Cypher SPEEDRUN (Full Series) Valorant

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valorant speedrunning a concept I came up with at the release of Sky taking a brand new account and going from unranked to Immortal as quickly as possible while only playing one agent I've done many speed runs leaving us with only a few agents left one of them being Cipher as a radiant killjoy main I have a deep-rooted hatred for Cipher anyone who plays Cipher is awful at the game needs to go outside touch some grass and make some friends because this agent is last month I did a subathon with the release of my trampoline streaming studio and the final goal at 20 000 twitch subscribers was a cipher speedrun after 27 grueling days that goal was achieved so now we're here I I have to speedrun the worst agent in valorant [Music] I feel like I'm committing a crime right now like there's a big part of me that just doesn't feel good on the inside about this oh [Music] guys did I did I do it I found this case this account in the catacombs of my old accounts and speedruns and stuff and accounts that I've made I hasn't placed and played in episodes it ever seems like a good dad dude Cypher seems like somebody you don't want to leave your kids with I'm going to be completely honest here what's the rotate I'm gonna pick a cat don't push use your trips at least I want to defy every every possible way of playing itself right now I haven't even used a camera yet oh I got the radiant with aggressive Cipher please stick it let's go with it no no that wasn't fun at all no I'm actually having it no I'm having an awful time oh my gosh it's so long I mean actually it's that's like pretty average size hey guys do you want to see the cipher speedrun merge it's not done Taco chocola made this the main thing that I wanted was Cipher to just be so unreasonably sad yo Cipher are you here yeah I'm just really sad 40 Arena ggs closer to the end after the first game hey so we're gonna do something a little different in this Speed Run since we've decided to upload Less on our main Channel and up the production quality the rest of this series is going to be posted on the Keo plus Channel normally a speedrun ends when I hit a mortal but if the Keel plus channel can hit 100 000 subscribers before I get to Immortal then the speedrun ends when I hit radiant so if you don't want to miss any of these uploads go to the link in the description below and subscribe to Keo plus let's get back to it we're gonna not look at what rank we're in at all until the end of this episode so uh stay tuned to the end see what rank we place and we'll rank we're in don't use your camera you have to live in the moment honestly that's how I feel about Cypher the main differences between Cipher and killjoy is killjoy is what I consider active information your turrets watching something your alarm box watching something as soon as somebody makes contact with it they hit it and Cipher you're relying on more like passive information a camera's up if that camera is up nobody's in that area or the tripwire is up nobody's you know past that tripwire right killjoy I feel like you have to play a lot closer you to your utility to get value and Cipher it just sucks and nobody likes him and he doesn't have friends and he's that's perfect everybody smile jeez nice dude Viper's hitting the bloody dude sheesh yes I can use cages to do this jump on top I just feel like they're so like uh like a little amount of things you can do with this agent the only thing that seems decent are his cages you can't really make like an aggressive play with a cam or tripwire you just have to sit here and be sad why did he run into my trip though oh my goodness go nice try guys ggs oh nice little Team MVP but nope uh we lose we lose that is the way of the bald men Cipher himself foreign let's go the only bald man Chambers points the shame we're good I I don't know how I'm alive what are you doing there what's your name man you like goats hello yes what kind of goats are your favorite you the throat yeah thanks man ready I have an alt two cons okay to our s I have old stuff was destroyed one more art breach that's on art still art by the stairs oh the cam destruction let's go I mean ah I killed you is better still kiljit would have done that better oh I'm so scared they're leaving Cypher D oh yeah it's barely didn't get it point three no you got it how did this work I got all for this fight they tapped like oh I'm dead dude what just happened wait this is why is this actually a good trip wait what dude that yellow got turned on if I cage down here and then popped it this is like way too obvious right oh what the heck he got he got so confused by the tripwires okay I I could have done that better on killjoy let's be real wait could I like could be holes dude guys wait did I just figure something out did I did I just come up with a holes no it's so close to being into the right spot I don't think he's done I'm bomb too what how do I why can I not dude why can't you place them higher Cipher's tiny arms can't reach that high that's fair oh he's on the spike what where he just tp'd in bro hmm he's art hmm Spike down B look at me I'm so sad just looking down on the ground what I'm staying I gotta have oh did I get it I got it let's go you got it bro dude where did I kill breach what ranks of the game Ben we have not checked actually we've seen some people's act ranks but we haven't seen anything else let's get set up so he just said in shot how are you liking Cypher so far oh I'm very depressed do you know way to say anything around I didn't set everything up oh I guess not nope okay we're good oh hi everyone I remember you all in therapy oh me too have a good one that was uh yeah that was something we got a little match MVP you know probably would have dropped 30 on killjoy but that's all good two more run a bike as a Cypher mate thank you for doing the speed run shut up I was planning on literally like before this the summer thought happened I was planning on literally never doing a Cypher Speed Run and it just being a big meme where I just pretend he doesn't exist forever and I like literally never do it and then we got 20 000 subscribers on Twitch and now I'm like I'm here so I this is uh yeah I'm so stoked sadness KJ when is that dude that's what I'm saying Elite people don't understand close wait hold up hold up I have a plan I have a plan guys we pop the cam here we can see here I run up throw a cage I don't guys bike planted oh my cage triggered bike down oh my gosh 135. killjoy wins that honestly turret damage when's that why are you watching your tripwire d you saw it you see him bro I'm sorry I saw my trips too I thought I was looking at the cage on the other side oh my gosh foreign I am sad inside remaining no the wide swing man I get so close to any of these rounds I'm 12 and six the next person of my team is five kills no yes this is a nice spot this is the best Cipher setup I've ever seen made it's the best it's the only one I've made I would have taken out no let's go the trips worked baby just what are you doing I hate this I get it you want to kill him but bro we're gonna lose we're gonna lose because of this guy are you kidding oh you're gonna stick it or what is it hard oh I'm out um from your guns it's just good crime scene etiquette I'm having so much fun having so much fun oh yeah the god trip wait wait I got it yes can I place the trip off yes that goes there all right just in case jet up drops in the corner and then we have him if they do a nice close cross here one enemy remaining but let's let's go let's let's go nailed it down foreign [Music] okay no this is how the game is supposed to be played you guys don't understand guys this game is six to nine I don't want to win it I'm not gonna lie but my mentals actually still shattered from that uh The Omen play first day of Cypher is pretty rough yeah no I'm having a great time no no I'm having a great no this is like so fun like this is so fun you got I I oh my gosh it's just I just sit back and I like to think wow I'm so happy playing Cypher there's really nothing else that can explain it you know I'm just I'm just having a good time I'm just a big Smiley guy right now you know I'm planning baby no no I'm yeah just a nice nice match MVP all right three more oh my gosh two more oh nice try come on oh they definitely could Crouch under this yeah it's good no that's good no yeah we have three Deals no smokes and a Silva on icebox here um I you know I like to be optimistic but I think Cypher might be the worst agent in the game and now we have an AFK yoru life is life is great life is just so Grand I don't want to do anything irrational guys guys we have an AFK guys do i f f the last placement what a way what a way to end the placement guys what a way to end the placements let's go oh sevens in shot here we go let's see where we plays I wonder if that just tossed my ELO so hard oh let's see guys we place gold too that's actually not as bad as I was expecting to be honest first game we won golden plot secondly lost platinum diamond third game we won golden plot again fourth game we lost platinum diamond again and the last game we have left it what a weird it was just like ping-ponging between a high and low ELO lonely bald man is now gold too guys I'm so sorry I don't think the Cypher speedrun can happen today my computer broke um oh bummer guys oh oh my might be oh just like to point it out the sage is Diamond I'm not Diamond are you watching get off this stream and play the game man Arena should like 80. um guys I'm so I'm so excited to speed around this I'm literally gonna just take naps can I pull up Runescape or something and play this at the same time dude what just what just happened I totally used my utility there that was crazy by the way this is a good time to log into RuneScape Let's go Team give me that one back can you drop me the smoke yeah there we go we have tripped there we come up here and now boom we have a on lockdown we have a cam out there's nothing we need to do so all we got to do now is uh is play RuneScape and cam on RuneScape on wear wood cutting baby right now locked in this agent's a lot more fun when you're doing something else while playing got him see it guys it was that's all I needed to do the entire round no RuneScape we don't need it oh my gosh I can totally see planted cow who what you mean 14 chamber he's one no however on dice oh you got this nice let's go I'm so over stimulated runescape's going off for now I'm sorry I mean pretty doable guys considerable play to RuneScape the entire half I'm Top fragging This Lobby that's how easy this agent is he's awful he's so boring what yo guys I think I found the best trip in the game are we going here okay just left I'm out of cages what Spike down no they found my water where is everyone okay oh my gosh let's go nice bro you're kind of nutty smile super nutty thanks man holy that was actually sick what the hell oh my goodness okay wait I'm not gonna lie that one was kind of fun I can't even I can't even fake that that was sick dude switching to picking up the off to get the fourth kill that was cool man but it wasn't because Cipher is cool it was because the op shot like the gun switch was sick okay all right all right I like Valerian I hate this agent still oh hey yay that was the case that was all the kill drills I'm not gonna lie that was just all the killjoil killjoy's just the best agent in the game don't you agree oh no what absolutely dude shut I'm muting all of you got no hat on bruh oh I'm freaking bald right now heaven it's 101 yeah sure off heaven guys ah oh my gosh how is he alive how are you alive what thanks guys um so yeah minus 13. okay we're in like Platt MMR we'll take it