TOP TIPS FOR CLIMBING IN LOW ELO (for people with bad mechanics!)

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are you mechanically an app like me do you want to rank up out of low ELO and are tired of tips videos just telling you to just get better or maybe are you cracked but for some bizarre reason just can't get out of gold well I think this is the video for you hi my name is John my mechanics suck I'm a boomer and somehow I am in diamond and I'm going to give you some of the tips I've used to improve my gameplay and climb within the lower ranks these tips will not include anything mechanically based so you can start implementing them into your gameplay today but before we go any further if you want to see some more ranked valorant content tips and other bits drop me a subscribe hit that notification Bell to see all the content I release in the future now I just want to start by saying I don't think improving mechanics isn't worth it it definitely is but as long as you don't have some terrible habits over time your mechanics should improve and if you take some time to warm up practice your aim movement cross hair placement and peaking then you will start to see some improvement but these things do take time and honestly the valorant YouTube scene is currently littered with mechanics tips and tricks and how to improve so just having another video of saying how you can improve your mechanics to get out of low ranks was kind of pointless so I wanted to give you guys some tips that I have seen people doing wrong in bronze to Diamond and that I think people can genuinely use to help rank up today so without that being said let's get straight into the video tip number one value your life more now I know this sounds stupid and I'm sure I've already lost some of you thinking hey this dude's dumb but just hear me out for a second being alive and around is the single best way to have an impact on the outcome yes you can make calls while for your team whilst you're dead but you can't get kills or use util and you are leaving it all up to chance there are plenty of people that I play against and with who will Peak Maine at the beginning of every single round and die within the first 20 seconds if you have an average game of around 20 rounds and you Peak Maine or mid or wherever and die within those first 10 seconds regardless of how many kills you may or may not get you are alive for a maximum of three minutes out of a possible 30 to 35 minutes of a game so you have a 10 impact on that game and you are leaving your team to decide the other 90 of that game how can you expect to start consistently winning games if you have such a little impact on the overall outcome of that game you can even get a kill or maybe two dropping 20 kills in the whole game is pretty decent but it doesn't matter if your team have to decide the majority of that game for you also having one extra person to worry about for the enemy team does a huge difference it's that one extra gun that could potentially lead to a death it's that one up extra part of the map that could potentially be watched to stop flanks it's a one set of util that might have to be avoided did or played around and it's one extra person that they have to beat to win around being alive can give you a great impact so regardless of whether you can Peak get two kills and Pad your stats trying to stay alive and have more impact in round by round is a much better way of playing the game and improving your chances at winning rounds tip number two understanding your role in the team now I've played with a lot of people who remain One agent and one agent only but don't really understand what impact or role that agent has on a team I can understand why this sometimes isn't always obvious because some agents can have a different role depending on the other agents in the lineup for example a lone Rayner has a very different role than issues pair with another duelist like a jet or a raise in the same way that KO can have a very different role depending on if there's another initiator or maybe even play the role as a second entry in the times where there's only one duelist and that Julius is very entry focused like jet raise or Neil understanding the role of your agent comes down to what your agent does and what your team needs is lacking or already had there is a great video by wahujin on the different types of utilities that agents have in valorent he talks about mainly how to play around them from an enemy perspective but the same can be said for your team you might be playing Omen but your team doesn't have a flash or a blind so you'll have to help in some form of way to help the team entry by using your paranoia to push places or maybe if you already have another controller but no duelist with movement abilities you can utilize his abilities to take space for your team on attack it can differ from game to game and just because you have one row in one comp doesn't mean it's the same for the next so just take some time to look at what your team offers where you fit into it and how you can be used as effective as possible in that team comp this will help you maximize the value each agent has but also relies heavily and segues nicely into tip number three tip number three use your abilities more I am genuinely amazed about how many people I play with just in Diamond as well who play the game day after day are easily a couple hundred levels and yet will average one ability per round valorent is a hero shooter and as much as I get told I'm cringe for calling that out I believe you me you can go and Google this now if you Google valorent it will say there is a hero shooter but it is a hero shooter abilities in this game is what makes valorent valoran not using abilities would be like playing card without any weapons or trying to play Minecraft without building you might as well just be playing another game there's no point in playing that specific game and with tip number two now that you understand your role in your comp you need to be utilizing your abilities otherwise putting all that focus on what your role is within that specific comp is nothing it's meaningless too many players either use abilities pointlessly I'm looking at the silver Mains who Dart site right at the beginning of every round without your team pushing off of it providing a little to low impact and they just get shot out anyway so what does that Dart do or just don't use abilities just in general so many people play duelist and don't use flashes to swing corners or push sites so many Sentinels not putting down trips to watch flanks and they get killed from