be playing in it it would be impossible to set a minimum wage across the board uh it's probably gonna be a bunch of like just free agent teams as well uh yeah yeah exactly yeah they don't have orgs so yeah there's no money like because even there's not enough money to sustain like a lot of Big scenes in tier two so like setting the minimum salary requirement is like kind of a name you know like it's just not possible for orgs especially smaller orgs to like meet that requirement when they're we've potentially have lost some larger orgs due to like the partnership you know decisions yeah so it just it's going to be hard to like maintain that overall I'm also interested to see I think when they've changed their the import rules here it's that's kind of interesting to me because like if you feels like their goal is to cultivate these Regional VCT leaks again like sort of like they've done League but you're allowed to have more import wise for your Challengers Squad and Via in your in your Challengers league so it's interesting to see what that ecosystem is going to be like if you can if you're just importing a bunch of players or more players specifically then you can actually have in your VCT teams for that region yeah I think it's there's there's a couple of things just from the rules that we've read that already there's big questions around how it works when it comes to Ascension because if you have a roster let's say you had a roster that was all 16 year olds and they win Ascension none of those players can play they win the Org the spot in tier one but none of them can play so you know the when when you look at teams that are playing in tier two if they have two Imports they'd have to drop one of them and if they have multiple uh or even one player under the age of 18 they'd have to well would it at least have them on the reserve roster but the import rule what what it uh when I was reading through the the legal jargon it was talking about how um if they played over 50 of their games in the in the region region that they're going into in the previous season they could then they count as a resident now only if they also have the legal requirement to be a resident so they must also have citizenship or permanent residency and they must play 50 no no permanent residency it's not just I think they're just using residence in their own legal document permanent resident dude I'm looking this up right now it says people talking about I'm a lawyer I'll get to the bottom of this it says You must be a citizen a permanent resident or have Refugee Asylum status and those are the three things plus if you're an import you must have those uh it's for dual citizenship you must have those and then you must play at least 50 of this what about people who are on player visas what if you're in poor talent and they're not a resident then they're an import they're not a resident oh yeah hold on let me let me find this so I think there's a lot of questions as to how Ascension works and when we saw Ascension being released as well there were just tons of details missing of like other players actually protected when they move up well you can't protect the players under this system entirely because they would naturally drop out due to age limitations import limitations and stuff like that anyway so you you think that but then there's also exceptions this year to grandfather people so potentially if you ascend as a whatever they'll make exceptions that's what I was thinking yeah maybe yeah I think that would be potentially a cool exception that if you win in that region for Ascension then you're counted as a as a resident but I I don't know maybe it's somewhere in the rules but I'm read through it yet I default you'll end up being 17 the next year as well so you'll end up you're kind of meeting the grandfather rule that they set in this year yeah I'm also interested to see in relation not just to roster rules but with their Ascension system and Challengers teams there's already like some sponsors that are considered like they're you can't have a competing sponsor in that category you can't have cat like for certain things because of the broadcaster or in in relation to like um what you can put up on broadcast I'm wondering if there's going to be any sort of rules related to the orgs in participating in VCT and if they like our Challengers team they get through Ascension in terms of like what sponsors you can or can't have right yeah yeah like that's a very big deal for organizations from a financial standpoint and it changes the dynamic a lot when it first is like an open circus system versus like your goal is to make it through Ascension into a two-year partnership type of deal so it's kind of up in the air what that means for teams too yeah definitely uh also the the original roster walls were out for I don't know days like nearly a week before people started digging into them in detail um there was like uh most people were looking at the bullet point articles and all the bullet points and then I think Dr Esports did an article where they dug into all of the fine print I looked through it as well and did a stream about it yesterday but there's like some wild [ __ ] in those original ones so I'm sure there's some interesting stuff in this too that just needs time to pour over like in the original one you're prohibited from putting a clause in that allows you severance pay upon being terminated and you can be terminated without clo without courts which is [ __ ] absurd like and the fact that that wasn't just like the headline as soon as they released the the news just shows how buried it was and everything so also how much people care yeah yeah it's it's important but yeah I don't think you can get people to care about that that much yeah potentially not Brandon have you come up with anything you can't be considered a lawful permanent resident if you have a Visa are you a lawful permanent resident of the US oh [ __ ] no I think so you're a permanent resident the fact that this guy hasn't been apprehended at the boulder is a miracle dude I don't know is it really is that a case we just explained we just told you you have a work visa not a residency Visa is that what happens you you are currently a resident alien because you've stayed in the country long enough but you don't have permanent residency status you must leave at some point yeah yes yeah you can't just stay here indefinitely unless they keep renewing your work visa for you to be here to work right otherwise like you have to have a reason otherwise like if you don't have a reason they'll just boot you out thus you cannot be a permanent resident okay are you still looking it I I got you are you in the document section 2.2 I'm in a document now I mean it doesn't there's nothing there that says anything about visas yeah that's what we're saying but what I'm trying to find is the okay whatever that but I think this to your point that you guys were talking about while I was looking yeah there probably needs to be a once or twice over of the document and stuff needs to be added in included like protections for the players if they get dropped um the kind of oversight as well from going from challenges to this as well um I mean it's it's the first how are you gonna how are you gonna get orgs to put player protections I mean it's Ryan Force that's the whole I think the biggest benefit of this partnership system over previous franchise systems is that right I have a lot of power in this kind of dynamic between them and the team but this is challenges right not partner teams this is the rules we have the construction rules but we don't even know what the [ __ ] challenges is next year like we don't need it how are people qualifying is there an Open qualifier is it the in-game system we have no clue any of that other stuff outside of EU or virals I've already been constructed I I yeah also we don't know what the hell's going on but I feel like to I agree with you Bryn I think player protections are nice but I I want to see someone trying to sell like all these contract stipulations when you don't get any of the benefits of being a partner team oh no I'm not so I'm not talking challenges I'm talking this is for the tier one oh for partnered okay partnership system as well oh sure yeah yeah yeah absolutely then um let's move on though because frankly I love legal jargon can you talk about us more we haven't we haven't read have you read section 5.1 what is what is section 5.1 find me section 5.1 and Brent must find something interesting John Law of the law Industries that's also not even the doc that we were talking about we were talking about the challenges doc this man's lost in the sauce Global Contract database actually that one is quite interesting let's move on let's move on crashes fracture Ace is going to be commemorated in the game it's going to be acknowledged in the game that's kind of cool they've done it for Siesta before Paul is shaking his head and I feel like I can understand where this might be coming from Paula do you think this was the most important moment in valorant history and worthy of the first commemoration if I speak I'm in trouble [Laughter] okay so why are you shaking your head why would you ever commemorate this is like one of the team's lowest moments ever and it's not even it's not even spectacular the dude right click ads that shot everybody in a room come on man but it's fun but it's fun it made me chuckle it is a final moment it's fun it's like the expensive boom yeah yeah sure they should what they should do you know little interaction of things you haven't fracture yeah instead of just showing like the law thing that they added they should just play the clip and then just plug our twitters and then just plug our Twitter to the bottom that's a great day so yeah what brand is alluding to is that if you use the interact key on fracture um or rather the the new version of fracture I think thanks for the Twitter plugs if you use the interact key it now says something like uh the zipline is only to be used one at a time due to the horrendous incident where five people died the things out there I think it's funny I I do like the um the lore thing it's a very cool subtle um nod to it I think that's it's it's a fun way of editing no it's not over and it's not permanent either which I you know it's okay maybe I shouldn't mold about it probably not just a safety reminder I'm assuming it's like a GTA thing where you [ __ ] hear yourself on the on the radio after that it's like do you do a mission they do fracture they do little low dumps they do like little things you can interact with you remember it was the one I think they might have removed it now but it was like the little uh the one just outside of the dish there's so many they changed all the time that's why I think it's probably right yeah yeah yeah but um I wanted to ask a question here though as well it the crashes fracture Ace it's really cool that they're putting commemorations into the game for stuff like this or acknowledgments into the game CS has had tons of them for like spectacular moments from the best players which this this isn't really the same this is just like a little funny moment yeah it's not the same at all but if they were going to do that if this is the beginning of them actually acknowledging big moments in the game what other plays from history do you think you would want to see acknowledge the chronicle Ace Chronicles yes I don't even remember what you're talking about that's why it needs to be acknowledged you don't remember the Chronicles I'm sure if you show me it it will but this is just the ADHD Chronicles around [ __ ] 22 against bro it was the [ __ ] sickest thing ever before overtime yeah you remember it's this I don't remember this this was one of the sickest plays ever I mean in an outrageously close game this is how crew died this was their run at Champion why didn't they swing together why did they [ __ ] follow me oh my God I don't remember this oh I'll give you another one yeah go ahead sorry are we ready for another one all right the king Satchel up to heaven against exit yeah that's what I'm talking about talking about that's what I'm talking about I also uh the uh I think he's got looking up that clip actually while we talk about it okay this this play is absolutely iconic but it's also funny it's another one where it kind of fits with the fracture thing where it's like a funny absurd Moment Like A once ever like people get Aces on bind again in a semi-final probably but I don't ever see this happening and then he dies of fall damage I mean just everything everything was amazing about this yeah I I I'm definitely on board with that I think context matters a lot like the situation that you're in like uh this is an elimination game map three you're about to literally lose the game uh or go to overtime I think that matters a lot it's an International Tournament and then also it's an insane display of skill for King to do that play like a split second it's crazy um I I know this is going to make all of the non-eu heads more but uh does anyone remember Masters one when Heretics played and everything Rainer or some [ __ ] on icebox and it was oh yeah nasty it was so nasty I can't hear any Furious typing Curtis the problem is with that [ __ ] ace it was it was um the problem with that 6K is they [ __ ] it up in the observing it was back in the days of terrible EMA production and they literally were rolling it back in the EVS this was before we had Global events because it was the finalists of EU this is a good one actually okay the uh why are you saying it with a smirk the uh uh it was like the the decide who was going into top four uh chubs 2022 um there was like this yeah there was a tour around 24. the exact turret honestly I think that would be I think that's funny though oh yeah a little turrets playing on top of dice would be amazing that'd be so good let's put tariq's face somewhere in the game yeah let's actually let's commemorate when Tara got signed to Sentinels in the game that's a good idea where would you put it yeah where would you put it uh I think I put it on the home screen so like you log in to the client and it's just Eric's face behind it I'm trying to think of a cool moment that would be actually sick um I mean I I really think bala's idea of the king jump is the closest what sorry yeah mystic's team flash to lose them the