How Sentinels OUTSMART World Champions

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Sentinels was once a Powerhouse team in N.A valorant in 2021 they were massively successful not just in their region but on the international stage taking out first place in 2021 stage 2 VCT Masters in dominant fashion not dropping a single map throughout the entire tournament and for the rest of 2021 they saw a lot of success taking first place in anything they competed in this is the year where tens became a household name his flashy plays go viral and his cheetah-like aim and game sense is made clear to the world since then however it has been a struggle sentinel's performance in tournaments with a couple of exceptions has been steadily declining their roster has gone through controversy and retirement and 2023 has been their least successful year yet vctna is happening right now in Sentinels as of last week they're not doing very well they're one win and two losses putting them solidly in second last position to make matters significantly worse after their last match against Leviathan tends the star duelist tested positive for covid meaning a rookie had to sub in for their next match and all the players had to switch their roles that next match by the way is against loud the monster Brazilian team and the 2022 World Champions so what happens when a washed up team missing their star duelist runs a rookie and completely changes their roles against former world champions welcome to Sentinels versus loud map one Pearl [Music] before we look at round one there are a couple of important things to note number one is that the team comps are the exact same which favors loud for two reasons number one there is no imbalance in this game winning is decided exclusively by skill at valorent there's no spicy agent matchups or differing util both teams have the exact same tools number two this is a team comp that is now meta but was originally a pioneered by loud specifically the harbor Viper combo working together loud have a very good idea of what their roles are and how to play them with this team comp loud literally invented the rulebook so with that in mind let's have a look at round one Sentinels on attack loud on defense looking at sentinel's position pre-round it's already clear that their strategy is not straightforward Viper is solo at Mid shops looking to start the round by dropping a wall that divides B and B Link in two the other four players are all at a preparing an a execute through a main their plan is to use the harbor high tide to divide the space they have to clear into achievable chunks and then methodically clear them out before executing onto a well that would be their plan at least if not for one key thing Sentinels has left the spike behind in mid loud on the other hand are opening with their Viper solo on a after placing a retake wall Viper's plan is to get information if she sees a push she's going to get out and then play retake with her team the other four members of loud are all in a coordinated B main push they'll use their Harbor wall to take B ramp and then Sky flash to take Club they'll find out fast that no one from Sentinels is pushing beam in but will they be ready for Marv the rookie and his luck barriers drop Sentinels Harbor wall Sky flash a main Viper wall B zaken Peaks out a main back by sassy finds it clear meanwhile on the other side of the map loud have steamrolled up B main Harbor wall to separate ramps and club with an interesting use of the killjoy turret to clear Club Marv has not yet been spotted but he's now Lone Wolf holding an angle that three loud players intend to Peak what's worse because of the Viper will start a round loud nose Viper could be lurking so they are going to clear their Corners Sentinels after seeing no 1A and seeing the aggressive B Harbor will have an idea of what loud is doing hubba begins to rotate over to marved to provide support but he's not fast enough loud are already there marved is a lone depth spots three loud players and salutes his friend goodbye 1v3 situation what can Marv do but there's death gonna be spotting necessarily going to be waiting into it Mars up close colors intakes and it's a baptism of fire for the rookie Cowan's in Solo Peaks him and then just drills him in the head with the frenzy loud now with the numbers Advantage Retreat back to B site and then wait for sentinel's next play all 4 Sentinels players now chilling in spawn they're trickery with the spike now made obsolete they have taken no space on the map meaning they have to clear everything and with Viper dead her b-wall is rendered useless meaning all that Sentinels have to take either site is two Harbor Cascades and a high tide it's not looking good Sentinels call to execute B and they clear their way up through clubs and onto ramps they haven't been making any sound so two of loud's players are sat on a two years however jump Peaks B and spots all four so Les and sadak scramble back to B to support their team Sentinels have been spotted so they call to execute fast and all's going to be trying to get this hit going right into us speaking of execute aspest just brutalizes pancata while it's Harbor then immediately was the choke in a 3d5 situation Sentinels have no choice but to Gallipoli through the harbor wall into an acid rain of frenzy bullets Trailblazers exchanged finding ways stunning either side really slowing this one's out for 