The Importance of Self Knowledge

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in al hamdulillah in i'ma do who wanna star in wanna stuff feel when I woulda be learning in cerulean Fusina was a year t medina de la ilaha illa huwa illa allah wa ashadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu sallallahu alayhi wa early he was seldom al-hadith Nikita Allah here as erosional had he had you nabina muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam masha'Allah more--much death to her hakuna matata 13 bitter or collaborating lalala woolala Latifah not all praise is due to Allah we praise Him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our own actions whomsoever Allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray none can guide I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala alone and I testify that Muhammad sallallahu aleyhi wa alayhi wa sallam is his servant and his messenger o you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and die not except his Muslims in a state of submission to Allah o mankind be dutiful to your Lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin surely Allah is ever and all watcher over you o you who believe keep your duty to Allah fear Him and speak the truth he will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement the best words are those of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and the best guidance is that o muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa ali he was in them and the worst things in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters and regi in religion are considered to be innovation and bida and every bidder is miss guidance and it leads to the Hellfire a loss of Han Allah Tala summarizes in the Quran the test of this life in two short verses he says one of sin huama so were her fatima ha ha ha what a koala and a self a soul that he created and he inspired it or he made available to it either the way of evil or the way of good both of them are available then allah subhanaw taala says to summarize the test of life but the Ethne hamon zakah what by the harbor and the sir he who takes care of it and makes this key of it he who grows it and purifies it then he will be successful and he who neglects it he will be the loser that's the test of this life so the substance of this life is yourself Allah has given you this treasure that we call the seller with everything in its potentials strengths weaknesses shortcomings liabilities opportunities all of this is given to you and your test in this life is to be able to purify it and grow it and nurture it in a way that its creator prescribes that's the test of this life so in reality what Islam is about and what this life is about is about taking care of yourself it's about growing yourself it's about purifying yourself and reaching with that potential with that raw material that Allah gives you reaching it's reaching its full potential making the best version of it that's what the test of life is and everything in Islam leads you in that path everything in Islam but Allah Hammonds acara what God Harbor and the sir it he who makes this clear of identity and the Arabic language has two primary meanings first purification and to nurture and growth that's what saskia is about and you cannot achieve this key of yourself without understanding yourself without knowing what you're dealing with without understanding your raw material if you're a carpenter if you don't understand if you don't know what wood is if you don't understand the different types of wood and the different states of wood you won't be able to shape it and make something good out of it if you're a blacksmith you need to understand your raw material and that's iron and if you don't understand it if you don't understand its different tribes and qualities and conditions you won't be able to deal with it successfully if you're a physician a medical doctor your raw materials the human body with everything it contains the blood the different systems the chemical substances all of this you need to understand it and analyze it and figure it out before you are able to do something good to this body the same applies to yourself the same applies to your soul if you don't know and if you don't understand this raw material what are you gonna do with it you're gonna use it the wrong way you were rude use it the wrong way and this is why the scholars from to all times they had a beautiful statement that they said repeatedly and it was handed down from one to the other till it reached our times they said man Lamia and if necessary will in the era Farabaugh who he who doesn't know himself he who doesn't understand himself will not be able to know their Lord will not be able to figure out how to relate to the creator of the self and this is why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says because Allah says Allah promises to show us signs his signs in order to help us find him in order to help us find the way that leads to him so Allah span Tallis's in the Quran sanity him yeah Tina fill FF Rafi enthusiam heta attaboy on Elohim and na will help we shall show them our science and our miracles in the horizon in the creation and in themselves within themselves until it becomes created that is that it is the truth the Islam is the truth so just as you contemplate the greatness of Allah the greatness of the creation of allah subhana wa ta'ala as you contemplate and reflect on the creation you should also reflect on the greatness of yourself the mysteries of yourself the miracles Allah within you the signs that Allah created in you and all of them point to him and they guide you to Allah alone but most of the humanity turn their eyesight and their attention outward we figure out other people we know their preferences we know their conditions we know their different moods we understand their reactions and their mentality and their mindset to the negligence of who we are and what we are and this is why the scholars of all times they reminded us repeatedly