finals zero three good yeah yeah that's memorable I mean it's liberal let's just bully players for losing in the darkest moments well I mean I mean we we can I guess we're I guess that's not fair actually because the killjoy tour is not really quite bullying anyone that's more so just a funny thing aren't we bullying boom though for the fracture yes yeah kind of kind of I mean I said it during the cast have made history for all the wrong reasons yeah so I think the 16 flash is fair game then oh this is really the Mystic team why are we sure yeah here it is look at this as well it's not even like it made a difference in the match it's that oh God what is this edit it's a good edit though he's a good Editor to zooming out on the reactions okay well you know what else would actually go in there because I that just reminds me of it just reminds me of the edit from like 100 thieves where they still had hiko and like the retake were like Ethan's trying to read retake psychos they're like making fun of heco just like looking for the flag the edit that gets attached to that of the guys just shaking everything I miss having hiko and Valor yeah pubg is that what he's doing now huh I don't know yeah yeah he's playing Pub G professionally he got back together with the old Hunter Thief Squad and they're all playing Pub G yeah venerated Dre I can't remember who else was on that team all right value let's let's talk fracture though from the crashes fracture commemoration there are going to be fracture changes coming in as well um as part of a wider PBE change right that changes like the initiators into more of a supportive role but we won't talk about that I just want to talk about the fracture changes themselves there are so many changes to this map I mean every part of the map has had some kind of alteration I don't think B has B has been much more widened towards arcade and what else they also changed the approach onto site so you don't have to like hop up as much when you get on the side you can't spawn the Box anymore no it's a metal box now oh yeah that's a metal box but these are these are huge changes like really large changes and people ask me when I was streaming yesterday oh what do you think about the fracture changes are they going to be you know is it going to make it more attack or defensive I don't have a clue there's so many changes I don't even know what it's gonna do a lot a lot of yeah there's so much dishes it's just so different I mean they just they removed a lot I mean they pretty much just made it I feel like uh They removed a lot of different angles you have to worry about on like a lot so wide let's go oh my God look at this arcade look at this arcade it's cute why have they widened it so much though what what is so the reasoning I think the reason I I was I heard was that they're you know like the classic like phase execs where they were like util dump and just like run through our yeah the bridge the north side crunches yeah yeah they want to have like a wider arcades you can't just send one so it's not just contain it yeah all right I think the the dish changes make a lot of sense as well though from the perspective of it was always a pain in the ass to attack from there like if you were attacking from Dish side if you wanted to go for a big wholesale dish push you like if you're on you're on a tax side right you're trying to like uh you're trying to take it there's two there's two different angles that you need to watch and make sure that you're overwhelmed so you kind of need there's part of the reason my neon was so popular is because you could use stuns to quickly clear one angle and push it up and also you've got your fast lane to exec under the sights from difficult areas like um like some drop or from the like B main as well you saw like the the fast lane getting tons of usage like that but they've made it easier now because the way they've changed that one side to drop so that you don't have to open yourself up to a 50 50 angle when you're trying to jump out of it and not just that you can't get timing to like so many people you can't get timing now as well so I think they've made drop more like attractive to try and exec onto a but they've also just a in general seems to be like a much easier to attack apart from Sand I feel like sand is much easier to defend now because you have that rafter to be able to push out of unless people are going to Sage wallet off if you put a smoke on top of you think so yeah if you smoke on top of rope you can now flash swing out of that without having to drop and having to drop down removes a lot of time for you to follow up on your flashes but this this seems like you should be able to retake from that area pretty effectively and also the way that you can if you take control of rope Rafters you can double swing people who are on site in high low setups but it requires you to actually control that Rafters area yeah and you can always get like spammed or whatever from someone playing inside the smoke so I think that area has become much more interesting actually rather than just a straight up area where a single smoke just Mains means the attackers have control of it yeah so yeah some more interesting and then there was the one quality of life change on the B side where they ended the ramp yeah which means you can no well they also technically change the wall on the injury to two they like they said they like sloped it or something you see it for like a second on the right I don't even know like that that was listed in the changes that they changed right on the right there well that that wall has changed I don't know I think we need to know I'm reading the notes of the person I'm reading the notes of the person that made this video it shows the differences like side-by-side pitches 47 seconds it's only on screen for a second but this wall you'd hug as a retaking Defender is now sloped so you can't get stuck on the extruding wall anymore seven seconds I didn't even know that yeah I didn't even know you could get stuck on that one oh I see yeah at the back of Jenny didn't even realize just like a block honestly I I don't even know what you guys don't know Jenny yeah as you run in on it see there yeah right there yeah that wall yeah that wall that's fine wow that's an enormous change I'm glad we spent a minute talking about the kiss I mean I didn't you know I'm just letting you know there's some off-season baby okay well I've got some I've got some real off season content for you here all right well actually there is no doubt you none of you have rights to complain about off-season content after working in OverWatch you're looking for [ __ ] me what are you talking about because you're the only physical prop I have here like a physical element that I can look at three out of four of us toiled in the [ __ ] unfortunate fields for months don't discount me I was here too as well friend don't talk to me about content droughts I was in fortnite after the media how dare you oh [Music] I mean technically they do have the game they just have to scream they have a client that only they can play sorry I'm sorry what I've started okay we can continue we've all had trouble past okay let's all agree we've all had really troubled pasts we had difficult childhoods and we we're finally in an area where there's a bit of content happening yeah all right I do want to tackle some serious off-season content though because we're heading into a new era of valorent right now we are leaving the open circuit era into the Partnerships era and I think that this is a good time to talk about some of the best teams some of the favorite teams some of this kind of stuff and and kind of commemorate some of the uh people that accomplished great stuff during that era of valorent because I think there's a pretty hard line being drawn right now teams are potentially going to be no more the you know some of the teams didn't make it into franchising so they're not even going to be able to compete so if if we're talking about the best teams your favorite teams from the open circuit era Bala I want to start with you perfect I think we can all agree that optic were the greatest team I don't think there was any team that challenged that but I want to start with you yep yeah Gambit I [ __ ] knew it predictable the best team they were the best team to watch uh coolest people red car very nice guy that's cool lurker [ __ ] popped off um the best team I just had so much fun and ANG right now free agent as well uh pick them up every single player really good and I don't know what you want me to talk about yeah do you so here's a question for you actually Gambit were previously the team that optic had to like overtake in order to become the greatest team of that era is Gambit still in that second place after fpx accomplished a ton this year after a loud accomplished a ton this year would you still put Gambit in that second place as like second greatest of the open circuit era no um simply because they fell off this year uh and didn't qualify for any they were one they were one match away from every single International Event including Champions but um they didn't make it there so you can't include them when fpx has 10 years before um VCT started so you just put FPS you think we'll split the errors like in our heads when we talk about this in like two to three years time if we even do talk about this yeah do you think we'll split it in terms of like 2021 2022 is what I'm saying I mean you will of course but you can do both at the same time right Gambit was a team of the year in 2021 hands down yeah I mean the years are different than the actual Epoch of like referring to the era you know yeah one of the interesting things as well is that no team was dominant throughout all of this period of time I Optical the greatest but they weren't dominant you know they finished top three but they weren't winning every tournament they weren't able to win multiple tournaments it's very different from like eras that they've had in Counter-Strike where teams have won you know multiple majors in a row or one uh seven out of eight tournaments that they've played in stuff like that so very much a lot of parity going on uh fpx played with my heart they toyed with it like a kitten with a ball of string just I feel like I always was on the wrong side of history with fbx I believed in them when they were going on the down down swings didn't believe in them when they were back on the upswings it's been a tumultuous history but they've got to be one of the best teams I hope they stick together moving forwards I I'd be they're one of the squads that I'd really like to continue following the the story of at least the core of them sticking together we'll talk about that yeah we'll talk about the reports later on about that but I think fpx have got to be remembered as one of the big teams from the open circuit era who are the other ones talk to me about Sentinels yeah oh yeah because let's see where the sentence are we gonna are we gonna split it up because even in 2021 you couldn't really call Sentinels your favorite they fell off in 2021 what do you mean you could call any team your favorite brand any team could be your favorite validation could be your favorite but I'm just thinking like one of the one of the most iconic eras of valoran of the open circuit um era was the first big event that we had the first big Global International Event and it was this that that Reykjavik event where Sentinels were the most dominant still the second ever best viewership that Valance had right yeah I think we only just beat it at Champions or did did we even beat it beat it the first Champions and we beat it this Champions no 1.5 mil yes we did yeah really yeah but anyway my point Ascend over talking yes by barely any by barely like you know a thousand people yeah I remember we talked about this too when we're doing the coaching it was like a very small amount I think it was it was a best of five that went on five Maps like if you go back in time and you look at uh and you look at like the [ __ ] you look at the moment right you know the butterfly effect where you you crush a butterfly and suddenly like no the industrial effect is not about crushing butterfly and then suddenly the Industrial Revolution doesn't happen isn't that wait isn't it called The Butterfly Effect because if you go and accidentally kill a butterfly then like they're saying it could all drastically yeah the butterfly effect is a butterfly flaps its wings and causes a tornado in some other part of the world right it's about it's about the butterfly being so small that it barely makes any movement it's it's like a dumb way of talking about Chaos Theory it's not about slaughtering butterflies anyway okay I'm gonna go the point is if you go if you in five years time in five years time if we look at the we if we look at the different timelines of like we continue down this one and we're like in five years time and Valerian is like one of the [ __ ] wow goated most goated Esports of all time right I think a big part of it was because of that run that Sentinels had at Reykjavik for a lot of people like we're just coming out of like the the covered kind of like system the pandemic where um a lot of people stuck inside they're playing video games violent releases at a really important time and everybody's playing everybody's looking for new games to play and they they jump on Valor and this was the first big International Tournament that people could get their hands on and actually watch and it just so happens that one of the most popular teams of all time of that year also ended up winning it in a really dominant fashion I think this was an incredibly important moment for the game and to get people invested in Valor and Esports was this right here a lot of people probably look at this as the the thing that got them into van on Esports yeah I would agree with that I think also it's one of the reasons why the North American viewership is so powerful within valrant compared to other regions is because North America won something and has continued to win other stuff as well if if Sentinels were the best team in n a and they immediately just started getting battered by the EU teams who themselves are competing with like CS viewership I don't think Valor would be at the place that it is right now it really relied on North America being good do you think that