20 seconds remaining just remaining firing line with the Friends season it could be anyone's game but at the end of the day it's loud who claim that pistol and in the end it was a valiant effort sentinel's own Harbor war was excellent it gave them space to charge through but the numbers Advantage was almost insurmountable round one goes to loud round two setup Sentinels are on a save with three sheriffs and two Classics their goal this round is to get picks steal guns and get ultimate points in terms of their positioning they're running 1B 3 mid and one a sky is currently also on a but her plan at the start of the round is to flash a for info and then regroup mid leaving kiljoy to hold the flank marved after getting blasted in the head last round has decided to still hold B flank but from a far more aggressive position he drops his wall pre-round allowing him to walk up into clubs before the barriers drop Sentinels is positioning like this for two reasons number one they're aware of loud's tendency to push out on defense particularly when loud has better guns so they're leaving two flank players to punish any loud aggression and the second reason is that having one player watching each site allows Sentinels to determine which site is less well defended giving them a direction to go after they take mid control if for example Viper sees no resistance and killjoy sees a three-man push then after taking mid control Sentinels will use their mid-control to push down b-link and end B Sentinels read by the way is spot on loud has three players stacked a they're looking to take a main control with Harbor wall and Sky flash their plan similar to last round is to get numbers Advantage by taking map control extremely fast and then to retreat to sites and use the harbor and Viper utility to force Sentinels into a death charge loud can get away with this because the two players who aren't in the A3 stack are killjoy and Viper both operators capable of solo holding a sight or an area this round will come down to sentinel's ability to flush out and execute the enemy killjoy holding mid before the loud three-stack death squad gets a numbers advantage or takes too much space the barriers drop loud Hubble walls a main and charges up to take the space straight into Sassy's Sky flash aspass inhuman reactions 180z doesn't get flashed but as other two teammates do Sentinels now knows that at least two loud players are charging up a main but they recognize that their game plan isn't about fighting amen it's about getting mid control and killing whoever's holding it so Sentinels after detecting a loud Stampede in a call to leave it alone and speed up their mid execute leaving killjoy to buy time from the sky flash a detecting two players Sentinels know they want to end B so they do a frankly really cool Harbor wall and sneak zaken into an off angle meanwhile Marv rotates off of B Club to grab the spike and come mid but what's this loud didn't actually push up a main they charged got detected rotated to Mid but left aspass to pressure the killjoy loud's Viper is also rotating mid Suddenly It's a 4v4 in mid Sentinels has worse guns and is also the team that needs to push they're going to need something magical they've got some very natural roles here we'll see if they can go for a bit more of a a puggy style in this game gonna have to be leading into it maybe that's just it and there it is HarborWalk drops and loud's killjoy is surprise one Taps from the off-angled jet sneaked into and was before she could even get any value out of her util B just got busted wide open but Sentinels don't have any information so they're scared to act on it instead they try to go for the unexpected play and end a to avoid having to push through the doors and a lot of the jet in ranks as well just trying to get used to it for his time on the big stage still a bit of a repeat and a lovely trade yeah taking a head off kawazine still despite the amazing trade from Death Sentinels is pushing right into Specter spray and getting massacred they realize their mistake and go back to playing for B link but they're too late Lexus had the time to walk there with a specter of his own let's see what happens when Sentinels tries to push tucked in that corner the entire time Les grabs another one down so much confidence just a clinical execution by less taking out two players no sweat pancata in a 1v3 against the best team in their competition with a classic against two specters and a marshall let's see what he can do more of those little story points as well that we were kind of hinting at and the desk is being you know slamming home as well 30 seconds left but what an uphill battle it feels like you put it lightly if you call it an uphill battle for Sentinels you're starting on pulls it's a map where they go absolutely smashed on so no I had no chance round two goes to loud round three setup Sentinels on a full by loud on a save Sentinels know they have the better guns so they're confident in playing split up and maximizing their map pressure they start with 2B 3 mid and the same Viper ball as every other round marved and depth hover and Viper are playing together on B main they're gonna attempt to take control of b-man using Harbors Cascade while the rest of the team Works through mid loud on the other hand have four players b Main and the Viper anchoring a their plan is to charge up B main using Harbor wall and Sky flash to