to pay attention to ourselves be busy with yourself is enough there is enough to keep you preoccupied if you make it your mission to figure out yourself and start nurturing yourself start growing yourself start purifying yourself in order that when you return to allah subhana wa ta'ala you didn't you return to him in the best of shapes do you find him a mushaf really for example says listen local artists could be here our assembly in Fukuoka a lot on one in Nancy al solo your tongue don't use it to mention other people's faults and shortcomings don't use your tongue for that because you are full of mistakes you are full of you are full of fools and you are full of shortcomings and people also have tongues to point out your mistakes so he is advising us instead of keeping yourself busy with other people's faults and mistakes why not bother about yourself why not bother about fixing your own mistakes and perfecting the good things that Allah subhanAllah but in you this is how we Muslims should live this life reflecting on the miracle that we call ourselves because that's the greatest gift from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and the last analysis in the quran clearly sometimes as I said we keep ourselves busy trying to figure out other people trying to help out other people trying to put down other people trying to find out the mistakes of other people Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says building inside or Allah NFC Heba cielo a last ones Allah says man is a watcher over himself man is a watcher over himself you can't be a watcher over yourself if you're busy with others you can't be a watcher over yourself and the judge over yourself unless you reflect on yourself and develop this kind of introspection what is going within the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam actually warned us against something that he said that he believed so dangerous that one day when he saw the companions early Allah who I know discussing the issue of al maseeh pick the judge the false messiah and this is such a great trial and a great fitna because he will take people away from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala the Companions were discussing that issue and the Prophet SAW Selim came upon them and he said where are you talking about what are you arguing about they said we are talking about the false messiah about al-maseeh head the jet the prophet sallallaahu and him said if he appears when I'm alive I will deal with him but he said shall I not tell you about something that I fear for you more than at the jail Allah bureau couldn't be more I recommend even at the jail they say indeed the prophets of Allah Himself said a circle of a hidden Cherokee subtle kshitij that you associate partners with Allah in a subtle way that you even yourself don't even figure out you don't realize it and what is this of the app showing us you do something and you think I'm doing it for the sake of Allah and you really believe in that but if you really figured out yourself if you're really inspected yourself and researched yourself you'd come to the realization no I'm doing it for something else I'm doing it to get other people's attention I'm doing it for some kind of recognition and approval I'm doing it to show off I'm doing it to create an impression but because we're not honest with ourselves we don't even know and this is what a loss of panels Hannah warned in the Quran he warned about the state of some people who will come on the day of judgement they have done so much they have done so much seemingly for the sake of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala then Allah subhanAllah China will turn all their actions into nothing they will go to waste and this is what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says when Helena betoken me never said in a man shall we not tell you about the biggest losers when it comes to their hatches and Le'Veon up on the side you have inherited dunya well who me I said Warner and never seen or nurse or man they are the ones whose work whose toiling and whose hard work and exertion went to waste in this life while they thought that they were doing well and about these people Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says about them in the Quran were bad allahumma inna llaha madam Seabourn and on the day of judgment these people would see from Allah something they never expected they never expected why because these are people who have done some of those will be people often so many great things they prayed they fasted they they they gave they donated in charity for the sake of seemingly for the sake of Allah subhanAllah they he'll tell people they've done so many great things everyone recognized them yet deep inside in the deep recesses of their hearts they had personal agenda they had they had worldly expectations their intentions were not pure for the sake of our loss of vanuatu Allah alone they had some other plans and oftentimes we think if we play dumb that we'll get by with it we'll get by we'll be all right but the reality is a las montañas in the quran were hosts Lila Mathis or daughter on the day of judgement whatever is deep in the hearts will be brought out and will be made manifest so we need to avoid this end how do we avoid it by figuring out ourselves keeping yourself in check what are my intentions most of us as I said are busy with the external world without side things either other people or other things or other expectations or other responsibilities and this makes us live a shallow life when all you worry about and all you see in here is what happens outside and what your five senses can capture you are missing out on a great part of reality you need to look into yourself you need to look into your heart you need to keep yourself in check you need to be in touch with your emotions with your intentions with your desires with the subtle life of your heart in order to purify it because you won't you possibly know if you're actually sincere for allah