was like an Ozymandias type of thing from Riot where they like set it up from the beginning you know so North America would be big they it was like the the like the the Squidward give them give them Single Living what best of one tournaments early on make sure it's just it's just like what happened to Champs obviously it's all Ozzie man so Brazil could win and get three slots they poisoned everyone with very food poisoning yeah and then they teleported giant squids over New York yeah yeah it's all set up I'm gonna tell you my team because it made me feel again and also on top of that because it actually I think really Sold The Magicians it's cruel it's cruel it's [ __ ] crew like crew proved because they wait you can't be shaking your head like that Zeta I'm so sorry I mean I think well it's actually it's kind of split between the two it's it's both it's hard to pick one because they're both kind of in the scene no it's not hot no it's going to be cool because I'll tell you why because crew were the first they literally did it first they went to every major event they were great at the events they went to like they outperformed their expectations every time and they were the first to prove that the minor regions were like they they were actually really really good they had the talent like they they set the foundation for what uh people wanted from balance what right have been building profound for the whole like their whole ecosystem correct we'll forget about this year's Reykjavik but yeah I agree about this year's marketing no one will ever match that record now right it's the end of the open circuit era no team can ever go to all the events like crew are the only team oh my God this was the serotonin that I get from this [ __ ] moment is unbelievable even just watching it I can't hear the audio but I just know it's just not screaming vamos vamos over and over again dude this was looking iconic this was literally just el Grupo de Amigos Gringos at Peak moments here maybe it's because I wasn't with you guys I don't I don't feel the same uh everything you had to be there to understand I was on the desk it was cool it was the best I've said I think I've still seen maybe not anymore I have to think about it but at that point it was the best and it was cool but I got no no joy watching crew the rest it's because you're you're over here you're I think you're just a fun hater Bala you're saying we shouldn't put the fracture in because it's too it's it's not that cool it's not that epic I think you just hate fun uh here comes the iconic vamos yeah that was a really good moment yeah I think what a strong man Ascend are a team that just kind of no one seems to even remember but then I don't know they just had very little presence outside of CNET it felt like right even though technically like they had great moments in the game but when you really think about what they put out from like an organizational perspective and like how it felt like how they're put they also suffered from emea syndrome where like they just weren't that big in general in terms of content so yeah practically boring I move on I sleep wow I've got another question for Bala as well here this one's from in Super Chat from Peter potante the end of the open circuit era means and this is few bar when are we gonna end the Nissan conversation 's been over forever forever I don't know I think the emea people are delusional I think they've lost it hypothetically team Heretics is back now right because it partnered so like we could revive sure inactive player on their roster yeah there you go there you go yeah the Great era of niso that's how people are going to remember open circuit Valor and I I think perhaps not all right let's talk about some roster Mania then the big news of this week is yay potentially going to Cloud Nine George Getz wrote an article saying Cloud9 are going to be building a super team I don't know exactly what the basis for that was because within the article it was just talking about yay joining but maybe George knows more about other people joining or maybe George draws the line there in terms of it being a super team because it is the best player being added to people like Leaf zepper vanity Etc what do you think about this move do you think first of all is this a good move for yay do you feel like this is the best move for him and his you know position within the scene I should have stayed with optic just played Ascension yeah maybe you should have gone to G2 or something I don't know but dollars yeah he got some crazy offers but ended up obviously yay is the kind of player that's not going to take the crazy stuff but he wants to win I think with the current Cloud9 roster I mean that's a as it stands that's a roster where I would say they have a pretty good shot of a top finish you know what I mean I would say currently they're they're still missing a piece yeah with um with their overall roster because Curry's not on anymore I think right is uh it's just I mean I also missed the news that Mitch is inactive I mean vlr listen is inactive but I feel like I missed something there does anyone else remember that announcement yeah yeah here it is with Cloud9 deciding to explore their options I am now restricted free agent Cloud9 has been amazing to help you grow this on September 22nd I missed that when I'm thinking about um when you're looking at that team as well I think you've got some incredibly good pieces you've got vanity who's igling I think he's always been a pretty good igl across the board igl is going to be a hot commodity going into next year um Leaf is a fantastic player and pretty flexible um which people often don't really think about but the guy plays a variety of roles so I think is going to be probably filling uh fitting in if I had to imagine into kind of what Asana was doing towards the tail end of 2022 sure Arsenal's playing like a you know being quite flexible and playing a variety of stuff Zappa had a you know kind of fell off I think as well in 2022 but I've always attributed to that to um you know his initiator partner Zeta going away zets are going away um uh because I think it really did measure the dynamic of that team quite a bit and we saw it almost like a downtick in his overall performance I I if you look at his recent numbers they're going to be but from what I remember right he played a lot of Fate his Toronto land stats are absurd by the way yeah he's just been farming but yeah sorry but uh I I that that change where Curry came in and Zetta left was it caused big issues I think because the large reason um Zappa had I think a lot of success was that chemistry that he had with within that system with uh with uh Zetta it's it's a huge portion like I think the initiator is such an important role to fulfill especially when you have like a player who's really good at it because you really are just like you are the uh you're the middle piece between xx and your team Dynamic going wrong you're providing mid-round information you're providing the [ __ ] key pieces of utility for your team to get into sights um you are such an important Cog in the machine of your team and so when you make a big change like that it does affect some players more than others and it affects the whole system so I think with some better additions like there's a lot of good initiator players that are available right now okay who if if we're going to transition this time we have so many good initiated players right now that you could get for and the the important thing to know as well if we're thinking about the import rules you have one slot that you could uh bring in from any other region as well um they haven't they haven't used that up yet they still have that opportunity to import Talent so that you have your full pick of the the entire talent pool to actually build a really good roster with a top top initiator player um they have Trent technically as well Trends as well yeah there are so many good initiate players right now that they they have plenty of options and I think it could be enough to turn this roster into a fantastic team because there is there is tons of initiated Talent out there that is on the same level if not better than Zeta what do you do with this roster if chamber drops out of meta that's what I'm thinking about because at that point yay goes into entry right Leaf drops because normally if Chambers in the matter gay is going to be playing chamber full-time we've seen that with optic he's incredible at it best player in the world etc etc Leaf would then be entry zepper as like your Flex player you need an initiator you have a smokes player but a bing bada boom you've got a roster once you drop chamber out of the meta Leaf becomes the uh like Flex player probably dropping back to play you know some sky or some Viper or Sage or whatever he played in the past you have yay playing entry and then zepper's position on the team becomes a little strange because he's never played Sentinel before and you're probably gonna need someone to play like the harder Center walls this kind of stuff that sugetsu plays or you know Nats played in the past store that were all kind of died off recently no it's coming back it's coming back but it's it's almost like we went for a mass extinction event of chamber being introduced and now there's like like the rodent has survived and now only the rodent will evolve into the humankind yeah I kind of understand what you're saying but then who do you pick I mean you can have that person as your sixth player as like uh caveat but I mean also it would be it could be an inverse where Leaf shown a very a willingness to be extremely flexible what if zeppo were to stay on that Flex position and leave for to play more of a sentinel role right and leave I mean Leaf has played the Viper in the past so Leaf would pick up like Sage said that he's willing to like Flex to anything to make the team work he said it'd be like the alfio then I I would trust him I mean Leaf has been excellent even on those more supportive roles in the past but uh I think that's a I said the place where he's really really shine has been when he was playing full-time like jet type of type of stuff um so I'd be a little concerned about it but yeah I fully agree I mean one of leaf or zeppo with the a coming to the team is probably going to need to pick up a different role whether that be initiator Sentinel controller because vanities played initiator as well so there's a lot of flexibility in this team that I don't think it will be a problem and they'll be able to fill in that space with whatever you know whoever's available if they did pick up let's say they picked up um well sorry not no no nuts I was thinking that though oh no seriously okay all right I'll I'll humor you then they pick up Nats and they pick up um bcj let's say yeah and that's that's their team right you're imagining that is their six-man active roster because I'm adding a sense yeah yeah six-man active roster is is that team a super team first of all like do you think that team is stacked enough to be classed against the competition as a super team and where would you expect them to to kind of be placing in terms of like you know roughly yeah yeah I think that's a top finish in the Americas League because you're you've one of the big issues with Cloud9 I remember when with Leaf's flexibility was that it it removed the um the extra oomph that you'd have when I remember when Leaf was playing Viper he was doing the most but it wasn't enough for them because you had um you're essentially putting your best player on the roster on a roll where your his impact is pretty limited to his agent and what he can do especially I'm thinking like you know instances where he was playing the Viper on bind but compared to the sky where he was like forced to just kind of relegate to watch him flanks and things you're really limiting it but now you have yay on the roster yay is going to be doing a ton of the heavy lifting for them no matter what role you put this guy on and it does allow Leaf to become that player that can just kind of you know the pressures of his shoulders but you're still going to get [ __ ] amazing results from him he's not going to be you're not going to be downgrading his his performance I think you automatically by you know putting you on the roster and taking away the pressure from the rest of the players to actually step up like that especially Leaf this roster does go up into that boom tippity topped kind of territory and if you had a player like naps on the team I mean yeah it does push it potentially over the edge I mean that might even be the the sixth player in that situation which would be very strange but what do you think any team that hasn't answered the sixth player or could be the sixth player is a super team okay yeah that's just the definition accordingly the four yeah 100 uh the four players that they have right now you could already like start to say it's just uh granted the results from the Three core members wasn't great last year I think adding yay is enough to almost call any team a super team but specifically Cloud9 and these guys I mean these guys are so were at the top of the tier list was that Ben Leaf at the beginning of the year um I yeah sure maybe results changes that a little bit but I don't think that they're that drastically far away okay um do you think is it sad if yay goes to Cloud9 and the rest of the optic roster breaks up what what's your perfect reality because for me I'd be I'd be very disappointed I feel like the optic roster staying together at least all four of it staying together best case scenario yeah that is who's saying us not no I mean you get to carry forward the story lines from last year the the you get that Legacy and the team we already know is good you know you're not gambling that's a that's the thing that we need to understand as well coming into this new season is when teams are rebuilding these rosters it's not guarantee that they're going to be good there might be little issues little things are just causing one issue after another and it snowballs out of control I've seen it so many times when teams are rebuilt around and the expectations are so high um around them and the idea you know the word super team gets thrown around there can be a lot of issues that arise even before that you know you can look at the talent on paper and say they're really good but there's