Proof That NRG DOMINATES at VCT (NRG vs mibr: VCT Watchparty)

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for ice box where's the stage oh this is in LA California because they physically wear or location very very common now and it it's energy are they going to reintroduce bind everyone you know how they reintroduce yeah yeah yeah sovan Kale like they really got to pick it up to kind of get them what is this from I also think we're seeing Sentinels play this kind of comp that um I was asking Chad earlier we banned everyone that said mibr but who do you think is gonna win the series I think energy is going to win I am the most unbiased person in this world name someone more unbiased of me give me it give me it situation right okay and I'll give you the most unbiased take on it so who's right the Republicans or the Democrats they're both wrong they're both absolutely garbage on the best honestly unbiased I've been literally unbiased it all comes back to you where you're the best I'm just saying if I was President I would take over the world yes I'd be the best but here's the problem I rule the country and then the world through diplomatic means or like world domination baby okay okay here for the second match it'll be a great way to go out everyone just getting choked anyways dude the lights are changing color here I'm not sure if you noticed what do you mean honestly probably that'd be a good weight too you know I wonder if they played yeah not to go out a little bit focused onto those throughout the game anyway the game's starting energy thank you thank you zero point and turret over here we got more brownies guys look at these we got brownies yeah brownies on Deck hey we got that with the brownies baby would you prefer being president or King whichever one I can I could do more [ __ ] with you know three players getting ready for that like if if I was a king would I be able to change the world more I'd pick that word I just need to make decisions that like no like people need to notch be doing oh yellow I'm just saying oh [ __ ] wait yeah energy all right we got it come on energy bring it home keep an eye on that they are staying three in B just creating a brick wall for energy to hit even with the flank round and give away one yeah we'll regurgitate the pleasure it's going to be next to the bathroom energy plays this right and extracts the you to allow finds a way to get close to mibr this round could flip very quick dude this angle is so difficult it looks like they're gonna try to stick together to get these Pistons frenzies to work yeah all right energy it's time to cook something to cook yeah they couldn't get one wow it's okay consecration [Music] I'm just kidding I'm just kidding energy literally about to turn up right here they're about to buy I think it's the Phantom thrown over here let's go energy this is usually when my solo queue teammates type slash but I really think energy have the mental grit fortitude shoulder and perseverance doing this I would say the mental Force who need it to pull through absolutely moves I would lose the war too but I would never give up I would just lose everything yeah but you never give up that's all that matters ethos is the secret raid Boss Next map and I'm the secret secret boss regurgitated brownies to maximize Mama birdie experience exactly Loki I wonder how much they would sell for regurgitated brownies famous yeah hello I'm kidding guys that's gross decent utility to come back in but this long this is a good wall though that's actually a really cool that's a good Molly yeah that's a very good Molly wait here from energy that must be practiced right that is that is that is 100 lined up wait wait wait wait wait they're getting they're getting dick is going on oh this is such a good position for Victor you can get through here never mind he lagged no they gave him too much space there yeah they needed to fight yeah but like yeah like set up a flash dude here's the thing dude you never give them that much space or take that many close encounter fights when they have the gun disadvantage right like they're bonusing around before they have Bulldogs inspectors like what are we expecting there and even beyond that like they fought so hard to get into sight they put themselves in a position where they it feels like they're fighting some First Sight again they're fighting yeah they're fighting for Sight but they're not even fighting in a good way like they had no one there to trade right the guy actually was fighting 1v1 backside right like you got to take I think they need a three two one swing there from default to you know like they got defaulted honestly even without a flashlight yeah no no absolutely absolutely without Molly there yeah I don't know something last time I didn't like that yeah because like in a one for one spot a little too much respect I think yeah I think I believe in their calls a spikes is a little we shall see still get out of this one but it looks like a sage plant after after you till clear will be the goal I actually think he gets out of this position personally fragmented yo he did a lot of damage though he did he did he just needed he needed a dip yeah no no I actually don't mind this still player Advantage for energy available but clock has been for the wicked it's okay it's a nice round win on a half by energy that's when the final boss comes out you know what I mean think about it think about this way you're at work okay your your work you're an I.T job and you know you have a manager okay HR presence is there okay you have a manager all right now your manager has a manager okay now let's pretend you met the CEO for lunch one time because he was being generous all right now you get stuck at work because you're like oh my God I need to fix this customer's router now you're gonna call CEO right away yeah no you're not you're gonna call are you gonna call the manager's manager right away depends on the situation if it was like a massive contract yeah big retake you're not gonna call them manager right away and let's let them know you're going to go above him no meat dude me and him go way back yeah so that's me I I'm the final boss you are the final boss I'm the final I'm the the ultimate final boss I after everyone calls everyone that's where I come in and I'm like oh it's a problem let me fix it so yeah when they're down four Maps that's when I step in okay I see them all falling back yeah there's like four managers in between there's a sixth seventh eighth and Ninth how can they read yeah yeah yeah they are still early in the game seeing if that might be called Ghostbusters sometimes you gotta call them oh what a wall I actually like that wall the wall above the smoke is pretty good wow what a great olds wow what a great old that was Harvard a nice one wait and they go in tubing to be though I actually like this rotation 13 seconds I like this rotation oh they know that one snow if I make it back and I go for aggressive fights and we have something to kind of the problems with the kale you're not using it for anything other than like a second life an attempt of a second life at this point I wouldn't even say it's a second life it's just silence is so good yeah oh oh chill chill Silva chill okay knife you have knife your knife energy let's go [ __ ] let's go I was gonna say like originally I was like the only time I would ultimately I actually make it back into Maine but like he wasn't default I probably wouldn't have vaulted yeah but even when he went back I was even debating that I was like yeah he's like what are you really saving for yeah what are you silencing what are you doing the second life is so hard in those positions that's what I'm saying like you're not gonna get res back there but I mean it ended up being good so I guess if you if you see the bomb when you're down as KO you could be like a drone right yeah yeah but if I'm default I'm not popping that yeah I'm not popping that I would only pop it if I make it back to Maine with my team FNS yeah just waiting for the pushes on aniko yeah exactly can't get any better than that well the only problem is like if they double push him right by himself I actually in this game like Counter-Strike is a bit different I don't mind but in this game I actually don't like solo holding for pushes yeah because like what's the top two people from pushing you and trading you out and then have a gun and imagine it's like any other age like it's like Arena they just full heal full heal get a gun in their hands I actually don't like it what suggestions do you have for like people that are trying to default against the Nico do you just go to Paris yeah I go Paris I go pairs like two of you and then like I said nulls like I don't think you can watch everything yeah unless you're watching watching from Far distances or something yeah yeah I feel like a lot of people get punished because I'm spotting in this game too compared to other games that was a bit very risky yeah that was weird that was bad oh artist doesn't give a flying fish he's cheating a little bit this feels like a solo queue game just stop getting five picks wow wow hooray hooray energy is coming back baby like we said imagine they'd bring it back all the way to nine nine we see that back online this folds over into blade storms so it actually made oh my God that's around for mibr but energy they're waking up there are a lot of ultimates on the board sorry there's someone someone almost fell we just almost as loud as the bang I had against your mom last night hey Joel's ever played Pro um not invalid right now I played Semi-Pro in Counter-Strike but that's the extent of it seems like we get a push on this towards mid yep Mr pushes up they're doing so good with this and one's stuck on an island as gzz but not getting pushed not a knife fights fighting pairs together yeah but that allows mrbr to actually get a lot of information energy wins the numbers game here but take long range fights fighting pairs or attack an extremity to keep an extremity together icebox sucks though for doing that last bit everything yeah great scaling I'm the same way but also you know with rushing stuff you kind of run the risk of running into a stack or you run the risk of them taking space when you're like let's say they push through b and nobody's watching it and then you guys want to rotate off I don't know it always feels bad um I don't think so oh my God I guess he does I guess he does he got ping wow oh crashes because the olds oh my God wait that was sick they know what happened dude this might be a save yeah look at finesse he's so smart he knows that they're in such a [ __ ] spot he's not giving up the ones there yeah he knows not to push in right the only time he'd push in is like if his teammates are dying yeah if he or if like he hears gun fights like yeah yeah yeah yeah like he's really playing for the for the bomb right yeah exactly by not peeking there there he's just going for exes knowing that they're saving now you go yeah now you try and gig on the other hand yeah but that was like that was pretty textbooks did you see that wall that they do that's actually pretty interesting orange yeah I like that I like that I like that a lot actually nobody on this team is diving in for you everybody has to trade you have to Anchor each other there's no jet no real I was gonna say no real duelist but no another thing too like a lot of people in that situation would probably grief the or the the lurk there you know I mean they would push in they push in like too early a lot of people do that mistake and well they just missed the timing especially in Pro Player Pro Player are going to be a lot more aware of these kind of lurks so you have to be very very paid like late late lately you know what I mean that is a huge Nuance that you can only really well loyal teams yeah solo queue you're getting raged at oh yeah he's like bro Rado what are you lurking bro lurking Reina bro it's like your team plan so did they push further one and giving them ones you're like a one two they're like GG yeah like two rounds and then in the freeze time you see the ffo would come up yeah yeah people are freaks in solo queue they're so impatient I don't think it's impatience I just I just think they're like they're not really alone maybe a little bit of everything you can really start guessing all right how do they come out of this you know all right how the hell do I get the res off and the Box off my face when you use the Canon as a webcam wait how the hell do I get the res off come up with that time and the Box off my face when you use a cannon oh is he talking about like the uh oh oh oh hit the menu button scroll to the last page and scroll down to display something it should be displayed setting on you turn that to off peak right also good luck my Canon likes to overheat a lot shut off early though I will tell you come on energy come on energy shot off by gzz so this is another big round If energy when this is probably like two rounds guaranteed right they're probably gonna Eco next round but it's always a difficult round after the round after use all the results that's like what do you what do you do D Force fights you go quick yeah contacted ran onto site they'll get a call for the rotate here oh wow wow into that though ah this is risky three angles someone someone probably told him usually usually like The Spectators see that kind of stuff right yeah you see the little like glow yeah me personally personally I wouldn't want that I would have I would have called that did you personally followed missed they closed the distance instantly it's a lot like what we saw a crew tried to do on Pearl once they found heat with another spot just blast forward and try and close this was big but if you imagine You Gotta Throw one too still got his shots down going on in the middle side of the map as well just after seeing the had a crash he's there Keith's able to come up with a kill operators coming up big now for MIT I just think it was a good play though but they off to go up into Nest there he's still on a low ball just because it's like very unlikely to for an opera to do that right alt down the Brazilian team had to do like a really aggressive place though so that's something he's gonna lock down now looking down the cannon of mid yeah now players to play the delay on the B site he's low he's low towards the right side of Green is allowing damage slowly move up here is going to take another command is ready yellow nothing found Energy's looking good here they scaled up really hard here but look at that boys that's actually pretty early for alerts I mean I probably wouldn't have expected an off holding you though at least not from that angle on to Victor Reckoning coming out artists just getting stunned they're stun gun oh my god oh Hank is the dinks wow that's why I'm available right now yeah the timeout has seemed to flip so not a true drill stream if the camp doesn't shut off at least once true angles which they are not anymore they're staying very steady and knowing ever again never again get me a little bit of utility out of mibr at a then submit you know what I feel like that's equivalent to like laugh tracks yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that one people can stack up on so maybe if they are going for the find heat strategy put that a little mid pressure this is a good timeout though energy is like yeah guys let's calm down calm the nerves I think they're going to be on a Nico though you ever Miss engineering for sure um as soon as it gets the position kind of just saying I miss the people two rounds in a row now just the people that I used to work with that train it's a great opportunity the job itself sometimes heat has been actually quite good I like this a lot more I feel like it really just itches my my creative mind and allowing mibr let me do what I want to do you know what I mean Reed's definitely calling stuff out here which is going to be world domination you know see if Energy's timeout has the impact energy timed out they're scared do you remember those impact for sure those plays they would do in like Pro Counter-Strike where they would pause on an Eco if you win and then on an Eco round they just sit inside yeah yeah and just do whatever yeah just be like okay guys we gotta Focus up let's see what they're doing here yeah yeah yeah and then it's like next round we do this and they have they plan for the next next round yeah yeah I remember that I'm pretty sure f s did that I don't even remember long time it's one of the most important things here it's been a while may not be the the trades that they want but it's the inbox ability for themselves that a push stalled out by a zero point once again so we go back to this kind of default strategy by energy still no mid to be worked though they keep themselves on site see like me personally I would know where he's holding default from and I would aggress with my teammates and then pop watch the corner double swing yeah me personally with the software that I downloaded the other night it's really easy for me to see where the enemies are so I just have my knife out until I see yeah to be honest like why not just cheap yeah nice they could actually fall back there if they wanted they could because of the presence trying to break it down oh they're committing that oh wait what what a Molly yeah that Molly only works if it lands right on the on the alto oh that's annoying oh no undetained this is a 2v5 right here the fuse already comes down for it wait oh it's just somebody mollies retaliate yeah okay this is rough slowing it down for a bit more oh I heard the tab so I'm cooking we're gonna break it okay I think they they thought that the Molly was gonna get there yeah they did in and they got scared yeah and the difference mean it's that it might be yeah Molly has to uh was you the tracker review if they donated 19.99 uh I'm gonna guess I would not today I don't have uh I don't have notifs on yeah yeah we don't have anything set up here since we're at the VCT and we do not see that time out doing too much to mibr's momentum from energy to the top Maurice has been playing the rope and now plays it a little different on it way on the top Xbox is like ct-sided well for their push forward but not um I don't actually know anymore I actually think it's team sided yeah I feel like whichever's team is like better than the other team's side who's better well like if nrg's attack side is just better like I don't know I feel like I've seen both ways I really think icebox is probably like to go either way yeah pop flash by Victor there you saw it's not even time to turn just absolutely lost in the sauce when maybe like on average majority more defense sided though like slightly crashes I've seen like big knife okay look at this learned oh he's fuming dude I really like how they switch up the letter player sometimes it's really good that's really creative because like sometimes people are like oh maybe you see the Viper they're like oh because like if finesse was lurking always I've seen the Viper have you seen the Viper I do the same thing because I'm like oh this person likes lurking and like have we seen this person it's like the second I see him I'm like okay no more likers energy to not give up it's I feel like it's very safe to do in solo queue that way but in Pro play we can you know what I mean because they keep track they do this kind of stuff around here it's what you need because I feel like both teams are I think at the end of the day like what Surface Pro play from solo queues like they're very better at well first coordination teamwork but they're very they're just better at realizing patterns and abusing those patterns and realizing their own patterns and limiting their patterns right you know what I mean yeah it's kind of Poker yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's ready to pull that trigger in such a scary spot too once he gets pinged out oh bro he always gets a pick there it's just too easy to open this game man you're so slow compared to like other games getting a timing off the high tide coming down you can't have the same flash he did good on a Victor to fall back and not go for the flash because that high time oh we got another one is for a Kill all of mrbr continues retake place okay oh okay all right all right six six yeah oh oh wait what was that night I'm I'm generally confused what that was this is a great oh this is a great this is a great thing oh my God 150 credits by the way oh my god oh my god wow what a round holy [ __ ] knowing he was tagged knowing he was tagged and he does that what is bro cooking man I want some that is like a five-star Michelin restaurant that is like Gordon Ramsay approves that Grill is straight heat and I want some oh my God [Laughter] you know when the players are feeling it too and they're like wait that yeah that happened oh yeah let's go he's hyped too clutch out from something that was wild 150 credits shorty man I'm telling you the Shorty's just not balanced it really isn't now to carry to bring it to even at the half six six Super doable right we're super close half at the beginning absolutely exactly what they were doing I mean they were damn what what a sick round that was I gotta I got a crazy hypothetical here for halftime yeah I seriously think that we discussed this before