at least oh my gosh no I turn around again what do you do turn around dude yeah he is back in there everybody oh what you're full-blooded guys I think it's really important to not swing with a tripwire in your hand but I I could be wrong I I don't think that's how you're supposed to play Cypher honestly if they get past this they just deserve it so they can they can just flank them open garage garage hold up I'm coming one enemy nice that's great I'm really doing my job here today I thought it's a hard game guys you don't understand the reaction time you need to have to play this game well oh my gosh oh go there nice good tree camera ticket what one one more B remaining was garage yes yes I've seen a cam I don't remember how to do it I I saw somebody do this like just watching the stream one time I need to see if I can do it okay wait I just need to jump I just need to do this jump and then I think I think I can go on the edge here yes that's like a god cam right isn't this like one of the best ones keeps bro I mean honestly I'm not even having a good time cyber sucks it this is the worst things oh my gosh what just happened 100 . so everyone how's it going did you honestly guys sometimes I'm just working too hard we got 25 RR oh yeah sorry my mom was on the mic huh oh no so much skill oh no so much skill in that this is Diamond this is Diamond boys and girls but wait this is diamond shut up I'm gold my entire team died this trip bar is too good to not do actually you know what screw it we double down we hit we hit the lamp trip and this trip so that they break the first one and they're like oh my gosh we're good and then they get hit by the lamp and then I'm over here and then we kill them when they're flying in the air easy what the Grim was on the other team where the [ __ ] did I die that guy [ __ ] is this wall they don't even do that diamond Spike planted no this isn't fun at all the camera is definitely not a fun ability each wait they're going for Cipher oh come on try not to laugh Cipher speedrun Edition that should be the title of this episode honestly dude oh no dude no it can't be up that's a good time to get a Red Bull you know it's Darkness foreign it was almost cool are you still depressed yes no this is this is going well guys perfect timing phone um go go go team that's my tripwire he's in one you got the one did he win wait he's gonna win wait did he do it we got it oh my gosh he actually clutched it point three what the heck oh my goodness all right 22rr oh we're we're diving now that's cool bro three mid what the [ __ ] foreign trip wires basic trip wires nothing nothing fancy so so much fun I had so much fun I Yep this 80 on brim he screens oh where can I put something weird yes yes this goes here all right no one is getting by this flank now look at this their judge just has to double up here we're good here too long to a slightly cooler trip wire let's go baby get out of my way oh my gosh these are so long I love it one enemy remaining nice Vlog nice oh yes that this might be the best trip I found no one's getting by me baby perfect all right the best setup to watch flank we got a trip wire and a camera that's all we need nice what just happened any uh any Joel's ears in chat can we get the pizza trip here the beautiful Pizza trip here this is this is awesome this is the right way to play Cipher all right this is the only way to play Cipher let's go [Music] hey you know just playing the game the right way what honestly it makes sense dude I wouldn't want to stare at a bald man you know slowly bald man anymore longer that's fair that that makes sense uh match MVP 33 with a star beautiful okay uh what was the rank of the lobby holy diamond diamond high plot and we just went from gold two to plot one let's go cyber still the worst engine it does it okay I like the dopamine of ranking up it's unrelated to my hatred for Cipher okay don't associate the two me having fun is not me liking Cipher okay no we don't like no stop it I always match MVP my first game come on and then I do dookie the rest of the day oh no no no no dial in man you can't let your name a vow is unfair be true you need to prove them wrong come on dial in I can't dude my Wi-Fi is like your Wi-Fi man you're blaming the Wi-Fi man snorts the matter all I mean I mean come on let's go oh my God I hate race I have no clue who that is I'm gonna be honest brim does sound like you not you bro oh Tower come with me did you have a weapon on you I'm gonna push this kid we're good please heal [Music] how how did that work how did how is he alive he dismissed and then reloaded in front of someone and didn't die how loud is your game I swear you hear people halfway across them out my game's loud 65. why would he old now I should have got off dude no no no no no we can't change the situation we're in so let's let's dial in and play together right what's up let me move please does the team win a 3v1 there's one down let's go next 74. okay the whole the whole Cypher speed run but with alcohol is a great idea after that round dude I guys I think the universe wants me to play Cipher forever and that's why I have teammates like this [Music] oh my gosh he's gonna run out of bullets holy holy that's okay the sun was in your eyes um I wish I was vlogging dude he just left the game he literally I'm sorry bro you like even plot this is that's high let's go wait we're doing better without him let's go we didn't need them baby last one's there too 140 dinked nice try hey considering we won what six rounds in a 45 pretty good guys minus 12. detected AFK nice we still got the bachelor VP though Kyo should be subscribed to kill plus I mean you don't have to man how about you wait till I'm Immortal a cipher and then you subscribe to Keel plus because otherwise I have to go to radiant I want to do that we just everyone just hold for like a month let me finish this up then we hop in and get kill plus daughter k sound good sound good thanks thanks beautiful guys you know why I was late this stream today I just didn't want to be here that's it I just didn't want to play Cypher I wanted to stream streaming's fun but I just did not want to play Cipher so I was like two hours late all right I believe in the team I got it watch and play Baby want to sheriff nailed it baby on the live screen [Laughter] oh there's definitely got to be a good wait can I get on the circle here oh come on chill oh all right you're back sites well you're out holy way oh both of them are there if you want to go for it backside Reyna why would you buy that bundle because for such an ugly agent we need such an ugly bundle I feel like it goes very well if no one's gonna be my friend on Cipher at least I can have some skins to blame as well you know no he really just wasn't able to calm down when he was a puppy because he just has all that puppy energy you know but he's gotten much better at that now oh my goodness oh guys C is open Ed you know you can walk on this guys jet that should be amazing oh 50. oh last one hit 115. I dinked her through with a deagle what nice oh sounds like they're not going towards that they could say we'll take kids five minutes later hmm all right we gotta win this next game at this you have to accept the agent to become it I disagree I think I can get and then never have to play Cypher again I don't think you guys realize how much 35 000 more subscribers is that's kind of a lot oh my gosh is that Goomba it is me no way all right turn off the Stream foreign oh my gosh one thing they're coming out no no Main and wall oh nice try I don't know where my Molly went there should be outside one's like mid doors around the doors are removed my ultimate um enemy remaining last player standing no I knew oh not today Goomba is that right it could be flanking remaining oh Door story then why destroy them no wait I told us I thought it was gonna be silly but it was it was not silly I killed three before this so we're gonna lose you know lonely bald man is feeling a bit more lonely at the top of the leaderboard on my team for the last eight games huh you know I'll take it no it's it's last round one enemy remaining 55 last no I hit him 55 you lied okay okay hold up now we have cam on cam on a cam camera they took out my cam hey ggs nice try guys oh oh hey Keo oh hey aren't you radiant oh don't you have like 12 Immortal accounts oh yeah yeah it doesn't matter what age you play you're always gonna do well in these games and these lower ELO lobbies what I just D rakes man this agent is awful this has never happened in a speed run it's got to be the agent look at this look at that look at how many mountains I have how he needs to make more friends you can't make friends on Cipher everyone stays tilted my positive mental attitude does not carry me in these games bro I've had enough of the beat Mr Nice Guy you know how everyone comes into stream and they're like oh man Keel you're so nice you're so positive you're how do I become positive like you and rank that's it Cipher broke me I'm gonna be toxic I'm gonna start yelling at people when people make mistakes I'm gonna Point them out instead of encouraging them I am Banning people your gold three take your time out you get a timeout too for pointing that out patterns Spike huh it's great we'll take it hero huh this goes here um I thought it would just I thought it would just keep bouncing down yo the god cage I had to pop the cage on flank I'll scare whoever's flanking yeah a lot of feelings oh my goodness I'm an idea yes My ultimate is ready last player standing one enemy remaining let's go lonely bald man prevails 13-3 right after a d-rank is a double rank up possible after a d-rank let's see okay hold up let's see I guess you're when you finish Cipher I don't know what the plan is after that because there will be another agent for a bit right because Harbor was the beginning of this episode it's not even done it's it's got like another 30 40 days and it's a new map dude it's such a long Act come on got my two give me that backside no go go okay 80 on chamber what are you doing that's inside opposite Phoenix today too nice up just wait for the wait for the wall to come down then we oh I'm going in [Music] I knew it give me that I'm going bald baby [Music] he's altered well you enjoy that you said yourself you don't want to play remain right now I think I just need to set myself a goal and I'll be okay I'd rather I'd rather play Valerie on my main and be maintaining and growing on Twitch so that if the YouTube stuff doesn't pan out I have like a base to fall back onto if that makes sense [Music] last player standing [Music] all good nice half oh we don't have triple holes no sorry I bought a deagle what a great Dart honestly oh no all right we got this oh my goodness what a rank do you think is the hardest play when you do your speed runs every rank the higher the rank you get to the harder their game is that's that's how it works when they're getting their heads you should run through holes honestly good point [Music] oh my gosh are we gonna lose this round too man we are waiting you have a stun you have a stunning you heard him planting in Center come on man it's first grade SpongeBob I wumbo you Wombo he she we wumbo wumbo Wing I wonder if I fall from this hike would be enough to kill me one enemy remaining oh my gosh let's go guys can I grab this oh yeah thank you all right guys we're starting a new meta with chamber going down he's getting nerfed here soon it's time to whip out the cipher up you've heard of shotgun Cipher but have you heard of sniper Cipher it's time one down nice let's go pick it again we'll cage it it is caves vibrous cave oh long let's go let's go snort Cipher baby good shot one more minute oh my gosh okay what is where does that