take space in clear Club ideally steamrolling over whoever Sentinel sent to push or get info be maim they know they're down in guns so they're gonna try to make up for it with numbers speed and util usage this round will come down to how long marved and depth can hold off loud four-man steamroll while the rest of their team takes space the round starts loud Harbor will be the take ramp Sky flash through Club Sentinels Cascade down Main looking to take space but a force back by the sheer aggression from loud Depp rotates off of marvet to back up his team in mid leaving Marv in a 1v4 very similar to round one this time however Marv is positioned extremely aggressively looking to deny loud from entering Club he snake bites the Chuck and re-peaks attempting to punish any vulnerable players but no one pushes through realizing that Marv's with a rifle isn't possible to push into loud rotates back to B and starts looking for info but while this B nonsense has been happening the rest of Sentinels have wasted no time they have full control of mid and both pass to A and B they can go wherever they choose marved still holding B Club waiting for a flanking player to turn into an easy pick Sentinels begin to work through a towards art Sky flash clears the area sees nothing in this place sentrals are thinking hey well we know their four-man charged B so a is likely less well defended and the the reasoning is good but they were too slow loud is ready for an a-hit that teammates have rotated and the Viper utility is set up perfectly recognizing this Sentinels after clearing art rotate back to Mid which seems to be a little bit of indecision but while it looks crazy loud is stuck on site they know mid is entirely Sentinels controlled so they have no way of getting any info and because it's Sentinels controls they can't retake the space that Sentinels just cleared without being at risk of just getting killed so Sentinels run back to Mid shops where they left the spike but time is ticking down and they haven't even come close to executing on a site yet so what's their plan marved blooms his b-wall and blasts down a killjoy turret holding B main sassy however has the spike and he starts to run towards a his team begins to follow with 30 seconds left on the clock Sentinels are about to begin their a executes onto loud's stacked sight Sentinels clear out art and double Peak sight snake bite blooms in the choke a delay they cannot afford they have to execute now so second cloudburst onto dashes into it meanwhile Mavs and pancata have been pushing up a main Sentinels are about to pincer onto site second peeks out and his team follow less sprays down sassy 4v5 aspass through the Harbor Cove takes out second 3v5 marked collaps back two kills through the wall and one on the left and pancata with one to finish sadak now in a 1v3 can he clutch it magic a 3v1 it was looking done just covering everybody that tried to flood in there and deny the plan it was looking finished up he's still alive 40 Health only three bullets no needs a bit of an upgrade and won't find they're shutting that down before it just gets that bit more dangerous and it is Marv to after a long break from professional Valor and on a brand new team carry Sentinels to their first round victory of the match round three goes to Sentinels round four and finally both teams are on a full buy for loud this is aspass's operator full Shields round so both teams are unbelievably low on money winning this round is super important and a loud want to win it fast they're doing the classic loud setup and attacking death squad and two anchors Viper and killjoy they know now that Sentinels loves mid and they think that with their Operator by they can easily get opening kills on Sentinels while they attempt to claim mid so the death squad is stacked at amid by the way loud is Right Sentinels are playing for Mid and in a big way usually they go for a one three one or one two two setup so they can take space Elsewhere on the map this round however Sentinels are doing a 1-4 they're going to Blitzkrieg mid but do they suspect loud to Peak them are they ready for ass pass and his operator round starts and Loud Sprints up the corridor ready to Peak mid with their operator Sentinels however are just sitting still doing nothing what are they up to feels like a long break I'm sure to him but he's only really missed one major tournament it's true my goodness well tell you what you'll never see this in a ranked game so what happened well Sentinels know that loud likes to push they also know that loud knows that Sentinels likes mid so they Gambit that on aspasses operate around he will Rush mid with a death squad looking to punish Sentinels for trying to take mid control so at the start of the round they sit and wait for loud to push up and get into an aggressive position and then boom flashbang tap tap Sentinels in a 5v3 second set up quite well for that one yeah that's amazing I don't know whether he managed to dodge Angels Marv to try to get into a 3v4 but he gets clowned and now it's a 5v2 free plant on B look at this Harbor wall by the way it's beautiful it's a 5v2 Sentinels are feeling dominant it's time to go on the hunt Sentinels seek out the last two players pancata finds two years and less actually manages to take out zeken and escaped around with his life but in the end it was a convincing round win for Sentinels round five Sentinels are on a full buy