but I want to hear the opinion of everyone else would you rather you know every single language be able to play every single instrument just have to play a very straight up games oh yeah I remember this yeah I play every single instrument for sure for sure I would play every single okay here's the thing this is why the timing on the mid lane music every single time it's Universal any language that you speak you can understand music you know what I mean okay Jay-Z by the way but like I don't know I feel like you wouldn't be able to benefit knowing every language so far you know there's some language that you just you'll never even use unless you just visit every single country um guys you can't see under the desk but what he's doing with his hand out of there is no good I'm cranking like this you know you're on the drums you know and then like you just pull out the guitar you're like a band with yourself good zero you play with yourself I do that all the time to know every instrument you know one instrument very very well the skin you like blown up yeah surprisingly it's pretty flexible no but like I don't know I feel like knowing every instrument is pretty cool me personally okay I think I think I think the chat is like split on this too I just think language is just yellow I want to know what for Entertainer music is better yeah that's what that's what he said too as soon as I said that he's like true I guess since you're an Entertainer music would be cool imagine I could just play like any instrument for you guys imagine being an adult Entertainer playing instruments on top of it easy bro that'd be crazy let's see how this pistol goes energy oh my gosh pushing it down they're running it down mid night here meanwhile for energy after that first kill don't want to go for oh they saw three it's actually just a rotate backwards oh it double pings you saw that at least I can see it they double pinged with the one Dart yeah I knew it was a thing Energy's playing little audio Warfare here they're like bounding everywhere they go right let's get back to get back to a so look at that really late alert there I think all these zombies just watching that oh he's gonna get to kill here right there there we go so almost the place now they know everyone's on site oh come on come on they wait for the piece it's time to cook energy do your thing you'll think 21. oh good tread all right two two Psalm is alive though I don't know what the second one is they know one of screens comes down now separated oh oh this is the last one doesn't know last one he goes on the Rope he goes on the Rope here he's got timings he got timings that was such a great play I would have done the exact same thing yeah no like actually actually me personally I would have done the same thing the second I go up the rope and I know that I heard him or a thing I took the Rope it's the last thing people expect yeah they always expect the regular angles I actually got a little scared there when they split and went what about dead languages and you could read text that hasn't been translated yet I mean I guess so I guess but what about that instruments right able to still get that I don't know who cares yeah hypothetical I would still play I would still I'd be jamming on the guitar I play the piano rip that thing Marshall for heat but playing with keys pushing keys I like pushing buttons buttons artists on the other side here artists loving the Marshall too and they can dip into it a little bit us meanwhile he's like do I heal myself it's gonna do like 15. yeah I'm gonna tickle my HP that's why sky is good now too right with the heels it's not bad it's just the self-heal is so bad I don't know why they did that I don't like that we already used towards a this is why we're seeing crashes rotate back over they didn't see anyone on that zero point I'm sure question is how good you are the instruments I mean we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and say like expert level on all instruments equivalent of like being fluent in languages right oh okay I was thinking like expert but not like the best the best I mean fluent like you can communicate with everyone however you wanted to like it's it's natural like how we're communicating right now I don't know but like that's only one more player left okay yeah yeah I want to call you an expert right I don't know how to England which is like great music instruments how good would it be like maybe not like performance levels like on stage performance sold out Arena but like you're good enough to be like damn okay like you could definitely be in a band yeah I play like five different bands there's a guitar player as the drummer as a singer this knife is op by the way such a good knife unbreakable yeah we need to go forward it's used every time to get orbs right should be used every time to get orbs that zero point really made him think about peaking twice at the situation I'm not sure if you noticed the uh the difference but I feel like mibr has been a little bit more patient with like setting up the defaults they're like basically in spawn for the first 20 seconds if the play is there oh wow Heat so I'm thinking about that let me expect a second I've seen some pop off in this exact same spot yeah I call that song yeah that's no longer called yellow or he's there you don't play guitar right now I don't know I just play the piano just like around we just saw the rotation back they have even numbers this time we can all sleep I cannot dream tonight it would be incredible if mivr cannot get in before the rest of anything I wish I could sing for real for real five real oh my VR all stuck towards 410 they're already in sight defending every question they're assuming that they're not gonna hit oh he just swings like what's up uh you got one though it's a bonus so like whatever they can get here the Victor wins this I will eat this most bad it's a giant one comes down to the fight would tastes good though yeah because I mean all the crumbs from our brownies and chips let's just marinated yeah yeah exactly now they think about it yeah like at home that thing's been marinated for a couple months anyways anyone want to buy his mouse pad he's marinated with Jules of sweat some like mouth sweat what else who knows maybe I'd like drop the droplet of sauce or something some sneeze some oils yeah it's probably from like my hands back and forth with energy in the round you can hold sites and take sites like that it becomes your game to pressure oh the drone's not clear again they're now drawn out very soon to see what mibr has for eggs oh they're too aware energy is waiting on the top of pipes to get that kill can you hit the quitty I could I could hit the quitting right now but I'm probably not I'm actually a little uh you know I'm a little a little on the sick side you know so we're gonna try to avoid I mean I'm not sick anymore but I was just sick so I'm good now he's not feeling great I'm just not feeling a hundred he's not woody ready wow yeah what a peek for real for real I was like he's wall hacking just before it gets clearance I'm saying Pockets what's up how's it going I have a single five dollar bill all right sold let's see how fast energy moves in sight with three Joel's clammy hands would I buy actually my hands don't sweat too much the only I don't even sweat in general too much unless I'm sick and then I sweat a [ __ ] ton it's bad my body's like all right time to get the [ __ ] out of you artist is so far up what's up all right Victor good good kill he needs this one no we're both of them are swing oh my God Victor yeah he would have won he literally just gets half there and then even when right through way to recuperate there after losing uh some dead skin cells some mysterious crunchy white stuff a bit of chapstick you know the usual it's true that actually describes it pretty well yeah so mibr has to figure out what is going to be any tips against ranked anxiety a lot more usually helps I mean it can it could be really cool if it does but you if you're the one playing you don't want to see that happening over and over again eight to eight years we get into this next round low buy for the side of energy ultimates uh quite on debt here for the mipr with a few to use and looks like they'll get well from the face of energy but artists don't give a fleeve artist still I don't think it's clear here's about to come up oh that timing second one okay oh my God but it is not oh it's cooked in the corner for nest don't do it come on man oh man always man I feel like he's always getting caught it's nice twice this game I liking that I like what I'm seeing him I was then stringing together three he is coming like he's probably like oh guys we gotta do this because you cannot underestimate those guys this was almost bad yeah such a good job here I love the zero point that comes in as well to give him kind of an idea of who else might be around if artists what if it's a nice shot yeah very big in the late round mid play is going to be the name of the game here coming into round 18. up onto the tube did not see this type of aggression really coming out from the side of energy on this I don't see anyone next to jewels it's just a figment of my imagination that you guys can also see sometimes looking for some of these early fights to gauge for fun no this double pushes he probably saves it for oh he's not ready for this oh they're so aware I love it oh God he got traded yeah absolutely get the rest retake 5v3 all right wow this is a deep [ __ ] here snipers pit went too deep towards green so that's double flight coming out from energy good pan out another round oh oh what this guy's cheating bro come in Maurice fully blinded oh wait the chain spaces oh no oh wait the my world went down nice nice let's go that's what they needed that's what they needed this is where they picked back up and went out that's all you need one round of Defense side to get things rolling mitigating that chaos is a good point for energy right now man I need a back massage so really nicely done by energy to kind of just slow that down all right where are they going you're gonna be here early wall too what are we dropping Tilt The Towers where are we dropping boys being able to figure each other out loud I can't remember you used to play fortnite too right I played a little bit oh what a Flash oh yeah don't give guns now yeah surely he's like I I'm out of here I might as well get this last pick oh my God and he's gonna get the orbs yeah farming orbs oh my God that's four orbs bro that's four orbs already dude he just reads last round too what's funny is they that's on purpose yes right that's like on purpose The Flash yeah yeah they just flash for uh someone to farm more orbs and the farmer kills again looks like it starts off on Marines it's just Meister rgl that's crazy crazy of the year at 61 clocked in here on icebox you still have to give it up how mrvr are still able to make this a very very close do you have like a preferred map that you feel like you always perform well we haven't seen mibr since chamber days when I used to sweat it was split yeah yeah that's what do they have I think I had like a 60 something this seems like it is pushing on it after like 300 some games yeah I don't know what it is but I I rotate really well on that map dude it's so easy to look up coming out for crashes I think after split it was like Ascent I think really yeah so this is really no no it was ice ball ice box old ice box oh three pre-changes I feel like the changes are healthy though yeah they're okay they just split out the middle of the map here I don't know thinking the heat yeah Z is going to be there now I I don't like it as much as I did all right they're probably gonna go for uh all tag area yeah we're already road yeah buy a lockdown from frz I might cancel at the pit or some might not carriages oh saw each other oh wow they weren't expecting that at all God damn Those are nasty that might be it for me to be fair is using investing a lot into the surround right killjoyals true aware of the potential alert coming out from the research oh damn pushing heat out of position oh yeah that was Giga brain personally I would have had the same thought process it might be yours to tie up the game 10 to 10. these are the rounds that make you wonder like that's the pretty incredible round from mivr right usually the flank is something that'll come in towards the middle to end of the round and they're not seen they're blinking time save time somebody like Marines gotta save for college guys the Lesser number of mibr members able to still take a site able to still work off this is a close one dude it's a very close one absolutely it's doing just use the wall that he can provide them so I bet you shook GG boys and girls a ghost is murder me tonight energy uh it might just be I should say a repercussion of your mom's bed shaking you know and it shakes everything else in the house there's a delay on the Stream So with eyes on them right that's even more crazy Maurice again on the flank he is in indeed a tank on the flank energy calls a time out I believe as we get back in this one not really getting the information they wanted but expecting and playing reactive so that's what I need air horns I feel like we're like a radio like early 2000s radio host you know what's going on guys welcome to 92.52.5 what are you guys doing Friday night we have the club DJ local DJ um pinky toe is going to be hosting and we're gonna have free drinks for all women um until nine and it starts at 8 59 and believe it or not women getting free before 7 A.M or 7 P.M yeah they get in free yeah we set it free ladies be there or be square [Applause] passively to be more uh reactive with that pit mrb is just very comfortable you're going to bed Lane yeah just haven't been sleeping like eight eight nine hours reminds me of when people used to bring the Viper or whatever in neon in right you have the two walls to progress through yes and that really worked well when you had uh crashes has been really quiet this game too normally the guy like the quiet 20 Fragger but he's like nine kills yeah he needs to wake up a little bit you know big setup for killing you're gonna see how many coffees they have on their desk that's one thing we have to really analyze you know what I mean like you said they put a little too much towards mid last time someone say free drinks a yo free drinks yes free drinks tonight at 7pm three drinks tonight ladies get info free nice hit on zero point what's up what's a classic 2000 song that they would play on the radio um billionaire [Music] maybe it's like maybe we should be aiming like 2010s yeah 2015. so maybe like something like Ed Sheeran shape of you shape of you Ed Sheeran and next up shape of You by Ed Sheeran The uh what's shooting stars he's like an avid like flat earther dude okay crash okay look at oh oh they're really lit on site they know yes all right come on come on come on oh this is Scrappy as heck this is very Scrappy let's go either way oh that's a good alarm about though yeah they know he's not something but here's the problem they can get Space though it could be up on top no no this is the winnable this is still winnable but dude we actually heard MIB air celebrate before before yeah here's my number Call Me Maybe Licious oh Fergalicious Fergalicious lurk which we have just it's the mango psycho that's always pretty good man I think anything black guys Kesha Kesha um yeah I love Kesha a little bit more back to a to start this one energy is going to keep the same defense but now put someone in mid just for that lurk that was a huge round for him a beer to win unfortunately but Energies gonna bounce back just saw a little tip of his head the tip of his head Recon Dart also just uh the operator oh that's actually really smart putting the off on the stage to get that first off Earth is a jelly filled Donuts baby because I'm [ __ ] the world baby when I'm going for world domination around the corner oh here comes the Drone nice slow by artist is it enough oh [ __ ] oh my God he's off he's off come on come on I'm the cook time to cook just get one we have that res we needed this round oh they're going back yeah they're gonna fall I think they know though I think they're gonna pick a mid here they're moving forward this is big for some this is big for some Andy's holding the cross and he's holding the cross yes get one scary oh look at this wall though it just slows them down they even plants uh I think they can find Victor but a little is it does it it forces them to plant there I wonder why and we are oh [ __ ] bro it's okay we could probably get this res off she's trying to get a timing here oh that's timing remaining okay okay this is this is so hard to win here comes the high low on the second half oh yeah imagine in a world that was very very close one dude energy is not looking good for this big one if you go into OT they're on a really bad bite here nope we really seen these teams light armor wraps up as much I'm not a fan of the Phantom dude it's really good for multi-killing but like dude 141 really irks me yeah yeah like it just something about that like makes my brain juices not flow it sort of like drives it up like a Sahara you know yeah they're replaying The Mask winning those fights outright in the beginning so they're playing the map super well to make those fights advantageous for themselves here going from there um probably playing retake I was gonna mention the difference here from mybr a good res off sure the slow shock darts for mrbr it's just they should be bad yes agreed someone leaked the script on my beer um that's that's bad losing the res in the last round potentially the last round here for mivr to upset energy on the first map until rgl comes in for the event for Revenge wow look how much space they gave up for like three [Music] addresses they're gonna be looking back towards here in a couple seconds yeah probably three two one they're ready for it yeah they're just gonna sit inside the pit I think first one okay oh [Applause] [ __ ] all right okay okay I think energy here showed up big at the beginning of oh they kind of cooled off a little bit right there was a lot of good plays in the beginning they were making the right decisions but then James a little unfortunate a little unfortunate it's all good it happens they're gonna go backstage get a Hot Pocket get a rock star and they're gonna be good to go a little bit more in these rounds not true true that's exactly what they need right now some hot pockets and Levi's they need to start wearing Levi's yeah it's a little cold in here so getting warmed up with this little Levi Jacket yeah absolutely and maybe they're feeling some fatigue from too much aim training yeah and when you start using some therapodi yeah it's such a good remedy for the fatigue and everything I think so too talked about the activation of two key players being beaten heat areas one definitely one song Hero unsung heroes for all this is also Marie that was a good game though all things considered and they have an opportunity to do it it was a good one it was a good map I mean for the bo3 you need someone to lose one map this is the map right I mean I guess you're not wrong yeah we should see a map we should see map 2 here for energy we'll pick map one do we know it was it was energy oh damn the bizo with the primary three months appreciate you welcome back I got you I'm gonna write your name down here on the list we're just writing people's names down while we're here because they gave us markers and do it [Music] actually three months ads bro we're not getting paid for this thank you giant list today it's okay this is only happening because you guys wanted a third map I know I know what can I say we wanted to make it close don't worry I told you if we lose the next like three Maps that's when I get pulled in so I'm ready for my points Soco don't tell me don't tell me you voted for him and my br a you are banned you are literally band's traitor absolute traitor [Music] is there any uh video game that you would want to be good at besides FPS games a game I would want to be good at yeah yeah I'm not sure what the chess I'd probably be yeah I mean it would be all right I feel like it's not his hype what do I be like good at like okay Define good like one of the best like the best 10 in the world top 10 in the world to top one if you put it in any game any game I would have to pick Jess dude chess is so cool to be good at no yeah but I feel like you're in chess it's either you're the best or you're not you're you're either Magnus Carlson or Gary Kasparov kapparov Kasper yeah but would you what about wow um uh oh no wow either oh pink box with the six months resub appreciate you yeah Bait Box coming in massive sub thank you all right let me add you let me reach it down here I'm not sure what game man table tennis poker being good at poker that is that is really good too oh poker yeah okay I pick poker really yeah I pick poker it's extremely lucrative though so yeah that makes sense yeah big box hey thank you thank you for that do physical Sports count yeah let's let's do it even physical Sports oh even physical oh I picked physical Sports uh which sport like soccer you're the best probably soccer football football just because it's more renowned that's true ever because