wall come from one's in the halls I think you know definitely could be yeah oh my goodness using the cages the peak is crazy dude oh oh no they win a game remaining nice away attackers win um GG all good we only went 27 and 20. so yeah no it makes sense I think there's something missing from your stream sir yes it it broke earlier oh we're good dude I'm not gonna lie after playing Cypher for a couple days now I've never fought this much of an uphill battle I feel like I normally don't have too much of a problem getting the diamond and I kind of just let me just slap it out let me drop 40 instead top rafters 140. oh it could have been so nice oh my goodness my nice let's go B no why don't we go hey I got all big dude I got this come on this is my this is my Redemption Arc right here baby thank you gosh I can't get a kill this game we're eight rounds in I've gotten zero kills that went from mountains you might be in every game to just getting carried at least my team's good but like dude my head is so big maybe that's because I'm running in first every round that's probably it nice oh you're taking my kills let's go foreign [Music] we are farmers if anyone's a streamer here I want 50 of all earnings from this episode this episode dude geez that's a high high percentage man I don't even pay my editor that much man are you are you Kyo uh wait a minute no he's like [Music] I just know that hurts me it hurts me greatest effort kill him not me that's what I should have named my Cipher account honestly Caillou how about 200 to shave hole head I would not shave my head for like a thousand dollars it's just not worth it for then you guys to be staring at bald men 32 and Reina but she's over here dude I'm not gonna lie one of my friends shaved their head a while ago and they they dropped like 30 of their viewers because they didn't look good bald It's a cruel world out here on Twitch man Oh I thought I would subscribe oh my gosh you're tall all right this is your reminder in the video scroll down see if you're subscribed right now because uh apparently people just don't subscribe hey Caillou how are we doing I grew up a little bit since my show air until it's been my laugh is terrible it's okay you don't have to laugh it wasn't that funny I feel like Brandon's clothes from each other huge they have two way up the top uh underneath underneath one enemy remains Orangewood Orange trigger let's go oh my goodness okay there's two screens one more screens one more screens that's my trail that's my Trio right there I got you sorry thank you thank you all good oh that's right I gotta finish the edit that I'm doing nice that's nice I'm blocking you um no I got two though one check screens we have to top it they're playing they're playing just tap right now I just don't plan for stick out here he has to swing two screens I mean I mean no one enemy remaining oh no oh no I should have peaked probably after our topper dies I was hiding in the smoke I mean I can do it here but like here yeah it's a little hot um uh no one pushed up so far oh you got hit by the trips foreign [Music] the first game that I didn't team or match MVP where if I did we would have won the game come on like please man please Spike planted put down no hard feelings my eyes are down one enemy remaining we have a five here oh holy jeez e planted cage triggered oh gosh I thought at the last second yes oh then what the [ __ ] is this what do you mean right here No One's Gonna Write me that what do you what do you wanna do you want to take my job you want to play Cipher instead of me man huh huh yes okay you can have them yeah one's ours yeah planning planning hey get out my way bald guy bald guy there's no way you're bald I got a full head of hair but chamber type shirt this guy with the guy the lonely guy I'm playing is bald Renaissance enemy remaining 30 seconds nice Baldi bro you only have 15 kills that's it oh my gosh yeah my bad dude I'm sorry I should be at 30 by now 15 into six rounds nobody loves me oh oh I hate this game 128 on viper Noob think of the Prime one more nice try one enemy remaining already Spike planted no just a second earlier and I'm chilling wait why is he sticking as open as possible okay it worked we're mullied off no close right main Jumpman [Applause] one enemy remaining holy cow what a weird round roll challenge [ __ ] guys let's hope last player standing no judge trigger hmm I've seen you lose his Baldi this is easy for you remaining where is everyone hiding no oh I'm so sad that was such a nice one tap oh children would have won that bro you want to play Let's Play close I killed two I like the way you're not so good I'm going in I'm going in go keep going this train does not stop one all right 80. oh guys I threw a little bit no they're not third kill is kind of a throw oh my gosh the timing holy cow foreign how did he not kill me goodness geez hey let's go guys the game was 13-10 we were three rounds from losing that game okay I dropped 34 kills on Cypher men 25 RR we got a star let's let's let's go no oh outside beat [Music] bike down one enemy remaining all right let's see when elbow oh you heard him right sorry let's go you're smarter [Music] yeah oh um foreign [Music] [Music] they found my wire [Music] oh 74. I can't run away in that situation nice nice very beautiful if you guys watch out one enemy remaining nice long long 70. nice let's go let's go follow me Phoenix no don't go yeah can somebody else it's close it's close play no dude you say don't peek and he instantly dies man I'll say while I don't clutch this no way bro he's holding that guys even Elite can't save us from this we dropped 50 kills together minus 13. that was that was a dual stiff oh wait I can knife him I can knife I'm so sad I think Skye I'm really depressed nice nice nice let's go nice look at how far I can throw these gauges OCT one enemy remaining oh nice did you get a trampoline camera working again uh yeah yeah no we're it's um yeah um no that's how it's supposed to look guys the the reason it broke is because I accidentally unplugged it from my computer and I don't know how to dog you should try turning it off and on you see I would try turning it off and on but I need a ladder to get up there so I haven't short King moment yeah sorry I'm not nine feet tall oh [ __ ] got him yes I should be done oh no dude The Flash you threw actually saved my life so hard we should just run it's gonna come to us Spike where is everyone hiding one enemy remaining oh what the [ __ ] nice Pros don't know lovely bald man wow [Music] you have to cry oh my God let's go team one enemy remaining only toaster and lonely bald man 18 RR we're making it back baby he's flat he's standing let's go guys close okay we're not close after it no um wait I hit the ball more back down a Spike down am I crazy for thinking we could force up here I think we can do it I think it's a bit silly but I think we can do it yeah that sucks we kind of just stopped running unknown right side I got three I got this oh my God what is the one hit he's won it what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing he did dude it wasn't even close guys it wasn't even close Cipher tattoo win dude we hit 100K on the second Channel 500k on the main before I hit radiant you should get hurt nice nice good job following you off kill them both for me I didn't come back soon alien race 103 on Sprint one top one bottom raise um ten let's go you want to play Let's play Hey sorry one enemy remaining guys their drop huh you have kill you spike planted is insane you get sick guys we got we got something that we haven't seen in the series yet holy cow two wins in a row gosh 21r let's go you've been noticeably hating on Cipher less you know it's mainly because I'm in a duo with Elite that really helps the mental you know my hatred for elite versus my love or my hatred for elite my hatred for Cipher versus My Love for elite kind of cancels out right now I still really hate Cipher but it's not showing as much because I love Elites I can do this I can't do this foreign oh that's my b oh my one more nice are you oh hey yo holy [ __ ] yeah I am playing KO my gosh hi Kale look at this lineup in this steps they're great what do you mean they work every time actually yeah I believe it because it's actually hard to dodge see dude I I just saw you on the cabin I was really scared I'm planning planning spiked planted foreign oh wait just hold yeah what oh it's nice they're uh they're being a little silly there oh geez unfortunate Defenders [Music] depression I need to win at least three games all right I need to dial in here one uh Lane he was Lane [Music] thank you planted the spike oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness it's mid then right he wait who said he was what HP here's one now but how different is playing Cipher to killjoy for you so different you have to be way more patient on Cipher and I just do not have the patience or care in the world to wait so I end up swinging before my util is useful versus killjo I just wait and then the turret goes off and I swing and I get a kill this is like this is just so like hey this is why I die as I get bored and I want to leave man it's awful man oh what oh two times [Music] one enemy remaining last one that's fine yeah [Music] oh no yo they're all archery one enemy remaining got him he's got player oh my goodness brim's coming out B right now they think they're sneaky but they're not there's one logs right here you can wait careful their main as well I mean one logs though oh my gosh you altered him oh let's go this is my first begins it is me you want to play Let's Play Jewish I'm going for the newest scope baby go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go ggs guys nice comeback holy [ __ ] love you bro I love you too oh my gosh 22. more 6-4 for me I don't know [Music] four how the [ __ ] did I just die huh same oh oh God okay let's go let's go oh no no no no no I thought you're gonna play backside with me I was playing back oh no four chamber I'm gonna jump it oh my gosh I can't aim this is why I drink caffeine man I didn't have a Red Bull today guys it's me my brain didn't work my brain doesn't react is my internet on 80 on viper let's try this left side here they went all the way back all the way back they're going to who's already out 110 Viper Spike down a new enemy remaining where is everyone hiding I finally did something this game no one says yeah thanks sir no no I'm so sorry that's okay geez guys except to our genuine three and 21 after it's so lucky like I did not do amazing 72. why do we have a sentence on our team platin now this might be the first speed run that I've actually gotten somewhat stuck for a little bit Habibi let me do it I'm good man I'm good well I'm not good because we have to play Cipher now but you know it's it's okay why don't you just accept cypher's a great agent he's because he's not like it was kind of a joke at first when I started this video I was like oh this is actually kind of fun there's a couple setups that are kind of enjoyable but then yesterday it's not a oh haha funny joke anymore he was he was like I'm actually mad like a flash out close close we're good when is he on his feet oh I know exactly where you are driver's arcade come on maybe Tower behind Tower [Music] nice [Music] um Cipher things foreign guys we gotta win 23r let's go to celebrate the win I I I think I think I need to get a drink that's got that's that's the only thing we need to do let's let's yes they're backing up back it up should I smoke it for you what [Music] do you know twerk on us if we don't raid oh no oh no Jude will twerk on us if I don't if we don't raid oh no I didn't I didn't raid oh no I don't have to worry because yeah oh man are you streaming