no guarantee that they will be the best you have expectations that they will be um but you know it feels like more often than not they they end up failing for one reason or another I mean the rosters could [ __ ] the bed very easily honestly like so there is I don't I I think it's interesting to I find it weird that they're calling C9 a super team supposedly when like it's just like the C9 core with the a so far well they've said that he just it was just a headline yeah it was just a headline yeah but yeah yeah it's a I want them to call it Colossus too Colossus 2 then I'll be on board with the super team idea but I I mean we'll have to see I mean obviously everyone wants to see Optics stay together but they it just probably not going to happen it's literally just not gonna happen there's too many players that are too crucial that everyone wants like Yay like FNS like Marv like there's just way too deep players that everyone's going to want to get um if you find them possible that you can put them all together so I think that whatever their fifth player ends up being slash sixth is really gonna make or break that team because right now it's like they're looking good but I can sit them when I put them as like an automatic like best team without seeing the rest of the rosters like I don't know like I'm having yay is pretty big though and vanity I think is like one of the best obviously one of the best igls in North America uh let's let's talk 100 thieves we have breaking news breaking news it's actually relevant to the Cloud Nine roster as well um this was posted yesterday Bren is playing for cloud nine yeah on the fifth mind yo look at the quote too real quick look at the quote tweets on that one look at the yeah I'm pulling this there get me out listen I don't want to be part of our team Prius I got no issues or play with Prius you know um Tryndamere listen I listen I'm mine's trying to get higher for next year so listen I'll I'll play with you as well um but George George strikes me as you know listen [Laughter] I think there will be too many clashes on this on that roster currently I mean there'll be too many clashes so I'm I'm recording you can't have a goat Team without some egos think of Michael Jordan in the NBA you can't yeah you know just get me out I need a different team environment they also have two Imports so they're gonna have to drop one of you or George no I'm of a resident yeah five percent of his matches with egg enthusiasts last year that's true that's true okay fair enough um that was great breaking news let's talk about one of the other bigger roster moves that uh was reported this week which is 100 thieves are close to finalizing a deal with cryo um whose nasty player except obviously didn't make it in and except we're originally gonna get picked up apparently by G2 wholesale or at least that was something that was in the works and instead now it looks like the roster's getting picked to Pieces um this would be this would be pretty huge I think I mean cryo has proven himself now at multiple lands of being a a top player globally not just within North America yeah I think this would be a one great fit for cryo because you're putting him into a system that is most like exit in my mind as well where except was very much um the kind of like you know organizing the talent that you have and making sure that they're um enabled and you push them in good directions there's a bunch of young players and I think of 100 these being a very similar system to that with the coaching staff and the way that they they treat it um and prior there's honestly with Will asserting himself as a lanimal at the most recent event he did go up a couple of places in my mind in terms of like his stock and his value as a player I think that it he's a bit flaky when it came to like online in terms of the performances you get out of him so there's no doubt in my mind like cryo is an upgrade over him but I still think uh you know I I don't know a little bit sad if Will ends up you know not finding a spot on his team but I imagine that will be the case if cries ended up finalizing um but it's yeah there's no world in which this isn't an upgrade yeah well they also haven't said that it's to replace will right but yeah I'm just thinking like what else would we'll play in this roster for them necessarily so I mean like what you want to do a backup like the sixth man I don't think any player I mean wouldn't want to be but at the moment the way that 100 thieves is built is that will has to do the entry role and the Chamber role at the same time for them and so they end up not playing very much chamber because Stella is like their hard Sentinel player as the yeah igl so they might be trying to play both of them at the same time and have will up front Ryo is the chamber and then as move Stellar over to a different role I don't know or have you yeah there's a lot at least the option I I guess it becomes really weird actually having because you can't rotate Stellar out if he's igling unless he's moving somewhere else with the team and they're going in a different direction for that don't know uh what do you think about exit overall being picked to pieces because that's a different situation compared to optic in my head because optic every single player on optic is going to want to be uh picked up by other squads like it seems impossible I agree with you Connor to keep optic together because everybody is bidding for all of those players as free agents now whereas for egg set I don't think that's necessarily the case yeah this is this is the Assad outcome honestly because XO out of all the teams as well I mean we spoke about it a little bit um when we were talking about the announced teams but I felt like I actually would have had a pretty good shot of making it into the partnership system just off the basis that it seems like they care about the scene quite a bit clearly they're investing in a pretty smart way they're developing their talent really well um it had all the signs and all the makings with the exception of clout which is clearly an important factor because you need viewership for the partnership league but you know it seems that this all cut all of the signs for it um and you know I'm you know I'm personally biased because I just like the players as well um so I think it was quite sad that the the whole Ross is now just going to get picked apart um it's [ __ ] incredible vizagos his most recent one was like if I it's like if I hit X if I hit like a thousand Subs I drop out of high school and his dad was like no you won't on the Twitter that's so good it's a classic it's a classic I mean I I think the problem with exit though it's still the same issue with a lot of teams that were at that peak of like they were really good in that Champs and had good runs is that like it's going to be tough for any organ Challengers like it well obviously we'll have to see right but I just I feel like it's going to be hard to keep them together because a you're going to have some teams looking for like some of their star players for example like cryo right like you're gonna be looking for some pieces that you're gonna try to pick apart and all players are going to want to prioritize being on a partner team over being a non-partner team to start with right so like if someone comes to you is like it's the same issue OverWatch he had when it went to 2018 for the first season like you had great rosters and people were like oh I'm gonna build this team but I only want this player no player is going to turn that down more often than not because the salary is going to be better the opportunities are going better the visibility is better the support's better it the prestige is better it's just no one's going to turn that down so if someone comes to a player on a team that's not partnered they will take the offer like 100 I mean second is another Super herb free agent I I know that cryo's been fantastic too but what I'm thinking about people that you want to pick up in order to uh add what's the word like um well you want to add backup plans to your roster flexibility to your roster no matter what direction The Meta goes into this player is still going to succeed seconds up towards the top of my list in terms of players in North America he's he's been nasty on a bunch of different roles super flexible as well um yeah and what is this all time but he's played a lot recently too he plays like a decent chunk of engines this is just within the last two months he's played five different agents across essentially you could say three roles there if you're counting flex and initiator but um yeah where do you think would be the best place for second to end up if we're talking about him as a free agent because he's a hot commodity I think one of the teams that uh is going to be rebuilding like entirely like potentially energy um I don't know maybe Sentinels like those those types of teams not 100 thieves probably 90g I think for some reason I get the Vibes that they want to stick with a lot of different people or a lot of people on the roster and rather just take pieces apart I get that impression what I get that impression what I just think that that's a disastrous idea yeah um interesting idea for them well I that's just the feeling I get I don't know it's just Egypt is that type of org I think that they sold right on a lot of different things like let's let's build up n a we we have Partners our coach and we just prove that we can do all this thing I have a feeling that's a main reason why they're in this partnership league in the first place is that type of culture I mean they do have like three CS go rosters so anymore but that was all I was going to say EG being uh being in while we're on the topic of it because it's probably because of their prior involvement with riot in their other ecosystems now they have a really successful League yeah they've already proven that they're a good order to work with the league team is specifically building up a bunch of talent and that's one of the reasons why not only there are are they popular in a time where a league especially LCS is like import imported port and whatever they've built up a lot of local and n a talent and yeah it's just their values and whatnot is aligning with the team development behind them too a lot of great structure behind like they have a lot of funding they're they're very I think they actually they're not just like a shell Corporation it's like money filtering through and players appear it's more so like we have employees and people that are building various initiatives like an actual company within this company um and I think they value their company culture too so yeah yeah I mean the the whole thing I'm just thinking in terms of teams that are fully rebuilding I energy and sentences are the teams that I would 100 expect right under thieves I don't really expect them to go too far beyond cryo or potential pickup one more upgrade um who else right yeah I mean I the one that was coming to my head is is second an upgrade over zeppa if you're trying to invest and build a super team for Cloud9 could you could you make that move and try and try and make that happen I mean I I really rated Zephyr extremely highly coming into this year but I don't think it's and I think your comments are really pretty apt about how the coordination on the team just got broken to Pieces but Zach has just been so nasty yeah I I think almost any team it would be an upgrade for him maybe not I think maybe 100 themes but yeah I agree with you I think that would be pretty massive as well when you consider the like Leaf is super flexible second Super flexible imagine having both of those players where it doesn't really matter what matter you fall into right exactly you are you're kind of future proofing your roster a little bit but maybe they think the same way about Zappa but from an outside perspective I trust deck and a lot more that's kind of yeah I think I do too but I that's kind of you know what I'm thinking about Cloud9 is Vanity wants specific people on his team uh Zappa and leaf were two of those guys yeah right um I don't expect it to change and actually bringing it back to the a topic real quick uh that kind of scares me in terms of yay being on that team uh because it's somewhat player focused that's that's the read I get on the team yeah if I'm talking about just feelings about teams I I get Cloud Nine is somewhat player focused or player run by by Vanity and that part of it I don't think you're replacing is that but for a second even though I think it's an upgrade okay so let's talk about the other three players on exit though yeah just briefly so you've got bcj who I feel like initiators are kind of a premium I feel like he's just a lock to make it into the league somewhere around after having a really good Champs performance and then you've got uh def the igl and you've got Aaron who did secondary iglm for the mode primary for the defensive side as well and Aaron tweeted out that he was looking to do full iglings for yeah for teams heading into next year um do you do you think all of the exit roster is like a lock hot Commodities kind of status do you expect to see them all in tier one once you read on that situation the saddest part about accent not getting picked up in its entirety is that I don't think there's I don't think a lot of those players will I think players like deaf and Aaron will probably struggle to find their place in the partnership system and I say that because like except by by my definition in my head I think of them as the more than the sum of their parts just like that kind of team you saw the best album when they could develop as talented ever and that's not something when teams are looking to rebuild these rosters they're looking to pick apart and poach and you're not you you know you're not looking at Players like Aaron even though I think plays like Aaron and death add a tremendous amount of value to rosters just on the on just on the veteran presence they were like it's it's underrated and I kind of I think I spoke about this before but you'd look at the um like in between rounds you listen to the replays of Team like exit and the player who was like you know [ __ ] keeping the energy high up is often Aaron yeah you know for the younger players on the land on a big stage environment and a big part of it as well I know that they've spoken about