everyone can play football yeah but like I'm not I don't care too much about football right but like actually maybe boxer oh I picked boxer boxer [ __ ] okay that's fair that's scary put it away for me you're gonna go home start Shadow Boxing and like God damn no it's because I told you right my grandpa yeah yeah he was uh he was national champion he was a national champion in boxing back in the back in the old day oh hey how's it going how's it going no no no they're coming back map two and three [Laughter] good that was uh that was Andy Miller that's my boss so remember when I was telling you guys about the CEO are you guys remember Hot Pockets yeah that's him that's him he's the big dog um it's okay energy is gonna win out are you guys liking the maps oh yeah we can play some Lo-Fi for you guys some Vibes you know because they're playing some TOS unfriendly music okay stop with us out stop with it you're spamming sound effects bro we can actually adjust their voice here kind of like voice AI you ever see those voices where it's like Drake singing K-pop actually yeah yeah change mine change mine okay let's see if I can hello good get it again yeah yeah thank you all right put it on Hello what's good babe hello hello this is wait this is normal that's cool this is for you sound like let's play a game song well you have to give me like options give me two options give me like two options oh [ __ ] okay okay let me think about this how much time do we have how much time is on the clock okay okay fine okay [Laughter] he's good enough okay Morse code sorry I can read more so just straight up mobr willing to take the fights win the jewels oh arrows arrows bloody with primer dude arrows is such a smart person using their free twitch Prime stuff here oh my God and how do you even get twitch Prime you know what you can check by pressing the Subscribe button seeing if you have a free yeah every month it's crazy oh my God and it probably is linked to Amazon Prime if you have that so no way I think everyone nowadays has Amazon Prime so there's a free sub for everyone yeah and it greatly supports the streamer imagine that and it gets your name written down on this cool paper you might be asking Joel's what's his paper for absolutely nothing but I might take a picture with it okay you'll go down in history while those two names that were tips of our tongues going into the series we heard bands say right at the end goals of energy brings this home even mummy a hundred dollars who's holding it down on the flank that sounds like a really good deal I think you should take it here dude if anything happens all right dude listen if mibr win this you give me a hundred dollars if enter wait wait wait wait wait wait if NRG wins this you give me 200. [Music] give me a headache even thinking about it what even are those letters thank you so much for the gift there I appreciate it our favorites around them I wrote down everything they don't look at any team as unbeatable no there we go there is so much so it was illegal to bed trolls listen I'm not betting within the America's League I mean I was talking about 100 in RP VP I mean two months later in the day we'll have to revisit those Power Rankings that you decided to dive into my controls do we get written down on a special piece of paper you do you do yeah segment tomorrow to be it'll be weak uh chillish heavy primers as well number two and give us a third one thank you thank you welcome back damn we getting a lot of subs today a little popping sound from aimless is so satisfying utilizing his own utility in such a way place that they can make around it in order to open up the round and I think like him just overall as a player just did a really great job yeah Dory with a gifter I appreciate that thank you one in five in opening kills there on icebox and I think that tells a bigger story Chidori like from Dragon Ball peace almost twice as well Death Metal Alchemist wait that's a good one x Hunter all right really you know what else makes a popping sound hey yo what else makes a popping sound I'm unfamiliar last night on top of you ever heard you ever made mac and cheese before I have made Massachusetts all right you know when you're like mixing the mac and cheese after it's been so yeah yeah yes okay what about it so that sound is the same sound your mom made last night she was actually cooking mac and cheese as well oh okay yeah it's very she's a very good cook okay that's good I'm glad I'm glad you're here thank you I'll relay the message yeah I ate everybody so for me it's weird you know I can't really say there's some anything wrong with it being too moist that's never an issue I feel like it's just only bonus yeah because it's kind of like a slip inside you can't have too much water on it yeah exactly it's like it's like going to the beach and complaining there's too much water in the ocean oh my God this this shape my mom was telling me a lot about this last night too for some reason this leg feels like telling me Oh yeah it's the last night when we were going out she was just talking doing this the whole time yeah and smiling nodding yeah she's like it's as big as a forearm or something yeah she's like is he part Centaur yeah and then she kept doing this right next to her face yeah she's like I'm telling you she she asked me if I was part Centaur she's like are you horse from the waist down what is that thing yeah I think really yeah yeah I am I am the Greek mythology centaurs all written about me and my ancestors yep I derived from a great family of centaurs back in my day there's a lot of like ancestral relationships in Greek mythology would you say that's like a normal thing you ever heard of a tripod a tripod yes yeah yeah we have one right here yeah so tripod you need three points you know a focus to distribute evenly so if you have two legs you know what do you think the third point would be something maybe like the spiritual pressure yeah basically that yeah if you not feeling that it's a right of it yes thank you right okay look at this can you do this we flick around all your fingers it's hard with ringtone for the call thank you so much the desk yes indeed we're in Pearl yeah yeah even though energy didn't pick Pearl they're really good it should be an easy first first yeah yet and maybe think about those pain shells to gain that space yeah we're just chilling man we're chilling we're vibing the funny thing is like we're keeping it pretty like PG-13 yeah this is this is pretty tame compared to our we could actually [ __ ] fall out of our there he is anyways any marker stuffers in the chat didn't you say the micro pen 15 yesterday I did yeah oh yeah I dare you just to follow these right now energy you know I'm a versatile man 3K rounds I could do it all I sniff all these markers right now quickly bro what are you doing that's gotta be okay you are promoting actually don't smell like anything they probably changed it that's probably only like a 90s thing yeah 90s kid thing no more yeah all right controller yep all right guys game started pistol around let's go into Pearl I have this Theory where the more frenzies you have the harder you're gonna win I think you're right dude and let's let's see if it's accurate if I am I BR wins this rounds well that's true yes let's just see how accurate this theory is until the end of time nanosworms snake bites it's great opportunities to play Victory is in a really good spot here too but it's just Victor by himself a one two yes Victor nice [ __ ] bro it's the frenzy buff there it is oh okay yeah the frenzy this is Ultimate frenzy diff or not oh he knows he has to stick right someone's playing this oh the jump spot so annoying oh my God sounds like we were wrong whoever brought the frenzy wow your point literally got disproven in the first round yes you realize I'm doing the reverse wow what a noob dude holy [ __ ] you sound so mad you [ __ ] can we get some someone new here let's see someone more intellectual like myself yeah minimum IQ is 80. oh my you have some room temperature IQ that's all I'm saying they played here by e yo gum V with a seven months resub appreciation W content as always yo thank you thank you welcome back I'll write your name down here you're the first name on the third row okay mow them down oh that's two guns down that's scary 3v3 upgrades now coming out or look at it put me in coach then push down artist gets the wall bang onto rgl I love that I love that the ultimate cringe jumpy game [Laughter] what's worse that's basically death yeah it really is that's [ __ ] scary it's like [ __ ] up man artists still going forward there's a lot of space they're so safe they're chilling I don't think they know he's here he's gonna get shot down by some not gonna spot too much vulnerable he has to swing oh no get traded though okay to get to some trades here but it comes down to those okay okay yeah and he has two two uh has to go oh I love this play I love this play he's the turn though oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Molly Gray Molly oh you can't even get on that beat the thing is it was the last two agents to do something like that yes absolutely no one else could have had the chance yeah like Victor and Kate or not Victor but uh Viper and KJ were like the perfect agents to do that absolutely will be feeling the same that gives him what anime would you want to be isakai then throw weapons around do I get powers in that like am I the main character in that isakai or am I just like a nobody slide how they were supposed to be incarnated some of the people that yeah they're the bad guys probably slime or like delay was necessary definitely not Shield hero to this round um what else is there that utility into the next not using too much here what are these guys oh no not in the Joshua save from that previous round moving up that's the girl but I haven't seen domestic girlfriend I heard it was good though oh no those duelist numbers on this initiate a roll this time thankfully it's the same killjoy Viper I think initial energy control looked amazing they had a line of Agents all the way up the middle of the map the moment they turn around at v-link all of them get taken down so unsure why they wanted to give that space back up oh you know which one probably um what was that reason why we saw the shadow oh Shadow evidence evidence evidence of the Shadow yeah maybe that one that was not bad that was pretty funny yeah oh Victor yes oh nice this is big this is big this is big so he can reload so he can reload relocate get in a better spot oh this relocation oh my God he still has one Molly too he needs to throw this Molly nice oh you see the wide swing the Dodge the jelly for longer periods of time dude that was crazy Viper ending made in abyssakai oh just any enemy I guess in general oh in any anime dude I would not want to be admitted a bit Yeah well first of all I'd be too much of a [ __ ] to get near that hole yeah me too yeah I don't know that's like that's scary that's some psychological [ __ ] to bring four for energy here and they go back oh dude wait sometimes I forgot Soul leveling wasn't it was sort of but not really yeah he lived himself wow through the Smoke by the way oh another one planted it now comes out sorry okay 3v3 there's a pit bro it's always looking so rough for energy but they end up like running it's kind of crazy [Applause] on the attack on the defense on a retake snake bite sword art I don't think I wouldn't count it so one more Snake fight available here from Victor imagine Joel's and jjk dude I would love to be in jjk retakes oh any anime just oh not isakai oh any anime dude hiki would be sick I'm just kidding I'm not that bad imagine me bro you could just live Haiku now volleyball is unreal extreme for this flame that's true though and that that was obviously one of the tougher rounds I'd pick like so they push through a big ultimate use round by energy there probably like uh Dragon Ball Z if I'm a Saiyan modern technology and you can like forever level up you know you can forever get stronger I would I would definitely pick Dragon Ball Z foreign just funny because he's bold as [ __ ] imagine I'm going Super Saiyan yeah this is like little scruff turns yellow yeah that's it great great little Collins team or aot oh aot cook I get motion sickness from like all the the 3D or whatever I would too actually no I wouldn't I wouldn't if I'm controlling it I wouldn't I'd get motion sickness if I wasn't controlling it so Trailblazer it's like weird like when I drive I never get motion sickness I see where you're getting at yeah but the Uber's here in L.A he always like [ __ ] they [ __ ] me up bro but things stay quiet into the round energy trying to hopefully catch somebody off guard so almost like I visually go through to my brain before I do it you know and then like it preps your brain yeah exactly oh bleach for the Bonkers bro you're gonna end up having like one of the worst vodkas it's like it like grows your toenails like by five inches and your fingernails by five inches fingernail extension but it's a flank on flank we're just closing the Gap I'm always like it would suck I always think about this like it would suck like being in an anime but like just being like one of the worst side characters for some reason like they just do the side characters so wrong you know what I mean yeah it's to like have a very clear boundary though yeah I mean I guess at the end of the day it's like someone needs to be the side character Dynamic here true yeah yeah you're a very side character-ish you know really putting a wrench in whatever all right side characters leaving guys now it's just me the main the main protagonist I'm back but they won't find him right away let's see how energy reacts to this Soul leveling would be cool if you're guaranteed at least a or b rank true true they are chooses to take space here there could get some good info very true here's the Reckoning band silly leech would be sick though having a bunk okay nah I like I like Dragon Ball Z I like the fact that you can just like power up and you keep evolving and getting stronger you know what I mean out from song and like literally like how sane's work is like the more they fight the stronger they get like literally like that's just what it is I remember there was a scene yeah I don't know if you guys even remember this but Vegeta was fighting free or was gonna fight Frieza but he wasn't strong enough and he had Krillin and Gohan like beat him up so he became stronger like it's like a weird cheat code like they were like abusing his like genetics and they like purposely try to like oh let's go baby let's go 35. I was sick dude that was sick but that's all you gotta do love you bro came from YouTube Hey welcome welcome to ghost get his filler Arc bro he gets from a filler episode that's it he ain't getting [ __ ] he barely even gets an episode this is his filler Arc right here being on the stream dude because they tapped the spike played for the fight long and then used the cold mrbr still had the Cove there they just didn't get a chance to use it energy is doing good map too though we'd love to see that we can get a map three here I'll be sick unleashing the cover of fire through those smokes as soon as they could that might be our timeout coming through not doing too bad here figuring out the round yeah but it doesn't seem like he was sick and tired people calling him FNS actually I don't know the reason but maybe because if energy makes the site Joel's paid actor Lee Heats use of that op more and more the closer they get yeah and that's the tough part of playing an operator and against another controller mentioned multiple times now this current attempt of the middle from Master mad major welcome back thank you the operator when back then it was maybe thank you thank you thank you I'll write your name down real quick all right master this time out mad they've been good at it the last time they called the time on ice box and we saw the comeback and even the victory from mrb on the first map of ice box has been added to make sure you watch back the replay there you go and this being an important round added to the list of Subs spent meaning dropping that weapon to rgl oo those deserves more chicken tendies he really does I don't know why they always like scam them with the chicken tenders it doesn't look like anybody's on Deck just yet for energy but they are gonna get some good Denial on the speakers where I am I'm asleep hey have a good one sleep well to get Secrets indeed and even a lockdown coming out on the attack fun fact trolls is shorter than a 13 year old bro unless the 13 year old is on like three different hormone enhancers and he's six foot tall I doubt it make it himself do they make lobbies for pro games Patricia's the customers hey welcome back oh [ __ ] we're cooking 5v2 and they calculate those uh artist said they were asking since you're the side character like when's your filler Arc I told her you only get a filler episode that say you're not that important of a side character and I was like your Filler episodes right now when you're on the show episodes oh [ __ ] every day baby that's a good one I'll give you that one lot I don't think this operator if you don't support energy for vc3 are you going to get hunt down you will yes by me personally in terms of midr's economy a few I just have to go to room over though because I'm in your mom's bedroom right now you can vote for whoever just know that energy is better and they're gonna win exactly what blade storms instead into this round first round of Bladestorm half armor you want to fight towards long B keep moving forward dancing around oh hit by The Flash and even oh good thankfully you'll get a heal out yeah support from Jay-Z but yeah as soon as I left quickly decided spotted by energy and that's great did a lot of damage yeah energy cooked dude you missed it Heat's still under heavy attack second call First already used I'm six foot man it's gonna be down to his dad I am six foot because of all of this pressure trying to gamble stack towards there but for energy one minute mark still just playing that default yeah you see the alarm bot just placed down as well by crashies they want to be able to hover this area for a little bit but they don't have time to check by you I supported my VR leaving you can see pulling that alone are you gonna play yeah if they lose the next three Maps I'll play I'll step in and win oh my God I had this rubber band on this whole time holy is low numbers look we're gonna have artists a rubber band cutting off the circulation it looks like I'd like ripped apart oh my God I wish you'd do that babe anticipating some sort of a gamble stack for mivr towards the B site becomes a scene oh I'm good I'm good I'm good but mibr had been good but he was 411. man listen why don't you guys come to the VCT Arena take a picture with me all right I'll show you I'm six foot man do you not play VCT because you were too good yeah I'm I'm just too good yeah I was just thinking you know I'm just way too good at this game well and I just what's the point of even trying if I'm gonna win and we do say it's kind of a heat activated mibr the way they play well this is activate artists as soon as you saw him go in the back hall he was just after finesse's Guiding Light right there the timing they have on set plays right now even are you having fun I am having fun yeah I'm just chilling in the end it still does every time we come out to a rider event it's always like um yeah a lot of cool stuff here yep yep solo understanding the situation and never second guessing that's what gives you these type of rounds here seven to two as they get back five rounds for themselves even with a few in the middle they bring I thought there was a national announcement I did too yeah on the scoreboard they even get in yeah I think you buy tickets you buy tickets here it's all out mibr and that's gonna call VR to bring in a Timeout yeah I got in for free oh yeah that's another thing yeah right got us in for free already in round number five up to this second map you're already forcing both timeouts out of mibr so that's nonetheless is that Kakashi with his eye sharing guns using both of his [ __ ] things the mango gecko sharing done energies play style but so far no complaints it's interesting recently even talking to coaches in early timeouts they always say you may be six foot with the forehead but not to argue without it anyways let's use it early again in the case of energy not feeling like any of those need to be used but mivr wants to get ahead of these problems a little bit Joe's carrying this game look from the coach to make sure without me either nothing this is our goal a lot of times you forget what your win condition is if you start playing to the other team the desk set it energy might have been Flex to play mibr's game on icebox 10 body 90 forehead much more in their own story what am I like Megamind show stopper is back up for artwork and we actually just saw this a few rounds ago at the a site helping them penetrate through with that Viper's pit see where else they decide to go time to mobilize my power I think that's the change time to mobilize my package to happen too that's exactly what I was gonna feel like it's a lot easier when I don't have the filters on you know what I mean big flank here this