subhanallah to Hannah or not unless to a certain degree you are in touch with your heart there are so many people who do so many things and they think that's what devotion is and they don't realize that their own personal agenda plays a major role there and that's why the Prophet saws on them warned the comparison he said I fear this for you more than the false messiah more than a message in the journal is we tend to overlook it that's why the Prophet SAW solemn also described showing of INRIA and the shitheel huffy the hidden should the prophet sallahu and he who sent them described it that it's more hidden than the steps of an ant that is walking on a solid on a black solid rock in the middle of the night do you see them can you hear them no I saw hidden the same is the state of our house the same is the state of our intentions so as Muslims we need to do more work to figure ourselves out keep ourselves busy trying to fix ourselves from within and oftentimes we push ourselves and we sort of day to ourselves by external parameters how many Iraq has do I pray how many pages of the Quran do I recites how many specific things do I do that I can put them on upon paper that people can see and I can observe but we don't realize that the greatest actions that really help us make it to paradise are the hidden part of these actions so when you pray is your intention that no one can see that no one can see him a machete he said a pure intention is something that not an angel can detect to write down not even an angel knows about it who knows about it only Allah only Allah that's what a pure intention is so it's the hidden and this subtle part of our great actions that really get us into paradise the intention behind the Salah the state of our hearts behind the Salah do Riegler if I Allah do we feel feel that we are standing in his presence these are the actions of the hearts this is the most important part of our salah when we fast it's the same thing when we pace occur as the same thing when we help out people do any kind of good deeds what is going on in our hearts what is the state of our hearts that's what really counts with allah subhana wa ta da and that's the most hidden and that's the most subtle but if your attention is completely consumed with the external aspect of it it's easier for Shaitaan to fool you it's easy for him to put you under the impression that you're doing quite well a call already had our stuff federal law a lyrical the stuff you hamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu salam ala rasulina muhammadin wa ala hernia sabi edge Mahima value how does the self-knowledge this kind of self-knowledge and introspection how can it help us with the different aspects of our religion I said previously it's first and foremost intention your intention sincerity you can't possibly be sincere unless you have this clarity with yourself because there is a tendency there's a dangerous problem proclivity within the self to sort of failed any virtue fake any virtue and give you a cheap form of it's yes kindness can be forged by the self into a fake replica yes sincerity truthfulness as well can be faked just like a small smile can be faked kindness can be faked and that's the dangerous aspect of ourselves so in order for you to realize it to know that what you're doing is genuine it's not fake it's not a replica it's a reality it's the real thing in order to figure this out there's no way other than self knowledge there's no way other than this kind of clarity with what's going on in your hearts your inner life your inner experience and I know many people are not comfortable with that many people they're so comfortable with external parameters why because they're easy to detect with your eyes it's easy to tick the boxes right and say that's what I've done but with a lost palitana that's not how they are count takes place it's your inner experience so there's no escape from figuring out what's going on in your hearts you need to be in touch you need to be in tune with your inner experience to figure out what's going on so you can't possibly be sincere to a high degree unless you really know what the state of your heart is unless you're in touch with your heart and it takes some work but it's beautiful work and it's rewarding so that's sincerity and that's the heart of our religion that's what though here is that you do things for the sake of Allah subhanAllah you can't possibly be truthful unless you have clarity how often we promise and we over promise when the time comes to fulfill our promise we under deliver why because we thought I could do that I could commit to that but because I don't have self clarity I don't have self knowledge I don't know how much I can really handle so I give people promises and I say things out of excitement and I don't really mean them why because there's no self clarity so it's hard even to be truthful unless you have figured out yourself you told you you tell people about your attitude towards towards something you stance towards something your opinion about something but when this is actually tested you realize that you have a different opinion that you didn't have enough clarity about yourself so how can you possibly be truthful when you don't know even what you're talking about when you only have a stranger's experience and knowledge of your own intentions and your own capacity so you need to realize who you are need to figure out who you are who you say something you'd know that you're talking about so you can be truthful you can't even possibly make it about you can't even possibly make Toba without you knowing the state of your heart of being in tune with it because as I said there is a fake tobin mmm I am talks about Tova for in in great length and he says often most of the time what people call towba and repentance is even tomorrow repentance is just a fake replica and he says the state of Toba is such a deep state that transforms human beings so again do you see what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says but