and loud are on a save Sentinels have jet knives Harbor Reckoning and their one point off of Viper's pit and Sky Seekers but they really don't want to use them because loud is on a safe so ideally Sentinels would just roll over them and have all alts for the next round sentinel's plan is very simple Viper is going to establish b control and stop flanks like she has been all game killjoy is going to get mid control and allows Sentinels the choice to rotate and the rest of the team is going to methodically work up through a clearing corners and flushing out enemies with util they will leave the spike behind us that if they encounter too much resistance on a rotating B is very easy it's a simple non-committal attack strategy loud however a sick of Sentinels having mid control their plan this round is to util dump mid and keep control of it to allow them to easily rotate while simultaneously denying Sentinels the easy ability to Les who saved his rifle along with cowanzine in two years are all going to work together toward this end will loud's mid-committal work as intended and make the round awkward for Sentinels or will Sentinels recognize the weakened a site and capitalize with a quick plant and an easy hold with their stronger Arsenal the countdown expires Harbor insta walls all mid angles that attackers could peek from Sky flashbangs into mid and two years and less work up through mid meanwhile Sentinels have done a similar Harbor wall Sky Flash and have control of a main looking to work up into a but sentinel's Harbor war was actually working against them here sadak with the cover it provides is able to walk up and spam through the choke delaying sentinel's rapid a execute and making Sentinels feel as if a is their stacked sight so instead of executing onto a Sentinels grab the a orb and then rotate to B now because of how loud started the round rotating to B should be almost impossible for Sentinels to do because loud has mid control but actually loud relinquished mid-control when they heard the pressure a Les the player with the rifle ended up leaving mid and going to a meaning that two years is the only person holding mid and when his wool drops he's gonna have to retreat or be caught out as the guy with the sheriff in the AR-15 fight so despite how loud started the round mid goes to Sentinels yet again loud still likely thinks that an a hit is coming so two years rotates to a but as he does it he throws a Cascade mid that simulates his presence making Sentinels hesitate that's a very good Spidey Sense from him Sentinels don't have enough information to push through that Cascade wall into b-link but with mid-control firmly established sasi grabs the spike and they run towards B main as they're doing this loud Sky flash a main and the flashbang sees nothing so they now know that Sentinels is either hitting b or in mid this information prompts a mass migration of loud's players from A to B so Sentinels have about a 10 second window right now where they can execute onto B before loud's rotate let's see if they can do it marved clears B Main and his team follows mob also grabs the alt Point Viper's pit is now online Sentinels Sprint down onto B and pop Sky alt it finds two on site in one rotating so Sentinels know that opportunity to plant is right now Viper's pit is also popped as sasi flashes backside and second follows it spike is planted it's a 5v5 on B-side Sentinels with the Viper roll let's see what happens it's allowed the loud might just be happy with that one it's a difficult retake that's just an angle watch four bit of spam into the common position here oh that's right oh that's dangerous without going down so does the pit all your coverage is finished and a rifle and answer kawasi well anything's possible Right but to the side tries to reset it but pankada maintains composure looks down the angle three still up tucked up with a rifle offset with the movement reset enough that it should be safe hands but weak enough still no Spiker tapping and ticking away shot one two second with three in a round it is secure but my God is it expensive so Sentinels take the round but G was that costly not just in terms of money but both Sky Seekers and Viper's pit were popped on a loud save round which means they won't have either for this next crucial round core timeout presumably in shambles uh discussing why they're 2-3 down after winning the pistol round in all seriousness they've probably realized by now their mid push Strat isn't working what could loud be cooking up round six begins and it's time to Bear witness to the fruits of loud's timeouts now if you're an attentive viewer you might be thinking Matt this looks like the exact same position they used in round five and you'll be right this is the exact same position they used in round five even down to the positioning of the killjoy utility what exactly did loud call our time out for I don't know what are they discuss during the timeout probably dinner Sentinels on the other hand have changed their positioning marginally pankada and zeken have done a tag team Switcheroo but otherwise both teams plans are the same as last round loud wants mid-control Sentinels wants a main and the ability to rotate now in the context of the game this round is extremely important if Sentinels win loud as forced to save next round which would likely result in another round loss putting Sentinels up two to five if loud when it's less