is like very true to your voice apparently this one right here yeah a gun on the round the other one like it's just better for like noise Gates and [ __ ] you know what I mean right and like not getting my click clicky Clacks keyboard all the time so that's why I have like a nose gate filter onto it um yeah I wonder if Rose ever gets pissed off about it a little bit probably a little bit right yeah meanwhile what's my favorite competitive because like subrosia is definitely very competitive yeah yeah oh what a nice shot oh no they're waking up because that's a great read by mibr you saw how much they stalled it out until energy had to actually come into sight without utility that's Mr VR just shooting ducks as they cross the uh yeah guys we're on a 30 second delay by the way it's gonna get pissed all right guys I read your messages okay but we just have to have a delay otherwise you're gonna get sniped it was really really why is shot Loki more entertaining than our streamer I can carry about my chat man it ain't hey it ain't news all right my community carries me and I'm okay you know I just kind of sit at the top and steal your guys's ideas for tweets where we've seen artists going quite a bit in the beginning these rounds to see if they can trade back that Harbor wall and the frag so that's the The Guiding Light they would use until artist goes in right there Maurice is ready face to face energy is just waiting for the boys owner to come down there it is Cascade now with a Trailblazer around the corner oh what was that drive by without the Satchel team one tarnation was that okay artist does he swing this like I'm a Madman oh yeah he does oh he gets it does it heal it goes back for the heel for sure for sure oh yeah he's getting hooked up right now getting prepped right now he's in a really bad spot all victims to do stay alive here so that's a spike down oh he's getting pushed oh wow yeah wow dude from the 53 to this stuck by himself in the back of the bee Halls trying to keep them isolated into the pieces that's always the feels bad moment right to try to clutch a three versus two actually super winnable right I mean yeah this is winnable but I actually think there needs to be a lot happening here okay the double spawn I actually like those defense so they have they do have a flash energy is really trying to spread this spot is annoying I don't like this I don't like this this is a one and done spot unless unless they're going for a sky flash I think they hear all three right I have to win that yeah the up truck misses him actually in a good spot actually in a good spot oh oh he peeks a little too wide oh too wide nice try you need to just talk just talk yeah you're turning it up on that one oh [ __ ] man hey seven rounds on attacks slight sides that mistake is he is still approaching artists here doing Souls dude this was a 5v3 do you think the Bears if the nerves definitely got to play here right and just that shoulder oh you know what on a screen replay there I don't think we saw that jet was off that's the way it plays out yeah but easy you still talk yeah you're still talking yeah you're actually happy that he missed the first couple of shots that allowed that unintentional lineup right two kills we love the collapse here last round to go full gun run for both teams as energy are once again fully focused they win this A4 I think it'll be good one pistol I mean I'm buckling in for the three map series anyways so a few rounds here yeah OVR has been able to pull back and we said they've been going down to the 1v1's almost about three map three map three they've had to work for it his energy is putting up this huge first time wow he was just like what's up yeah he's like he didn't even have you he didn't even have Dash ready forced to just get away out of that position oh oh that's so awkward that's so awkward oh he got out yes throw that thing throw that thing cause oh oh the flash too get some info and those ones there okay because we played these days for sure yeah he can't make a play here getting one was best case yeah exactly waiting for flash can't be on is that not a swarm doesn't allowing my BR to tap onto this bike yet I'm still crouching there oh oh you know he's not close they win the round good job energy nice let's go baby let's go do we oh holy lives six months thank you helps they have such good defensive B let some throw in Molly's play it patient that's a very good stuff from energy in that first all right once again the theory is going to be tested how many frenzies if he's gonna win let's see I mean I actually do things before first half in favor of NRG I suppose we'll see I suppose [Music] really really solid I think as soon as they were like okay well we can copycat your comp and we can deny your op and we can deny everything so we're back have you seen have you seen a knobs this round was bonkers I mean Jay-Z gets two and then victors yeah this was a sick play by Victor I just end up losing anyway oh no he wins the white swing yeah yeah this was a sick round piece there almost the ace to complete it all but crashes had something to say about that we also charged NRG with controlling heat on that op as we already mentioned and it was a big difference there between uh the Jet and uh the Rays and ultimately it seems like the answer is just throw every single piece of utility at him at the beginning of a round and he won't find anything trolls is so bald definitely have headset here after this though oh me too this thing is tight on my Noggin you know what else is tight on my head so on Molly's and everything to the point where his team at the end started just getting in the vandals I mean yeah the adjustment came a bit too late we saw a good time ready for a nap after I pop off to support my favorite team NRG but at the end of the day that is a really good bounce back from NRG they often start these series a little slow what's up what's up uh mibr one map one yeah so that's apparently though that all has to be done okay good question for you you could have one ability to use energy looking to extend this series ultimates you can only use once but the abilities you can use multiple times okay how much does multiple I will say 10 times a year just brings up a great Point actually ten times a year yeah ultimately where either in series tournaments and then usually bounce back very much what's up what's up so you could use you could use a regular ability 10 times in a year or you could use an ALT once a year way yeah see what ability would be really good oh my God it's so Scrappy right off the bat the frenzies are going crazy okay the sage heal heal me from aging it's just like physical damage energy okay [Music] um FRC looking for a big lurk here but it wasn't the right way he's coming over from the side of B once energy which picks something like it doesn't really matter Ray satchels or updraft Z now the Victorian crashes easy right here he's looking to play together swing off contact as a nano Storm still available for frz not gonna do too much now both of them are swinging out it's okay one of them is going to run away and that's going to guarantee the round then for energy nice let's go baby not even close wait good Ness I guess it's crazy so how about that that actually worked out really well uh what was my pride again oh I didn't do that I didn't do this bo3 I said the nrg2o yes that's right he did say that that's what I'm saying for the squad a nice Ace to come out that'll definitely gas you up I'm feeling pretty good oh Madeline with a massive raid oh my God thank you thank you thank you welcome hope the rate was good welcome Raiders so we currently on our 30 second delay you guys have probably seen this 30 seconds later trust me I didn't ignore you guys I love you guys thank you welcome everybody we're currently watching the VCT game here at the arena the right events you know for energy versus mibr open energy wins but we'll see currently leading mibr with map one but we're in map two now and Energy's kind of cooking so the rest of energy is cute pistols yeah dude you'll be really cool like as a Content idea you guys just get out towards art like a Gordon Ramsay lesson who can make it's like a Master Chef and see who can cook the best but they throw it literally cook the best that would be sick yeah what would you make if you if you had to go to a competition to like make anything right I'd make eggs I would literally make eggs just eggs yeah yeah like scrambled eggs just scrambled eggs yeah like the way you make them at home yeah really yeah and you think that's enough to rule over a panel of judges no but nothing else would is as good as my scrambled egg like I would say my scrambled egg is actually pretty good compared to like my chicken yeah I mean yeah but it's like that's what people say about eggs it was true so like I don't trust myself with a stake as much as I do with my eggs like eggs I know I if I had like that I can make them really good yeah speaking of eggs dude we we have it we've been experimenting with like Vlog stuff you know it would be cool to try and replicate all agent abilities in real life sorry one more time would be cool to replicate like all all agent abilities in real life yeah yeah absolutely very quick I got mollies that you can replicate pretty easily chamber guns you can replicate yeah oh chamber teleport inspector coming out it'd be so useless though like how would you replicate that yeah right into the boys bathroom this is the attack background the green screen is so good it looks like you are in the arena for real oh thank you thank you yeah it's a really expensive green screen yeah we also have paid actors to sell the green screen utility over at a now push up to B the energy is just trying to make mibr play sweaty again okay 10-4 energy looking good there's no way they can lose this right no way energy wants to give that up right away Reckoning now comes up they check the site looks like this actually may hit right now if we get the dash in from heat that's going to be the trigger for the goal from everybody else yeah I think I would probably pick not yet this is just I feel like Jets passive shouldn't count because that's like op that's a passive it's not ability you know what about a dash that should be pretty cool though or jet Dash yeah it could be like a sprinter at the end an artist true yeah but you can only use it 10 times you know like all the abilities are kind of mid you can only use it 10 times a year I pick a note once a year for sure okay yeah I pick res yeah 30 seconds left artists on The off angle oh everything that's the bonus though right it really nicely contacted in that's not often you see once utility kind of takes a breather that a team will just trip most of what you guys need dude you ever see those tick tocks of like kids in high schools here quite a while point to a picture of a crowd yeah I've done that before playing that one a little differently I was at a party I was like in the line outside of the club yeah yeah and I was like holy [ __ ] this brim would be massive yeah now you're on the list congratulations dude but you got a lot of Impressions and we're going to see that down in the dumps for energy here oh neon speedrun would be fun oh that's probably better than a jet Dash but it would be play with that a extremity push coming from oh true looking to get early yeah I think Omen TP would be really good oh yes they love to trade in the beginning of the round Victor's about to cross over he just got spotted oh he's getting his fans oh no he's gone but every time you use it you lose an inch from where once [Laughter] [ __ ] one one resin I'm cooked dude I don't know if this works a little bit of a wreath uh rethinking of the situation here by energy you see crash he's moved back to b-link for a little bit of an audio cue if anyone moves through mid but dude the shots are hitting what is the three ice box make sure they'll find where the site is Freer to hit and safer to post plans do these kind of headphones ever hurt your ears my ears me too yeah a little bit you know that's how I've been adjusting them the whole time yeah dude that's why like I I love like my sennheisers it's like it's not like soundproof but man it just it doesn't ever make my ears hurt ever dude um the Logitech one isn't bad either but apparently yeah that hurts my head too I don't know all like tight headphones hurt my head my ears are just sensitive I guess could be but what happens when you arrest someone they come back to life I mean no matter what happens here a lot of ultra energy next round oh it's a good trade though I mean dude whatever energy you can get here on this yeah it's huge you could definitely see a good Frank the round is unlikely but economy damage are within the radius of this fight to go morale any any of the above she's waiting just behind the high tide here's the footsteps oh what a rat oh does he keep the gun and that's trying to get the last two kills outside of a long stopped himself I guess so no there we go we'll still get the round another a push coming in obviously that was going to be a tough one from energy and maybe our cannot let those rounds feel like they play it slow they have to be dictating what happens from B then imagine Arena dismissed bro you're gonna have to get a kill before that gross like imaginary forgetting exactly how that works it just seems like it's where is Heat going if they're old they're not going to live long one of those little babies that's true all right I'm picking I don't give a [ __ ] open tv anywhere in the world once a year like you know what I feel like going to the other side of the world yeah I'm just gonna go to like EU twitchcon yeah oh but you're gonna get canceled someone will cancel your TV oh someone's gonna cancel my TV I'm like in the middle of the street by the way has been looking very handsome lately right handsome handsome but yeah definitely seeing how energy have been playing towards this defensive scary thing with the res you can't raise yourself true that is true the the yeah I don't know I'd probably pick on the TP or like be Phoenix old I just I'm just thinking about it right now if you actually have the visibility it'd be so hard to like keep it secret and also keep it low-key right because once people know you can do that you're gonna get oh I tell everyone taken away by the government I'll open TP out of the government my hypothetical was with the uh oh okay I'll tell him I won't residue one oh but they got you on the leash or something they like basically forced feet I won't do it okay I'd only I'd only do it if they cooperate with me yeah I feel like they could just [ __ ] it we'll get this guy out of society not for enemy governments no one gets them kind of yeah so they keep you locked up yeah holding it with some oh oh [ __ ] I didn't think about that way that he's been actually lurking around on icebox before and has put up a stellar performance on these lurks against crew last week that was a rough they match to scrape that Victory against crew like you gotta get some rock stars Bring It On Stage them up wake them up for the map three yep we'll finish off map too first I'm not good oh there you go they got this they got this right they're about to win next round not worried at all really get going I think they might be on an Eco next time super cool the other one in the next round yeah recognizing artists could be going for all also in a way well and they did get the orb so Seekers for next round is there any other old that's like worse abilities were there fighting at a main good if you could like me on that make it fights imagine this was like these rounds free this game for a tie like drink Osama Bin Laden time and everyone was looking for Osama designs you're changing like how it both works yeah okay it's like saying oh well what is technically the enemy right protecting things oh what about your old I feel like looking invisible is like kind of useless though what can you really do with that energy Trailblazer coming out yeah do a magic trick once a year you teleport from one box to another it's a nice little trade-off all right dude what if you picked up like what's a really good old doors okay let's just look at the age of thought would suck Harbors all would suck it's a Viper old foot suck jet alt would suck he's not gonna find anything yeah a lot of the times you'll see Cascade and Guiding Light being thrown together yeah but I think is literally the best one there's nothing better than that if you're gonna bring it in into the real Realm so that info is now privy to mibr appreciate it yeah your mom's pretty good at everything your mom she's the greatest utility to start you love doing your mom nothing really to clear that util so this is all going to have to be in the moment 30 second pit and Victor has to play inside it with a guardian high tide now comes out so a perfect color perfect do a trail Here Comes Now The Seekers on to the attack he's going to come in yeah my ears are like a distance uh I think he holds that a little bit longer oh my God good timing [Music] that's a rough one to lose yeah I think that alt was a little too early right now just missed work so many times I feel like there's been a lot of missed results so many neat things to pick out there for mibr just to obviously we saw one at the end there Marie's playing today but also the entry on to screen keep going up and rgl going under they would have had a such a cool way to penetrate that Viper's pit if somebody was looking up quickly for heat so a lot of little yeah dude there's no way I could game with this for like protocols every day if I had to deal with this every day I do feel like a pilot though ten four over and out what do the pilots even say like I don't know something about like four seven two quarter that's coming in at 25 dots taking way more space than usual you get a bit of info uh actually I do know what pilots say yeah hey this is your captain speaking hope you guys have a good flight the weather today the weather today is looking good yeah so a little bit chilly a little bit on the chili side it's gonna be perfect sweater weather for you uh estimated time of arrival is in three and twenty three hours and 20 minutes we will be getting there around 8 44 p.m arriving at LAX and see here's nothing artists in a battle in a late lurk against which gecko pet are you choosing though I mean I already have enough pets right your mom being one of them she does like a caller only two players are playing inside the site Reckoning to come out on the attack zombies are trying to get some Springs through the high tides now he pushes back with his own high tide there's actually so much respect to both teams on how they're taking sights no one's just going in like guns blazing from artists a little bit of damage on to heat but then the Cove comes up in an attempt to fight for mibr 30 oh hey does he get this a lot for me come on man I feel like they're not doing any damage to that wall at all yeah how are they not they're just taking damage oh dude okay that's so tough that is so tough Advanced silly that speaking come through we see him now coming in through the our area but there was such a reluctance I would have flying your flight knock a line bruh listen autopilot would just carry me right energy I was just gonna say I used to watch a lot but like random short form content of Pilots like taking off and Landing yeah such a random thing but it's so like ASMR it's almost like ASMR because it's super soothing has just seen them as well yeah yeah yeah yeah speaking of picking up Energy's gonna pick it up after this time out here I agree uh but yeah I do have a dog and a cat they're just not with me they're in Florida with family he was talking about his team in the Everglades in the Everglades actually they are in China that puts them at the Top This is why Thomas Shelby's I got you I should I do need some water but they could also do a lot of these defaults a lot of slow places you'd be the first Pilots it's a guy who really keeps your opponents on their toes there's no more of that signature a whole W right true I'd be like on the mic I'm like or experiencing turbulence hold on though we're clearing the way clearing it they're trying to feel it though you're scary to try to get the tray with that specter it would make it out unscathed you guys better drink your water armor 100 HP on heat as NRG into this round yes the timeout was called I need to step in if things get rough I've been saying that for loss you know I told him once once energy is down four Maps that's when I'll come in I'm like the last resort you know just mentioned this fans they don't always go you know that slow can happen yes adventure with four months appreciate you welcome back thank you thank you annoying with energy now it's just I don't want to dox them oh yeah sorry it's it's toady [ __ ] [Laughter] back home oh killer Smith hey buddy from Arkansas why would you do something like that foreign so that's what the trade was for allowing now mibr to do a very safe plan inside the B site with 18 seconds left crashy says lockdown seconds left all right energy come on come on come on yes they do have uh KJ old here we're playing behind the heights oh never mind easy to use right uh yep yep yeah just stick it he doesn't even swing just say really oh