"The Incredibles 2" is legitimately AMAZING

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hello cello makers and welcome into another movie commentary Monday thanks for coming back for another week today we're doing another Disney movie I'm sure I'm not trying okay I don't even realize half these movies are Disney when I decide to do them is there a hair here why am I seeing a hair my vision has been getting worse recently you guys still like me if I get glasses or will you call me four-eyes my biggest fear like I will literally go blind before you guys call me four-eyes Disney yeah another Disney movie I know throw out of my face okay oh I should probably clarify I have seen the first one this is a call back to my childhood right here Tony right injured I'm not wearing any that's why okay that's better hey let's do this man well so Friday Friday I went to watch the traffic superheroes it's the incredible fam wait does he recognize the girl she closed down her Maskin and it's her she's getting too freaky I couldn't handle it and ran off what you should do bro your crush has superpowers there's a fantasy of mine what are you running away for bro grow up okay learn to love a girl who has superhuman abilities okay B fault superheroes are illegal and it's not like I don't like strong yeah it's illegal in this dude he's gonna wipe his memory mr. digger I'm supposed to go out with her Friday ker wish I could forget ever saw her that's it you will be like who's gonna assassinate the kid that's a lot of destruction like I get actually understand in this world why they hate superheroes are the superpowers in general you know cuz that's a lot of damage undermine bruit a family's not looking another dream of mine just getting blasted in the face by money I love little footsteps honey where is my supersuit that's the one thing I remember from the first one she was so close to dying I wanted people you think died on this street good use of her powers a traffic guard that was so sick that was such a good opening scene wait I thought it was legal again at the end of the first one maybe not the Underminer from inflicting more damage no did you stop him from robbing the banks Oh catch him no yikes okay so apparently it's still illegal to be a superhero it's been a great honor working with you good people thanks for everything and good luck yeah you too sad already what the hell we're like 10 minutes in why am i sad this is Disney I shouldn't be said into like the last minute and then there's like a plot twist and like everything's okay on the island why does the daughter's voice sound older than the mom's never using our pal damn what are we teaching our kids so respect the law even when the law is disrespect to him I'm a debtor arguing flashbacks of childhood I'll wait a new my room [ __ ] any thought we had about being supers again it's fantasy one of us has got to get a job one of us okay this is kind of my fault for not knowing what happened at the end of the first one but I also think the movie could have like did a recap at the beginning hold on let me just Wikipedia yeah it's 2004 it's been 14 years you definitely got to do a recap okay blah blah blah stuff happened the pars witnessed the arrival of super villain called the under minor they put on their severe masks oh it's like a direct lead-in okay so I think things were kind of up in the air at the end of the first one all right Frozone yeah I heard the program shut down almost has a clean dab up that was a clean damp lashes it's not easy for a white person to match a black person's coolness all right he knew exactly when to let go that's key I was approached by a dude who represents this tycoon in trench coats especially good tonight yeah button your top one oh I got an ominous feeling about this I don't like it rich corporate tycoon and do you trust them don't think so steve carell bad guys pow pow pow and this oh that's Bob Odenkirk that's better call Saul wait sister here's my party sister-sister okay myself so you don't have to Winston her voice is familiar to got to know many supers personally even installed a phone fire onyx is positive so his dad had a huge admiration for superheroes father believed the world would be more dangerous without you who are you who was that voice I'm not gonna look it up whose voice I don't know why repeating it in my weird voice would make it any clearer but whatever I did on my father called geezer beam superheroes had just been made illegal the robbers discovered him on the phone and shot him is this Batman must have been hard especially for mother plot twist is across over if superheroes had not been forced underground it never would have happened or dad could have taken mom to the safe room as soon as he knew there was trying to secrete strongly the point is no ha ha ha Bravo that was the bitchiest face I've ever seen so when you fight bad guys like today people don't see the fight or what led up to it they see what politicians you want to put body cams and then like that the police if we want to change people's perceptions about superheroes we need you to share your perceptions with the world ha that's a good plan Thanks designed to myself we've got resources ok nada no no no no no your that's this is annoying me I need to know who that who's voice that is Catherine Keener Catherine Keener what's she from Oh stepbrothers that's ok yeah that's what I know her from okay well Elastigirl is our best play well Evelyn did a cost-benefit analysis comparing all your last 5 years of crime-fighting before going underground elastic girls numbers are self-explanatory perfect launch with Elastigirl it's a good plan I'm trusting this guy so far I'm trusting this tycoon it would take a major plot twists in order for him to be a villain 1 do this right get well-paid we're out of the motel and things get better for all supers including our kids or two I find a job in two weeks over homeless yeah okay so the tycoon guy let's just redress this there's been no signs