behind it's like playing the game on hard mode and if you're sitting there thinking hey not me I use abilities all the time false definitely false seriously think about it like I know that I use abilities a lot but even I know that there are plenty of games where I don't have an average that is close to or one ability or One A use of ability per ability per round now I'm not going to go into how to use every bit of utility or when to use it but a good idea to help is to have a plan before using each piece of utility if you think about the plan each time it should help you question things like is this a bit of util going to be useful for my team is this going to do something as well as understand what the desired outcome you are looking for ultimately as long as that outcome is either helping your team or making it harder for their team to do their jobs respectively it's probably a good use of the ability and for the love of God please stop holding on to your alts for nine rounds it's painful to watch just use the alt and then Farm all orbs later to get another one in one half of a fracture Gamers breach I can manage to all three to four times and more often than not their team starts crying because of how many times they're going to get breach ulted and believe you me it actually helps us win more rounds so just start alting more tip number four and straight this links to the last two if you haven't guessed it yet these all kind of connect in some way but start communicating with your team more it is 2023 almost every single headset that is sold has a microphone so to the people who keep telling me I don't have a mic why are you lying look I get that some people online can be dicks if they are just mute them and if the whole team is then mute them and go next but you can't just not communicate in a game like valorent especially in ranked as mentioned before like we're playing without abilities playing without comms which provide Intel and also help you make plans is literally playing on hard mode just knowing what your team is planning to do are they holding a specific angle did they hear or see something that might be useful are they rotating all of these things can make your playing experience a lot easier there is a reason why people prefer playing in groups and will join discords to have comms with people even if these people are random strangers because games with comms are a lot better than without not having to spend every other second checking your map for what your teammates see what they are doing where they are going what are they holding is there an area of the map that's not covered is genuinely very useful because it allows you to actually focus on what you're doing rather than spending your entire time focus on what you might not be seeing and if you you think this sounds like me saying hey your teammates need to do more for you it's not you need to be communicating more telling them what your plan is to do for this round or what you want to do this round asking them to use util for you also notice how I said ask not tell that is very important tell them what you see what you hear what you're currently doing it will really help you and your teammates have a better playing experience and will ultimately help you guys play a lot better hopefully in turn as well if they see you communicating better they will also start communicating and it will just make the overall experience a much better one and to round this off tip number five stop blaming other people I think we all knew this one was coming right it kind of feeds into all of these how many times have you peaked or run it down early and died and no one was near you and I'm sure your first response has been oh what a trash team they're not following me in they're not trading me but before you start pressing that push the talk button and start screaming down the mic to the people that you're playing with have a think did you tell them that you plan to run it down did you ask them to follow in or bait you did you use any utility or abilities to take the first gunfight are you even playing the right role to be doing a push like that or are you playing someone like brim and you thought a stem in the W key would be a good idea but now your team is without any smokes there are a lot of instances where players will try and blame anyone but themselves even going as far to say that the other team are cheating smurfing or hacking even though all you've done is just run into a gentleman up four rounds in a row without trying to smoke off their angles use utils to find out where they are flash them blind them or use movement abilities to drag their attention as someone else swings them more importantly constantly looking elsewhere will never help you improve valorent like a lot of skills sports games and other things in life will just continue to progress change and improve so if you don't and you just don't work towards growing or improving yourself you're going to start moving backwards rather than forwards so focusing on other people is nothing but detrimental for you and your rank focus on yourself look at what you could have done better and try to work on these things moving forward now I know that these tips probably seem very simple but I can promise you I play with and have played with so many people from bronze all the way to the low ascendants who still do these mistakes and and if they were just to spend a little bit of time looking into this starting focusing on these things and implementing them into their games they would be a lot better than they currently are and could potentially be even higher ranks than they are but hey if you don't believe me that's fine why don't you head over to my twitch or maybe follow me on Tick Tock so you can see my gameplay first hand then you can see just how terrible I am mechanically and you can see how I use these tips to outplay people on a regular basis and get myself up to Diamond and now hopefully push ascendant as well but anyway if you stayed around this long I really appreciate it and would appreciate you even more if you could drop the video a like drop a subscribe press that notification Bell to keep up to date with all future videos and if you do start implementing these come back to the video later on and please comment what tip you think helped out the most but anyway thank you for watching have a great day and see you in the next one thank you
Channel: JonT17
Views: 31,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: X5L6vza8kwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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