it in the past as well but he said that the things that you don't really see in the server is how much you know development that they've done as well and how much they've been part of that team environment in making sure players like Zack and cryo are actually you know the players that they are today yeah to the point where they're getting picked up so obviously that you know they're trying to sell their own stocks sure yeah ahead of time but I think there's there's validity to the to the statements as well and that is a big downside to what we're not going to see with with the exit roster because they're going to get picked to pieces and the the losers in that are going to be players like Aaron and death who have more of the intangibles rather than the like dominant performances in the server or whatever I mean it feels like those kind of players would fit with some like EG kind of ethos if your read on EG was correct Bala and they were just going for like you know building up lower level players those are the kind of people that you could see helping that system flourish yep yeah that's what I was going to bring up um but that's that's it I I that EG maybe those are the types of players that they can go for uh bcj you might add into that as well but other than that I unfortunately I don't see them uh get a spot outside of rebuilding with an igl which I think is still quite valuable even though I I put potentially you know valon or or even Xander potentially above them one of the things we don't really we haven't even talked about have been um actually the coaches as well I think is a pretty huge part of things when I think about your building for next year you want a clear idea of how you're building a roster and you want clear plans coaches that are actually that have proven our worth are going to be super valuable and I don't know if Orcs are actually going to be considering that as much because they might already have coaches and systems that they want to use but I mean Don theoretically is going to be a free agent as well I mean the guy is pretty tested at this point I think he's shown that he can develop talent and actually you know work work teams as well so Andy was just doing it all on his own and on his own as well he's doing like the GM coach and uh there was an ALICE position I think oh yeah yeah it was an ALICE Fordham as well but that that's that is a valuable part of any roster any team that's considering these upgrades for next for this season I think actually kind of underrated as well is how are you going to be building that top-down structure well I think MCE from the guard is another person that should be absolutely I think MCU said that he's considering staying or he's staying with the guard for now I think okay no he's he's building offers 100 oh yes Fielding offers okay he's building offers yeah paying right you could import coaches like for example so but my point is it's very important and people don't think about it people forget about it all the time but coaches are one of the most important aspects of this game is how you're developing your talent and having that outside in perspective because from what I've seen I mean it might take a bit more time with this game compared to others but I think when you have play around rosters and those ideas sometimes those players when they miss the mark like that you need you need an outside coaching perspective to guide you along the right path if you fall fall astray during you know a certain meta or whatnot um just think about it too though there's only three there was like three weeks for these teams to build their rosters before October 15th right which means if you tried to do a top-down approach as soon as you know that you're in franchising you have to immediately go to another GM or a coach to try and get them involved to execute their Vision which I feel like almost nobody must have done I almost no one's done that surely they must have used the staff that they already had on board in order to build out their vision and then if they bring other coaches in later on it's like hi we built you a vision it's like oh what the [ __ ] have you done so I feel like this first year is not going to be top down rosters there's going to be this Gold Rush at the beginning you're right at the first year might not be top down but there's opportunities I think to kind of slow burn over the course of the year because you have the mid-season to pick players up you have even after October 15th as long as you have a roster fielded that can actually play you can still continue to pick players up so there was you can pick up six players to uh to start and then you can add four cut four add two not seriously no you could you could slowly tweak a roster over time yeah you could the point where you can pick up all six and then drop them all before the season begins listen pull 100 thieves from 2022 where you put all your emphasis onto this onto like you're essentially your last shot of lcq I'm not saying that's what teams are gonna do probably one night's weekly and then cut them yeah they should not do that but what you can what you can is what you can is you know tweak a roster over time and find out what works and you do have that lcq opportunity to actually make your last stand in in the Partnerships yeah all right let's talk about one of the other big pieces of news though which was the navi fpx uh situation so I think this was George Getz again reporting that fpx not in their entirety though it's apart from artists so artists is currently looking for different offers but the rest of fbx are set to join an RV um there was also like a leaked image during one of the navi videos where you could see Jersey and it said angel on it and so people were people were going crazy about that but this this seems to me to be the perfect place for fpx to land um I'm sure Bali you would have preferred it if the mech guys had ended up signing with Navi or something perhaps for like an even more CIS approach but fbx are a very CIS team for the one CIS slot yeah no 100 I think this is this makes sense I mean Mac is splitting up they didn't even make it to any of the international like it makes sense I I'm not I'm not jealous I'm not sad don't worry BX deserve to go to a team and it's it's good that it's Navi as well yeah nothing really more to say there's just a good it's something that they've had a lot of interest they've been investing a lot I mean Navi has resources to spend and they can support the fbx core and they've been like a great team so it makes sense across the board it would be pretty cool sorry go ahead I was gonna say who's gonna be the star player if artists is not like rumored to be set in stone for this roster I mean chronicle's a free agent [Music] who are they trialing before as well who were Mech trolling before it was oh uh purple is the other guy yeah I mean JD was already under oh no actually yeah so yeah baby was under nothing you're right yeah yeah there's also safe who is uh pretty pretty sick and perform better at London yeah actually yeah so there's some I mean there's there's Nookie there's so many different free agents actually within uh within EU yeah I will be glad though if if this ends up coming to fruition and the core of the roster stay together I will be mad happy actually because you've got one of the most dominant teams of the open circuit era and they are you know you still get to see them continue and uh there's a lot of personalities on that fbx Squad actually I mean my artists artists it's going to be gone but definitely Angel definitely is yeah definitely Angel yeah I I I think that this would be a massive win just in general out of like the three teams that you're thinking about you know picking up wholesale optic xat and fpx in terms of good performers at Internationals fpx is the guys that have gone through the most [ __ ] uh prior to this so to see them have the opportunity to continue as that roster would just be a continuation on a year that was uh interrupted here's my prediction for fbx every team has to have six players in their active roster plus maybe a few more as well but you've got to have minimum six most teams are not going to use that most teams are just going to have a sub player that sits on the bench for the majority of this oh wait oh wait Angel are definitely gonna just get lost in the source when it comes to that stuff they're gonna be subbing people in and out and up and down and all over the place they're gonna have different comps that rely on different players I'm going to be bringing them out you're going to be like oh yeah on the desk like this is not going to work it's gonna be then requiring a six player because of like backups whatever something goes wrong yeah is I even go well and good and it's but there's going to be a huge learning moment for so many teams because in valorant there are so much individuality that there's no player that wants to be on the bench they don't think about the team as a team environment I don't think of the team as my team to win it all that's that's like a um like an ideology that you need to like develop and instill from the top down or from from like a long period of things well just it just is not going to work initially well you mean it's not going to work having a Perma bench player well honestly you can I think make bigger rosters work I've never seen it invalorant but I know it's possible who was you barely seen in Esports it's like the like Subs in general the sub issue is huge in general in Esports because the problem is like that the coaching staff the infrastructure the physical all the players just not there like I think it makes sense logistically but I'm already safe Doom bro's Angel are gonna start like doing like we're gonna create this player's comp they're gonna immediately learn holy [ __ ] this is really bad I mean it just happens with every team fbx one emea by playing with Subs they subbed out Angel uh for for Buddy G they subbed out artists for Baddie G and they won but they won the [ __ ] they won in emea but I'm playing with a six-man roster with Angel playing jet I get flashed I could do it to the beginning of the OverWatch League when the OverWatch league did the same thing with a required big rosters to have for the same reason you have like Subs you could have 12 people on a rock yeah I'm with Josh they played entire Copenhagen groups with cider bro like yeah yeah okay okay but I've since I've seen it mismanaged so many times and it's a huge learning moment for a lot of teams what's gonna happen they get relegated nah you [ __ ] try yeah but then the point being the point being is more so like it's just I it just it doesn't really make a lot of sense currently I not that I don't think it can't work it's just like I I still don't think it's developed enough sure yeah sure Fair I'll give you that I'll give you that I just think it's going to be [ __ ] it's gonna be mod interesting to see teams actually lean into it I'm so excited but I need them all about this dude how I just don't understand a sixth player you got the the current like when I think of the mentality of the current valorant player that wants to compete in the partnership system yeah there's not many players that are going to be willing to be that six player has to be one it has to be one there has to be one yeah they will I mean I think you're I think you're not quite understanding the the like the desire to be involved in tier one people don't want to be playing in the the kids league but what is how it's going to be viewed don't get much play time there were like 100 000 viewer tournaments played for tens of thousands of dollars that people are calling Mickey Mouse tournaments just because they're not VCT like that should show you the the perception of the violent player and the violent player base is tier one or bust that is the way that people think about the game if you're tier one on a bench that's more clouded than that's also every esport literally every Esports exact same way it's tier one robust like there is no difference between Valor any other Esports no other Esports is like oh man he's doing so good in tier two literally no one gives him I was farming cow main bro what are you talking about if you if you are a sixth player and you listen to this make sure you join a partnership team that has the highest chance of like internal strife because I'm thinking now if you're a sixth player right you're coming in and you're like oh you're not good enough to make it on the primary roster or something but teams are looking to pick up bench players every other player wants to work their weapon ascendancy [ __ ] pick a team that you think is going to implode internally because that is your shot to get in a limelight that's your shots to actually showcase what you got I'm telling you now who is this if Sentinels go to content creator out it's them okay okay yeah yeah um well that you're assuming their goal is the same though because Sentinels like what if their goal is to make content not to win yeah but that's good I mean you're on the content your stream viewership on the bench is going to go near yeah I think central is a great team to be this is a great topic honestly which team is available yeah because the [ __ ] the content injection you'd get for your stream yeah and then who else what other teams would implode DRX tried to run a six-man roster at some point right and that I mean they had lackier play but that was like sausages the people to play like it yeah what about some liquid liquid why would you oh well you're just anticipating the explosion maybe yeah I don't know like if I never know what's going on with liquid internally yeah I really don't I don't know what that it's it's hard to tell because we don't know what or alternatively if you're a six player oh wait they're not try and find try and find one of the teams that signed someone that's a pure Cloud signing so for example mixwell's joining a Spanish team potentially that's one of the topics that we have to talk about here go into the Spanish table to like one of the Spanish teams or Carmine core holy [ __ ] like the clown would be learn French I mean just coming out of that one all right so mix well posted a video where he he he said uh the future is uncertain but promising no um and he's he's also previously tweeted that uh whatever team he joins it's gonna be his last