yes good job easy to get the up for defense side can't can't fall over wait that's so unlucky we didn't want to keep it to artists anyways no no not gonna happen just the Marshall if you want that right uh yeah that came down to the plant interesting choice to want to switch it up for that one just in terms of safety but it does cost them the round and they can't keep the up either yeah Thrifty bro yes that's good thank God that's the round that they need to win right it's like dude we just [ __ ] on these noobs with bad guns yeah yeah that's their columns right now one for one I swear I want energy as well are you wearing your rings am I ever not wearing them maybe I might be hitting the shots but energy is still trying to formulate plans of course of course yeah oh [ __ ] all right all right Venture gonna write your name down I've been writing everyone's name down everyone who sub today piece of paper here you are here from the third column welcome thanks for the sub a few mid plays we have here I feel like a play like this can activate the Reckoning from energy wait that's something that might be asked to be aware of the post plan is not going to be easy here is that all right energy RDA main control van silly they got to be aware of that that's a thing too from where'd you get them uh the Rings I'm gonna be selling them in my store very very soon from that previous round very very soon yes you know I haven't played with Harbor enough to like be know his old really well yeah I don't know Simon's either I just I see pool Circle I move yeah we can reload I think he starts with that smoke that smoke isn't even worth it nice five seconds no time no time just run just run just run all right good yes doing the round yeah do we nicely oh [ __ ] her lockdown gets saved for this round for energy oh they're there no curb possibility but it could be doing turbo still against the killjoy utility energy we'll switch them but I think they watch mid a little bit more here trying to make a play the ones you're wearing uh I'm selling his socks on eBay I can send you the running back heel thanks for that too and then we have to come right through that b link let's see it's the B Long play however is all of them ibr swing for the first frag again big damage nice Pokemon is now sub to me w all right there we go okay with writing bro my cross replacement just wasn't there I don't know I just wasn't micro adjusting here comes that go oh dude I think they just stick it and win the game here oh no no no cheese wins this they win the next map 13-0 scary at 11 here do you buy here if you're on a bat because look energy is really bad money yeah yeah we'll just buy next so this may to the last round to break a legion once again you still have the blade storm to come up from heat do they act definitely by next crashes bro how's he so broke oh there we go few ultimates away so orb grab here would open a leak what's up hello hello they set up the same start be Cascade why is there a delay um because to avoid stream sniping around the mid-round calling from ivr come into play Victor look at the toxic screen coming up to try to cover up the retake for energy as well as they might be our once again are looking for this be hit Spike's already moving through Victor already fell down so that wall for that retief talked about cancels out but look if our Theory holds true three frenzies that means they're gonna win three rounds here oh [ __ ] wait a minute all right Tom all right Tom he needs to come big oh what a [ __ ] whoa he's got hit on he got super [ __ ] on nice good trade frenzy trade I just got one too yeah are you sitting so straight um for a moment listen I'm gonna try to sit like a damn shrimp all right I'm not trying to have a back problems by the age of 40 like you all right anyone else have scoliosis raise your hands the fight for a main though do they go for this listen you guys should be sitting up straight too everyone fix your posture fix your posture right now everyone roll those soldiers soldiers soldiers soldiers yeah [ __ ] I [ __ ] up zyro appreciate it thank you as well so they could there we go yeah I know we'll give him another one another one okay instead of another drawing yeah the gifter and zyro as well thank you guys the double the double dip in the list okay oh no crashes 1v5 situation bro okay OT man otot there's never much love never much love when we go OT wow oh boy I can't believe we love that slip Banger Knife Only video today hey thank you thank you it was a good one it was a good one it's doing pretty well where does George Washington keep his armies his sleeves yeah I'll get it his armies are the sleevees round one that's army soldiers but arms like Army positions ah yes I get that one on his opponents that was good all right thank you Kylie subscribe with a tier one thank you appreciate it also that Energy's utility on the attack really good yeah maybe I should have voted for him on the air again there you go you guys have been added welcome okay this is where we got a reverse cast a curse right be like wow mibr look Unstoppable here and they're never gonna lose this map it might be are so good it would be a shame if they lost somehow which they can't because they're playing so unbelievably well they're basically Goliath right now oh surely doesn't get spammed are we cursing at my br oh no no it's not a curse are you kidding me mrvr still wins this easily oh yes completely oh wait oh my God no way they get spammed what is that just RNG I think oh my God again [Applause] that's actually really good awareness oh my God they got a Molly Bill too they know he's back here they have to say what do I win your name on the list I'm gonna I'm gonna be cuddling with this list and then selling it Yes Energy dude not even close you know what can we talk about that Molly on the screen switch what the heck I'm about to run out of space to make that a post plant look easy are you gonna make another Vlog soon uh yes it's being edited okay it was being edited yeah this this it's just yes yes indeed though I think I'm gonna need energy to step it up here very strong we talked about how that little Bros got this oh dude I don't think you're doing your job right now I feel like their seats are a little cold still waiting I should be warming up the shoes yeah one more round for mibr to bring it back and tie it yeah no way mibr lose it here impossible yeah yeah surrounding an amazing come back look at now here at energy on the defense it has been LinkedIn the weaker side for both of these teams actually let's take a nap I wish okay I wish the human body like you can literally flip a switch and just sleep it's like your body like generally just needs eight hours but like you can just like accumulate it whenever like you're in an Uber click okay you know you get there you know and then just like accumulator right yeah yeah like you just accumulate the eight hours throughout the day that'd be a really good supervisor that would be would you take that over let's say like flying or something no flying is just so [ __ ] cool no but I totally agree with you like energy dude sleeping and eating I feel like they're so Innovative yeah I feel like if there's an easy way to eat like eating eating is good you know like eating does eating is pretty good but yeah I agree if I could like avoid eating and sleeping sometimes look when you're tired and you sleep it just hits diff you know yeah I agree like when you're like so tired and you're like walking through your bed you're like [ __ ] you just pass out yeah you're just like yeah you like flop on the bed and you're just gone yeah oh that's so nice seeing if they can draw any of this utility oh nice mouth go for a little walk after him after the nap after the map after the nap after the map oh now it's up to one player in the back of the site solo hold solo play they go back to a here okay it's okay one for one okay three three come on come on energy oh it's putting safe even wow wow they get holster they win wow dude no way all right if they get holes here they win to decide if they want to move really oh but this is a nasty flank already trying to clear out the angles Jay-Z prepped up with a flash nothing needed pulls out the rifle first and they traded dude this flank is so nasty right now oh it's scary okay let's spin spin you guys [Music] oh [ __ ] man let's stretch your legs Ah that's tough dude there's no way in my beer when the second OT because FRC comes up big did they press F6 here or no being able to be the pivotal player in the end that key how much longer is the VCT subscriber board thingy gonna be up for until the stream ends that's all I'm done with his games win this map this is this is it's a way to play the time we'll see though I mean they don't have that lyric timing so really smart stuff by mabr to be able to just delay the round a little bit now call a timeout both coaches gonna go right in to get this info to their teams in a tense moment and uh it might be all over the pressure of both ends right now I know this is tough dude like minimum when you think about it um yeah no I love Minima you know what else I love shoving Forks into my eye uh no Minima stinks okay getting that Victory minimum sucks yeah those are fighting words there's someone out there that loved Roblox how dare you listen minimum is just not it it might be are definitely pushing energy to the brain do you write names down for gifts I'm just writing names down for Subs literally you get nothing you get nothing man five seconds we'll try to take like a picture on yeah maybe I take a picture with you guys with the names and then that would be like pseudo being here yeah exactly link has been covered a little bit more knowing it's it's a common place for these two teams currently to find that 1v1 yeah lover Brit with a tier one thank you thank you really got energy what they haven't all right in terms of being in the lead but that has been closed on my mibr's map control added and really using this double controller composition to the max we see it deeper there you go high tide actually coming through to start for that mid control usually just goes around the inner wall so your cat's roasting you everyone loves this space I know listen guys there was no no ill intentions don't take it personal okay just understand that you're tasting everything there's just some skins that I just don't I don't [ __ ] with you minimum is one of them and Prime is one of them I like Smite I do like Smite though Smite is gas I'm so confused rolls actually there no we are actually here it's an elaborate Green Street do you hear from that b link and then initiate the diffuse from there only artist is playing towards the back of the site Marisa oh The Flash yes okay yes two one two e one two one he's low two he wins low down Peak play Spike play Spike what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing oh Victor let's go I actually think he sticks that on the corner yeah I I don't know yeah at least half there around the corner yeah absolutely yes he had a really good angle there yeah I'm very surprised I was really holding my tug there because I was trying to reverse cast the Christmas days bro I don't give a [ __ ] anymore energy is winning Energy's winning they're the best there's no such thing as Caster curse energy win this or I eat my mouse pad that thing's been marinating a little bit it's like crunchy 14 to 13. you guys have that have that song you guys have that one sock you know in your in your closet you know what I'm saying that thing is crunchy yeah sometimes when I run out of the clean socks I just put that one on yeah sometimes wear it you know yeah I'm just like this is technically it is this it was like a barrier it's good moisturizer there's a lot of protein you know I'm just trying to make my ancestors proud you know what I'm saying interesting time paying like you know some sort of representation yeah I like stepping on kids it doesn't look like they would end there unless you see the camera I didn't say all that who said that FR Z has been able to identify or visual cue on his util I'm just kidding you guys if you use if you use a sock you are Savage as [ __ ] guys don't use your clothes man use your hand just use your hands up it's literally that simple I never understood so we're just gonna get that fixed what's that helps Drop It Like It's Hot oh is it a marker oh you dropping markers but yeah all right we're good we're good the hype that you bring oh good all good all right everyone it's all your fault oh my gosh good of like using but I draw my phone but I didn't have the other ones push out and get no entry what's up thank you letting your name down wintry they're able to hold it strong for energy oh a garden it didn't have to be one of those moments where it's just like Five Guys spraying it through smokes welcome on to a long B plan this list is getting full man how many Subs I feel like that's what we're getting a lot of the time Phantom Supremacy has reared its head quite a bit here recently in The Meta we still see them babysit it's a whole new level man the amount of dual what's that mouthful of the matcha brownie kind of like a soft grainy saw covered in crusty baby NRG hey there it's a pretty accurate spacious one yeah honestly you ever take a double of those socks yeah look at this little taste it's a little taste test you never know not know sometimes you gotta you know you gotta know what you're working with yeah absolutely how do you how could you advertising people that your baby batter is the best that's what I'm saying yeah think of it this way what kind of Chef doesn't try their own food oh yeah absolutely just a little just a little oh did you get all right you're calling we're here we're gonna work we're here you're here this is the ride event right here I'm talking about like you know the icing on the case yo cake cake absorb area with a red appreciate it thank you it's very hard and very difficult playing around like this this single initiator little chances that both of your Mains get installed in a calm game probably not likely into the mid rounds because there's really only that Sky how do you rotate players across and for the rest it's just okay well if attack I think someone slammed their mice another part they're gamble uh um you've never broken any peripherals anything because of gamer rage I think that's why we're seeing them back and forth here you're not a real gamer on the uh on the defensive side except for Heaton skateboarding I was pissed the skateboarding oh did you like smack my deck yeah yeah oh [ __ ] okay literally just beat the [ __ ] on my deck I see some people like um what can those do they literally stop at the middle yeah okay I have done that I think I mean I only did it after like you started to get bad and then I stumped it in half yeah but leading I made it bad because I raged skateboarding yes and I would like I'm like yeah very lurk oriented in the way they get these kills it's always very um uh gambled like in the sense of gambling like truly gambling though you've never gone to a casino slots really I have never gambled no wow really absolutely not no no blackjack no table games no no no no that's not a game I mean for me either but like Blackjack I played blackjack but I wouldn't even say Blackjack is gambling if you play it correctly I played blackjack a little bit but I've played a lot of Poker but no I've never gambled like I've never gone into a game where it's like you have a 45 chance to coin flip and I'm like sure let's do it like I've never I've never done that and this is kind of a plus it's like very like I feel like that's much easier to do I don't know I get serotonin elsewhere you know what I mean it would be foreign outside and then indoors they have arcade oh so like after you get done water parking you usually just come inside and play the arcades that's pretty cool actually yeah it was pretty it was pretty popping at the time you know that was like the thing to do as a kid and there was like laser tag in there wait laser tag as well yeah they had a laser tag yeah uh I don't even have the go-karts but they did have they had go-karts close to it but it wasn't it wasn't there no in that place though they had they had laser tag they had arcades they had like a DDR mats and [ __ ] they had water parks and the water parks were pretty cool that was like the one cool thing we had a chance here to reboot it must be nice like living in a tropical Place being by beaches and stuff you can yeah yeah a lot of stuff yeah Loki it's it's pretty nice they're ready look we're so fun I grew up with a playing with my family as like a tradition because I heard a lot of energy all right energy got the power close it out defense sided this this setup has been Rock Solid for energy they play it every time oh what'd you say I thought it got out yeah every time rock solid she might get attacked here as we don't see the place according to artists on his screen they're going to be looking back to QA so we'll get another quick pause we're running it back running back eh controlled everybody I think I was Gucci yo I did awesome the second I saw Victor dead I literally pulled the plug actually I pulled I literally just pulled all their ethernet cords hi guys look at my messages purple hello hello they're the same by the way yeah so we'll wait and see what you would back into the game but again this is a long ass bo3 oh back to back right even even if you're watching at home chilling like on a couch you'd still be like yeah it's a mid hit but I think you're good right for putting a soda thank you guys for being here with us let's go through some more hypotheticals so which sock would you put which foot would you put this on somebody's on the same page I think it's the do we run it again kind of potential actually because I think they do it's a it's a solid start looking for the 1v1 here's a here's a quick way to a quick idea isolate the sociopaths or the Psychopaths push chat resetting it type one you can put milk in first before the series one just a little bit more of a weight thank you so much those are freaks online we can laugh at them later how that works oh yeah so they can go to look forward [Music] they don't take front side of Hall they take back side of Hall when their B wall is up on defense and they're able to kind of hit more of a two-pronged attack all right having such trouble the words are hard at that b site post plan hear me out it depends on the cereal you talked about the truth I swear all cereal you always go cereal first not too much time it's so nice especially on spread the milk around when you're throwing the cast true the high tide rather and that's what I do the guy that light trying to push I feel like most milk like energy I think the excuse is like oh they pour the milk first in the cereal because they don't want the cereal a song but I eat my cereal so fast it's not soggy isn't that time to be soggy yeah yeah like I'm such a fast eater I always eat a crunchy right and if you do milk first because you're eating so fast it's all gonna be it's not even smoke is not even to the cereal yeah yeah coming out to be fair though there's some cereal that's actually better soggy like the Life Life cereal okay I actually like it a little soggier not like fully like melting right like sitting there for a little bit longer a little bit Yeah fair enough or like Oreos Oreos in general like not just the order of cereal but Oreos like I like them when they're a little bit more like mushy wait the actual Oreo because yeah itself yeah you did that into milk and that's it yeah for a little bit I'll hold it like this you know it's a fun game I used to do as a kid Oreo I take the Oreo into the milk and I hold it there and like the thing is eventually it gets so like moist that it falls off right because yeah like if you just hold it here like this eventually the cookie just Falls in because it's getting it's getting too wet so I'd play a game I'd hold it in and I'd find that like I would all right right before it right before it falls I pull it out yeah it kind of reminds you of like you know when you microwave if there's one second left deposit but this is like a real timing bro this is a real [ __ ] timing get a timing right exactly I was taught at such a young age man ual control right off the bat okay I saw Trailblazer almost go all the way into the spots let's go NRG that's definitely aware that somebody is in B shot that's the Oreo Stratton looks like you weren't the only one that is really yeah people understand dude people people get the Oreo straps wow I love the best way to eat Oreos see everyone agrees man maybe that's why I don't like Oreos I haven't tried the strategy and while Marie's actually picked off a guided light the move position away you still had frz at the top leaning forwards towards the top of the plaza to hopefully catch somebody off guard but now that they realize that there's no pressure coming in here oh artist getting one let's go but we still haven't good Molly here oh my God 14 seconds left and my VR still has something left to stay they still have something oh no dude oh my god wow that was some whiffing I won't lie yeah bro that would that would suck if energy lost this one right one back calls another push that would be tough man that numbers up confidence in each other