tonight is that reload that I pretty much gave him his coverage yeah I'll get the camera here okay okay oh no wait yeah oh I don't know your keybinds three three outside hookah three why is your jump your jump is scroll wheel yes you use scroll wheel to move to your guns no who would possibly set someone back the red flags are adding up on this oh please please I just want a webcam that's all I want bro I'll give a judge good job I don't know any of his keybinds that's just fun I'm just kind of existing because I have no idea what do you mean you don't know Ohio as your keyboard what is Ohio okay what is happening poor timing one backside what is this they're overthinking it yeah they really did that high these are tall people yeah yeah stimulus stimulus let's full run brim let's go come on come on out nice to there see oh Smoke's dad yeah so fed up with me our brim has it oh one shower one more there left and right left and right B sure I don't think he has a headset let me know when you flash are we going are we ripping this I think we're the best duo ever how blind were there bro they were like probably bright yellow nice flash they're not going they're not going B now yeah foreign using this for me I'm legally blind camera we're getting those trades we'll gain those good trades those good trades oh he's in the corner he's really stuck how'd you miss your option come on come on he's trying he's trying he's trying yeah you're doing the Roomba hookah and then right after that after the the hook the Roomba clears it we still Beacon right here and then I'm gonna double cage out and then shorty the guy on site and we win the round yeah okay wait for Roomba wait for Roomba we would let it clear first and then we stand just wait just wait okay imaginated don't worry no CT nice shot that's a [ __ ] Strat right there you're welcome no let's go let's go wait three seconds just in case they raises and fade just wait just wait okay stim go go go go go go go go oh I go what okay one shower one shower backside and that smoking that's my bench now two showers one more shower bench white swing white swing yellow oh nice try nice try oh God I protected us it was all part of the plan yep a dog and dog him get him and we got him will this be the double rank up I don't think I'm gonna get 32 RR from this game if I did that'd be sick okay okay guys what wait how did you MVP oh you have 14 assists man oh 27rr dude I had four first Bloods of Cypher I had more than I I disagree okay guys I'm gonna try to fix the camera thank you yeah five minutes later [Music] okay in the the cover to get into the attic wait did I fix it I don't think I fixed it guys I was just trying to fix the camera man okay guys I saw I still have my headset on I'll take it I'll take that okay [Laughter] [Music] it was full running one more pillar first nice try um [Music] tears here we have better guns though secret secretary one enemy remaining I think he's Darkness oh you know really skillful play back up back up Phoenix you're you're a little silly there oh we don't smoke speak Arabic well nice because come on inside I believe he's in top flank one flank one literally flashing oh I'll flash him and it's fun oh he's flashing Splash he's gonna get hit up he's gonna hit my trip CT s guys let's go see better guns why would you alt on this round in a 5v2 man that seems a little silly don't you think oh no I'm done I'm not done huh [Music] no I had him things are buried one enemy remaining wow please let's win this game yes sir oh guys just hold your gun out I'm flashing wait I'm gonna oh wait wait for a minute go guys I still have a dart in me Spike camera taken out one enemy remaining let's go shots okay I'm breaking the dart what dude guys wait I lagged there man uh one flag one flake watch my flight Phoenix planted despite oh my all right guys the moment we've all been waiting for after all these losses and matching piece that we've had do we actually double rank up or not let's see please oh yeah yeah no we have we have ascended once you are six ranks above me wait their Cipher was Immortal wait go back when we were located was there did their Cipher having a moral act like huh we're platoon oh man oh boy they're going in there guys it's here come on drop oh 40 chat nice my life trampoline can't working yes it is we're back baby well everybody [Music] didn't miss a shot there kinda nice [Music] what's 68. I'm so sad two more drop let's go that's kind of a good trip actually [Music] nice I remember when I met you got him full running headshot baby [Music] oh Tower tower Tower I need help brother a kid and Tower I killed our Tower you guys just rotate the edge be honest yeah we're good I wanted to take the fight man swing everything gain Max RR that's what I'm talking about that's how we play Cipher Butts oh you got it with the need remaining [Music] oh he could have stuck it that's insane he's speaking he's speaking nice no ko-40 remaining what an interesting time to the result I know hi everyone teamwork just the slight side step oh my gosh he's in a cage close yours is better you know one flag oh yep with an up one enemy remaining and without ah you liked her you like that ah look at me and Habibi Elite so cute 21 kills each 22rr and yup yeah look at that ascendant two on the other team well I'm plot two no no no it's cool this is honestly the most like screwed cursed speedrun that I've ever had I don't think I've ever been this high of Elo while still barely ranking up this is ridiculous guys if somebody can jump through this okay they deserve to make it through guys I'm gonna just not help the team at all guys Jets going through the obstacle course let's see does she make it wait no I wanted to see her go through it wait guys is she gonna do it yes oh my gosh that's so satisfying 140. Cypher bud nice all right I gotta go to that strip okay no you're good I just gotta I'll put a cam here oh yeah I got flanked outside for your bathroom what's streaming with the camera one five minutes later no oh what why did I spawn this round it counts me as AFK if I'm on cam who knew okay one HP 30 seconds left nice wow how did it work s one enemy remaining okay pick up the bomb oh look look it's still free for this guy Cipher's kind of fun when the enemy is you are really not good for an exchange student yeah I am um you see all of us here they're gonna rotate oh Mario please keeps triggered I got another 55 let's go 55. nice [Applause] no dude I have no idea how I killed fade [Music] 24 hour let's go one enemy remaining beautiful laundry oh no 30 over healed I shouldn't have peaked I shouldn't be swings popping geez dude new chamber is so bad oh my gosh one flick you holy crap beautiful yeah she's on the wall on the top of it that's right I did a sage Speed Run I know what's going on here what what the oh geez guys what okay don't spit too much on him guys come on okay 24. they're all ascendants they only should go from the game I got 24 what'd you get I got 26 oh my God jumping nice nice probably afraid enemy remaining double door less ons no one's too right now get him it's nice I hit him 129. nice shot you did not hit him 140 bro what'd you hit him why'd you hit him 26. one enemy remaining I say go crazy all right right Evermore I know you're in shot man um I'm gonna need you to buff the bucket this gun is awful okay why would you buy it at all I would try it had like more custom or like Valor and just have more custom game stuff where you could edit stuff to just be like okay Bucky does you know a thousand damage in this custom game and why destroyed oh no nobody's gonna break the flash for me I don't want to say 12 up here Sam I love custom game stuff it'd be so nice oh this one nice one enemy remaining let's go guys all right fact Friday do we double up Frank well we're plot two in ascended lobbies let's see or MMR is so high there's no way we don't double rank up here go away we got it scammed hoverboard I thought you said you're literally in shout right now Friday if you are a full three ranks below that below the MMR average of the lobby then you should double rank up what fault the lonely men will carry us the lonely and bald in the forests you're a mid one shot oh the Sova I can feel it I can feel it oh I love big oh there I should have died I should have died yup Immortal buddy yeah I'm plot three not bad this guy's an immortal gun buddy you know I've been asking so many questions but none of them are getting answered so you know it's all good last player behind geez jeez yeah but we need also to have some some fighting on here shut up out here fighting from my life while they're talking about what you shouldn't do is controller man are you friends with Ikea did he just recognize Elite through me without recognizing me come here guys yo who's in our spawn we both have no guns I know exactly where you are they're sure he's gone oh never mind you're dead I have bomb on B I have bomb on B they're both made one and two no kitchen kitchen I'm robbing him none my nose huh why are you fine what are you pushing you're different your name is actually beat you perfectly it's insane you died over here are you okay man are you are you having fun when you got on today did you like just decide to have a bad day I was really mature I'd be really proud of you what's up guys welcome back to another video called valorent but it's daycare hey what did Arena just try to do what what did I just Witness God he's so handsome stuff is yellow 's dead nice oh my God of timing me playing get all the yellow clothes no top side top side instead you could talk me back and then we'll have fun talking each other yeah but I don't know you like that man I don't know if you're gonna get butt hurt so I'm not gonna trash talk you man okay we got yellow one guy swinging left yellow everybody two flashes nice good job guys um I'm a little scared what what game am I playing yeah I got a spray for you you ready for this it's here please um what he's on a he's on a get a cam here 's the only one guaranteed here no all right I don't need it there's no issue reverse okay yeah no I didn't get to use my ALT 80 Cipher could trade I'm so sad right now I've never been more sad to not get my own [Music] match MVP is bald man 25 RR for it Lobby average is nice ascendant and we're plot three I'm having so much fun I'm having so much I love this game I love it so yay sorry now for like how many how many wins do we have guys this is bad we played one game so far and I'm already wondering when I can get off and stop playing The Cypher speedrun I like I just want to rank up so then I can finish this episode and then I can get off I don't have I don't I don't have to play any more Cipher I honestly think we should get your second Channel 100K so you have to do the spirit already I you know I don't think we need to care about the second Channel at all how about guys everyone don't subscribe everyone unsubscribe and then re-subscribe after I get Immortal and then it can be like oh my gosh we're such a cool Community we're so nice to Keo because like you know he was he was going to get 100K so that he had to go to radium for the speed run but then we were so nice oh my gosh do that today all three Arena no break the trip down you guys oh 8080 sorry for Evan treat Evan me down no no no knives she's perfect great old beautiful one enemy remaining oh I'm ready to fight him I'm keeping in the dirt ah seven days I don't know two more two Market one backside one more Market nice try it's gonna hold it it's not like he's not he's not speaking commit no no no no no no one Oh I thought he was hurt 117 I thought I hit him way harder old man booster soilos flashe yeah doggie a no it almost worked so well if I had a vandal there I'm killing four