team right um so I don't know whether that means he's planning to stay on the team forever or whether it means he's I don't know he's seen the future he's gonna die he's so good at marketing yeah he's just really good at marketing himself I mean this also I don't think this is him that's decided to you know he's not sat there editing the video himself he's got he's got an agency or a team that's making or helping him to do the job of like maintaining that cloud and that relevancy because I think they were there were there were many times where he was playing last year where you know he probably should have been replaced um but probably didn't because of the [ __ ] numbers he's getting you know he's a he's a clouted individual he's also pretty good he's like no he is a big dips in his individual performance yeah they were um and so they were like I remember there was moments where he was like well at this point is he really you know deserving of the spot that he's got on the roster or is he just being kept around because he is a giga clouded individual but also that that line that Twitter line is bait because all players will be like yeah I'm like so many players like I'm done and then like I'm back like it just like you know like you can't believe it like now we mix all there's a real chance that he could because of streaming but like no we have to release it we have to it's the storyline you have to for the narrative sure all right he was gonna retire this event this is gonna be the last one didn't we have to have about one of the Joshua players wasn't it Cruz or something yeah yeah we did well it wasn't our fault it was chat uh we didn't we didn't decided to just announce it in an interview that he did yeah which remains one of the weirdest interviews ever just yeah very optic remaining undefeated on media days undefeated media who's that journalist still one of the greatest moments who said that um where do you think mixwell's going I would assume it's one of the Spanish teams if if mixwell's already been signed mixwell's one of those players where it's like he's not at the top of your list if you're looking at people that are the best free agents around but he might be the top of your list if you're thinking best and most clouded individuals around and has like all of the Spanish community at his fingers and most Spanish so you know it's all coming together there I mean it's gonna be a Spanish team there's literally no way it's not going to be Spanish but there's three Spanish names there's Heretics Giants and koi your top team yes I mean he's gonna get picked up which one I think it's koi I I thought I saw it is literally koi's tagline the [ __ ] thing that he ended oh that's the koi slogan yeah also the most clouded of I think they're the most clouded of the Spanish teams because they literally have like that it's like ibai I think he's the Caster that's like one of the founding members of it and he gets like a million viewers on Twitch yeah his twitch viewership is through the roof I mean that he literally has a million viewers or some [ __ ] third if you're if you're a North American player and you went to school and you learned basic Spanish I mean for God's sake try to get the sixth player onto on koi try and try and just be their import player because you're you're going to farm unbelievable Giga clubs or something huh yeah or just do it and learn Spanish yeah get out your little phrase book and just start learning sit on the bench stream with a phrase book people will go nuts for that people will go Bonkers um Vitality one of the French teams has also had some Rumblings recently about them looking to sign C Ned and a coach Salah as well um so they've both been linked to team Vitality uh who have previously had rosters and stuff within um but not at a good enough level to keep the majority of their players so I would assume that they're kind of starting fresh um so but yes Salah was one of the coaches that the fbx guys were I think working with or um he also was with uh he was with London right yeah but I think so yeah but after Champions it was either dumbross or Angel tweeted out saying you guys need to be looking at Neil xenio and Salah they're two of the best um coaches around for for emea and looks like salah's one of the people uh up towards the top of the list for that um seen it though as well it's got to be a major free agent yeah but this is the big this is the rumored beginning of Vitality right of the are they rebuilding I would assume so I don't know they released two of their players um well I don't know if they released it or whatever uh who was it was hyper and somebody else and they still have sender and bone cold so bone cold sin Ed makes sense I don't know how the rest of it is gonna go yeah interesting sender's pretty good as well I I've enjoyed watching sender for a while but yeah bone code would presumably be doing the rgl for the team even found his most successful even if they didn't rebuild as well uh just for context they were second in the vrl league and some of the vrl the the two very teams that made it through last time were decent in VCC Challengers you're all right yeah decent decent I didn't say good I just said decent so like if you can do I mean if you add CNET and whatever a couple other pieces then you might be able to be competitive that's how I feel understood this and it reminds me of like early 2021 when we were watching and then there was the EMA tournaments which weren't streamed we had to like just we had to like derive our [ __ ] stats isn't it kind of crazy though that CNET would be going to a franchise team but not one of the Turkish teams isn't that isn't that kind of Bonkers it's like that's like mixwell joins Carmen core [Laughter] that's pretty big because you already have the clout with one region and then you just go to the next most clouded region oh my God you're so smart yeah all of the French players should be going to the Spanish teams and all the Spanish players should be going to the French team just do just do a nation Swap and then that way you receive both clouded regions fans and you will you are such a marketing genius Connor you're such a genius classic the Turkish fans cheer for a fnatic plays against Fatality and then they both play against BBL and bloody footballist I mean the Turkish fans are just going to have everyone to Cheers yeah I don't know it's just a Perpetual white noise machine you know just just a buzzing just a buzzing in the arena just it never stops just constant noise yes well it stops at fifth place but yeah [Laughter] ah good one God um let's talk about some of the igls that are on the market actually I wanted to discuss some top igls that are going to be uh heading into Partnerships league so who are the big because I to me if you're building a team you almost need to start with the igl I feel like a lot of these teams are starting with the top goated player the the clout monster or the star but you kind of need to start from the agile and work outwards I feel like maybe vitality's got a good idea they're starting with bone cold and working outwards but bone cold would not be at the top of my list if I was thinking like you know Elite tier igles although he has been it has had a lot of success in the past who would you guys be building teams around if you're thinking top free agent igls barley you look like you want to begin finesse that's the first yeah like I'd import them all over the [ __ ] world like that dude 100 is at the top of everybody's list in my mind if you're rebuilding a team I think you can work with almost any type of Personality even the abrasive types like potentially you know like an artist or a Nookie or something like that I think finesse would work well with those two players um and just in general is able to build up players too I think finesse is the top of everybody's list why sorry why do you get the impression that you would be really good with the abrasive players because I I immediately agreed with you based on his personality but now that I think about it more the rest of the players on optic are actually really like calm players maft is a [ __ ] chillest of dudes apparently barely comes while he's playing at times and then you've got crash's Victory who are both very like understated and yayu's just bubbly happy so it's not like he's actually had to deal with abrasive personalities uh true I mean he hasn't in the past but not not even that there are that many abrasive Personalities in the scene I'm just saying my impression is that he could work with anybody and he is relatively abrasive himself when you look at the you know his onstage personality and just uh takes he and claims he makes about other players as well I I just I just think that he will be that he'd Vibe um who are some others to me angel for sure wait sadak yeah he's the igl for well yeah yeah for loud but I would assume he stayed with loud I was thinking about people who were like sorry this is who kind of mean like top five agiles that are like on the open market as well yeah sorry for like building teams around because yes sadak's correct yeah obviously Xander yeah I kind of have I feel like poised is a little underrated kind of a poised fan from Phillies so I I would have Valen I think above both of those players yeah yeah for sure violin is up there fair enough red gavo if you're not building a full Russian speaking team I I I'd I'd want to at least very passable English yeah I I know he does but yeah I mean I'm sure I'm sure it would be fine I I would just have a slight concern there with him being able to communicate ideas extremely effectively so we have our top five what that that's the top five already hello just listed five players who are the five thoughts FNS Valen um red guy red guy redgar I mean Angel's technically uh we'll assume he goes to Navi let's let's assume yeah we'll remove angel from this because Xander Zander Alexander to it but he I thought that out of all the teams like when it was uh when he was playing on V1 the team had um really good ideas of how to play the the games on a igl basis like they made good decisions in game that they had tons of players but I I felt like the team had yeah tons of promise from from that perspective I really under calling I really agree with that but then also version one let him go and I was confused about that as well but um but yeah I I would also have him up there as like a really talented person yeah steel yeah no love for steel huh Steel's gonna be on TV he put no he he denounced that he's no he's their import player he's going to Korea oh okay okay yeah don't worry about it good deflection nice uh I was I was looking at the mea for agency lists and I was thinking holy [ __ ] there is a a huge gap in EMA in terms of good igls like isn't Nuki technically an igl well yeah he'll be exactly privacy though man yeah to build a team with him I jelly I don't think that makes any sense you'd get way more out of Nookie if he was petted with a really good igl I think um what do you think about deaf and Aaron's stocks as igls if you separate because that to me is such a weird question because one was doing a taxided one was doing a defense-sided igling and if they're both then doing both sides I just really don't know what to think about it well I mean if one of them prefers to you know have a teammate that'll do the other side then then it should be okay for example deaf I would assume would want that and I think teams can easily build around that where he's like the main guy but um I think like burnt said they were they as well were some of all parts make them better it's the team buying into their systems more than necessarily them being super super super good eye gels do you think uh bustio stays with eg because to me boostio like incredible Fragger and was picking up the igl duties for a team that performed better than any others expected is he just is he just a lock to stay with eg like wouldn't go on to the open market to be in this discussion I I think so but that's because of my read on EG yeah yeah I would agree with that I mean that you could really only like reggae from EU is kind of yeah that's what I mean igl is a crazy whole commodity I mean there's called dementia baby oh call lament I did forget about you yeah yeah coliment is going to be a free agent at this point and then uh yeah there's like this weird thing that was happening on uh Ascend where it's like I guess Zeke was calling for a while after bunk called and then they got rid of Zeke and I don't even know who picked up the arch yelling at that point there's also Epson uh he could be a good actor yeah David denee David dunian pibson you've got to be up there NBS from the original first Masters teams with trophy that's pretty good that's pretty good yeah okay that's pretty cool all right let's go into this this is the big meat and potatoes of this episode of the episode yeah all right I'm listening dream rosters before we started the episode we asked each of the people here to to pick a region gonna pick three gonna picked all three I'm the best and you sent them to me at noon so okay well first that was when the episode was supposed to start here here's here's what you told me you said you said um oh wait I misread the second line okay so let me explain the concept each of us was supposed to pick a region you can pick any region you like but you have to build the best um team that you can a super team for that region and for me personally I went for people who were free agents but that wasn't part of the Restriction you could pick up any call you like you could pick a team that was already you know uh in a in a position so it was pick a team pick a coach and pick five starting players so not the six active roster but the the five starting players um where do we want to begin with this one I want to see I want to see what Connor came up with I want to see did we I agree do we all understand the stipulation that the roster must be something that is possible um I think so I think that does make sense like you could take like vanity for some for whatever reason to another team that you can stretch the little mids if possible because it is possible that vanity could go somewhere else I mean that I stuck with was uh was like allowing myself One Import okay yeah you were allowed one that's pretty much it that's pretty much all I did too but also I when I did mine