to get the anchor accuracy and they came out on top look at Maurice just pushing forward after those walls fall wait put the Oreo in a fork wait I never thought about that oh like oh like you dip it like lengthwise and then you put it in oh never gonna try that again wait that sounds a little bit more efficient than what I did all good though at least now I learned about timing so you're welcome I've done that actually once it's really bad I've I've had boiled chicken unseasoned before so using that I almost feel like throwing up but I hate it you could definitely see it from that radar how do people like used to eat meanwhile though food without seasoning bro people fought Wars for seasons for spices the spice Wars spice trade and everything they fought for that they used to fight so much for that dude yeah less utility now foreign yeah like dude bro fighting for energy lol just look up bro just use the sun oh oh [ __ ] let's go energy is a back called Menace he's he is slamming that back door that back door a big playoff well it's open for him yeah and he gets out dude gets a bomb and gets oh this is crazy actually gets one yeah okay yeah yeah nice let's go baby it looks like b-site is just broken for attackers here let's go golf claps around punish the op right well we did see he smashing his face into a wall an accident on that Dash the amount of space energy took as soon as they heard that first op shot again depletes what heat can do from that range yes do you imagine Counter-Strike he used to go to 16. yeah six rounds of OT yo threes would last like five hours was like seven hours bro yeah it would be the whole day for now I don't know I don't like you like why would anyone want to do a v07 no early fight even a bo5 that's cool even a bo5 bro I think vo3 is a really good like it's good enough that's good enough but like for prelims before you get into like three players maybe like top eight or something what did you do you have to do like feel water bo3 double ellipse uh bo1 double elims yeah I think either bo3 single or b01 double yeah okay so I'm getting a lot of space here holy [ __ ] yeah they're gonna lead towards eight right yeah for sure he's one way from Zoll too NRG and RG s next to you yeah yes that's a good Molly fantastic someone watch the left bro good trade oh trades are great know where he is yes let's go baby and RG and RG all right dude they're gonna win they're gonna win the next lap the entire team coming together there let's go baby let's go we're gonna go backstage they're gonna have a lot of these I would have another one they're gonna snap bro you think that they ever do that there's like napping between Maps like a quick little you saw backstage right it was like I think we have like yeah they have beds there yeah yeah just be careful not to put on any socks that you don't recognize yeah they got bunk beds in like one sock each one of these teams and especially for everybody watching these two Series so far we saw a great series earlier on today but this one right here promising now a great third map coming up on split game bro map three about to hit diff so both teams lost their map picks it's gonna be awesome I think we have to actually see both teams reach deep into that strategy back here on the next rounds and we'll have to see different styles of play we'll get that operator back on both sides we'll have to see what well artists picks fours whistle map three continue playing um I don't remember from one week to another switch on to a double controller so they're adapting we've seen the adaptations one hell of a series one more time thank you so much for your patience at home in the chat and also here Erb behave chat hey let them know let them know come back here Joe Joe all right and we are back baby what's goody what's goody you guys want some brownies these are so [ __ ] good God you ever be buying a lottery ticket yeah two for two holy [ __ ] damn I actually called it though energy win last one slay yeah you wanna go for a walk I got one way to get your blood flowing yeah I'm here I'm listening brother what a brother at the VCT LAN whatever what is horror Nation I was adjusting my seat here bro these headphones I will not lie you look hella shiny yeah I'm like getting over like a sickness so like my body's like oils are a little imbalanced you know or maybe it's the toner that I started using maybe the toner yeah started using a new toner is it like oil-based or like water-based charcoal toner no I don't know what I don't know I have no idea I'm a bit shiny maybe I just I've been lacking water so my body's been doing some weird [ __ ] moral support with the DM I like that it is a matcha brownie oh man it's so good foreign sickness dude the other day I had a 102.6 fever do you guys know how high that is can you even count that high I generally could not yeah dude it was like it was bad man I was [ __ ] I was like bedridden I felt like I was like 80 years old I was dying on my deathbed yeah it was bad man but we're good now slept it off took some Theraflu you know what I mean Joel's looking extra cool today it's the jacket you guys really [ __ ] with a jacket huh bro I got so many compliments on this jacket and it was twenty dollars on Amazon and it's a woman's jacket sometimes like certain jackets just hit you know it gives me the confidence to just keep buying cool [ __ ] that looks cool even if it's cheap how many Subs were you just take it off right now take off the jacket I've gifted but I'd rather not it's kind of chilly and I'm just wearing a shirt you guys aren't going to see much fun I'm telling you it's not worth it shouldn't you be hospitalized at that point with a 102 I I told myself if I get to 103 I get there 39 38.9 Celsius yeah that makes sense now I had no idea was really I looked it up 38.9 Celsius pretty high right oh that is very high the teams 37 Celsius but I think it showcases how good the comps are being able to you know push away that early round yeah when do you usually go to the hospital like what temperature the they could not figure out what do you basically both teams are like twenty percent retake are you okay yeah I don't know what I don't know what it was didn't have covered I don't know it's weird I think I'm just overworked I like you think I'm just a tad bit slightly overworked you know I'm gonna sleep a little bit more I keep bugging them I'm like dude you gotta record this right now or fricked yeah he's like bro you gotta work dude I'm like uh actually I'm gonna go to bed and he just like slaps me in the face he's like no not yet we got work to do no the stopping the face wasn't for yeah it's something that you like ah yes yeah to that end Sideshow we got to go all the way back to round number nine oh yes I love it but we did see it good damage if high for too long I mean it doesn't have much damage anything but look at that low key I might have suffered some brain damage Cascade I was high fever for like probably like a solid 24 hours if I'm a little Dumber now then you guys know why no you know what I mean knowing where people are coming from got no value just called out so cold shower no hell no I was cold out like I took one leg out of my heated like weighted blankets and I was cold fever is always like that you feel cold constantly but you're hot you know yeah dude there's no Universe I would ever hop in a cold shower like that no way you wouldn't like I don't know how much money like I would rather just be wrapped up blanket up and then just like sweat it out yeah and ever take a cold shower it's kind of like um you ever see those like rabies patients like they're going through rabies and they're like hydrophobic they're scared to drink water I feel like you do the exact same thing if it was like a culture they're like bro how about a cold showers well if they told me like listen you need to do this or you die like if they were like listen you need to take a cold shower or you die but like and even when mrbr happens you were born with brain damage this guy I found out the other day that I've I had I've had ADHD my entire life and I'm 29 now yeah does anyone have like ADHD chat and like list some symptoms yeah if you guys have ADHD list your symptoms so I can confirm it I mean I haven't it's not diagnosed obvious ly you can't we can't Google like sicknesses because it's basically going to tell you you have two two days left to live yeah they're gonna be like oh you have brain cancer bro like chill man and then the one round that they would ultimately need to take the series in the end a quick message though for all of you silver players out there and I guess I should be saying this to myself too then oh no I'm okay I'm good thank you thank you thank you definitely win games check out I love riots they are so great oh we got another we've got another sub I'll let me write it down J Tech with the primer J check there 91. oh 90s kid huh or just not even your favorite you know I can't even ask people that anymore I asked someone who said like 95 and I was like oh you know he's kidding they're like no my favorite number is 95. oh they're born September 5th September [ __ ] there you go look here's the list so far look at this giant lifts look at all these subbies we have so far I guess a lot of people like are a diagnosed isn't that like a huge stigma If you're diagnosed with like um ADHD you get like Bully to the schoolers I don't know I got I got bullied to school I used to get boy at school I didn't speak English Romania was my first language they used to bully [ __ ] on me oh [ __ ] wait they're watching right now sorry they're watching reruns guys nothing crazy is happening if you guys want to watch it you can watch it sure so many Subs true true we could get a ton being unable to sit still it's my neighbor will sit still okay yeah especially in calm or quiet surroundings constantly fidgeting okay yeah I'm literally doing this one oh God being humble to concentrate on tasks excessive physical movement excessive talking uh dude this guy like he's pretty open about it whatever like we're having conversations he's like bro you have no idea how hard it was for me to hold back my story to interject the middle of the conversation yeah it's actually like a yeah I had to train myself not to do it I didn't know that it was ADHD but like every time people would talk I would have a story that pops up in my mind and I'm like oh my god dude wait stop and like I'm like oh I gotta not do that right and now what I do is like oh I have a story after years so I do that now you know because like I can't confident I can't like stop myself from that initial reaction either one it's so bizarre because they both we are who we are I've listened I found a way to weaponize my ADHD I wish that to your left which of the team s Riot stuff and uh Katie Katie Katie's streaming over here as well the maps not many teams have a full map Pool to really work with finishing people's sentences oh I do that a lot yeah that's bad which team is going to be favored here whatsoever no I really don't mean interject like I hate doing that I really hate interacting because I'm trying to listen to people but like because you feel like you're gonna forget yeah and the thing is I do I do forget you know many times it's gotten so bad like my friend my friend's like like I'm just like oh I have a story after years they're like no no tell your story because you're gonna forget yeah and I'm like all right all right fine [ __ ] it it's split split's gonna be the last five all right split is the last map guys let's [ __ ] go into map three stylish okay all right guys I keep growing it what do you guys think weaponize your ADHD because you don't always need medications I mean I've been doing all right thus far you can so I found a way to weaponize this [ __ ] I don't know it looks like so many different ways that you can where does the name Joel's come from exclamation point name of the chat such a Gemini yeah oh yeah absolutely absolutely yeah here hopefully they bring we don't need any of these yeah yeah no worries no worries no worries you go spill or something oh okay okay okay then just being purely reactive all right well we do get a raise and actually it is on both sides the heat gonna flip over to the race from the Jets what are you writing I'm writing people's names down everyone who subbed I wrote your names down thank you Jules I love your coachings a anytime anytime I'm glad you guys are enjoying it glad it's helping oh do you think uh mbtis are pretty accurate for who you are I think so I think mbtis are like when I was reading mine I was like this is me to a team that's me man all right Chad drop your mbtis yeah I mean basically inevitable oh yeah apparently yeah apparently intj is like all yeah all supervillains oh yeah like completely complete like Eisen from Bleach yeah um Itachi from Naruto Light Yagami from Death Note literally like me to a T ight some people that do you think maybe you like these characters as a kid they kind of shaped who you are so you developed after them you know what I mean or did I like them because I was on it yeah yeah I don't know here's the thing though like I'm introverted but like I can be extroverted I could be one of the best extroverted people yeah you know what I mean like if I need to be like uh am I tripping wizard lots of frenzies and a hands up there you go there's your name on the bottom there trying to get a lucky spray through the smoke today is going to find information season two oh there's a new episode that dropped oh Demon Slayer new drop I need to watch Demon Slayer and attack on fire dude yeah only spotting we watched something like the first episode hell's Paradise Paradise I've just been like busy man a little bit of tap damage being done yeah it's weird like I feel like I could be like the most extroverted person if I'm in a room and I need I need to do I need to be on you know like I could like flip that switch I think the whole point of the personalities but you lean towards that side yeah that's what I'm saying yeah I guess I lean towards it but I'm not like oh my God the frenzy too many frenzies on this side oh [ __ ] wait a minute 2V1 no no no this is a wrap yeah that's a wrap so that's that's the only play he needed to do right right he's like there's just wrong literally run at him yeah as well is he your manager yeah this is my manager roommate best friend having that double controller but also all Synergy with this breach so bad ambiverse or a thing yeah maybe I am an ambivert image them or just depending on which personality shows up that day well the thing is with which ambervert it's like I don't like being extroverted to new people like it's not like fun like well it's fun but like it depends too right like sometimes you just don't want to be yeah sometimes I'm like bro I just want to like be in my room and no damage by myself or when you get into the boot of like grinding a video game just don't talk to me yeah I'm like no one talked to me I'm in the [ __ ] Zone by himself a [ __ ] cook up World dominate while I'm planning world domination [ __ ] I'm like nobody bug me you know what I mean any good movie recommendation holes I found it recently hole's actually my favorite movie I never know what to answer with that question but I realized holes is my favorite movie oh my what is that check him PC Victor that wasn't even like a common spam like that was just he was just being cringe on purpose yeah and it worked dude I remember like the very first set of games Victor would just pop off and get like random jump shots or dropping shots headshots really yeah yeah what though I'd be malding dude I figured out how weird it was that Victor's oh it's been molding 1500 in credits getting the first killed around energy making this work installing mibr out on this a hit 23 seconds left now you gotta move Crosby's trying to keep the Trigger Discipline yes he falls but Elise is good hey let's just clean round four up and that becomes a club for the third one it is OT you're gonna have a lot of money so if they want much love when we go to so Victor could choose right here oh and then dude this is looking good this is looking good for energy space game four dude opting third round Crane and split defense too that's split defense on raise bro dude actually I was playing a game last night I was down 06 on Defender side yeah I bought a knob on Omen and we just won out the game we won like 13-11 really yeah we got traded surely someone picks that up right time twice in a row now our jail got free healed by Jay-Z's but a huge and now it's time for w streamer to do it W streamer oh yeah one down one shot one kill one shot one opportunity thumbs up oh wait a minute wait where's the hidden player they don't see them they don't see them oh oh no wait they actually kind of throw I didn't like that yeah why was there having control so weak surely they fall back in surely they fall back in a spawn instead of capitalizing on if they had that poor Heaven control oh they're up down and yeah this is it does have an alarm bot but the weapon for this distance Peak and that's gonna be the gun rounds and we will pick up that operator in the end did they oh they finally did and what it seemed like they were considering it and remember that was a huge round from Victor to win the frenzy out and you can see what kind of money energy happens but mibr is going to be hungry now man how do you have such good quality streams mushrooms are a bit blurry not as sharp as yours uh the bit rate increase that thing so that lockdown is the wheels on the bus uh also twitch Partners have higher bit rates caps so that could be it too now we get some uh some privileges I guess yeah no seriously I mean I'm not complaining any type of stuff like that may indicate just a full hit in for mibr that said you mentioned the operator in the hands of frz this is crazy now turret spotting a couple of players and Victor is about to get pinched actually I wonder like I wonder if I should joint this quality or you want their settings you know yeah just to see if this is actually better on the last time we came here is it yeah okay yeah just crashes trying so my berated 7 500. yeah they're gonna cap you at like 6K anyway there you go waterfall down oh no straight up top and here's the lockdown we were talking about from that or what can they do here two on site I'm going to N8 switchcon for sure I don't think I'm going to EU though I think that might be a little bit too hard oh crushes oh and he's still alive yeah on site oh my God and he's gonna reposition holding his ground Tennessee oh let's go do crashes walk the [ __ ] up let's go baby let's let's go switching rolls from damn dude you should have gotten this one right dude the third the second was our second the second was like iffy you should have gotten traded there yeah what a big round that was for NRG ultimates on their side here for the cosmic this is where it's going to be like yeah yeah keeping the wall up towards a so they can always play towardsy cringe judge players LOL good trade good trade 43 and that pressure not bad lies the pressure that could add in there's just too much now for mibr ate release from that battle a lower bar that you had on the attack damn this is an intense game dude this is so intense man energy being like the best team in North America along with being the best entertainers yeah they have the best CC's for sure for sure name name Russian name an organizer content creator you can't I try actually no no no you can't so FNS here to just or should I say Just Energy to play towards sewers and wait off this alarm but if the hit's Gonna Come anyway right she's just holding the main control that's her whole [ __ ] goal here she pushes this what is this maybe they want to design the plan I guess they're trying to deny the plan because the time was low I think they know Maurice's position yeah but you might as well just retake at that point that's bad man because now they man dude that was a throw okay okay man I didn't like that I didn't like that at all it was last year I think it's easy it's available for crashes goes towards the yellow oh I actually got them oh got them both but no swing out yeah it's Gonna Save yeah that was the throw dude yeah gave up all of aiming control because we gave up aiming control what's his name died too he needed to go up ramp if anything instead of pushing it down there's someone there was on top round with the last bullet got the killers the Viper they killed him oh no no I'm saying like go fight the like instead of trying to fight the guy's screens you should take a top Ram control if anything yeah If You're Gonna Take It was even sitting there holding around you mentioned that breach utility we kind of talked about how is your stance on Vandal versus the fans they're both Great Guns preference I personally can't stand 141 so I don't use it really deep back lurk here from rgl actually starting off the round waiting to make sure he doesn't get hit by a Guiding Light all the way to spawn and still playing behind that vending machine I swear I'll make it back away push up here for energy oh that's a lot of noise surely they know this is getting harder today yeah this is getting hard cleared bro oh [ __ ] oh to go back towards this B site because no way he expects it right yeah this could be contact with a showstopper