one in it everyone hiding one enemy remaining he's like that throwing hats man all my all my hats are down there somewhere so you know I ran out of hats to throw that goes there there's only two nice had throw cries this trick boom s okay okay lonely Duo on top 20 RR and another high diamond descending game Wednesday nice nice no options cage triggered mom ENT we're good oh my gosh what is happening [Applause] oh take him jeez e Cipher thing what the heck I just used this whole kits I tagged uh oh CT 50 outside cyber okay throwing the hats I'm one of his pizza yeah I got it good I'm old I'm gonna shoot it to see if it lands ah please assistant [Laughter] oh no nice city guys he's gonna try to jump us everybody it's so funny it's so funny to watch your the enemies like gears turn I was like oh there's a trip fire oh I should go jump in I think he's just run right into the next one that's actually one of the funniest things when you get to just watch the enemy make a stupid decision on a camera go see it that is really funny as Cypher but but he still sucks I'm still I'm still he's still the worst agent he's still bald he still doesn't have friends but he can sit on a camera pretty well foreign for a nice win 13-4 23 only 21 away from the rank up and we're in ascending lobbies dude we could I'm copy I mean so hard we could double rank up I believe in it oh vandalskin I'm running she has healed in 12 seconds kale one dugout wait she's about to heal you all three of the teammates to remain s oh dude guys I think I'm lagging um uh okay where does everybody die right now okay I gotta hit the Hat oh my god oh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude guys dude okay wait guys they just ff'd our rank up game hold up hold up let's see I'm not MVP come on please double rank up please they FEPS clearly okay we're diamond we did that we know this what was the what's the rank oh yeah yeah oh yeah that's it that's it how about five and spawn they'll never expect it five and spawn we buy Marshalls everyone loves one perfect well I can't buy for next without okay it's fine I'll give you the bomb so you have a job oh thanks he loves this job oh my God I saw Arena came to the right to Mid I can smoke the chamber out yeah we could run b as well this is going really well like a run don't worry follow me boys I'll keep checking camera close oh no I'm late no oh 101 on chamber chamber one eight baldness get in the way oh I can feel him here I can't believe we almost won that oh my gosh are you dead we're good let's go up one's up you're bald going bald going bald oh they're both blank oh that's fun [Music] [Music] what I'm so sad [Applause] dude at least facial hair there some stubble man some stubble no smokes oh okay yeah if we can get a couple runs we're chilling they just can't go be on defense it's time I'm gonna hit a shark let's play oh there he is okay was he up me next where was he I think oh my turn now what the heck oh you know pushing the chamber after our first guy died that was probably where we went wrong for the first part of that oh chamber's there let's peek him hey no up down oh it's down yeah actually or just one down one enemy say JD awesome backside standing camera taken out so bald so bald dude feeling the wrinkles can we need to clear yellow still chamber definitely still be there oh back I'm so blind oh my goodness no we're all swords there was a snowman probably pushed up on site now but hit 80. nice oh my God that's literally all we need to do we just need to clutch every single round if you just clutch every round I'm still drinking you drink water oh my gosh they would be they're Psychopaths yeah they are on site weirdly enough they wouldn't though oh you better find it we're good we do have numbers we have smokes as well both right side yellow uh 115. Brianna oh we're good oh my gosh oh my God oh my gosh I can't believe nine is all they get that sucks for that I would hate to be them that's really tough this situation is pretty rough for them this is my round there hey I think they're two more belt he's getting ambitious oh let's go no monitor no monitor no Bank nope uh sorry it's just how we do it it's just how we do it I think they're gonna be oh I think you're wrong I think I'm wrong too why are you such a liar oh shh wow oh my God Save You safer thank you oh hey guys they're they're a if you didn't know they are definitely a if you read all concerned oh no by planting what player standing honestly I made no mistakes there that was great okay that might have been the best eye again no mistakes this round actually our first Flawless round our first Flawless round we're fine oh my gosh sky 40. [Music] how do they know oh I might not have streamer mode on oh that's that's a little silly of me that might have been a little silly to me it's a lot of sense where's my match MVP well if you hit sort by average combat score just one time your match MVP it's it's oh yeah look at that nice work if I ignore all the statistics of the game we just played I'm on the top okay wait now we're in the opposite position because last game settled was on his rank up this game I'm on my d-rank so we're calling out our life here we have to win this they're coming eh that one I think oh no they're back yeah I think so I got one oh sure wait why are we up there there sorry oh my god Phoenix move flashing okay they're throwing oh my God that's good oh my gosh it says flashing it just full blinds both of you and it clears nothing that was awesome dude that was great it's blind for so long [Applause] I didn't mean to press my cam but it worked oh man from all these people I know oh let's go dude oh I love being bald sometimes man I'm drafted into the arch ing see this jet like only plays shotgun you had the Spike oh that's perfect now they think it's hey shotguns no I love him hmm I can't plants I still can't that's because you crashed you have to restart dude no I think I just have to live with this no I thought he would are you kidding I can't plant what is this it's whatever your client crashes that happens oh my gosh well it's a good thing you can't plant oh good point I totally forgot about the hold up one enemy remaining where's the body what poor timing to go bald I smoked a window by the way oh one is in garage our Phoenix is fighting them I'm uh vulnerable are you going alone wait guys are this is perfect um one's flanking us you're just gonna leave I'm so upset she didn't want to do the parkour course gotcha Oscar was flanked but he went back to CT he's gonna come out CT in a second yeah yeah like I'm just gonna plant safe because I can't risk I'm gonna try to get out of here yeah we both play long now I shouldn't have knives so I'm back for us outside it's not planted it's fine we can walk our way up oh you're fine it's planning for uh oh my gosh jeez he's better Mom I don't know we had no trips behind us fine just thought I'd let you know careful bricks beautiful Killers close probably CT reloading not an old Heaven no that's so perfect flying one flank one long long oh no oh I shouldn't have pushed I thought I thought if Phoenix would trade if I got him rough you just lost a 4v2 yeah it's unfortunate 30. oh you gotta get it done huge wait RKO actually might get one or two here nice oh my God just go along now yeah just play play along together just in case he does I was using my old yeah pretty sure he's just sticking that yep lit I'm for sure geez oh my God the double 30. brimstone 66. 66 stand still haven't hit your trip there though I feel like they're going back arcade hmm they are ecos dude oh I'm going in man I'm chill I mean I got a spike like a main and brim is lit 60. yeah I'll use my old Uncle bald friend I don't care oh my gosh he is on the other side dude that was a nice ecos I felt really good about it you know got a free Phantom from the last round and then got an ecos they probably feel good about it yeah I know for sure they had a couple there I'll show you something Spike planted all right five gifted 10 gifted oh no way oh my gosh the five HP this man is a menace I'll show you something told you I'd show you oh my gosh every day of the week dude I think we fight this fading race I can blind I got one bill okay I'll go bald topside beautiful all right five man arcade let's go stem it up we're going fast B with arcade he's gonna flash yep come on cage your cross here of course dude got him he's flanking okay planting the default they have fatal they're gonna go under and Faded most likely my gosh we're good one more main one's still made remaining his last flank I think she was probably I went under oh no never mind it was under so yeah let's go okay okay nice player standing nice try you know we tried our best we almost brought about we just made too many too many mistakes on defense it is what it is you're popping off though holy always dude he always pops some of us Halls right oh never mind we're good okay I love placing my walls man just so cool just so fun they're not in okay no they're not foreign [Applause] well in that case he's left nicely what a silly guy what a silly guy I'm the sweetheart of the team you're definitely the sweetheart you're definitely my sweetheart oh lonely sometimes I think about you being bald and I just smile wait put your one down put your word down it's fine relax that's a High ELO no no mid doors my doors last get your Ace dude break the turret come on Santa Claus completely exposed to me you're exposing yourself Santa Santa Baby out of my way oh this is gonna be so good oh it's gonna be so it's gonna be so good okay here's utility to remind we don't need one bridge I'm gonna cage Bridge we fight nests beautiful push cage jump down going for the knife didn't work no I went for it too this it was definitely not the time to go for it at all but we committed it was I think it was Jesus same Strat yes sir this one oh my gosh are you playing in like a warehouse dark shower again yeah dude and he's in the jail I believe it okay I found my wife oh my trip you know got you we're good all right so I can rest are they planning on there I think they smoke they oh our Sage is taking the scenic route nice this is you I believe in you oh oh never mind there was a gap nice thank you for the wall holy crap nice good old was that I don't think he realized they were dead you're flashing right oh yeah off your camera I'm not popping the cam I'm just I'm gonna swing right away I'm saying what I'm out we're good we'll be back we just both back now uh raise a bathroom they might be sailing I think so never mind what a planning default of the triple no I freak oh my goodness I actually got it backside we're good wait sorry sorry got a little ahead of myself dude I was just trying to tie my shoes I don't know what what do you what are you doing are you okay uh let me use my dog to clear dude oh oh our stage does this every minute of the day except this minute yeah we needed that yeah our Sage is just a little slow to put the wall up I think no I was happy to die there it's fine they saw me on cam and a trip broke it though potentially another trippy no I can't flash I don't know where this trip is I don't hear it I don't see it I broke it a close one already oh my goodness if you can play a default I have uh backside no it's perfect timing TPP they're brim also they have a brimmel therefore yeah oh my gosh let me smoke first oh no you should die oh no I'm sorry that's all it's all good you could oh he's gonna wall us off again what happened do you have a heel our Sage is on a could be Garden is flanking very slow with knife out oh elbow elbow I'm swinging now I'm white swing I'm like six times all right let's let's just do the four long contact again oh it's really good that our uh our face buying that