or any hints that he might have ill will towards superheroes so Deborah here this is Elastigirl I'm in big ol rock if you have a huge rock in your entryway you know you're rich or you're living in a cave saying a moat for the living room what I know it's animated but I really want to live here dog this is my dream house yes not pressing buttons dude no some guy named Alexander Gaulle Bakke okay now I'm starting to think that they're evil you know what I do I don't know why because the main character who did the suits in the first one that short woman with black hair she was beloved and now other people are doing the suits and she's gonna be the short woman's gonna be upset at the people who do the new ones either's gonna be like a funny rivalry or they're gonna be bad because you can't have her not do the suits cuz she's so beloved as a couple of character we're gonna get along just fine cuz you don't ask any hard questions my husband used to listen to a police scanner waiting for something to happen and I got mad at him for it Oh what that this feels weird here they look at each other something's up something's up I saw something up and then she says something so I could write scripts closer the point with all due respect if you alone it handled the under minor things would have been different she's got an alpha mr. incredible for some reason she just suggested that she should have handled that thing alone something's up she did the cut she did the cost analysis thing before that decided that mr. incredible wouldn't be the one to like spearhead this Renaissance of superheroes she did the cost analysis and now she's saying if it wasn't for mr. incredible and the rest of your family there would have been problems something hmm you gotta find the clues baby I'm finding him he missed the more clues movie big eyes scissors someone can get stabbed I'm looking for clues no they script this the rich people script the train going backwards it seems like a crime that they could easily do she's like the slinky toy from Toy Story dog you are too skilled she decided sure bro this woman is amazing this is like a 1-inch ledge and she rode her bike the quick-thinking I'm in love with mrs. fantastic she's married for now let's take the Restless movie ghost she's not super strong I don't know how she's gonna be able to stop this thing oh she did it oh yeah here we go it was set up it was set up by the rich people I think what happened with Tony they try to cop a feel go beat his ass Tony didn't even call I don't want to talk about oh they erased his memory he probably forgot about the date too this baby can go through walls just bitch-slap a raccoon thank God how many kid have I thought all the superheroes have one ability like SuperSpeed elasticity ah and he can multiply a dog raccoon you gotta go you got a run dude this baby is so many powers you see jelly oh he's a jealous husband no casualties wait hey she said no casualties like it's a big deal so there are actual casualties on there other missions interest and sweet dreams come on be a supportive man come on dog oh he's mastering the dad thing yeah baby look at you being prepared as a papa and Tony what the hell forget what her voice is so old do I know you Tony the power of your low couldn't fix your broken memory the power of your affection for her couldn't repair it that's mmm they're ready for you hey stretch a leg so have a so stupid it was funny that's my kind of humor rings are everywhere we are by screams oh what a scream slaver I could hijack the ambassador's hair okay while it's still airborne right and Elastigirl the glass shards kill someone down there zero casualties another action sequence she I thought the screen slaver was gonna have Elastigirl do like a bunch of like manipulate her into like taking down a helicopter when there was actually no danger yeah there's actual danger she knows how to fly a helicopter bro why did you kick the pilots out there here in support supportive well in support you this guy's voice is too nice nah nah it seems like the rich people are good the butler's voice is way too nice for him to end up being a villain I think he's a good guy he's a good guy the sisters of bad I didn't notice her over there she's just sadly in the corner of the room always is there an owl hours dude what's up with this dude's face why does he dumb it looks like there's a lightning bolt on his chest did like his own electrical powers fries brain where are you from Wisconsin hey know Bob from Wisconsin but she's given Wisconsin nights bad name assume your pure power you decided he looks like the logo for like an antacid like pills for all people so that their stomachs don't get upset they don't get heartburn good night ladies I will see you - here we go here we go here we go this conversation is gonna tell me and even then you were kind of and mr. incredible shadow she's got it out for him you have the stage to yourself now and people have to pay attention screen flavor you're tech-savvy I need to lock onto a signal you're tech-savvy we can figure out a way to find this mysterious tech-savvy person with your help doesn't that doesn't is how is she not suspicious screen slaver warns Elastigirl about the plan to take down the this woman you know it would have made a lasting Earl look so bad if that woman had actually died so why warn her ahead of time unless you wanted to make a last thing they're all look good which is why this girl is screens labor that's the guy Tony did that just come out of her nose screens interrupt this program for an important announcement I'll be damned she knew travel relationships risk like modified watch at a distance it's got that seems I think she is I think that is she's mad because her parents were over relied on superheroes and her dad got shot because of it that can't actually be someone here it's gonna be a remote control it was it was a recording we saw that rich girl's body with her brother so if someone's here then she can't be screen slavery sauce