on top of that despite a lower Vibe nice oh nice oh the nade oh it's okay 1v3 yeah no no I refuse to believe it yeah we're chilling ever smoking a stop nap yeah we we made some content together I played val with him a few times he could clutch this but now with 20 seconds left do they say it definitely seems like it's a sealed deal and NRG they definitely tried a group of them come back in her favor so my BR play this round thinking Energy's going to push and they just delay the push and then in fact do exactly what mibr is expecting and somehow mlbr cannot return fire they get completely caught off guard what's up what's going on this is easier on defensive side their defense is going to be nasty to be honest oh that's that's something you could probably talk about too like the Nuance of picking Champs at a high level like you don't need to pay like two Duelists yeah well they can get a lot more benefit from having a Viper on their team than um someone like Jet right unless you have like a really really good jet player who um is notorious for going aggressive and getting picks and then dashing out but it's not really worth it right like if we look at fnatic durka his jet is like somewhere like he'd probably played jet on every single map right because of uh how prominent he is on that agent so that would make sense but another agent's like maybe we swap that out for like that's why we saw like tens on Sage in this map right because you could probably just get more value out of out of that um energy yeah they don't have to list yeah even if it was kind of the thing is like some Duelists like don't bring us the value that we we actually need or some teams like just do better on offense and you know they like relying on their defense utility from Jay-Z he's energy closes out on topping out hey have a good one Andy goodbye Andy this would be one of those rounds you're my favorite value YouTuber yeah I appreciate it keep up the good work thank you thank you glad you're enjoying it this is so hard to taste the last map is gonna be a good one man behind each other how many OTs oh God for this one I really hope not that many man quick hit they're hoping for something like energy will close it up here starting defense on split it just feels good with a few more weapons it does until they start getting some rounds and then it doesn't feel good like it's like a six six then it doesn't feel good right coming in as they waterfall out okay nice flash [Music] so those two yeah this is tough now as the lockdown comes out that forces energy to play outside of the radius and to play a later oh oh I know he would have molded I promise you if you get the thing there he would have molded Jay-Z with two flashes still available one weapon upgrade coming out here from the last player that didn't have one oh that looks good oh [ __ ] right back [Music] getting his clothes I remember your fortnite days the old fortnite days the game at fortnite like early early like Season Two Season three Fortnight but like Loki I was pretty cracked at a time down in sight together here 's really from breeze on the mites the right side it's always watching what the rest of the team another time secretly be your Inside Man yes yes Evo all right Evo I give you now the roll since you snitched on me you are now my Inside Man and you snitch for me all right so keep me posted just the same thing is he gonna go yeah oh no no no wow nice okay the kill the kill right into the chest of rgl that's the spike trying to clear some space will get that kill onto alarm oh [ __ ] oh we get a plan I think it's safe that's good okay it's now only up to Maurice imagine they'd commit all this and still lose okay that was scary with utility up man it's just kidding into these Peaks so quick and there's no Escape he's peeking like a jetwood peak right almost like he knows how to do it yep it's working out too well operator still in the hands of Victor 10 and six is the timeout gets called Phantoms purchased up around us if You Vandal rather as well for the side of NRG but confidence in the retakes here I think they're getting a good read at what's happening on the extremities can you please give me coaching uh yeah you have a chance to get free coaching my Discord exclamation point Discord in the chat for Marie's could eventually come in so while energy is they're waiting for a lot of the util to be seen first before they act meaning hey have we actually seen kill Joy mollies wait a minute did your audio get cut out yeah casters wait audio got cut out I don't hear the casters anymore we're gonna try to figure out here what we could do oh wait no they came back okay okay yeah I was like oh what's going on maybe this timeout is now okay this is the second time he has to be operator he still has it into this round they have great opportunities now to maybe work up towards the a-ramp and also towards mid because we were able to Forfeit that into like the the first picks after victor goes for the attempt off that and if there is a way that we can pin him inside the events it's a great way to get an early player Advantage how do you look to do switch engines by the way in the back um I think they're healthy there's nothing crazy about them I just think they're healthy overall real quick but here's the thing actually the biggest thing that annoyed me about the split changes is the the change to the event on Mid the little thing that you can used to jump on or oh the lip the lift oh yeah they like remove that lip dude yeah the thing like right here to the right right to the right of uh They removed that lip and they removed that like skill jump yeah I missed that dude I really missed that oh I think stuff like that is like really cool to just rush oh my god oh that's scary dude I wouldn't even want to spam that yeah staircase the pinch is coming through but there's players holding out towards mail there are a lot outside sight here man still pain shells on both ends artists let's go energy drop it all three players looking good looking good oh nice a Flawless full gun round yeah that's big and they have uh breachial next round right the next round yeah just a bit of a mission it's one of those feelings I don't know why one of the big things was getting ready for seeing the hand of mivr to say well we don't want to get caught by any of that so they all try to get into sight but really just find themselves with one person in sight and three people trying to hold the defensive position it did not work it's always wanted to get you on the stage on the seventh man don't worry look at this maybe in between matches you'll see them go up and get water for everyone the protocols they set up here just to shut down mibr in the beginning they've locked mid though pushing into mid and getting a bit of speed oh [ __ ] maybe he wants some uh revenge on Victor yeah as much as in my VR likes to work towards the mid it's all it also seems that the game the energy is relative trying to fight against not really allowing did you have old um owner when he rips this right I feel like Reach Out is like it's not a common thing yeah angles are a little bit awkward yeah I'm wondering like I think he rips it early rather than like yeah he's literally gonna rip this now let's go to heaven yeah wait for contact but also again the Rolling Thunder and then they have B main control as well only far forward no rolling thunder no spotting for info seeing who's all here more people are here he just rips you all right yeah he's waiting for him I think this actually changes mibration away from that utility all right and they're gonna try to push from the outside here on egg oh Dusty with a tier three oh I appreciate that for the two months resub thank you all right write your name down here on the list thank you so much for that I appreciate you bulldog Progressive positions pros play Arena VCT they don't know see there you are oh the Bulldog hiding on the other side of the wall now star comes in vision oh he heard the jump though you hear the jump yeah I hear him close oh nice good job W3 let's [ __ ] go baby cold cold dude for these like one of your situations I'm always like holding my breath like oh my gosh I don't want to breathe and like give them food or anything yeah I'm smart an instant astral form to find himself a little bit more covering cause Maurice to have to I like how he tried to do some technique against him he saw that yeah he just did a little jump spot of the smoke [ __ ] it up push it through this [ __ ] yeah he's like all right you wanna play this game man I invented this [ __ ] [Applause] strategy taking the thrifties what's the next racks he's bundle coming out I don't know only the bundle's coming out again yeah it might come in your shop bits and pieces until we had not only an operator but an operator with rifle wow what's up yeah that's crazy I would have spam I would have spam that area so much it down with this operator finesse still delivering those early fault lines to keep and my mibr off of any insta Rush Sam gets first Contact here seeing one into that b main area this is the worst part about playing a Lego it's so easy I think Emma almost wanted to give up right yeah and get the Peaks if they're seen that's fine and now they can start to switch up their strategy and do something different what a push into a up at Heaven already not gonna get too far with an Aftershock in their face but it looks like they do want to uh oh it might be our one let's go through events in the end here Canada utility being used though all that angle man Sydney with a five gifted yo Sydney that's an opportunity thank you thank you so energy dog yeah we'll draw I'll draw a dog for you Cindy a little some for the five gifted you know stopped by victory oh okay it was close imagine the world look at them dogs look at that dog all right show stopper's ready for that thank you W's and hearts in the chat the water appreciate you the smell where Victor is no movement yet for Marie's but he is hunting as you should as you would expect and this will be the true test right he picks up the opposite thank you and starts delivering the medicine back to Victor well my giveaway do anything too oh you're right yeah they've been playing the the Vandal onto heat so he can continuously go forward you have to take the jacket off please up no it wasn't supposed sorry you got that in my head kind of cold man I'm kind of cold dude shorties baby shorties are so ratty man no matter what but it's already like a melody every day to go off here is looks like Victor will be able to save the operator and it will start again really expensive they're nice for Jay-Z if they wanted to last round say maybe not we can still secure the 70s Show us the dogs exactly so energy calls I wish it was like socially acceptable just take off your shoes and your socks at the same time to show your feet Victor show stopper ultimate I mean I guess it is to be used here you don't think I'll get looks just a reminder you probably would but like be careful of what can happen if heat ground yeah I had a guy who would come to class Barefoot all the time oh my gosh only in Florida yeah in this time yeah what happened what was his reasoning for having bare feet well it was it was an honorable thing he's like well there's you know places in this world where they don't have shoes you know he's like I'm just gonna do that I'm in solitude with those guys yeah he's like I'm showing some respect I was like oh [ __ ] well all right man I didn't know so you hate those people I just thought I was like you know if they were in my shoes that's what I'm saying you know I don't they don't choose to do that you know so I feel like where mibr could be going yeah which again I guess that's pretty awesome take full advantage of the situation by wearing shoes that's what they would do thank you sorry if I butcher that's wait how do I spell that oh [ __ ] yeah a little bit yes this time on the side of mibr which is not normal we see that's a solo play for the most of every round all right thank you so I think this self room's A Little Bit Stronger now they go for more util maybe a Molly are setting up the alarm bot there's the alarm I decides to pull back instead do you feel like the mother's getting a little still now it's always just kills um probably probably just the tad bit yeah we're trying to get the delay wow I don't know what the fix would be as long as it's in the game it's tough yeah I think you'd have to increase your alt again able to pick them off hope to see you in Colombia sometime hey one day maybe I'd love to visit the world oh Victor oh they know where all them are yeah oh last one knows his man oh there we go yep knows why you look so mad it's human um you know I'm not mad I'm just tired yeah it doesn't help that I'm six though but usually it's not that bad thank you very much Riv right now in RG sitting pretty eight to four on the first half it's a nice round lead that they have for themselves I'm gonna go straight to you sides okay straight 12 13 4 right here [Music] on the first half so we need some hype sounds [Music] tonight you look so pretty [Music] I was kind of cooking that I won't lie Slim Shady Nissan FPS that's the greatest dead fan I think you guys for the subs and welcome to the list of Subs we're cooking up right now unfortunately we're gonna literally cook this when we get back I'll treasure this forever I don't know what this list is I'll take a picture with it so you guys can say you took a selfie with me it was originally a bit at the beginning but it went on a lot longer yeah I thought you were going to turn it off Midway he's got he's got stuns he's got two initiators that can help him a bit better all right answered the question I was going to ask it which is yeah does he have the kind of support behind that will enable uh him to get more Effectiveness out of the race where he wasn't able to find it yeah I think for mibr coming in I don't know about the race but you know one thing I am confident about is that they do have a lot more stall power and so I'm interested to see how NRG can kind of use their initiator flashes to get past the double controller setup because that is going to be a tough view look they have fought back from worse deficits we went the distance on map number two all the way to Triple overtime all right get anything the like here in map number three what do you think is the best site to hit as a attacker on split and especially on pistol I feel like a is always just so free because like usually in solo queue games you have like raise Sage sitting B Heaven I like mid dude I like mid he's taking bit everywhere I just like [ __ ] around the mid and then just like want to go somewhere go events or go heaven and then split it as we mentioned before our first time to go head to head with this comp versus that comp the filter helps you sing better bro I'm a God singer okay energy voice okay so the 3v3 artist is low so he can't do anything crazy they're in a really good spot now yeah oh no wait for Molly okay never mind oh you did that one d right there the patience is a virtue comes in for the pistol round win but once they identified there was somebody hiding I mean they use unfortunately come back into the round and then artists able to clean up that kill oh my God quite a bit there who think's gonna win this one's a little bit too hard for the side yeah true actually it was just a nice push and pull too right it was it easy then to support artists we're missing on the fourth chipmunk I guess I have a question I know rating is different than Pro but can someone tell me how Pro players scrim like five versus five with teammates radiant players they just solo queue in games with random players hope that helps right into Vance oh my God what's up oh [ __ ] HP but now mrvr moves into a bundle do they bring any more into the play too I wouldn't think so we've seen the teams actually going light buys into these sometimes even on their bonus if the money is just right and love to play here it's it's everybody actually turned away from it so so quickly let's go save everybody shot of the smoke sometimes you just need those little sets to be able to get your frags in and pick up a gun that will be able to help you win the round what if I type 30 seconds later so there's no delay between Joel's and me surely it doesn't make the delay a whole minute what's funny is I know you probably thought about that unironically and then you're like oh wait a minute you have to think it through over pulse allowing Victor to get that first kill forcing even early Nano storm out from frz on the top of B Heavens it was a night and day difference from even how the defense was able to react right when we saw that happening and they were going forward to kind of got shut down he was taken out in mail room and there Victor had so much to work with to make sure that that worked yeah he's already coming around hasn't gotten the forward fight so he's gonna go for the backs now and hopes to pick up quite a few here the turret looking right at him oh not as much actually it was still pointing towards too large so he gets this takeoff onto finesse oh he's dead yeah okay 44. it's not that bad it's still one of all their defense is gonna be so hard with the double controller and kill him Cooks we're getting cooked by towards three here if energy with this round I will eat the mouse pad with the desk right here wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute breaking his legs yeah that's one of those unwavering rounds that I talked about whenever that was a gun round too right those are bonus or am I tripping that was the first guy around auditioning makes him confident and even if [ __ ] stay at the initial pick but then I guess they pushed the ray there we see three members he was knocking at the door with multiple members it's one of those kind of aggressive things I think the desk was talking about where you just don't expect a lot from mivr and in terms of staying back being able to play safe now they're gonna be in your face but that one was a pretty interesting energy could not cope with it down to 31 HP support behind with the Flash and but Maurice still makes it out looking to fight back towards mail he creeping up to support him on oh what a spot though this ain't looking good man they're going to be walking right into a Trailblazer oh my God yo that was dirty dirty unfortunately imagine oh what oh my God wait they're cooking too wait what's happening right now let's get this antique running gunning with a [ __ ] uh Guardian oh no okay put it he did put a thing on the bone though the two players on the attack though he's nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready ah [ __ ] that's not good I've seen some of these nice this was huge doesn't know that he could have come down oh empty he's getting peaked out there by that was tough hey dude all things considered for a half bye outside the site we see two already coming down in mid dwindling the numbers of NRG and what they'll have for the Post plant so I think it's great by mibr to really start getting a winning condition early in the round not giving energy too much of this space we've seen mibr and a main quite a bit pushing out Guiding Light all right they need to get contact in the beginning looks like they're gonna put a little pressure towards mid here too if Maurice decides to push sorry Chad let me call for the mic are you meant to do that I meant to do that right here looking for artists I just play with someone whose name is Joel's Daddy throw everything in the kitchen sinking you know what our community we're probably one of the best best supporting communities in in the entirety of live streaming and twitch I won't lie I really won't lie you guys are great two all tears so lockdown done instead that's pretty cool I do appreciate that I appreciate you guys see what the Trailblazer clear enough would you rather play Jet on your team tens or durka um they're both really good they're both at different play Styles I think though but they're both really good it really depends on like the play style my whole team's going with if we're going for like super Giga aggressive play Styles durka for sure Rolling Thunder then but if we're looking for someone a little bit more all overall like super solid really good insane Snappy humor cracked gamer down onto that Spike if they're not on it yeah come on uh to save it nice they started getting would you rather live without carbs or music oh [ __ ] oh my gosh that's a tough one I'd rather live without carbs I think that would be really hard because it could have looked real bad streamer called me great okay The Flash coming out didn't hit anybody because of the smokes don't you know Valor is banned in some countries really what countries for energy to keep like North Korea or something cost a lot but they got that round there's like a there's like a steam map or a heat map of steam users and there's like this one dot in North Korea yeah I remember seeing that because it looks like energy I'm sure like everything's been there yeah they have an internet uncomfort streamer being comfort with their extremity watch Being towards B and that uncomfortable though there's a difference okay not that bad now we calm down fall back from it and those faults that were used also allows here for oh basically