pistol there's no armor you gonna push here oh Rick ggs that was a that was a rough one Defenders win on the bright side we had fun actually no I didn't have any fun I'm never playing with you again that's perfect I think we can all agree to blame one thing across the board the consistent factor in every game Cipher yup definitely the worst Asian in the game thank God you said it someone had to say it it's okay I might get canceled for saying that but that's okay you know I'm willing to take the shot for this you know I'll go down with it we are mid charity stream with a killjoy cosplay on right now and to help raise money for Saint Jude every ten dollars that is donated during this stream I will be dropping whatever gun I have in my hand while doing The Cypher speedrun if you're new to the channel here please consider subscribing and if you want to watch any of this content live go to Keo I'd love to see you here I cannot pick up that gun for the rest of that round I have to go find a differ gun if it's a classic on the ground or something or something else I got that's what I have to use I cannot touch the gun that I've dropped ping once on it and once oh my wife let's go oh I'm gonna kiss you oh okay when ten dollars were donated we dropped her off it's okay it didn't matter we didn't need it let's go I can put wall up soon thank you enemy remaining last one was mid [Music] oh 40 on them we'll take it going bald baby Wall's going down [Music] oh my gosh give a heal oh just killed myself you healed yourself for like five it's okay it's okay I didn't need it I didn't need it not just five holding it even if he's one HP bro yeah okay he's not even doing it good job good job take the code off I would never take the coat off I'm a killjoy main till the day I die I'm gonna go B guys one more uh enemy remaining perfect oh my gosh oh my goodness they're getting rooked you know there hasn't really been a lot of opportunities for me to drop the gun we're kind of just smoking him right now you have a guilted I use it on them that's like 90 Health 19 with the ten dollars all right dropping the gun let's go find a new one that worked out that was unfortunate you tried to pre-fire it I think and it just didn't you know everyone hiding oh my gosh standings I can't believe that happened are we chatting they're line up is the top top 80 oh he's on top of yellow guys what just happened oh my gosh oh I didn't think he was that close didn't he just Alt hey ggs guys 20 RR baby wait wait wait look at a player one's name his name is only bald that's me we actually play one on fire oh ten dollars I dropped the gun I stopped shooting as soon as I heard a sound the gun was dropped by my body hitting the floor under your Phoenix cypher's fun when they actually just run into your trip wires that just like never happens though there is over there you smoke man last player no one enemy remaining power you know it's just the kills I mean just no no kill Joy kill drive me I think after this one we need to set the cosplay now no no no no no no no no no please no please please foreign forward one flanking I got three with a stinger no everybody do contact with your GF wait at some point let's go 21 RR flying through Diamond now it's the killjoy cosplay we brought the Good Vibes of the killjoy cosplay to decipher speedrun yo what the [ __ ] am I looking at Cipher well wait just wait just wait just wait no yo I wanted him to go like this and then jump up and be like oh I could jump that trip and then run into this one it's so funny oh I think that no that guy this guy is going bald wait there's still two here too here a is open oh foreign let's go you guys take bomb I'm gonna fake a little bit by throwing a cage and making noise run around short for a second C he left he left his spawn now she's clear she's clear she's clear ready it also comes in bees he went to a window after breaking the trip I'm sad they just break it they don't try to jump it wow that's what I'm saying [Applause] ribbit ribbit guys don't ask questions I think they left yeah full time a bomb you know we got the killdroid cosplay and the elite good luck here look at this 22R oh one more game like that we get the nice rank up to D2 holy crap we're in full ascending lobbies and I'm not even one oh that's a great spray to have on let's put that on can we not go farther anymore I'll let you guys and then remaining nice I don't know where Rin is probably cat sheesh a where's that oh wow Spike down Beach have we stopped there we go one enemy remaining oh let's get the [ __ ] out of me don't even Peak if you don't want to Arena you could hold CT if you could rap all the way wait does that mean drop gun 30 seconds left gun has been dropped oh hey good job nothing men yet oh what the what what how did that dog not kill me Lolo who won the 10 110. I got a new one there's a gun now oh drop me that gun wait what okay we're good wait where's there I need to go guys I need a gun well I didn't save it I took my Molly watch out Black Market oh City one enemy remains closed yeah it's okay I wouldn't have killed him anyway we're good perfect Jay and Reno together nice girl Arena's gonna be the cat nice ready no I just picked up both those okay wait I can wait I'm flying oh flank I dropped my gun sadness but I got kills first hey you know it's okay I think my team wins this we're chilling we got a skin upgrade beautiful run guys aren't you one enemy remaining oh he's the best that's my toaster man that's my toaster oh wait that's what I was just thinking dang it I was like I shouldn't lurk because I'm gonna have to drop my gun Frick did you hear it hey I love you foreign yeah I got mine we just smacked every Utah on him two two or three taken out yeah let's go whoa good job everyone it is on here eagle-eyed guys this is easy guys oh yeah you guys yeah nice comeback everyone we were down we almost lost that game it was like what eight to 12 or something we brought it back to OT and won it Elite dropped 40 kills I dropped 23. holy crap and we got it exactly oh my gosh we got exactly 22rr I didn't think we would get it we do have cables you just ripped the kale let me go do you wanna you wanna go through tunnel uh same thing all wall let me go first oh [Music] remaining no I dig there for 39. what what would what were the footsteps I was hearing did you guys know I hear like metal footsteps behind me um bro I'm deaf whoa look at this trip that's actually not bad if they go mid to a or try to push wait that's actually a sick trip they're in they're in they're in dude it actually works oh oh my God Sky deep with the Marshall [Music] no 1140 for that [Music] oh my god this is my life how I shot three bullets that's what I'm saying I gotta say talk to someone they're alone cheers they're going they're going I'ma hold here I think yes another oh oh 45 dang it I hear them walking away that's one that's two no it wasn't meant to I wasn't meant to play I love you Kayla I love you too [Music] oh 39 Oh you ran out of level oh oh 80 on stage nice ride they're all inside [Music] [Music] I sold 13-6 match MVP of Cipher 23r love to see it and we're yep wait I just I had eight first Bloods as Cipher yeah that's kind of a problem let's see somebody oh no I thought I used my util well enough to get out but I was wrong I think it's blank too oh geez go five hours later I have set up a every round they have not touched a single piece of my utility or peaked my cam damn we woke up on B there's nothing it's gonna be always spun or art just wait a minute page two years yes [Music] foreign nice oh 121 radar she didn't heal off me hey come in come in enemy remaining what is no hard feelings one enemy remaining oh nice oh come on Wolfman the ball man comes out let's go another 1v3 for the bald man everyone over there I would say both sides to show who's Alpha what though enemy remaining there he is does play here I'm just trying to bait it very nice you gotta kill him why are we sending no one piece 1 30. oh no man guys guys we've said so many times we need to send people showers and then we just keep not doing showers because I'm the one getting picks okay you're coming behind everyone no [ __ ] you're getting pigs not really what you what do you mean I mean we sent a large shower this should be me or Cipher I think you're right you're right my bad my bad um engaging in foreign thanks you are in ranks you better win that wait what everyone's doing it I already told everyone okay all right um that was that was a bummer that's I want to win these games okay I'm buying a judge only then I I should buy a judge this is the Strat I need to buy judge because it's so hard to muscle memory anything else all right I got this nice let's go bro I'm gonna get like zero kills this game they're gonna think like my my little brother is playing challenge has been changed to just the first half you know what I'm committing you may say the first half I'm doing the whole game now though I'm committed here um okay never mind I take it back I'm probably gonna I'm probably gonna take it off the half come on oh my gosh remaining nice but take oh he's a [ __ ] best oh won't be man amen or hey man be made broke my trip sorry I'm getting right in front of the adventure shotgun two three foreign [Music] dude how am I actually decent bro no it just it just doesn't make sense that it actually works like like I should not be can't even talk man my dad my dad one enemy remaining no down hey ggs let's go he actually won the comp game with an inverted Mouse I just went I went 12-6 two games ago I went eight and 14 man I got more kills with an inverted Mouse come outside they went inside out two more tours standing oh that was nice that was nice that made me feel it made me feel warm inside look Ed up one enemy remains no I'm not I'm not stop saying that man okay I guess they're just gonna all breech brimbled Maybe I'm ready to run away one one Dish Dish I'm just full blinded teammates some of my balls balls whoa [Music] one how you doing oh [ __ ] swing walking costs one enemy remaining oh got a flash flash meta rotation these guys it was worth it no this is the right rotation it makes Spike down my ultimately nice let's go goodness good run oh wait they snuck up on me you should run Spike down beep so Bots will be inside foreign [Music] all right look at that one more dub and there we go the diamond three rank up things we love to see right now again do we had an immortal in the game look at me anyway here's what our actress Doritos looking like subscribe we're gonna get a couple games with uh the Poppin the men the Poppin swing guy that that gaming I'm ready I'm ready to watch you play The Learning bald man yeah tips and tricksen yeah who are you gonna play uh I don't know play Reina maybe because I'm Joe's student oh there we go there we go I'll hit the pop and swing in a couple of games for you here The elusive pop and swing on Cipher I'll go bald first too that'll be perfect I went for the second knife man he turned around I wanted the most um oh I hate that Aurora guys my first one oh my God I'm ready I'm ready no oh that's the pulpin guy man jeez yeah some things you just don't teach guys it's all good oh my God whoa you got the pipes over there pipe it up again jet let's hear it I'm dilated we're not losing around ever again I'm ultimate spawn watch out big dog [Music] oh my God the Stinger's so good oh my God he's got his brokerage there dude Merry Christmas Merry Christmas have a good day 23rd nice bro last player standing enemy remaining hold on dude let's go CG I'm holding all right heaven heaven that was that big superb [Music] dog day probably new hit doggy a short as well Roomba a short Bob I can't see anything on cam they smoke my camera right now yes what's