detrimental due to the fact that Sentinels are on a three-round winning streak and they have good Eco but it would Mark a momentum shift in the game which Sentinels cannot afford the barriers drop loud hoverboards mid-angle Sky flash through Sentinels Cascade hug rotate mid loud after showing presence mid rotates to a so this is what they were cooking loud shows presence attempting to deny Sentinels from taking mid and then rotates to a site the idea is to hold mid without needing to commit any players and bake Sentinels into pushing onto a stacked site one small problem though Sentinels was faking an a push Sentinels really wants mid both teams have faked each other and ended up doing a Switcheroo of tactics Sentinel Sky flash Harbor Cascade through the B Doors and walk through the harbor wall mid control firmly in sentinel's hands there's not a lot else going on the map it's a very slow round Marv is watching B flank like he always does pan card is covering a the B Doors Cascade drops and that's the cue for Sentinel sassat trying to work up through link Sentinels do have one problem though and that's Viper she senses sentinel's presence and blooms a brutal one-way choke cutting off any possibility of a b-link push until it falls Sentinels find themselves sitting stuck in mid waiting for the poison orb to drop loud however has not been so sluggish sensing a b hit some of their players rotate towards B through spawn and two years comes to Baja Les in link the poison orb drops and Sassy readies his Sky flash to push through into link but viper snake bites doors putting yet another obstacle in sentinel's way and delaying their push further then right as the snake bite drops loud Harbor Cascades the doors second says screw this follow me I'm going in he pushes through the Cascade and gets one tapped by Les Sentinel stuck in mid now playing without their entry right after the first Harbor Cascade drops another one comes through and Sentinels have had enough Dev throws his high tide to take some space planning to allow all four Sentinels players to pull through into link but as he does this the Viper one-way blooms which means that Sentinels can't push through even with their high tide because they have no way of clearing the space inside the cruel irony of this is that there is no one on loud watching that Viper one way but Sentinels are still stuck they can't push through the one-way finally drops and Sentinels charge through less retreats to sight and Pops his Viper all it is looking so bad for Sentinels let's see if they can do anything to turn it around need an advantage and they need it now shot sassy maybe a chance but not quite now no time on the clock after the last player standing exchange there with a rifle but okay pushing back the aggression and Loud dominates the sentimals in this crucial round six and they're using two alts and keeping Sentinels stuck in mid for the entire round 3-3 going into round seven Sentinels need to win this one to save their economy round seven setup and again both teams are on a full buy both teams have jet knives Harbors Reckoning and a one-off killjoyalt in terms of positioning Sentinels for the first round the whole game are keeping it very simple they've decided on a fast five-man B execute leaving kildroid turret in mid to watch the flank loud on the other hand are doing a significantly different setup to what we've seen before usually they like to run a sort of attacking death squad but this round they're doing a one two two with their two mid players leaning towards a their plan is to fake having mid control again and then play on a if Sentinels plant B they're content with just simply playing for a b retake this means that the only loud player holding sentinel's five-man push is less how will he play it the barriers drop Kilroy drops her turret mid and Sky flashes B main second double updraft looking for a pick with his knives from an off angle but finds nothing depth Cascade down b-man his team follows less spams through the wall and backs off meanwhile loud's mid players have begun to rotate towards B but aspass and sadak are both sat stuck on a Deb then drops his Reckoning on site and Wars off all Defender angles Mars blooms his wall and b-site is now Sentinels controlled they get a free plant in the Cove rotate back off site and pop the killjoy alt in response to two years Harvard a clinical B execution from Sentinels Sentinels now with perfect sight of the spike and full sight control how will loud break their grip on B to break this and damage not done not enough to it but they can't go hunting for them flash around the corner Dodge for the moment high tide in their faces as well still loud could still be favored because they have not given on this space pushed up through four kills for kawazine amazing retake from loud that's why they're the best team in this competition start of round less rotates off site with complete confidence that when Sentinels plants loud can retake and then loud deliver Cowan's in two years working together with their util to create chaos for Sentinels and then cowanzine through the util Onslaught just calmly Taps heads and takes the round sentinel's economy now in shambles their old situation very dire fall through for loud coming into round eight round eight begins and I do have to say I was actually wrong about the sentinel's economy situation because they've been buying light Shields every