this oh artist who's still lurking towards mid that is the most right play I've seen this entire series not gonna lie and that dwindles down to defense okay they they pause I'm gonna run the bathroom I'm right here what dude yeah they're trying to get around everything gets into sight now my feet are on fire wait a minute wait a minute 43 43. surely this gets checked oh no oh no feeling it oh my God what a [ __ ] God bro 3v1 it's gonna be a pause after this they're like oh Sam is turned into a three versus one he's cranked up to the maximum so rgl has this on some mistakes the Monstrous task on the shoulders what they just play off this this turn again yeah I think they pause here I don't know how many pauses they have left all right I don't want to miss I don't want to miss some four rounds though by S round but it's all set oh I can't anyway right now you just go to the regular one winning this one right now look at this guy goes to the backstage you mean the same one [Laughter] piggy bank here and get a few more guns out yeah that was crazy that was crazy thank you very much they didn't pause they're going against the script feels energy your first team I was on ghost gaming for a bit um but now we are energy you know yeah don't forget about all those Counter-Strike teams you've been on okay yeah those one counts again energy tested all the way up to ramp and then backed out before hitting again I think they like what they're getting out of that energy rather he's enjoying what they get out of mibr in terms of util they're under they're under you guys becoming that much easier early right up front you see how quick crashes gets gets there with him van silly oh my gosh and satchels or something because I feel like they're shooting it really early I think so too much officially from Aram use it to break the kitchen oh oh what what is going on I love how that four back artists is bro he knew because they saw the killjoy world right okay okay they know where he is Flash actually oh okay okay frz only with the sheriff it's your clone tap onto the spike halfway now nice let's go let's [ __ ] go let's [ __ ] go Trashies holy [ __ ] you can hear him pop off like two seconds before yeah yeah they're feeling it closing it out also have you taken your vitamins today no it's funny because it's kind of like chat it's like the grandchildren you're the old senile Grandpa did you take your medicine did you take your medicine today I'll take it when I get back to the crowd what are you doing NRG I'm the seventh man I'm a content creator yeah sometimes they call them Waterboy I'm the water boy I'm the bench warmer the game we're in our third map there was a timeout or sorry overtime that was able to be pulled out on Pearl we can't count out midr for that energy just seems to have these answers on the map though once they start this lurk by artist has been absolutely cutting a lot of MIB what should I order to eat people um whatever the easiest way is very very good I'm not gonna take that joke I know where you were going with that yeah because eat people what should I order to eat people just into the mid match a few rounds ago sure there's a cannibal restaurant somewhere there can you be my dad well Boulder you to assume I'm not already adapt and push into that space so let's just keep artists behind it's been crucial for two of these rounds but also have also been a pivotal key right winning condition here to put energy up all right energy come on come on come on energy energy energy whether it's roll swaps whether they go from week to week changing the entirety the composition a lot of flex on this team that makes them so strong why people had a lot of high hopes for being a top team after seeing how they come together and play have they seen your knife skills challenged quite well here by mits inches away and Trailblazer clearing space they gotta be ready they're already a bail they push the guy off yeah some of you dude made it just the move you can do anything initiation and execution towards this B-side After Shock to even clear out towards Health artist is just waiting for a peek that tries to get information oh they held that side down what the heck oh Victor wait a minute wait a minute Victor 's cooking but down to 13 HP and also downtown maybe 30 seconds this guy's not peeking at all like I can go AFK yeah exactly oh there for mibr the double swing on the piece they actually peaked wait what yo the chico with primer appreciate it thank you that's the the unwavering defense so sure of themselves to come up with this win and an unknown number and welcome to the list of subs for the day University I'll go down there it's almost a wash right there energy takes the round but those plays were confident to play off their youth will play with each other can take teams by storm and energy was not prepared for like the uh the red accent clearing the site oh yeah like yeah yeah yeah pulsating right but you expect it's safer yeah scared of move no no actually hunkered down even more in the same position man this is tough this is tough yeah two more rounds two more rounds come on energy oh [ __ ] yeah definitely didn't want to wanna wait on trying to find it that's the camera dude you're so tired guys he thought the camera that we're on right now was part of the background of the of the image give me some other things he says comes in now on to the attack what's going on guys my name's Joel's a Meridian player leading a lot of players towards the gay side to start energy just looking to be explosive we'll get some W's and imagine frenzy they're dipping into the pockets here you can see the money grab it to go to the bathroom yeah exactly where everything the energy you can put on the board here this is a big round for them to be able to keep it tight on mibr a focus dude there's no one up there's no energy and set themselves up only delayed a little bit by the Viper's bite here satchels in onto the top misses the boxes but still good do the Phoenix one what is what does Phoenix even say oh but a match let's watch the game 2v3 the old what a Flash oh the frenzy oh they both get traded out instantly what game are you at this is our third map energy versus six foot yeah okay guys for the record once again in this series Deja Vu Vance how are we going over tithe again as we get here on to split absolutely incredible stuff here from mibr to be able to keep taking rounds off of energy knowing that would be a lower buy round and they've unironically started saying man because of jewels oh no leaks into your vocabulary it is so big on the Trailblazer stay at the fire super high tactics yeah something like that yeah dude that's that's one of the things that would be so cool just to like have be really good Impressions right this is on the map yes and Victor's only one away from an orb so they could pick this up and just open the B side so whenever he gets back all five spam oh Jules you're so tall you're looking very six foot today you're looking very six foot today so just feet as ego but you guys will never know five four faking The Runaway cutting noise looking for the re-hit potential all five are together so this is a complete re-clear of the map energy has to move together they don't want to use it looks taller and more handsome I think that's probably like some filter or something as soon as they get basically within range of heat and they're going to cut noise until this happens GCC also has Seekers he's used the flash earlier on but it's wabbit could actually initiate Seekers if it pops something early for information they could be ready for this hit get ready this is the solo queue call uh guys let's contact upay here a lot of info oh my gosh okay nice Victor getting one one more on site they call it his elbows up The Seekers oh what is he doing for info oh my goodness this is like the scrappiest fight spikes down oh no oh no it's knife out round and we're at least oh artist Swift okay yeah yo dude Victor's too good just in time just in time baby dude you're looking really tall today thank you yeah like six foot tall oh wow that's because I am okay guys [Music] and a huge huge play with the showstopper on the way in to deny The Seekers van silly that was a hell of a round from Victor there was an opportunity right there with the spike being down out in the open OT never much love when we go you look six foot wow thank you that's because I am and with that point serious point it's a broken economy for mibr in this round yeah they're all saying you look very six foot today wow chance being nice to me today for heat to come on wow what the heck did I do today deserve this one the team's there behind them Cosmic divide as well to defend whatever NRG brings to the table and they go for Mid again yeah it might be your though went for three Pirates pushing out towards the main shutting down that might be ours Had a Bad Bite here essentially the last round of the game of the series with a minute left play cool rage let's get our pages together chat Identify some sort of push into the late round us all of energy looking to move over towards this B site the first Contact being oh rgl and it's a great well oh look at these are the double flashes oh they know they know okay okay energy all right one more rounds one more rounds it's a frenzy Theory oh no actually God wait a minute oh no what's happening oh no dude the frenzies keeping that sight covered even with the frenzies close from work here on the left side with Maria dude this frenzy round the greatest frenzy round of all time Nerf the frenzy man [Music] that's what I'm saying dude yeah that's crazy oh look at this picture's like yo what's up do a play they have oats though they have oats though yeah because we have the lower body we have to play how do you think the postman's gonna handle here I think he plays on the rope for heaven spots it maybe no it doesn't look like yeah they give it up completely oh wait they gave Skye the place oh nice thank God that was like one HP yeah oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God 44. oh my God a flash again such a good spot yeah they don't know they don't know oh okay can anyone friends okay you got one you got one okay they know who spawn though they know spawn yeah that's so tough yeah oh dude bro [ __ ] yo Anna oh my God holy [ __ ] how many pitch is that that's like one thirteen hundred thirteen million 100 bits thank you so much for that I appreciate you w community honestly we do have a w Community I appreciate you thank you so much for the bits thank you thank you and ironically whenever he doesn't stream for a day or two he's like damn I missed chat he's brought it up to him like okay that's stream but oh what am I I do say that every time we get to mibr's attack round actually no [ __ ] yeah I don't know I don't say that if he's being very soon I like you guys I love you guys but it's a trick I'm here for it oh yeah OT but what a ball is he called to be like super aggro in the last round yeah I'd be so terrified to like go with MLG oh you had to right with the guns that they were given just take close range fights and then fight for for spawn instead of Heaven right I liked it I thought it was good wow oh energy oh dude finesse with that oh he turned it I guess [Music] oh my God oh no oh no dude crashes in a 1v3 oh you almost won that if there's no Seekers no cabbages one of the things what a series so far it's okay this is insane they still have Jay-Z and you actually this is insane insane huh towards the bottom of the kill list for it doesn't matter it's the impact in the frags that they're having when they show up sure it could happen earlier they could have more alts but they come back at the perfect time actually you did actually you did this was the best time to be watching throughout this series can't Gaslight us you love us I do what I want okay overtime win energy van silly there's the timeout oh my God what do you think we're talking about right now here's what they're doing they're pulling up this is the coach he's like listen you guys [ __ ] suck he's like freaking noobs how did you not close it out already you know he's like you guys stink in the rest of the team so I think and then that's where I come in on the pep talk you know I'm just like [Music] [Music] that's what's gonna happen yeah energy once again bring this into Extra Innings it's a default now for the players this guided light coming out from both ends into the a ramp and outside towards the attacker spawn energy rotating over to supporting a yummy steak or watching Joel's stream let's go be so nice right now that would be pretty good bike here on finesse arm's looking kind of small by the way I'm not flexing here for a moment they don't have enough confirmation to make it happen super calm from both teams Trailblazer is going to be the first thing that goes out and not even a lead on that road oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] instant delay so I think everybody uh both teams can tell there's kind of a default line going what's being sent out is being matched right now the thing is though is the utility on the attack is still available now foreign um looks like they're gonna split towards a the solo overtime player oh man this is so good this is so tough dude okay if they get Heaven here they can actually split pretty easily rotating back towards mid they're going back towards mid oh all through vents all the way to B itch oh this is genius this is finesse okay yes okay they got everything yeah just playing just playing just playing oh my God plan for Maine and then just play main here there's no more utility from either side actually yeah okay I actually like this this like super late mid as like the final like no I don't like this I don't like this at all actually oh stop speaking for him so unless it gets a crazy timing here just like what's up he won it but like that's not the right place I didn't like that absolutely I did not like that oh this is nice okay nice the pep talk baby the pep talk if you need another one tell them what they're gonna be doing here on the attack side of or sorry on the defense side of um I don't know winning thought about that actually can you guys just win yeah energy Souls would you date a Brazilian woman [Music] um chose rank list man I think I have talked to one mibr maybe creeping up or his energy creeping down who knows both I have it's a trap question I don't date women right now okay guys one thing that he's right though is no I think I have though everybody make it I swear I've dated I've talked to like everyone from everywhere full ground is gained in terms of agent kills dude I see from the for my peripherals this guy always Dodges the flashes of the yeah bro dude you're dialed in that's what I like to see yeah I'm I'm playing for energy right now I'm using my brain and with a thousand bits appreciate it so I love Joel's commute that much oh my goodness thank you so much for all those bits just what we need for energy to win this come on energy close this [ __ ] out oh they have to double up here now yeah okay one come on don't give him space all right good okay swim a little bit that's fine he knows someone's default one's probably pillar knows what's pillar the other one's backside oh uh oh dude on your screen making those final frags come on come on come on we'll start off most of our overtime rounds here there's no mid play to come through just yet Danza they gonna dip right OT fast much love when we go okay come on here comes you know he's getting nice good job good good good [ __ ] talking about baby foreign oh this retake a little bit of util to be used it's not clicking just yet but this is gonna have to be mibr dropping in soon oh nice all right for everyone pick them all one by one at a time yeah I think that's that's how you should play this first plan I think so just like throw you know save for next time save just save bro oh okay I was gonna say they're kind of listening to me yeah okay we're tired and we'll just hear [ __ ] posting yeah I can't even imagine what they're feeling because they're like we have a harder job yeah absolutely yeah I don't think you I think they underestimate how hard it is to ship host right like it's not easy no absolutely not it's sort of like people that you know work Blue Collar jobs those guys have it easy you're gonna you're actually like people I know you're joking but like someone out there will think you're not joking yeah for the record he's completely joking we have a very easy job I would like to think I'm a well-adjusted human being and these are all jokes if it sounds ridiculous oh oh that guy's cheating there that's a glass Cannon just shatters it is on the opposing team in the second round overtime to spam through the wall there's outright knowledge of what the position could be through that ping like you called van silly they are working towards this gamble of the killjoy utility however it be they got they're working come on man come on 1414. he's just ready to rip this thing great Peaks here from our slang that thing Kozo then what might be coming oh they're flying back wait do they see do they see the breach lines here how pushed up he is for free they know he's in there oh man what are you guys doing to get a five player okay if energy win this round I will throw up right now on the spot artists 1v5 yeah an import let's see how he does and it's going to be so difficult with nothing crazy so okay where do we check the PC dude I'm so scared every time they're up one round yeah dude split his attacker decided confirm times aside now they're not going to try anything tricky with the purchase is no operator as well to come out I think the trickiest thing besides the op coming out or not is the fact that mibr is what a start though getting Victor behind a box on some of these rounds yeah that's super unfortunate to be rotating giving a bit of an idea towards the B Defenders that oh reaction was so perfect yeah it's an Universal reaction Marie's to be playing against them in all of your team wins smile come on man come on but that's not their game plan here on the defense of course seeing no operator because you do need heat on that Vandal off whatever Jesus Oh Brillo cat with 11 months appreciate you welcome back thank you adding your name to the list right Energy's working with that double initiator so it becomes a little harder but like the death said delay for mibr can they put yo Anna with another with another three 600 bits thank you thank you thank you when they hit the sights with this double controller compositions a lot of Bitties and then well nothing on your titties wait huh bars out I was reading Chad I didn't that wasn't me saying that oh yeah how would you say that that's so inappropriate integrating I was reading chat man that wasn't me yeah it's song playing I mean unless your mom's into that then it might be then I did I probably did say that being thrown here by Jay-Z just to keep at least Laney with three months appreciate it thank you as well and yes back to the mid control for energy one star in the defense on the top but it's not you for any gravity well it's just to time it out after the poison orb comes down placed here by Maurice and energy is anyone who's subbing I'm just adding to the list that's it nothing's happening to this list I'm gonna take a picture with it maybe so you guys can be like oh my God that's I took a picture with Joel's no we're gonna cook this and feed this to you yeah I don't know what we're doing with this but it's there to win this round it looks like they are going to Temptations running your name down see if mid actually allows no Direction snake bite down wow this just in Jules hate swimming I don't I love women actually quite the opposite that's what all women haters say I don't think they do oh no oh no oh no two before oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wow what a series all right well you know ggs yeah GG's man dude my VR played really well South American teams are they're cooking I won't lie damn everybody on the quick Embrace knowing that they could win it and that that last good it was well fought by NRG man that's tough that's so tough think that's the first time with a gifter for you to thank you all right two one zero zero Z dusk together and never leave the site despite the utility perseverance pays off all right added thank you guys for the subs and welcome to the list damn you guys filled it out filled this whole pig down bro I really have any space left a very costly mistake as you could see mibr played pretty well what can I say it was it was a well-fought game it was a good game man that was a really good game a lot of energy because he's been a minute
Channel: Jollztv Gaming
Views: 92,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, funny, laughter, laugh, fun, game, games, competitive, winning, winner, best, funniest, highlights, compilation, highlight, montage, streamer, stream, twitch, best streamer, streamer fail, streaming, minecraft, valorant, minecrafthome, league of legends, minecraft house, biggest streamer, motivation, sykkuno, offlinetv, corpsehusband, valkyrae, college, high school, football
Id: qYEeJjSljoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 6sec (14286 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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