for the Americas region I and like APAC and EMA and such I was like okay like for example would a Brazilian player count as an import in the Americas region and then Kurt was like no because America is this one region yeah so that's correct so you you really struggled with this school task huh so technically I was like oh man I have a really big pool to pick from so where did you learn what did you end up telling Kurt to well I chose his APAC one because none of you guys made APAC ones except for Connor who made all three okay respect but APAC was the most difficult region I tried to make an Apec one as well let's have a look at yours so this is this is Zeta division with three of the RX players on it oh what Kurt said what Kurt specifically asked me um no here is the problem listen to me listen to me here was the prompt here was the prompt it says if you were to make the best football team blah blah and then it says also pick what org you think is best in that region okay all right all right all right so let's so this is a vast dream team and the stresses yeah but like but also I the way that I understood it when Kurt said pick my what org is the best in the region was just like what org I think currently is like the best organization in the region not who they're gonna represent that wasn't that was the question did you guys not answer it no I didn't I thought you guys [ __ ] it up all right well listen let's just focus one at a time so Zeta division why did you pick Zeta division then for your for your team uh so Zeta division uh the reason I picked Zay division is the best organs because they have an insane Financial backing it's very clear that they're targeting their region exceptionally well with their content build their marketing strategy is insane no like Zeta division like I love everything they're doing over there they're building they're building and Connor this team with no Japanese place is going to be so marketable division they're not competing versus Ada division this was the best org in the region is what Kurt has this is very different very very different okay okay so then you're coaching your own team so I like that that's that's real faith in yourself together oh yeah I forgot to put I forgot to put the coaches let's let's talk about your team why did you select these five players then is it so this is like your idea of an APAC super team yeah this is my this is my idea of an APAC super team just because I mean I think Marco is the best controller in APAC like I think he's just like nutso I I think for like a primary like injury player it's there's a lot of great ones but I think Buzz is just like honestly just like also probably the best in the region right now in terms of and then use it when you're thinking of like you know maybe a flex player like now Greg the Jing is kind of a he's kind of a wild card but I do think that he's like just got the like those Dumbo brain insane mechanics and it's shown that he can pop off at the land environment so I'm like I feel comfortable putting Jing on there and then Zeta I mean it's Zeta like it's Zeta I think the guy I think he's like nuts when you have when you're looking for one of those initiator type players when you're looking for someone that's getting a lot of that mid-round info and can coordinate really well uh and then I think RB has consistently been now RB is a little bit a weird one because I didn't know what to do about the Sentinel role for APAC because he does play killjoy he does he plays killjoy but like he's been doing it recently so I kind of just put RB in there because I I favored his flexibility and how like how much he's been able to feel like super teams and who's aren't you yelling I [Laughter] I I also built a Pacific team and I found it really difficult uh it is so tough because you can't um they don't have very many great smokes players who are free agents they don't have very many great Sentinel players who are free agents and also they don't have uh they have such large language barriers as well because the region is so diverse in terms of the amount of uh places that yeah that pull people together so it's a weird situation um did you have my APAC roster I think so let me see all right let's there we go okay this is my dream team and this one granted is a bit weird because I've gone for a lot of English-speaking Pacific roster here so so this this I really have tried to make something that I think would be potentially feasible right now so this would be Genji an organization that has had roots in North America and roots in Korea and I feel like has enough uh backing and infrastructure to be able to support an English-speaking uh Korean roster this would essentially be so I've got MCE as my coach he's going to build this team from the ground up so I've got sire player and Valen sire player does not count as an import he's Korean citizen so he just gets straight in there Valen is my import player Valen is going to igl for this team from the smokes position in English and then I also message to kilios and said do you know if Buzzy like you're in Harry uh speak English and he said no I don't think they do very fast but also I couldn't find anyone who really did apparently Buzzy's English might be decent but I just have no idea I was thinking about lackier I was thinking about Harry or King but okay let me start from the top sire player great entry player I was thinking about Meteora as well but [ __ ] it if I want an English-speaking roster sire player is absolutely the play that I would go for over meteor but meteor maybe a bit more skilled if you were building a super team that spoke Korean Bazi as well is one of the players that has done a little bit of flex play but strikes me as one of those players that I would actually want to try and build a great Flex player out of because if you look at the free agents that are available in at Pacific region especially ones that would be able to speak English or would be be like on a team that was like Korean English kind of thing uh there really aren't that many there's like why have you made this so much harder for yourself uh it's okay you trying to build one difficult no that yeah if you try and build a full Korean roster who the [ __ ] igles who plays smokes it's impossible three agents it's the difficult part just hard to find out who the [ __ ] was a free agent and ignore the language issues the barriers yeah but just just ignore him for the sake of this but for the sake of the sake of it was to build something that actually could be cool for next year that's the only part that makes this interesting yeah I mean you but you but you okay anyway I went for Harry over King because I just thought uh what the heck take another punt on the roster why don't you um Harry I don't think it's played since like March or something he's just been a free agent the entire time and Harry was really good I really enjoyed watching this guy play he played the hard Sentinel role um if if you have to play chamber I would get sire to play it and the Harry would move but yeah this this is this is my roster it's a menacing player photo yeah it is it is he's a he's a tough [ __ ] if you come at us in the server he's going to beat you up in the car park afterwards [Laughter] yeah what do you think I think this is an interesting roster I think it's interesting um that's what I would say I don't know very interesting you don't think that's beating DRX I mean I actually think it could be pretty competitive but it's yeah I'm not sure I'm sorry to say DRX plus Zeta and Jing will beat this team into the Earth I'm sorry to let you know yeah I'm just a straight up super team but the thing is you said build your dream team that doesn't make no the the old these simulations where you can only have one import no one said free agents or not let's consider them the cost of putting your team together versus my team we would have millions to invest in improving these guys they have millions Zeta division has millions within the months no I would not no you can't make any YouTube content with Korean players don't speak Japanese but the point but also once again this is nonsensical because I was I was not planning for this team to represent the organization that was with so it was just the best org in the region in my opinion okay let's let's move on from the Pacific region Bala I want to talk your team bala's Dream Team let's have a look at this wait why is he [ __ ] up the Photoshop no no this is a way to get past the import restrictions we just we just call them Nookie wait what so this was Nookie or this was yay this is Nookie yeah it was Nookie okay this is Nookie we've just messed up the Photoshop here okay so Bala walk me through the Dream Team you've started with liquid but you only have you only have link on the team who no longer plays for liquid well I don't I I just the only reason I went with liquid is because it wasn't uh like regionally tied Org the only teams that are not that is basically liquid and because fnatic already has durka and boaster and presumably Alpha here as well I don't think we've heard about uh Alpha yet um they're they're out of the question and they're actually going to build around them so I went with liquid because I feel like they probably are gonna rebuild and so Nookie dude there's so many [ __ ] good for you I picked eeu because there's so many insanely good free agents um so Nookie as your primary entry slash duelist Chronicle initiator and that's just your igl uh Slash Sentinel flex whatever link is your controller player and safe as your offer um I like this team a lot um I'm glad that you got Chronicle in there because I'm a big Chronicle fan so I'm glad you got him in there yeah I'm not as big on on link I feel like there's better free agents for the smoke slot isn't there I'm trying to think about it though in terms of who I would pick dude does Leo want to go back to playing smokes Leo when he was known as ziz was pounding on smokes yeah Leo used to be known as ziz and he played smokes oh and he was superb that's anxious I thought it was like a Grizz joke like he beat the Riz allegations or something but like it says yeah I mean the only controller player who I would like put way up uh potentially above link would be avova um I don't want Nokia NFL on the same team what about Nats why wouldn't you have Nats play smokes for this team if you've already got Chronicle um because I don't really I still don't really consider not to controller player also why not like why not like redgar why redgar over like he's he played smokes in the past so well redgar and finesse Clash yeah kind of igl and which is modest team of all time yeah we already have that team it's called bronzi Sports okay yeah this is this is a kind of nasty dream team do you see any reality in which this comes to pass uh um no I don't think Vanessa's going to eat you yeah I couldn't really see FNS moving region no I don't either that's the biggest thing outside of that I think literally any of these players could be going to I think it's very possible that they could go to liquid um I do think probably if if something like this were to happen you'd see probably not no key and you just scream uh just keep screaming why not um yeah um all right Bren I'm not gonna lie my team [ __ ] owns okay did my team owns I'm telling you now so I have chosen I'm gonna start with the orc here because there's a so Immortals gaming group yeah a [ __ ] awful to work with you're a horrible company horrible orc and apparently they have ownership over mibr yeah but what I was hearing was that they actually don't they have ownership but the running of mibi is slightly different yeah are they is it not they don't run the day-to-day is what I'm saying they don't run the day today so I don't really know who runs the day-to-day operations but the primary reason I chose mibr is because they are going to be probably building a new roster okay into it so there's like you know you know semi-clouded going to be building a new roster there's a possibility of that being the reality I suppose and of course Immortals gaming Club are always known for having enormous budget spending money so they'll be able to afford yeah you probably should have gone for like NRG I guess but I don't know or maybe just uh maybe just a hundred thieves in reality I don't [ __ ] know no that's okay whatever are you made your bed with a Mortals gaming Club yeah I I don't know why but I mean they don't really factor in the conversation to be fair like it's like a segmented thing I mean they say budget presumably yeah but they they but they still it might be ours also like uh well yeah otherwise for the coach I went with Sean garz with uh with Mike's HD as my as my coaching core okay for this team because I think that they've showed that they have really good ideas they have good ideas with talent development and they've been doing this with relatively young players up until this point so in my dream team I would have these guys with yay is the [ __ ] Superstar Talent listen it's all rumored to where he's going but you'd have yay is your [ __ ] primary guy you heard it here first yay to mibr Leaf comes in right as a flex player alongside him okay you're [ __ ] pulling from the smokes players give me pain Carter okay [ __ ] the language barriers we'll put in pancata in there give me evidence as well for the AF and sgo and FNS is calling and then for my import rule I'm getting to get to because I think segetsu right now there is actually also a premium on those top players who are playing that kind of Sentinel role really [ __ ] well so get to us at the tippity top of that [ __ ] right now dude having you and sugetsu so close to each other with that picture it is just like you've put on a Groucho Marx costume with the glasses and the mustache and it's just problematic myself to my buddy my little brother on the roster with [ __ ] yay FNS bank had a leaf I think this roster would [ __ ] gig a pound I think it would absolutely gig a pound let me get this straight though your dream team breaks up optic breaks up fbx breaks up loud breaks up Cloud9 so of the so so add 100 things as well so you have to Massacre five other teams you've killed the entertainment across the league the rest of playing with peanuts they're playing tiddlywinks while you [ __ ] dominate the league but we're [ __ ] winning we're winning honestly I mean he said build