up I made it for you trade racing shorts and she's out we're the best should be fine oh yeah ah short oh my gosh eyes they're out oh my gosh what is the util on that how do you hold that you might have been luck that they had man they're a lot of luck now we're not bad they're just the most lucky players I've ever played against first loss in like 12 games that's okay that's you know that's the way it goes sometimes we still mvp'd minus 15. watching this figure makes me want to play Cypher again no you should stop I'm doing this so you don't have to this isn't Cypher propaganda this is the opposite of that okay this is a slander campaign against Cipher this is what this speedrun is oh my god dude what is happening to me today yeah Ryan honestly really thinks I'm naughty this year with what's been happening in the last couple games like what what is going on I'm running I'm running and gunning if you can't beat him join them let's go come on baby um 120. this one's winning let's go oh they got the shoddy counter oh yeah don't fight don't don't go in you please wait I'll get it on Charlie in there you want another me remaining 80. chamber I think let's go round bro okay oh I almost got him with the knife I almost got him one enemy remaining all right sure oh stick the fight ing 105 105 105 I think why you did the hard part oh my gosh he got it but oh my gosh nice round guys okay bye one man oh 30. you got him right now nice nice dude are they in the Stream man one enemy remaining all right oh my God they didn't go easy plus 22. wait there's one side and two nights but I'm on the hugest Lane oh my gosh yeah I kind of killed him a little later no you got him though wait wait are you Kia no no I'm not he's looking it up right now wait wait for wait probably like five four three two one oh my gosh it is cute just wait it's gonna happen oh my gosh oh my gosh that was perfect um no both under bridge passenger Bridge I see it works follow me one one tapped planted the spike you spawn properly 94. I will see you again oh my goodness long time baby frick last player standing oh 104. dropped out cage triggered wait just wait just wait okay let's go and there we go another game another MVP 13-4 22rr things we like to see five minutes later enemy down please one enemy remaining it's a jump shot dude I don't I don't even I kind of just blanked out for the last 30 minutes but 26rr nice 13-1 jeez one going garage watch our garage oh 53 on uh Sage default oh Evo no if I really easily win honestly making that jump every time really scares me is that like I'm I'm radiant men and I am so scared to jump out a window to land on here every time I think oh man this is the time I'm gonna fall and take fall damage and then my twitch shot is gonna make fun of me everyone's gonna know that I'm I'm a fraud even though I have like 20 Immortal accounts imposter syndrome ball time oh no Phoenix killed over chili there's no inside right now oh nice try I I knew it was gonna happen this game I just manifested it I'm broke wait why did I die okay okay we need to dial who does this one who saw that who saw that he got a battle bro he don't he doesn't fall into the pressure pressure falls under him they call me that guy they've heard the legends of that guy and him and right now I am in him I mean I am I mean come on wait he's gonna try to drop it please you're gonna try to jump it no does he see both he's gonna try to jump it what the heck what what's up oh my gosh it's just so funny oh nice he's on the pig just play like tap or something oh my gosh oh my gosh they lost yeah did you get it I think you might have got it no no he didn't let's go oh my gosh that was terrifying who's ready who's ready trouble please drumble please match MVP baby here we go boom we did it we're ass I'm back from vacation with my family I'm sick my throat is gone and we have three days to hit to hit Immortal so uh Good Luck Good Luck me hey I think he's okay yo I'm here sorry you good bro yeah yeah I had to water my plant yeah are you guys like what are you doing oh no nice oh my oh my gosh ribstone oh my gosh I just got it doing good Spike because he's a plant oh my gosh we have to name him Spike because he's a plant S Plus 17. I'm not here alone he needs to run it we're going in baby bald man on a mission one more short hey ggs guys we tried our best minus 20. come on I mvp'd my team what am I gonna do man this trip is sick that's perfect this window I think right we're good no it was such a good idea until it wasn't remaining he's gonna flash out of it dude what healing over here Jim Beacon here no dude I accidented like three people hyper man no oh gosh no no please I actually go outside sometimes Ben eath everyone yeah just chill it is one enemy remaining one bullet one bullet one bullet am I am am I him let me know 40. I'm not him old time oh no [Music] GG a nice little match MVP 20rr got it all back we're chilling dude yeah my gosh they have a chamber in 2023 I don't know how I didn't get flash oh okay one enemy remaining nice do you see a one tap my wife Spike planted it all three sites oh my gosh 96 96 forbidden free get him oh and Flash 117 on Phoenix comp Spike Rush hear me out oh my gosh what Lemonade's crazy you know what they say when life gives you lemons you got it you gotta eat them rinds and all 16 R have you ever been out in stock by someone for Cypher dude nobody plays this agent I have never even been slightly contested it's a great cipherkin man he was so scared sounds good thank you for the three oh my gosh I'm almost out of bullets let's go oh my gosh look at all the damage I did through the floor I hit all of them what the average Jonas was that oh work dude it wasn't even close let's 3B there's three wait no I shot oh I'm so sad pretty good oh hey ggs guys minus 21. oh I don't know how I got that killed Betty nice rude 80 on brim they're both going to be ceiling one enemy remaining oh my goodness oh no I heard one here I'm actually paid [Music] [Laughter] one enemy remaining let's go only I could see you hide fight planted [Music] let's go um he went back to Mid he's in your garage behind us I'll wrap them 144. let's go yeah oh that was great positioning the wraps oh my gosh what is my voice cracks so bad because I'm sick but what the heck 31 and 15. damn 20R one enemy remaining remaining Bridge left I just wanted to run in with a shorty one enemy remaining Thrifty hey wow hey nice game boom 20 RR this guy they connected a connector and flanky nevermind hold the aircon I'm about 40. this game's sick great round great round team dude what is with these judge shots man that's the second time that's happened where I hit him in the face and it doesn't kill him this game is awful I hate the bald men do you think they hear this outside garage age juice 17r oh my gosh dude I'm gonna I'm gonna get 20 RR in this next game and I'm going to cry three out of five I must wait a moment no cage triggered Spike down feet huh I know exactly dude peek him oh we lost oh we lost never mind this is ascendant dude what did I just watch oh if I got the other gun and switched it that would have been sick oh my gosh I tried my best minus 18. let's let's go they were Immortal why is everyone at higher rank than me but they all suck hey you watching watching the video do you like valorant skins uh I'm giving away three of the new araxis bundle on my Twitter uh go to go to my Twitter it's at Keo and yeah cool go enter the giveaway who's this here's the Strat who who it didn't work no it worked it didn't work I thought if I threw my gun down and give me a boost you know what's your appointment on site bottom site last drop okay get around wait he has a radiant buddy why does this guy have a radiant buddy dude what he is down bad I'm going for the brim I'm going for the AFK Brim that guy's just throwing dude that's so sad he's pressing W so that he doesn't get an AFK band but he's just sitting in their spawn that's actually such an awful thing to do all right perfect that was step one step two goodbye frick knife let's go well we got a free win after our free loss so 21 RR oh my gosh wait we could rank up next game you know what I hope happens guys we plug it super hard over the next week and we get to like 99k and then boom the day comes where we're like stop the count 99k it's not happening screw everyone be so great oh my gosh I would get almost 100K subs and I wouldn't have to go Cypher to radiant it'd be so fantastic my gosh that makes me so happy right one enemy remaining chilling nice alrighty goodness that was scary These Guys these guys might be the best players in the game run it back nice better one enemy remaining dude told you I was locked though let's go we're winning please you're stealing all my kills I know it's mine now he's not AFK he's AFK they said he's AFK the enemy team would never lie stop stop you lied why did they lie oh he made the you made the funny smoke I've seen bigger [Music] are you playing they're coming down Beach long man these games are really just swings plus 20 RR all right careful my door hyperlitz Avenue no he's a hall one more time it wasn't mid yeah he was what's wrong color probably gonna go to a okay too yeah somebody for you know is that 40. let's go let's go yeah it's not that much RR I don't need that much please do it please don't make this yes we've done it we're asked to two rakes to go three days to do it dude the I saw me after the wall went down that was so unlucky I didn't want to shoot him but then the eye saw me so I had to they have op a it's four there there's four [Music] dude he stepped forward right as I tried to knife him he literally was standing still and then right when I swung the knife he went are you kidding of course it's me ruggage is allowed to kill him nice yo free up am I Cipher let's go let's go [Music] all right boys let's get it let's get it one more one more I believe in this let's go team duties he might be mad I picked up the oven he just stayed still man I dropped him a gun on the ground nice foreign first game back with Elites easy dub 16 RR are they doing oh I mean it worked I don't know how it worked nice okay we're good I'm coming [Music] oh yeah let me know oh you did where are you I was like what's going on bro I thought you were in the jet sorry about that bro okay I thought he was U-Haul not behind me um dude Cipher off new meta I've said this a couple times over the last couple streams but I really think that people really undervalue opting on an agent that's not jet I think you can opt on every agent in the game and people are really not figuring that out yet like offing's just really good okay passed too long let's go I'm gonna kiss you I'm like oh no 120. I'm sad [Applause] 21 RR baby 10 15 with a 13. oh my gosh he won VIP that's so sick oh no oh no that was window that was Windows let's go dude if you had no idea every time you re-sub or something in general or gift a sub you roll a 1 in 1 000 chance to get VIP and so you just you just got it and your via it'll it'll stay until somebody else wins it again why destroyed oh my gosh oh Molly Molly and close yeah she's there I heard her stuff oh she picked me right there one and let's go let's go 19 . thanks down let's go outside you guys I gotta help him what do you want to be honest no way it starts no you know we can't win them all it's just the way it goes sometimes minus 18. you know mortal too it's all good it's all good okay we've had a lot of questions about when are we calling Keo Plus at 100K like right when I hit Immortal or when the last video is posted I'm gonna answer that right now okay we have a couple more videos to post on Keel Plus for the finale of The Cypher speedrun to finish out we're not gonna call it there I'm gonna be posting a shorter