there's no one here alright was that wrong I messed up nice please give me a face wooden axe do anything to her I wish she'd just bend this you got this what happened what happened is you destroyed my evidence oh it's not him he's hypnotized I'm just the genius behind the genius she's I knew it that kid has no idea what's going on that's so good she could she could have easily set up a decoy then she knew at last the girl's plan so she put someone there in the suit hypnotized him to attack her and then she has an alibi cuz she's with her brother oh good good got this here we go I was wondering when remember this woman was like a star of the first one they had to include her in the second okay this is a cool house too why are there so many cool houses in this world for the baby she steps back from it what a screen slaver was a concoction by both of them both the rich people something's up something's up what what what what what do you see I just want to be a good dad you're not good they're great you're super okay he wanted to get caught he wanted you to win he's a brilliant guy if he's smart enough to conceive it is not a guy he's her but what if the screen doesn't look like a screen what if it's the goggles but it was controlled by the screen built-in you know what you aren't good damn it bro you should have listened to me miss fantastic I said missing set of misses I'm still hoping for a shot oh yeah another family's got to come in and savor it obviously they haven't used their powers yet specifically Mozart i blended Kevlar with carbines ok so just her or is it her and her brother did once didn't know I'm the screen slaver of course not yeah the rest of us are supposed to put our lives into your gloved hands that's what father believed when our home was broken into I knew it sir wanted to hide I do it father insisted they call his superhero friends yep he died come on I'm putting socks on that's not true I'm putting a second pair of socks on because I live in Wisconsin and it is so freakin cold out that I often wear two pairs of socks okay that's it so I wanted to say okay superheroes keep us weak are you gonna kill me argument you over-reliance superheroes baby clips suit up it might get weird I'll be there a sec oh that's usually what I say before I have sex excited for this we get two action sequences we get the kids fighting these people and then the elastic girl mr. credible part they have their own separate thing she got blasted in the face by ice that's a Tuesday for people from Wisconsin in here a strange power other kids gonna solve it keep them amused but quiet I want this baby to just go Opie and destroy everyone oh yes yes let the baby loose oh yeah let's go getrekt where's jack jack this movie's actually got like a lot of good laughs what's this girl's master plan oh I was running at you bro this giant baby is so dope made us bitter your bodies and your character are weak your promises are empty and you will pay for we serve only us may the fittest survive well we uh Oh yikes now what about the Mole Man did he just get away you got a lot of cash I don't what he's up to no it'd be nice to do a call back later on oh she's gonna blast off the eye thing let's go let's go let's go about time yes came for us go back to Edna's just like throwing up stomach acid take the glasses up you know put the powder face in damn I mean slow the ship you're freezing powers you could easily just freeze the water around oh yeah so I'm saying I let's move it too fast such a bad way to go there good oh she did for sure all donut saver for a letter fold or death I might be a bad person yes please you fall from a few hundred feet into water it's like hitting concrete god damn this movies intense are they cheering how are they cheering they watch on TV as they said they don't know about the hypnotism yet you saved me doesn't make you right well I'm sorry she's rich and we'll probably get no more than a slap on the wrist so why are they being celebrated ordinary service you just showed that superheroes can easily be manipulated this girl was able to hypnotize them what's gonna stop the next one you can use the superheroes against society this would make it way more illegal straited the legal status of superheroes is hereby restoring get back to Tony I guess I'm Tony she just turning her flirt game on it's a gun shoot up dog this is a Disney movie something shoot out they put masks on and then identity he's just completely secret alright so that was the Incredibles - I gotta say that was fantastic and that not that was incredible Wow huge missed opportunity Dylan are you sure people watch you cuz that was horrible that was such an obvious one the things that you like when you're young are usually far different from the things that you like when you're old they're just the kind of jokes and the dialogue and plot it's been so long it's been a decade and a half since the last Incredibles came out and I'm just shocked how well it it held up I think the first one was similar to this they just nailed the writing on this the jokes were funny there's like some physical humor it's like stuff that kids laugh at and adults laugh at and it's not that easy to make humor that everybody can enjoy day this is so good that's it guys on top I'm gonna put last week's movie commentary Monday and then on the bottom up hood it's one of my late night dealing videos which are really funny you should check them out if you haven't already you know I love you guys and I hope you have an incredible rest of your day
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,825,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, incredibles, two, the incredibles 2, incredible, incredibles 2, dylan, review, reaction, trailer, incredibles 2 reaction, incredibles 2 review, netflix, movie, full movie, edna, jack, jack jack, dash, theme, theme song, incredibles 2 trailer
Id: WHFCAoj2Mss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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