round and instead of buying a gun lost around Zack and altered Sentinels somehow have enough to afford yet another full buy despite losing two crucial economic rounds in a row and their Old Situation is still very bad Sentinels have nothing and they're against jet knives and a killjoy lockdown both teams on a full by loud with some Alton aspass with an operator the positioning from Sentinels is exactly what you would expect last round they got dominated when they rushed B so they're going back to their Old Faithful take mid control and hit the less well-defended site depth is gonna fake a fast B he's gonna Cascade down B Main and Viper's gonna Bloom her wall but the real goal of Sentinels is mid-control with pankara and marved watching flanks just like every other round loud is also going back to basics they're returning to their death squad strategy but this time aspass is holding b-man with his operator instead of sadak they're going to try to push up a try to get numbers advantage and then Retreat again round 8 will come down to sentinel's ability to decisively take space in the time that pancata can buy them by holding off the death squad the barriers drop loud Hubble or Sky flash a main meanwhile Sentinels Cascade down B depth also throws his Cove and then marved blooms his wall in mid less spots second with a jump Peak and pings it out Zack and Sassy walk up through mid and depth rotates over to join them meanwhile Calvin Zine in two years are rotating over to B perhaps fearing a fast B push through mid or Main aspass still watching B main with the operator but despite aspass's faithful watching no one's coming Saucy flashes through mid doors and walks through when he sees nothing mid and B link control goes to Sentinels cowanzine wants info so he sends his cat through the Viper wall and pings out zekin knowing they've been spotted by someone who has a flashbang and wary of aspass's operator depth sends out his Harbor Cascade and this Cascade actually ends up saving his team from getting killed because it stops the operator Peak directly after the flashbang comes here's the cool part after cascading down b-link Sentinels rotate off and the fake Works excellently expecting a b hit two years rotates B and cowanzine takes main control while aspass sits on site with his operator Sentinels have baited three players to the wrong site and are now going to execute as a five to a site with two players make that one player Les gets woolbang headshot marked Peaks too early and sadak has the discipline to just take him out this means that two gears now has time to rotate back and he gets to war with a choke but sentinel's own Hubble wall stops two years from coming on site Sentinel Sky flash on site and begin their execution alive free aiming on top of the box it's bad they think it's clear they're jumping right around the corner right into his face and he's still alive still kicking bit of a nuisance still Instinct on show here by death a reflank by cowanzine could be devastating right now it's taken Sentinels so long to get in and get this plant down this is important was watching great stuff into a two on three and as fast it doesn't have the knives but he's retaken with the operator nevertheless pushing forward Sentinels after baiting loud onto B and with the presence of mind to watch out for Cowan's flank take the route convincingly 4-4 going into round nine both teams with good eco sentinel's core timeout to discuss tactics it'll be interesting to see if their timeout has any more effect on their gameplay than louds did round nine set up and both teams on a four by jet knives and killjoy for loud Sky out for Sentinels seems after the timeout Sentinels are feeling brave they've decided to go for a b main push running a 3-1-1 with Viper and killjoy holding mid loud have that hobba set up to take beat control while in clubs exit at the start of round to put any B aggression from Sentinels on hold enforcing that is cowanzine who will flash a vision and then hold that angle with his rifle loud also don't want to give any space b link hover and jets will play together to hold doors less will hold a art and killjoy will hold a main it's a brick wall setup from loud no space is uncontested it'll take coordination and excellent util usage to break it the round starts loud hoverboards Sky flash Club Sentinels respond with their own Cascade into Sky flash Sentinels kiljoy drops her turret mid to establish mid-control and marved watches from shops Les in separates the turret and rotates back to a meanwhile callanzine suspecting a mid push through link abandons his post to join aspass in two years in link cowanzine doing this frees up B main but Sentinels don't know that so they Sky flash through drawing loud's attention back Hubble wall drops and Zack and walks up to jump Peak when he jump picks he sees nothing so depth Cascades down B Main and Sentinels walk up to take control sassy grabs The altorb Seekers online Depp grabs a spike on the rest of the map pankada gives up a main control to walk over to Marv sentinel's plan is to have three players go through Main and create chaos and then use that chaos to sneak Marv and pankada through link but Sentinels aren't ready for the fact that aspass is diligently watching a link ready for anyone to push through doors regardless Sentinels begin their execute Sky Seekers Harbor Cascade and Prowler all get popped feeling pressure to help his