after Hammonds that kaha was a car bomb and the sir that the one who truly makes this Kia of themselves they are the ones who will be successful why because these people have figured out the straw material and they have taken care of it but the people who neglect it there will be the losers so we have to pay attention to what's going on there we have to pay attention to that I want to show with you just one statement from America I am and it shows that how often even sometimes religious people fall into this kind of the heedlessness and unawareness of such an important thing so he talks about he says rock song Nacional Madonna Sahin Anika barren sea Yeti well car the lots were Karuna think about it honestly her our gamma mean ha o Doudna he says often you will find people who really raised themselves above the low level of sins apparent sins and they consider them to be filth these people at the same time have fallen into greater and major cities one area will be all over him and avalonia to Birmingham and it doesn't even occur to them that these are sins and that they should repent from them for in the home in Israel a live cable way to carry him masala tea party him woman not him a Billie Jean in hell bhaktavar Avada nahi military will and alcohol to him if fever Anaya and I had in my ear him whatever be Ruth alikum in maha-baho in a light Salah were Abdullah home and Babbie him in cabaret Lee Olynyk and he says but these people who keep away from these apparent clear physical sins and they consider them to be filth these people have greater sins they have greater sins but it never occurs to them that these are major sins so you will find within their hearts contempt and arrogance towards people who fall into sin and they feel good about themselves because of the good actions they do because of the acts of obedience that they themselves do so they feel good about themselves they feel we're doing better than others and then this gives them some kind of false status above other people so they beat themselves better than others and then they demand within themselves there is a need there is a demand within themselves that other people respect them because of their own acts of obedience and their own devotion and he says and this is visible to everyone but themselves and he says there are other things as well that such people have and he says these things cause them to be further away from Allah than the people who commit the obvious sins so that's what sees pointing out so what is the solution and how should we deal with this it's quite simple it's quite simple first and foremost realized that without Allah or nothing without Alliant nothing you can't do anything without a lot you can't figure out yourself and it's not about how much you master it's not a lot about how many tactics and techniques you learn it's about how much stress you put in Allah and you feel the own and then you seek the help of Allah from that position and that's the meaning of a yeah can a buddha wa iyyaka nastain when you say to allah in every rakah in your salah oh Allah it is true that we worship and it's your help that we seek you're basically saying o Allah it is your worship that I want to do that I want to live by but I can't do it by myself I need you to help me do it without you I can't do it without your help and support I'm unable to do anything that's the number one step to get you there realize you only helplessness and then it's not about you it's about Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and how much he helps you and how much does Allah help you as much as you show to him the more he needs you feel to allow the more Allah would help you it's not about you being smart it's not about you reading books and learning so many things about how sincere you are in this quest or Allah show me the way without you a must that's all you truly need to know and you only need to do then after that try your best try your best to keep your heart in check and your intentions in check before you do anything or you say anything ask yourself why am I doing this what what why why am i saying this what do what do I expect from that what's the payoff do I expect something worthy am I doing this for the sake of Allah subhanAllah Hanna if you just keep yourself in check the ways will start opening up for you because this is a world most of us have never explored we're so preoccupied with the external things and sometimes we don't realize we're doing it we're doing that for ourselves but when once you start doing that for Allah and you feel this kind of helplessness and surrender to roots a lhasa pilot island let him guide you away and then you seek advice from people who can give you advice things will start to change and what you need to do will start to reveal itself bit by bit step by step this how things happen so we ask Allah so Allah Allah to help us figure out the hidden parts of ourselves so that to help us be true worshipers of a lost Muhammad Allah and we ask Allah to give us the sincerity and the truthfulness in our approach to him and in our dealings with people alarm aluminum aluminum aluminum alloy steel metal AHIMA no more Tom what alarm O'Fallon Ivanova now Slaven fe a marina with a bit of dominance over now a little milk every alarm O'Fallon il Divo Adina when Amanda home captain Elena allama abrel harriman rushed yo Sofia Coppola attic or you diluvian Omar sciatic foramen ovale Hibiki tal vez una tiene be iike sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a llama Colonel Mustafa - Ameen el-medina vehicle LaMacchia long-lasting Dima a llama soon harada home Lahoma a family hindi na Mahima no Allah Allah Allah and Ibrahim attic area or Hamid Rahimi subhana rabbika benezia Nassif universal marceline will happen to live here up in me
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 8,163
Rating: 4.9186993 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: 7eDdYOLgFkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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