the Dream Team you said build the Dream Team you didn't put the political or moral ramifications or financial you just said Dream Team if anything I've weakened every other team so that my team has more success yeah I think you have I think you absolutely have again how much money would this cost to make so much so much [ __ ] money just unbelievable amounts yeah this would be absurd I mean pankada's under contract with loud presumably still Leaf is with Cloud9 so Getsu I suppose it's gonna be still with FPS not going to be cheap Strong gas and mics as well you're buying out the coaching staff of 100 thieves there's no way there's no there's like another partnered team too so it's yeah yeah you actually do need the Deep Pockets of Andy Miller in order to pull this you need Amazon to be running this [ __ ] team to have a chance you need [ __ ] Amazon to be running that team but I think that team will pound okay I also built an emea team because like Bala said there are so many good free agents here oh my God your team is so [ __ ] good bro this team goes dumb hard so this is common core this is the French Squad of Carmen core and we have we have Chronicle we have Leo reggae and nuts and this is my dream team with uh the coach and uh they're all French players they all speak fluent French they're going to be coming in French the entire time and we're going to build YouTube videos around them learning how to comment French uh Nookie I was I was trying to pick between Nookie between having like maybe safe playing this kind of role between C Ned as well because he's a free agent out in the mea um uh treks potentially you could have playing like an entry role I think Trex is a phenomenal free agent on the market right now as well um but yeah I've picked up the I feel like the best core available on the open market is Chronicle Regan at it's just so nasty and I think rhaegar is easily the best igl to build around like hands down no no questions in within emea I suppose important FNS would it would be better but yeah this team as well man yeah that'd be good team and you get Carmine cores you get the ultimate [ __ ] Giga clout like I mean it will be it's it's it's nasty you think about this team as well actually it would be um it have you seen the fanatic rumors that um Leo and Chronicle are trialing with fnatic yeah so that team would be booster Leo Chronicle durka Alpha yeah which is an absurdly good team uh it's somewhat similar to this way you've got like Nookie instead of alpha yeah and Nats instead of durka Red Guard doing the eye gelling this is my that's my problem with the team though like gnats instead of durka right there yeah there's no real opera on this team okay so only downside what happens is Nookie orbs I guess he was fine but you saw those [ __ ] satchels and results and uh Rays isn't going to be in the meta forever also the sixth player on this roster the sixth player on this roster is safe there you go then I I some I subbed them in and out okay he's not gonna do a six man oh actually hold up he did do it with Mech in the final game on oh [ __ ] every team has to do a six months I know I know I know I know he's not gonna he's not gonna be a [ __ ] your angel Doom Bros Theory yeah he's gonna be against subbing people I'm not subbing them in from map to map I'm subbing them in based on the meta that's that's my subbing strategy okay on the bench when it's not your meta when it is your meta we build the slightly tweaked roster we send it in that's the that's the future of valoran Subs it's based on whether or not Chambers busted it's based off one agent that's entirely depends your team building structure forever that makes sense uh in that case we might as well show my Eva team so I can show them how off the goop I've gotten oh I'm sure that we can show them what I've been doing out here avasts once again you sent them to me at noon the show is going to start at noon so I had one zero minutes yeah that's fair enough well I sent you I explained why I said to you noon I was in a meeting literally all day it's all good it's all good yeah I do appreciate the effort I can read the I can read them out if you don't have that no I'll read them okay so for my email start with the team and then the coach and then the players yep okay so my emea team would be saigetsu both follow instructions you said the team if I said start with the team then the coach then the players oh no here we go so this is my alternate history Dream Team by the way alternate history Dream Team let's pretend that a certain Spanish man was not at the helm of this organization the the organization's G2 okay organizations G2 eh now the players or we're doing coach next coach coach okay coach would be Aang okay um now the players would be sagetsu boaster durka zippan and Chronicle uh you just read those out so quickly I can't even process it gets it they're best Chronicle should I repeat again I'm a visual learner [ __ ] I need to see them pretty graphic otherwise I'm not okay so your entry durka durka then yeah Japan is my Flex yeah I have who's your initial as Chronicle and then I have boaster igl smokes and sagetsu is that Sentinel okay that's a pretty good team actually I think it's a pretty good team the overarching takeaway from this is that you could build a [ __ ] Giga Squad yeah the free agents in emea in particular na might be a little bit harder Apex seems really difficult of us do n a teams I did I did of course you did or just America's not n a yeah just the Americas yeah Americas do you want to hear my North America start with the org okay we'll start with the organization the organization is Sentinels organization Essentials now I have decided I have found these teams are two very good squads so what if I just combine them so I have my coach is going to be Chet okay and then my team is going to be the following yay less marved Saucy and soda just the super team of combining optic and loud I have just I've just literally put them together and I've said now and I put them on the cloudus organization possible Sentinels the only problem with that team the only problem is that you have less who doesn't speak very good English sassy and sadak both do they actually could play on a mix roster like that but yeah less less doesn't that's fine he'll learn yeah that's the only problem with that roster that's that's the only issue that's an interesting thought experiment our Dream rosters yeah now we all followed the book really well yeah we followed the game different rules it's always easy to do with no restrictions but if you're a GM right now with a couple of weeks to build your team I mean Budget is the biggest restricted budget and yeah I mean also just the uh the the competition being a fly on the wall to when GMS are building rosters do you remember when we were [ __ ] squatting in the Philly Mansion yeah and Rustin was just like building the the Philly team he was losing it's non-stop you are you are essentially on the phone for 24 hours a day essentially you just can't sleep because you'll miss you'll miss out there's like people [ __ ] backstabbing each other people are taking deals taking players from each other it's funny we had a four-week deal set up and then someone dropped out so now I'm missing half of my roster it was like it's the amount of crazy [ __ ] that was being set up but also he had he had to stay up because he had to be coordinating with people in North America and Korea at the same time yeah that would happen for my roster my GM would just be toast mce's brain would be frazzled by the time the league began he wouldn't be able to do a thing we should do model roster Mania where each four of us is an actual I'm trying to [ __ ] let's do that next week I feel like each of us picks it and you have to lay out your plan to the rest of the team preferably with a PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation hello this is my pitch for the roster you have to pitch us on getting enough budget to put the team together and if we don't think the team's good enough you don't get the budget we each P we each pick a team and we have to trade our players or sell them or whatever to each other well what determines our currency and budgets the team that we're repping or like how do we figure that out what are we talking about budgets for this let me just make up numbers okay yeah yeah I mean you're the bulb of businessman you tell us the budgets I mean the budgets would be very nonsense I mean the budgets the budgets are going to be crazy if you like in terms of like what actually work with in the restrictions so I mean it would be kind of [ __ ] wild also I don't actually know all every team's budgets so okay it's time for our most important segment White's weekly award hey bro past the sticks that's why it's weekly award the weekly award for this week is going to somebody that's never won the award before wow you've looked up the previous Award winners no no but I'm pretty confident it's pretty pretty out there somebody that's never won the award before Wyatt normally takes these Awards extremely seriously he doesn't really do the Brens player of the week where oh does he well he takes it somewhat seriously he didn't sell out didn't sell out for a single sub the other day no you are right he did do that but we can't hold that against him forever sure you know people move on people change and I feel like why it's definitely changed the the person I want to give this award to this week is the eponymous Wyatt himself who held down the [ __ ] Fort of co-streaming while we were off gallivanting to Champions with Kurt Garner's gone he produced an episode himself as well while he was just sat at Kurt's PC he wasn't involved in the hidden episode that now is componently deleted because why it wasn't there yeah we [ __ ] it we [ __ ] it so so this this award is for Mr River who was uh Faithfully streaming the awards at uh the code streams at twitch on TV slash Wyatt River thanks to bala's intercession intersection on his behalf as Bala just rang the [ __ ] bells to try and that's not oh whoa It's Not only Bala no I also strings I went I went directly to the brand managers you were doing it it was a pincer it was a ball of ass pincerely the temporary partnership bro yeah yeah politicking this this award is for this award is for Wyatt this week but holding down the fort for believing in Brazil yep for uh he really did he really did and uh by the way still available to be picked up as a general manager for all of the teams that are looking for actually good teams uh that are coming up because if there's anybody in the show that knows how to do that is actually the guy that did that and uh built a plan for Android thieves that worked as well yeah and then uh got screwed out of it so yeah that's uh still still very possible to um to pick up Wyatt for any kind of German role in the future and that's it for our show that's it for episode 107. um you wanna play rank does it for us uh I did actually want to say I wanted to discuss just before we finished the hidden episode people will come into me all week and they were saying can you release it as a members only episode dude I saw the discussion in the Discord and I'm like it can't be that bad it's not it's not funny bad it's bad bad some parts of it were funny but some bars are real funny about it in particular the middle section where we took a break laughs the funny part that's the funny part listen I don't this needs to be looked away I'm putting a [ __ ] a limit on it it cannot be released until six months six months because part of it was I got drunk and also just started talking about things that were leaked and rumored to me and as facts because I just had no I had no filter on my brain I think it was just a bad idea this we can't release this until six months time was this the same day that we went on the boat uh yes yeah I can't hardly imagine how that turned out yeah but what here here's here's my proposal if I if I take that video and I chop out some of the best bits and I put it together as a Members Only video okay and I make sure that it's not acceptable if there was no leaks I mean that's acceptable because there was a moment in the middle of the episode we took a break because it was a food break where we ordered room service I [ __ ] up and ordered it to my room went to go grab the food pulled it into the elevator and just smashed three glass liter bottles of water in the elevator everywhere in the middle portion at like [ __ ] one in the morning at one in the morning and I get back I'm like guys I [ __ ] I'm like on the phone to the front desk I'm like I'm so sorry I messed up I've smashed water everyone they're like oh it's okay sir don't worry broken glass in the elevator broken glass everywhere doors couldn't close the doors were just closing the alarms going off Blair dude it was [ __ ] chaos it was chaos but yeah if you cut out those funny moments sure release it yeah well I mean that's not in the video technically technically you didn't capture no it's not in the video but what is in the video of us saying okay we're gonna take a short break we're gonna grab some food and let us come back being like Oh god what have we done just like just panic I heard some great stories that Seth told me the story of like the death ride back from the venue with one of the drivers oh wow and I was like I couldn't believe that you guys had the gall to call that guy's boss while you're in the car with him and he had complete control of your fate I would totally waited until he didn't we didn't call the guy's boss what you were texting now as well I mean we don't have to do the whole thing but like I yeah there's I heard some stories from and I was like man that's pretty funny got taken hostage as well for cats on a boat yep and the episode and the episode I will come at you next time for episode 108. [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Plat Chat VALORANT
Views: 85,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: plat chat, plat, sideshow, mrx, bren, mattmrx, faze, tsm, immortals, 100 thieves, cloud9, tenz, sinatraa, wardell, t1, ScreaM, G2, FunPlus Phoenix, Gen.G, Immortals, Team Liquid, Gamelanders, Vision Strikers, wyattr
Id: B5F9m2JV1jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 137min 22sec (8242 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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