teammates aspass rotates off mid-right as Martha and pancotta walk through doors killing Les what a timing cowanzine goes down too aspass flicks around trade second but Sentinels is already on B-side two years in a 1v3 he takes out depth but in mid Sada gets killed by pan cutter it's just a massacre in B link now a 3v1 situation for two years but he can't do anything sassy just walks in the cove and executes him just a brutal round from Sentinels that now means that coming into round 10 Sentinels have a full buy and Loud has a save Sentinels are thinking hey B went pretty well last round so let's just do it again so they're running a 4-1 with killjoy holding mid by herself they're gambiting that with their better guns they'll be able to run over whoever is defending B and because loud is saving their retake will be without the Venom that we witnessed in round six loud just going back to basics and taking control mid they're going to hobble Sky flash for Mid control and then walk up either through link or through spawn to try and get a flank but will they be ready for sentinel's four-man push and will pankada be able to mow them down with his better gun barriers drop loud Sky flash Hub wall mid Sentinel Sky flash Harbor Cascade down B main pankara sees the mid presence and nopes out to join his team B main after dropping his turret Sentinels now doing a five-man push down B Main and they're not walking Sentinels Sprint down onto sight and hearing the footsteps less runs off sight to play retake with his team depth does a gorgeous Harbor wall and secures B-side for Sentinels Cove goes up Spike goes down and now it's time for the retake attempt rest from less sure shots going a bit wide here still you want to maintain some presence of side control here but it is being cleared quite rapidly updraft that's what's trying to take that High Ground angle eventually brought down sarak I'm running so down low now he's gonna be walking right into the Crosshair alive Sentinels take around 10 6-4 up on loud with two rounds to go on the half how about that shot on Ask Pastor mobs by the way that's crazy mid updraft head tap bye bye coming into round 11 both teams are on a full buy with a healthy amount of ultimates particularly of note is the fact that both killjo ultimates are online and that only Sentinels has their Viper's pit for the attacking team akildre locked down to Clear Sight into a Viper's pit to make retake almost impossible is a crushing combo however it is made significantly weaker due to the fact that loud has their own kiljo alt that they can drop as a countermeasure in terms of positioning Sentinels are surprising absolutely nobody and yet again vying for mid-control it looks like they're running a 2-3 but they're actually going to do a 4-1 their plan is to Sky Flash and Cascade down a main to simulate presence but after that they're going to leave marved behind and then do a four-man push through mid to a this is a cool strategy for a couple of reasons number one if loud is playing an aggressive B push like they're prone to doing it leaves kiljoy on a who has no way of confirming whether Sentinels are coming through a main which will force Mass rotates from The Wild players and number two if loud ever chooses to rotate this game through mid or spawn our Sentinels will get there first which means easy picks they're trying to force rotate and then play for picks loud however are running a strategy that directly counters this idea they're doing a three-man a main push with killjoy holding B with the Viper wall and then Viper holding mid doors now why does this counter the strategy simple process of elimination loud will push into a main into the sky Flash and harbor Cascade with their own Sky flash Harbor Cascade that will hold a main and sing nothing because Marv won't make contact he's trying to get a pick from a scum spot sadak won't see anything be Main and then Les won't see anything through mid doors which leaves only a art as the only possible place that Sentinels could be going which happens to be exactly where they are going it also tells loud that Sentinels are doing a four if not five-man push because there is no presence anywhere else if this round is played optimally because of this perfect information loud has a massive Advantage the barriers drop the sky Birds meet each other midair and both detect players Harbor Cascade meets Harbor high tide and loud Sprints up aggressively a main control goes to them Marv backs off to scum an angle while sassy in depth rotates the rest of the team Sentinels quietly work their way up through a art loud has seen nothing anywhere since the start of the rounds and the process of elimination kicks in loud knows exactly where Sentinels are and begin to rotate to back up the a Defenders Sentinel still playing quietly don't know their Jig Is up they need to play faster or they're going to push onto a 5 stack site death drops his Reckoning and the prowler goes through Zack and cloudbust dashes onto side following the prowler up through a main he sees nothing but Marv gets operated right as two years Pete's second it's a trade one for one depth High Tide's backside and Sentinels take space there loud Pub Seekers depth spams and down less looking to work onto site but at the same time pankada Peak sadak and gets one tapped as past Peaks amen is less walks through the high tide less takes out depth second trades him 2v3 pops a