more condensed version of The Cypher speedrun on my main YouTube channel and I'll mention this in that video but 24 hours after that Channel video has been posted that's when we're gonna call it if Keo plus is at 100K or not can we could somebody clip that and make it a command that would have been amazing no I should have waited for you no that's not the move it's happened one suppressed nice [ __ ] god baby we got carried let's go 16 hour fracture is the only bad MAP you know why because you either you either have to lurk the entire game or just like five hit someone and hope you take a 5v1 that's what the [ __ ] where there's something God smokes yo yo dude I'm sorry I'm sorry I need to I need to go turn off something my word exe was open what was that bro nice nice dude we're good she's on the left and then there's a d level 80. nice but they're in close life [Music] uh you know you know it's just it's my time call me crazy but I think I heard Brimstone okay oh they're coming along elbow oh my gosh I'm still down one elbow match MVP 20 RR one away from S3 let's get it what okay I'm so confused there has actually been like a massive influx of people say coming into chat and asking for a harbor Speed Run why because I've already done one is there is there like a meme going on Emma 131 30. oh man nice guys I gotta kill let's go dude why am I pushing me I just I wanted to get in there something new ggs not mine is 19. you're a mortal one and you go 6 and 15. just buy buy a judge sit in a corner man that was only the second loss of the day chat but it feels like the 10th every time I lose one game that means I didn't get that win so then I have to get two wins to potentially get to where I would have had if I just won that game and I don't like playing this agents that's how lost work yes that is how losses work but it's more depressing on Cipher yeah yeah yeah I'm so sad that might have been my worst game of the evening but we got the dub coming up site one dude what is happening the second I reloaded I feel like the world is against me right now every single timing or unlucky thing that could happen this game is happening man hey you know it's not a key of speedrun unless something goes horribly wrong and you know what one day before the accidents is not the time for something to go horribly wrong I'll drop one behind you oh okay just wait just wait just wait I'm coming with two blinds these are the Keel Vibes dude this is the down bad vibes I'm stiff to it they're gonna brimble you potentially oh you can't really yeah mid I'm outside I think nice foreign oh here reloading one enemy remaining Katie one's double doors 120 last 18 RR yeah it's probably gonna take two more wins I'm sad you know what's gonna happen you want to be really cool we get to ascend at three and then we just went like five games in a row boom Immortal Series done at a reasonable hour [ __ ] ing what was that what wait wait wait wait one enemy remaining let's go dude that little bunny rabbit and elbow my goodness this is great ramen's so good dude I'm about ready to finish my bowl of ramen I was just chilling I didn't even notice he jumped out my bad thanks I'm fine put down my ultimate is ready I can go for the rest what happened hey get around everyone one enemy remaining I don't have anything to say about this just 16 or five Walling in they're coming in you have flash kill he's close oh oh yeah let's go dude that cam was ridiculous just don't even get off it he's caught swinging and Swinging two one oh let's go get those guns push it is oh my god let's go there we go guys he's in the kids he's killing killing nice good job one HP remaining nice link let's go headshot nice one's in VidCon maybe oh I think they're both there one enemy remaining yeah yes and I got one extra I bought 11 out of 100. it was all worth it Elite are you ready they close it out let's send it three to a mortal one finish the speed run he's not here that's okay let's wrap it up guys yes I'm ready oh we're good never mind good start healing Market one enemy remaining oh yeah baby I can kiss you oh yeah Flawless hey GG's guys one win down 17r we're gonna solve the Mortal Lobby didn't do great but hey we're chilling 13-6 and Elite got a world let's go perfectly better oh 80 and less fight all together Dash the ball just open it fight it together item 40. nice to go 64 chamber both I'm sorry oh okay nice let's go I think there's not even gonna be one elbow hi oh guys I take everything I said back there is definitely gonna be somebody elbow come on [Music] what put down oh no oh I shouldn't have crouched I should have just gone for the fight no more last player standing next nice drive backside we're good yeah please hold double door we're chilling they're all of course let's go push with me man yellow no oh nice try dude can you chill out whoever's saying GG in the middle of the round bro like my gosh Pro blames that on why he's talking to crouch body spray for what what are you on bro are you okay I literally entered us into sight man you were behind me I'm doing your job can you use our flash I didn't say nothing like if I want to complain like you do you have so many mistakes my boy know nothing about the game I literally double I know nothing I know nothing do you even know who I am I literally tripwired the thing he was watching oh my gosh that's so funny oh that's fun you can hold this I'm leaving I'm putting them all up right now okay give me bomb please let's get on bummed you don't have to be stubborn dude what do you mean giving them the bomb he literally threw it around and then blamed it and then was like oh no that's why I took the bomb from you because that's crazy man there we go what a guy dude like oh gosh plus 17 I I hate this game get me out of here let's go see it guys one enemy remaining yo High skill beautiful last player standing no one was met I think oh oh one enemy remaining let's go come on we're not down that bad guys we can do it I'm gonna hold beef but he he whipped his TP enemy I think it's left side shirt yep nice shortly five skills Phoenix Museum hey just left Phoenix Stone oh yeah 80 sorry wait wait no wait wait wait we need to go deeper in hell you need to swing off his he can't swing off you there there you go there we go oh gosh oh God I shouldn't have to explain this and drinking Immortal lobbies man Chad do you realize how I talked to that I said that in the nicest way possible I could have been so mean oh we won our last OT with a toxic teammate couldn't win this one with a toxic teammate feeling great I love it guys minus 18. oh we should have won that game so many times I mean we had a good comeback but like we threw too many rounds on defense yeah all right we are here uh it's another day we have currently less than 10 hours left and we are at 27 out of 100 RR and ascended three so worried quite the predicament it's the last day of ranked hopefully we get a mortal man I I do not want to climb through ascendant again so yep have you gained an appreciation for Cipher over the speedrun no actually no all right hold up no I got I gotta warm up for Cipher guys hold up all right [Music] it's all right I was just warming up for Cypher today oh my oh um this guy plays too much Call of Duty guys I just like my uh to announce my next career Endeavors is I'm actually going to be pursuing a full-time career in fortnite after one pumping two people with the same shot sound good all right thanks Ace by end of game and I'll give 35 Subs we got one round left to do it man I'll swing first let's go and I already can't how about a 4K we got about a 2K I got it we're chilling let's go 19 RR poor Smoky potato man though he went oh and 16. looking like a crypto thrower let's go foreign 30 seconds left baby mid that's just feeling oh my gosh yeah best Phoenix best Phoenix let's go oh he's dead all right who wants to potentially throw the game and force up Stingers here baby that's what I'm talking about get up get up I'm gonna throw an eyelids okay okay rolled hold up I'm vulnerable my feelings can get hurt no it's okay I love you oh thank you okay I'm good now we're good that's why I love you because he's ready oh man he's actually there I can see he's one HP oh yes baby he's cooking up he's cooking up one enemy remaining what [Laughter] he got his fourth kill oh nice train we need more Cipher content no 19rr oh my gosh should we get two more of those we're done foreign oh my gosh the owner actually tp'd in and got two I've never seen anyone successfully do that yeah [Music] nailed it nice oh oh my gosh we got an FF we had an AFK for one round and they just gave up we were being gifted ELO today huh only 17. okay guys deep breaths chat we need 18 RR to rank up here sorry I was late 2ct I can Flash 52 players they lined it up I mean I let the Rays really low weapon here oh [ __ ] I got deleted all right he's better he's better he's not handsome it's right here right no I wanted a vegan moved reloading one shower so many mollies nice guy Charis is clear just one let's go yo 90. oh my God that's too long no I had two boys I was ambitious nice TV TV 120. nice 125 free oh I almost I almost aced that whoa whoa then she had a body try to bite him ready be moving oh City remaining 65. 00 dude he was so not ready for that you're So Gone for this I'm gonna just say no no don't why do you how do you even know how does he even he didn't how does he know I match every Pete come on dude there's no way it's not like 20 25 60rr let's go but this game is this cam that's all I gotta say I just matched him he bead took a 16 RR goodbye everyone I remember you all in therapy I had the I had the Glimpse this sweet taste of I never have to play this agent again and it just was like I was like I match mvp'd I'm gonna get like 20 RR easily and that feeling was just gutted like just ripped out of my chest oh we're good [Music] one enemy remaining I don't know where that is nice I got my three baby fortnite guys we got we got this dump we have the best Cipher in this team we can never lose okay I think you're I think I might be wait it didn't see me dude I'm the best look look at this oh my God oh my gosh they're going in guys they're going in you gotta I believe don't worry guys we have Cypher setup does not matter foreign oh my gosh that was terrifying I think it's me guys Bravo yeah they can't come here bravo bravo guys Bravo caught one cage she broke both my trips I got two of these okay one enemy remaining here's a plan what am I watching oh Flash I don't like this wait I want to get a kill shot body shot so I had shot him I think so he's hard get him hey ggs I swear I swear at everything yes there's no way we don't rake up off that no matter what let's go we're done Immortal one Immortal one I'm logging out of this oh wait no I don't want to say goodbye Elite we did it Cypher Speed Run complete we can now play sci-fi on our main account we're never going to do that ever um make sure to not subscribe to Keel plus just don't just wait like a week then you can subscribe don't subscribe we're done
Channel: Keeoh
Views: 901,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c9 keeoh valorant, keeoh killjoy, keeoh valorant, valorant speedrun, harbor, valorant harbor, new valorant agent, harbor speedrun, keeoh killjoy lineups, killjoy lineups, radiant tips, unranked to radiant, iron to immortal, immortal speedrun, valorant immortal, keeoh speedrun, ion 2.0 vandal, valorant agents, keeoh cypher, cypher speedrun, keeoh cypher speedrun, keeoh valorant speedrun, cypher setups, keeoh cypher gameplay, cypher keeoh
Id: WcEwPrqBVeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 8sec (13508 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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