lockdown but sassy spams ass pass through the wall 2v2 and it's now a foot race to b-site can Sentinels make it before the killjo pops or will they get detained Sentinels running running and they barely get there one second left but little into them there was also someone else competing in this foot race and he won static's already on B Sentinels pushing right into his crosshairs but it's a double whiff and cowanzine is just in no man's land I don't know where he is he's walking down B Main and Sentinels are just planting it's all on satak it was a fake plant cowanzine peeks out b-man and gets one tapped 1v2 for sadak sadak and 1v2 real plant this time peaks out with sansasi peeks around the corner takes out Zach and oh my God and takes out sassy just easy for the man on the killjoy absolutely brutal and if with that piece of individual Brilliance that sadak carries his team particularly carries cowanzen who just like entered that round to a 5-6 coming into round 12. round 12 and it's the last hurray for Sentinels they have killed they have viper alt and they have jet knives and they're only playing against a single Haber alt Sentinels have called for a five-man push onto B sight now if you recall B sight is a graveyard for Sentinels in this game they got Flawless here they almost lost a round when they had rifles and Loud had sheriffs and they would have lost their rounder for not for dumping a silly amount of alts on loud's Save round they had a round where they were like 20 seconds left when they broke through mid doors and then they ran into a Viper and got massacred and then they also had the pistol round most pressingly last round sadak absolutely drilled them here out of five rounds losses in the first half four have happened on B Sentinels are unperturbed frankly they don't give a this is the final round and they're gonna go all out now I could try to analyze what you're about to see but I genuinely don't think it's possible essentially every player is about to press every button they have all at once both teams goal this round is not to win but to decimate so instead of trying to make sense of the fiesta you're about to witness I'm just gonna let the footage play and I'm gonna let the commentators do my job for me it's 6'5 as the barriers drop Sentinels attempting a b execute both teams on a full buy the lockdown they're gonna Viper's pit shove it into B try and use the olds as well to take that b plan but there's one obstacle they're going to be facing that's that Reckoning it means they can't really play anchored it's even to the back of B if they do opt to enter the B post find they're all going to be playing it from far back positions we know how good loud I'm gonna playing that b retake it's gonna be the lockdown you so again clears them back no presents from loud the most important thing here is just that Marv stays alive there is going to be so much spam coming through it Reckoning they want to try and flood into the side as well as the plants going down I want to try and take the fight and it's getting chaotic it's getting messy the spam through mouth four stunts in the face it smokes around this way that way everywhere you can barely tell what's going on kind of swamped out at FB trying to push him off this bike No One's Gonna Be sticking this one but look at this position look at this angle that's why it's fully aware smoke though dropped out bullets this is absolutely absurd there needs to be a swing but God advantages now that is a climactic round 12. it was looking so finished for sensible sadak had an unbelievably good round again the harbor Reckoning to clear out the viperols and then the clinical execution of Mars playing within it it looks so bad for Sentinels but as the Viper's pit drops and everything is going to held saucy from b-man takes out cowanzan just calmly and takes out sadak just even more calmly and then just holds the spike from B main when the Viper wall then blooms in his face it doesn't even disturb sassy he just flashes through it walks through kills ass pass kills less Viper wall drops and now two years isn't a 1v2 after that retake it was such a good retake and he just gets punished and so at the end of the first half Sentinels are up seven to five after losing the damn pistol round Sentinel showcased a master class in util usage in misdirection and accuracy and they did this on a team composition they had very little practice on running a rookie who had been on break for almost a year and against the people who not only invented this composition but happened to be world champions Sentinels go on to win this map but eventually unfortunately lose the series which puts them that one Series win and three losses but despite that this Map Pearl shows the world that Sentinels are a real threat Sentinels have what it takes to beat the best if there is one team to watch out for for the rest of vctna it is undoubtedly Sentinels thanks for watching this video is heavily inspired by a channel called Sovereign Gods he makes amazing stuff and put him in the description now if you liked this please check him out his content is unbelievably good hope you enjoyed and have a great day
Channel: GambiTV
Views: 192,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H6VKbOyj3tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 31sec (2491 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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